2099ooooooooooooooooooooz ' l ion. Prics starf at $3. _5o. V SEND US YOUR MAIL oamans o_f_ pride is 9. handsome engagement ring`. How she fondles it; turning it way and that to catch its vary` ing beauties. How, fmoixdly she shows. it to her girl friends. If there is it girl you want to make happy, make the hmppiet girl in town by theengagvemeglt ring from selctioii at Re-eVe s ""%En Lllllu nllrvnra $3.50` A Girl's Crown Ting`(3Ri;<;; iDBandv had beenv em I [raged for the Gra.-venhurst Regatta _on Saturday", July 14th: -Thev W111! - -1n.4n 1...-.. .....J ,.,.....n %Nm. C9rset` .A IN MEMORIAM. SIIAVV -- Ili loving and 1:1;-ix`. memory of dear Papa 1.1.7;-.:. Shaw) who passed :1\vz1y -wt: J::'1_'.' 1909. Do not ask us if we mix him. `Oh, there s such a V:1c-ant p`:_;m:. Oft We "think we_hear his Oft we see his smiling face. He has gorge to higher re-5.: in.~`. Safe from every grief and ':m*. [We shall meet again in II~;1\'.-:1 And never more be partwl t'1~.~-1`-3. Brand Regatta !* BIGGEST EVENT IN MUSKOKA Comxmmcing at 2 p.m. A 45 a `toxin :5! I 1f'lC` 3- --wj REG. BLOOMFIELD. Amateur (`hanwg Trick Canoelst. holder world's recor for ip 14-5th second. Prizes presented in evenirig. followed by dim Single Fate on all emu. Truing. x~-ithifwsg mile radius. good going from k1`iaY__1l`1inz & Saturday. returning ull Monmn, en R tta under patrona e of Sir -lt*1\1f`i'gb ' -K. .M (3.. Lieutenant ovenor of Unm - GOOD M6510 SPLENDID coexsjlcs BARBIE CITIZENS BAND 1.\' A1'TE-W 4; WESTERN D/I /S/ON C. C. A. 1'!/E12"/` JEWELRY storm. 3 A DISTII \aUlIILlkC'-IIUIIIK In In . I 6 CANOE Eilusg 6%` U11 KJGUULUGJ, uuaa J.a.uun .a.4.u\.' vv- go up on the 10.40 train and home back early Sunday morning. v n;.1 1r__-1_1 -Wife and D:11x:_-"nt~ri~. SELF-Ranuclnn $3.50 $3.56 Cravenhurst, July 27th, 1912 -an =1 ,`y\ruu.B av; w - _.. ._ ` -The annual, gold medal awarded by Barrie. `Business College for pen- manship was .won by Edgie Graham, Barrie. ' _ _ % `- A'I'I'I .0 `I Iawssngvv The Depertuient of Ed-wcation has issued a -news geography for use by `third form pupils` .in the public school. It is expected that the book will be kept in the libraries of the schpczls for reference. _, . 'Sarjeant s cos,-ll oice. QUIIVUAD av; away. u--~... -4-Henry Caldiwell, who has been "attending Barrie ' Business `College, accepted 9. position as in V` 9'. 4911 ___._ .1__ At The Entranee rimm will . not `be made. known for another week. In-[ spector Garvin sent the papers which"! `the. examining board had nished` . 7; week. \ -reading on to the Department` en` Saturday, and; does` not expect the ;nal result until some time; Itext -ma. II I ' 1 1 ` _'V'. `:_.L'V'." ' `vii-1.-Bziiss Ritchie,` whohas "ate! tending Barrie Bushless has accepted a temporary `po4si_tio_nCin- flj _Tm1ery- % L n 'Io'*I- _,,'_!>`_A' " ` , IIIIC -L wuauvo J ' ;Monday holidays are "quite com.-` i.m_;'1"`thi5.` year, It began '3 `l\f_._ " LL};-. an-mp 30990990ooooouooooouon: ` Band concert in Queen s Park to- night. , b or LOCAL INTEREST $3.50 $1.25 The long nnes - of the present styles. the lessened Thip , etc., are reacli1y~`ob-1' `tained by "`A La" .Grac,e," through `a gentle mouldin'go'f- the form. " Prices start at` $1.25, ranging to CHECK GINGHAMS `still Civic Holiday and Labor Day to come on the same day of the week. The other two Tholi-days that I have passed were -ca-ptured by Friday. VVhi-ehever end of the week an " off- day happens the commercial travel-" lers are satised. ` cu. , rm! 1`, '$2`[oo` ; `--'O'arey s Out-Rate Shoe Store lwill launch a Red; Hot Sale on Thursday, July 18th, with prices. as hot as the, weather. Wait for this] {sensational event. , V I -. ;;;u Someone. signing herself Country Girl has sent the following para-` graph to the Parry Sound North Star: .I have heard_anLIndian boy is 2.. ......A- 1-:4-\t\I-\ I |k7|.vl.-1'. .I. LLGIV llUcuLu.uu ;.ns.\.;..u.;; Liv`, -..` Eto be murdered when he is first seen I alone this summer. I understand. he .esc-,a.ped being murdered once before. 5" He goes to` school at Parry Sound. ; His first or "last name is; Francis, and. he -comes from Shawanaga. Big talk `about him among d-r'unkards . -so`-I-1-. (11 Detective Bearidsleyiis acting tu'r_n-ll key at/the jail, during the absence of I Turnkey Reid on a holiday. ` 3 ~---Ty-pewriters for rent during; -`Jilly and August. $2.00 per month. Phone 445. I ., . ` 9-Prior to their Hot Sale,` commericing Thwrsday, -July 18th, Carey_ s Cut-Rate Shoe Store offer for this week - 30 pairs of Women s` Patent" 9-strap` Shoes, _with` fancy` silk -bow, regular $2.75 value,` for $1.99 a pair. . ._ . -`I 1 , _I,!__ _. QILIVJVV In yvsoou While the amlbulance was making 1 a spectacular gallop down Dunlop `- ! St., an automobile driver turned his ~ machine across the street in front of ` the hotel and narrowly escaped being run over by the . galloping horses. The driver just pulled them up in time to avert a serious accident. The `incident goes to show that `a gong is ` needed on the ambulance, and .While this imsprovement is being made, a fund should "be started to have the conveyance painted a civilized color --preferra-bly dark green or black. Here s an opportunity for all the fraternal societies in Town to do a worthy act. a V e . I -E.very remaining pair of those beautiful Pumps and Oxfords that Moore s have been showing" this sea- `son go on `sale at half price on Thurs- day morning. ' Sc. In -answer to a. New. Lowell corres- I pbndent who wishes to know_ the_; cor- ,rect date of the Battle of Rxdgewayz Three companies from Barrie, Brad- ford and Aurora went to Dunnville 1c(1dM_archi 8th-, k18g6, bu1t;,htl11:o1&g-lt1e_they ' 4' rpatro wor rom . a a un- ';till the 23rd of -May, theyhsaw no ac- tive ghting. On. June -2nd they; `were a, f}1)`9It1tie.r .a:3 1-ooeed A 0 me, 11 arnv gust: onerday {after the battle". of . . Ridgeway, which `occurred -on June 2nd.. ' The `Barrie. company assikstedh - in- taking. 231116-Off theggxt-aisgnews J Toronto. `:1 ] 6611411. 1 "38 iwoun to :Bua1<;>- As yet wanes vivins. - `L-L. ;L=:..e;~ :-`I.-;.'!!a _~-1: Aka 6-HUI `-Uni; uvvcsuuuvs-1, gsandg of. fgk ? FENIAN Rz_3:ID DATES". Sfnap ii: Suuimr 1 Sunshade: Your choice, of `I 10 Summer Snu- shades at from -soc 'to'$I.25 less than i value. , ' This lot is" a l special purchase and every one is ,a bargain. There are many styles and patterns and cover almost every style or fancy. ,,__ -()- Rev. Dr. Langfeldt has returned from a. trip to Europe, and will re-. sume his -pastorate on the Innisl} Parish on Sunday. - I are 98c, $1.20, $1.60. $1.75 and -$1.85. . Last Chnee toA Save on. Little Daisy Stockings. V If you want "Stockings for the little ones `in that nice ne rib Cash- mere that are _ so popular, here s the lastehance to -buy them at 20c. They come in Cardinal, Pink, Sky Blue, Cream, Tan and B1ack,,sizes up to 6.`/2,se11 allover at 25c. -_- :- -- GEO. AVICKERS This Store _S bargain Sales of Stockings are always interesting. fora saving of 20 per cent._ ' four Special Sale Price, 20. i ~Bari~ie turned ne ~;a,i,:es on Allan-l dale bowlers in a. league game dn Monday, defeating them V by a score of 54 to 27. -W. R. King s rink de- ` ifeated W. iClark`e7s Allandale rink by [$7 1,9 1`5,.and W. A. Boys rink run A 'n-,,_1_-..7_ 1:) VP... 27 to 15, and W. A. boys mm: run in 27 shots to -C. Pouche-r s 12. Two rinks` from Barrie played in Aurora and Newmarket ywtenday, `and Brad- |fo1\d~plays at Allandale and` Barrie to-day. Th:e standing bf the clubs is as: |fol?ows:--` - _ TIT-.. T mu- `FELL FRQM MEOVING {TRAIN I Robert Trotter, manager of an Orillia hardware store, who was on his` way to Toronto, fell while a1ight- n at Allandalei from the Buffalo train at 9 o clock on Monday evening and had his right leg broken, his left ankle sprained and received a severe gshaking up and several cuts and Ibruises. Mr. '1`rotterAWas,in a.. hurry `to get a lunch at the restaurant, and did not wait until the train stopped, He `mistsedehis footing and fell be-_ - J- -_..`.| __..- .].........L...`I --No doubt you have been waiting! ---well ``It s here----on Thursdayi morning~-Moore s July Shoe Sale. 1'16 uuaut>u.'1ua .LUuuu15 uuw ;u:.; neath -the coach and was draggvgd stopped.` - . - 1 1 . ` .1 1,,_,,:LA1 ____y Dvvtarvuu _ e was rushed to the-.hospita1 and is suering `cons-iderably~rom his in- juries. The ,aecident was witnessed by several people. on the depot plat- form. The man had a miraculous escape from instant death. on.---..u _'_-v A near drowning occurred at the head: of the -`bay last. Saturday after` noon, when William Nesbitt (famil- liarly known as.Beattie Nesbitt) fell go `a. raft into 30 feet of water and was almost exhausted when rescued " by J os. Howcraft,` a companion. Nes- j bitt, ,who was unable to swim, was on ' raft and thinking he was not beyond` his depth, jumpedf into the water. Howcraft came to his rescue, `but -be fore he had reached him, Nesbitt had gone down, and it was with great iicultyathat Hciwcraft after diving twice,--grasped the "exhausted man an got him; on the raft; Howcraft . :__res`u itated him. using allthe. rst ,. /aid to -drowning with ..conaider- t `able: skill. aid was.summon.- ;ed. e'b,Tesibi_tt_ ,had. before _ _ \ ' LL`- J-_L-_. .'...........`I` ~ 1 VLJ-lI.CULU\|I|lL\/ I v Barrie . . . . ' Bradford . . Newmarket .. Aurora . . . . U -Ip`\EIIIIIU QLJIU\J. _Uu' uu . ` the doctors ar_r1ved-. _ v;A`1Ia.I_1.dale . . qc. .- ._-._--. Reeve J. H. Ben'Ii'1a_1:;:`-i;f(;Ii;ofthe_ mosijenthusiastic, aswell as most sucoessful, oriculturists` -in Town. `Last w.eekI{he captured 7 x-at prizes. we uni, besides me silver E? gs'f(>1 lI\rery Thrifg Buyer Millinefry at Cut,1r>ices ` There's no let `up to the Sale of Millinery. Lovely Hats at `Cut prices keep gp the double interest. " Trimmed Hats up to ,$6.'00 for $2.98. , Up to $7.50 for $400 7 TI'n1-svivnrnnti at: nu -I-.n 01 983. _ Bargains in Summer Dresses _ Ladies say they never saw suchbargains. We never did. There are 60 Dresses in colors and pure` _\Vhite that are selling away below the cost of manu-. facture--we must sell them all-this 15 how : Colored Dresses in a nurr`1ber of sty`l`es--$6.o0 value $3.50 % J A . - 5.00 3.25 - C` H . (`V `K __ N Lovely White Dr_essess- 6.00 3.50 "'f 3-25 N - A.-. `n.v------5 .~-v~.-.. .., _ -_. ._ V- Barrie Railway Guide--showii; the E time of arrival and departure of .every train---larg"e `g',u1'es--'corre~cted to date--for sale. at The Advance `Oice, only 100. each. :11 01 `ocK1NC.s FOR LESS NEAR.DRO'WNIN~G`. `A PRIZE H BOWLING. s ._$6.00 $2.98. ' Up Untrimmed Eats up to $3.00 for098c. Best Rib (Princess) Best Black Rib (Prinos) Pure Mco, Seamless F`oot, Elastic Rib, }'a1>'soI11te1y fast, sizes 6 to 10, selling irgularly all over at 250. Won. Lost. _Speeial, 20. Epwonh Le;a.gue s Excursion per "":vs?&Ies&a3ZJ{1i' 4Zh-Mark the date of the Central. Methodist 1 Str. Oton:a.bee.,t_Q Kirkeld Liftlock. Mrs. Robt. Archer of the West End-, succumbed at the R. V. Hospit- .al to typhoid on Monday, and was buried on Tuesday. She leaves: two tyoung sons besides her husbind. IIII d . __ _ _ _ 1 _,_1,1 _....1.1 ..........J...J medals at the Toronto Horticultural Society s show. `He. won first and silver medal for best 'collection of lpeonies, 1st for `best peony bloom, 2nd for best 3 peony `bloom; 1st and sil-. ver medal for "best dephiniums (va- riety), 1st for 6 dephiniums, 3rd | for best 3 dephiniums;-1st for best 6 . stalksof canpanula, and 1st for best` 3 stalks of ca.np.an~ula. ` T. 1 u l I % BO-RN. ' (BQUTETR`-I_n Allandale, on Mon _`l___,_LA.-,, L- `If- ` OI-I.l\.|' `LI-.I.l-DO KI A\l\L .A.l\II.nI4\.r.n \l\.o.---vy- land Street. , CAJSE--In Barrie, on Friday; July - 5th, to Mr. and Mrs; James Case, I Henry St., a son (still born). ICHAPLIN---In Allsandale, on Sat- lu urday, July 6th, a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Chaplin, "Main Street. I LANG--In Barrie, on Saturday, June 29th, a 5611 to Mr. and Mrs. E W. J. Lang, Ann_Eliza. St. ` MARRIED. AR:(}HIBALD-DIRBEY--At the residence of the g'room s brother, - `Mr. John H. Archi-ba1d,Ma-ry Stg, Barrie, on Monday, July _8th, ,by the Rev. Dr.` Booth, Thomas Archibald of Minesing to Miss Lucy Dirbey of Oraighurs-t.` ; i"$Z" 13i?be`o}'(3urE ~ mm 1` ,-Specit 11155;` may be SMIITHSON -THOMZPSON -- =.At *9 at 9 `` undmigned the home of Geo. Smithson of fwr the 13th July 1912' V A1la,nd-ale, on Saturday, June 22nd, Igowest or any tender not neces- by the Rev. E. R. Brown of `Bar- 53117 rie, Walter Smithson -to Dorothy i ` K. S. MAODONELL, C`.E. T 1-us`-In nf "`..\..\..J-.\ I 11_.,,,_` ti 1v "l' 1 455.`- U .L1`J.l.la: .I.1I. LLL1u.u.u.(;.l.\., U11. .u.L Ktiay, July 91st, 9. daughter to and!` Mrs. J. Fred Bouter, `Cumber- yygu,u;,u, g _1J-ugu-1,11. ' \l.lJ\JLV.L'J1JJJ, K/-13.1 I`[:.u,Thompson, $31-onto. T Barrie, :1; 1912. 28-28 2 Pairs Hose, 25. 600 pairs Ladies Cotton Hose in ,Black and Tan, also about 100 pairs colors in Grey-, B'rown, Polka Dots in Black and Blue, `He1io, Cream, Cata- owaba, Mulberry, Old Rose, Petunia 7111---- -The 1513. V(?-:;)o;i;:_wGe11t's FurniSh- ' ingt-1 and Tailoring Stores have agreed to close every Wednesday at 12 o c1qck during July and August. VVGUG, .u.n..uLz.n.u..-d, V- Red, and some Fangy These were sold up to 35c',`a11 at one price i15c.-2 Pairs'25c. H ere's an `opportunity. 2 good Linen snaps are offered. - If you take quick advantage you can save. ` /72 inch pure Bleach- ed `Table Damask, smooth round thread, -pure linen, .best wear- ' ing qualities. `Regular $L25, special .... ..85c 70 inch Bleached Linen with pretty Floral and Spot de- signs, every `thread `linen; Regular 850, special ............. ..69c Last Chance` to Safe on Linens BAPTIST CHURCH. i will be administered in the Bap- tlst Church on Sunday vening next, * July 14_th at 7 V o c1ock. All visitors __`I -.......... V The ordinance of Believers Bax} ` L welcome. E The pastor will conduct bpth ser- `vices on Sunday next. Mornmg sub- iject, The Best Kind of Real `Es- itate fgr `an In`1;estment. dEIYIemng, The ummer acation an ow. to: |Spend. It. Brief services with} `special music. '- 3 Sealed Tenders will be received by the Chairman of the Parks Commis- i sion till 6 o clock pm. on Monday, I `29th July for` the following :- : .(a.) `Plumbing :-1 urinal, 2 clo- . sets, 2 basins to be installed with all ` necessary ttings, oor drainage and i water service. La Grac%e% Park. ' (0) Constructing concrete foun-! dation and concrete ooring under: pavillion at Queen s Park. ' ` TENDERS WANTED (5) u,...I- CENTRAL, METHODIST Raising Pavillion in -Queen s 1 7 W J` , -- % _: . COFSEE is an America: ` I V` `- . '0" ~ 0 . [ spake and _ 1s a favonte w1th thousands V of! d_1scn_mmat1ng laches. 1 .\.'l `mu; not 1') . ~ 4 eP"0mlnem:th ese %:%}di1ys%%`jand fashion t n bOdY` 7mL1 st > be fesucyeodu t your waist,line;. The Nemo Corset encm {he ` O( [es thse reducing features and the ` mater- Uials represent the best of cor . ` Set prQCfUct_ A La 'Gr=tce 1"C_o1;?sct`.s TaAr:% ~to .t.the gure as fashion` recfujres; ?'I5`-h'e"7_;'_ most perfect gure` can 'secure xadded - grace through thcuse of the _A ` A-La Grace" Corset ... It is sc_ient.ic~`in it's construction and the prevailing modes `of dress are easy to followjf A _ La Grace" is worn as a. foundation . -