A saT1 u_iefo{ 2f ginvas rekfgnd the band of the 29th regiment play- _ed' the National Anthem. Fireworks` were ignited. gun.-u AI -cw.-- ' vm,1ow;1 omeials bf Waterloo came down. and. joined in. the great- ings`. T - A . `i3e-rlin is _Ontari o s' nineteenth city. The` others are Be]-lenrillre, 1)_.-..A..l.`-_...`l I`1.'I_,L`l_ A--- "l'_,,4_ TTT3`I`I'_ \IlVJl .1. I `lull-WI? `GL4? .lJ4JL\.`VllLJ\, Brantford, Ohatham, Fort William, Guelph, H`am'i.lton., Kingston-, Lon- don, Niagara Falls-, Ottawa. Peter4 borol, Port_ Arthur, St. C?a.tharinen. St. T`ho'msaIs', Stratfordr, Tioromeo, |Win:d1s!or;- and Woodstock. ` u.,.Lv\I vvv VUAJU, LLJIAILIIJ uu 9.800,000 tons of coal .-Canada and 14,600,000 tons of im- ported coal. According to the gur- es Oanwda produces only 40.2 per cent`... of the coal which it consumes. -It` must A be noted, however, that if all the coal 'mi`n%ed in. Canada had` of the consumption. been country, it would have` constituted ovm-' 46.2 .per_ cent; f'I`\I.7. _....._._.-..A..'... ..f' ---l 1.. tN.'*_-. - In. 1911. the total consumption bf coal in Canada ta.mouu1sed_ to abo-ut 24,400,000 tons, made up as follows: nonnnnn 1.-.... -1 ......'I ......J.-.. ...J. -.2... KI` VLLKJ '\;\IlIgDu5llI!lVl'\J5Jl M The cons-umptlon of coal in Can- ada has increased from 3.480,11.1 was in 1886, to 24,400,000 tons in. 1910. During the same the cpal. consumption caxpita,` has increased` f1jr.>mA10. T!_5`8? %0t.:'0 L..'-.`. V JJISLVV C , JJLKI Ill. ILC .LV.l.'\.".I. l.l.\.l.'!CQDc \Hotnor -Conduct Ro_1l;-}5!obl3ie` C`2_1- `I'I,A 1r `'7 'L\lVV|LJ, L L\JL'\.IE J.@LLLl Sr. II. - Laura. Forbes, Hugh "I.\...........-..... {'T|......1.`... 'll ...T... .`l`l...,.._. (`V1 - J--- swoon REPORTS Miss Sadie 1-%-c>b;;'i:Hs_oVa 1qof B-aorriet is visiting her sister, Mrs. S. Duns- sauna 44143;" \.-L\.I.u I U, \J\/\.LL -L \4JL UV Class TJ1`-.`1. B.-Murie1 La.ngfel`dt, BERLIN IS WNOWW A CITY. s. s. NO. 17, INNISFIL. w-u--v {PARISH OF INNISFIL. ESTHER A. HENRY, Teacher. of Ivne-ri_t for de-! M. G. SIMPSON. -4-~-1:: Pratt, ! \A L\.\4AIJ .L.LA\Ar~vJ, .LV\Ju .1. o u Hides, No. 2 . . Calf skins, green, per 1'b.. Sheerp skins .. 100 Tallow, per Tb. . . . . . . .. Wool, picks . . . . . . . . . .. . 5 W001; washed . . 18 ' unwashedv .. Horse hides,`best grade. 2 50 Horse Hair '12 `115 5% 10 ` 20 12 3 .80 30 Weat, bushel .1. ;. `T? `t. C I I U I I Mass Tmck of Toronto 1s_ v1s1t1ng 1-wmdsu here. , IIIIL:\J \/`OJ I ! mlxed .. |Stra.W, per ton |Dressued . THE LATEST MARKETS TORONTO `MARKET. Toronto, Jurn: 11, 1912.1 Quotations on Tuesday were:-- SAVE YOUR couPoNs AND GET A SET 01-` DISHES" . . .. DEVLIN i 81 MURCHISON -'. n -g r u 'c n s . With F me, Damty ; Imported Clunaware- purchasiviti give you coupons for the full amount of your purchase and every dollar s worth of coupons will entitle you to something in chinaware. Don't stop saving coupons becauae yon can't purchase enough to get a whole_..,set. Remember that if you hold coupons amountingto $1 or more you are entitled to some piece belonging to the set. Start now. ` Notwithstanding the fact that we are giving away china. ware, our prices will be as low as ever and lower on some things. DEVLIN& %MURCl-IISON Auction Sale Corsets--Long hip, low bust, good steels, 4 hose supporters and made from a good percale, white only, sizes 18 to 30. Requ- lar $1.00. This week for. . . . ; . . . . . . . B Mr. Emms nished `cutting his stock of logs on. Saturday. `II 11 Summer Silks-Fancy' Foulard Silks, good wide widths, in all shades of Blues, Browns, Greens, Cream and Black, regular 5oc yard, for 29c and . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B Penman : Hose---`Plain Black Cash?nere Hose, extra nice, ne quality, at 3 5c 1 pair Or3pairs for . . . . . . . . . 3 95 53 85 85 25 00 19 O0 17 00 11 75 % 191:-2.. $106 94- A 54 90 .90 26 00` AA A . `gal 75 125 1 10 5 50 13 00 10 O0 15 12 oo 8 50 Ihl\I\ 12 O0 20 15 12 20 18 ` 22 4 ...n .a.uv 21 00 all 61$}; '{'t1 sibaicg Bf Rev. E. I R. James in Tohonto, there will be no Bible Class tlgis we-ek. ` 9 A. T-_.-..- -v vv 18 O0 12 00 ,"Next to Qile 'n $ Hoiel, Dunlap St. L Do you thik Miss Ohatters is I5 an entertaining talker? Oh: my, yes. She can entertain .herself for hours at a time.-Boston Transcript. Turkeys .A . 1 A ___1_.. `L..__..'l Butter, Dairy . . .. Eggs, pear dozen . .. -C-hzickesn, . . sprmg . . . .L........,,.,-.. .. . . . . .- Apples, barrel . . . . . . Potatoes, bag. .. Cabbage, doz. . . . .. . Beef, hind quarter . . . fore quarter . .. choice, carcase medium Mutton, .prime . . TT,_..'l __._-..-- Veal, .- -- - Lamb . . Spring Lam o 0 b,' 'p&-' '1iJ.' IIEA-ADC)` I I U Butcher cattle, choice medium .. .... . c_ommon .. |Bu td1aer cjows, `choice . Export cattl, choice . , ..E,..v .. M1rlkers, choxcei . . . . . . Springvers . . . . . . . . . Sheep; ewes . .V . . . . . . Lambs, yearlings .. . . Bucks and Culls . .. . Hogs," fed? and watered ILU J.J1`U.lL'- (U35 U11 ID W L The Laciijels . Aid ofmt. James Church are to have a gamdlen party at the home of Mr. Samweal Duns- more on Friday. A good program is being prepared. ` n r!` . ;1_ -LLXIES aL\a'\|. UvAA.\n. vvuu-v\/n\,,\g f.o.b. .. Spring Lamb, cwt. Calves . . . . . . LIVE STOCK MARKETS. N.B. We stay here only fonf a shor_t while, ` hence c_ome early before choice We only carry man cuss JAPAN- ART GOODS and we are selling them by Auction without reserve or limit. If our auction prices are clearer than regular retail prices, bring your purchases hack and we cheerfully refund your money. -- WI;.oys -biece Norfolk Suits, sizes 22 ` to 28,_ 2.50 to . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Boys 2,-piece Suits, double breasted coats, with bloomer pants, made from ne materials, sizes 26 to 33, each 3.50 to . . . . . . . . . . Suits---the kind that when you try them on you want to keep them on. All are taiiorcd: thoroughly and made from the nest 1 8 I .Men s and Young Men s Natty Summer` _materia!s, 7;5o to` . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . '.1V166 Ag:-\ i :33 50 13 00 Ann -uv....B 1.--`...---`... Santell of -Toronto was the guest of Mus. Johns-to-n over Sundtay. '13 56 10 00 11 O0 16 00 20 SALE HOURS : vp.m and 8. p.m. daily. '7i.% Ann pieces arVsold out. 24 24 18 MEN S SUMMER SUITS June 10.--Mr. H-albe-rt w3s_ in. the village for 3, short visit. 1 .-.- vv 13 00.! 17 001 22| 27 ! 27 4 20 45 , an I WHEN A BABY c1;1gs. From the Philadelphia l u;<;ord. When a. baby cries it is in pain or ill. Of course, the proper m-atlnent {is to remove the cause of `fort or cure the illness. But. moth~ l ers who do not understaml The lan- lgers of drugs are too prom; t'`-) 3,1. minisvter some of the num<:mu~a soothing syrups that may be had at any drug store. N0tl1ing: in it TC`- oent baby saving show was 1114412 im- pressive than the long list. of mcvli~ icines to quiet babies under all z~`0rt of beguiling names. with tho con tents of each noted omm. the name. Opium, morphine, uiul al- cohol are prominent in l.lI1(?>'T. all, and chloroform is an iiig-mliont of one. No mother who 11mlor. what it means to a)dTTllI1lf~`i("I' upizlv-3 to her babies will ever a,rr;1i11 still [their cries by dI'ug`g'i11g them. Wlic`-rn other words might be m.ism1,4l(~rstwl dope, We take it, will 12: intelli- gible enough, and theme. is l1z1I`tll_V` any parent who would not. . :from the idea of doping 11;-1' baby. The Owen Sound Ad\`eI"tiSc1' is re sponsible for the statement that wo- men Wearing `police unif01'm-< hzlm paraded the streets of that. })1;1'x' on more than one night of late fur the purpose of investigating I110 girl problem- Social and Personal ibelncs ,\\'i11 be found on Page 5. Mr. and `Mrs. A. Robinson and Rev. Mr. and ,Mrs. St. John of (_}ookstown,, spent Last Sa.turda.y with Mr. and Mrs. 'Douse at the lake. A deput.at.io1L will ask thv Borclc-I1 Gwovenlment to build the N.`-".`- ~`5 bridge in the World, aC'I'O>`.~` Ihv grill of the Pacic Ocean knoum as "T1_1* Narrows, and thus give \'i<'I"1`13 and the Whole of Va.nc0uvo1- T.~;1:1_I1d a railway connection with the 1II:I_`1`_`1` land. The `cost is estinmtul at 5: 7 AAA AAA I 6"6 E:`I*ii':f}79.v0 O 9 col h()lIl( .\1 \'.i~it . Tl .1QIi`.';s-"1VE.r;':e'ie-'i`;;1;1i Ws.1};=.{m Sunday 1 wgith Miss Mabel Smwamt. I`l__ l{( nttr.-1 k-ff M 1(:1\'< M loft Q4; 1 11 .\I di'tt., Sinul \V('-A his Mr. Nau-gh oo~n. of. the Uppecr Can- ada Bible Society gave a very in- teresting lecture on Monday evening in the Merthod.ist Church. He also had some linnclight views, V . which were also very good`. * ru V?-):_" TIITIITT V ,OOOOOOOOOOOOO OQOOOOOOOOOO PAINSWICK. lune 10th.-The suxrnnneer meeting of the Stroud branch of The Wo- tmans Institute .will -be held June 20th at 2.30 p.m.,' in the Methodist Church. Stro-ud. Miss May Allison, Chicago, will speak on. two subjects\, In the. Interest of Ontario Boys- and Girls, and Work -and Recrea- tion, besides music by local talent, after `wvh.-ich `refreshments will be ,4- -_-4. ....B 4.1.... mm` W. `.\1 '1`< m (111 5-5 ('4-w-`.1 .\IV furn in Jim TIM- (`S 01 "1Qr{1~T.} and Mrs. F. 0. Bejatty? df Deerhu.r'st spent Sunday with th_ne_ latter s pa.1'ents here. 7 -'1"~`~f 0011` \` ill thv ;\'1` 111.3- 111:1 (712 311$,- 111;; We me JLI u L1 In W1.\ir. V (I;xa`n Grosoe | Miss! Verra Grose spctnt Sunday with friends in Dalston. . v The crops _a;;1b6Ei11 fine. in this neighborhood, especially the hay. H [H -r-r . 1 --v_--...v-----.. -,`,_--,., Mr. C. Hunter gf Bzgrriev tdok the service- in the Methodist Church. on Sundtry morning`, the pastor go- ing to' Edgar. V 1'19 . ` ' n -1___ lightning some time ago. "1vf;.7- <$." 1_3`z1f1d';;;rVi`x1vT2;1ii * his men are working at Wm. Orok so barn` at Midthurst, which .was damaged by n I. L T _--= -., ---....- Miss Isa.be1ia Watson -fgoes` to-day to Musvkokay for the su - . _ -1. IL!) 'I`JIvl3\VIJ&I Wls:oIn sI barn-[. W I`iiha Willilam.-3' was ,at_ Howard: Bertrixnfs for Sunday. " iii."1:`eili` .3; T"1`oV1-i>into is Visiting at Andrgw Osborne s. ` iii%}$EI}Iii _oooooooouooooooonooog is` jsea1din g a. larg en- trance class to the examinations Vthis U faulnv .LI.Ll.1'lQ LC` LWM ggtgf t..;2nda;.`;"`; short time I. Hart. of `Edgar spend: a few. (aw with ` ' I V Mr. E. Balk spent thetweek-end gt` -91$` - Ahishlyw esfeema 11;, . 11iY---:- H. C. %ClIannen% L All Meats cut with a. machine any thickness you want. Cooked Ham New England Roll Bologna A Breakfast Bacon Boneless Back Bacon Boneless ButsA .-..-.-- .. - v--- - the `m:e`1sAon-s -lV1;;re wstarbeti at J A. [701 I11 Lttsf w'u uzu. 1 C1. 1 \:'a;_uu\;.u vo vv a stgrveod in the basement of: dual; 1 ' `I, L`. ,,,-_A.1____ ___ ,______ `A daugi1t.;'Wt{fisIi-. \and Mrs. G." 5 1)-'I.1x__'... SHANT-.Y BAY.) Jurie 10."--Miss Em-ily Mills 1%- SUNNIDALE_Oi(_)RNERS. When You Want DALSTON. LEFROY. _ Sandie Buie Fspen-t Last VKIKL 111 church to wzh the gentlemen 2:1; invited. IJCIKXJILUWUI V \-I J. ' , 'a::W1.W!*0 `y"Po.I- at of 85 years. She is survivezi four sons` and one daughter. The, inter- ment took~ place: in St. Thomas Clklirch on6 Sat-undhy afternoon. -__.`I 11 ? TTTZLIL- ....-_.A. .. U ed`._Mrs;T. A; Pcitlemon. , LLTI 00 as M-. Ha41"risoo nOf -Edgar visit- A1,` v`iSfe`sJ;s:mT.U:a`;1:1W\`7'V'7,. "'{."S7pm a few days with their sister, Mrs; J as. _Hart. "Il"T'1"|v `D131 lw J-`L15! .530 \JIr'\a|L\JlIr0 Mr, N. va1Nommn spent .the` `V.el"em1.Wi`* 3. f*'i`1dS. h?`?~ VVJUIU JILIWQ In. L (RIGID W1i"." `Garrett and little daughter of A:n oe{n Mills are visiting at Mrs. Phterspn e. - `YER- ' IULI VV I VII LL L\4\Llu\J$ LIV` Mm. Metc-alf and daugaer spent` Sunday `with M113. T. -Parr. `Ir... vr1..._..-u. -..:l 1:u.'I.. ,1..-....L4.....' CARAIGHURS-T. L . June 10th.---ZM3r. Day ofO~ri;l1ia-, P. S. Inspector, visited: this school last _.....]- The Orangwemen will celebrate the coming 12th of July in Woodbridge, and will attend divine service in St. J ohn s Church on Sunday, June 23rd. All visiting brethren welcome. Mrs. William .Morrison spent part of last week visiting relatives in Coklwater. A 11 77011 `n 1'! `I `I ,'I .JJJ|(Ifl.l\$V\I'\.rK\ UIIID UV \a' TMr. Henry J ohgsizgn. Bee Inspect- or, is making his annu.a1.tour thrrough Simcoe, Grey and Muskoka. 'II'_. .....'I 'I.l`...... (1 13.11 ,.__:..!J...,'.I U\J|V"KQU'\JLl 'WM-. Allan Hi11`of Evrett called on his father, Capt. Hill, on Wed)- neew` 39%. A An IN .1 Ju7niiL:n1Ti;' Bale Forgee at- tended the W.F.M.S. Convention in Colilingwood, last week. I `II 1:` 1 A I I Mr. H. Wise of St. Catharinesl was in this village last week; Mr. William Drysdale left hem 1=ast Monday [for Regina. - `ll --- Tl`L.-__ 'l _T`l`| -._1`I-..'l _.. .l.'...'....J... M41190 4. .|..A.LuL \aINJ-I.\r\4. \Ilal .51 A\ in Ehnvvaly<;mo` eudhesday last. 7lL- 'D-_ T `Q 7721.}! ... D11. LII -IUIJIII V '(bI`2 `ILL V V '\a'\.lIIl'%\EI`N _, .....u. The Rev. J. H. Kidd of Black- stock was here renewing acquaint- ance with some of his former parish- ioners, last week. ` fl'\'L, 15-.. . 1.` 1) T-___.-_ 2- -J.L-....'l. L\JII\-'I, LDILWU The Rev} E. R. J-armies. is atbetndb inq the Anglican Synod in Nia,=g'a.ra this week. . ` Mrs. W. Shaw is visiting her fagher, Mr. C. S. Burton, in Elm- va e. ` T fl '-Irv ,0 40.0 `I '"i'Ers. Geo. McLeaniis visiting her daughter, Mrs. Rev. `J. H. Kid'd at Blggkstck thig T\ `I MINESING. June 112-_-Mrs. Woela-rd, the lee- turer of the Women s' Institutes visritaed this senctrio-n on Friday. and gave a very interesting lectures on hygienic (]1ln 3IS~tiOnS`. `L The: Womsem s Institute "regrets extremely that it was imspossible to h~a.v-e a meeting in the evening, as well as in'thc aftermoon. KJI lll L.'\J\I \J KC (ILIILL JUL lli3'I\\I'X\(Io Mr. and JMur-s". 0. ,Bell- "visited friends at HobaJrto'ver Sunday. W-We 1{1;;1_erstand that `Rev. Mr. Ma- eomachie, the clergyman. of Veaspra, parish since May, 1909, has` erIeceived| _ --`I`I' 4... 4.1.- `l).....`_.'L A1.` G.-....,]A...`I......,-'l 0|.-L191]. BJILLK7 AILIJJ, LUUU, Lucia `Ax/x.\/5v\.-nu 5 call to the Parish of Sunderlarmd and West Brock. We are .-also. in- lornyefl .tlh-at f_Rev. R. A. Fomd, ` `I 1l';, Guelph, is Maoonaehie. would seize this o-pportunity to ex- press best wishes `for both: men in thezir chosen life work, that sruczoess in its best and truest form may be with both in their elds of l-aabour. Rev. R. G. Macoimchie, in his ser- mon on Sunday, June 9th, gave a very striking picture of two classes of people in this .world. '1`-he type of one class he found in the Sons of Eli, the type of the other class in the pmophet Samuel.` To how many students of life -and its problems and failu're's,, is the fact of shirked parental res1pon-sibility the. rock on which the wrecked life is destroyed. But Mr. M-aootnachie did not `em- phasize parental ressponsibility, he pointed o-ut very clearly the import- ance of recogpiziiig one s own in- dividual respoiisib-ility Afor oneis own course of -action, -and` the vital neces- sity of recognizing that ewchvonea o-f us belongs to God, -and owes faithful allegiance to Him. .What' doth the Lord require of thee, but to do just- ly, and to love mercy, and to `Walk humbly .With thy God. towsusoicieecl l Your - -correspondent v Miss Lau-ra hsa return- ed `home, A after srpecmding some time in Aurora and Toronto. - MINESING. ' On Saturday evening the young. men of Minesing, with commend- able initiative, organized an "e;th- , letic and social club to be entitled` the Minesing Athletic Association, Those young men have commanded the esteem, `both of the corrnmruni- ; ty in which they reside and in the i neighboring localities; T ((A3 ,,,;_`l1_-, .,_.;-I\ A LI-._'.. A$.. $6000 was at st, as General oicers -Hon. Pres., Prof. A. DeGa.11ant,'B.A., Ph. D.` ' Hon. Vice Pres.--Rev. Mr. `Mac- *onachie, B. Sc. ' Pres.--V-Geo. T-A. Johnston. , ' Vice Treas-.--E. M; Stokesx ` Secy. Treas.--W.- M. Young; 1 Social Dept.-Pres., Rev`. "Mn! `1\.. 1 Roe. . ' Vice Pres.--Mi_s_s Irene Knapp. ' Social Committee--Mrs. Geo. Johnston, Miss9E. Rowatt, Mr. A. McKenny,t Mr. E._ Stokes, Mr. Ir- `vvin. Johnston. V . A , `Athletic Dept. C-aptains--F.t Foy- .ston, football; S. Alexander, base.- I._1I ""a*~'#-a -"-~------ _ 'Ad multos annos to this 1et1c`association.- The election "or ofcers was `as %fo11ows:-- T A It might be added that this in- f stitut'ion s exxstence is very large- ly" due to. the vigorous and per- I sistent efforts of Prof. DeGa-llant, jRev. Mr. "Roe and Rev. `_-Mr. 1 M-aconachie, resident pastors in {DU .LIL\IL|\l'(-`y ,.l.UL 1111.10 1.8- T*3S~ eaezi on; friends WEST ?sCE:ooL HONOR ROLL." } I Jr, IV.-A. Hobley, 13. Lloyd, G.} Hornsteld. _, . Sr. III.-E. Curtis, B.. Peacock, V. Thompson. A` A J51." _III.--M. McKinley, A. OhoV\`m,i "'M};IwG5."M. Moir vs; week in Collingwood. Mr. VVi1l and Miss: St spernt S1md~a.y V in Elmvale. `RI... D13 J... 11 AI rI`.rmarn1 4-.r "Robinson. . s.'1I1.+-o. lwhomas, G. Myers, 0.` Jr. II.`--F. Galvert, I. Hobley, M. ` Curtis. Sr. I (a)--LE. Bigelow, M. Hill," 13`. Cheesman. (b) A. Garvin, J.ABe11, YT `DA; ...... I J-V-vi)`-vbiqi =Jr. I _(c)--I. Brown, G. Wilm- schofer, F. Ballsantyne. (b)--AR. Wi--les`, R. Detvinae,` J. Hobson; (a) R. Love, R. Hamilton, W. Robinson. ` % oU1$mLE s SCHOOL Sr. IVE-Robbie Cameron, Reta M'cKever, May Moffatt; Edna Robert I JllIal CU J- \I'-L II\7\U LL K1611. Plowman; Charlie McInd]sess', Gladys Armstrong, Richard Arrnstmong, Christine Horton, Lizzie Tuck. . Jr. II.---Bessie Wilson. ` ' Pt. _II.-+Harry Wright, Kenneth Cameron, Theo. Brown-, Ruth Forb- es, Norman Atkinson, Clarice Ferris, Alice tkiirrson. 117 0 1 . vvv.un. wgr. \III.---Jean McKever, Jessie Wilson, Leonard: Horton. Jr. III.-George Mclndless, Mabel `D...-........ 15.... .L. F`...._..! .. WI-L0 -`LL! \.J\dN,L W J.-I-`(J Browm, Fresida Ferris. C|__ T1 1" -___,, 1.1 v_v 1'41 Lvvvv _ J: I. B.-Mary Woodrow, kie Amnstvong, Jeannie Wirlson`, Nor- man Brown-. `IN 1 T1` . 1\. mron, Reta McKever; Edna Robert- son; _Ke1meth Cameron-, George Wright,- Mabel Brown, Laura Forbes, 3 F.1-ankrie , Charlie Mdnr: d-less`. ` V ` l 5551.415 41: vi ALI Jr. I. A.--Eve]yn Hunter, Reta Wing-rover, Beatrice Mc-Ind!less. 117-..-.. (`I-...'L-_A. 13-11 13,11 ' IV Class III.-Doro-thy La.ngfe1sdt; 59,` Lloyd Booth 56, Eds-on Wine 50, Victor Pratt 49. Glass: II.-Da1ton Fe-rrier 72, Au- ..L_.___ T-_-_.L`-1,1L n-9 'f3_--A-L 1.1-11 pen 1JC`u'D kJL|'Ll'u(|~J '11:. .n.41u1a.vs4.Lv. Mrs. Ridsdsall of Toronto is visit img Mrs. W. Ciarruthews. ' J iT37i3g'e Wright, [Willie McKever, -Cecil Plowman, Fern Wjrngrgve. `D "|r_____ n"r-__1,,__,,, 1.1 Class 1V.-;Hay vI}s;iI;,g;,Y , ' the. Miller ' . \JAuuJAJ u quvula .1. \/l.A.I\/A IE, lulu. I drey Langfeldt 67, Frank Fell 54. V Class Sr. I.---Ale.x. Irving; 72. Class `J r. A.--Irene Pratt, 70, |Alan Langfldt 70, Cecil Fell 60. 111--.. "r.. T `D 1r____-,1 T___ ,,.B.1JJ_ } ' Names in order merit de~1 portment as follows :- ' V A Alex. Irwinsg, Dalton Femi~er,. Harry Irv-i-ng, Edson Wioe, Lloyd} 'T)...,.LL 'IL`..,...'l- 'II`-`l'l T\....,..L'l.__- T -.. .._ Berlin, On.t., is a. city now, and} from the Uhrvoats of `,ve' thousand -people: calmer a lusty cheer as` Mayor Schm-alz, lasrt mid- `night, read the oicial pmclazrlation [creating the town. of Berlin (2. city. 4-..- H .5.Lu;:; .|.&,V A115, .LJ\.l\7\Il1 VI 11. `Borot, Frank Fell, Dorott C3,: vfeldt, Bertha Miller, "Alan feldt, Victor Pratt, Audrey feldt, Muriel Lang-feldt, Irene Cecil Fall. F `Ir IV rm St. P-au1 s Mission, Craigvale -` T-`here will -be: service % in this misr 1 sion on Sunday next `at 3 p.m.. Sun- day Schoql at 2 pm.` _- ~_1 St. .P~a.ul"s, PainsWick---Service will be co.nJduc.ted.in this church -on Sun- dayynext at 11 =a.m-. Sunday School will be hel-d'at: `1O a.m. V'vSt, Pete/3.r s~,. Cfruwchill. - Service will be held hecreon. next Sunday at 7.30 pm." [Sun-rlay School _,at 6.30 We were glad tn receive the in-g tellig(3nce:vtha.t the Rev. Dr. Lang- feldds, the rector of this parish is expeected to be back with us again by Sunday,` 23rd-, forhwfhich reason the celebration of the Holy Communion, which was to take place next` Sunday, has been post- poned tp that date CROWN HILL. \ J une 11.--Miss Katie Gibbs leav- es7t};is fveek for Milton. ` ` i