wa. Ill-111.6 \JLA4lL1ll\7ll;a~l.l|Ll. K109 doz._ time._bo-oks JOY moans . BEWARE OF I THE POLICE! s 5;;a;pst:'.:'.:. Gowa-n St. . ; . /. Wellington St. . . Burton Ave. ,.. . . xRepairing Road Roller : T ..L.._. tain. wards and in others` atgd. the Sanitary Inspector asked Coun- f:11'. to make the` legislation uniform av. 1-.-....... ........`I ?Sl:op Watches Will Tick Offl ' Speed of Reckless Auto Drivers- Local Men Observe Laws I K At Monday e session of Council, Reeve Bennett wanted - to know if `there was any by-lsaw to limit the `I ,.C '-_,A.- J._....mA 3... 'I`1\`-uv-In n-v\.1J I IIu..\l \.~.---V .... The Ma5-r.m:'.said the Sanitary In- .'s.pec`o01' had the enforcement of all I L-- 1..-...`-. An.-..n1n..J try-:4-11 nfkom .t`11+.;DG. I }buU1'U wua uu_y ugruaw nu ;;uuu uuul hspeyeod of `auto traic in T Wu, and id? so,` who was. supposed to ernfovrce the enactment. V -_ . 1a. -_ -r I !'lupt:-Uulr Luau MUG cLlJ.\rL\JvLL.u..uv nu. by-Laws coupled with his other :1Luties. I The (police, also, .Were supposedi to enforce [the provisions of -all Town by-laws. ` g ` ' '| `I, . -1 _-_.-A..._._ ...A..-. .._, ........ _ The Reeve.sa.id our local motorists were not guilty of speeding, - but that outsiders were in the habit of} racing up and dqwn Dun-lop andl other streets,` regardless of the dam ger to life and 1'imb~ they were 043-! casionilxg. The Reeve thought. thaw those responsible for the enforce- } ment of ' suech by~1aws should have a 1 stop-jwatch to get a line on the speed `of _jOyrid!e1`s. ` ` ` -`r -.-:_1,.n.'.4. 4.1...`1;.... ..'|_' V V tr! A\"l'|'I1) f4.'m'-d. ......... 1. JU`,y'1.1.n.A.-cusza. 7 The Mayorr saidthat the law a1-I 1-owed na.utomobiles- a speed of 155 miles an {hour in. Towns; but iii {10_ miles, or` even 5- miles , is` ldangevrous, -the -local au.th-oritieas could [Ship uucu.u.- - _ _ .San;itary Inspector Haggart s-at,i11 the gallery and the Mayor drew his attention to -the discussion Saying; that the ' law would now, doubt1e'ss_,] Ebe strictly enforced. .. . I Barrie Oil and Gas --_.._-_': ....o--'.'.n . '|n.an.+.;1 I=G' 1'9 (Continued on Page 5). bIL\L UN-III St. ~.. W-U cu Ivuu Lvuuvwvuua r-bed: Preaz, S. Wes-l Su-Eteqr; Treas., T. a.agi'agt Committee, ,'WVa1;lwim-, Hambly, an oicors. J 'W.\ %edi11<:r: 1 1: Bi` 14 71` 120; LONDON, ENG., BRANCH, :1 'I"h:-ontlnoolilo Q! I`. I` 22% f6`o 1.g ` ,With 337 delegates and a few members of Dllliarnsent and news"- pap-errnen. crowded into the Temper- aI_1ce~H;1l,' Cookstmvn, on Friday lzist, the Consevrvative Convention to select, a candidate to contest the bye- election in South Simcoe on June 1713112, proved to be the n`1os_t im.po1jt- ant as well as the. most interesting political event, in this` Tory riding since the days when Fe-rguSon s lambs choru-sed their approvial` or disapproval of d-iFfe1'eait- speakers pro- nrouncements away [back -as [far as 1863. Nine" times the delegates n_'Larked.' their ballots, the final .vote Qeiclaring in favor of Mr. VV. A. .13---- `Tf-(`t 0 1'1` K A. BOYS, K.C., M1 . 3 , THE NEW MEMBER; I K-.n_r\/\xa.|.w1lA&b ILL ; ..u;. . L1: I Bofys, AK'.C`., as the swmccesor of Hon. ` Haugahton Le.1m.ox,' n'_0w J urtioe of the Supreme Court of Ontario. | 1 V The convention was one of the` I largest, and certainly the most kee - ly contested, ever held in ' the riding, no less than ten names going to bgallnot. Twelve nominations were submitted, the Hon. Jas. S. Duff, Minister of Agrioulture for Ontario, Mr. Alex. Fergusor, M..L.A. for South Simcoe, withdrawing. , Each .t_>'1:' the other ten` can-tlidlates for the ii.om.in.a.ti`on entered the contest. with an idea of bringing home the bac- on, in slang plimesology, and it Wasi really surpg-ising the vstrength mme of this number developed as the con- test wore on. The results of the vot- ing were. close, 'and it was not until nearly six o clock in the afternoon that, the Chairman announced that Mr. W. A. Boys had defeated Mr. James F raster, barrister. of Totten-_ ham, by 199 votes to 136.` The re- sultowas` received with loud applause by `-all the delegates. .wh.o pressed for- wa.rdI to congratulate Mr. Boys; and to assure. him of their co~operation` in the ght slmulil -a Libeml oantdid- -.. -_................... Tl :.."1...-._l I Lu uuut: 1151114 1lF.'lLlLu `co .._uu\,...`. `_,.,.,...,..._., I ate put inhsan a{ppt:ara.vnce. It is be-| lieved that Mr. Boys will be elected} .ot respresent South Simnoe in the` Commons without opposition. Elat- lod by the splendid gathering and- lthe harmony which prevailed at iti the delegates -waxed me1"1'y over the as-uggestiotn that I-Ion. W. L. Macken- zie King might beaiselectedi by `the I.ibe1~a.-l`s- to demonstrate the accuracy of Sir Wilfrid Laurie1. s- assertion I that the star of that party was-. once] again in the .a=soende~n~c.y in. the coun- I try. If that bumptiotxs. politician sticks _his nose, into this riding he will not for some s time again be heard from, remarked Mr. Boys during. his address to the convention. _We~ 11,agive him another Water-I 1:00, predicted Alex. Ferguson`, iM.P.| `Pa -`and the azlluseion to the defeat of I the forxnoerr Minister of Labor last `September .was. -greeted ' with loud !laughter and applause. ' ,___`I -1. mu. LIBLL I.\. A vg~.-\... _.L.u_. __V -,. When the convention opened at 12.30" the delegates from: the diffenent. local associations were s`e;g`.r'e.gated: in I ldierent sections- of the. hall, and; lnominzations came tpouring in, until - um- _-_. _--.....1m1- L.. +1.`.,| tH"OXI1lIllZl.Lll)ll1. U'alut:~ yvuxung 1.11. uxuuui pm `even dozen were vreoo-1*de.d by the! {sec-rnetary. After the reti1~em~etnt of ! H-on; Mr. Duff and Mr. A116-X. Fer g'uay'011, M.P.P., `each of the remain- 'ing ten. nominees who saoug-ht elec- tion; was allnowed ve minutes to de- c.`4am_ himself an aspiran.t `for the, [honor of representing the. grfood n-Id; }T`0r-y riding of South Simone. They {warez A. _Creswicke, K.C.. of `Barrie; W; A. Boy-s, K.C., o-f Ba.rrie;3 W. A-. 3'. "Bell, Barrister, of Aliston; Richttrd' Bell, Reeve of Essa Town-, ship: ~.W. J . nBe11_. m-elrch-ant, of Beet- ;on;` Robert` Murphy of Rosevmount. ' `A'ex-wa1wc14en o; Sim'co`:e County; R. J. ` ] Hi1;1, Clerk ggj 1' Inniestl` _ Township; J amt-:9 ; harristenj, of .Totten- ham; Ani:1;;;;n;;-panlm. of 7% Bradford-. n wa1wd'ea1. <'xf;a;nd; Dr. J. J. president of. tJ`1eAf'AAss,b<>ia;'ti`on' of 337; each`. 133131011 was `as Iuuuw-_a., vy. unu......... bury 24, Innis-l 39, ,A;d.ja.I:a;- 27, Te- cu-mseth T38, Tossorantio ~'.-19, Essa 37, Be-etoii 8,` 6, Bradcfo-r "u~4'=__'L___.'..'>_`1 `;';...'`D.'..-..'..;."'K\ ` " '. .. .1`Cl_/KJLL U, .L.\rvu.\.u-........ 0.1 1-3514:-Innunouvuo-up uric ui~\;. F. V]: ' > . G. M. C. HART SMITH, AS81818! M91 . uvs ` the UV u.I..n.4\7\4 VV\4`L vLJ\/ WU '\.'ALA\I\AAU' \J.L IILDII `local Lassocisa`t'ions and the 5 oioers-' of the South Simeoe Association, _...`I_.'___. DIDFY` .`I-'I-_._J_-- `W .` u |IIbLLU U L51 4.10 .34.: \I'L vi) VV.ZI.IlIRJ Um; unav eeeoomi, and the others in the follow-. Rich. Bell (Essa), Robt. EH1`:-.p ,-Walter Bell (Beeton), A. E. :Soan1or'1, * W. A. J. Bell (Aljsrtom), n~ "-r rrzn ~_-AL LL- _.:..n_ .3 c....1| lR. J- Hm, Iwith the eninthand nall ,b;a.=1lot between J as-. Fraser, Bar1'ister,I of Tottenham W .A. Boys of Basrriie, 136-199, a majority of 63. votes for the Barrie candidate. .LIBERALS FALSE Paopnms. Major I.` A. i-Currie, M. P., for! North Sfmcove, todk charge of the pro-_ from the commencement of the voting, and divided with Mr. Du the-task of _d.Ls-cussing the poli- tical issues of the`-dzay during the counting of the ballots. He paid a tribute to services rendered by {Mtg Haughton Lennox as member for I lthe riding. He said that ever sinoe| Sept. 21st Liberals had been predict- ' ing the early return of their party : to office. At i-st they had been oon- g clent that the Conservative Govern: ment would not live through one ses- sion. In point of fact, Mr. Borden and hi-s 7oo.1lera.g`ues had dealt with a number of important and delicate questions during the reeent session of Parliament, and had emerged stro o'er than before. Sir Wilfrid Laurier and Mr. Lemienx had en- deavored to appeal by bmtal attacks on Hon. .Messrs~. Monk and Pelletier to ra.c.ia'l and religious . feelingrs. ~~ in ~Quebec_, but their tactics would make votes for the Conservative party, just as would Sir VVi[frid s -attack upon; Hon. Dr. Sproule on his elec- (Continued on Page 5). 10, Avlliston 15, Barrie 76. Added. 1:0 the 33 o the ia1;'i?.'gE;3"`r"21e1egates in SK" TN. 1)-..J.!_._. _,_;.Z.....`I LLLINIS-5% (Jun \l\JL\.aBUvU\A: ALI Dr. Banting retired the rst ballot, A. E. H. -C-res_W.ic1Ee on the -_, 1 LL _ _A.1_-_._, , 1'_11._,# ESKIM MILK SOLD FOR PURE MILK? |So'urces of Supply Will Be | Investigated - Milk Sold ` tBy Dealers Will Be - Tested A The condition of the milk supplied by the dairies in Town was a live topic for discussion -at the Council 'meeting on Monday evening. Reeve 1') ____ .-u. ..4.-_.;....,.:I 4.1.... .Jn1;n+.. 1. r\fI \_ H _ l4.'rrr-d 'C01l15x'5m-( JJUUUIAILLE Uu. .LVJ.\Jll-\-llvl/.] \./vxaana.-A - Aux-vvv haennetc started the demise by em- lqujring the conditions of milk in- spection, when, where and` how it is 2........`...J-.-J-., ..-.1-.5 1-I\.I\]7.-I flan 1I*`l`\.Y`l." ywuuxuxx, \v.|L\.I.|..|, vvu\.;\,; an... ;.un .., -- inspected"; who looks after the work of inspection and What: steps had been taken to keep the milk supplied our citizens up to the proper stand- amdsa of purity and correct. amount of butter fa-1:`. - - , . ~r\ I cu v.-.n..- -- V- I AM-ayor _C0wa.n infomwd the Reeve { `tha`1. - not ngone than_ one hour before he ELI, `I! TY (\ I lallrtla Abula ULVLU u1.a.u. UlL\.-1LuuL |J\.L\J.I.\z nu 'had been in conference with. M.H.O. Dr. Little, who said the matter was gbeingi discussed With the Provincial , Deepaxrtment with: it View to nding out jusstywhat vpoweas the local board had! in the matter of investigating the source of supply (sometimes miles: out in the country) and con- Idemning it if found unsanitary. i - If We cannot keep down" the price 'of commodities during this period of evverdncreasing cost of living, said Reeve Bennett it is our duty to see that the people get value for their :m0ney.- The Reeve said he was not well versed in dairy rpractice, but he was of the opinion that much of I the milk Svoisdx to mlk dealers was put `through a. separator, and if so We are getting but `skim,milk, and the other fe1'1o.w is getting the cream. Then ---- L---.\ A- J-`n~nn.n :1:-nn.4-1.1): A-F IB.llU.W` 13 gUl.r|.rll1`5 LLLU L;l.'Uu.uAo .n.;ax,-.. there are two or -three grades of cra.n1-ooffee cream, whipping cream `and ordinary . cream. Probablythe I]-coca-Idealers are not to blame, for ; the bulk of the milk is purchased; by lthm from farnlers. ! COULD}`{ T BE WORSE. - The Mayor `said that during the winter and early spring, the milk sold by milk-dealers had. been abom- inable, shamefu1_--in fact it could haN1_1'y have. been '*worse. He pro- mised t.h.a,t the matter would be prob- {ed-to the bottom . '1. .1 1 L_ DEA V\I' Luau wvuw Ald. Clark thought the Place to :.make` milk .inspection was right out of the delivery Waggon. '1"hat was the only `way to be sure there was no connection- betweesn A the town w1a.tear- works s`ys oe`m -and the. milk can, also 1. ix; regard to purity. |Vh\-7. `"1! _LIn .11-\ L -- V . , ' Mrs. Glubine Lind Miss Lovvall of Newmearket were over-Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Bsdditt, Wor- ._slpy St." v _ - ' lII-;._`l_1- r`\...--, A Mrs} Roy Kesbef ;'.ef 6-I1 Manda) ito. j9i_u-hm-fhusband In the West- f\`I I0 `-._-1 `If: _. `T .~.....-J1 .-.13 PLW ' VI . v B-and Cdncert at Aandale Gore to-night, A good progrmnme has been _9.rrangaed.* ' The Advaa_wo_ is indebmd to Mr. Vickers, one of Ba.rri'e s" most andemt ` as most successful .ciri;<:11ltm-is 12;I,,-_' `for. `a beautiful` bou- .L ('1).-I -T'5'UUUU. 11) {000- EUM uh!-up. Telephone 313. iAll' By-laws Carried on Mon- | day-Bradford St..Pavement I fiart This Suer. Hydro Power By September . A-uvvuao wA\1uUuIUu.l. \p1`l:$Vl'kIlI ' In Town over the voting on*th:e Hydro- Electric and the Roads: Byrllwws on Monday, but of those who~c.aast their vote but a very small percentage were opposed to the h.Vd?"ro bay-laws, the `votestanding 463 to 42` for the hyd.ro-agreement and 460 `ch 46 for lthe $7,000 hydro b.v-law. The $25,. I000 `roads by-law did not fare so well, 299 raterpay_ers voting yea; and i 202 nay, a majorlty of only 97'v-"ates. tn -- ' LII -\ A n n c v-noun -1.` L`... L... 1,, 7 --A- luv... uu_,, u. 1LJ)aUUL1UJ vx UJEIJ at Vulk. The passing of the hydro` agree- ment means that the engineers of `the Ontario Power Cmmnission will have th eir men on the ground in a few days bu1'.1din.g the transmission line from'Wauba1Js }1ene to Barrie, and if the ,Work proc-eeds as we-11' as expected we will have hydro power from. the Severn River by Sep1:em~ ber. l Work on the Bradfdrd St. per- manent roadway will nut. corrmnenoa until the sewers are all in, and it will be .well on in the Summer before :1 start is made. The work will be commenced at Warcl VI and pro- gress this-' way. A full meeting of the Council Will be held to discuss the exact class of pavement to be laid". i *Hyd1V'o1"'J/lee. $7606 ma.-g.'} Ward For Ag st For Ag st For Ag st Total 463 42 Majority 421 FOUR NEW NURSES. At the regular meeting of the R. V. Hosrpital Board. the results of i the nurses exziminntior.-.3 were read out, t.heIou:1- nu.rs pass- ing in the order named: Misses Hal- bert, Howai, Irwin and Isbislter. Miss Halbert wins the gold medal, and the examiners complimented the four new nurses on their most: credi~ table showing. The gv.'adu~a1;i.on exer- cises will be held during the month, possibly on Tuesday, J unra 18th. iCOAL snumv CASH Th($sa1e.0f Fuel for cash during the past two or three years has, we believe, given very gen- era`: satisfaction I..`....nn n nnld nmorn in nun nf than hnnsan. upon me income. . Dealers having to pay cash for coal. freight and wages, should also receive cash. other- wise the large amount of money re uired and cost of booking and collectin . wil undoubt- edly mean dearer Coal. while t. e Cash System means `cheaper coal to the consumer. Rnimr r-nmnlmrl tn `mines the hrine of Coal ` era: Sl\Slu.ULlUl| ` Fuetma (: c. hold necessities. a the income. Donia:-A hnvina I cheaper coal to me; consumer. Being com bed to muse the price_ of Coal on account 0 the increased cost. resultmg from -`the strike. which will cost the dealer about 50c. -per ton more this Snrin . and desiring to keep the price as low as ssi le and thus eniminate a little gnowin ten ency to oredxt. we agree to adherestrict 3 to the system of gang: -n4`-u Ana-`An `? B. PAR ma before or on deiivery and in the interest of the ~ consumer as well as dealer ask you to kindly ca-operate by not asking for crgdit. --but coming V pxjqpax-ed to confprm thereto. ' 1 J. G. SCOTT V MICKLE. DYMENT an SON ..w.. aeuxoav 8: SONS . V < .'1._mn: _ 7- 53...... 6b .. [$1.00 PER ANNUM IN ADVANCE IIIGLI. COPIES 1'l'p"AII OINYI littnle excitement cpnewailed in nnrn ntvaw I-Inn u-v1\`:w\n- -....1.L _. T1 __`l_,- UfTE?E`l`w [lcnznm The vote by VVards is as follhws: up-- -. delight the c-lmildrevn if they come to: envsnrrs EEIE E)3r"iasr`i`1:a win 31?; j pure cream Ice- Crream will A4ll',lIH twvvn At; our fountain you. will find the most: delicious Sundaes and Ice Cream Sodas. Our PURE. CREAM ICE CREAM is made from the best cream, in. the g11osti sanitamy wa.y possi- e. v A dish of ICE. CREAM, 3, SUNDAE, or one of CHRISTIE S _1fURE hnxvnn 4:.-n...J u u uovvsna \i F68 S50!- in; 51" ` 2? 43 323. climate is one of the house- . and should have first claim 4. Hum. .\S'l'l{AY-A Bay Mare wu~n-.www l'11~.-_ wt-i*,:l1t,ub0\`1L 1100 lbs. strayed 11'0"` Um: )m-ml ~15 of 1 he undersi ned on Wednesday. Mu)" ":31:-1. Any person giv Ugmformation that VA! Ir-ml In her recovery wiil be I`eW.1`d9d-H 22-23 ------ . A .\1<;(`unk(-y. Barrie. . ..._ __ ..-.. -V__.__.._...-- 80 11 40 27 4?. 460 46 414 76 299 202 97 43 4? 57 71' 33 18 35 15 13 an FIFLIVI I. \III V-"""" `.\'.-.n~1v1`m-1' u clu. loam over 00 D8 Ihns '1'oin 1; ; `.ls`t:nL3'sn(<):E'. .Ggod house and Out` 1n1iI1ing-a.1.:u; I; burn with stone foundatiO'."i9 Uruluami ::Iu[ ;; good wells Of water. Thii ["0" `-`|'1.\' win I. sold cheap, and-on easy `l"m5' " (\)\uul.1-xa-Imngc. Apply to .303 1'45v g;?;r' Ill. ' ,`~ ` PR1vATEs How` FURNITURE AND P1A%No[}j I _ ). .,. . hold `_ V to o .- Ar.y per:-`rm `.H;: (l)isI3)l`1`0u|d Segggythig mu" fur11iII1I`:t)rlL[_ Q or 295' . ' (l'l(`](_*.[Jll()11 Nb` L` { hon- ` a.d6,b7,ap- _ t ,3 be 111 _ , . sold. "nI l mnen L 23H` VOL. LXI. No. 23 ' wHLl:`No.;_v4go:f` 9. THOMPSGN CHEW. PIIILIIHII. ';.w_ 1 u .2 V - i3'1rrie Franch-- F. T. SHORT. - - Maagelf V_iL,'}|( hr/"nu. CARD or ;HMr. W. J. New _fua`1"'Y Ball -acknowledfgq ` 1 P'r*Wi9=1% ')1.C.\"o Iva}?sAL) Squ-ra- .` mm :`\".IUUO. In good condition. W111 be Jllittln-up. l`<.-lcphone g 2]-"23! . 'g * " _ ,` .3. V." .9, :20 A. u.--HOLY CoMM,U2IO1';.;= 41:`: -0 --MATINSANI) r . NEW ADVERTISEMLENTS. ` _;._____ ova.4..~.;.g.w v~I pa.` .- -_~-rr Holy Coxnmunion; ` VI __ 3-0 P.M,--C1v11L1)1>.E1~I"`s SERVI9$e 7-0 1 .M. --EVENSONG 4'. SEEION; Rev. E. R. B1ggs,aYlo ` L __.___-_ V.\.\"H:l) -A good gencrallservant at once. mm \VuL:cs. Apply Mrs. CleatusVlg.lga. 'Z;l}I4-! 1| 1':-nt LABORERS WANTED 'A " l`1C1) \ good general. middle aged pre- lb f:~x'I':"1. T-xpply afternoons,to Miss Igaally. ll`l'~'I|I-1-I ` 0 mi %A l ;~`.1'r:uv Hats with char- 110101` .~;t:1mped In every hue :m- nu 1'5 to show you. Straw Hats 'l`}w1'e are many new and v,\'(`lLlsi\'e styles bound to mulw Straw Hats more ;mpul:u= than ever. In; su re and `see the new Sen'nett Braid Sailors and the . Genuine South Amecn Panamas SlMMONS& C0. , - `I , n`.'-""" * L` '. ...'3 33? d;allP|3$`t`s. 53. 131.370. Total Assets (Over) Let the Mail-Carrie}; Travel for You T912, CHILD PORTRAITS .\Iau1o by us are childlike, just as m1x'I 0l`tl`u.its of Adults possess .~:31't'm.,'l h and character. come inand see our stules J. FRANK JACKSON Trinity. Church, --gvwrlt . PW` wn;;vs paid for ood men." ADM) t. Iv-.-'."<. U1ti<,-(3. Police !ourt.,Ch'ambe|`5- vbef I H --n uml 12.01) o'clock a .m. 2393 A ? Na .\?s'I`I"{AY-A Bay Mare with-white l':1~.- `.\'l`.l1l"I' nhnl 11"" `hR_ |g;`(a.u, ---uzv $01303.` 51 Threadneedle Sl._, I-LC. II CIIC` _ Ila-I I IV usgv .~'lI`rct. `:\7}1(3l1 1'0ilIdS toxm means a hard: day s Wbrk s - your horses and yourself by ba_. nk?;:' .with us by mail; You can do it sa'fely,`.a5_We give. special attention to "13 ~- _ d1`aw:11s 91' other ban(epOmk)i1,g b{1s.vnit. haxullml 111 _this Way._ the Mia . _..__....__......._..__ FARM 1-`on SALE {o!.9AA9a_ FOR MEN. |`EE|E M akcr of Portraits en's r-lat shop" I E1135`-E'3L___ " lllul 23-23- G3fiI.\\`.\N'1`I:I)--- 3ood eneral: smmerVcot- _' `aw: <:1<.~- to l`own. em) 1 tumilymght work 'V,`UI':v' ;:ir| preferred. Apply Box M, Advance `Jrfw--. 5.m'ia-. '17-tf -.._; for, We `Will need `The Reeve. " In reply to Ald. .C'1ark s query if it. wouludi not. be cheaper even at the, oil n1agnate s ' advanced L gures, * `the Mayor said oiling `cost mom *tha.n watering 1ast yea;r. The colnmittzee were instructed ,'o0 use the water- wagon for the mesent, at least. - A. W. Beardsley and others peti~ toned" for d.'ust-laying on Dunlop St.., from Muloaster to Berczy St. The .'petition. was insufciently signed. V U DAnA' un-an`-A. na1 r:1\a-up nivt? Co.-\I'.\1UN_Ic.A 'r1oNs._ ` 7 Works committee have held` up the oiling of streets, `and, if we start to Water all we have petitions. _ , k_._'1`l ____.'l ___-LL-_.. _-__A.. )7 ___'.'I 'A1d:. McLean.` had a motion to al- low bicyclists` to ride on the side~ walks -between 5 _~a.m.. and 8 a.m., in contravention to `a, by -`law which pro- hibits the same. It was a. case of attempting to ]ega:1ize -a. breach of "Town by-laws by motion, but it d-id not get by. The Mayor advise& its '.With:draWa1 which was done. Ald. Sa-.-rjeuant jokingly said that when we get the Bradford `St. pavement bicy- clists Will prefer that to the s:id:e- walks`. A , The carelessness of John D. Rocke- feller in -allowing the Supreme Court of {the U.S. declare Standard Oi1.to be :1 combine in restraint of trade has filled; with grief ` the_ soul of -C`ha.i'rm-an of Works `Bennett. They V'broke up. the parent oompany into a lot V of subsidiary ones and I10.W` the price of oil has gone up, and it Will. cost us from 3 to 5 "cents a gallon In-ore for oil for our streets; the Aldermen manifested their dis- dain for John D. by -iemaining in silence. T ' " ' V With. Asldl. Law `the only absentee,` the Town Council transacted; routine business: on; Monday evening, some of the committees presenting ' their estimates, which were sent on to the Finance department. 'for appwoval. The rate will be struck at the meet- ing on June 17th. ' [IUD]. LLUJL - wan` 1.1.1: lA1l.l\/L\,ALIp'L`V u:b;n\.\ u ' H. D. Rose`. wrote asking if corner of Hand` on` Du-okwortfn Vanni Dunlop St. could be purchased. V ' No Street oil Trust Has Boosted Pn'ce aid Water Will be Used.-News I from Council Chamber. I W i'r<;m residents of Eocles `St. for sewer from Sophia to.\Parks St. - . ` A ` " OIIVIIVIUHD `C! D! % ;\Ien s Hat Shop H: E-EJ_IEilEE W. San-jea.nt an-d o.th-ers-' petitionesdl `for removal of a fence on Holgate, east of St., now running about centre of street and` to have street graded and sidewalk built. . __ __ ,1 xwuauuv 5-....._-.. -._ ' George: Gammon _ iwrote proutestingi against allowing John Shephard to build `hog pen at G.T.R. station. He claimed: that this .would be a` nuisance and dangerous to the he7a.1t.h of the citizens. If -the author- ities allowed the building of this hog pen, Mr. `Cameron said he "would have am his stock shipped. from Craighurst and Utopia. The letter was referred to the committee. ` Sanitary Inspector Geo. W. I-`Ia-I gart drew 9.ttention`t.o. the ptusturing of cows horses within Town hm- L its, The present -by law, `allows the _. pasturing of cows and horses `in oer- GASOLINE 19c GAL. Cost Excessive! ALDERMEN DISCUSS OIL, .. B. THOMAS Jggu East 61 e,1':R.:stat1nf;d. ;' ' W*e=*rs%%J`i%#n ' `For Motor Cars hr Boats GASOLINE SUPPLIES 7-: GO T ` --F0R--3 -V--AND--- L VVL4 LlLvV!/ U1. |.'L\.It;n.1 a1m_thetr' cart, said I T -THE |N'l'EHI3'i'S_VOl-I` -`BARVRIE. THE OOONTY OF SlMOE_&ND THE DOMINION OI` OANADI OUR CRITERION: / BARRIE, C1OUN'l`YVO;F s1Mc"o1:, ONTARIO, JUNE 5, 1912 -The plumbing department had 18 app1{i_ca.tionn9"for permits: to date for work to value of $2379, with corpor- ation fees of $35. Forty-one inspec- tions have been -made in connection with above; Twe1've.B_ui1~d-ing p`em.i:s have been issued; for Work 10 value of $19,770. McDonald` St. sxewer was com- mnernced on `May 29th. _ REPORTS. _ . V The Indigent C'omm:it`.4-re estimat- ed their expcndvitu re for the year, $1040. ' 1r\.' 11'\1r~4 V U04) Ell /.ahc.-,1h L, #'J~O|M|- I\`\4|$ \lJ`lI\.tLLI Illla .I..I\._|\V 1'oof)..........`,`-`:32O(') -Heat.ing `. .v . .' . . . . . . . . . . . 200 00' Parks" (includ-in price V of -water lots) 30.0 00` The _Printing and Reeept.io11 Com-| `mjttee. e. Vstimated '-expenditures as follows: ' V V Printing, Stationery, _etc. . .$95O O0 Receptions . . . .. . . . . . 200 Q0 .-The Boaird of Works estimates were discussec} in committee-of-t11(: wi=`}1ve M'a.rkefs. aVnd Parks? Commit: tee ._0es5tirrnat_:>d e as ' follows, :` Markets ~(imz1_urii_ng new ` ..--\ anon nix. WV-71V !.l.vlDLtuOO\.'\.L 1.1L \zuLAIuJ.5:Luy\.w vs. vsau whole, and thoe` reports .were axhl ..__..L ._ L- .41.- 't`..-.'..-- (`L<..........!J-6-..... F VVL1\l'JJ\;`4, . I.vlA'LL Ind` |V`V\a`L\J` -I uva.n. - sent ion to the --Fmance Connnmttee. for approval. The -Cbnnection. Dept. coi- s't'm1cted"12 conn:ecticms, the Town s `fees amounting to $22.00. I Bojmn or-` Worms.` V - Q A lsen,gthy~ rnpourt from the Board" of Works covered the following `points: A . - II `I-11- Total .. ._'. . . . . . . . . Mainte_nam.ce of sewers . . . I 8 Q8 Em;INi:;:a s REPORT FOR MAY. Bdardpfl Works-. . g _* Raking streets . ., ..$105 15 Drawirng garbage off street; `498`97_` Fork, re garbage removal. .. `1-75_ Repairing breaks in roadway A V Bnadzford St... ;` .... .. 199-.1 .5-lO'|I\II. O Mabe_ria,1.. .. '.New -parts. ;. .. .. T'Expree s .. . Stone `for cmxsher . .. .. `F/illing Cumbe`rl-a.I`1d St. J-_ L2--- L. ' 1 APieititiOn for sewer on Elizabeth St. from Frances to William St. be [referred to the Engineer to pre-