but \.l`\J`ALcIl wards. WHAT SHOULD WEAR. .1 a una. -a.a..nna-Au. \;UIsI\Av Io\ll\J Ill. l'\.|.\/ never has so muc after-1 THE CHURCH WEDDING do in the rst fmnilios. At a m- lng wesdldmg a4 c11tawa,v (-n;1I isonmetmnnes worn, but the 1':-at i- t.am.amricts Pri .00 . D t'es.- ' Must reside six mtggtlg in $1??eum?s3ears V.V-s`n acres and erect `a house W0"-h QVV. 3," 0,1 the OORY. .. 3. : I` * Qt.`"*1ia:i ~ Lir`~7~9`f!i%to.f rhasaa. ' 52 59 V For evening wo = 1h<- r ltion swallow tail outt. is 111` i rect thing. Bridegrooms should g-of tlw ring 3!. day or two before the w<-llin:_~ 2:111 lthus be sureof avoidin;_r- Tlw nn;l~.~1.- antness of having` no 1-in:_r v-Emu. th time comes. llis In-.~t. man ,should help him to look 21 l.l~'I' Il`.l~' {important dietaizl, for their II1`I".1:ll benet. The grooln Sl10ull :1l~- uwr, the marriage license :1 lay -.. `ahead. He will 'l1ave to vi. ;::: ~13 = cial issuer of marri-agro lil -:1~ lThere are lots of them. T110 li.~.A::.~..- {costs two dollars and lws :1 l)l_'_`.' ~-;:l Ion it. wnamg nomesteaaor. 4 N1 Dutien --Six. months` residence upon `us cultivation of the land in each_ of t_hree yefu E Ahomeateador may live withm mne nn1c._~H3s homestead on _a. farm of at lqast 8') !;;s solely ownedand occupied b tum or bl, " father. mother. son, daughter. rother o_r 31.5103 _vIn curtain districts 8. homesteadez; In #400 standliqgzay re-em ta quarter-sectlon along` side his mes rice-83.00 per acre. I ` Du_t.it-3.-Must reside upon the home_stcad 0 ,m`6~em tiou six months in ea.ch_ or s1;< $93 : from ' ate of homestead entry (mcludmg "` time required to earn homestead patent) and ' AGLQ unafn Us :1 h IMHO` Elijah Hughes of .C-hurchill has purchased the Mc.Vitt.ie residkmoe in Bradford f-or ' $3,000, and ,will move there next month. ` 5' - A homemade: who has exhausted his home- Uteld right` and cannot obtain a Dre-en_1pti0 may enter for 3 m-chased homestead 1n cer- talndiatriots. oe $3.00 per acre. Duties: k uuxuvaw nuy acres extra. I lil1l8`l'ealde"six month: in mm. nf three vear K As to the gifts to the b1-il`- uni . the happy young ladie<~:' who z1.1'<-in1;.- iing the good .work along, the _;2--~::h |shouId1 take his intlndod int. h`.< condence. She can do it In-xm | The bride s friends should i(`I Hi- |min-ister know in plenty of iilllv [When it is going to be, and in H!` L I` to avoid` Waiting at the (`1h11I`(,`i] mini possibly delaying another \\'(* should see that the young lady i4 `properly xed up on the day of iii- wedding some time before t-ih` av,- poinbed time for leaving for tho- ahureh. This is said to be unw ut" the most diioult things in ( .H111i~*<-- tion .With a Wedding. EXCit4,`!I1l'ilI -3,-nd many cares come into the funi- ily of a prospective bride for ma-ks before the ceremony, but the i-linmx is in that last awfu.` hour. The {wide s-houid be allowed to cry a 1it.t.1v if _she Wants to. That .will keep lwr |f1-om fretting about anything -15. THE INVITATIONS. The girls should see to the .<-n-1- ing out of invitations at 10z1.~t :1 .couiple of weeks ahead of the wi~;- mony. This will give invited 1:1-'ii!`~`3 a. chance to chxangie their 1nind.~ zl `few times as -to what they had iwi` ' ter Wear and to .worry people in H-- gard to the choice of a pi-esrciit. As to the wording of the im-ii;i- ltion, tell the primtervcandidly am [you are not used to getting 111.11" ried, and ask him "to put you max: I : the real thing. He will 11m'i- ,i:M what you need in his saa111ph:~'. am-1 ...I1'I. L..~ 43-1-1-1 1..- J__A_1_ l`....-.. |sYNoPsIs or CANADIAN NORTH. WEST LAND REGULATIONS. NY person who is the sole head of a fulml," or any male over 18 ears old. may Imme- stead-a uarter section oa.vai=a.blc Domimun land in anitoba. Saskatchewan or .-\1h-rm. The applicant must appear in person at Hu- Dominion Lands Agency or Sub agency for the district, Entry by proxy may be made at any %89!1Y. on certain oondltxons by faIi_Is`I'- m0lh8l`- Hon. dau hter. brother or sister 0: un- teding homeatea. or. II nn...QIv Ivunvsl-ha` .....:.I........ nnnn and "'"' JV`- In-avu xu uga .;.u., I`\\*. ..... `win be tickled to death {O 1.1..-.. 3011- The Advance A job (1opartm.~nz always has the Latest in type .-1:1-1 'PaPe1` fol the invi c-ation a1111o1m~~s- gments, cards, etc. The 1`3c_PtiJ0Il fut the 1101210 :11}.-1' uh 091931038 can generally 1~> >1< pretty well after itself until T11`: 'h3`D`PYT couple are on their way. ave esta.-blised forms, but: 1.11:-_\' We 1`?-N15 followed, and direc1.i~:x< would be futile. 51-12rtj1zsDAY, MAY 23, GET RING ..-x.\'n T.1.<'1-:.\`. BE Remy Ix TIME. plum Elmvabe pu.b1i.c school teachers in- spected` Stayner s otmtinuation class.- 'es, .With a view to establishing sim-. ilar work in Elmvale. T in ad- in Illa pl Ch-arles Lewis, a bqarder {I1 -a.;Mea- ford home, was shot; in the arm by a s-on of the residents. The boy was shooting at blazckbi-rds. I CANADIANANK OF COMMERCE `Interest at the eurrent` rate is alloli/ed"dn Ialldepojsits of $1` and upwards. Careful attentiorfis given to every account` Small accounts 7 are welcomed. Accounts may be opened and operated by mail. Accounts may be opened. in the names of .tvo or more persons,` withdrawals to be made by any one (of them or by the "survivor. ` M Lindsay hotelkeepers have been given until July 1st by the Licensel CAPITAL, $15,000,000 , - REST, 0 $12,500,000 Amxanbnn I 90009090000ooooooooooooo NEW_S_l\_IOTES ` 123-- A 102 102 A j ` SAVINGS BANK ACCOUNTS But one in every household isn t eIwrugh-particu1a.r1y if it :-doesn t happen to be the right person. And, as_a rule, it wasn t the right person --1t was a servant, or 9. child. ,The wso1'nan.eof_ the house .was~ seldom seen; the man -of the house, nevecr. Now, if the piano msakefhad plac.-` edan-ad.inthenews1paper,itwould1 have reached thousands, where the eanvaaeers could reach .J......J.... Aimdi even though only -10 of the readers are actual piano buy- ers, does not mean that the` wd-A _-_4. .... .. _.-.1 `L_ 1.L_. .-LL.._' nn _.... \J UIIJ3 `Eff `NLFU ' LOKCDV vertiszgng read by .t.he'othecr` ........|. .. _..........1I A.:I'_.-..L:.`:..;... 5-1]--. S{L2i``wLat2`d." A"I1vJr";"m "m},L not only to Ignaspepnve buyer, but also to his w.1fe, .g_'rownup A PIANO Ina.nufactu`rer, recently _ made a. house-to-house canvass. He's one of those men with an absurd fear of the Wastescigculaonbugsbsoo This is why: T He wa.sn t reaching the people. His canvassers rang everyvdoor in.` town. They talked to some one -in every house. ` ~ ---cannot get away from the haunting thoughtethat only 10 out of every 100 readers` of a newspaper may be pos- sible buyers of his goods. e So he refused to advertise, and went a-canvassing--inviting people to come to his pianorecitals. Then he Wonder- ed Why they didn t come. BIARRIE BRANCH FROM FAR/AN}: {N it Better Than Ringing Door-bells i7z"oo"hom"",es`T'eva;~y" 'wweek,`H.fl {:15 make it eatahy,. - -..it `will `by four tunes. that .numberJ ofgeoplb. no. obligation o_n~ - _-_.~._. __..L -1 -__.. - ....'..._ ~.|.;.- :5. ....';.....' .....'4.'I..: ~cu-1 . , % V .1-lilac-ll0lI\Il. \I.I. lI\'i\I AU! 1.1 VI`) adv". Iauvu V.-- ` V 11 Lpuuug` luuuvvnq . Nalvwoe` vu- part-- ourr advb, man. talk 11: V. over; *.w11:h' `you,- your The ,Advmme, Ims.a ,% ' who `afo_r_..th4`aim paxp-err,_m1x1f' my . H ` K .` . `I ,,. ,_'_' An mdxvertisemaecnt. itn: Axivanoe." -unnn 1- -_,,__ , __________ _-__1_. ___1A .3; *______ 1_;_ V |___;_ _H.'J`. Manager. Commissidners to erect suitable re 5 escapes. L ' T T. 7 C. A. l\Tetta1erton, the Penetang .l____.._.3_4. L__ __ _.-1 -,.-J __!'l`_`I3.... V \J IrHL\4'U\Il, `I L \a'Il \-flillilb dr1`1 g"g*is`1:.haz`=. pr11.rc11ase~d" 2 building and wi1l,open the second drug store lin Port Mc~Niool. . Orillia. Board of` Trade will i-nvitle. the chief officials gf`the |r~4\~rI\'r\ . .. I U` I\) \a ll L`;-I. \JllL\a L `I-13 `J-L LBJ`? \/ O C.N.O.R. to attend illia. to celebrate the opening of these two roads into the Town.` I the extortion. It has -been the practice at `Lind- say to charge $5 for cab-hire at wed: dings, and the Town Council has. in- | tervenevdj with a by-V1-aw. vforbindding 30000000090009509009000003| A S1 .-a.ynex? s pocpulatiotn is 1025.` Creemore 622, an increase of` two. ` _ tution and 1'-o.c<-ziving a lecture fmml ` Two young Ne.Wm.arket girls were} '.s~11rn'm.oned before P.M. Lloydi ofi that Town for shoplift.i11g' `from a llocal drug store. -011. n1,aking resti- `the Magistrate they were all-owed their liberty. 1 J _ Ore-emore ratepayers are not` 1111-` animous on the: question. of spending $10,000 for a -new ~conti11u_ation school, which the Council has rat.i_-j ed`; A petition is being circxllatedi` I a.-g`a.ins-t_. the project. 1 Ciollin-gwobd. Council 'ha.\\'e justi passed a. by-law alloawing bicyc-lisxta to ride on, the sidewalks from 6 to . . T I 7 .30 21,111., '1-11 order that wor1m1gn1en- may ride to W01`{ at seasons _wh-en the 1'0`a!d9 are ivmpvasses-a.1)1e. , . I I The public are now prohibited` from using Canadian Post Offices as a.dve.rt-ising bureaus. The Post Office de has issued an or-i der to the effect. t.h_a.t no advertise-1 ment or notice of any character will 1 Take the motor truck. It can be sold only to large firms. Yet a motor truck manufacturer is suc- cessfully Advertising in daily paspers. He realizes that he must reach, not alone the managers "of the concetms that require tru-cks, but also their diretors, . their" .forem1an, their `machinists, etc. It is found: in actual practice th-at this "Asd;vertis- img. radiiatesqy in a thousand direc- tions,-. and again` -converges -most as- "t0I_1ishing]-y- .-to inuence V the t_hsat_`-has? made up its -{`itha.t' horsetnmking is-too closely in- , -12..-.44. sons and daughters, . his mother- even his? mother-i11-law. Their coax- ing .will help to convince the head} of the hou.se--and pretty soon there ll be a piano in `that home. ` This and dozens of simhiilar cases which might be cited go to show that ``,waste circulation is an empty bu-gaboo, and should deter no one. `E. "1 f6iS,rM,P.1?;, `has askedthe `Hon. Beck, `Chair- man `of the _: `Hydro-Electric` Power Commission; to grant interview. to representatives of Beaverrton Uxblf-iadge, with a View to having `the :Con_1~m.iss-ion undertake to provide electric `power for water power at Wersde1l s Falls, between W.ash~a.go and Severn Bridge; when it is es- timated that `a thousand-ham power can be procured: . J. N. Marshall of Cfeemore has` been appointed G.T.R. agent at Evetrett. ` I ` The: Midland Argus ssays:-Th:e amount of freight and passenger, traffic on the G.T.R. -has increased rapidly of late and to meet the need" that A is` now, apparent ten new en- gines are being sent to Lindsay by the a.ut_ho'rities from Stmtfond and Allaxmdxale. Three of these engines will be` used` upon this division in connction .with the grain business. They are of the qnogul type and in order to permit of their use `all the, bfidnges between ,here "and Bel-leville V have been strengthened during the ' past few weeks. ' owe .eiher `or_' the buildings . '7 . | Mr, 001]. Me-Arthur, a former `Or- illian, and a native of Oro Town- ship, died suddenly at Winnipeg last week. McArth-ur was in his I fty-fourth year." He went West about ve years ago. He is survived by two sisters, Mrs. Chestney and Mrs; Re-avic, of Mitchell- Square, and two: brothers, Peter, of Winni- Degs and John of Oro. Mr. John McArthur is very ill at present. Miss K. McArth-ur ami Mr. John McArthu.r, of Orillia, are. cousins. [The body will be bmught home for: burial at Knox church cemete-ry,l Qro. The funeral Wil be conduct- led by the Masonic Or er. J railway employcs to establish co- op(~.ra.t.im1 grocery stores at the var- ious G.T.R. termi111a.l poillts, includ- !ing Lindsay, Belleville, Allandale :va11d other poi11ts., says The Lindsay |\Vatch~maa11-NVarde.r; 5 For some time; past the idea has-' been `under c._o1n-i `_ tomrp1a1:io11 and it. expeuctod thatri lthc railway men ' of Lindsay .Wi11 {rive hea.1'ty sup~11ort. to the new sto1'e:,_i should one be esta.b1is-hed; It is p1'o~ | `posed `to have 'co-opprat.io1_1 butcher I |s l10,-'0 and g1"oc-cry store c.on1.bined,' which, W0-111d be pat1'o11ized by 11a-i1-4 :` way families and 0t-hers-. L I. `It is- [understood that a movement. lie o-n foot amongst the'Gra.nd Trunk `, vs o\5 A- ./V ..,__.,...,- I Well. she isn t; so awfully back- .ward' at that. She started in right tav'v,ay to improve `mother s game of `bridge and ShOW the girls how to ,'I-_'-._- ,7 ' I hear yourson, hzasi brught home` ia timid little bride. ` ----- - -q u C l THE.%N<)R RIGHT AT ' HOME`. A Beeton "man g1a.t.hered 692 eggs [from 20 hens during February andl "ll'.._...'|.. *3; cnop m srcn-r HOW TO? ACT AT CEREMONY Much Excitement and Nu- merous Cares in the F am- e ily Circles of Prospect- ive Simcoe County Brides. VALUABLE POINTERS TOWARD coon. wonx [Hints to the Bridegroom` and the Best Man+The Girls, V as a Rule, a're Pretty -Well Posted in Re- gard to Details. [are now in` course of pieparation in Barrie and Simeoe County, and these are busy times; indeed for the embryo _ brides` -and! their people. Bridesmaids, ower gfij-ls, etc., are in the throes, of anxiety regarding apparel and other detail. " In. some cases even the ggrooms are Worrying, and prospective besrt men are look- ing `ujpon. `life, with a solemn eye. }The issuers of m-a.rri-age licenses -and the clergyman. are the only per- sons eomxplaeetntlyl ruzbbing their hands over it all. Simcoe s ` J um` I Quite 9. number of June weddings` wedding crop will be far larger than ever before in the history of the county; in fact, Cupid has been ex- ceptionally busy all ove-r Canada. TIIERE IS MUCH TO LEARN. No` matter how cute We all are, there is always a time Nvhzen some `,one else can tell us a thing or two, {and such a time is; when we have a on our hands, regandless of `how im.port.an-t or unimportant the `part We have to play in it. Every- lbody we have nerve enough to ap- `peal to gives us"a diffenent pnes_c'rip- tion, to say nothing` of all the point- ers we get without asking, ` mm.e.a,`*f'Lhe { 5s a`i`i . `% km" `W .h1?4i"8%aWth!n's else 22 ."_*.+>"'- $312" {if E3{3ge""Th"L'e $"`a.1`wm ' 5 numgl-$13 and he ` C Q Dpgepamd V satdoang .?:xment for M .,m- am: 5' W1 :"-::= trouble-is likely may Ja ` bom;~i1s- mg m do ` H 'gr.'- . V. _.m'3`n at.Aa~nx.Lt2m::,,,=p.Jthe equrme . . I It was with a view to sctrai.g1'hf0en- |ing these things out a bit -that -a (_a:ood-Inaxtured ` -mprese.ntative of a{ Metropolitan daily moved around! among people he tllought ought to` know, the sole object being. a S-aw m.a1'.ita.n s desire to acquire informa- Vtion for the needy. - But `he -found that if there are any standards dyed`- in-the-,woo1 rules covering the whole. businsess, somebody has them hidden Alliston Ododfellows will hold 9, big I `celebration on June 3rd (Kin.g s` birthday) . away- lmosxtof '{ethingsthe'gmom ALI- J... .-.......J. 'I \L_..- _._- -1_...-___ ' Recognized; authorities all have I rules of their own, and they include `many forms` and ceremonies: which Ipreeesde, attend and .fo-How the Wed- 'ding, but they apply `them on the .principle of making the punishment t the crime. Most of their forms and observaznces are not obligatory, and may be modied to accord with taste, soocial position and the at- titude of the contracting parties on the question as to whether the .Wed- ding shall be a big noise or just the ovdimaary quiet but pretty. JJLNU IIKEU JJJKICAII \ IJIIUSU L U| thathehassaomeuhingelsetodobe-_` sides feeling and` uncomfort- lable. Itisuptohimto-look af _-_._4. -1.` 11.- A.`L_`..... L1.-. .___-___- 1., 1! These authorities will tell you that the simplest Wedding may be an exquisite nair, while the most ostentatious one may be a marked example of social ignorance, and lthey treat inquiries as to rules` with `the unsatisfying answer that is all - ~-~ J- --.._.. .._L..L ':1r\tJ n Qtvilxfll; I 'Uu Mlnruy u.u. Ugv vu. uu:u uuvL5- ,,....... all the time. e knows his busi- ness, and will guide you right by pantominse if you -are attentive and not too much? excited. --. W`? `E I -I-IRIU `I-In IJ-`Jib -L\IL `ll-J body to do emepting the ,V but it seems a lot. If the accom- panying directioms are followed as carefully -as the d. ,will permit it will be ne, " bill'U u1m'u.u1o1`yu_n5 u-uavvcl. uuawu nun uau.` depends upon what land of a . '- ding it 18 to be. _ To AI-PEASE _ ANXIETY Anxiety combined with happiiiess, is as hard on the nerves -as the` other kind, `and -it worries the com- mon people as much as it does! others. The few -pointers `obtai-nnedl by] this paper are calculated to re- lieve some of these anxieties. An eiort has been made toget atjthe `procedure for church weddings. It doesn t matter if you do make a break or so at a housewedding, but you .wou-ldi not like to do the swine before strangers. A few rules for guidance in church I weddings accompanies this article. It is prominently brought "out so am no sufferer may miss `it. It might be advisable to rehearse it be fo_regoing'tothechurch..In. any event it be best for all concern- ["'in"t}ize"{:$da7x1Tg ioererm` xmy itself: there is not much for any .1. -..-_..4.2..... LL- .1... N Bin : T C. W. Myers of Atherley has been. appointed Indian Agent for V the; Rama Reserve. ` DEPENDS ON WHAT KIND. THE BEST MAN. , p-vu vv-suyuu Au-aavollwl, it UHMJRC .l'l'lI1C6 as a b"d`9'{Albert frock` coat with waistcoat to` 51 30mm -hm? 1 match, or of white pique or duck, I,n.the white silk or pearl gncy scarf, kid l`lD.8'_ 8.0:` lglrves to. match-andic a high `silk ' This-reia,h0IWeN.B1' nola_w,oom- 9m t.m&v | - .~a--_y-., ;, Itimlzgge trying1;(::(:]Y W1 my Stnped material, 9. b1s.9k_ Pgggge .u...J-. - .--_; _.!A.L _,,_, and" best nqmi go to the Church together. BRIDESMAID, orwyerr girl, etc., go in carriages ahead of that of (ls.-1.111` ..-.u-.11 nvv0n:`- 1-rnu ts-.1vIo:trn1 :1 : -I-vlmn. .n11rn1-n11 1-r4:sc+~\nL-. \JJ4qJ.LU\A .1. ALLA I \/\l.I.L1.\o\; gsnvv 4';-vusu pay I V-4--0 an-saws ;u A:.AuLnA.x,\ALu LX713` {H1 1 ed: by til; bdeglmm and best man. BRmEGRQOM.ssands . toward the [left of the clergyman, 3 1m, `adva'noeT of'_tlie best man, facing the gusests, awaiting the l`n'i `VBRIDESMAIDS then enter. at once and approach by centre ai. i 11 ; Vance of tI1e_1briqse. 'l\1\i-'I\1'I n 11 V .1 1` 1 ABRIDE igoesin a oa.rr1aAgwe.with the relative who is to give ho, .l-JJ.U.L.lJJ.'JI~J.l.l.4l.L.L1..I.l, Llvvvftils 61.1.}, vvvu, -av nun vuu. IA1l.l\/l.Ir\.l IUL Lglub hride "and aw'aitih;er arrival in the <:1uu1:e1`:uv:estibu1e. THIS is about the right way for the bridal procession to elltcrz mm CLERGYMAN aornes first from the Vestry and is imrrne(1iatc-ly _ "rt ._ ml kw` flm hrinmmnm and host man. I H [duties and any fellow upon whom` [the job is likely to be aficted should paste the fo1J:o.wing few pointers. inl his hat. V | on theamm: of her` nearesrt m-ale 1`0121ti\'-_ BRIDESMAID takes her place_ at chancel steps to the left of 1 L__!.J_. __.'11 ._L.__ J SHOULD REMEMBER Tms. At the church he is to stand by his friend, who is taking the seriousl step, awaiting the bride. VVhen the clergyman reaches the part of the lservice where the ring is mentioned, itis the duty of the best man to} hand it over neatly .just at that; moment. This sounds simple I e.no'u.gh, but it is simpler if care has 1...-.. L..1_..-_ A... L__... LL , _'L ____-_ _ _l ` Thousands of young apple trees are being planted in the neighbor-I hood of Th:o:r11nb=ury. T ` `u?b_Jr?dK;a;v`iL1`1st;n..;1:1:v `M "WY "' "WW "W" `A BRIDEGROOM meets the bride and leads her forward to the JJ.l.|IL4J4,J\JI.l.Ir\J'\.I.A.va. .|a..|Iv\.a-IA: ULAKI lJLA\4|\J vino-'\~ pvwuw an\/A. `vs IvsIA\A. I.-U till, 111;-,. (H fore the clergyman. 'BEST,_MAN takes "position at right of V bridegroom a few stC}).~' lxzu-]{_ FATHER `of: bride, or person acting in his stead, stands back and await:-; heimotment when he is to give away the bride, when he :11y;.m,._`.' take-slher right `hand, places it in that of the clergyman, wit. 1,11,, es it in the right hand of the bridegroom. BEST MAN gives ring to the bride groom, who passes it to tho l>ri1-;ml ' "she givee~ it to the cle-rg'y'm:an', who returns it to the l)rid_-;_rm.,m ,0 place on the third: `nger of the bride s left hand. BRIDE S father or other relative may then retire to a front pt-vs, THE CEREMONY over, the newly-married, after sig.,rning the 1-4-l_-;,n.,._ lead the way down the aisle, the bride taking the right arm mt" im- h-usaband. . ' _ ' BEST MAN must not overlook attending to the ministc1".~: fm-. ORGANIST should) play while guests are aS$(?ImbliI1g',.<(>ftl.\'I;n-11,3 responses, and the wedding march after the blessing. -AA-\I\la-LI, nrxnv Au u)ALLu .IA.\/L u-L'\/ J ibeen taken to have the charmedi circle handy. Don t carry itiin a` pocket or you are bound to forget which pocket you put it in and Wiiiil get rattled during the fumble to_ nd it. Better `hold it in the hand} until the time comes to part with; { it. At the close of the service be `ready to hand the husband his hat [at the dhurch door. ; I BUSINESS MAXAGER. The best man is the business` manager of the attraction, as far as the church end of it is concerned. He must attend to the minister s fee. Then it is up to him to see that the arrangements for the young couple s departure are smooth and that their; baggage goes away on the same train that they go on. He is also expected to frown upon signs bear- ing the words Yum Yum, We re Just Married, etc., being fastened] l\` 441.... _.\.... -1? LL- -,.___....._ event is properly announced in the newspapers. These few duties, com- bined with imrpromxptu demands up- on his services, will I prove enough to constitute a busy day even for a young man who `is accustomed to considerable acztivitity. Then he `must cfsecwthntu happyi I. It may be added that there is no! established rule to .prevent a. bene- diet acting as best man, but it is not customary. It is usual for the; groom to provide `his. best man with` funds in advance for the necessary `expenditures. It. s better, too, that Way, for in -many cases the bride- I .....-.._... ._.._...._ L..- -._ _.--_ - _1`L-n ...... evutun/uuuut wuu `mu gnvuug net away, `and desoenads the aisle on the bri-deg'room s right, and during the ordeal it, is doubtlem comforting to be near ome s friends, particularly when the friends are in their most admirirng and sympathetic frame of! 1`h-:11.`-I V uwu 4u.uu._A ;-uu, vuuu, IJ\.z..u;6 `at the rear of the carriage. 1 11-11- need `of some kind counsel for use The above few hints are not pen- ned to scare the` prospective best` man , but 'are submitted in a Chris-l tian spirit was a.- -help to one who is in ` on an extraordsinary occasion. -1 1.` - _ satised to follow the simple in- structions given in the directions] What to Do in Church. The bride: is, its a rule, fairly posted on her` part, and gets along Well after she just gets started; ' ` I BRmE s FRIENDS ON LEFT. There to be _ an imwtbeai law ` that` the .bride s friends should be seafed on the left of the middle aislse, facing the channel, and the Abridegvoonfs friends on the right] This. -choice of (position is reason- able .when you come to lmaimtr nnnnanno L 4.1.. ....:. ;.L,4_' The groom_ himself had best be: av, .vvu\.uL JVJU. - :7 w ugure 11; out,` being occasioned by the iact that- the bride walks on the left side of! the aisle both as she. enters and leav-- es the church. . She walks up the !aisle on the left of the father or 'the gentleman who `is giving her! 0.11101? 1111:]! 11.nn.nnn.-n.J.-. J-`AA .-c-'--1- --- The Midland Wireless 1aind*srt,a.tion! is almost for use. Port; Mc- Niool is/00 be ttedwith _a. station._ l