Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 23 May 1912, p. 5

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-mg~ 1uu.tI1u.u, cuuu. vua-Av -.auv;\., Ivvanvvy ost position was number one, was! 3' mcmed against the fence. Itwas a resat wonder that they were not all knocked down, ' and Jockey AMus- grave ,was none too severely dealt with when the stewards` suspended him from riding for the next two` days _ Amberite, escaping this interfer- ence, went into the lead, -and was first past the stand, the quarter be- ing run in .24 1-5. The others were close up, except Jane `Shore, whose chance, if she had any, was extinge uishedi by` what Musgrave did` in the rst few sctrides. Tropaeolum Went after the leader. Heresy had suer-. ed considerably in the jam, and al- most went `to his knees, but he is a courageous little fellow, and be- gan immediately to overcome the Idisadrvantage. Around the lower turn he worked! up into close attend- ance on Tropaeolum. From `that. point the Dyment pair practically con- the situation. They lay close` to Amberite, amt had -her dloing her beet: until the half-mile pole. reached,_ u that era `of a mile '. . been traversed: was a`sv'1`5ropaeo1mm, was now Heme aw J` ; t Etc press their attentions upon him. ll-IS 31.|l`u.l3- vvuau unw- Istand` this > attack? SARJEA T & KING Holiday: B argains THIS WEEK Gfgat `Silk Bargain `89c There is ad unusual demand for wide silks this season and we are meeting it_by offering Thursday morning [00 yards of 36 Paillette Silk. heavy lustrous dress weight, in Black only, good value atSSI.25.i Not more than 10 yards to a C customer, on sale at . . . . . . . . _ 2 C107,." `Fine all over Embroidery Waists,Vin sizes 32 to 38, regular price$125,for..........V.. 75`. Fine Lawn Waists at 75c !kly.v at SARJEANT & KlNG S I have no excusesg swaid _. Charlie ` Crw. My mareran her race. She had;no luck, and: it was a better `horse that -beat her. . ~. 5'Er}{ni1J;~2,"vQianak.ng. her third appearance `as a Plate winner. She {Was thirdl, in both: `of her previous attempts. Like Havrock, she proves tlmtunlessa;-hmsetwinsasathlee yea:r- o1d?.its chance is vem-y"1-emotae. won at. thevseoond me but 1.131` case :was excep- W;re***e: and I . ' - I I When Heresy made l11S dash the? :Plate Was decided. `The mare st.rug- E gledv gamely, but the little brown5 ihorsle V}V1aS her master. -S1o.wl,v buti isure y e was going by her on the. : In his desperation, J ockey} 1 Iopkins drew his Whip. Amberitcl Ehad never been touched before, and; [1s)1(1)e inched under. the tiwo cuts the! 1 y gave, osing groun instead of! {holding her own. It is characteristic l lof her family that they will not dol l.Well_ under the Whip. Shimonesel {looked like Winning the Plate as :a three-year-old till she swerved un- der the whip in the closing strides. Heresy went on then into a lead which he never Was` in trouble to] retain. Amberite came again in the{ run through the `stretch. but Heresy; `was not to be caught, and `.won' handily "by a couple `of open lengths. I About `the same distance back off Amberite_ was Rustling, strug- gling` hard to retain third? place,` which she did by the narrowes-t. mar- gin f1_'om' Calumny. Tropaeolum and ]Go1d` Bud were the next, and the` `latter was i -a great disappointment. All her `work and` her appearance .Were- such as- to. inspire condence, { but she was never better th-an the? middle of the bunch, and diszblayed none of the brilliancy expected from her. H-avrock, Marybud, Joe Gaiety and1J_a'ne Shore came home in that order, and the Plate of l 1912 was a matter of history. ' _ .. I Thgirizlue "of the to the win- ner was $4,070, with the Guineas and the club s silver cup. I .. ,... ..I I. answer was to oome soon. Around} ithe top. bend `they swept, and onlyi |Amberite and Heresy gured, The` jothers had dropped out of the cons! cention to all appevarances, and, in-! `deed, they never seemed to be dan-1 Egerous. i -`vs --- _ -- '_ _ AF'l'ER1IA'l`H - on` THE PLATE. 75: LIMITED and Straws, trim- Milans, Mohairs Pretty mode}; m med bywou} ex- ready-to-wear and at perts ready for the Holiday trade, all shown in window underpriced as Hats at $3.50 $3.50 About 15 pairs of ne Notting- ham Curtains. 3 and 3% yards long, regular prices {.00 to 3.50, on sale to Clear at 800 yards Narrow Fassimentrie Bandings and Fancy Braid trim- mings, worth up to 75 yd.. 0n_ C sale to clear at per yard. . . . Drss Trimmings 10: Soiled Lace Curtains 1.3 OFF REGULAR PRICE. 1-3 OFF Pursuant to the provisions of the Trustee Act (1 Geo.V Ont. Chapter 26)all persons havin any claim against the estate of William An rew `Parliament. late of the Township of 01-0. Far- mer. who died on the 13th April, 1912. stere- quired on or before theltith day of June, 1912, to send to Strathy&.Esten of Barrie. Solicitors for Daniel Parliament. the Administrator of the deceased. full particulars of their claims and after the said date the said administrator willdistribute the assets of the said deceased among the parties entitled theteto. havi re- -card` nnlv tn` thmln nlnhnn of urhhih Inn -lvm have .___..v --v --uvv-r vs -u-V us-nu iz'6x'z?he hav`i'S'r'$ Kurd on to those claims of which he shall then have notice. ` l Pursurant to the provisions of the Trustee Ac` 1. George V, Dntario 1911) Chapter 26. Section 55. Notice is hereby given that all creditors and gpersons having any claims against the Estatet | of Abraham Craig. of the Village of Craighurst. in the 'l`ownship of Flos. in the County of stim- coe. Division Court Clerk. who died on or about the second day of March. A D.. 1912, are re- quired on or before the 31st day of May. A I). , 1912. to send h post prepaid or otherwise de- litjer to Creswic `e 85 Co , of the Town of Barrie, in the County of Simcoe. solicitors for Thomas Craig Craig. sole administrator. their christian and surnames addresses and descriptions, and the full particulars cf their claims respectively, re erly verified. and of the securities. if any. el by them. and that after the said date the ' said A_dmi'iistrator will proceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased among the parties entitled thereto. baring re ard only to those claims of which they shal then have notice. and that he, the- said Administrator. `will not thenbe liable for the assets or any part thereof, so distribtted to any person of whose claim notice shall nothave been received at the time at such distribution. Dated the 2nd day of May. A.D.. 1912. CRESWICKE &: C0.. of the Town of Bar:-ie.in the County of Sim. coe. Solicitor forthe said Administrator 419.29 - l\J|.L\JAA= uv v-Au AA.AL;.LJ;o ucnkl. Jtl-vu JuAA\.x u to beat Rustling for third nmney. The record of St. Bass, 2.08 4-7, 111013 approached, but the time wan Every good for a cool day, with :1 {high wind blowing, and a track r<;~ 'c-ovearing from, ten hours rain on the previous day. Equality of the tllree-year-01 he icomes higher every year. Except ' Shimonese, no horse over three )1-:11`>.` ,has won the Plate since Dalmoor in 5 1900. I Jockey Bob Small, who 1'o Ilm 'wim1er, is in the employ of Mr. J. _W. Fuller, the Texas owner. Neither {owner noi` trainer was pI`O11 than Small when he had that white l(-;1-l- ging rein attached to Heresy s bridle. * Calumny, the better of pm? Gm`- I l.......... 112-- ____ - the jman llies, was a. s-ufferer in the fjamming, but she was comillg very istrong at the nish, and just. fuilvd ,to i 2.08 19-21 . NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE TO CREDITORS $15.00 Suits at $10.00 This is the nal word in Ladies' Suits a this price. We have only a few left and will let them go dur- ing this week only at these prices : $25.00 Suits for $19.00 $20.00 Suits for $15.00 $15.00 Suits for $10.00 See them at once, as sizes will be more- broken ex -you-n-nan A \~ CUQIAQ-AVI Solicitom for the said Administrator. s'rR A"rnY ac x's'rnN. __ `L44 __.I_I 4 ;_-)_p-A_,-, C`-/'|"`\" day. 5 BBQ OAA e; E6 . _E nan unvnsvuw Illll lllll now99099909900-090909099V Wi-.~.:1\o111 & Co. I` opened their ice on-z1.:11 parlor on Saturday evening. The Y.M.C.A. building is" being painted and 1'e-dvecoratodo throughout. V O O ouble pear- hem. A. .\Ir. McCull0u`h of the Y.M.C.A. staff, fell o his wheel the other day and sufferml a severe cut. over his loft eye. He was off work for sev- em] days in consequence. Master Marcus McNeil suered a painful accident on Monday `When be M! from a sewing maohin and out, his car. Severazl stitches were required to close the. wound. .T;1.<. Forg'uson of Burton `AVe., and family are rcanoving to. Niagara }'u1I.\-. .\'.Y., this week. 'A. C. Young is H-11mvi:1g' from Tifn St. t0'_the lw1:~- .\I1'. Fergusoml has just `meat-- I 1~.11i:1g_- in on Thurs-da.y a;fter1_1oo_11, I}n- In-:n'_v sea. being remarkable. Jim-In .~'11('('0Ssi\'e ,.w.a.ve. seeInejd_ to 2'i.~.<- l1i;..h(`*1`. breaking` Over break- \\';-.1.-1` and splashing over th tracks. 'l`h<- .-\l]:mdz11c. wharf was subme1ged Ly nlnmst every Wave. I .\l;my people watched the I `Z. gooooooooooooobooooqbdooog A fair-sized crowd e " % I (L-1m:u in the Ora11ge.IIar11i]0<))TdTute1: day evening`. Mr. and Mrs. R. Robinson and! f:11ni1,\'. (`111nberla.nud St., `left on Mmulay for Toronto, where Mr. ]{;1i11.~<>11 has taken a p-o~sit.io.n. ~-:\nother big Vpur-chase of Trunks and Suit Cases, which wil1'be sold at <-Ht prices by Carey Cut Rate Show Store. ` - -.\Io11 s Tan Blucheer Bal o-r Tan! Oxford. rriade on the newest last, .mli leather insoles and counters ]'(`."1l]:1I' $52.50 and . $2.75 -a. pair, (`an-_\"s out rate price: $1.99. .- '.l`1:<- first Mus-koka, Express `Went mu un Salt-L_11'(]ay. Th train leaves T at. 10.15 a.m., arrives at _"'"\HzI!1(1:11(* just before 12 VO"C1O-Ck and II-:! Muskoka Wharf at 1.40. l.r;mAl new train. consis-f:ing'. Of bag`- . -1 1 - _ -1--- ....)J ,;\u,n .-, Invisible ;S_u1pendlers,. white only, 2 -or 4 point, 250. and 50('. Sarjeant & King. T '6 `most little it 4; --We have the most ca,rfu.%1ly' sol-:-(-tml stock of Men s and Boys Suits in Barrie. See. them. Savr- jcullf & King`. - ` ' I v HI I I ` I H(' \\' l2l"ClJ 11 g UU'llD1D'U1'115, \J.l. uu-3` ;_-`n_ <-:11`. vestibule coaches, - and p;n'i1'-lnlffct. will be operated`, and 11:<- :'~tm-n <;-onnections- are made by T1-znin No. 64, leaving the. wharf at 11.15 H.111. and a.rriv1ng 1n To-1`0T1"00 uq .;v;.. ......---__.- ;-.n Oran-g`e1ne.11 andr Sons 0 IC1f_'1u11(l will attend B1l'1`t0T1 AVG`- L\I-1Iw1i.-.t, Church next Sunday rm-1'1:in;_". when they will listen 130 3. 1:;.tri.ti- wmxon on B-rita,i11 s True (}!`<`;l11l('.~1$ by the Rev. E; M. Mor- . \:n 4 AL . 1 1`0\\'. ln`t11<.~ evening the `Rev; Between all Stations In Canada Good going May 25rd and 24th Return limit" May 27th - (Minimum chat-tie 28.) Single Fare for R9t1nd__Tt';P| Homeseekers Excursions V Ill Ul.ll080'l1Il(l II- I'll WINNIPEG and RETURN 4 $34.00} EDMONI9`_a_nd RETURN $42.00] -_'.n 1-.. in `A_...'.. _ `Wu tnud(i:&:orI.' sag. . use lb -Ea:::;..';';:..'.:; 355I}3- ' " _ G 1 1 g_ `Q I lhortgst arrgcli` d\1i1crl:uet:l:r1:Il:t`:.)`:at!I;v:eIY`\`\ly1nnlg:5'i . Saskatoon-Egmonton. with smooth. road` - i electric lighted aleepin can and superb dias- mggssgervgce, throu (nth; nelweillg. , u - . Western (anr:?:.` "E913-ou:hc`Ik`: s 9'15` ICC:-vations made by a.l|.G1_-and _ n am no more -than by othec I-on ow in o ration Winnipeg to . . ,rt`uIr AA . .. ,., MAY 23th. was um aixdb-8611`: . "5 <=V"`ry Second Tuesday thereafter until . September 17th . Via. Chxoago -and St. Paul` 5 * ` nfllllllluiunu n ::1uw1nI " An-`Ail Mcll0llAAll BOTHWELL BLOCK cams FURNISHINGSV i<=!=Ifi D??? and DRY Goons` ACROSS THE BAY l:1'n'ro.\* AVE ME'rHoD;sT. up-To-bum stock % LOWEST nzxcas ALLANDALE /If `;1/{,0} U :1 to-j .awu-V--mom` - I many years until 'n1o're equipment wi.11..ha.ve 360. be added tothe. present plant. ' 1 1'1` 1 `iii Big Prot for Year Makes Gencrousi Discount Possible. 1. Galt, May 20.-At the meeting of! the Town Council to-night, Dr. M." s. Dakin, chairman of the Hydro-I Electric committee, made the impor-' tant `announcement that the commit- tee has now seen its-way clear to make an -additional 15 [per cent. dis- count to power and light users, mak- ing a total discount altogether of 25.-per cent. in- the first year S oper- ut"1ot;n.' A net prot of about $8,000 111.u.1.. 4.1..:.'. 0:: mm. nanf. aLlOII.lo J1 uuu pluuu u.L wuvuu ~,.v,v.. is shown. With this 25 per cent discount` o the light users will be} getting power at as low a rate as! any place.` . . V 4 POLICEMAN AND ms wokxg with markd A sucasa. ` Ckxixoigflfufg I ----~, vv vuuv vuvvu M: L116 uuu 01 J une. ' This alnnovumceme-nt came much to the regret of the people of St. _George s where M1 . Murphy has labored for ; thefpayst gight y_ years P113 V vrias Veyducated at Trinity Col-_| leg*e,yD~ubliAn,"and St. Aiden s, Bir-i k.en-head, Eng., and was ordained' by` `Bishop Strachan in. St. J amesy Cathedral, .-To'ronpo`,_ on the 25th of ' March, 1865. Directly - after A this moment`ous. occurrence in his li.fe, he was appointed to the: Parish of In- nisel`, .Whe.re for 39 years, through fat years and lean years, he labored among the _ mngregationsr of St. Peter's mind St. Paul s churches`. Eight y~ea.rs- ago Mr. Murphy was appoiny :- to St; George s, to--succeed Re-v. . .W-estney. T17` va we 1 \'& \.a\.aAA'ua\.|.\/L's&|J'1 no de-a'1ibe- plans. After. illness extending over` eight months; during the last three, weeks of which she was bed-fast, Mrs. 3 George Cummings passeci away on` Monday morning in her 65th year.| Mrs`. Cummings, whose maiden name was Webb, Was. the daughter of the! late John Wbb of Pickering, Scar-I bciro, York `T.p., and .was :born at that village in 1847.. She married Mr. George .'C1mnming's, a. `r.T.R.I engineer, and they have lived here} practically ever since. _ l ` Mrss. Cummings was ' well known for her_ hospitable, kindly nature" and all who knew her will Ieam with re-I gret of her death. T.w0 sons, Robt., a tter on the C.P.R. at Chaplea.u,'. Dnt., and" Thosh. in the U.S., ` and two daughters, Mrs. Clewson (Mary) of Butte, Mont, and Mrs. J. Day- (Paul-inie). of Cochrane, besides thel husband are left to mourn her 1oss.I t any ast for -ir3utes g new gnu; cnuns, FINE PLANT} (Continued from Page 1). . The i11.tro~du-ction of Hydro-Elec- tric Power means that Barrie wi1I.be placed among the list o-f towns which l the best; ' - V . , can supply any large Amanu'facturer ,with a supply of power at a price which will {compare favorably with l Hydro-Electric power will mean that no matter .what advhnces are; imade. in the price. of coal, we will! `have an almost, unlimited source of` power` -at a price which will be con- | binuo-usly edging `down. . ' -11` -1| Hydro-E1e- c.tric power ,.will Y me-an that Barrie will have` an unfailing! source of powerh-`-wiAth an auxiliary` plant, equal to `the best. in the [Conn-I try. available at all times in cases} `of 6,-mergvency. . 3 I _saa.ving; but for several -months wporkl has been scarce and he now spends much of his in a. certain saloon` where the assaoci.a.tioms- are not like] ly to stierr, his moral backbone. A bit of counsel there may go a. long. vWuL5qa' uuurcu OIL -Dunaay evenmg, the Rev. "Cam:-n Murphy -annotmoed to the congregation that he had. ten- dered his resignation" as Rector, to the -Bishop and the Church Wm- dens, to take effect .at the end of _Tn-.v\n 'PL.'.. `-----A W}1L>,1j_1a-sVlV:e:d-wiI1;z-t` he had in mind! for the future, Mr. Murphy` said` he intended 5-to live retired and_ travel conside1-ably, but that he had| .... .].\.`.:.. ...1....... - | . Hydro-Electric Power `will meani lighter" streets for Barrie at no great- er Cost than -at. present._ ' V vi I .... - ..-. . ..- - I jmaw ..:v;uVA,w "ch; .m,I yvi-11-nbe given by the choir at A both lsgnfies, and all ,aL1_~e invited, _ u nu-.vA AtAt1;e';:-1L'>_:s:-E5 of__t Gem-ge s. Church on `the Rv- ' - us as I &IIlInt3l\.ILVO3o he` service in fueal will be held` from the family resideince, Essa St, to - the Union oe-meteAry, to-da._y, at 2.30 plm. way. . At the, other end.` of the beat is a girl, full of spirits, hfocnd'of dancing and fun. She has lately discovered that her father mid mother me back .nu1pbers!_ (1 she. is enjoying her 'o\`m companions. A fin-' ,g_er at her;-is..oftea1h`etnough. ~ `-4-. :v| HUI. I3 ULIQLL \4|l&-\IIAb The copper tells her, half in Jesl; that -hegbags his eyes on her; and the warning is eeative because it is bygbrassa buttons and is time- ly iandf %*1m0wledee~ `due .-.`a.f_1 " sections qf_, vr__I_' _- ..`;.....1..`..g-n I-mnanrna in. HYDRO -EL`EGTR`IC AT" GALTT R'I-zv DEATH OF Mas. `CUMMINGS . (Cbntitmed `from page 3). O.{xNoN_ Munpiiv Rssrcms. [1105- hthe have ethe ofect ` .diifsre11t in- char-acte~r. One was t-hi . ` V V . v I I ' I w l O Q. | The pouhceman _.as we him in} t.he. stree-ts to-d-a.y is a product of -_two 5 bygotne gua.rdiansi _of- the law, very ; secret political agent, of ~the- kind |-used so [freely by Napoleon. That ,was' the g'e.nera~]-j idea. of a. policeman I I 1 in England eig'hty years ago. nzncli nzeople bitterr1.v opmo.--ad the e'st:ab-1ish- }ment of the London force in the her i ']ic-fv that personal 15.`-arty was `in d:an- 1 Lsar. Tho for-1.r :mr=:'iv0rz to this fin New York, where the: pn1 ioe..or-5 [ganization ' is maintxaineri without a lg;-armament he-ad two - profit by <=,xneri- lance and cont.im1e good 1n:t~-fhn:h-3.: T}1e*0 rhm' byg;-oam x~.::J.i(_~?vrna11 w:2:= tho OM Wat!`-hm.a11.. _'.vith hir: raffle :1n7..2 `hi: Al-1 s .w<=11!-hirer1 by parish} `officials to I`ra t1r0`l little 0~m'11~er.' of` the town i n dz-a,v-.: when nv-orv mm 1 ychant komt his mmiey mid -wxl.-.1hi-::;j |in- a. strong box. Now. however. gfhe merchant r=~i1vr1.i: his Inoimv to the bank and the bank kerm it in livaults, ]i2fh re'i_ and visib-I-9' from the `street. all night 1-ocng. V " 1 - . V IQITICK WOR1{.B\ Monmm ]\h;'r11-`ans. I .. - . . . - T "`_I know.you ar_ going to inakei stotrngthing. of yourself, V insisted the l copper, and the lad began to live up to. this good opinion." He liked draw- ing ' ~aznd would bring sketches to show," Keep that up--=it will come 5 `in `handy day, Said the police- ' -,.hi1an.. I I i. Now will it not pay you to get 2 ' !few gallons of lime sulphur and ispray your apple trees? By doing so you will be doubly paid. You will; get paid in the quality` of apples yeti grow, and also save your trees from being destroyed with pests. K....._J.1...... ._.... 1--.] _. 'KT_'..__.-_.- 12..-- | J. L \JVlLL LIX. Libs uxu UL Uly \_-'\,|, V! A | AL lJ\JC Us): ' Another car had of _ Niagara. lime sulphur has arrived in town v With 1500 pounds. of 'arsena'te of lead. for sale" by Barrie Coopenrage `and Evap- orator. 'r.1~rv Vtwrso-urn-u--r-1-vrn head of his _c'.1ass; andthge policeman told a` jeweler. about him and got. him a match at wholesale.` When the lad nished school the ' qaolioeman spoke I of his drawing to a suvperint-e.nduent in a manufacturing jewelry house and he was i given a job. To-day he is the-belszt dmignnerr and engraver in one of the largest concerns -of ` New 1 Yo1 the -pplicemen is a cap- 1 `min. i E j By-'itI'xi `the hey etood at` thiii s1x FARMERS HAVE TESTIFIEDE Eow Heresy Brought e and Gold to Barrie Owners (Continued from Page 1). i * ?.;?.1- 1.i1'3I1. "`r`f$po` `r`, b caf2 | his friend:' adviser. . He helped him`. earn money at odd jabs and tlrgxeodi, him to get all the schooling he could; and when the boy became dis- ! couraged they have a talk. ' In our 1-?a1'rgo.r. cities and t0wn:3= o9nle- ; lulwne. systmqs sprearl infomnatimi; ijust as quickly -and` are bnckezl lay` `tl0I)l1.()1]:( S, in _l10:nc::; A w man looks: out of a window at niglit mi-:l sees three nu-:11" go i-ntio rm amzi acrr:s.: the .=:tm:=f.. Slip fc=l:eplio1m: p.')li(?e l1(.`a.-Cl(]11ai1`i"31`~S and oicors. `are: S9-nt.} Some police sign-al. S,\ Sfi`3'rn_H re.-alil the: ._m`li-0-err on -l3-eat by. ashing; of :2-lectric = iliglits. In a} town. so 0.']1.1lD~`,`(.`(l not: l long` am") 21 patrolmmi saw ' tw-0 slur l .(loWs sliimk toward the railroml Yamls. ! lP1'osently the si~,s.mal` lamp a< land he was. tolrl tlmt a rr1bl3ym'.V ha-`ll l`be(>11 cLom~m_ithe(l -on flu-0 n-tl1~<.v- sirlrg nf [ `the: town`. . Fiv n1i_11u (es lr1ti 1' he; took the robbers OH 21 freig"l1t train"; re:a:(ly to "pull out. n I I 4 { -Six of the industrious farmers} .in our neighborhood have testied] {that as. a result of last year s spray-i ling: with Niagara lime sulphur they had 80 per" cent, No. 1 apples from !' t11e`;iTr orchrds. = T ' A Lnience !judges, the Duke s ag, `the Royal `standard with a white `bar across the top, broke out from the agsta, a bugle sounded, the horses scampered to thebarrier for the rst race, and `the fty-third meet was under .way. OVER 15,000 PEOPLE `PRESENT. V The crowd numbed-ed -Well over fteen thousand, and the tra.ck,_ as was expected , was heavy from the rain of the two previous days. For- tunately -the shower which th.veaten- -1! J.-___._.I`- AL. ....I .1 $1`- .-.-34>...`-......-. lstreet; The boy. `shifted for himself `most of the time, V wearing cast-of {clothes-and_.v on amount of his pdiiemts; but; ' he to at.- `4\*r\.4-II n I\` wv mo"-dity of the noliceran. to-d-a,v.. He _9:at.he.rs. and ; ves it out; ant} the 'meas11re,of his n9ef1'ne<=s i.-;- the: speed. and tlloro-11'vg]1neesn. with which ; l1arpp'e_-ni11,q'su awe: rein-ortr_=.d and a.=.he'1'l _t.h-r0 ug'h. the ov1~ga.11i7,-ation. A thief ; darts - out from :1 demsrt-E-:1 alkavn and ge away. 1e::1.vin.<: this -on.=;t.a.b`le Q only a. 'rm1g'h d<>4=-r.-1~int.in-21: -but before morninghhe is likely to be in :1 sm- |ti0n ho-use, became,-9 `(lam d-'n.= !r-an be t -`all over the Tqwn [in a. few milnxtos. Infor'ma.tirm' is the st-mnlo. com.-i I i Jomce Cor. sophggjgnd Mafple `Ave., 1 Phone 361. 20-tf.` pup inI7t1-almng. IIILLIGLIZJJ uuv uusvwcu .vv:..u\ua usuxanwx; ed towards the end of the aftennoon held. o until the program of events was completed. .. ' - His Majesty s_ guineaa went to a deserving winner. Heresy headed the stringon thdmerit of his own performance. The King s Plate was run to form, the homes pretty well as `they. showed ' ' It `was a triumph for the Brookdale `stable, "and Mr. I I I J. W. GOSSLING, THE N()RT I?I%ERN% `Ab\?A1\*cEi I-Iow` HERESY Won THE PLATE. i Of the dozen horses on the Cardl` for the King s Plate, Co-1. Hendrie' gwithdrew Le d Or, and Mr. Hamil-I itoln sitrclg outhPorcupri1I`1:*, neither _of ? ;\\f' ic a Ia c anoe. ` inspection` jin the paddock, and the parade to: the post, were` {cry inte_1`iestiir1L1g`,1;`an<%; ,1t was a genera: 1mpress1on a no I {in many years had so ?ne a lot of horses` contended for the Guinea/st; Starter Dade had trouble .With some} of the fractious. at the post, and` ieresy dislodged his rider, an omeni lcif good luck With many raceg`oers., _-._-_1 _L_..J. .__--, __-_, J 'LA_L L'L_` E I ! \J.L. buvu. mu. .,.....,, LIA'\4\/\l\/Ah-VI. A good start was soon had, but the: aspect of affairs Was quicklyohang-1 ed when. the horses had crossed the; gap at the top of tY1efst1Wetch. Here} TT___._- -`l_ ______,__,`I __2_.1_A. _ _ _ . ._ .E_..._... I ,.,..,, ..., vxxu my -.. vA4.\,. ....wu,.. --.,..v. I-[avrock swerved right across from! the outside and piled into the others, : Only. Amberite escaped trouble, as "she was on the extreme outside, be- yond .Ha.vrock. The horses were lumped against each other like ' inepins, and ane Shore, A .WhO,Sl _ .....L __..._2J.I;.__ .......... --_--_...L.... A...` v-wo4\rI in_an_v V Natt y

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