Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 23 May 1912, p. 4

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ESSA GOUNCIL. `rHE %1\%I( )R% l`%I-IERN ADVANCE J." CoV.\'\v0m`1I, Clerk`. ` \ '0RlLI.lA EXPECTS i BIG CROWD 0N i 1 GLORIOUS 121111 The biggest orange celebration} that has `ever taken place in this} idist.ricLwil1 be held at Orillia 0115 Friday, July 12th, says The Orillia News-Letter. The 10Ac~:11hOrang~e-rne-11 I are `working energetically and en-* thus~i-astically hto make this the greatest celebration ever held north of -Tonronto and is expected that in the` neighborhood of 20,000 or-ange=_ `men `will be here. for the 1)arade. on 00 nno{ooC'o`t,. -'6. | ' Gnravenhu1"st, which intended hold- `ing a celebration have decided to |`post.pone it for another year and will !go ,to Oxfillia. i I % Ll-IMVV TJICWI 0 0 0 Horse hides, beat grade... O`OOOIQO.I0O I . i Special t.1"'-ai11s'will be run to Or-l illia on the C.m1a`di-an .\ orthc-rn from` Peerlasv on the south and Parry` Sound on` the north and iII11.`1'V11-: ring` points. . On lthc G.T.R. from Tot.tenham, and ~in"cerve-nirxlg points, l2T1'C`-l1l.(l'lI'lg` Barrie, on the `south, and from Gravenhurst on the north. Al- so from Midlaald and sout.her11po_ints on t=l1e.l\Iid.l_an-cl brasncll- On the C.. TP.R. excursions will come from as! far south as .BoIlto-n. - The largest` I crowd tha t. ever visited Orillia. is ex- ` pected on the 12th. 3 MVINESIN-G. j May' 20. -- Anni-vemary services will be held in the Presbyterian. Church on Sunday, May 26th, at 3 pan. and at 7 pan... Everylgody wel- - . | I To feed this arm-y of people wils1| be a, big task a11d-t.ho local hdtelsgi r.esttau.rantr~:i and -private boarding! 110.115-9:: will have their hands full! a1]d.1 h( uZ1. sxomee. Oril1ia s big skat- .i.n,g rink is to be turned- i.11to'ajdin ing room `for, the day and other means will be taken to feed the mul- Ititude. ` ` I I Prominne11t speakers will be here to address the gathering. T . 4 .a.vov-ouv, ..-avg an- ..v.. Quotations o n '1`uesnay_ weuze-` 71.--. x__;_1..1 `Q 1 Ag 41 nus umasr MARKETS .0 IL I'M ' '0 'I'rI'c 0'0`-`Q u I DEVLIN & MURCHISON Uavuw an uvuv _ Iv wow- 'bushei".. ...'7 1 05 goose, bushel - 95 3.3 fl. ronomo Toronto; May 21,191 g ,, -, _/, -L-----__ 4___ . Barrie, May 22; 1912. 95 1g WLi2V1st,mweeu1< sV' cold wav was` most decidedly a -chilly one. Fancy snow. at this date in May. _ V - ` `25o 355 so. $1 0 55 -.v vv 15 12 O0 8 15 AA,` 5% 1 i3 10 -- NEW suns ms nu; vouuc MEN & BOYS lt se well worth a trip to our `store to see .the array of New .Suit's, However particular you are you will appreciate trying them ion, They are .`thoroughbreds'. Exceptionally smart with 103 of gt-.t`ia"nd go" to the different styles. Suits that you will like because they are right. in ev'ery`particular--the clothes, style, fit and tailorint; 1\'diffe_1fent sort and better. A_Sing1e Breas,td Stiit cut from a pure Eumglis Worsted, :5 button - I _I pattern is a medium shade of brown. Coat lined with Mohair ii: 1 }\,m`. 'I`rq11sers'nislxe(1 with beltloops and side straps. '~ "M Handsoine. pure wool cotch Tweeds and En 1i.s'}' W - . ' - . - g ` 0t(`] H! Hz;u'\' _ I shades of brown. Some are neat stnpes and some are (.}`e'.i(\ \- I ` ~ - - at :v three button model. Coa.t`aud_pants nishedsame as above. 'Here's where. we. can give 3'0 800d \'H1ur.- fur v.-. I 1 I money. Havxnsz-_]nst purchased from a I1:zLI1l12';1...,,': W` lot of odd lines that usually so]! from $12.00 to $15.00. Amongst them \\ 311 M '.7`,`f:_`5 the very latestshades and styles. _ -%-BOYS-u . May 20.--:I'1:-at of T-or<.mtQo is visiting` at his home here. www n -I` 513.50 mm $7.0 Q;...... on +n 29 rmlv; TTICC ance. Sizes 5 SLIGHTLY SOILED LACE CURTAINS ;`::' AT GREATLY REDUCED mess .Straw, per ton [Dressed Hogs .. But-ter, Dairy . Eggs,` per dozen. . Ch`io.ker'1,'.pound .. ` . I - spring .. !Turkeys .. L. . . . . .. Apples, barrel . . lPotatoes, bag 1` Cabbage, doz. . . . -. - !Beef, hind quarter forequarter , choice, carcase medium .. {Mutton, pri-me . . Veal, prime . . . . . . Spring Lamb . 5;Hay, timbthy (6 ' ..........,J {Export cattle, choice . 7 60 A800` HOW about. screening off the porch? It will be the most popular place in the neighborhood. Come `in and see how little it -really will cost. . ` .OUR stock of screens and screening permits you to ht any door or window. We handle the best quality which will last for years. 9` This:means that you can put them up in a few mim1tc>` next season," thus saving you the time and trouble of fitting new ones as we!l asthe cost of buying them. " ".'i\Zii;;es Ada and Pomilla White. and Mr. I`Ina.rry Smith of Barrie` `called! on Mrs. Jas._ vWhi oe on Sun- day. 1 1'7 -r\11 REMEMBER` the times we had to smoke the mos- quitoes away of an evening ? And to brush the flies or simply endure them ? How times have changed ! `Now we know that these insects were the meansfof spreading dangerous diseases, and protect our homes andfamilies by screening them out. " IT pay both from the standpoint of comfort and convcnicHCC 01 `health. ' ` LIVE STOCK MARKETS. Al Bcysl Navy Blue Wool Serge Suit, 2-`A;-i:,-.3 .1`,-,,;. ' breasted coat and bloomer pants. Very natty in u;,;...;,, s 26 to 32 only.- These Smts are really worth $8.50 and $9.00. 5. .. vL'1;,~.,H RRlE_._ ON T. ~ Hotel. 4 . 185 50 .1250 . 850 ..11OO 950 .: 1000 .1100 .1700 500 29 O0 '19 00 19 00 12 50 28 25 23 50 9 23 4 50 2 O0 60 14 50 9 50 12 50 10 50 12 00 12 50 19 00 10 00 Butcher cattle, choice medium . . . .. . common . . .. . Butcher cows, choice 1. 1 1 ' \/I.~a-.-\.p u Bulls .. Feeding Sbee L` L__`I1A Mfiiixig $3 $152 "vE?{th `B7 c1Ib1"1 at the c-zarpe:Vnte.r work. - . 1\ I A. \.\/\.|AAA xzvwvgg bulls . . Stockers, choice light Milkers, choice .. Springers .'. .. Sheep, ewes .. Lambs, yearlings. . Bucks and Culls .. . HQg~s, fed and u'at;3md f-L 4.1. \A.I Ganners . . -v\ 11 A415. .oA.\.- vvsnvwnx J\-/\l V. f.0.b. .. Spring Lambs, each Calves .. .. ; to medium .. ;T~HURSDAY, MAY A few only, gain; None but finv on.- C0111. . u -10 nu ~10 Hspnt Sunday at Rugby visiting her -aunt. '7\nu ru.. 3`! my UH (Hi 1) Ml UH (N M) 1 :1 u (N! (M am can 00 (DH Mia; llaiud V `((1711/ouzghley spent ; Sun- day in G renfe1.' n n` . ,1 u (n COLWELL. May 21.--Mrs. Fred oa1-very of To'roa1to spent the week-end with her father, Mr. Wm. Tiin. n ('1 Miss Kirk -of Toronto _Was the -' guest of Mrs. Rowe on Tuesday. vvv L lgr. Wct of Angus was a rent visltor here. , 1 9. 1 u . Pu . oobo'oAo66oo%:3u: uuu 311:5 .'uuuI;L'uL \Jl1JL4ALu;Ju 1J&\.~JL\.| ed at the organ. When the strains of Lohengrin :s Wedding` March he- gai-1._ to peal forth the groom took his" Lace under the arch. A few minutes bier, the bride" entered with. her fatheini She looked` lovely in her wedding gown of white, trinnned with lace and insertion. AI-Ier tulle Veil was fastened with lilies of the Valley and she carried a large sheaf of white roses. After the ceremony -,was duly performed and the usual congratul-atione concluded-, about seventy guests repairrxl to-`the din- ing room, where a. sumptuous wed- ` ding dinner was; in waiting. to which the guests did-T ample justice. Dur- ing this _p1easa'nt part of the celebra- tion several toasts were proposed and Miss Lulu Reynolds spnt Satur- day at her home in Barri . 1 141' F!` W311?" 13."A'f7"d;u`1};{ };.1a;i% Mrs. T. _Gau1~ey spent Sunday in- Ivy. 1` , I Mr. Thosu Parr has moved his fa- mily to Shanty "Bay. 1 ` 1 Mr; J. Johnson made 1` business trip to I\ e.wnma.rket o11TTuesd'a%y. 1 1r 1'! F!` ,l' 'TT_~ ` --.u, -- _ Mr. and Mrs. F. Travers of "Ves- pra were guests of friends on the ath line 011' Sunda.y. * EDENVALE. _ M-ay :21.-Rivc1'view Fa1'111, the home of Mr. and .M1'.s Alex. Gil- christ, Edceiivalc, was the scene of a very. pretty .vedding on Wedniesd-ay May 15th, when their eldest daugh- ter, Annie M5 was united in mar- riage to Mr Frank Wright Living- ston. There was apretty arch erect- 'I ' A,` , ,_ .1 ,__ L..L:-- ,1 ..-1-:nL .L!,\...m.n Bl/U11. LJJCJC wua u1JL\.uuJ usu;a \a&\.r\4v ed in the parlor behind which owers were tastefully mranged. Pr01n~pt1y at six o clock Rev. A. G. Shepllerd took his position i11'fro1'1t `of `the arch a1`1d 'l\1i`ss M il1ice.nt 'i1C`1'lI`iSt pre.id- `___ 4.1.... _4...,...-,. H. Baldwin` has gone to ' _ `IN ,,.`L -11 voooooooooo90000990: LEEROJY. W cokknsrounmcn `Alli Meats cut %wKitl%1ff,.u my A TRY ~ H. C. Channen Cooked Ham ;New `England Roll Bologna" _ - B`reakfas Bacon L `Bor;1eSs'Back= Bacon :Bo`neless. `When You Want DALT_oN. resnondedoto .with 81101 `and`p:pith`y Tiby the? `following I gentlemen: Messrs, Alex. MNabb,e G. Culham and ` Rev. Mr. Shqfaherd. A telegram uoonve-Vine best" wishes was received -from `the gro0m s bro- there and: si,s.ter`i`n Vancouver. ` Cost- ly gifts ~_were` received, testifying to the popularity of -the young people, among them being a cheque from the brid_e s _father, ` . Among the -guests from 9 . distance were: Mr. and Mrs. Boadway, Miss G. Cu1h?am` of Toronto; Miss ri.1c`hrist of Tara; Mr. and Mrs. T.J; ` -n1_v..___1_`. ,1r_'-`_ 1l~'-.T..-...1 ` Graham, % Elinvale klkl-IUUIIBI; U`1 .L!uu1.,. ;_;u.:.1k ash; Ba`-rrie; and Mrs. Be`la1amy,?~M.~rs.. S_1_rnt_h and Mr. and Mrs. Bellwood` May the";Vqr<`1er bf the evening` now. They 3 are. being caught in large qu-ant-iticis. 3 ` In `I. '1-u-u! r.J Lao C van `dang s.- of Stayner. % Mh-yV ::Msc;I{:ei1izie` has gone I to her home in Detroit, after spend:-` ' ing some time with `her father,_ Mr. 1'\ 11-1" --.. ( | Miss Jennie Bell of F-los return-A ed to her home 1ast..week, after visitr 4 ing friends here. i ' 5 Miss A. Matthews of Bethel is visiting "her cousin, 'Miss B. Wig- Mrs. F . A."Rio1L`;1'diso11 left for "her home in the West on Monday. Mr. H. A. Cwrson of -Sudvbury is 1s1pendi_ng a few days -at his! home ere. ` "rs of` Bethel was guest of her .sistea', Mrs.` Watson, last week. -\ . May` 2~O.-Born-T;) - and Mrs. i H- A. Carson on May 18th, a daugh- Gnu. ' Mrs. Dian Day -of "Burk s Fzills. `is I spending a few days with her sis- ter, Mrs. John Scott. ~ Mr. J. Hussey of Sault Ste. Marie spent a couple of -days last week] with his uncle, Mr. J as, Mc:La.u?gh-"1 I lin._ ""1a:i;{i5%oner of Cashmwn visited} Miss L. _][cMurmy, moelltly. g 1. a.u.a.\.u 1.1 1. `UL .u.I.;.u\':uD11L5 auuuut, W 111 |i.reach in the Methodist Church. here '01; Sunday, May 261311, at 7 pm. T1}; 'i'ro1ii' ia " Liam: Bib1e__ Class` of" Stroud will conduct the ser- vice in the Me chodisrt Church next .' Sunday `m-owing. They also furnish music. ter... .su.s n can .LJ\4\.A wsuwxa-U . JJc1..lo, .l. 1lILJn, principal of Minesing school, will .........`,J. :.x 41... 'u'...u.....3:-L nn.___._1_ 1.__- 1 4 May 20.---The funeral of the late W-alter Watkins took place from his. residence to St. J oh-n se Church and cemetery on Tuesctay afternoon, _ and was largely attended. Mr. Watkins was born in Gloucestshire, E11~g'., some 57 years ago, -and served on the police force in Wales before ooming to Can_ada. About 30 years ago he married` "Miss , Sarah Johnston, daughter of Mr. John: Johnston, and f-mm: this -union were born three sons and one da.ug'h`ter. They are: `Henry, George and `Ernest, and` Miss C-lama, all of Whom are at home. He also Leaves two hmthers, one in -England a.nd one in .Australia., and one sis- ter, Mrs. D. Williannss of Toronto. Mr. Watkins: was the! type of man who make good citizens, was 9. kind neighbor. and will` be greatly missed" by all those who had: the pleasure of his aequ.ain.ta.noe. He was an Ang- lican and` a Conservative-. The funeral` service was conducted -by the 'n_ 1: `n .'r,, 9 1.1, _11-1,.__. I I I May 20.-l-Special service in con-. nection with the Epworth League of the Methodist Church wil-1 be held next Sabbath both, morning _an:d evening. The Rev. Wm. Ohantler of Brampton .will be the preachem Thornton baseball team defeated Stroud at the .1-atter place last Sat-3 u rd':ay., The game was the first schedule of S. Simnoe League, and the score was seven to three.` \"N-l uLlIlI ~Cl Ulla IIIUYUIQCII ' Jim; .mI`}}` cialled but fgw were . .w1_:1l be _~-.__`I' 4 _-__;-'_'_u-_ on AL- Mm Moir of Cookstown visited her daughter, Mrs." Wm. CopeZland,l here L recently. Mr. and Mm. Harry Slight of Cookst-own also visited Mr. and Mrs. Copeland last, Sabbath. i Mrs. Wm. Wilson and child `of Webbwood is visiting her 'pa.rents,_ Mu-. a_nd.Mrs. Jame; Bproule hem. Iv cantgllyou, Isl:-. Editor, `that ._the` old: Biblical injunction -Many ..`lI-.'l. L-.L 1.... _...... .`I..._.. _..I'I- L- Ut1:;wverd".dc't`3 r'1' .,";;.,.....," ta;:. wazanar Conservative Convention,` which` is to~be held. inhookstovwn on the 81st inst. V _r. .0nswicke e `idea that _no d ate_'ahouJd`go Graham of Collning-`I wood L occupied the pulpit in the Presbyterian Church last .'Sunda.y.3 ` `II Rev. E. R. `James-. and the pal1 -bear- ers .we.re: Thos. Craig, Thos-. Hill, Jae. C-aston, Milbon,Eme.ry, AI Jury, and G. C`. Casaton. -The oral o er- ingsu consisted! of a crescent fmm the ' family and several, others from friends. The sympathy of this nei~g'h.borho0d is extended to` the be- reaved family. _ -om ` ' -\ n . n Mr. and Mrs. W. Hook of Barrie,| who have been visiting friends here for the past two weeks, returned home. on Tuesday` Iasnt. __.Ll Mr. and Ross Ardill have re- tumed to our village, after spending a ew months in Avllandzale. I `on Satu1`da.y.M _` T The many frinds of. Mr. Walter` Watson of Dalston regret hearing of his sudden death from heart f~ai=1ure A. - - 1n III v...--vu -v~----- -~---- --~ ' Mr. Fred: Tilley, mndr. shf; e1d7<')`f Vjctoria; Harbor were home I hereby A take this opportunity ofl thanking t.he;peop1e` of Craighumst and vicinity for `the many acts of kindness` shown by them. during? our recent trouble.---'Henr_v Watkins. ' 15 v7i1kinsn, Roadmaster `of the C.P.R., was in this village Ias -.. 4-1.. I over Sunday. -SUNNTIDATLE CORNERS. AN TEN CRAIGH_URS_'1`. Cmn or THANKS. Kixxg T has` ' vhbime after `spending 9;; few `days :in Toronto and ` Markham. . - T_HoR1IIoN, Ems: wen Wofla _.-___.. -__. .1. In. `L.L`._.'.. -4.1... '-.`...'......L.2...... --vs-9-3' '- -"V it `beh6ve's `the "convention tosele_ctA a: man .Who` can ll" the shoes; of `the former` esteemed re- gpresentative, the Hon. Mr. Justice 'Lenno'x. Thebest mm in the riding, . irrespective of his -ca11in`g,`i's what! is heeded`. _ N Mrs. McM-aster Cof the g\nd_of`In.11i_-}`vifs`ited M..1-yam! Mrs. l-l_lL'\.l. VJ` .LLI.L.|J.\7A.L:. vuuavs. Boake last S_a,bl_x3th. The Rev. G. Norris Gray preached a very. `practical temperance sermon last Saab-bath evening in` the Meth od.ist~ .Ch1m\ch.. His te-1;:t`was taken 4v_;;-_._"n___-`__L_ .._.-::-`-L....a. ......J' A... , b 1.11:5 _I.u'2u was vuncxg from .Pro'yerbs,,xxiii` chapt., and the 29th, 30th, 31st and 32nd verses. I fiss Vciith Tzalaksuockj has re- ;turned from: visiting friends in lDa1s.ton.` * _ . .011. motion Low-rie and Dundasus That Report No. 1 {Standing Com- mittee on "Roads and B-ridigves recom- mensding -praymsent of ' the following, bills as read, be -adopted and the! Treasurer authorized to pay the! .~.n-u... I\ . 1 'i\E$f%Graoe Wil-loghby of Utopia called "on `Mrs. S. R. Brown on Sat- ;u;wday last. ; -rvc II " 9 The W. A. of St. Petefs Church, Minesing, met at the home of Mrs. John Graves on 'Wednesday,- May 15. After a report of the annual meeting recently `held in Toronto, given by the delegate (Mrs. Tracy) of this branch, the members enjoy-. ed a, dainty tea. I - Mrs. `Torrance. and her sister, Miss] MoGa.r1ing are visiting Mrs. R. A. .ThpmgpsonV and other friends in` To- Ironto. ' ' - Chas. Hyde, removing 10th V side road bridge $65.00; I.` F. Lennox, building culvert and lling `wash- lout on 9th Con., $9.40-; `Jae. M. `Spars, per. culvert on 10th Con., $4.50; W. J. McLean, 272 ft. cedar. at'6.c. per 3%., $16.32; John. Mason, rep. shery * hill, $33.00; Howard Willoughby, removing `drift-wood, and bridge on` 5th Con. $38.60; Wal-` lace Carruthersi, repairs on 25 s. 1'. $11.20; J as. A. Pew, lling wash-out on 5th Con. and 30th s.r. $17.24; Dan Shaw, rep. shery b-ridge $21.00 ;` Mason, rep. bridge and lling, washout on 6th Con., $9.20; Mr.` |De:n.pster,'l1ing wash-out on. 8th Con. $1.00; David 'McGa1m, lling `wash-out on 25th s.r. $4.00; . T1106. Wilson, rep.-bridge mid, lling wash- |out.on.-10t'li7Gon. $2.00; T.A. Arnold, lling` Wash-out. on 9th Con. $2.50; Mr. Ad-a.ms,_ re-building raee `bridge at shery $65.75; H. A. Morris, ll-I irrg wash-out and reapai-ring hill on` 10th s.r. $10.00; S. Gwgrdon, liiigi wa'sh~'out on 5th Con. 1.85; eo. Weston, Wwogk in 2nd` line blridge $12.15; . 1. ppuegate, wor on 2nd line bridge $54.10.; W. Scott,! rep. culvert on. 2nd Con`. $2.00; V<.-r-} non Fletcher, rep. Wash-out on 11th` Con. $3.00, J 1 run` ' . .1 (`~11 Iuruuy xugvu. ` Mr. James HindIe' is very ill; at "time of writing. .- - -. ._ ...... 1 ~7 Norm-aI`1 Coxworth of Ivy` visite- his cousin, ` Mr. Cl;are`nce Mc- . Quay -of the Union Bank here, gently. _ ` ` 4. Vvv u.. .LLA\n..u.u\I.u. uu..L Iv'\.;I~I.11C\.lKl--J Bray 15th,. with -all `the member; present. - The Reeve .in the chair. Minutes of last meeting read and -.-_.c.__-.-_1 ' T I The Cduncil nz1:e_t by Ondv-er` of the Reeve in Thornton on Wednesday, WM --- 1:4. ....:n. ._11 `LL- _._-___1_____ .,.,,......, mu. ... ....._... VIN!) yyvvynv UL the section gave expression "to their satisfaction with me as -teacher. [I wish, also, to thank those .who, in this way, were willing. to help me to bring the` matter to a successful xconaclusion, otherwise my renutation might have suered`, as Shakespeare says: ~ ' = ' - : . I Goodznameimmanand woman,_ I` Is the \immedia.teeT jewel Of their - ..;'I.. I Then, in the second place, I would like to modsestl-y state V that I have tried, at all times, to. do my work to the besatof my `ability, and I have good} reason to know that my servic-' (es ,ha-ve been ~a.ppreciated_ as is shown by the -petition which was: so largely signed; And` in twhich tlye people of EL- -....-L:..... ..-._- A....._......-..._ 2.- .n_-:..` In the ' rst -place, I was much [pleased with the agtion of the trus- tees and` ratepayers who stood by me and aided me `in making clear the triing nature _of the whole af- fair. I wish to extend to them my heartiest thanks" for their kindness and sympathy. It _must be a cause .of great"saa.ti`sfaction "to the people of Utopia to know that their teach- er has been cleared of the charge of assault and- that he is not` one who has "been, nor 'Wp1J.1dl be, -guilty of I such an offence; I L0.W-rie-_-Ba11ting--Thab the Clerk t1'ansact {be business boetwen VV. J. Thompson and the Township of Essa} -re -the gTa.ve1 pit on 20th side; an '\T `IT I`! I Miss Lavina Williams of Brace? ; bridge is visiting "at Andrew , Os- % borne s. : Utopia Teacher Pleased That He! Was Able to Sustain His` Repu- | l tation-Had Support of the i Trusteesiand Ratepayers. I Dear. -Sir,--In your issue of May 15th you gave an a'co0unt. of the ap- pea1.cas'e which I entered at_ New (Lowell. Will you `kind-1y_"give me space to make. a public statement re- garding it? ` ' ~ -ldt J \J DIAL` B LI 1 road,_ Lot 20, pg 110v 9 .Tl;e. Coun-c i1 adjourned: to meet at the ca-11 of the %ve. ...__l F To The Editor. APPRECIATES KINDNESS .wZho ilches from me -my ..__.I' _.-_._ _ s 12obs'T.'L7~o: that whih not mien- ..'_ .I.`:..`_. . UlII W1_1o_.ehe"a.1s my pursg steals trcash; Bell w home on. Saturdayl and Sunday. . ~ `

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