Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 16 May 1912, p. 6

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ally, `acts directly `on the and surfaces `of Segyd-I-_for testimonials free. ,4. ` ' -.:!:Lau's;Uata~rrn Uure is taken in-' ! % V-lass IV.-i:II`z1i1"14-y'i-1:vji;1`g,; '91, Ber-I lth-a Miller` 84. ` T Class I.I.--Dalton Ferrier 88,` AuVd-l S.S. NO. 17, INNISFIL. i- .-'-.-.\- \AlL\/\l .tions, and again om:erges most as- tonishingly to inuence the house .th_a,t"hvas made up its mind that -horse-tmcking is too closely and in- _ ..-,.... W uv_wu5c umus. 165 8. motor trugk nmnufmtura; is " suc- oesscxllyw f dvert, ising in '15 papers. that he must reach, not alone the managers of the concerns that _requi:re trucks, but also their `directors, their foreman, their head -machinists, etc. It ,is found: `in actual practice that this Advertis- ing n31diI:13.J`tes _in ,9. thousand direc- flfl an This and dozens of ' similam cases which` might be cited go to show that ``.waste circulation isan empty bugaboo, and should deter no one. sons .and' daughters, his mother-- even his mother-in-law. Their coax- ing will help to convince the head: of the. housae-and pretty soon there ll be a piano in that home. V ' % Bradford} High schoom has organ-' ta; tennis club. . : George 0. Somers-, general 1"n-i_-jut agent of the Chicago Great \\'-. Railroad, will soon sever his (u>1111<- tion with that com-pa.ny to mku charge of .9. bond corporation at Tn- ronto. I-Ie wil-1 be associatcd with his brother, G. T; Somers. Bath are former Barrie men, the ' suxis of Mr. and Mrs. George Sonm-.<, Collier St. ry Langfeldt 53, Frank Fell 41. I Class Sr. _I.-AJex Irving 7?. { Class Jr. I.--Alan Langfvlxlt 4|, *Cecil Fell 40, Irene Pratt 23!). l Primer-Muriel Langfeldt. MOVING TO TORONTO. my 16, SI.\IPs<>\. s, 1912/ Owen Sound has a serious out- break of 1_xLea:s1es,_ Four ` children died -within `a .week. Meaford will have a local dptionl campaign next. January and 'te_m.-` perance forces are now organizing. 4. A Pemrborough youth ned` last Week for masquerading in - fve-l male a.t.t.ire. - j I V The Mindlansd Bttsixxess College has closed -down and Principal Mc- Lellan. has gone West.` W. J. Eby, ta.i-lor and gents fur-- nizslx-m',` of -Beeton, is selling out, and` Bee;o11 will be without a tailor. AA .G~.T.R. freight and a, shunting engine c~o11ided at Guelph on Fri- day night and} Engineer William: 9011 of Toronto was badly hurt. I M at-thew Archer, a Bradford high! school pupil, While pl-ayir;-g .With` compm1;ion.s, was pushe.d off .a ter- race and hand his collar bone broken. Fish were never more plentiful on the Nothawaosaga River, Suckers, A mu;-1]e.t and slmad by the bagful are being daily taken out at every sh- ery along the river. A T i I O I QHug13 J. Tobin, G.T.R. .station agent -at Everett, died on Tuesday of last week. ' - _ Wm. Willm-shaver who `has been axt -I tending Barrie Business College, /has acoevpteevd a position -as chief account- ant in the ofce of the manager of Bell Telephone at Penetang. . g mom V-FAR AND NEAR % `A Ive-Gently-an'rivedi `at Montreal has l epr s-y. T A E-lmval` will hold a. Twelfth of July dprnonstrwtiouu . V 0 O O O . A FROM .-FAR AND NEAR 2 The windmill and building in` Sheppavrd s mill yard-, Goldwater, which has been leaning like the Tower of Pisa for some time, has L...,... L..I-..... ..J........ I ' 3OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCOOOO A QIIHIQIAH `van---nan CAPITAL. - $10,000,000 REST, -0 $0,000,000 `THE SAVINGS `BANK DEPARTIVIENT L "Notary Public. wk <>vr,e,ie.t-ken in- ____1 --A... .'l__ ' A;Tv:w. GLEA'SON-,T ` Jun-vw Va. \I'1uU, \Jl.lIJ UL LUIQMJ, Lucas Cotuntay. .`Fna:nk J. Cheney makm oath that` he is senior partner of the rm of F. J. Cheney & Co., doing bubinms in the City of Toledo. County State aforesaid, and that said rm wwill pay the sum.` _of ONE HUN- DRED DOLLARS for each and every case of Catanrh that camnotbe by -the use of `Hall's Catarrh }$.l ,are.. D .FRANK J. CHENEY . f.-isworn to before me and 7 of The Canadian Bankiofl Commerce will receive. depo`sitslof.$r and.` upwards, onwhich interest is allowed at current rates-` There is. no delay in withdrawing the whole or any portion of the deposit. Small deposits are welcomed. ` . A234 i Accounts may be opened in the names of two ortmore persons, to be operated by any one of the number or by the survivor. A joint account of this kind saves expense in establishing the ownership of the money after death, and is especially` useful when a man `desires to provide for his wife, or for others depending upon him, in the event of his death. Foooooooooooo0090000000603 Vsm EDMUND WALKEl?V.Z (Cia,_LL.D.,.D.C.L., Paanuauf ` `I Evnn I `IE3 X_.-._.._-_ __ --- aAR`Rur:___nANcH v w-v- `us: 1'. u v Irv $21!." jltil I I 'mA:E`)-(AiQDER LAIRD, GENERAL MANAGER _H.-J: Manager; i`h; toencgrirul-._:i-gs-`x-c'1i;.;"g' cam`e&%LTuno.; L i- mously and the -`neopple wif~1I~=4=*de:ide, the 99?"`4?? J*m(%{ l` Somebody if the mad was to be Westrumitae -and Reeve Bennett said. he did-% not want that imzpnessiom `to get abnoaad, Itwas to be the `kind: of "`a"r0ad `as that put downon Dunlap St. .With a -tar binder` ~'pu`t;in to hold; `it together keep` `it and free ro'1_r1_dut_:. ` ' Aid, Gm made his-maiden speech, the proposition. He had oonshltetf some of his constit- uents and they had him to For'the past few tha`pra.ctioe support the * pemnanent ' roadway. had been to: put ougravel, etc., and. in the spring` it just, .1,ikeL'a' mortar T ~ ' * ' V. &i'V\4 ~La?l\J\WJ Ill . VI-b\J L- per with one Phillips.` u.u\.u ywclawvu; L1. uuqu a\Jl&.\J'\oIl ` WU can SUD la ne street as the Reeve intends, but I don t think the people will vote any $20,000 for the .work. . VT _| Reeve Bennett had consulted sev-. eml large -property owners on Brad-.0 foul St. and their opinion was that it will carry haa.nds?`d<'xwn. I The brains of the whole Council are not centred in the Reeve, was Aid. C1:a.rk s hasty reply. And it is mot right for him to try and make a fool of -anyone who gets up to give -an opinion on these mattens. I did.`- :n t say you could` build} the road he means-_ for $5000, but think` it_ could be put in good shape for that anwount. Persotnsally I would he sat- lised! and pleasedi if we can get such I! ml-1-And n. 'D.;.....-. 2_.L_:_J@ T0 PAVE BRADFORD ST. MACADAM & TAR BINDER I uALL1;L\a7 |MIl WVLA Vail IE` UUJLU 1.01` $5000, said Reeve Bennett. Let him get up and tell us how he. can do the job for this amount, and [how he` is going to set about it. Ald. Clark said he A had always` advocate-d `that B1'*ad-.fo1~di St. be im- proved, but Was: afrai-di the `people would throw down `a $20,000 by-law. The street should be: `xed up for less 1n-osney, and you will` find T the people will think so too, was -the Fifth Ward;er s read*i:1y-express- ed -opinion`. n An. V The 1\7ta},or intiinated that the question had been ca,wefu1'ly gone into and the estmates prepared with '9. * great deal of thought as to the permanence of the work. The peo- ple would now have `a chance to express their opinion. ` FREE SPEECH AND FREE THOUGHT . ' I think everyone should have an .opinion on these questions and ieveryonse elhpulsd have a right to ex- press that opinion, but I don t anyone should get up and V say he thinks this work can be done for i lmznnnn ..:.1 -n_.__ -n-_ u-r - \l\& L711` lL\"I`} , . How would you do it ? cazm~e- 111 a chorus from Reeve; Be-m1:ett. - and Sarjeant. ' | Ald. Clark-_-I have. balkwedi ywitahl engineers at the Good Roadsrconvem tions and have hea.-rd that you can `build a road for $5000 per` mile, and _I think Braxdtford St. can be put in `shape for that amount ' V" .;.-.'n -g...-u Bennett-What rot. Why these thowinship engineers only crown up the centre of the road: for that p1'.ioe.p It cost $30,000 to lay Dunlop St. and had` to skiulnp Allandale Road to come out within the appropriation. a. I was here when that road was 'built, said A1-d. Clark, and the `Town voted $15,000, engaged. an en- gineer, vand; dug `up three. feet of good solid road and drew it away. Then they hauled large boulders to ll up the hole. They spent that _$15,000`:on -the road down to Chees- man corner 'j:he're _ 3363 very 1'4_41, , A Info-rrn.a.tion `is being sought by` Barrister T. W. W. Evans of Brad- ford. of A the relatives of Thomas `Chapma-n, late of Yorkton, San-k., but formerly of West Gwil]' -A ,_ farmer, deceased. `It is thought that the deceased `h*ad.' nalativea who at one time Tesided in. the Township of Nottawasaga. A sister is saici to_ have resided in the Town of Stay- _._.. _._-:1. -.... -n1_:11:_- asua.u.a- vv&uvL FIJULII ULLVLU Wua little put on _Bradi'ord St. - Ald. Rusk-~Spen:d1ing' `$5000 on Bradfourvd St. is like throwing -money in the bay. There has been money spent on that street before and it was simply wasted. V `splendid and `most % desirable thing for the Town. The amp-unt of the by-law is appalling, it is true, but when the most of it comes: from Wands _V and VI_., where Ald. Lowe comes from, it is rather a. _s:u1~prise 4-. La... 1.2.... .-_...-.1- ,1:......................`l-- -1! \Iv~L&-xar ' .Lg.vu1&, su Jaw JIWULLDVL (In BWLL L 11' L5`) to hear him speak disparagingly of it. Bradford street should be done as soon and as good as `possible and hope that Duxnlop St. will come soon. Ald. Lo.We thought; the. honey might be raised but. therstr-eats not desig'-nat"ed,r but the Mayor int".i(mat:ed that there was method ' in their mad-ness.: - ; 7*oz~ ('Con't2i.nued- from page i?91d;L jhofi;iaii%%l ":3ne' ?e12EtL 3325 g . the month 2 Y~' ~ ;... V VVAULL `\-IKU|v\7v'\ J- J1` A %ui59n%Vt11e ice- a-uuvvu a vow \/UL 61 V 0 JJCL \I1'd, r Rex ft. ffI1d.,U.imp; and 3`for the 9 owreai`of `reverse: a shield bearing the: arms of the of _within a wreath of maple leaves, snmnounted by the inscription, ('}anaadIa-, ~and bearing undlemneath the words, '.l`en Dollars, with date ofissuses; with 4`: graini-ng upon the edge". I ` ' `Five-dol*liaa~-The`sa;me obverse im- and as the ten:-. dollar; and for the 9. ,_sh.ie1d bearing the arms ofthe, Dominion of Canada. .within,a._.wr_ea1:h -of maple` leaves, su,rmoun_1i.ed` by- `the in- . gC}1`ip1,'{iQn1 as the }t;en+dol]ar; " and for % `the1`BVUr8e4_ _ `;~s.'h s1"iielid-tbean'm.g" ' j `the arms or the ;..D Canada wi-tbttino _ ea bay-igiey While. branding cat.t1u- at Pene- tang last week, [John Sweumor was oa.ttackod by a savage steer, pinned] against. a. well and nearly gored` to d4'ea.th. He was unconscious for several hours but is now recovering. preseiom, his M-au'esvty s exigy, con- sisting of head and` bust, .wearing the .. In_1peria1 Crown the robe of State, with the: of the Gar- ter, and; looking. to` the left; with the inscri tion, Georgius V. Del Gra, pav` .+ T...-1 1'...'....'..n* _...1;1__.-11.1.- `The first of the new- C'a1nac1i-an gold: doins of ve and `am dollar de- nomination lnazve been issued at Ot- bawa. Deputy Reoeivecr-General Creighton of Toronto exgeched to -be in a. position to issue the new coins on May :11. Supplies will be sent from Ottawa to Toronto, Winnipeg, Vancouver, . Montreal, St . J 0hn s, Charlottetown, Edmonton and-' Re- gina. coins are described: as .follows:-- _ _ , V : Tern-dolIaa*-.-For the obverse ._......_..... `I..'_' `II'_3-_; 9 Heresy ', 4- Tropaeoleu_1_ Make Best Time of Season " A Over` Plate Distance- ~ vGe4o.%Grant Rode Her- esy ast Trial, ;v ' ` .' V Loon coon To sronrmc Iamrons \U$\.`L `I-InV\dL\.$V I3. ULIKUV `VVTLV sibiaf, wiumw betakenin the K1215: ?Pla.te, -to the fast trials of H'e:resLy, one of the Brookdgale Stable candidates, and; Ohaurlsey Crew s reprresen-tauivle, says The Mail and Emypi.-re. The rat named; mk- ed the. Plate ditance at the Wodd-V bine one day `last week in 2.13 1-5, While Asmlberite covered; the mile and -qua.-rber in 2.13 4-5. Judged! from L1... .L2_.-- _L._.J__-2__A.. ' 41.- _.-_..B_.._.__ uu-vu v; I--MM-7.1 nvvuo us-U ~vuuu-vs. uuuv, but as Amberite b ke fnomthel stand! and! nished at the quarter pole, thus armmd the rsot turn, twice, there will the a di-erenoe of opinion `as to ? the axppamently cleverer work of the Barrie colt. However, there can be no two opinr, ions regarding the trials of these two candidates. Heresy ran through- out with the grit and gazmeness of a bull dog, and after the rst seven, umlongs witlloiit the company of T.r\otpa.eo1u-m., his staible companion, who apparently was unable to un- track himself. Amiberrite, too, ne. ished resolutely, although she was eased up the last eighth. .I'I0!'SB`.nBI1 were not sxursprisned -at Hereey s good work, but they were not prepared for the good: form shown by Am-berite..n They had rashly decided that the lly would not do after showing a mile in 1.49 in her last work. ' Of course, it .would' -be foolish mi declare that the race. is` between this paiir. There are other .camsd:i:djates who may do as Well when they are tried over. the Plate. distance, but until they do the chm1oe-rs. seem to be extremely good for the pair; a 1 1 Heresy was -1`.l.dy(l611 `by George Grant, a stable boy and Tropaeoleum . by Jockey Treubel, and both carrievd more than their weight. They broke rfroun the barrier at. the six fum- longs chute. Heresy _we2n=t out in front and led all the way. Tropaeo- leum dropped out of it after seven` furlongas. The mile and a. quarter was covered in 2.13 1-5, the fraction- al time being`:-12 3-5, .24 4-5, .36 4-5, .50 1-5, 1.16-'3-5, 1.43 4-5, 1.57 E1I"t3iLe'mi55oi .t1`{eW;5a-fZrI3 once of Heresy was the one, L--4. -_ A'_...`L.._.L- `L..-I_- .c....__. 4.1.... v i WTh; wor`lJ 7 ideal conditions It was quite wamn, and the`, track. was fast. ' 9 W. J. Cum1inTgh4a'm last week pur- chased the electric light platnh which :sup:p1ies Alliston with power from Mr. W. J. Fletcher Who has conduct- ed it since 1891. With Jockey `Dalton McCarthy up, Amsbenite, who was acooompanied by Kilo, worked the Plate distance in n-an 0.....-` __..J._L-- _.-_.`l.. 14;] 53%? 4'I5."Wso}iE* `.wuch.es' "7"I5e `ii 2.14. The fractional time w:as:-- %.24 4-5, .37, 50, 1.16, 1.43 4-5, 1.58 FIRST cow coms HAVE BEEN ISSUED From Canadian Mint--New Shiners" of Five and Ten- ; ` Dollar Denominations Put in Circulation at ' ` T ' t Toronto on Saturday 7It s( %:pur-as that 5 1.41 "$2.11 `- 'vA.L--1.,_* `I - E1_- , Greater interest, i that women pos- SL1... ~...2`l'|'.....-..... L- 5-1-... 3.. L1... 'II.'...-.7- SCHOOL REPORTS 3909099999oooooooo3 BIG BAY POINT. Sr`. IV.--Mildred Webb, Cora Guest, Dora Guest, Edmund `Irwin, Erma Webb, Grant Mayor. 7 -1'1-wr - A ne doe- was found`- ' dead' near `St. J ohn s Church, Matchednsh, the -other day.` It is supposed that the `animal lmdhroken its neck against the I , , _. I [29909oooooooqooooooooooogI l Jr. IV.~-ami1La Wbvb, VMa,rjorie| _|Mayor, C-laresnce Arms-t.r'o-ng. ~r`r1- w-- -n - I Sr. '11. -T Ti)a1tn L Irwin, Mary ` Guest, Maurice Webb, Rex Guestgl T.T.........-.- A.......;...-._... n__1 TT__L_LI__ \I| \A\ztJ|I, J-LIJ-lvbll INJC `V LUEA \J U55?! I Herman Armstrong, ' Carl Hutch1n- l Jvr. I'II.-Fra;nk Harold: Webb, Cleatus: Irwin._ ` And even. thoug'h_-only 10 per cent,` of the readers are actual- piano buy- ers, _tsh5s."daoes not mean that the ad-` cent 1s wasted -Advertlslng talks vertlsting read`-"by otl}e_r 90 per D 1.1aot'Onl3`*`to pnospective buyer, (but-..aJ9o .to his vfifg, hisgrown-up `But one ih every household isn. t enough--tpart5;cu1a.r1y-if it does-`n b happen to, be the right person. And, -`as a rule, it was_n t the right person ---it was, a servant, or a child. ` The woman of the house .was' seldom seen; the` -man of the , house, never. 4 "Now, if the piaaio make:-` had plan-. Q] '_`n_ 4"` `:11 114. ruannannnn. :4. _.-_-1.`l| .....u, u. mu-U ywuuu u1:a.n\;l.' uwu. puns-, ed an -ad. in the mawsvpuaper, it would! ha.-vereachedm thousands, where` the (<;a`:;'assers could reach only hun- The body of Mrs. Geo. Vent, one! of -the vi.c.tims- of the steamer Max-i tin wreck. was picked wp last week _on it shoal zoif Point Au Baril. Burial took place at Victoria Hat-' This is why: 1 He wasnt reaching the people. His panvassaers rang every-dooxz in; town. T They talked to some one in veveiry. house. . ---cannot get away from the haunting thought that only J10 out of every 100 readers ofa newspaper may be pos- sible buyers of his goods. So he refused to advertise, and Went a-canvassing--inviting people to come to his piano recitals. Then he Wonder- ed Why they didn't come. a e A PIANO manufacturer, recently made a house-to-house canvass; He s one of those men Wit_h an absurd 193!` Of the Wasteaclrculamon bugafpoo Better Than Ringing Door-bells .yuu.r part:--J.Bt ourr adzvt. mlan. talk it over .{v'ith you. The has a class circulation--1700 people . zfor their paper and pay" for what they pur- `x1_: prices. % . .`__, l The numbers given represent the pemenltage of_ marks obtained for lclass work am? for conduct: ` I Class III.-Dorothy Langfeld-t 30,} [Lloyd Boot.h'78,'Edson `Wice 73, Vic- itor Pratt 49. L . I Sr. i.`-Ethel Mayor; Roger ,Webb. Jr. I._--Mor1ey.Mayor, Lya11 Guest, 1 Mary Armst.rong, Hillis Tribble, Er-i nest Irwin. T Average a.t.tcnda'nce' 22. . - HHSTER M. MEST()S_. Teachen; sum ofT0hio, `City of '.ro1edo,} f`1,......4..

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