Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 16 May 1912, p. 5

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IN BAD `COMPANY. OBITUARY. WAS DRY. THE~tIORTHER1\f ADVA:N;CEf !parents were among the rst settlers Iof that part-, having- first taken up lamit there in 1819. -Allan Partridge, as he was familiarly known, had been in poor health for about a] year, but up to a few days before] his death he was able to be around! as usual. H 'was in his,'22nd year,` was born at. Crown. Hill and was the youngest of the family. The funeral .was. held on Thursday, the Rev. E.l `R; J ames. ofciating, and interment was made in Crown -Hill Anglican Church cen1e.tery. The pall-bearers TT '1 153.. `T-L.,. Tnvv\*:nQ|I\Y1 Unurcn Ciilllt-Ltj1'.y. 4.110 `_p'a~1n.-u\A.a.;s.-.u were`: Herb Rix,`John` J amieson, VV.` Partridge, A. W. Partridge, 0. Bob` son and Win. Luck. - I - .1 ' Besides his mother, the other `mem- bers of the family .Who `survive are: E. J. of Toronto, `George L. .and Frank of Montana, Chaxsl. and Lewis H_., Mrs. Newton Smith and. Mrs. John T. Church of Weyburn, Sas'k., 1 11 rrr A`I.L....1. 12` .-wad! T~:n;nrrn son amt vv 111. uuun. | John 1'. Unurcn 01 vvqyuum, uaaxxo, and F. W., Albert E. and} William H; at home. _ ' FORMER RESIDENT " OF 1 KETS. A deep gloom was cast over `this village on Satunday when the -nnaws of the death of Mr. Thomas Mc- Clemnon `reached here, he having passed: peacefully away at the home of his hm-the'r in Wainwright, Sask. onMay~71_2E . .|.l;.- `-' ~--... ... this neighborhood.. Mr. McC.1em1on was a residietnt of this place}: until last T September, when, afbevr suering from` an au- tack of typhoicf fever, he went w-est, -thinking he :vvould"rege.in his health, ` but did not prove bene- ' n'o_1 The. heartfelt }ev.vmm thw of this community is extended to his eight laothere,` all ~..-of whom. reside in the est. ; _ ; | ncuu. ' " "g" WV flu)`; A-I455;-Ileana-ulna Why take the trouble to make Wash Dresses when we can give you such a ne range to choose from at very low prices. Ladies Wash Dresses, _lg'ot-)d style, fast colors, in all sizes at $1.75, $1.85, $2.25, $2.75, $3.50 and $4.00. Misses and Children s Dresses in a large variety and natty styles at 75c, 85c, $1.00, 4- g I An ipr 51: save: $1.25 and $1`:`(.);` STJEANI & KING Striped Tweed Suits, sizes 34 and 4 ' 36 only. Regular cash $ V price $15 oo, to clear.. . 1 Misses Navy Cheviot Suits, size I4 and 16 only. Regular cash prige $15, to clear at I Suits of Delf Blue and Sage Green Serge, size 34 & 36 only. Reg. price $20, to clear I 1, Annzs ANDMISSES 3| --sUrrs 1 At Clearing Prices 1 FLO(_)R_ CQ_VERIGS L owe` T W jLBLL` jlf Another shipment of Linoleum and Floor Oilcloth to hand week. We have wonderful value and our patterns will please you. WASH 1?R..E_SS.1`-F5 Cheviot Suits,` Serge Suits, Tweed Suits, Panama Suits, in all the new `shading: on sale for one week, commencing FRIDAY, at unheard of prices. See window showing for price Values. We quote: - Style 3121 s\ty1eL6418 Toronto, Where she has resided for; the past fty-ve years. Mrs-. Go-r-{ rieis survived by ve sons: James, John A., Geo. T., _A1ex. M., and! Iliobert, her husband having lceased her twelve years -ago. Grand;-` {children _ and great-grandchildren` Style 503 {GOOD SERVICE AND. ITS RE-` 'I | SULTS. Some time ago--a11d not without fear and trem-bling-a booklet by Elbert .Hubb'a.rd,.- entitled Poliiza--| 1 7- _.___-_1 1__ H... {1...w.A I -'.I`J1UI'l,. .L.Lu.UUw1`u, ' Cut.-Luzuu. ...u;...u._, ` ness Pays, was issued by the Grand] Trunk Railway Sysrtem. The fear,` however, that the service might in` some measure fall short of the ideal standards set up for the` travelling "public by this publication proved groundless, for so loud has been the echo of its tonestobe heard through- K out the `press of Canada and the Unitecl States that it `has been pos- sible to compile`-a second booklet en- titled Good Service [and its Re- sults from a few, of the most. strik- ing comments. `It is indeed, as the suqb-title puts it, '5`An Ac1moWl1edge- ment and Appreciation of the In- - tel-1igent.Work of Conductors, Train A---_;- .....J m....:.. Wmmlnvmas . who Every Suit in Stock on Sale aztj Equally Low Prices. te1~L1gem; won: -01 L/Ulluuxuuua, ,..;... Agents, and Train. Emsployees wh have V given character to and have made the Grand ? Trunk Pacic pgassenger train service renowned. x ' ~ ` BORN. ARNOLD--At Ivy on Thursday, May 9th to Mr. and Mrs-. T. W. R. Arn.-old,` twins, :1 boy (still born-) ~a_.'nd. a. girl, (Bertha Eugene). BARNES--In'A1]san1drae; on Sun- day, May 12, to. Mr. and Mrs. (`)has`.i Barnes-, Cumberland St, a \./Al-(Q57: nag... -_ V- , - .~ daughter. "BARNARD-I.u Allandale on May 7"'3rd, to Mr; and Mrs. W. Barnard-, Cumberland St, -9. daughter. . DIED; BOYCE-At Barclay, on Monday, May 13th, TE1izabeth Jane Boyce .-of the 8th Line,,_ Innisl, in her Ilnfalfmenp .9, Sixth; I.in Cemetery, ].30YD--.-At ohm.-mu, on. Sunday, Ma,y412th,_Thompeon Boyd`, aged ~ 62 years. ` b,t- Churchill on Tuesdxay, T ' ` 'survive. EVERY SUIT in stock. to `be cleared out if possible b.efore.the 24th of May. `That isour aim and .there will be a great` slaughter of prices to db it. LIMITED " Diagonal Cheviot Suit. in size` 38. Regular cash price ` $20.00, to clear at . . . . . . | Navy Blue Cheviot Suits, s1ze 34 and 36. Regular price $12.00, to clear at . . . . . . . . I I Suit on1y,size 36,bf Navy Basket Cloth, new weave, nobby style 5 Reg. price $2 5, to clear at. . . i I Pursurant to the provisions of the 'l`rustee Act { 1, George V, (`ntario 1911) Chapter 26. section 55. Notice is hereby given that all creditors and persons having any claims against the Estate of Abraham Craig. of the Villatze of Craighurst, in the Township of Flos. in the County of sim- eoe. Division Court Clerk. who died on or about the second day of March. A 1).. 1912, are re- quired on or before the llet day of May. A 1)., 1912. to send by post prepaid or otherwise de- liver toCreswicke & Co , of the Town of Barrie, `in the County of Simcoe. solicitors for Thomas , Craig Craig. sole administrator. their christian I and surnames addresses and descriptions. and the full particulars of their claims respectively, roperly veried. and of the securities, if any. eld by them. and that after the said date the said Administrator will proceed to distrib utc the assets of the said deceased among the | parties entitled thereto. having re ard only to those claims of which they shal then have notice. and that he, the` said Administrator. will not then be liable for the assets or any part thereof, so distribtted to any person of whose claim notice shall not have been received at the time sf such distribution. Dated the 2nd day of May. A.D.. 191-2. CRESWICKE &: CO.. l of the Town of Barrie.in the County of Sim 0 goe, Solicitor foi-the said Administrator- 1 _ 0 Style 603 Style 6446 Pursuant to the provisions of the Trustee Act (1 Geo.V Ont. Chapter 26)all persons havinxdz any claim against the estate of William An rew Parliament. late of the Township of On). Far- mer. who died on the 13th April, 1912. are re- quired on or before the 16th day of June, 1912, to send to Strathy&Esten of Barrie. Solicitors for Daniel Parliament. the Administrator of the deceased, full particulars of their claims- and aterthe said date the said administrator will distribute the assets of the said deceased` among the parties entitled thereto. having re- gard only to those claims of which he shall then nuns hat` I`\l'\f`:lIQ NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given that the sittings of the Court of Revision fdr the Municipality of Innisil will be held at THORNTON,` MONDAY, MAY; v GHLL 11110 ' 233 60 '00 50 .L.l..L\I.l\`J.V .L\l.L\ ..u.v.........._., ....__.._. 27th, 1912.' LEFROY, TUESDAY, MAY 28th , - 1912. ` a.m., to hear. and determine the seyvaral complaints of ermm and ommssiom in the assessment roll for 1912. All persons havingbusinesa at the said Court are requested to attendatsthe said and place. _ _. -` B'y` ordmj _of the -Court. `I0 'I"'I'f`I"I" UUC 1 9-22 NOTICE TO CREDITORS KBYQ Ulll) IU |;HU5l.` have had notxce. % Clark of bheuaivd 1T.;Zipa1i+.y:, Thornton, May 6th, 1912. T I, 49420 Style 63 19-21 lnnisl Court of Revision. lulu uuunuuo STRATHY 8: ESTEN. Solicitors for the said Administrator. 1'I-_.. this V I V :0. 7/ jgoubxe p wear- t mm. HLRUDO Illli DH] . ~; V O 3onoooo...3: Mr. J. R. Mm-oer was in Tomnm over Sunday. ' - _ - The G.T.R. will addeooo box m its equipment. I Mr. Norris Webb has .' - braking on the G.T.R. ' L _ . T vvv ".3 , _, ,1` fl` ' \. lluu y ., employ of J D Wib " *~ L.` `d`. ``' & Co" `~ =1` m-\___ L L-aura I~Iutt0n -has: entered the nooooboooooqooooonoooqogr Q 4 nuun XIII R ICC - bralung Uu uwu \Jb'.LuJUv :_ '\ Mr. Walter Sjnuhson of Tomnbo` is visiting` his brother here. i __ -n- _.___ `L__` ` 111 I 13 V3""5 "" W "V' `V *' ' I - M 1-. Ed. iggalj has - commenced work at the Camr1age Works, ` -' yyuuns --- ----- ._.v rf vi ' . 7` .\I vs. Robinson and_- ;family are m,Qving' to Toronto thls week. . TY LA, I A n \,AlAlIo< I , - - _ > ~ . Mr. Dave Mxtrrnyof '.Fomnt.o.visit- ed over Sunday with friends here. 1 01 ' . g(.v.1-zml automobile Vp-amties. dinner at the restmxrant. on Sunday. ':\I.1:.. Pouchor " `~~v..- . _ f T spo.nt over S d . 0 _. Oronbo hero. un ay Wlth 131? brother. ---. I u... A JIL Tho Misses Barnes and Moore of tho M11.11ncry Pazrl-o-r, were in Toi'on- to <>V('1' Sunday. '1'; . `g. | Mr. Jas. F e.ax-guson: Burton `Ave., is moving` 111s famlly to Niagara Falls in :1 few days. I . '.l`he nuxi1.iary was called` out on Mu11 xnornlmg to Sumdxd-ge, w}1(~1'0 four cars of coal were In the? ditch. ' _- _ .. l\l A Us 1.!` 4'1! I M1-. Arthur Pamersovn his ive om1.n1 pa1'1pr on Sat-uard;ay. A goml da_v s buslness was done. '1' -4-- 4-4 -.. _-`I'l__J. -__;_ -__ The Y. M". C. A. Bowl'i'~n~g Club` lmvo installed electric lights on the l(`_V.\` so that the game may` be`p1ay- ed'z1t. nig`ht. V b -For real good Tomato. Cabbage, C`el<-r_\' and all kinds of bedding p14111t.~', gm to Wm. Taylor, F-lo-rist, Dllllltq) St, Barrie. ' 1 v v o 1 1: 1`-y I _,o__1._`_ V___`_:_`__ Irv, .o-vv.oo.vv pr] M 1'. Wi11ia.m. ;Wainwright., `acting-. n1mmg'0r for the" ' G.T.R_. celebrated his ftieth a.m1iversa1'y` with `the. ocnnpnlly hlsit. Friday. - I t! /\ -_j_ V -_- _'_!..!LA,p1 U\Ill1}Iuu_y Junlu J-bA\Uvva- _ A mmlbor of Orangamen, \_"_-is-itevd at H10 lmnm of Mr. Geo. Leslie one` 111;.-`lat last. week and presented `him- with :1 1:1,r,q'(.. Bible. A 1'\1'nch0;0I=_l W&S t~`m'\'(~ at the close. ."-: :'V" . t~`m'\'(-` at the 01088. < 'l`1u- 1`(~mCn all over the G.T.R. .<,\'.~t-.111 urn -z1Skil1g` an i'I1'01`ea`Se of ten_ ]<-1' M-111`. The s~u.ooess' `of the en- grim-m'.' lc-aids theatn to think that 1}:<~i1' 1'wg11:-;.~:t~ will be granted. --4:H 1mi1'S of men s srolid leather" ne NIH bltmher, colt 1'38`_'f 1'<~;_r1|1:11' $:m0, Carey s_ Cn_1_t Rate; ]n'i<'<- is pair. T - n rm .1. , )'Olll` #11?!` E- ouml. 7 _ 'I`2_1.~`1: your the Beaver 'Cannp- Clwb Nnnm(-m~o.1 camtp on This year it looks as though. _-it Will_ he wt-ll on in June: before the` W93` `114,-1' is fit for camping, ` the 1`5t.h% May. ' - I '61.` un,L In JIU .a.\rA \r|4\oo9~`--v-::. 'I'lu- 4-urn-ing's of thnex'II1,W1'91`'nia1,` Railway during April easily S'u1`P95*"" ml all um.-cmtls. The - o0ta1"WBS|T$1o'-: W'.W9. an incnrease of $87,000 We" thv m1'!`('sq')()11d.i)1ag' vII1011t~1_'l Of last year` 4.-.." ---]2() pairs tmetn s heavy ~1n' Mmsh0r..S01id leather and 111:H{- ml 11 good `1111 last, Never mm than $2.75,but Oan_~ey s Cut ]{:n.- ;n'i0.(2 is $2.25 per pa11'- , V` :1.~<(TA1r.'1H is `$1 dead iSS118_h>Bfl 0 ns"? _\'-:11`. \ViT.]1 the ploughing up` of the 1'i which has been used `0 . 1ll:!lI]\ yvz1l'.'~'. back, `C110 8041113 has 94' mm! l'('('(`*iV'0d its death b-1_ow'and.` It will lw difcult to revive 1t. _ ` ` ` I. I .l\v. .L'JL.\.J.w.v g...` V. V 'I'1w :1n.ditm`s of the Grand Railway in their report for `the week BOTHWELL msocx Homesee%kefs% 1 Excugjsions |\vGU nu wu ......._ MAY um and am mums um mud;s_ and every Second Tuesday therouer . September 17th _% ,. V ; - WINNIPEG and nus RN EWONTON '7 . . r v . _;u.x.`.A...:.I;'nnnJ -IUIIIVIIV sun uIuLnuIV'?v % v*f='."-7'27-} '1`! ~k n sale-.9n%...$. .' ~ . vi; S(:Lt1?n?;.uo:n3181V`I or hgm NI_Vi"_`u.9.:: * me 90""-7T7."" 'e;i.3::.Rw`:':`.9.:`Jo:::... curs one. teavlng Toronto No . ., .9 * ' N0 GHANGW F~0l*- Full articular! sad: 1 . . Grand 'Brunk Agent. O -'5-3 District Punenzera 'l`oronto, 0nt'.< . . - - cams muby iatty and DRY "ACROSS THE KEY` wEsTERf_cANADA % ur---ro-nu`: crock,` LOWEST rnlcgs VII. _ _ Chicago and St..Pall1 . ..... _u'-nun uni. nun! (i. I`.R. EARNINGS ALLANDAL: U101`? CS,' . JIl.l.'.|'lllE\Ilo' ' . The 433; ;`%`ii}s.o.G, Mil-lman at in Alihston On` _ three yeaqs {luring much ,of time she was a gneat but pa `ant suerex-.' Degene- nr] Inna n m...6-2...... `J! T\---A--- `ICU 5dv'a' J at. `on: Wars ago. In and- IIM'u1.`J `an... ._`_I____ vuauv suucror. 1160638` iV,0 'DV6n,D1"% Dev- bemc -born there 64 1871 eh W .2wi.<? L , . .,---y wave .;u J-0|-I BIB` WVIIB murrleu and would have celebrated the 41st [a`nmiversaa'y jof her last as far vyest. as Toronto. Her hus- band belng employed by'the railway about oonsviderab `, llving in Gilford; Angus, Lecfroy, Or1'1ln'a, Baum-ie, Gravenihuzrert and Huntsville` before moving to Allis- 'f.nn. +.I'I'nnJvvn. u.~....... -..- 1)__3 1-, 1 Thusband, one son and! two daughters survive. They are Wm. O. of En- zlehrart and M719. Math` `and Mrs. .p:.n.IVn1\:v|& .... 'kT-..A.L 'D-_ BARRIE wouw Boom u= may STRIKE on -ulvlsl v ` auu. .1u.'1B`- JNID Pierpoint of North 33;. the Oil is reached. `Then it is necessary to case this and`fput in a small. pipeefo drain 03 the water. Albogetller there will be about $600 worth of pipe left in the well, and the orpe.rat.ing expenses `Will be in the [neighborhood of $900. ' A well at Col.w'ell which was sunk to 300 feet did not touch the Trenton" -rock and thus they know that they will have to go beluw that. If :gas was found? in p.a.yin.g- quan- tities It would be. necessary to ar- range for a local market, and a- wou-1d;r,then be necessary. to arptproach the` Council or make arrangements with the Barrie Gas Co. to market it. ` ` A Mr. Cox has been. operating in the oil business at Brantford',. Onon- -daga, Dutton and se've.ra:1`othe.r plac- es.`j Onondaga the oilgwells produced last. year, $13,501 barrels of the best oil, and in; the city of Brantford _.-__._ _._.!_ -4- ..__ ._`11- L-_- 1...-.. U11, all III 33%` VII. UL many private gas .wG1ls havp been sun-k, which are of comxnercfal value toi-the owners. ' , .l-Jl`1clLUI\lA|`\J The other company," known as the`; Barrie Gas -and- Oil -Company has been leasing prorperties in the Mine- sing distrfct. This company is. headed by Dr. Pulling, Capt-. Lyons, Mr. P111-mnner, Mr. Parrish, E. John-_ son and other local men. They also I'\I\I\ , 1--.... 'I"Ln.:- W Lomu. COMPANY START Soox. The Barrie Gas: and Oil -00. ex- pect to commence operations within a few. weeks, and'we may expect.` to pee "the derricke go up and oper- ations commence right near Town at any time, and shareholders will have visions of money oozing up through the ground in the shape of thick petroleum until they. become second editions of Rockfeller. There ,is -a great. den}? of uncertain-t,y about such operations and Ba.rrie__ will ex- berience?` no oil boom until the -'- '1 LA-=-- ..mn:m.- m the surface SUII uuu Utucx xuvuu uxcu. `um; uwv have 200 acres under lease. Their leasesare for ve years. ' WORTII $2.20'BARnEr.. _ The crude o-il market:s..for. about $1.65 per barrel and the `Govern- ment gives` a bounty of 52c on every barrel` pumped out, making the crude petroleum worth $220 per bar- rel. `Of course, the Oil Kings get in before the consumer gets `the oil, and from one .b_a.1're-1* of the crude, thick petroleum makes mayt dollars worth of by-products such as. ben- `\.F`J|~l I- ` `7.ines. . `berience no "on Doom uu... liquid begins coming to the surface? in`. libergzl quantities. V Din Irnn\u......_ __..._. ---Six of the industrious farmers in `our neighborhood have oestied| that as .a result of. last year s spray- ing with Niagara lime sulphur they had -80 per cent., No. 1 apples from their orchards. V ' Now will it not payiyou to get 2 - ~"---.. -4 1:... mlnhur and Now Wm 1t. 1101. pay J`... .- 5-- , fe-w gallons of lime sulphur your apple trees? By doing go you wi_11 doubly -paid. You W11] from being destroyed with pests. ` .Another ear load of Niagara` lime sulrphur h-as` arrivedi in town with 1500 pounds. of [arsenate of.-lea.d, for sale by Barrie Oooperage ` orator. ` T . J. W`. GOSSLING, Office. Cor. "Sophia-"and Maple Ave; T . % "Phone 361. 20-tf. All `haste is being made by the V-Gnwnd-Trun,1<.Pacic Railway to complete its line betzwetw Gochrane (`Contihued from fmge 1.) Mrs; 0: LG; A HE GOT BOOZE1 caumnawaga Indian Sent Upl For Using `. Spir'its--Ben.~ ` . Smith Wag Drunk, but V * `Not Barrie Man- ~ % ' Other Cases. 9-..- Richard Brown comes from Stay- nIe1=-4loc_a1. option f/Jwn---and; when he struck Town on Saturday he could! not resist the temptation to help in the good work of putting down the booze. He Was: _very dry, ~_a11_d..iafer in the evening became disorderly. One and costs, said the Magi_st.ra. ge and Richard coughed $5.50 _-and departed for Stayner. WHA'r s IN A, NAME. Ben. Smith. said the Magistrate, `us all the officials and: the few spec- tators craned their necks. You are charged with being drunk and incapa.ble.' The man who stepped iciito. the box was neither the Deputy- 1v '\l'__.__.__. -_L' AL- (1..-. . John Billings, _ 741 real "thorough- bred Iroquois from Caugh- nawaga. did an .wa.r _dance on Dunlop St. on Friday evening, iwhile under the inuence of the spirits femmenti, which by the wa-'y;; are supposed to` be desniedi the red: skin, .P.C`. Lam- bie gathered him. in, and with little persinas-ionlanded him in the cells. Billings has a crri-ppled. hand L and during the day-time does a. begging stuznt, and at night makes the bar-\ tenders work for him. He had a -respectable jag when arrested and .........'...J .. L..A.:.`l. ._ `L1- 1.1.. 7) "I`L-: `a 7`bott1e; on his hip. The ~ingenuit.y of the police" and "the WE-III? VVJLCLL (a5LLCl-C\L GIJQ` miagistarate ,w~cu1dJ not. cause him to divulge from whence came the booze, and the. sentence of $2 and costs or -21 days did not have the` effect. of unsettling: his lips.` The] Vredskin passed` away for 21 days and h;is- friends" '-may meet him at. the exit of Castle Sisso'ns' on the 1st of June. ` - 1"? 'I'\ U~ l\lI'J UUA VV(lIDA 1:211:41-A 1. .nJ\,-yu--J Sheri nor the Manager the Gas I. 03., but at .w;ande.re-r of ;the same name who gave his address as Sud- buzry. iHe looked upon the wine too freq11en7H3v on Friday even- ing, and after j doing 'a _serpent.ine stunt. you the streets! went. to slum- ber in the Vespra Hotel sh-eds, where P.C. Lambie gathem-.d hi-m in. A night in the cells and a fewhoux-s` to `change his vaddmess on Saturday. nnornihg was the only punishment meted out. ` i Jack Wylie, .who at one time acted as porter for a hotel in Town, could g',i\-2. but an incoherent. version of what happened on Mayor Gowan s lawn; where he claimed he was rob- bed; of his-. money by a `co'mpa.nion_ on Monday night. about 11 o eloek. He -had. treated his eompanion li- berally and both were three sheets over when they selected the Chief Magist.rate s green. swa.-rd for a rest ing place. Wylie claims his com- panion e"-a.ttempted! to go through: him, meaning that he attetmpteda to` `take his money, and the victim cried aloud. Mayor Cowan, who, by the way,.. is a brave so-lrlie.r, came the the rescueand the boozing oom- panyion ed over` the fences and disappe-ared.' Wylie, said he was minus several bills, but could give but little` information as to his companion. The .vo~lice have a sus- peat under surveilance and an ar-1 rest. may be made at any time. Pioneer Seter Dead. On Mnday, `May 6th, one of the early settlers of Pene`ta.ng'u`ishene. and Tiny passed` to the Great Beyond in the person of Mr. Xavier Gignac, father -of Mayor Gignac. He and[ his Wife. arrived in Penetanguishene in 1869. `Five years Later he moved to a. farm: near Lazfontaine where he resided up to about a year ago when . he moved` back to Penetanguishene. He was In his 84th year and leav- es a widow, ve sons and. two daugh- Abere to mourn his loss. The re- rrijains `were interred in; the Roman. Catholic _Ceme oery on Wednesday 0 last -week.-A-Penetanguishene Herald- -Beechwood. ' Farm, Crown duuu nunuua The death onoaix-x-u'<;dw_.aa;.-1Ti7ai' home, Hill, On. _ Mrs. Ernest Beattz ' Bereavd. , __.E.....: 25'. 75 y 50 80

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