Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 16 May 1912, p. 4

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THE YEAR AT AOOLLIIER ST. A METHODIST CHURCH. The Joint Boards of Collier St. Methodist Church held their nal meeting for the Church year on. Tuesday night of- this week when theinancia-1 and other reports of the church were given -and it was clear- ly shown-` the year just closed! .Was one of the most successful in the history of the church. All the or- ganizations. are in a. most healthy and ourishing condition. The very happy and cordial, relations existing among pastor; oicials and congre- gation indicate a `bond of unity and spirit of co-operation. A The treasurer was able to show all ac- counts paid with a balance of over $70 to the good. For all purposes the church, has raised over $7300. For missions $1968 were contribut- ed. This Was contr_ibute as fol- ___ - 1.1--.. J |loWs: For Chinese Faamine Fund -$15; `for Irish Methodist `Church Church $70. S.S. $169, League $181, W.M.S. $142, and the general contributions of the people $1391, for education $116, for `temperance $67. The following were the stew- ards elected for the ensuing year": G; Ball, R. King, J. D. Rodgers, Dr. `Richardson, E. Donnell, W. C`. Hun- ter, F. _Marr, W. Freek. M,-r. Freek was re-elected as Recording Steward, and was also appointed as delegate" to District Meeting in Coldwater. The congregation is; loyal, generous, united and enthusiastic and enter upon the new year "most hopefully. ! `eggs, and 210 for plain wrapper and vaau uuu uvubuv us svu \I.L U'I..I-UVGL CLIIIUI gs. The dealers all paid: 21c for; -220 for printed` '.wmapaper vbutter. Some sold retail _1:eoeive& 22;: for` eggs and 23 and 24 fqr butter. I .I. ll? I.`.I.'4lILK` LNJ VLL1\/ 553' 151.1. LA time. The m'anu.`v\;Ii1`,cJ>` shes the long: ` `est has" the la rgest basket of sh. SATURDAY MABKET.- ; , There was a. good cpowd on the market on Saturday and produce moved quickly and-, at good prices. The two Toronto. buyers wen-e pis- ruru` durum!` kscnnk` 1- `AL: .1 `....LL... -...1` Adv;~rt;i=in fan. insurance : policy against fo-rgetfulniess. It compels people to think of you. En? alilt" b35&Ea 33% "3? Km; lava` 'l"L- .`l-._1-.__ -11 --_01 A4, 0 % \ ! o Toronto, *May'14,:1912. Quotation: qn ' Tueadsy when:--;-` > o Whea.t,1bugi:__1x...`.$104` 105` __go ois.e,b\_1she1 95 97 _\..l.1\Q6DD!2\A- 0 1 `Turkeys . Chicken, per Yb. .' . Hens, per `lb. .. Butter, raj], per Tb. Lard, per pound . .. Eggs, per dozen . . Potatoes, per bag . . Hay, per ton .. Cured Hides, No. 1_. Green I-1ides`,,No. 1. Hides`, No. 2 Gulf skins, green, per Sheep skins` .. Tal1ow,'per lb. Wool," picks" Horse hides, best grai Horse Ha-ir The time to advertise is all `the: inuv `IV Vvvsvv The gota set.-buack jth.rough thg _reoetnt. rains-.` T ' . --- nu. III 1-_ ,1 nu: LATEST MARKETS DEVLIN 81 Muncmson rogoxrro grade .' Barrie, `May 15, 1912. - 90 15 8 10 23 26 - 17 18 . 20 g _22 1` 20 [1 75 18 O0 21 00 10 11' 9 - 1_0 55 70 75 1 10 1 25 75 4 50 5 50* 12 00 10 99 25673551 so M(')umi:c.aMa Tof the youhg peo- ple amound heme attended the `party at Phelpston. 0 .1, TY!__, ,___'I 1}1`|___ " i3! 12 ool ml 1 E A 5% 10 Ann `NEWSUITSFOR THE YOUNG MEN & BOYS lt s well,.woi'thi a trip to` `our store to see the array Jfwm * v .s`uit`s`., iqwever particular you are you will appreciate trying th 'on. They are thorqughbreds. Exceptionally smart with lotsemf -get and go v' to the dnffereqt styles. Suits that you will like bccauo * they are right in every part1cul ar--the clothes, style, t and tailorin: A differentsort and better. V I auce. Sizes 26 to 32 only. 35,50 Ann $7.0 Q:...... cm in 3'2 nnlv- `SLIGHTLY S0lLED LACE CURTAINS ::;::4;:': AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES igats .. -- -v-- --uvvua uuu vvou aunu uxu vv-~'~ s aPt`8t`ow. Ourlawn mowers make the Jworka pleasure rather than a task. They haw all the latest ignprovements, run easily and smooIh | l) ; are durableand make very little noise. I '5' 4- OO'\r&tln4r`\lO-1 The meeting of the Vigo and F105 branch of the Women s Institute is to be held.` at the home of Miss Nellie Kirkpatrick. 1'\ A A 'I_ _ _0A___________J THERE is nothing about the home more beautiful or that adds more toyour satisfaction and pleasure than a well kept lawn. The thing most neceS' saifyfor this is a good lawn mower. lawn is left smc) th and even and the weed5 (`QI'\l`\l`\f-(1 rt\\1) A ..."--_ _.. _. ._ __- -1) . (J30 8Uarant3 Vf) ohe toi give perfect satisfaction. V When sucha small -expense means a beautiful law 9": Ye'$_`9 m..YOt;-cannot afford to be without one. A B0515 Navy _ Blue AWoo1 Serge Suit, `2-pm-.a, `~1:'I"`. breasted _coat and bloomer paints. Very natty in aw;-ar. These Smts are really worth 8.50 and $9.00. Sm: zlmn, 601 13 50! 1150 10 00. 10 O0 13 O0` 18 O0 11 O0 E}! uva STOCK MARKETST E6 23 50 ;Exp0rt cattle, choice. I medium . . . . . . W1a;~Xwni;i$Zian visited his daugh- ter. Mrs. T. E. Smith; % L u.A.n-I cu u-ggu Butche; cattl choice medium . . common Butcher cows, choice med. and com. In H I 1% E i `.....-.\.a g 1311113 .. Feejding Steers L__TI- ALIA./\.no unuu Canners . . . . a.u\.u.AAn.b -,zv\/\Au u o bulls .. .. Shockers, choice . . D light .. .. . .. Milkers, choice . . Springers .. .. Sheep, ewes , Lambs, ye-arlings . . Bucks and Culls Hqgs, fed and watered _L .A.\J'\.' uua-\L vv on I.\/A \ Kb. .. Spring Lambs, each Calves .. .. .. MAY 16; A few only, going . None but tine ones. u o c o o no 0 co 0 n - on o g choice .l11i::1{1_\'. H J`!-IIv|vUO G\IOII . Mr. Andrew Potts has iqdproved the front of hi.s place by -a. new wire fence. " 5 $0 44) my 40 m G U ()0 (N) (M N) on (M .31) ~50 HOLLY. May 14.-~Miss'_Qu.i111an of Barrie ipent Sunday with .Mrs. Wm. -B1ox- -am. _ _.- 4\4I -pt. 1 4 N4? 00 430 (H) .)H Mr; and: Mrs. Chas. Brown and son, Waiter. of Barrie spent Sun- day with the former s brother, Mr. J. Browvnl. ` ' _.. ---n ---'\ Master Fred Miey 'of`Ba,1'rise was a recent visitor with his aunt, Mrs. A 'MJs:~fiot.ti Webb of Killyleagh visited over Sunday with her cousin, Misls Sadie Brown. . ' V W bsvtlw./' -- - Mrr.~Mor1e.y is under the doc- to'r s care and hope he will S0011 be able to be out again. n`I1VI1 1 9,: >:* CORRESPONDENCE : OOOOOOOQOOOOOOOO000000000 l|UoIL.' nu uv u-av u~v..-~-. Mr. Chas. Purvis of `Webbwood is visitincg with his uncle, Mr. _Geo. Brown. L T ' .;_; DALSTON. } , May 14-.---Seeding` is about nish- ed in this ileighbo-rhood. ..- n. (I 'I"l`!'|1_ Cu 115. LCOOIJ oax-a .~~--v- -... Rev. H. T03: and .wifeuof Hills- dale called` at the pvarsocrwlge here: on` Friday last. A ` I 1 , -1.-- ..... .-J -I-' I l\.tStJ tucrvl . Mrs. J as. Johnston has returned after spending some time with her mother, in Barrie. . . Mrs. J as. Stewart is visiting. her` daughter, Mrs. J. W. Brown, of this place. ` 0 1- 4;--- J _._1 A-.. I L-u.ua 1.1;.u\-\-n A number from here att.ander1- the funeral o-f the late John Snidelr of Craiglmxrst, on Monda_y. - ' , A.1_!_` .._1..,.- I\ \./'1'.l5l1L|~LD|., uu -.-..........,. The 1nu1y friends in this place of Walter Watkins of Craighu-.rst. were- shocked to hear of his` sud`den` .d:e-atA.h on Sunday. 4 ? 11vo11- _,__, ,3 13.-..-- VJ! Kl L960 Laud v Miss Edna Williams of -B1'a.ce- bridge is visi.t.ing her sister, ' Mrs,` `Howard Bertrim. _ T g g `LA! -5- 4-4-5` .ovo........--V - - May 13.--The -annual vmeeting of the Women s Institute was held at the home of Mrs. M. Coughlin on Wednesday, May 8th. this branch was only organized 1Kas~t December, it was not thought advisable to make any change in the `executive. By the unanimous wish of the `meet- ing the present oicerel without ex- ception, were retained for the com- ing'. year. Miss Laura Coughlin head a `paper on Canning and Preserv- ing. after which several` ladies told their methods- of -doing d;ie'r.ent fruits. Mrs. C; McLaughlin read a `paper on V Laundry Work, referring - chiefly to the zqvashing and doing-up TRY ='~`369ooo'd_o o6ooo o"o`b'o`,%3. , ' M1NESIN.G_ ` ; May 13.--Mm. `A; _Rona1dt.i8= again after spe:n:diu,1g 9, weeks in Barrie.` Her`maz'1y. friends re pleased to see her looking aowell. - All Meats cut ` with a machine any Fthickneu { 4 H. C. Channen When You%Want* Cooked Ham % LL H , New EAngl_`a'nd R911 Bologna - I ' Breakfast Bacon i .- V` Boneless Back Batch 5` fBoneless Bu}ts_' R WN_ THUJL: A'N_'l:`EN MILLS. VIGO57 M as Ibf lace curtains rqnq} wash A blankets, and` othe 1s.* `gave their ~'views 91; the same` subject It was agneed that the 'Ju`ne"aud July " ings should v` be` held; `in the -_..`L--`IL----_ ~ Sy`l;fste1" Cale last Tuesday in. Phelpeton with` Mrs. Platt. ~ ' % .~ A numbed` from here attended` the ball in Phe1pston;Fri`day and report- ed 9. n? time. ` . I L I`-VIIJSULJE WU gVV\J6LQ `v Mrs. e is now, President of the Wom.an s Institute. . t '51Eis;'f'ie}E"o Barrie is visiting her sister, Mrs. G.. Pedoock. ` ' ! May 14.---_Deatfn again visited this locality, when Mr. J olm Snider pess-- ed peacefully `a-way on Saturday, after -a lingering illness. `Mr. Sni- der .was 61 years of age and was- -bom _in Camden, negr Napanee. `He leaves to.cmourn_ his death, three l__.-LLL.... ..'..`II J._. ...-..J....... "FL- 1.--, [them a.re:'Wi11isam and `Uriah of-ithe secgnds of F105 and George of this place. The sisters White .-of Elmvale and: Elizabeth 'at home. The funeral was held on Monday _ and was llargely attended.` The service was cpnd'ucted by the Rev. E. R. J a-mes, the pal-1-bearers being: Robt. Turner, Wm. Cum- mings, P. O Ha1lorn, Henry Rich- ardson, Chas. Preston . and Donald -u--'rr__ rm__ .1 .... __.1' .._.... ..... An, JJC MFCIYCE UV-IILVIJJIL JJl \.L`|iWIr\ulll,` 1_;_-rothere andr two; sisters. The - 'l'YV'1`I 1 1'? ' 1 "'11r:"vs7:{it}al'Watki11s died veor-y suddenly on. Sunday. The funeral` wags held on Tuesday. "LT T V 1) 1111 lb: . n`&11T\+` lal'uDULL, \./'uaB_. .1. llvwvvab. uLl\I'JUIbu\.a McKay. The deceased was an An- glican in 1'e1igion1. and a Cocnservae tive in-% politics-. ' ~ 1" vvv .A|`o 13. -I `ilk;-sI'T}i<.yTay1or of Huttonvillse is zlrisiting her father, Mr. Geo. Osman- _er. _- A Mgr. ' Roy Watson has been appoint- ed re-ranger by the Ontario. GOV- ernment left -Thursd`-ay night `for Sudbury to enter upon his duties. -up-vs I Zof vOrillia,. County Engtialeer, was in this `vlllagve on Thursday last. A II '7'? .1 rM;.`%x;`" ::ebo;;a12;{L'i1asT Tm lcluufge`. of the Queecn s= Hotel. % . May -13,:-:.1)zvIiVs`s._:lIHo;1:;v3Vl 1-T .12argriag `;!'esumed.~ herL duties as"n1T1-re at the Sick Chi1dien s- -Hoepitail, Toronto, on Saturdaay. - %... -1 i Mi M}s.'Jas. {Binnie of An- ton Mills called on their son, Mr. George Binnie, on :Wednesday lags/tp The Ladies Aid met at Mrs-. J as. Reedman s on Wednesday last. -cry` "Mr. ;..[{j:;c:m;1d silipgyei (two car-loads" of cattle and pigs to T0- ronto on. Thursday. 7 May 13th.--The Ivy Championship Baseball Team are getting in shape for their season s work, their `first league` game being schedxuleds for May 24th, when Churchill will play here. Captain Ty Cobb Banting (Frank) thinks the team which puts it over his nine will have to Show some class, and there are others of the same opinion.- The personnel of the team is as follows: Billy Bant- ing pitcher, `Torn Banting catcher; Harry and George Banting, Samuel Elliott`, Carl Lennox, Dr. Bob E. .Davis, Marshall Boydy and Frank Banting (captain). The trst prac-' tice was called for Saturday even- in-g but..rain interfere-di. and it will "be this week before the boys be.- gin` to get. in shape for p`utt.in three- baggers. over. V ' -.--=,`c,-_v_ 7 . . Much of the fall wheat is very 'pa.tohy, and some _farmers are go- ing among it with a cultivator and sowing barley. On- the whole every-_ thing looks pnetty .prosperous-1ook- ing` and the recent heavy` rains will` help things along ne. - _ - '\ Mr. George Arnold, who sold his `farm last fall, is going on a trip West "in; a. fortnight. V t The Ivy Band, `under Mr. W. J. I.ennox s `direction, is rehearsing` regularly and get-ting; in ne shape for the season s work. They may go to A11iston_to take `part in a competi- tion on June 3rd. They had a re- hearsa.1 on Saturday evening` and the critics say their music is improving all the time. ' ' JLILLEJJU .L\lLJ\I`VV\\lu I359 I-IJLLIFIGI-LJ UV grave on Sunday, the 5th May. The deceased had reached the ripe age of nearly four-score, years and pre- vious to her illlness she had always .taken. an: active part in chprch %m"3r1I"and he";7a $31 .t1mes' ed in St. Jude a Cvhui-ch `last Sub It I%VLV VIJKLJWII stood may `to help and succor the needm ` She left a large family. Holy Communion was. adminis bath afternoon -by the. Rev. `W. l'V'.._.4.h.L.... `I A viiiii:g"71 e1d"ift Li"1o`2 1'i 7 B1-`ooks`1eft this locality-x for", t.bIa~ I I iwest twenty-ve asos .%v`tI::~,.1>,.*zfL, May 13.--A -l`1 th:a.tT was mortal oil the late Cliord E. Gilroy was con- signed ,to its last resting pdace. in the Unipn: Cemetery, .- Barrie. That much-dreaded. disease, tuberculosis, chained him as its! victim. ` To the` bereaved` widow and relatives the symgpathgmoi _a large circle. _of friends I L. ....4..... \I\-_ IIV\l W V`. I_%'&Cvl/VI V \4$l 5QJ5\b frigmgg` the late Mrs. Wm. Mc- Knight followed the remaeins to "E-he An..--.. A-as Q1:-u4:.nwu `LA of Barrie was! here the other day attending -a mare be- longing to W. J. M-cLean.A -W-M~iss Atkinson of Toronto General Hospital, is visiting at her `I_.._-... L....... . While farmers in [many districts have had to purchase hay and other feed, those in this neighborhood have been fortunate enough tohvave plenty, and now the cattle are on the grass. ` . ` ` ` The spring crops are coming'"u.p, some elds of oats looking remark- ably` good. Thaecre has/Vbeen wonder- ful growth during" the past. week. A Large ozgcourse of. relatives. -and 4-.. - -1 L1... 1.1.. 11:... 117... 1: - ;Ta&xui3ooks of Rgina is !....'J._.. .E.......'I.. _- .A.'I.!-"-4._.1`2J_.'- 'If_."A c1=(:A1GI_1_URTs'r.i THORNTON: % wig.1;1:im._. '. '_ % .; w;J. vW% hm parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Robin- -_son`, of last `week. " ' mg %m;.1:J 'iiiix's;77'hgs iiemmed a; `visa; _vgith~ friends in Barrie; KIJIIJJIISO stiid visitd `them 33-M-Ia'z3} athZE 'L-'_- __---_J_ Ovoovv can-o say Mr. Arth-u.'1T' Caldwell of McGill `University, Montreal, is holidaying at _l}is home here. . Fishing :9}; 'LebanQn is About ov_er| for this season. The G.` Norris Gray preached. spedial sermons in... csonnction with the =re_r-opetnihgj of -the Methodist Church at Mas1bon'1astSabs`bat`.h` am1| LL- 13-_ 'Il'_ 'I13_L-,, ,, 015;-2h% h"e3n`t27d"o1"?a3'}:g"7"rI & concert on Friday; May 24th. V i _ ___ ._ _.- ..u..-.u vsauu. .sa.4..u-u.uU cuuu J.auu..uJc11.l\{,V' led into their son _Jai1'1:ea v fanm; this _- -1- ga1;":e*;v.a;r,B"=,;i1$;;;:.;*;'1::dm:; 1 . T7 ;.u LII? a;.u.uua.1- LI..Il'bL1lg, U1. the Strand branch of `the `Women Institute was held at the home of Mitchell. There was 9. good number of ladies present, although the weather was? not pleasant . The "retiring president, Miss Mac- Donald, made a short.address, thank- ing the members -. foif their willing co-aperationdurimg the past year by helping in every way*'to make the meetings _ successful. . The secretary. s. report was encour- aging, showing an incre:ase in mem- bership of seventeen in, the year, making a total of fty on the roll and a balance of $6.82 in the treas- uu'y,_ `after -'a. doma.tion_ of $10 to the Barrie Hospital. The ofcerrs for the year - 1912-13 are as fol-lows:---I 1)..-- 11'... T17` T I`I_-J_B_`I1_-_-. T7`! _ ...., ,,,..- -.u.. -LYJ an .Lu11\J;vv:.v. - Pres., Mrs. W. J. Goodifellovg; Vice- Presa, Mrs. Mitch.e1'l; Sec.Treas:, Mrs. Agnes Warnioa;*, Ass"t. Sec., Miss Jennie Warnica. ` - Mrs. Wm. Stuart gave an instru- mental .sIe1ectioni in her usual good style. The meeting closed.` with the National Anthem. ' T "m'".m",";;;;nds of Miss um` am glad to learn there are good hopes for her recovery. _ ` J] Mrs i Mitchi>]1J Lentertanied the ladies to a social cup of 4tea.-Mrs. A. Warnica, Secretary. ' '| May `14.-News was received here` on Tuesday `morning that Mr. Earl King of Fort. William had" under- xrone an operation for appendicitis. His friends here all hope for his` .._......J.. .._ ....__-.__ speedy recovery. ' V We are glad to see Mr. and Mrs. Robert Black back in our village again. T . -n-_ I vWe ar sorry to mpbrt that Mrs J. A. `Lucas is not improving as rapidly as her `friends would like. .We are glad vto_see that-some ofl the retired -are ' trying to beautify our village. We hope that some of the other villagers will take _pattern o them. T` ' SCHOOL TEACHER HAS AUTHORITY EQUAL T0 PARENT l A nu.'ml)er from. here atternded the] funeral of the late Mr. Thompson Boyd: at Churchill on Tuesday after- noon. ` T 2 % LII. IIVVIL U'\:lI\I\-VI I-l-I-lRHIW?lL -l\l5 ll-V pun` pose. of con-rection, dmjing achoo ,ho'ua's,`equa.1 to that of the p_arent.[ He allowed} the appeal and! quaiahedf tEa..eonvioon against with _y_.by Ma: -:'r....** ._ the n`uImber of mistakes the other boy in the class.ma;de. . ' The_ DohsonTa.ppea1 being regu- lar11y_ enterd, was then heard. With out hearing any of Dobson s evi- dence or any of the defence witness- es, His Honor that even as- suming thab -all of McMaster s charges were true," and that boy had been taken violently by the collar, this would/not-constitute an assault under` the oode.. McM2aster claimed that his boy was subject to ts but that he hadmever taken one. in school. He claimed that hearing that fact in mind he should have been treated: gently and that rough trea,t-" mgntomight be. injurious to the boy and he was subject to .fs. `qonfs was also The ;1aw,, said Judge Wis- ives author- itr:-farn thg_gm'; ` Vvvvv \l.o. '-rvv Ecnwarlx Eta visited his; home 1as_.week. j - ` ' On March 6, the? charge was tried before S. R. Brown, J .P.; of Thom- .toIi, and also a charge against Roy, Bell, son of Ex-`Warden R. Bell of Utopia, and a boy named` Arnold`, that thfy roughly treated young Mc- Master in the school yard. The case lasted all afternoon, and Magis- trate Brown ned. Dobson $1 and costs, and dismissed the boys. AI>1}:ALs ON ' BOTH SIDES. .On behalf "of Dobson, Mr. W. A. `Boys, K.C., entered an appeal, and John Birnie, K.C;, of Collingwood, appealed Magistrate Brown s deci- sion in dismissing the boys. AAA ,__-__ ---- ~vU ~- There .Were. 300 people present a.t the hearing before Judge Wismer "on Monday, and "New Lowell _. pre- sented the appearance of a big fair day. Mr. Boys took objection that M3cMaster s appeal not been ' en- "tered, as -required by law, 10 days previous to hearing. After a. lengthgl argument the Judge declined to hear the '8rD`p.lS against the boys. dis-, ' '| V . , ~ on can-1.1: ;'.r1ie`"I._a.dies _ `Aid of the _Mehddist 11 /II` I Mr. mQv- ' .-I :"\+l\ 4-`l....:.. ....... T...'..'....! .c.._._. ...L'_-_ `(Continued from Page 1). LEFROY. %NAo%Rn13nN .A?Dj`VA NCE% . ....,,.,.., ~w., --, ----- Wheat 95 rs, Oats . . . . . . . . . . . . _ . . Pg Barley . . . . . . . . . . . . Peas .. 110 125 -W-A- Buckwheat... .. 1 gal, and Flour .. o ........... .. 50 1,TI8'W00 Beff, hind quarter" ls decl V fore quarter . . O0 - Lamb, per pound 15` resent Mutton .. 900 00! Hogs, live, select ,. 8 00 8,15 vel1_,pre- live, heavy . .. . . ' 6 00 dressed . .. ._ 11 O0 12 .00 ion `Turkeys ... ._ . . . . . . . 18 20 beenen- days per . . . . . . .. leng-thy,Butter, . . v ` 2 [ hem! Lard, . . ya. V20; _`22 , .. .j 1 T ton.. .....18jO0.2100 d. 1 7 0-00 , .. Greenfides, No. 1.... -. 10 m.me"1j aides-,`No. .. g e "9 W1 935 Ca}_f skms, per ID. V .12 & 9*1 sheep skins'_.. 1 oo; 15 aster! Tallow, er_1b.,..,.... . - 534. boy had, Zv_o31_,~pcks- 5' as. .).n'I`Z;\_ L23-.. `I___A_ -`____n, . A -A. - 1. AA May 13.--The`I:IQi'lton St1eeICom- pany is giving the new bridge: a coat of paint. - 5. I `la ; 1_______'|

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