Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 16 May 1912, p. 2

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THE HYDRO BY.-LAW IN WRONG AGAIN} D__ON T` WANT ~11`; Savings Department. `:GA'UL_7: mauommzm AnvAus% Every 'cortesy s11o_wh to our_c1ients. `nnconponxren 1355 Purchasers of Stock or Bonds will} be required to send certied cheque with the application, payable to the order of the Provincial Treasurer ofm(`)-11tario. I 1 .1, _-_,`l1. . ----'w---v ----- ------ Y--v uuuw-ow, -- yucc-U subscribers now in arrears for three month and over will be chanted 81.50 per annum. U1 _is -raised. upon the credit i of the Consolidated Revenue Fund of Ontario, -and `is chargeable there-` "KILL BONDS AND LINSCRIBEDQ STOCK ISSUED UNDER THE ' AUTHORITY OF THE SAID. `ACT ARE FREE FROM ALL ON- I TARIO PROVINCIAL TAXES, I CHARGES,` SUOOESSION DUTY AND IMPOSITIONS 'WHAT~SO- EZER.` on. 1 '15 1,911 AL: Us .A.I.LAA.J.J~L.Al&I\I.L1, PROVINCIAL TREASURER. Treasury Department,` Parliament Buildings, Toronto, April 19th, -101!) So many queer things happen! n__owadays that. miracles are consider.- ed a back number. A Woman always wants to dictate the way "her husband shall part his; hair, even when he has to do it with a towel. 3 A does your h his breakfast? _ [A CRANK. T _ usband like for . I didn t _intend to tell you about 1t. he xreplxedg, -but I frequently feel that way myself. - Tl'71..._ 'l:V_-.1.I ' 1' 1--,n 1 1o `Newspapers inserting adiver- 3 tisement without authority from the Department will not be paid for it. I ' 17-20 V I V Just so a man makes: love `to her, ` a woman may not care whet-her he means it or not. - ' Were` it not for the lazy m':e.11`in.~ the wo-rld .lots- of labor saving devices would` never have been invented. %-rrtv-1,,aaa-nrsuru .15 fun ' roxu3Tnrrloaru!o11o'v`n.: I T mm mm. L Odin: North. Going `South E I need a raise, the clerk declared; ` W11a.t reasons 3 ? asked his. boss; "The"re s John, - ten and May, - "L aged nine ' VV And Sue and Tom an@.F1oss~. ] THE WRETCH. ' } Now that our wedding day is drawing near, she `said, a.- little more closely in his arms, I am beginning to -be awfully frighten- ed}. -3Somaetimses -I - eec J-nnnn-a:J-A41 L- ...-... -_'.a_._ '--- 1 -- ~ - . . ` ONTARIO Provincial Loans of $2,000,000 and $210,000 THE GOVERNMENT OF "THE 1?ROVI_NCE OF ONTARIO, uzmdetrl on. request will be registered in the LIAN? UVLIUD gltl U0 \.l'(~U(/\.L .a.vu .u.I.n.vJ,' 1912, and payable on the 131; Novem- ber, 1941, in denominations of $1,000 each, with coupons attached. for in- terest at the rate of 4 per cent. per annum, payable half-yearly, on the 1st May and 1st November in` each year, at the oioe of the `Provincial Treasurer, Toronto, or at the oices of- the Bank of Montreal, in Mont- rea-1, Canada. and in New. York, N.` Y., at the ho1der s option. Bonds] will be made payable to bearer, but. ofce of the Provincial Treasurer and erndorsed as payable only to the order of certain persons or eotrpor-, ations, and on request of holders Willi be exchanged for Ontario Govern- ment Stock ? at any time. A1... 1.1.... .1: A1............:... 'D....1- JJICULU KJLUVIX U C111. LLLLJVU _A1so balance of Algonquin. Park Loan of $210,000 on _c_he same. terms and with the same dates, under the authority of Chapter 9, 1 George V. The issue price during the month of May, 1912, will be 102 for each $100 and `after the 3151: day of May, 1912, the issue price will be 102 and .interest accrued from the 1st May, 1912 i . 1 uuwu vvpg .u.ngucu.1.. Why. Fred`! I d:on. t believe you sreally "love me. `Y-our-you heartless Wtcm I Shall never speak to you Ijimt insbalaneut this [wek.--}see, lth f rm 7- the authority of Chapter 4, of thel Statutes of Ontario, 1911, ~ invites subscriptions from the public for a, loan of $2,000,000 on `bonds of the` "Province of Ontario,` or Ontario Gdvecrmnent Stock. The bonds .will be dated 1st May, an-an , _,_,1`l , 41. -1-; '\T-_-... I Ivuuv n.I\.rsJ.Il\a .L ga1.u.uu:w to run away and.-nesier come G7` |IL\r(4IJ-13$ |v' 3 lAngrthingV I _haven t gotVin' the Published tram the omce. 123 Dunlap Street. name. in the Counpy of Simone. the Pro Vince ot Ontamc. Capada. every - Thursday Momma. by THE LAUGI-I LINE. P_. F. REASONS. A. 3. 1g_T;1EsoN. f'l'1___ H. A. suy_1s{ Manager R _~.LL.D.; 1). M. Stewart. B'1`EVV;+AiIT- 131',` V BARBE- ters,~;`;8olieit0rs, .Not:mu Public, 'and - Gonireyancars. Money to loan in any sums at 5 per cent. Oice, 13 Owen St, Barrie. H. D. Stewart, . W. AULT, BABRISTER, SOLICITOR, Proctor, "Notary, Conveyancer, etc. Special attention in. drawing and probating _wi1}s,' obtaining letters of adminiatfaitidh ~ and `guardianship, collecting j ac -;co1i2its;. etc. Oces, Boss Block, Barrie. Money to loan.` a Having spent 4 years Post Graduate work in British Hospitals and having served as Clinical 1 Assistant in Golden Square Ear. Throat 8: Nose I Hospital. ondon; Royal London- Ophthalmic Hospital 1. oorelds) ; for a. term as Resident| Surgeon in Royal London 0 hthalmic Hospital; Bristol Eye Hospital. Brlsto : and Birmingham Ey_e Hos ital, Birmingham : former Member of I British phthalmological Society. f"IZ"`TIVD HO `l\----- -_ Av------ "5 I `\""` i}ENNox, COWAN 85 BROWN, 3.71%- i 1 Brown, LL.B. risterepsolicitors `for obtaining pro- bate of wills", guardianship and ad- ministration, and -general Solicitors, Notaries, Conveyancers, etc. Olces, Hinds block, No. 6 Dunlop street, Barrie. . Money to loan at 4% and 5 per cent. ` Branch offices at Cree- mort and Alliston. Haughton Len- nox, K.C., Alex. Cowan, G. E. J. I L.R.C.P. 8: S. Edinburgh; M.F.P. 85 S. Glasgow --SURGEON-- Eye. Ear, Nose 8 Throat. ! $1.00 PER ANNUM IN ADVANCE- UNITED STATES SUBSCRIBERS $1.50 VINADVANCIE UNWIN, MURPHY 8; ESTEN,' ON- - tario Land Surveyors, Engineers, etc- Established 1852. Oice, Medical Building, S. E. corner Rich- mond. and Bay streets, Toronto. Telephone, Main, 1336. Instructions left with Strathy & Esten, Solici- tors, Bank of Toronto Building, fBarrie, will be promptly attended to. _--- - van-annual`:-I I|1U'\ll.\fIl`\uI'J \o\. q. will now sell their 10 day Transit Policy at $1 59 fer 3100 Insurance. Write or call if you l inten shipping-Hones West. J . M. 0.. c. M. rror.) V Late of Toronto General Hospital. Olce of the me Dr. snmn. comer St - ` Phone In. 32-ly Wehave a. large amount or "money to ldan atlowest current rates.<;it_her in small or in large amounts. on the securxty of good farm mort- MCCARTHY. BOYS & MURCHISON. uzixlon Street. Barrie. _._-. SPECIAL nu: YORKSHIRE INSURANCE co- will now call nm:.. In .1-.. m-.._.-_ The Isurance Man ` Adrew` MA `IUFACTURER or Buggies, Carriages, Wagons j . Slgighs ant! /Cutters. E___.. _; I\_,, Srmcr Pmizsonh. . Ammnumunu b.n-. .- G. A. RADENHURST, BARRISTER, Solicitor, Notary Public, &c`. Olc e, lat oor Bank of Toronto Building. 1 `Money to loan at lowest rates. r"r"11.m1I{ s+ `E:-i{. 'ii;Es "El methods of the Department of Edm- cation: . , ` " CRESWICKE & ALEXANDER, BAR- I _:..;.__.. a-1:-::.`-_.. - 1.1.... G .... .......l 50.. G. SMITH & 00., PHONE 32. E; +nhHu1nm7l 191`-:0 '|`T..,'I....4...1...-.. n....._ { T`-11; & .`:,`$ :x1.To Horseshoeins STRATHY 85 ESTEN, BARRISTE s, Q..1:..3L......u 3.. 1334.1. I"....-L Al Tuna`: $1311. H. T. ARNALL. , OFFICE AN]? `I).u.8.l......... ..-_.__.. -1 (DR. MORTIMER LYON, 31 CARLTON St.,. Toronto, late of Brooklyn (N. Y.), Eye and Ear Hospital, will be at 67 Owen St.,' Barrie, evelfy Sat- urday. Diseases-Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Consultation hours, 11 am. to 5 p.m., and by appointment. I EW- 4-. WIS-1 inn. _.-.N_FJ.Ll!_ srii DONALD ROSS, LL.B., BARRISTER, 'So1icitor, etc; Bank of Toronto ` Building, Barrie. V V` Money to loan. DR. A. T. LITTLE, LATE OF (nun-nL:I`l nu` n'm.... ......1 '......:.1......- DR. W. A. ROSS, PHYSICIAN, sUR-' geon, etc., L.R.C.S., Edin., L.R.C.P., London. Oice andresidence, Dun- lop street, Barrie. Telephone 77. I or Toronto Buildings, numlnr uid farm gm! `lawn Fire and Life Insurance Real Estate Agency % ` `F % Money to Lozyq .u. w vv. LJJJJLVJJ on. DD` "t;1;li;i1`:a:1` 1869. I Jndertakers. Open day and night. Morgue and chapel in connection. Barrie, Ontario. l UIIIJJLJ VI .L\J.I.l.L'l \II Ill-IAJAXJLAV gun, -1...`- risters, Solicitors of the Supreme Court of Judicature of Ontario, Proctors, Notaries, Conveyancers, etc. Money to loan. Omce, Ross block, Barrie. A. E. H. Creswicke, K._C., Arthur Alexander. _ --_... `(.1-pvnni-AJIIIIIIIHIIIIII uuvlvvg o 0FFICE--78 DUNLOP STREET. BARBIE. `Phone 51. ` P. O. Box. 96. "('J'hu1:<;iail1,` .On1`::` an:iu;Ls"1Jden\< :;, John St., near corner Elizabeth. Phone 213. -IAS. ARNOLDI '4': `Le .a.. `LL04-V{LJJJ.Jo UJJJSLUJH ILJJJJ Residence corner of Toronto 'and Elizabeth 'Streets. (Opposite F1iza- beth Street Methodist Church), Tele- phone 167. secondary school. The fool regur- lation requiring pa gynmasium seems to` be: the distinguishing mark between -a _Co11eg-iate and a High School. It is London's tum now, and the following despatch from- J. I Ll .-I L JJL` JJKLLULULIJ L J-J KI `slollitzliyors in High ourt o`f Justioei Notaries Public, Conveyancers. Of- ces over the Bank of Toronto, Bar- rie. Money to loan at lowest cur- rent rates. G. H. Eaten. u g 41.. \J. .u V 43;.` Bu 1. _.l.L J. lsJL\J.I.IlLV `gurgeon, etc., Coroner for Simcoe County. Oice ad residence: Wil- liam street, Allandale. Telephone 269. Dr. J. ARTHUR ROSS 3.. J. A. c. EVANS, PHYSICIAN, Qnrnvnnn 114- ~ I` nnnn an . Ins Q3-unnn isigooehsor to the late R. L. Barwick) o|3P'.osnr: ROSS JOHN BARR'S~0LD STAND Animus `tulle an oak: Imus. F. A. MALCOMSOQ nnnn II..- MONEY ro :_5AN U_NnnR'1-Axnns. mhe'g5inrtl1e:rug:ivaucc! PHYSICIANS. `BARBIE } . t , . . Tn: ` Anvnvcn: `:3 move hrzrgreiiscircuhus tion or any paper ` . `Pa. 0 by far the largest bump Th I latter fact demonstrates th H` .1 Pit:-ons. It you have any a1vm:Tlal1;m place it with the paper that reaches Eta Q not afraid to pay the price_ the peon- Advertisements are charged ` . ac - :ml2 lines nonparexl measure , z ta .. ........--_ ._ -, 0|: l `:50 net line. IIIVTI TRANSIENT ADVERTISI - Legal Notices. Auction Sales etc.-First insertion lu cents 'e`;.\1in su uent insertion 5 cents per Yine. e R ng notices, 10 `cents per line 1. insertion : 5 cents per lme for each insertion of the same matter. Obituary COMMERCIAL. Dlsuav N. Bllbseo P lien `: 061,-I. CRAIGHURST, ONT. LICENSED g.UcT1oNm ._-_.-._ _-_ FOR THE COUNT/Y OF SIMCOET Most reasonable terms given on ai`. Stock Sales V`... .....V n unanu 1-` Advertisers will I b 7' . notice of intention 3oc81?anZ",,1, {.mtnd um mustbe handed into the Olce nmerltnsemenu Saturday at 10 o'clock, and the cop .`f`' thn change must be xn THE ADVANCI? 8uca later than 12 o'clock noon on Momf . week. otherwise the adVertiHer`sann0uy "` 3 may not be made public until the wee,"`f"`%r.t ling. 0 (`GU l'|I'\Y Eh A `l\1Yu~v~.vnu.~.._ _ , Illa! CONDENSED ADVERTISEMEN'rs_ Condensed advertisements on r as wants of all kinds. logt and found, p for sale or to rent, spec_1c articles, ct must be accomnamed vnth the cash. Cuts -for adve'tiscment must in case be moumed on solxd metal 31 pa WHEN IS A COLLEGIATE NOT A COLLEGIATE z * ARRIE -is not the only puma; where they -a-.196 having tmu-I ble over the status of_ their Laulng and P(;llgg:%lIg:!-Jdw'ood Floors Contracting and Building Estirnau-s gin. OFFICE-BAYFIELD ST.. BARRIE. OM- me am mums MIME Llmlted ldllill I6 \-I Mahufacturers of and Dealers in all kinds Rough and Dressed Lurnbt-Vr W Doors.8ash. Blinds. Interior Finish, 3 columns, Tanks and water Trough` Planing, Matching. Mouldimr. Iic-Suvir Hot Blast Drying Kiln. :9 JOHN JENNETTI [$1. Jphn %& Orookerl Druggist. v plvl. 151500 T , COMMERCIAL. nxsmv. 4 Rates Will be given on application. I*!"eWF9_'1drv1 `II 'I'l\l1f\DTI'\ TLJE NEXT noon TO THE TANNERlY| MAKES YOUR SKIN LIKE VELVET- Monkman s Glycedonia. When we come to thinly:-h;a.t only} `about ve per cent of thble who pass f.h.ro~ug`l1' the :1):nignmry3-(: schools ever d&'1'1"l'<`e`r 1";f'b1i of a Co11eg'ia.te, it seems little 1es`:a?\1zhan c1{i'mi~na1 to neglect that . nin1'e'?t'y'-ve per cent. who sti1rtf' 1i fe without even it commercial `education. When viill Bards of Edm1 educatiqxif isfs begin the study ;, of ;,the r v ' Ifeedsu and conditions "l out? sohboln ;_-;-_; .. _1..:a 1-n1__-.v_.v _-.211 .u'_'__I 7 Has `a marvellous effect on rough'skin. One or two apphca- tnons will remove the rougnness, and by its occasional use the skin acquires the smoothness and softness of a. baby's. Glyccdonia is not Sticky, and gloves maybe worn a fevir moments after using it. Price 15c and 25c. Delight- ful after shaving. DUNLOP STREET EAST Brewed Entirely from the Finest Malt and Hops. BARBIE BHEWING GIIMPANY Boilers. Engines and all kinds of farm and stationary mach inory made and repaired on shoxtcst nonce and moderate prices. 13 open for all orders in CA STI.\'(.`s, MILL REPA1RS,&c. Al work done by expert machin- ist and guaranteed first class T.Beecroft m3 (1 General Banliil Buaiue8`s.V .-. . . Notes Dzlscounletl V.j` ?`aeaAn'ab`le rates. . Collec- ' `NOW! _and Accounts give" MONKMAB], Iirua-v\.r uuu 3. van-\.uu.. u.L nu-u VJ xglvy per cent. who never enter 9. Co_11"eg- i_ame, and of, the sixty cent. of` Collegiate pupils? ho" qusi.-that end of their rst year? ' ' ;;s'.uu Splendid ALE and woman The Best and Brlsihlest In Cask and Bottle 1'. pszacnor-r,A Dry): payable anywhere- _ Ohegltetanboutaide banL's~ caa-Iced V?rlO1lie8`_lratcs_Qfe:vchqnge. .. - - II n,_A.n7 uuv vvvvvvv ltvvv VvvIavI~:vvv- 1 dashed Collected : my Anfoatfqobmblg terms. BANKERS. :-.___ MANUFACTURERS. ..__._.____ V ?H'),ucn- --10. to 4 Expert Machinists lulu UUIIKLI UIWLV UL` ULll'.;` ' system to-day]? wit; they solve. the problem. of niai'ety-"ve ._.... --.,.;. .._L_ _.-__-_. -._;..--_ _ n-.*n:;__` cox-r1uc'r ammo as In urlll ml.-nu... L. aiagn I E -P-HVO-N'E- ; 3*6 6:. CO. Manager fro THE 'MEM;O R'Y OF_ . _ D ALTON 4M,cC!ARTHY. Who Died. May 11th, 1393. j ~ A:'.I'he sea_.:c;ns ci_rcle~ - `like, .a wheeling Barrie. :. Hm -u----o9 _ With wings wide-spfeiding twi'xt`_f.}_1e cvnvn. nun.` nan " WI 9 As~fro;.;1':1gs orut`-spmeadlg; For all thy loyal service, Lowe and nlight. `gilds the stone which 11 _ `mnnnuh nlvluvu an AV-`-- S Memory" h .g1 vim all: tha`Z?;31&.7a -4. 1;: -v--vwv wan Loubvn LJJIILZAI V ulwwuurcsuyvl ut let not cast shadows that 4. . .1- -.. - THOMPSON CREW, PUBLI8HE'B._ '35~-o-48?! ' 2s..;.1o.20an_1 with 68....10.2`lam' 43.... 8.30;: m 7.50pm Oolnngwood and flfur-Jdla}, May 16, 19-13.- wusutguv 11U"ul "beams thy name` .'l`mms our svnscnnvrion. name and mung. Hamilton. Penotanb . Meatorql. lN`o; 54....7.'l uum " 42....l;Ilp m " 56....6.8 p m mmamaml 26...-.8.8Bpm| -4'....1.W_pm' mnzpmvement in the vicinity of To- ronto, it has been decided to use concrete rather than macadam, ow- ing to the heavy automobile traic, for which provision must be made This manner of ooIistru.cti0n_ may A cost more, but it will be more sat- isfactory, and in the long run more economical. The autooar has come to stay. Sooner or later made: near ly everywhere `must be` built, or at least surfaced to suit them, and be- fore anything is -done -on Bradford St. the Town Engineer and Councili ,shnou.1d look well into the merits` of "different pavements and their dura- bility under the heavy sructional `strain of the automobile tire. ` . On some of the "roads undergoing! Sir Thomas Tait seems to lie about the only man to whom the uappointment of a. new G.T.R. pre- lsisdcernt is still a secrete--acTcoviud:ing-t,o nnunnnn Ann I e11owa."+Fon1;th9 xx Th'o.t?s the craziest -thing I ever heard of, remarked a friend-._ f`W_hat on earth did` you do it for ? . V Well, explained the Ooldnel, if he goes to Heaven; he won t need it.[ But if.he.goea. to the` other it `will int7rodu'ce' him?1:o.av lot rziah- ' * |p:,::.::1,+h::;ea2he,`"`?`""m.A.., as mi as the` musicians, is continuing the wintar gprogramme. f - V per day pass through Saskatoon a.nd| are sent out. over the Goose Lake line alone For every carload of ef- fects it is estimated that ve per- 'sons arrive as settlers--a.ndA that is but 9; small section of the great wes-t which is so rapidly lling up. How! _......_. .3 L1..-.'.... ..........1.-. lh4\u9A.4\ .unr\`r\-\ . 80 m.:.:..;: Lang 1 1912. Since Lhe -discovery that` frozen water [pipes could` be thawed out by passing a. rather , heavy current of electricity through them from the [nearest electric light mains-, this method has met with wide applica- _tion, says The Contract Reoorrd. An electric -light -company of New York City has been kept very busy on this winter `work, utilizing as many as ve truoksequippezl -with the special apparatus required for, the thawing` work. Over four hundred cases, for the most part pipes under 1 in. ;_in ;size, have been in a single: week. i The average time for: the eur- ' 4 -rent to do its work has `been about !thirty minutes`. Where a convenient connection can be made to the elec tric light a water rheoetat is employed to.-eontnolethe strength of` ` current. What would be just as im-. |portant at this -seaeonwoultlbesome system whereby` the . melting of the Vicewgzlil. the refrigerator might be re- n ~ ~ - \ mm uhbrEdges'" `oftavbownshv W` `$31 concmete mg`; isa?a;:;ng`;: m.a-kuingw: W `" of 1,8-inchnbore-. This will be an even bigger gun than; anyone of our town -'LJ........... V IKJIUBIL job. :I:iTe1'wSissons is said _to be |..1-A....J 1.`--. _ _-_-__- .... T--1_ 1.1. ._..,J `U5 9 `$895 `E V? \J U Lid? _ ' JKVKIO II '&CNJL %` `JV CUI\I Harry -Stoddart of Bradafomd is said to be the f_avori te.L - Apparently` neither of these oicials .Wi!` on th . ([10 I` 1! 1' A . slated for a on J uly 1;: Q `V7 $&'&\p4l. - Simooe County? IOEAN How would a pair of: xfbyaol Jookontheduickpondin Queemfs 'D-...I. D '0 Thomh Township will submit a. by-law to raise $10,000 to recon- ._..A. 1.1.. L...:.l_..... .1 1.1.- .L..._..-'L_.:... Amt so erstwmle leader Macksay, of the .provincial opposition, is` gang- in awa _ to thewest. In gritty Ai- berta. hue 1l likely nd more `appre- ciation fo.r political aspirations. A fair wind to your back, Aleck! ' It `is stated that the govemnnent intends, at an early date, to retire the 25-cent. note. Many will this a: mistake. Since its! introduc- tion -a generation ago, it has served a very useful purpose, where fraction- alvsuzms of -a. dollar were to be mail- ed. Let the shinplastevr stay. * an-No haw name will be added {atlas sub` 1 common List until me money is paid. ..I..L....-...lI.-... ._-._- 1.. _______ 4-.. AI__-- __---.;n, `: `A CARD.T0"1`HE CLUB. Old? Col. Dick Bright, of Washing- ton, was.sha.ved foriyears by a color- ed baxber, who, not being blessed with the splendid longevity ~ of`-the Co1onel,.nally died. `Bright, went to the funerahand, at the dinner table that evening, said he had` put 4 his visiting in i `the .o1_d barber's `.i.ili:i - lzien. V .`St.:'I`homasv A V wi11"s1|3e1id .84,.000 't6 5=rt*`9%% '*4i`*- _ I i7&?k" oontamnlng A1500 `bottles are uh:-pped into that town every `week. . Wardeui PLat.t. of Kingston, Pen.` is to be soulperannuagted and COLI 0-... T_`.l'--_.L....) L..-1.`l---_ -_._ 1.- ....;., `L... IUIJC UIIRJL V-IL il i-fer list. The Saskatoon Daily `Star says that .35 to 40_gam gf eect- V` to one of the" Sound papms, 125 cases of whiskey .......4..:.'..-..... -nznn .L..;A.1.. -... ..'I..:........l' 71" *11_.oo p m..Coba.lt smm .. -s.1o"spi 0! ` IMO u xnToronw &Nort.h Buy Ml pm I-'3 850pm..l\'orth Bay..'.-;._... llpm I57 -1.80 p m..'l`o:-onto 8: Midland 7.48 I m 00 . ......,.-.Gl'3VG_,wh,\)!`8U can " Daily including Sunday. 1` A heading 1;; ablocal pap-e14` Dnmdw Q............... ..n................ A; . `We1l.an `aka .pavmg,im An English iron and-steal'oo1`n~ -_._. 2- 'LL!._I__'_.__ J _-,_I_!_. -_ , .1'%t?rhi1e War b, . The Globe is cursing Toronto real estate andf publishing page adver- tisements of western lots ten miles out from prairie stat.ions! What do you think of such property, compar- ed to Yonge St, less [than three miles from Queen *and% Yonge, as the city! The Globe is "the paper that tried; [to help Taft transfer the unworthy of being incorporated in `business! of Toronto and` Montreal. I to Chicago and New `York! . WHEREAS ' the Municipal Coun- cil of the Corporation of the Town of Barrie deems it advisable to sub- mit to the ratepayers` of the said Togvn of Barrie entitled to vote on ther the said ratepayerrs are in favor of a supply of elect:-i:c~ power from the Hydro+Electrio Power Comm-is,-W o 3 `money _by-laws a` question as to whe- sion of Oiitario. ` __-..._..4. .4... A ._ A nucrriber of Orillia exinpioyees are thinking of petitioning the G;rand Trunk to run -an early morn ing' train from} Barrie to Ori-Ilia. They .say-houses are to be had in .Ba~1vrie, Nvhile they can t get. .-any he1~e,i-and: if a1-ran-giemenits could be made to `get here` in the morning in time" for Work and back to`Ba:rrie in the evening they would take a Bar- rie houee until more were Asuprolied here. _'_I`hejBar'rie Board of Trade might =coo-ope.ra.te and help the County itown: -along. ` A ` ` The Hydro-Electric By-Law (in blank) which is as follows, will be submitted to the electors on Mon- d-.a.,v.~ J une 3rd: ' 7 To take the. yote of the ratepayers of the Town of Ba-rriey entitled to vote on money -by-laws, on a ques- tion to be V submitted: whether the said ratepayers` are in favor` of_ a supply of electric po.wer from the Hydro4Electri_<: . Power Commission of T Ontario. V. Passed the ` day" of AD. 1912. % London, Ont, May 8.-'1"he re- cent action of the Department of Education in notifying the London Board of Education that the usual Government grants would be out o unless the Collegiate Institute were brought up to the required standard: resulted: in a deputation visiting-Tm ronrto to-day. Chairzman Gunn and the trustees pointed out to Dr. 001- quhoun, the Deputy Minister; that they intended to improve the Col- legiate. But as they were establish- ing day industrial schools and might need to erect a separate building,- thus relieving the congestion, they asked! that the alterations recdm~ mended by Inspector Wetherall, and upon which the board had taken no action-, be not insisted upon until the boandi knew what denite policy was to be -axdocptedx. From reports) from the deputation it is believed the department will ' accede to the boa1td: s' request and the trouble. will be settled amicably. v--v-vu--w "i*'HREFoR the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Barrie enacts apt follows: That. the following - question ; be submitted to the ratepayers of the` Municipal Corporation of the Town of Barrie entit.1ed_ to vote on money by-laws: V . , W A`/`ARE. YOU` IN FAVOR OF OB- TAINING. FROM? THE- HYDRO- ELECTRIO POWER COMMIS- SION OF `ONTARIO A SUPPLY '(__)F_1f3LECTRIQ.PO_W~ER? f. U DLA 'aDVI upuua L the? fLa`yr"o""0w:` somadv-Thae about all that -Owen Sound will have_ letft:--no hotel licenses, no elevabons and very little sh.irppi~n~g: trade. Poor old Owen Sound! `get the swans to her death song-verry ap- propn-ate pcnesaent. ` F Ollicz` 'News-Lette;-... _ ....._`a up votes. nyers s'h:a 1l` be vv usag- <;f the rrae- :9 { nun. uu,vu~ a.vwuuvvA,u5 u1`.l.LlBU and by the Deputy :;RetummgVw'mf` iWd> *`:**.i to J /rm.-*- -` - ~ --- [:0ioer mad Poll, C1erks`V`hemei-na,fter Elmvqle Lgmce. anti-treating and abolish the bar legislat-i031 proves to `L- -_ ._.--1. _ .24..-- __-._... 1.... 1..-`- 6&\$bU - U5 -I~(Il&\4`\r|, `IVY LLIB II\l' JlU\ALh of -`enforcement, as the present law, which is: supposed to prevent the sal'e oi` liquor to persons on. the in- terdict list, then the less we have of such prrohibitory enactme'n.ts the `L-4.1...._ ll\.t\J\J 19' I0 LL\.aL\A-Lu\2'\a' \.V1l'l~bll\.IAb lbetllveen Thonzs Fdlison gnd J amres L. Hughes -as` to -the ed-ucational value of moving pictu:re|a`. Edison` will spend $3,000,000 in developing a series of lms to be displayed} in the schools, in the face of an asser- tion from' the. Toronto expert to the effect that liquor licenses are preferable to moving pictures. The question might rightly he askedu When is a Collegiate In- sttitute not a Collegiate . Instie tute? To all liaippearances the answer seems to be: W7hen.there is no suit: able gymnasium. ~ The sooner the bpartment of Educatioit gets away` from the antiquated not-ions of pre- scribed -courses: in Collegiates amd grapples, with the problem of train-_ ing each youth of our eountry in a pursu-.it for which he is` best tted; the sooner the people will begin to think more libe.ra1ly;toWa_rds the im- mense expenditures -now (put into the seoond'a.ry schools of 1 our province. Mail and Einpzre. % % `There is a: d:i ere:nce -"of opinion ` L-A___--_- 7'l`L-_._-_ IF.12._-_- ___.'l T_..-.-..` Toronto; World. T lonuan PAPERS OPINIONS I Gremz}y'inIzEpEnzent. The King has sent six swans to L1..- 1l'____._ -1 f\__._.. Q..-....J: 'l`L...4J.-.. _GAREA'1`MIANDS. DISAGREE. NOBODY I4-JOVES ME. 1. GENERAL BANKING Aausmzss TRANSACTED M:ONEY LOANED TO RESPONSIBLE PEOPLE J oint: Acconts {nay be opened in the namc;-$`of Two'or more people, the money fromwhich may be withdrawn by any one of them or the survivor of them.` .. ` ` BANK 0FTORONT Barrie and Allandale Branches N3. `

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