Miss M1ss- M iss Miss - BARBIE, "l`Hl...OOUN'l'Y OF IIHOOE AND THE DOMINION OF CANADA OUR_' CRITERION. :- ' Reserve OFW-~ THE SEASON Tickts, M1ss_131sk'"7'r41/3{ CAREY ST. A`NDREW'S CHOIR` ;, : ; "-,Contr_i.!to. of Hamilton. arieties Assitd H-by 'RegNo. I O I I I 034 A.` 356 236 193 39 42 37 47 `I 25cts;_ ision. -295 208 1 P I 2 . .39.- 25 34 38 34 39 47 31 25 30 can snow HIMSELF ` WITH ow FAMILY GUN, Sad tzircumstanees surround the death of Walter Watkins,` of Craig- hurst, who committed suicide by shooting himself with an_ old shot gun on Sunday evening. Watkins uounn n ............-_-_-_ .E__.-.. .3 I51 __--..- .,.... .. ..........._, ....,.......,. ........u,., was anpvoetperous. of 64 years of age and was well and. favorably known throughout the district. He had been desponndent for several months, and` it is thought that ill- ness deranged his mind. He worried over the possibility of cattle. feed .running short, and spoke of having to shoot some of his cows. Another worry of which he made much was a possible shortage of Wood . ' `Ia I raighurst Farmer Wes Despomlent and Became Deranged Through '_lllness--Was Respected Resi- dent of Neighborhool_for_/. . 40 Years, A ` On Saturday he assisted with the` chores, and seemed to `be `feeling! better, but on Sunday he relarpsedi into melancholy and: told some of ! the family that he feared he wourlrdi never` be. able to Work again. _At `his I request all the family Went to? Ctra.ighurs't `Church on Sun.d2a?y even-` ing and on their return, they were; shocked to nd him lying on` the} kitchen floor with the old shot gun; rbg his side. He was fatally wound: 1` ....J -1'u_-____1_ h Au_:_.___. .1.- U3 A110 Q1\LCc I.J.\/ ,VV`(l J.(lol.`(J4.l1" VV\J'LllJ.\.|T ' and although Dr. Atkinson of-i Hil-lsdale was called, he` lasted but! an hour; during which time he Wasi unconscious. Mr. Watki-ns had liv-{ ed in the neighborhood` for". nearly, forty years, and was highly l'S)p\Ctr I ed by all. -The greatest sympathy is felt for his widow, one daughter and ' three sons . ' \ I I Coroner Dr. Ross Was ,. called but decided that an inquest was un- `necessary. ` `BARRIE WOULD BOOM IF THEY STRIKE OIL iTwo Companies Have" Over 4000 Acres of Land Under Lease-Options--'0pei'a`1tior1_sA Will Commence in` Few 'Weeks--Former Government. Geologist Feels Certain Oil? and Gas Will" Be Found-+Test Wells Very Close to Barrie. ` ' For many years oilyand gas men have had their eyes focused on the` country surroundingiBarrie and fre-I quently experienced min -have stat-I ed that some day both oil and: gas would} be found `here in paying. quantities. During the past T two`, weeks there has been great activity ! in this direction,` and ' representatives of two companies have been leasing up land with the `object of starting operations `within next fewl __,_ -1-.. These leases are madier` for one` year, with the pnovision that if , operations are shartech the company pays 25c an acre and will have a lease of the property so long as the wells: prove prdtable. prop erty-owner gets one tenth of ax'l'1`the oil, minerals, etc._. foumi. and, $50 per year for every gas well of "come 1 . mercial value, and the` privilege of using all the gas he for his I Thos. 00x, 3. man of '14 years ex- perience in the oil business, as .well (as in the employ of the Geological Survey Dept. V of the Dominion Gov-I ern1ne has 2100 acres` under lease, I the land} extending from J'as-'. C`ook sV farm at Colwell right in to Barrie, where they have the properties: be- longing to W. A. Lowe, L. I. Vair and G. H. Estenunder -lease; T When Mr. Cox was interviewed.- at the Barrie Hotel, yesterday, -he gave some interestingr information irr'ref- erenoe to the operations and pros- pects for striking oi-1 in this neigh- borhood. Operations may- oom- menoe within two or tlmee weeks if` a local company is formed, and if the outside capital is put in to de- velop the properties, it maynot be] longer than six weeks before the drillers `commence work. V A He would not commit himself as to whose property` the test well would: be on, but said. it would be. near Town. In the event A 1 of -nding-- oil, no`_ma1_:feu'ejAw3t how close. ` it` would :_be necessary to pipe . r imra toqnm-is; where. 9; large tank` ;w,ou.l be? at_~_tl'1_ev V dre- _` - ., . :1 `.-R ,,--, -J_L-__. ,."1.3.`...u.n.&1*'-I-nu -I-11" tner. Cox= snirveyed dis- `trict some ten for` the! [Dominion `Govt. .G_eo1ogis2a.1 Dgpt. ` fild Y"h' d' `.: 0* the POLITICAL ASP! STATE tRumors That A, E. H. Creswickeg andgwarden Scanlon Had Dropped Out of South Simcbe Rghce are Untrue--Both 1' t` are Out to Win-- Executive: Meet: at Cookstown To- " marrow` `When Convention pate Will Be Set. i To-morrow at Coo-kstown the Exe- cutive of the South Si-mooe Con- servative Associ-at-ion meet to decide on T a date for the convention. It is most `likely the date will be set for the second` week in June, possibly Friday, June 14th; There is little likelihood of the election being held earlier than September, but as there is little possibility of a Liberal candidate being put in the eld, it will -be but a matter of form`. . Several of those. in the eld have written letters to correct false im- prasions that they have retired from the race. Among this number are Mr. A.~ Ctreswicke, K.C., and Warden Sczgnlon, whose letters ap- lpear below. Although there are some `ten or twelve asspirants, the general ;opinion seems to be that a Barrie lmari .will win out. The ccrnvention I A . ;prom1ses. to be a memnrable one, and :it will be very largely attended. {Local associations will select theizt idelegates next Week.\ - , Barrie, May 11th, 1912. Sir,---It is being persistently stat- `ed that have no serious intention iof a candidate at the `forth- gccmmg convention t.o name a succes- lsor A to our late member__--no,w the EH}on'orab1e Mr. Justice Lennox; that if I am oered theenomination I will accept it, but that I am not anxious [for it; again, that I am only mak- ~ing use of the opportunity as a `stepping stone to some position; and nally to-day I have_ a. letter from lone of the candidates who tells me soUTH SIMCOE ELECTION { . 1 prospects for nding either gas or- `oil, or both, in this distrist. The lTrenton- formation, which is at a Idepth of from 300 to 400 feet in this district, crops out at Golng- ;.Wood and at the Manitoulin Island. {This is where oil will be found", but has it is supposed to be some 400 or more feet thick here, it will be necessary .to go down at least 800 feet before the petroleum wi1-1 be . .E..-_.._ .1 ;?;;;;di Iscnool. TEACHER HAS AUTHORITY EQUAL T0 PARENT ` `$1500 FOR TEST WELL. I It will cost $1500 `for a test well. First a ten-inch pipe is: driven sever- al hundred! feet, then an eight-inch one goes down another two or three h_un:d.red:, then a six-inch one until I . V . flnteresting Appeal Case at ` New Lowell-G_eorge Dob-. son, Teagher at Utopia, Qets Conviction of ` Assault Quashed. - ' I An ~a.pvp'ea1V of great interest. to '.Sum1id_a1e residents was heard at the Town -Ha1l~, New" Lowell, on Monday, whern "Judge Wismer decid- u-.1 A.`L..L {`|--___ '1'\-L--.. --L--'I L..--L l A&l.\lJlLIlJ VVLI \.L6\; V I L\.7I..I.l.VuL \4I\J'\lL\.I. ` led that George`D bs-on, school oea:ch- i er at Utopia, had not assaulted one Norman McM.-aster, a fourteen-year- old pupil. ` * - . 1 1 . I s . 1-; * * 0 The case dates back to December 15111, when it was -alleged the assault took place, J os.McMaster, the lad s `. father charging; that ` Dobson had, a spelling class, taken the `boy by the lapel of the coat, given him. `a. jerk and placed him from f0Qt7O'fj78.` class. There ,were the.class=. This 'had1p`Howed an'.1tercat_.ion between 'the:fTa11 iboy over ,i-`(Q9,tinued11*O!1_- Page Four.) - '1 . ( Cohi11u(dVAozn Page 5) that -he was told by another of ;the -candidates that I was really out: ovfitit asI-had been ordered South Will" you kindly permit me to say tha.-Vt is not one word of truth In 1-_a;n y one of these statements. I have from time to time been urged by-gfriende to allow myself to be put in gnominatiotn and long before a vacfancy actually occurred I an- nounced my intention of becoming 9., candidate should one occur. This int_e ntion~ was made known to every lonquirer, and most distinctly to several of those .Who are now aspir- ants including the gentleman who, as I am. told, has knowingly misre- presented-my intention in this re- spect. My object therefore in ad- dressjng this circular to you is to acquaint you with the fact that I am seriously a candidate and that my name will be before the conven- tion so that if there should be any, delegate who has unfortu-nately com- mitted himself to` some partiqulgg pesioll in the belief imposed on him` that am out of the contest, he may very sproperly consider himself free to do`as he pleases when about to mark this ballot at the convention. I have eonvassecl no one. I believe no one should go to the convention tiedigyp with a promise to vote for a. particular person and all I ask is that "the delegate. shall understand that my name will be before the (~onve'nt.ion in -all serioiisnoss and that he need not vote against me be- ca11-e.'g_I heen m isreprosontetl. l}>t"_"`us`l1iave a fair ght and let the m n .Who is thought by the conven- tign most capable and Willing to ....'.a... LR." L....J. :._L_......L.... _ ..-_.. T\- L LII L4l1\/\JkU ,\/(blJUlJlLL (.lrll\I. VV 111111.15 II\J se1;v_,e _ th. A interests of our Do- mi`r'1iaotnff' 'a.;(_I,1:h1s constituency, Wm. ,t_x,'_.~q'3 .-'z-`-~~- _ _, urs sanacerely, 1 +~ : A. E. H. CRESWICKE. | To_` the`_'Libera1-Conservative Electors ' of'tI1 Riding of South Simooe. T Gent1emen,-Im deference to the persistent requests made. to me, I have consented to stand as 9. candid- ate fqr this Riding at. the Conven- tion 150 be held to select a represen- tative of our party to succeed our recent, much respected member, Hon. Hamghbocn Lennox. 5: I now, make this formal a;n11oun ment of my decision that all con- oermed -may know I am in the eld and `have. a.n'opportunit.y in the of considering me in con- nection with others, trusting that I wils1. at the Oonvention. receive such _support as` I -may be worthy of, hav- -...... ............J ....1_- L... 4.1.... L...-.1. I... \3\L'lJ1J'\J'L II und_ .1. Lll&l." |J\/ ..u.u.._, \JL, .....h ing regard only to the best in- teress of our 'Riding,- the duty We owe to our Leader and the welfare of that great party of which we con- stitute :8. part. I remain, Yours re%pectfu-lly, A `we 4\` Don tWaste Interef and risk the principal teeIf* keeping` a lot of money 111. your -Ge 01- your -pockets. . , 1103. ...,...M be much safer m- the \IL1. ,.l./ \A.I.ul.\Jl)' k) U. Vu. nunrxnvu-.] , May 3th, ladies gold bmoifowner may have same by proving property. Apply to P.C. Lambie. 20-22 {s..o5P:n ANNUM IN ADVANCE "`IInnL1 cant: -nu-to Arno. CONES filled with our \ pure cream Ice Cream will ` -delight, the children if they come to 9-esnvsmrs ` 3.DU,LVlJ.`l.I!1. or one 01 N 'CHRISTIE S "PURE H _ dAifL0N. Bradford, May 11th, 1912. ; FOUND. On ,Du.n.lop St. on Wednesday, I"___ 01.1. 1...`:._ ...A1.-] (W...-w-.1. I-an F"l`|lI'I II1 RUVAI1 `mou qonts `mutt cunt ' V At: our fountain you will find the most delicious isundaes and Ice Cream Sodas. \)LII.lUILLVI. `IC\] }mCRi?JXIVIiJs made from thebesb cream, in the gosh sanitary way possi- .6. V LA dish of ICE CREAM, aSUNDA.E or one of - l'II'YI"`l'L`1fI'\T`I' ' `l')I TT)'I'-V tmyu-D " 11' house 01 3'01 It would be [jnion Ban-.1: of 'Can:ad9af-lays likgg. 1, to bo .~4po.11t--LTld.` instead} idle wml night and day. If you 1u1veu t -a %Swiun.gzs Account ulreaudy, come in `open 0119- , ` Barrxe Branch- ? Id be `earning Inbergt; ANNOUNCEMENT. our PURE CREAM I111! IVYTTN A `K 1... .._...`l_ .__.._ )F. 1'. SHEET". W - Mgmgger LONDON. ENG., mmncn, [ :1 'r|u-endneedle 81.. EC. EJEIIEIE-E-:l% _. Now is the Time to Have ,._.. WE ARE SHOWING EVERY A Rev 181011 11 is*l will rallroads, sch ools . disputable title Excu1'91"`i' two .Weeks during h_9 `Pnng Summer. Special mduoemeli .. -excursion . and all "other information` 391517 . 1'01 Get your Oanadlfm Hme . `the Canadian Paclc. ' 1:17. who- : from the CompaI1Y_ and Specu1ator s prot In 7 ozn `ket. Choice lands for 531 fen instalment p1aI1- 003? . and chute $0 Darties. For price? . - -11 -`~ District Sales C.P.R 8'20 I t. V . Lands, Ev??? NEW STY|.Ei -.. E.\' l41HAI.--Wunted at once. High ' _1_:psta.irs work. Applym_1V`|"ra- Simmoi1S& Co.I Barrie. . . AN 1'19 -" ` uh ,.\,\n |u'|'UHIsN_U` 03 011108. Noxcr: .\m>ly 30-` `D'" `(mm -2n-`ll U td5:uc1. to Town, smaTl Iumily. light Work Cont vr`-1 -; ~ -I. 1 B M Advance 0"i(V3lr3t:_rm|.-11fr,m.( Appy ox o "_uV wuntry girl 1: Office. Barriv. 1}? 7`J`UU1\"U K .\\:';KA1.-\i`VanLe(1ka.t (DANCE!-y \\'ugn.H. .'( upsta. PB W0!` . DD _ - M. Burton. Hi,,'l)1 St. ~20'21 ~--- _ `_> V1l{I.w.\N'I`h:I `Sood enefal; smmor00t- We c1m- `own. mm 1 light Work Cnunn-u.,:..1 A .....1.`. nm. M Advance JDS Rmunwxl of IL!-lhl:.S. and all kinds of carting 'dogc9n SlH)l"("%` notice. Phone ordersvto Mar- Una` blow. U\\'vn St . -phone No. 362, or call on with Al`lll.'~`Il'()lIL;, 6'. Owen Stu Barrie. 20-32 ,7 L {--> ` VOL. LXI. No. no _ ruomwson cuw,` my AwrIa`f`E6s`i| puuuvuy --- - --w ----- -.-..,., 51 Tlu-eadnecdle St. I-2.0. * p, w. ASHE. - - Manuel`. 6. M. C. HART SMITH. Assistant Mgr. - _ (`E *<' R} { ii x'i55ne~ GIRL WANTED A I Own.` s....z.. an`; an" Allxrnnnn Oman. `. aunt " I __:Ew ADVERTISEMENTS. _y uvnnu-7 UL yllgllaviusv .L1`h'N0x. coww 85 'BROWI.! nlin-tn-n nuns. . ance 2' seed. all and Have that Group Picture Made A -TU-*W L0? 113 show you our special dis- plny wt am~ucl,ive new styles. We urn pc1't outVl-y equipped for nmkim: grnup pi<:tu1'us. and will plm.-w you with the quality of our wmk. Make the appoint- uunnl nn'_\' Ulll \V\Ilu\I mm! m)'.\'. .__._n-jajl J. FRANK JACKSON MONEY TO Lam V`l1lal1`i1.vUi` private funds t.o_loanV9.t PER cznrr; A on easy terms of payment. . I Inn un xv ....... . -.. -u-s puuuvnc Mlukvr of I o1'u`alts FOR 1912- Men's Hats .\. 'Kz}lVVAN 05 1'! 5011011019. ..._._.---u-u-2--12- CARTING WHOLE uo;.4ov.} . Pulunuln. I - - KXVEIIUI 17-tf NEW COLLEGIATE PRMW" N0 , NEARER soumon. "Plans Approved by Dept. and Architects Asked to Hurryl . e Spe.cificatiens-_-Penny Banks Will Soon Be Tallyins -UP] . the Coppers (in All. the Schopls--Two Teachers t0 B3 7 `Advertised For. " V t J Them. W-9'9 Vacant seats amund. p`rove` condiionsat the c1sets' atytlie the board: tubule of qthe monthly meet. East, West and South Wand schools ing of the 130; of _Ed_-u_mon on and the Coegiate `Insyoitute. The `Inspector was urging mnmediate am- M - A - . . . . OW-by _0VBnmg. Llttle of Interest _tention,, but he had endeavored to transpired and although the new stand him off u_snti1 the holidays. II'l1I3":t\In 1-- _ __ 111* f, MAY. H505. CLIIUGIF dd-fv Edi:-_ca.tion `Monday evening. Little `of interest transpired, although new Collegiate question. was `broached, no progress` was made, the ques- tion of building a. new school stands just where it did a month ago. .True, `the Department of `Education has given its approval of the plans "sent to them, but that is merely a matter ...L' 13-....- - , -5' ~ v-- ----w -w --v-v-.7 _a- um-uucu-' of form, -most. people considering that -the Dept. of Education I would approve of any plans, pr-orvided they oallgad `for a gymnasium to meet. the status requinements. In. `anwver -to a ~qu:estion. by True} tee Love, Chair`-man Smith said the matter was at -a standstiall, until the architects prepared Working plans. expense. . '"r""" "-'-----3 1'-W-W-, Trustee Love` thought there might have been some way to have rushed the matter, .30 as to have, the. by`- law pnesented to the peop1e.on the same day as ohe~l1yd:ro-electric agree- ment. The architects are taking their own time and should be stirred mp, said Trustee Love. We might have had this ready to subtm-it with the other by-laws and save a lot of I * ' ' Architect Whittcn said he would have .working plans in `forum weeks`, and he has yet. another week, said Trustee Otton. Trustcer Love ' still `maintained that from past expexrience they would not be much ahead when the work-I ing plans were here. V T-hey wovu1d' just `have the -ar- chite:ot. sg V e/st.im'a.te to gum_ on, `and! he thought they} might as well go 53he.ac1' and submit.` the by-1azw* on the amount he had- already es1:ima.ted,_($`!10,000).~ ., ` "`ItZvwi-ll. be turhd dvvn, fany'way, retptmrked. Tr'usteeu Palling. - -Somebod.y' `asked who the Building Committee were, -and noted that the Board ' was going ahead Without: knowing .what. they were doing. ,. 1 I`|.`L_!_. I Doing nothing. suggested Chair- man Smith. We should. do some- thing or drop it altogether. It is now four weeks t'o-nilght since `the architect was here, and there is" Ixothing .don.e. ` `I 1' `I _--A. LL!...I-| LIV VIII].-I56 ~ uvnuvu _ Truste Frawley did not think they shouzl-d censure the architect until they had a reason for it. BINUJ. auovuu. so -.v.....,.,.. _.,_ ___ You -are waiting to get the plans and what. better off will you be when you do get them, said Trustee Love. VA -._-.9J..'..... Inn -n.1.n'1nn I jAY 28th, 'yULl_ \.l'U"5C'U voswlnsa, -um-.. __ We are _not waiting for plans, but for specications, am} when we get them, we will advertise for ten- ders and -then go to o'he.peop1e, said Tmstee Otton. % V -' - ML-..` -.... mu- .I..l'l1l5lvUU \Juvvau f, This seems. funny, when" .we put aside - the tenders for alterations and took -the a:rchitect s,`g'ures: when we" presented the last by-1-aw, said `Trustee Andijew said _th9 people would think the Board crazy? if they did that, and Trustee Ofbon thought it advisable to appoint _a Building Committee at once. _ This 'I7r1'1stee_ Fraw1ey thought unwise, as it .was a. :n_1at oer for the whole Board I tn \ 1 \ |IIA\I | VA motion was carrreu Cuumug : TH : _m1':nu1's or ;--? BARRIE, COUNTY %%OF%SI14\/ICOE. o'N1`.X.R1o, MAY :5. [912 Is.t.here likely to` be a sewer on Bradford-St ? quetriegi Trustee Love. ' No the Council threw that out, `said Ch.a.irmsan Smith.` APRIL _ATTEN.DANCE.' The lattendnance at the various schools for April was as follows: Central School-- FINANCE REPORT. . Trustee Richardson of the Fin- anoe Department `reported receipts lof $4100, made up of P.S. Levy $2000, Collegiate Levy $1500 and Collegiate fees $600. Asccounts, total- ling "$136.72, .were recommended for `pay1ment. ' Included in this: Was: $20 expenses re the visit to Toronto of Trustees Smith, Richardson, Otton and King in. regard to Penny Banks. The `Special Committee on ` Penny , Banks reported that the scholars in Toronto schools took. following time to do banking: 12 scholars took 3 i minutes; 24 scholars took 5 If1~ins., 10 scholars 2 mins., 15 scholars 4 mins., thus 61 scholars took 14 min- utes to do their banking, an average of 4 scholars each min-ute. 0 . , 4 I Burton Ave .-4- ` E. S-heaarg. . Miss Kennedy I :n:a.-E1 East rmnine the. nwors and -* nt roll for [1 business - questted` to _n1d place. _ We.st 'Warr(l-_ 1' 1'! `I King--Otton---That this. Boamd ap- proves `of Penny Banks system as a means of -Edruoation, and that in Wisdom of Board We am'an=g'.e to have system installed at. once. 1,, 24:1. or MAY BARGAIN AT HUNTER 31:05., BARRIE. IIlt!.l.l.LH DU a':I:vu. W1. 41;. nu . . ..,.,._, ".7 av ~= our men s Suitsat $10.00 and $12.50. [See our Spring Overooats at , $10.00. Plain Coats _at $8.50 and $10.00. .Soft Shirts at 4:90. 1500 pairs of pants, bought at one-thindn off, on sale" :ou- 24th of` May Bar- gains throughout store for early. This: motion carrier} an-animovuzs-ly, and arrangwements will` be made to have: the system 'putL im working omder as `soon as possible. I `The cost of i11augura.t.img the sys- tem will be $25 per school for the rst year and $2 or $3 per year` the-reazfter. This: is for ledgvers, sup- plies, etc. ` A _.We are having` speial induce- ments to 24th of .May buyers. See , -_.7_- Q-.A.- .-.4-'(21l\l\l\ .5.-n.-I Q10 K buyers." Jas. Marlin ._. R.- Stewart . .. `ll-0 -:--usu- VV (4lL\A `J. _E. Morrison . . . . Miss I; Usher E. Usher . . . Morris-on . . . Miss` vMi1_ligan -. . . . Miss King V. . . . . .. ';yat_ fhe.