Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 9 May 1912, p. 6

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I `MW. A. H rubiic. Ha11 s.'Cata.rrh Cure is taken in- ternally," `acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Send for. testimonials free. F.J. CHENEY &Co., Toledo, 0. ` - Sold -by_ a]l,Druggists, 75c. = Take HaJ1 s: Family Pills for con- - sti~pation :5 A Bdy:I haven t heard you! |laugh yet.-Sa_tire. - T 5Homeseekers 3 EXClll'SlOl`lS l 'w1NNIPEc ;}a`&'"Iii1"izN - $34.00` .EDMON_TON `and moan $42.00 [Tickets will also be on sale on certain dates viqsamia and Northern .\'avigation Company Through` Pu_llman 'l`o_urist _Slee era will V be operated In connecuon wxth n ove ex- cursnons. leavmg Toronto 10.30 p m. M N0-CHANGE OF CARS Full farticnlars and tickets from any Grand ' `runk Agent. or write A. E. DUFF. District Passenger Agent. Union Statxon, '1`oronto, Ont. I MAY 14-th an.l'28th :JUNE 11th and 25th I and every Second Tuesday thereafter until September 17th I I liulmnuniiilau --n--._... . - . . state ofTOhio, City of To1edo,1 .9 (1.-`-1:-`I-rs ` tor--WhY 3 ` JOKES IN THE SANCTUM. ~L.L\J1lL7 IHJJL \y.n.\.I,vvI. geneval h pit-al. _ ment 111 Windsor, Ont. _ 1y call at our Medical Institute in Detroit: our ` Windsor bices which are for Ca `Canadian business only. Address all 1: __ , . Y & KENNEDY, Windsor, `;,au:nr1+-waadxua; - - T nae lEm_%fEgl% vc and Griswold St Deb-mt M r: WESTERl}_i;CANADA . Chicago _PAaulA V ` U"ED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT. F122 rgg thing-,Confidential. Quuon Lint md Cost of NERVOUS, LIFELESS DEBILITATED MEN ' J. E. BILLINGSLEY. Agent. ii cVf\iga'nAvc. ahd" St., Detroit, Mich. L` V-"jnj A V The A.dva.n'c{e gives; pecial _c1ub-.- bing rates with ` _all`daily and week- ly papers- ' IT CONSENT. No name: on Imam or c-nvcY- 0|: *5? Li "Id C08: of Trqntxnont FREE FOR HOME All letters from Canada must be addressed - to our_eCanadian Correspondence Depart- .3?3 3`_3"111_4Windsor, Out. If you desire to `.M.d131 `Instxtute in Detroit as we see and treaAt Ol"p'Omch -whim!-1 no... I... n-,_-- -_ ,, cpteun We have r`one business through` Canada for over 20 Years. - _ Lv CURABLE CASES `GUARANTEED OR NO PA`! Are you a victim? II_-avo you hope! Am you nut,onun_w;: to n-:11 as'your blood been qig.--a_.~`eq?_I I1`.\.`0,` you :1 sung --....-.Q t\ A victim? Have 1055 'ou iutmnuizn: n.;m`)'? as your is-used? Iizzvo,` :mV weakness? Our New Method Treatment we!` `cure you. Whatit. has don for others it mul do folyou. Consultation Free. No xmmev who has treated yon, an-im for an hom*r~8 - K i n. F:' # ' 2 gyggovl. `1:.1'!:!?hr?0fd.$"z'\ ;.x1`:1'ho0dB.?'k\3111U5:"::t' , ed) on Diseases of Men. -w-n-vs--U Inn I55 DUVIU LJUBLI IJLJJD. { Our New Method Treatment has sn:I.tvhv*'1 hundreds from the Lr2::L: ot uespuir. has rv- stored happiness to h'.;nd;*r.-ds of lmnws and hasmade successful men or` those who \'=~`I`*` down and out. `V0 |`f.`s:x'!1)0 .\`po`cilicrmn- edies for each individun caste uccoruirg to tin` symptoms and compliczttions-\\'e lmvn HQ patent medicines. '1 Ilia i3 one ofthc S0t`r'.'tS` or our wonderfulsuccesn as ov'r t oatmenc am- not fail torwe prescribe 1-vnwdi s adm-ted to eachinividualcase. Only curable czlses ac- av_=..<:; .:r;.2::.:. $223. xU_UNu MEN AND MIDDLE-AGED ME the vxctims of early mdnscretiuns mul lzm-re cesses, who are failures in lit`e-yu>u mv` I oneswe can restore to manhood and n-xi the spark of energy and vitality. I)-`n`t pi up in despair beczuase you have trcmwl ui other doctors. used electric belts and tn -various drug store noslruuls. n... ll... :1 .1 -u -- _ . - LL `---'- --* --mums: ~7{.};;ron who is ch, 1 n 201' any male over 1; segues :1? glfa family stead a nutter section 0 a.V9.i38.bie 35' home. land in anitoba. Saskatchewan or Kn D on The` a licant must ' lbert I l)nminIi)gn Lands Ag-e:33?3rq.'.'L PS_ at at lung in Manitoba, Saskawhewanm "'""0n -,.'lYhe,app1ioo.nt must appear in pager?` be"; -Dominion Lands Agency or Sub agency 13 `he ,diaI:_rict. Entry by proxy may be made "`he agency. on -certain condiuons by huh mother son. dau hter. brother or sister ?P. tending homes er. . fun. A Duties; --Six m0ntns _ residence upon eultivauon of the landm each of three Dd A homesteaderemay live within 1nine,n{," 3- his_hor_nesbead on a farm of at least so es ' solely owned and occupied b ' him or b'1`es father. mother. son, daughter, in 3 hi! th - - In certain districts a. noxnestimi 0i1,,3"" ~ -standin may pre-emptaquartcr-secti 30 ezde hid1omestaead._ Price $3.00 per M33` '1"3- Duties.--Must`res1de upon the h0n)es.tea] nre-em tion six months in each of six y from are of homestead entry (including fr time required to earn llomestead patent) he cultivate fty acres extra. and A hnmnafonan whn luau nv1.n..,.a, 4 1 . Ot.ta.wa Bdy Scouts will semh for! place where ies may breed in an eortv at extermination. . ' , 1. shsrorsis or CANADIAN NOR WEST LAND B.EGULA'1'1oN~3..Tn` A NV oersnn who in the unln 1.--; - YOUNG MEN AND MIDDLE-AGED 3.1!-LN. be victims of enrlv indi\'l'Y`0f:nnc lnl Inn-r :>`, . IIlI dlIUl'UUlfKi:'&- ' ""` omestea erw o` as exhaI1st(-dh` stead right -and cannot obtain a prc-::Eiu}1`;?{Pe` may epter fora. purchaaqd hoxnestoad in tain dlstricts. Price s3.cu per acre. 1mne"' Must reside six months in each of thm - _ 5 Year; ` ggtil-(\:te fty acres and erect a house wonh W. W. ( ?01;y_ Deputy of the Mmister of the Intorio, viehg?i5f?I3`%e$23'3-? "" `him- 1 ONTARIO ffrovincial Loans of $2,000,000am1 $210,000 THE GOVERNMENT OF THE PROVINCE OF ONTARIO, under the authority of Chapter 4, of the Statutesof Ontario, 1911, invites subscriptions from the public for 3 loan of $2,000,000 on bonds of the Province of Ontario, or ()nLario Government: Stx_>:k: \\I" VII-LLLI . The bonds .will be dated 1st May, 1912, and payable on the 1st N.;w<,m. ber,- 1941, in denominations of $1,000 each, with coupons attached for in` terest at the rate of 4 per cent. per annum, payable half-yearly, on the _1st May and 1st November in ouch year, at the oice of the l mvin<:iul 'l`re_asm'er, Toronto, or at tl1c.ui,-:5 of the Bank of Montreal, in .\l<)l1t- real, Canada and in New Yum-1;. N. Y., at the holder s option. llumls will be made payable to 11..-m-<-1-_ but on request will be a'egistC.r in Ille: olce of the Provincial 'l`r and endorsed as payable only 1,`. Ilxc order of certain person; or m1'}mr- ations, and on request U. l1ol will be exchanged for Ontario (;..v-rn- .ment Stock at any time. A1,... `l-..1......A -4` A1..-_-_ ,' H Pno\'1.\'cI.-u. Tm-:.\.~'1 mzn. T.reasury Department, P:1I'1i:1mvnI Buildings, Toronto, April I'.`t`n. 1912. o Newspapers inserting this :1 1x--r- tisement Without autlzority from the Department will not be p;1ilt'-wr it. 17-20 ....-.... IJI.\J\/LL ...., ....,, E, Also balance of Algonquin iLoan of $210,000 on the :-':l.mv [and With the same dates, 11m1<-1 `authority of Chapter 0, 1 (`}<-01'; 71"]-.. 5-..--- _____`-_ J__ .......\,..._, `,1 \,....,,.u U, 1 .. ; The issue price during the mwnth "of May, 1912, will be 102 for -up-h $1OO and after the 31st day t' .\l::j'. 1912, the issue price will be 14*: um} linterat accrued from the 1st .\f;a_xg. l 1912. P E ALL BONDS AXD 1_\'sc1:1m:1> STOCK ISSUED UNDER mu AUTHORITY OF HIE .<.\11_; [ACT ARE FREE FROM ALL n.\'- ' TARIO PROVINCIAL '1x\ x1:.<. CHARGES, SUCCESS10 N 1 >1 "l`Y AND IMPOSITIONS \\'J1.\'r.<:)- EVLER. - n r\. u w\ .La 1 .n4.n.v. Purchasels of Stock or B(11]1]_\ will be required to send certied <'1m1".c with. the application, payable to Ihv order of the Proviucsiul 'J`1--n>=.H'v`r of Ontario. fhl 0 1 n u -u I 1'. ` 22A 1 Us I: I 3 . I This-1o a.n is raised upon the <-r-iit lof the -Consolidated Revenue I-`mul of_Onta.r1o, and 15 (:h.11'gcab1c Ih~1'c- upon. A 1 1l'Arn*r`r1v.m:\\- --. L. .. .a\.u.uu. an WC act: auu uum are Qarrespondence and <.*Add`l`8s.- all letters as follows: '3`! ` an On . - A. 3. 1\[ATIII0X. - ith 'l\ J l urk It-Ylllh ..: L all` 2 5? Q ' V . 9090000090000000000009090: da.y sT illness. A new school is to be for Union School Section` No. 3 Tay and Tiny. Te11:de.rs' are being` as-ked for. V ' The Si1Il1C`O`0 Power Co. isefxten.d- ing its line to Victoria, Hambor, where they have a` conit-ract to `light. the streets. ' A ` V Of 45 -candgidabes for the degree bf M.D. at Western University, London, 38 were successful-, J. Mor- liarity of Orillia being gold medalist. I i It you want speoinl mice writeto [ . Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine 00. (con!!- "' doxgtial). I. an, lass. Your letterwiill 1`? mgopene , read? and answered luvs ` L da"i'as? l"\ 7`S`Tedr?esdaM;':waf; o2Iiy"Z 1,A!_ I1_____ . Wm. Poole of iwyebrirdge. had _a barn burneud last week. He suspects sparks f mm .8. pasusmg railway e-11-I gine as the cause. ` . I . If you have `a-11-yt.higr1g' you Nvanti pri-ntlejd---f~r~om a visiting card` to a 3-s-he1et_ pozst.e1f--1et. ' The Advance quote you gu1'ccs rst. ; ` V Cmexnore has decided to erect a` new $10,000. public school, and to renovate andg remodel the I present building for 3, ;Co1'1.tinua.ti'o11~ Schoo1.} Mr. Ohas. Bursee,'one `of "the o1d~l Teswt reseiodentsv of Petneba.nguisheme,' .Whi1e lighting up at ' the Ra.ng~e| Swarthmore, Penn. -- For fteen years I suffered untold agony, and for . _ one period of nearly `=` two yearslhad hem- orrhages and the doctors told me I '5; would have to un- dergo an operation, ' but I began taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com- ` pound and_ am in l l o , goodhealth now.hI , \` @;j' ,4 g am all over 1: e . In/H/.'llw |llL.m LI// Change of cannot praise your Vegetable Compound toohighly. Everywoman should take ltat that time. I recommend itto both old and young for female troub.les._-_-Mrs. Emu: Summnsomn, Swarthmore, Pa. Canadian Woman : Experience: " AAQ J, ,I __ IL I` . :~:-- Tlie C.P.R. liners 1eft Owe'n Sound` last week ;for thevir new temninal, Port McNico1'. A thousand 'citize'ns~ gathered` on the docks to give them a send-off. % % % I Saved by Lydia E. Pinlham s Vegetable Compound.` I CAPITAL . $10,000,000 REST, - r sa,ooo,pooA of The Canadian Bank of `Commerce will receive deposits of $1 and upwards, on whichtinterest is allowed at .current rates; There isvvno delay in withdrawing the whole or any portion of the deposit. Small deposits are welcomed. _ , _ _ , T_ V 1234 Accounts may be opened in the names of `two or more persons, to be `operated by any one of the number or by. the survivor.` A joint account of this kind saves expensein establishing` the ownership of the money after death, and is especially useful when aman desires to provide. for his wife, or for others depending upon him, in the event of his death. DOBTURS ADVISE IIPERATIIINS V-1_nnner?'". Fort William , 0nt.-I feel as if I ' could not tell others enough about the good Lydia E. Pinkham'I Vegetable Compound has done for me. I was weak and tired and I could not rest nights. A friend recommended your Compound and V I soon gained health and strength and `I could not wish to sleep better. I know other women who have taken it forthe same purpose and they join me`!!! .prai's- i ing it."--Mrs. WM. A. Burn , 681 South , Vickar Street, Fort Williams, Ontario. Since we guarantee that all testimo-. nials which we publishare genuine, is It not fair to suppose that it Lydia A.ham s Vegetable Compound has the tue to help these women it.,v`yill_lI_ elp`o,'n3g.' other woman who is In aj like. _ _ _ .__ ,_*.-`I `TH:-:sAv1Nc:s BANKL`D%EPART%MEiNT% _1s41~;-.5. Fred Megedith I of 0.`:-illia: . I1?` 1 sun EDMUND WALKER. c.v.6;, LL.D.. om... Psalnstir ~ ALEXANDER LAIRD. GENERAL MANA`aI;a ' ` BAa'ms:' RANcH -- - :._. :.-.--. -AH.'J-. Manager. Lighthouse last week, fell brolge! 1...`... ......1- .. It is stated `that the convicts who escaped from the penitentiary aspar- 5ed- the life of Dr. Phelan only be-` lca}1s1e.the'y knew his kindness to V`-`IV - vuuv.) prisoners. | Dr. J. Brown of Owen Sound, pleadedguilty to 9. charge of _pro- curing an illegal operation, but was ooamnlitted to the care of friends, to undergo trteatmenrt. - ' I Stratfosnd City Council was in-U formed that the C.N.R. main line! will not pass through the city, but.` that the company s main electric ra-dial line will. `May 24th will be Observed as a holiday as usual this year, but the GOverrm1ent may -take steps in the! future looking to the observance of] King George s birthday, on June 3.| Iv George Gilpian `zit the Hou Iof Refugxe, Beeton, recently,' at the I.nn\nvt\ v.vI\.:\`n~ U- -'._-_ - _L---,,_`l, Iv- -.u...,-,~, .sJv'uvvLL, ac.-uUuv.l.y, an out: page of 70` years. He waaa sho-emak- I er by trade and was formerly em- ployed -at ' Totheuhams ' I I The C=aua:dian -Northerm - Railway [interests announced` that Toronto [would be connected with Guelph acmd- Bowmanville by radial lines by the emi of this year. - I The Orilia. Packet now places the ad-afoe of the inaugurat.iOn of the C_`.P.R. passenger service ' through` Orillia. as J une 3nd.` Through-` flieight is now, being_ handled) frdm Port McNi-oovl to Bethany. A I J os-cxph Wa.rdn1an, former-ly pro- {'p-rlietor of the A Commercial `Hotel, lBeeton, has p-urcahasoed. `a $15,000 01-amge grove near Whittier, _Ca1. There is a $3,000 crop of oranges `on I 4-11.rx Jvunnn 7 .L\';LU-LVHJ. UL [-1118 LIULUL UGIIUTBJI has the rst Burk s- Fua11s- citizen _to [own an automobile; The rst e1ec.~ tric sign. in Bu-rk s Fal-ls salsuo was etrectevd 14139!) week. They are surely` mraki-n.g- 1*ec0rd:s~_ up in. the lumber country. ' T I ' Liberality never kills a town Every -public enterrprisue ought to re - ceive aelmoounagement. `When you give a dollar towards improving the town. you do not thrqw away your money ' but simply make a good in- vestLnent. ' - :OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO0OOOOO: 1 . . I T11:e`a.ssizes-A `at Perth -a,djoum'eud when ' a re broke out, to observe the water pressure, _Which was, in. quteesrti-on in a suit being heard, the Canadian. Electric and Waterp-ower `Co. suing. the t0.Wn- for its hydrant "souroer.'. T . I cmplioy of Geo. Ford," near Beebon, -during the past year and` had gone Emiest Pearson, who was in. the' to England to "spend the winter, was returning to Beaten by the Titanic. His. name appea.revd_ -among those who were -rescued. . ' Mr. -C. R. O.wens, M.A., who won three: soho1a,1-ships and two gold medals at Queen s University, was publicly welcomed home by" Totten_- Ah-am: citizens -and the -town "band. Reeve Potter presided "at the: reoep~ tion- in the town hall, where many eulogvisutic speeches were made. 1 o TheBe:11 Telephone. co- has 9.` g`a;ng of eighteen men and foreman at work _in Oril-lia, putting their wires in- cables. This cable exten- 'sio1'1 is to make provision for an ad-. ditional 300 lines into the Orililia oice, and: will dispense with 8. lot of open .wire. About $18,000 wlillvbe `spent in the work, which was start- ed on Monday of last week; ` Half 9. dozen ireight cars_g 03 the track near Tues- -day of last week and trafg pa- ...-_....;.-.._~_-_1 1.--'.. - 1-.. l_'______ rm . Orillia '_1`i.mes---Did the oldest in-| hasbitaxxt of Ori-Ilia. ever hear of a } salmon trout being caught in Lake ` Couchiching with a hook `ands line? 'St1`ange ' as it would appear, 0. fine lspecimen over t.wo.pounds in weight was caught on V Tuesday just before at the town diock, [with an ordinary` worm! for_ bait. - Dry weather and% frosrty nights are having a bad eect on fall -wheat in their `district, says The` Beaten` World.` Fields than were green one `week ago` are now sha'orwi~ng- large patches of brown and, `unless rain comes soon, it is: feared that the ichances for 9. fa,vomb1e- crop will \-bl~`] uuv+u-.u5 V/L uuau yvvun. auuu w-uul." i e was-`shopped for a. few hours-. The` [southbound passenger tmin_ " ran down to the speme of lthe Twpedmadn mofrvii-nsz%.A.our -`Were " ` `at; tJ41'*` - ` * \AIIl4vI-b'\r\I L9` 2 12V 9` `C331 be_` materially . 4.1.- ..-J. Mr. Percivggl of Hotel Cevntrgli ,_,I9 'IT`.`I1 0.0 i=R6M FAR AND NEAR Ll-IV VI-Lula KJGLVGIIQVIL `LII-I-Iv -IJIIIJNJ went 'to Midland on Satuniay, and` gava a. highil.y_ successful concert in the 'e'v'e_nin-g~,. and ` playett at the` Sunday services of the Army. The .Midl:and people were surprised and delighted by the_ music of the L-..) l"'L_..- _.`l.`lA._-.._`I ....._..'L.-... BC'd-.`"%tEh"ee. " ad"&`iti<'x1 nZ1,Q have been added to the _atrexn.gth of` .1... 1..'._T.1 1.-- _.._.. __...-._-1,.. .c...._._ .c'l'1:h;e Dominion G.rovernmern._ .1: win` shortly. for tendyeua for the con- struction. of ` sh hatacxheries, ` cement foundation _-and reinforced concrete! vats, "at Colling-wood`, at can esti:ma.t- 1' ed cost of._$20;000. 0 > Tenders will] also be called for a. new $60,000 post f, office and customs warehouse of stone and concrete. Arch.itect\P. C. P.al.in of Collingwood has; prepared. both sets of plane. Last week a was made0i=n0 the service between Beebon and A1landa]e,_ says The Bee_ton -\IT.. ...'l..1| ....`L 3 .1. _- __._..J.1__ .._____.- -.._A. - V9 UII\i uUl`\%V"& '\ & new a.rriva1s- from 'I PQ_...`I.-_...`| wwu. uuuuuasp, cage .I..1lO ..IJUUuJ'u. |`World, which is greatly a-ppreci-at ed" by the people on the line between. these P0i.m`sI. Mail is new delivered twice a day each way. ' Fomxerly mails -from the south were carried only as. far as Beeton on the `even- ing_ train and: no m-ail was -carried on the south passenger trains twee11_.-Allamdale and Beeton in the! mu... _ .-.- V. A-asovuasg LVLLLLVLNJ VJ. ' Shanty Bay, has resigned his posi-l tion as director of music in the Otrillina. Pa'sbytIeri.an chumh-. Hav- ing been appointed: musical instruct- l `or in the Midland public schools, and choir director -of the Midland Presbyterian church, he T purposes moving` to that town at once. Un-I til 9. new appointment is msalde, Miss Dickson, organist," will act as director of the Presbyterian` church choir. Mr. Eaton.i.s a capable direc- tor, und should do good work in the Midland schools. a I ' In the death` of A1_`chibg.ld lnA_-_L-11 _L '\T_1,`l_4,, duh uh-Iv u.Vau.ua 'Vl. Ll.L`vl.u.l.Rln.l.\R L). `}Ca.mpbe11 at Nobleton, in his 84th [year, there passes "one who remem- bered` the `stirring scenes! of the thirtiw and: participated in the. early settlement of Vaughan town- ship. His fame` as a Wood-cutter, ora:d1er_and: ploughaman spread over several townships. Later he was a} successful farmer, and served in. the council of `King. He is~survivesd: by his .Widow_ and by the follbwi-ng so-ns land dxaughlters-7: John of Mount -`BVry-d'g`es; J ero-me. and Aaron, of Kin1g;- Archibald, P. s. 1., South! York; Mrs, W. `Snid=er of Nob1eton,| and Mrs; Fr-ed Dew, of King Creek.vl Port MoNico1is to have a '$1o%,o.oo% this summer. V Inxgerrs-ol has taken over the wa- terworks: from private interests. Alliston will hold a big[celebra- tion on June 3rd. - 1131 and the boat 8D@9ds,a11eed4- IN the sh is at rest on the srurfaoe, it- Iis ea sy to approach him. He treats the boat with contempt. He din-`,4. likes meeting a boat head on, and he resents being followed; but if you lget him crossing under your bow, the man in the pulpit away for? watch usually drives a. harpootn - into` him, and then. the ght begins. There are 400 feet of cable attached to the iron-, and sibarrel at the other I end. No, you do not make fast` to your boat. Mad-ddened by the _ sting of the steel, he heads for the open sea. While this one is bobbing the barrel , you may spear another. In act there have been as many as four [barrels aoat from. the same boat; at one time. V e ` SEA HUNTING A SPORT tFoR' KINGS. 3 Unless: one can aord the time! and expense of a. whaling ship andi a voyage into- the_Arctic, there is no; sea-hunting that excels S.W01`d. shing} oif New London, Conn. Really you, do not sh for the sword ssh+-you' hunt him ; when you nd him-, you lght him to a nzish--his nish or yours. The season 13 the two ad- joining weeks of J ume and J ul-y. In the dawn of morning }you sail, or steam, or motor, down the sleeping Thames out into the open sea. By `nine o olock you are anchored in the Swotrdjfbolt. ,with two men aloft, in the . lo_ol1{ou-t. They sight a n, ssig _'_'I'-,_,a LL, L--L .____`I.. _L.-_J TI pamtizvelgv q-uiet, two men put off in 9. small boat. to fe-bah thg sh. Often, at eight of the small boat, the sh revives `and; makes a_ last dsespera`/tel ght for his fife. One big fe1low'in' these .wa.ters drove his sword} thmough a boat and` through the man. who was {handling 11;, killing % him` ins-tantly. ] fllnll `ML Vkl V7 `ll: and! aghmi ifwoma sh-, t1;e*on1.ma"`-'""`i ` X I sport: of tha sea. T %Uu;;iiy" t}(1W h_1v:i"n_g:. "Ea;-{'am! armored; havinga thin pieceof sheet? iron along the water line. _ l | The average length of the sword sth: killed: here is 12 feet; .1:he_a.ver-. age time taken to kill one is three hours," and they are, worth in the sh markets about fty dqll-a.-rs each. ` an A 4.. g, "X'H6% iTe~ ?aam is the usual thing for sword}-shing, and after a few mises, following .-.-..JI ...L&3.-..... ........-....`.l u`... LL- ......'l-2........vI T-The Orillia Salvatio Band .-_'_J.L- 'll `.`I'l_...I -_ Q-A.-....J.... .....-.1 Tana: Mums ,; . . *l_J:s1aus Anyone canal k u:"aum""'? `Q a 0 quick Jloortaap our opiate! frea.we3xneu!' :1! ' 't'I'c':s"a`t.- 1'3t3' "$33355 ` V %o'n':":'*'eonum' lent uoncr'fox- 1-1nmt:nt.n. @ Iv-v-vyu--V 7 --c-v- uvvv-V7 A hanalo 01 illustrated week! . largest :- anal!-:1`i) gli"u&I:` ggantlo !onn&`1 .d-TexI;.;..i`1E>r su.nawum1eu. 7` ' "mm A9" V ' `-"'3' ` 4 .--, ' There are three livery stables. in Victoria Harbor, with a population of 1,400. , ~ % I qu10[|-lI('}:|'lnB|ll uur Opllll ll IP60 wnemer In on Invent. probably mmunlcm Mom an-Iota continental.` Rhfgn Patent: tron. dent in army for securing tents. Patent: taken t rough Mum; av. 0. receive I700! Q . It ax-co, ,Q an-I--fn.tPg_ -.- Mr. _T. Eaton, formerly of; .`\.n.-|n`vo 12-.. LAA ..;-..-:.-...p] L}. ._--_ T"i"""'it'ifi3 ?'"I I.I."`?i;9.@m;~ -nulnlnnn D hnimbnal snag II AMONG mcn New York `Nation Says` Con- duct of Wealthy People on \ A Doomed Ship Re-assures ` i 1.1:; of.Stability, of our 3 Civilization. I A sense of reliefwas everywhere- to be obsedved when: at last thefull Story of the_Titamie e end came to be known. The truth was terrible as it burst upon us, but it lacked one element which would have meant as well as terror. For there been a. fear, partly fed on whispered rumors, that when the whole was told we should hear of men made . ferocious beasts by -panic dread, and of human na- ture byseltsh and bruta,-1 struggles merely to live. But, hep-i fpuy, all` this unfounded. Wei |reeeived the heartening assurance, `that oieers and `men looking death `in we face, did their duty; while `the passengers, old and young, rich and poor, of all nationalities and `of -all re_1igi:ons--our of no religion--. lquitted? themselvves like men. This 'it was that made even the personally] anxious or `stricken breathe easier; for it means the lifting of a burden to learn thart, men had been staunch and women steadfast under [swift and blinding shock. I \ILL\)>I.\402\lIl_l,_11AJ uuwuu, vvua Avv um. ifelt relieved to know that the hu- man beizngs on the doomed ship did not becomes. mad rush of trampling! animals, was that it reassunpd us about our civilization. It was not those pitia.-ble victims individually tliat we mist`ruste1d, but our _whole 1.1-- -___ mwlodernw W sbc;"u:)bdlel'; Z31" "ti'{g .loving and softening inuences of the day. And we had been told so "much about decadence and the bre` |being -eaten by luxury out of. the- rold stnnling qualities, that we could be pardoned a momentary apprehen- sion lest those put to_t.he supreme] tIe}s1t Imglllt hot mtflt It tomanfulblrj A eresut 1s'sru ass puta `doubters to the blush. We see that ithe stu of Which is bnlade remains what it a. ways l -as en; `and that. 110 change in 0ut.wa~rd con-y' ditions can prevent the elemental] [virtues from coming to the ' surface! under a great -stress. V An hour be- item the co11isio_n_._ with the iceberg, an observer mlght. have thought that Iship s com;pa:ny to cantaivn large` 'num:bers~ of sll-1y, 08lIoe4ILtil.t1:O11S, dlawd-` lling, narrowminded,' and selsh peo- 'ple; but if he had stayed` to watch ;them l;a.ter, he would. have discovered that they were ascazpable as_any of dis-playmg the trmts that lxft men` `above the brutes. * . ' I And What we have to remember is that these heroic and uplifting dis- plays are all the while latent in the men. and women we know. The memorable scene comes, or the con- spicuous stage, -and we see ordinary folk touching the sublime; but they are not really separable from the rest of their generation. They would` `he first to say: `Any of you`. would have done the same. The only difference is that the d;ail~y mound, the common task, do not make the appeal to the shining viir-I `tues; and because we seldom see them we are tempted to doubt their possibility. The capacity for hero- lis-m, lying, as it does, deep in the soul, is not "a clamorous thing, not In commodity that can be advertised. I ; _'l-._;. __..J. _. __ uu \J\JL5Au.Lu\/\.l.Lv uum; uu wu vun. usvuu. J """ ' !It does not go up and \dsqwn ` the streets and in -and out the houses posturing and making -_ magnicent gestures. But it exists, and the su'd:d3en emergency never fails to re- veaul it. A railway accident, a re, an earthq1w.ke--anything that strips off the conventionalities and lays`, bare rea.lities---wi.1-1 ` show us` men whom we had thought nothing of `whom we had `possibly disliked, `quietly acting upon the fundamen- tal human instincts ` and becoming heroes in perfect unconsciousness. A man may go on for years, let us say, not a very grand gure in his own 1h0UBB'hO1d. _ , He may be a, domestic tyrant, -or h:abitua1Lv imdiereut to the comfort of - others`, known as i1r\.r\I\411.`-V An. ;;_A`_. ...-_'- '_ L 1- - ,- , '1 Johti A. Boyd is reve of the new-i ly incorporated village of.F1esher-I hhfs gleigh SQ W I em 3:3, has 11 f`1ig,hh%~ of thbga tr`! " to & 1. i Qllbtha In duglfnawffhflgg 31115? I372: 113: ts. W htltl` AW `1? 1:`; f`h<>`*sQi'111%rt Q at] .1atQ(;(),nvB Mat. ':`-`":1%`,. dtQ11%ti%I)Qbf:g(;E Magi "1aa`b1g -lit 42% 3` 1 A Wan 3 `E113 tiun `ifltle 3'9 f RQQQ A:5i;tQ h :QBu1hdt%"Vstf %:Qdh?. ; ~ B in . t.}l N b. `I -%~%5r t'lrl10setbi:1>m`t}1`n;$ (2%; is uth 3% I~.et$`hQ~ .ti9t_`0 Elie` .V 1;ht8h3QmQ;nhdQl?u1,]i `\ .iQiQQ.\ Wthlg `i.:a~'rY1` 1115 mi 1:3xta:g:'spQh*gQ * 1: klib A m.-ood-y or even cross at home; yet| even. so umtpromising a citizen would` `lay down his life to save his wife| or child, and think nothing of - it. | --- ..._ -______- ' I "One 1'e:9.sm1, _nu:dA;ubt, [why we all _,12_._-_`l' 1.- I_.-__'A.L...4. 1.1.... L (The `Nation, New York)`. "of virtue. ' Hero funds.` and: prix de vertu V have their uses, no doubt, but they crown only the knocvm; --they do `not _ search out the unknown. And . the particular thrill which is given by such a story of fine "human quality as came to us from the sea last week, is 11h:a"t it" was 9. reveiation of people hitherto unknown, but. who were instantly perceived to be an honm; te their species. And in that * *-'\-J `A ana ]111Tnn B01130!` I50 'DIlIel.'I' sptzulca. uuu u. .......... one ash .we seemed. to see human nature ennobled, so that even pe'r-` sonal grief might be subdued" to the feeling that duty done and` chivalryl exhibited are precious oovmpensa-I tions, and might come to think with| __ __-.11. i KJUGLKTI U]. _\.I'lJ.L\.l, \/nu. vs .-.v-v...v,\ Lucas County. } ' Frank J. Cheney makes oath that heisseniorpartner oithermoi F. J. Cheney & 'Co., doing business in the City of Toledo, County and State aforwaid, and that said rm `will pay the sum of ONE HUN- DRED DOLLARS for each and every case of Catarrh that cannot be cuned; by the use of Ha11 s Catarrh Cure. .1? RANK J. CHENEY Sworn to before me and subscribed in my prwenee, this 6th day of De- oember, A.D., 1886. .(Sea`1) A. W. GLEASON, `I5 `[13. no vnaalmuess, no :aontem.pt, _ Dispraise, or blame; nothing bu #- ` ` well and fair, 1 And what may quiet us in 9; dnauth ? so noble. _ Office. Boy--+G11ess you won t. have any funny things in the paper this I ...,..a. . The late Dr. Cllemcshai of Port! Hope left $10,000 to the town for a| ._............l L,.,....:4...-.1

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