Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 9 May 1912, p. 5

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Women's Fashionable Suits at Bargain Prices. ` . Don t for9;et- that" we are offering great values in Carpets and Linoleums on the second oon To the woman who has decided to have a new suit for this season, but has delayed selecting it until now, will buy at our reduced prices, which will be a saving from $2 to $5 per suit. Regular $22.50 Suits, made from Navy Serge or Fancy. as ? . 3%`? 17.50 Regular I.oo and 16.50 T `.S: . .".. . . iaT`? . it 12.75 Regular $2 5.00 Suits, of newest worsteds and Navy "and Tan, fancy Panama cloth. 9". .5`f`1.f`f;'.:t:::::.21 .00 LIMITED and sensiblheel, a beauty. Boys School Boot, soft 'oil.calf,. sizes I to 5, and all leather. in early Ladies Oxfords, vici kid, patent tip, Regular 2.00 Shoes Regular 2.00 Boots ` Every pair brand new and 1.45 1.38 all solid leather. and secure first We expect [at rousing big day in our Millinery depart- ment Saturday. Our milliners have more than excelled them- selves and have produced many new creations, which go on sale Saturdays special prices. Millinery Offering 23 74 so f\l\A e Dress Goods Bargain 400 yards of New Dress material, 40 and 42 inches wide Regular price 60c, 65c and 75c. On sale Fri- day and Saturday at. . . Men s Working Clothes Nothing but the best makers are to be found in our stock. Cotton Pants and Overalls, in Black, Blue and Blue and White, double sewn, at 75c, $1.00 and . . . . . . . . 1 3 years to 7 years, in Buster and Blouse styles, English quality, of material guaranteed to wash, at from 75c to 1 Boys Wash Suits 3.00, 3.50 and up. ;;1;,2a;<;,;;';g:2s' 1*"-[5 u u o - I Q o u n o o u o o o n I Agents for Nw Idea 10c Patterns 5 36 1`KI\A \J\J vv 650 9 25 -IAA gmff, leaves to-day 1-or Ioromo. e: will hunt up ~21 house , and 303' fs his mother to move to the- elfecll City in a. few weeks. - Re L G. Bowlues prgsideuql at Qu11.I't(`J`1y Official Servlcesu m Bunt- ton Ave Methodist Church -last Sun- day c.vening. Rev. _Mr. Morrow the S(\'l`ViC-(BS in Colsherr -St. Merbhgdlst. M13 Thomas. T;a_.it, for_rner1y, Nvituhl the Canadimx faclc Ra,11vg1ay,. `andg now in Ausbrla, 1s mennonedv to succeed the late Charles M; Hays as p1'esidc11_t of the G-rand milway. . - . , .1 m 1') M... ..,..~...`|.-.4:....... 4.1.... l rewa. _ John Sidey of .g E -ble cow ki11ed- e""b tram last week. 3` N0. 5280, a, V . ` `. 1` ._ \ highly polished mogu for use as a. yard en last week from Stl`a,t.f0,rd _ Two new freight en . -mm. _ _~ monly. know as. h0g.s9) on gm 00m- . 1nn1:C11i: size use t % un- Ween and Toron. mu -. - i The (}.T.R. are completing the new station. at. Wyebrldge. _ It` is now said they W111 erect a ('.}llltC and hot; Wrdsy and .3"-"`k W111] not have to be taken to Penetang or,` Elmvalo for shipment as formerly. All the old oicers -have been re- (~}m~to at Burton Ave. Methodist ('hux"ch. The Ladies Aid Society hm. C194,-tc> the following: Mrs. W.` uv 1! ,H.... I)nn.: v Mim rp -r.(\.11'.hDnI'( HHVL` (`l(,*(.'Lt.'u uuu J.uuvvv usg . .u......;. " , W. (`ul1m1, Pres.; Mrs. T. Lougheed, Vice-] l'0.~'.; Mrs. R. Cannon, Treas.; _\I1-.4. .FIu*tl1am, Secretary. 5 ` At 10 am. last Thursday, -a num- hm` Hf (F.I .R. freight cars left the mil: at Lovering and blocked 1I'alit'. IC.\`prcss train No. '4 from` S1u11m1g\', due at the Union station, l`.1-ma. at :3.:50, was behind the \\'l`(-('1{, and was delayed until the mu-1; \\';1.< (-]<*z1.1'ed. The _ auxiliary f1-mn .\I11. kz1 was sent out to clear; the N110. V - A lmx our was loaded with -1-umber" :11 ('v_\'] The fall `Of It ..,__1. -_._'| Mir, Vic H ys in '1`-_ow:_n .. Bram UH` ll|I\ - in of .1910. It \`.':1.~' nut billed by the agent and (l11I'i11;_"I11< *. night, a freight train (':Hm` 211m__:` and picked it up. NOW se 1: e in rsqf` my Robinson of the GsT.R.:of-T staff, to-`day for Toronto. house, ex- ts to the! __ A -tan-un tlnnnnlra IICW. Girls Boot, 1B1ucher` sole, patent tip, vici `k i'd. ' .1"; . Jacliesf Tan Calf Boots, Button `or xace, all solid ,1eam er and` stArictly_ See Our: Windbw Digplay of these; lines A % ID V- iv. oth egular 2.00 Boots uwyuc Lu. nus: HOW?! Dear (1&1g'n3,: plots of, which are _otted to the d'ierent.depart,1hents:, were approved and abgreat `deal 05; mtetrest is taken _in the caompam_1y su prize for the i best kept lawn and flower beds. The! design: submitted by one of the de gpartnnents and accepted! Was the 4 lmnvn r1.......: m......I. 1:. n ' ,-yuuwu-uuuu yauu uuuupwcll W83 the- words _Grand Trunk Railway Sys-l tetm in-raised letters, each about! three feet long, with a design to be | ,worked.'1'-n a1te.rnan1thea', about 2,- ' 500 plants being requiredr. Each of the "other eight. departments, is. en- dea.v~oring_ to, ttain. the same high lsrtaxndlard. V When it is known that {these plants` cost $4 per hundred, wholesale, it give some idea. of the interest taken by the employees of Battle Creek shops. V x 1 -.--v v c-uvaauul , `The Horiticul-tiu'al 'sIo;oit_y in c'6n; ` `The produce section` _of the-"Tororir . to Board of Trade has decided to ask the of-hrrnsers `of {Ontario to co-I operate" with them in their endeavor to give the consumer an egg` fit to eat every day in -the year. The rst batch of 1 ten. thousand circulars were mailed our rTueesda.y of T last Week, and it `is. hoped that the mar-' _keting of rotten eg'gs- will be- `reduc- {ed to a minimum. The merchants` lsay that by improving the ~qua;1ity1 of the eggs sold` to the consumer! they will be able to pay higher pr_ie- E les to the producer. Figures recent-; 1y compiled by the veterinary or-general and livestock com1mss-1on- - .,.-mu. xuavauld th ' h,t,'t mdA-the `at s'o1-.ry w1"eck,'1:.he centre une1oaneu (`XII standing engine of {LBEAUTIFY sounds or t5:'3"s`izpa`iao"3rt i,m`*s Thursday night about 10.30, and `the. .scene was 1141210 41.... ._-_- ..'L 1 FRESH EGGS. .W.`A`.Y _ GROUNDS I "Gun .M'et_al,V Patent Colt or Vicn Kid. - v" . \ '. `. Ladles Pumps, strap or pl-am, m Chi1_ s Blucher Cut .Boot; wide toe aud he2vy'soIe.` iafdaxldy for wear. 7Reg'ular_1..5O Boots =.........,, .,.w....., ...,..w. .... ..,..u. c'\..JJ\l\lL "hlgnll { room. A bri-eff story of whatcthe in- thit yembor has done -so far and` will do dmd III the future was told to the New I " f England} Society by Arthur D. [ea 0 Chandler, president of the Orange Oyeej Board of Education. %l2eg ula1 2.50 Shoes V --vvvvuv irulu E3 mi every % dozek since last With, a view "marketed in` % Ontario and fto .t.he shrinkag_e"~entire- the wejgg-rpr'oducers will be asked `to Observe the fgllowing ru1es:-f I I `_ 7(1) Provide plnty of clean, `dry! nests for your (2) Gather the eggs. daily in cool weather and twice oi day --in` hot on` rainy weather. (.3) Do not ',wash,.eqg-s. Use) the` dirty. small, very "long and grass- `GESS it" holiie. (4) Keep -8%-`8 in a. cool, d.ry)p1-a.ce,'wh.ich `is free from odors.-. (5) `Market. your! -eggs! twioeiagweek if possible. (6) 'rDon?t sell eggs: which were ._found' ;-`in a stoln nest (7) Keep the eggs out of the sun when taking them .to town. (8) Don t keep eggs near; oil, onions, etc., as they readily ab` sorb odors.` (9) Don t sell: eggs known to be bad or which have been in an ' incubator. It is dis- honesxt. (10) `7 Male birds should} not be -allowed with hesns, except for .breeding purposes. `After that period akill roosters, save feed and improve `the egg product. Edison has already had -a. number of lms mad:e,. among them ~_ one which" shows, magnied. millions. of -times-, the process of chemical cry- staliza.t.ion- of certain substances. To watch the processes -.as shown by u_th~at rm, according to Mr. Chand- ler, is to be deeply impressed with fact that there is something con- trolling even the action of inorganic 'nma.ttIe'rr, and he said he felt that the scientists in; ' their searching might `yet nd out God. ` Edison. expects to 'send into all ,.corme1*s of the earth, g1at.herin.g ma- lterial for his films. When his task ?is nished the pupils of the future [Will have opportunities of becoming [acquainted with activities of the hvorl and of nature that` `adunlts to- N vv1JJ.L\L (lull-\Al '\l`.l. J1:(Ul.IL.lC L'1l(I..lJ (ILL-l.l-Ll./4 day have not `even of. [ MOVING 1_. ICb'VI`URE$' Edison to Spend $3,000,000 Gather.-1 _ ing Material. for Educational . ` ~ Films. 0 1 I: Orange, N.J., May 6.--Thomas Edison expects? to spend $3,00Q,OOOe? land will devote eight yea-rs to the `A _,work of perfecting repextoires: of Eeduoational lms that will meet the requirements he has set! fo make the {moving [picture useful in the schoo - |............ A L.._'....-..;.._._ ._. _-L-L.LL- 1-- 1.98 980 "i1'\I`_E3`IE (_)(")L ROOMS NOIiTHERN `ADVANCii2 Ladies Bluchgr .B0:ots, vici kid, pat- ent tip. medium" Weight soles. Youths `School Boots,` Sizes 10 to 13, all solid leather, tough soles. Friday and Saturday SHOPPERS =--=-.-2; News of Interest to 11 775 32% 25 SARJEANT 8: KING V\'e o"er.this wceka`lot of fancy Blouses and Shirtiwaists, all sizes and many different styles. Regular price from 1.00 to 2.50, to clear Fri- day and Saturday at. . . . Muslin Waist_s 73c '3 doz Moire Underskirts, in Black, Brown and Navy. also Fine Black Sateen Underskirts, on sale special Friday and Saturday. . . . . >. '. . . . 10 pieces of Fine Swiss Embroidery, 27 mches wide, beautiful design. regular price 580, on sale at . . We received last` week a ne range of beautiful Collar and Cuff Sets made of Lace, Swiss Muslin, Pique and Fresh Lawn, very new, at 25c,1 50:, 75c, 1.00 and . . . . . | Coats, Collar and Cuff Sets Regular 2.00 Boots F1\ne Embroidery 1 490 % Regular 1.%35%Boots _vv 60 -13 50 nun Underskirts 98c 1.4-8 [dsiery ouse 950 the elegant opportunity for you to secure a pair of Mighty Low-P/riced Boots. They are a bunch of late deliveries and must go out. So get chance. Right in the midst of the Boot season comes

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