Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 9 May 1912, p. 1

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R.W.AULT ' CROSSES BOURNE` Was Piominent- Resident of Barrie Since `I876-'-For merly Junior Registrar ` at Osgoode Hall \Toront6. - The death of Mr. Wellington Ault at his home, Peel St., on _ Friday `evening, marks the passing of one of" Ban'ie s best-known` and most highly respected; citizens. ~ Mr. Au-It. had been seriously ill for sev- eral months and was thought to be` on a. `fair way towards reraotvery when he was stricken with paralysis on Tuesday of last. week, and was unconscious up to bhe time .of his death. V v I r . I Mr. Wellington Ault who is of] U.E. Loyalist. `stock, and: German! descent, was born. over sixty` years ago in the Township of Osnabruc-k,. in the County of_ Sbormont, his father having served his King and c`oun.ta'y in the War of 1812-14, and Iatevr on in the troubles of 1837-8, commanded a. company of volunteers and headed them: at the routing of the rebels at the Battl of the W134 ......'1`I ' TL- ,..-.............. ..,....J.-.....-.,J. `l.`.. mill. The services rexilierede by him` and other patriots during those! perilous times. in Canada s `history were specially recognized by the. Mackenzie Administrtaion in grant- ing them a" gratuity or pension. Mr. Ault, who recei.vcd' his early educa- tion. at `the Public andjp Gramnneri Schools, the -study of`! law -at Toronto in 1861, with the- arm of Cameron, McMichael & Fitz- vgeral-d', graduating in 1866, and shortly .a.fterwards graduating at thel School of Military Instruction. He. lp-racticed his profession for -a ti-me_| in Toronto, and later -on -at Corn- wall, until 1872, when he received the appointment of Assistant Regis- trar at Osgoode Hall, which position he held until 1876, resigning it` then to accept a, partnership inl Ba.-rrie, where he has ever since re-` sided, practicing his profession as a member successively of -the -late; rrnsa of -S-trathy '& Aul-t, Lem1ox,l Ault . & Kerr, -and Ault & Co.wan, and for the last feW. years alone.`- Although taking" an interest in the aflairs of the town, he has never of- fered himself as a can-d*ida.t`e . for {municipal l'lO1 lOI`SL He has been re- peatedly appointed registrar under] the Manhood Suffrage Registration, Act, the duties of which oiee he; i ably vdiscli-arged, , vi` 1 T-I._._-`l i chl.ll..y u uvnnvv I.` - I . He has been` a life-long (Liberal, -though__n_ot taking an active part in waged in the country. He was` IIl8;1`I'i6d'iIL 1881, and has been -for many years a member of` and an, office-bearer in. the Presbyterriaelx. ' Chntlirch. T 1, ,-.-.'_1- LL- `.......:.1.. 1:-v1n.t\. unurcu. The members" of the family who` survive are: the widow, two sons, Wm. A. of the Perrin Glove Co. of] Montreal, and Wellington at school; 1 and three dau, ;.l1te1-s, Miss Edna at Lethbridge, A.lta.;` Miss Charlotte, lately returned from mission hos?! pital Work in Egyot, and Miss Ida at home. Mrs. James T. Cameron, Toronto. is a sister, and Dr. Charles ' Ault, Montreal, and Dr. Alexander Ault, New York, -are brothers. _Mr. W. A. Cameron. of the legal rm of", McCarthy, Os-ler, Hoskin . & Ha-r-~ court is a. nephew. . The funeral was held on T-uesqday, Rev. Dr. A McLeod eongducting servic- at house and the graveside. , ,,-_!-_ J. 1.1.... .....-.11 uvnn-.:.o ;P-`S an hilt? uuum-ts 'a;uu uuu g,....w-\.v. `Those who carrieci the pal wen-e:| Mayor Cqwan, Mr. J. B. Ediw-ards, Joe. Goodfellow, J as. M G. A. Rasden.hurst.a.n>& A. Hay. Al very large number attended the, funeral. and the many beautiful` oral offerings were but the expres- sions- of sympathy for the sorrowf- ing family and respect. and 11011101` IHCJI`. VVIEUDU psxauvuuv -.. ened `this eornmunity. I "` 7 "2 Allan Partridge of Crown Him! while walking: down street last Fri-| da.y was suddenly taken seriously ill with a hemorrhage: of the lungs, and had: to be assisted into a near- by -dIru`.g'gist. s. He iost. 'con~:~:ide1`-able blood and was in a` very weakeneci mndjtion when the @130: a;rrived:L He -`was taken home by his brother and` is recovered somewhat. He has been in poor health for _ some time and feza-rs were Ventqrtaingfci fcr his` TBCOVPTY. ' The Knights of` Columbus, th; lo-cal members of which society have been. -ailiated with` the Oxvilli-a. lodge, are" now -about to ` forrnra lodge Barrie, and are considering the: reInt.in'z of a hall on Dun1o'p-- St., pog-. sibly that ove(r_Vicke1-5 Tstore. 2 recovery1.! FHL ; A Dr.; Falling assumeg1 oontr15o1 at! the Oic- `r_.m *mor_I_1- I HEMORRHAGE A `T l'.|.\J Lil ON STREET {JUSTICE MILL. Many Min6r Offences Ocu-` py Attention of Police I it Magistrate and Officials I ` During the Past l Week. 1 at the Justice Dis-pen- P Sary_'have.gkept ba1ancing.. records r the week, His Worship P.M., `Radenhurst'-being kept busy passing out `small _fines- to minor offendors. V ( Ma,r'tin Moore , -no ad- Idress, `didn t. know very wen what he Was doing last Wednesday , evening, an:d;lad;ies_ca.Ine in for aishalre of his unsolicited attentions while he `was unldler the spell of the -``red eye. P.C`-.. Lambie `helped him to remem- Iber in. .-Th.ursaday s police court and `the `Magistrate marked $1 and costs down in the book as an aid to Imemory training. He cashed. . , . SOCCER Nom. 7 `Alex. McMillan from the unirri- gated district of _ Oollingwood-, was returning home on the Meaford train last Wednesday night with a package. He got on the Pene- tangf train -at Alland-ale by mistake and after being asked to keep quiet, lproceeded to demonstrate his ability to qualify` for -an English Soceer team by kicking Coneh-1c oovr Quinn. He was sent back on a" freight and `met. at the station by P.C. s Sweeney I 1 64 and lambie; He` another chance to kick when the Magistrate as- sessed _-him $10 and costs or 2` months in jail. Through no fault of his own he took the time. WILL BE MISSED. T-hos. Cosgrove. looked as if be; A ha-dn t seen $1 and costs (somt $55 in all) for several =cla:/s. The alter lg native was 20 days, and he is now \ resting on the .hill where the Bud- [S weiser _r.loesn t. ow. ` He is supposed lg Ito belong to th:a.t_ famous missionary `Id [organization The. Gay -Ca.ts,o of g l,_Toronto, and he was drunk and in- it lcapable on Thursday evening when Inc. Lambiev invited him to the jug. , llt was unlucky Friday for Tommy and the booze shops will miss hi-m for the next. twenty days. A T+:.\11>ER.&.\'c'h: Mora. ;; Fred Hall, from over Water, '3` may sign the pledge-for two week; 3; at least. He allowed. only ten days uto elapse since his: last visit and on gt Saturd?ay night he cut loose again. {A fortnight. in jail will elapse if `neg? doesu. t cash up a ve-spot. I ._ Looluao FOR TROUBLE. 1; 4 Henry Darby of Craighuzrs-t could}; give no ex.planatio-11 of how he came &. to have a. large stone in each hand. It WW-hen P.C. Lazn.bie' -accosted him in ' frontof Judge Ardagh s at midbg _ night -on Monday. He has been in trouble before and -the burly oicer _-`scented danger. ..Qu_ick as a L the oflicer. grabbed both Darby's. lhan-dsl _-and gave him an exhibition , l of jiu jitsu on the way to the cel-ls.; . l A dxolsl-ar fine with the usual t-r1~In-[ l mings of $4 costs settled the account` in .Tuesday s court ' i 1 S '9 `I --_ ,_, __,_____* VH1]. xv A.\"1`El) - `Rood general ;_smmor cot- . .. r - il .11 ht.work- u.I...`.._`_.':}.5 ;`i9"" F`` sma]`1Ir'ug"I\\'yM gAdvnnc __AA'..._-.. A-an K III. --I- \.U\.\J\.I5U|`] xi vv \r~- - \ 9P. 0. Sweeney made a. trip to: Port Hope last. [Thursday ti) bring back a man wanted} since February Ion the charge of theft. of $20 and a `pair of boots from -a. fellow boarder, at 4Arm;itage s boavciinxg house, Col- li~er- St. He was given 10 days and $20 `ne and if ne is not paid he [will-have two months more to serve. ` Band Conceft in Queen s Park to-night: at 8` o clock. A WHEN a. manufacturer puts his name on his goods in is assured . than those goods . are of quality and merit. - Look for the label on Bryson s Bread. An ab- solutely sanitary label on every loaf. ALL GROCERS SELL IT BRYSON BROS. ' Cleanliness 85 Purity of Product. 9; nuts: 1.:-unuuuun-u-av; taco I-Io\oO F. W. ASHE. - - Manager. 6. M. C. HART SMITH, Assistant Mar. 8!1`0RE-Gor. mizabeth '& - Maple` Ave. I'A.C'1'ORY-Bradford St. WAS BUSYi N;0CELEBRATlON : on 1-"uzsr or JULY I I Base ingratitude, penurious guarantee, pinheaded ' legislation, vi';l'l':3'.ge fathers, and sho-rtrsighted eco3}0my' were some of the uncom- hlurled at the ' o ` c1v1-c ru ere-. ` | The condemnation /was pretty `gen.e1~a.1, but a trio of the Aldermen who favored a straight grant of $500, `on the grounds that the Town than value in the1f(;l(`iIIl1 of -.` Tree ` ax vefrtisinzg, weore 1) ac on Epedestalgsg of fame in the minds of i`_ithe':__Cot1f;1ILittee. T`hesAe. three men ~,R_`ev% Bennett, and A1-devmnen `I _-=_~ . _.- , - ` of aninadignation~mee1:- ig, was: held on Tuesday evening, when members of the Celebmtion Comtmit-. oee gave expression to their feelings on learning that the Town had turned down their re- lqueegt for a grant of $200 and a. of $300. Most of those. who were pmminent in last year s most successful Cozjorration Cele- brztion (which everyone concedes twasthe best ever held in the Town) Weie pmesent at the meeting and if the " ears of some of the Tewn Coug- T" cilltrrs did not tingle and burn, it waisf not because they .were- not being Nroasted' for their Iack of progres- {siveness and business foresight. ["-"'.","." "'W.- 7' in the steak of the opinion i f the Cele-brativor-_ Committee were Zthe seven who voter! for Dep.-Reeve ,gWes.1e)7 s- ame11d-mr:n~t for a straight *,`grtaaa,,t. _qf_$300, they being placed next 2 ;1nb`(}5eaf"bf merit. to those three who `favored the $500` gra.nt.. These seven Were: Bennett, VVve~s-ley, Wisdom, iray. Rusk, Fraser. Lowe. This tiw-as lost on the rule requiring a two- :?this:.vOte on money grants, the ifollowing voting agaimt it: Mayor if ?(l:E)W{g'1., Birlwell, Sarjeant, .: ar a .r . 1 _ -_ . _ l.__..___ ..n .. ; The . oi'i._.0:i1ma.1 motion to guarantee [$300 was then declared carried. | That there will be no celebration `is certain. because the Committee do not like the thoughts of going `into a dernonst.rat.ion incurring such glarge expenvditixrcs as. last. year With- {out first having a suhst.antiaI guar- lantee. at their back. Last year the Town gave a. grant. of $100 (which 0 was returned) and a. gua.ra.nt-3e of `$100-_ (which was not needed), and `the subs(;.ript-irms amounted to some- 1 thing under $600. Against this was _.,- ---._......J2A..-`..-. l'\ @170 11)(\1v:*r\('r Q LONDON. ENG BRANCH, :1 'I'hu-ontlnootlin SI` Fl" wllllllg lluu`t.`l wuuw. 4;,_u-nu, u...., u... an expendit.:.n\`.- of $1700. leaving 8. liability _of some $900 before one cent was taken in at the gate. The -demonstration was the biggest. kind of "susc-eess, both nancially and from the standpoint of entertainment, but there were a few -moments on the 22nd of J une. 191], when each mem- ber of the Corrnimtteo felt that his heart was in` his mouth. This was when the sky became overcast about noon; and a few drops of rain fell. The reap`-onsi-bility of the members of- that commit.tee in the matter of nancial obligation, to say nothing o the amount -of real hard work, and also the (lisoourag'e.ments~ they reiceivecl from unsympathetic citi- zenS,;-`-all this was undertaken in n the inte1"ests- of the Town, with not 9 one; cent of pay,--and the citizens " looked on, took in the free show, and `_Vs,ai;`(l it. .was- all wonderful, acknow- 1edgin:a` that it_ was one of the best ,'w'adxerti9ment.s the Town had ever But now the Council decides ifbhajz the best they." can do. *0 help I the show which `brings Barrie` ipfqniinently before the eyes of the 7 Whole" -province, is a guarantee of z and many prominent ?:1$f2ens'too, are.leoud. in their dcnurn.-' of the niggardzly policy: at of Clounici . In Q. 5 against inclement weather. The` , : W`. M {M9-,oP:n nmunn IN` ADVANCE S .;_ smug cont: rant: cams Committee Thinki Soni; Aldermen Acted in Niggardly Manner. :ot_hmittee Will Not Become: iLia.ble For Large Expend- iture When Town Coun- . cil` is Apathetic. uyquv ;;.n.~.-..-4 V- :"'}; -any of tl;e 66mmit- think th} action of those who op- their request savovrsi of ache-ap :;$f*biVd3ing 'stunt.. bu claim that- 1`.w.i].1 do them'13tt.Ie good as the. 1___,,1,,- -,, 1'____ -2 |-.l,`|_:_ .\!Vul.ll. uv uu'::u.u um.-us guuu ac uuv. ave very largely in favor of g; c;eIe`brfa.-tion. V " 'OhV, yes. Bax-rie s dead." and: if the Council continue in thin short- sighted. niarjmv`-an-indled policy, the. be held sooner than- ex- 7 said.`one of `last year ; "'r .` H,x.,_ TI 1" l-"I`$IWI II` KHVFIV , CUNQLI CO llC ;j_ .Ll px Bumo. \,UllH Uffiv -z-- o1i.w: AND LOT FOR SALl.--About2 ` _ urrr-5. with large and small fruit. $uituble 10:` mzukn-I gurrlcn, 4;~ miles from Barr1e._ Also :1 hoxsv for sale. Apply to,Mra.. John H. Glbeon. L`rown IHU. , V ` 16-tf TCCQCCZCVT Rmnoval of ashes. and all kindsyot carting `lent-. on shortest notice. Phone orders to Mar- '~`'~*+ Store. Owen St. phone No. 362. or call on Win. Armstrong, 62 Owen Stu Barrie. 17.-19 L Fox: l:E'.\"l`()R WILL~SEhh --.A uewuw-= 1.uu:s- on Mary St . wel! situated; hot Water hmm:~.g. t'ix-o-places modern convenience Eleo- U'i': Huh! and (run Annlv tn J88. Vair ` II<`mn'.:.{. rm:-places. modern cuuvmuw tri': li3.;hI and gas. Apply to Jae. Vair '11.]. \\ _:\_\ [ml] JOUU. un- T Lu.L:<- :.-10.~;c to Tow , small In ('mmIr_\' girl preferre Apply Ufiliru l ..n-I-in 2-` 1---:.__ - Six Bulls from Imported stack. rangin `mm 8 to 20 months; reds and roana; thick and lock! animals of the night sort. Prices reasonable. Anplym ALBERT PURVIS. craigvnle-7C{;~. ' Lnmr diat Innn nknnn nnnunnnll - ' W`): WHY K4) ALBERT l: Ul;V.l. bl`! Long dist mce phone connection. -._. voL.LxI.' No. 19 .WH6L:`~"`;36i ". :;{0`f' THOMPSON cRt\N.P_uI|.I_u-_uu,.~. V ; ; \ ELL --A desirable 1+ Jliunllluf )nlK(K)o&u:WQ'fIL\I;1n% `tIInfd: i M ' ;. .~ ~ ~ 3 1- t'b2 noved offthe ' :\{.`..I.`.}.`.:..Mu, l:`r:a.nk Jackson; NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. SHSEYJSEITBULLS FOR SALE Pug \ \ Barrie Branch-' F. T. SHORT. V- -__MaV.n:`1ger JUST ARRIVED Childrens Headiweair NEWESTQSTRAWS OLYMPIA} Tams, Caps, Galateas Man-0-War Shapes` A Display Worth Seeing SEMMONS & cof A uuantity of private` tunds t.o Aioan at PER CENT. on easy terms of payinant. LENNOX. cowusr. .& BR`,oWN.-: '1 ' Solicitors. Barrie. L -` ; 4&1} N '51`: FUR SALF:---MllSt be moveu on pug .p:'c1nis1:s. Bargain. J. Frank Jackson, '11-. , 19-19p .1. FRANK JACKSON Let us show you our special dis- play of attractive; new styles. We are perfectly equipped for makin,<..r group pictures. and will plx-use you with the quality of our work. Make the appoint- vnnnf` h`.\.', Ulll HUI |\a mt-nt now. and a':3\`7:`':'e'?:"9}1i"'sJ.$3J31?WQ'3 Total Assets (Over) Remit Mon ey Ban1sMPv _0tders Now is the Time to Have that Group Picture Made p A __A_ ?___, L\ .\Ll - In the village of Sfroud. 8. Brick mi llouso with half acre otla.nd.l7%JI;1F In: ML-.1c:LU . on the premises. .}__ _\ ).',ll'l [H ` lian'u~. MONEY T9 LOAN .-pg .-, ----7-, jun-up` 51 Threndneedle St. E.C. AGKXC` `Inn A new complete line of Hats and Furs or c4sAbA` HOTAVDRINKS5 Makerof Poi-waits pnycx`-. Lcxnaf general :_smmc-r cm.- ill tumily. light work. ply Box M, Advanc , . . 17-tr 0 I CANDY ~wom DIED 3 . 16-19 No 44-131 39 . 7'19 `JIM. PEOPLE nlzclmaf ; couucu. ENDORSES HYDRO Electfie ( Ion11m.iss.io n RecoAInm`iidsMTakingA 700 h.p.-- V Collingwood and Stayner May .Be on -Same L_ine--- Power Would Then Be Cheaper-Some Aldermen Want -To_wn' Woj'kinen $ Pay Sheet Reaae Ouf `at Council. ' % % e ` V ` @|I2-'.T_'-'.'-JEJEZlEl%l _ .. the T w.s as Wlxl {is 1as`1- ; The Committee had: intewviewedi the hotelkeepers, who prot largely by! [such a `ceg1ebva.t.ion4, and th:e.yV `had done fairly .well, better than last year. The Council had; givekn $100 last year and a guarantee-of $100, both of which had been returned. This year the Conmmirbtee asked the Council to grant $200 tow,a~rd_su .-the; and: give a guarantee of: 3g.(.)_()_._ _to help cover any loss throng`-h ! I)a'E .weat1_1`ea" or` fa.i1ure`* from other: I ca USES. ` l The total amount srubscr.ib:ed by} the citizens last "year was: $587, `and members V of the exeecutive had to personally become responsible for} double -that. amount. This` yiemf they ` expected more `revenue from park! privileges, etc., as the people had -come to see that this celebration. was [one of the most successful ' i Mr. Byron King sugg1ested.] that I the Advertising: Committee of -the iCounci~1 assist the Cealebration Com~ mittee, and Messrs. Geo. Vickers and W. R. {King spoke briefly. Mayor Cowa.n- promised consider- ation of Council, and s=a.i~d he pear` sonaally favored giving a. straight grant\ and. no g-u.ara.ntee. , . ' The Barrie Tanning Co. asked permi.ss:io11 to close up 55 feet of High St... as they are to make ex- tcnsive improvexnents -to their pres- ent plant on the north side. V Essa St; ratepayers . petitioned for a continuation of` `the present Walk on east side of street. ' I A. F. .Ga.rrertt asked: that Brock, St. between Bradford and Ellen Sts. be properly `g"raded and made t for traffic. ' The said road! is partly` on his property. - ' _-- `......:.1.:m+- NF ail-ier-I t" 'r-- `v ~ ` 5 ' Twenty three resident: ` St. paetit-io-`ned for . streeg; T-wveuty-six raterpayers Pursurant to the provisions or me 1 I`usu:u- n... . 1. George V.._("ntario_i9l1) Chapter 26. Section 55. N oticeisliereby given that ail creditors and persons having any claims against the Estate of Abraham Craig. of the Village of Craighurst. in the Township of Flos. in the County of sim- coe. Division Court Clerk. wig died on or about the second day of March. D.. 1912. are re-* qnlred on or before the Rlst may of May, A D., 1912, to send b h post prepai liver to.Creswio e 8: Co , of the Town of Barrie, in the County of Simooe. solicitors for Thomas Craig Craig. sole administrator. their christian and surnames addresses and descriptions. and the full particulars of their claims respectively, Rrogerly veried. and of the securities.` if any. ei by them. and that after the said date the said Administrator will proceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased among the parties entitled thereto. having ard only to -- N ---2... ..a which they shai_ t_hs_n_ ha_v_e or me anus ..u............ _~_, _ ving refs:-d only 1:. be those claims of which they sh then have t lie. the said Administrator. notice. and the r n be liable for-the assets or any rt wiil not the thereof. so distribtted to any person of w ose claim notice shall not have been received at the Hvnn .9 such distribution. . ihflm notice snau nos uuvc n. time at such distribution. Dated the 2nd day of May. 4 ? T macs WII Pursuant to the provisions of the Trustee Act (1 Geo.V Ont. Chapter'26)alla persons havin any clalrp against the estate of. William An rew Parliament. late of the Townshiiz of men. who died on the 13th Apri . `quit-ed on or before the.l6thdayA of June. 191 to send to Strathysznsten of Barrie. Solicitors for Daniel Parliament. the Administrator of the deceased. full particulars of-their claims l and after the saididate the said admi istratog wilidietribute thefaasets of the said '_eeeaae among the parties entitled thereto. having `gre- Oro. Far- ard onl to thosaolaims of which hebitall then aveha notice. v ; . V, _ ` V i WBTRVATHY-t;& ESTi!;i." 1'1.` ' " `, `itpitqt_-tor the `ma vadzisintstratgg. _ ~ _; NOTICE TOCREDITORS z UUU 19-22 NOTIC E. TO CREDITORS e such dtsmuuuuu. ated A.D.. 1912. - CRESWICKE 85 00.. of the Town of Bar:'le.in the County of Sim- coe. Solicitor tor the said Administrator. . . . \ L00 , _ Tl-IE` mjrzmssts or ISICE H h I. Section Ilrnna an BjziRRIfE.4A c0UNTY% OF SIMCOE, ON'I'_ARIO, MAY 9, 1912 A petition for `a. peumament sewer on Elizabeth St.` from 134 fee-t`;wes.t of to" Willliamy St. `contained the of twelve petitioners Town Engineer estimated cost of proposed addition to Ward VI Fire Hall at $259-. ` ` " SEWERS ARE NECESSARY. . E. Donnell , Clerk of Board of Health .wrote. that the following re- solution had. been passed at 9; meet- :ing held on May 2nd. -That the Board: to Councili that the construction of sanitary sewers on the following streets are neces- sary in the public interest on.sa:ni- `tary groundszg McDonald St. from` `Owen to Olapperton; Brad-fold from. Victoria to Elizabeth; Sophia from .Sm:al-lv to Eccll-_es, and` on Wellington !l_ nzn 1--_L- ..__-.1. __-.._ Bunk Money -Orders issued? by the ['11i()11 Bank of Canadia. for an ` Vup 1.) $.30.00 cost only from`3o' to 15; zu-c01' to amou.-nt. They are pay-.L able un)'w11e1'e in Cana_da. _(Yukon ex- (-(-pt(*4`1). and in the prmclpo.-1g Unihted . ..H-{ca ` I - F`.d`1*ty-Te T1-`a,teT;;za`.;r` pizitioned Council to open up Sandfo-rd St. lthroug-h to Blake- is. distance` of 250 feet` west from C`-1-appeurtnon St. A number of ratepayers petitioned" against removal of an are `light. `am !north end of Bayeld St. to a point. further north, as the present loca- tion g7i.vesv.1ig`11.t up and down Bay- 'e1d St. and across Grove and North St-. on the east, and Grove St. V_Vesti of Bayold-, and if mtovepd' would de- prive residesnts of _ side streets of light. The petition is signed by J. G Hubbert, G. H. Mil-es, F. Urry, W. rs T-_-_- 1) T,......- T T n....... T for oiling (.511 E1`iza.-beb}.L St-. 'C1a.pper oon, to High. . _ -'| IC. Jons. P. Jones, W. J. Carr, !Jones, D._ Jacobs, W. J. Bishop, . QE-lliott, E. A-mnstrong-, E. H, P-a.rt'r lridge`, W. J. Fowler. . ' -L__..___._-'... ...L' I`1L....1..,~. Q4 n.n4-:4-:Ava_` llluc, VV. U. .l.`u!vvLU.I.a u, Ratepayers of Charls Sf, petition- irl for` new walk for West side. 1-. I TI; iigi-.fiiieic Light Dept. ' `app-_1~o_ved of Hydro Electric a.mdA1wec- Iotmmetndeidg that 700 h.p. was best .quant.it.,v and: that. power can be uszed % {byAth;' c((;mtmisS:iOni H1 t '11: ! .. . uramas. ~a.wa- on. !.'Mu`1cas1xter `St. south of Dunlop St.` ` TOWIIM En.g=in>eer reported -that thsei water which lay on nort-11 sivdle of Ross St. between Bayeld Sit. and] I Maple Ave., com.p1-aimed of by Mrs-. - l T_-_..1 .......,..-. Inn. is 1-mo." 91" lVL`a.p-1'6 rxvu, uuunyra-uuzu. u; .uJ .. Heard, came from a owinsg well at Canada Producer Co. and th-at 4-in.. pipe was stopped by sa.md'.`-as joints were not cezmenrted and tile dtrain was comneecteeod with old; ush tank at head of street. VHe4 has turned `ush tank into rprciper manhole and relaid tile drain,` p1'acin'g catch basin. A 4.1 ..B 1.31.. 4J.a\:Q\ n11c]'I'.&A |re1a1u E1110 u'r~uu1, ywvuxug uau. u L}c|o1..;.! at mouth of tile drain, -and flushed sewer; ; This will ove.rcome' thea` 'I'N! _ ,1`.-- Wu H u; a } difculty. (klru --, Sta toe` Ciiie. .T'hue_ Wa.ter Light vaxnd Serwers Committee recommended that the electric light system: be extended.` on Cook St. from Codrimgton t.o Pe]1'ew Sts.; that inoanndvescsem; lights be placed on Caroline St. at corn e-r of` Centre St. and another at comer of Alfred St.',, and also one on Thomp- .s-on St., near where Ki-dd s.~. `, BALCONY FOR FIRE HALL. The Fire and Police Committee recommended that request of M. E. Beatty for a balcony in front of re , h1al1 1`BSi'd8fI1!( be granted. . ` ' F. .0. 'Lower e tender `was aoepted l for uniforms and extra pair of pants` -_4..: .... 13.....- 'm....'.\ \BuY AT mast co_s1'\ Get your Ganadian Home from the Canadian Pacic. Buy direct from the Company and keep the Specul-ato`r s prot in you `own poc- ket. Choice lands for sale on the ten instalment plan. Convenient to railroads, schools and churches. Un- disputable title Excursions every two . .weeks during the spring and summer. Special inducements -to excursion parties. For prices, terms` y and all other information apply to i E. J. REID, -' _ A 8-20 `District Sales Agent, - 0.P.R.' Lends, Everett, Ont. - 5th Sunday after Easter . Ma.y12th`, ' 8 30 A.M.-HOL_Y COMMUNION V A 11.9 --L-MATINS AND` SERMON 3.0 --`SUNDAY Soaoox. o , `Tho Holy Rite of Conrmation `w be `administered .by V The -:Ri ghb Rev. 1 ; _.B1_8hOI?,1.3'99YBs of`T0r9nt9,; ~ w sets smox o " R B} ' Vicar \ % gIIII,M THE 'OOUN`I'Y`~O F" SIHOOE AND THC DOMINION OFIOANAOA OUR CRITERION.- Tgiinitg; Qhurch lalLl.l.\)fL.u.ID on-nu \,u...... r.... -_ 1; (Continued on Page Four.) MORE _LIG1-ITS. _ )I n110yVse11!t in this way is as safe as if yuu lmnded 1.t dmect to . the-

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