Modem advertising has enabled u.etoun1ock1zhetreasumehouseof the w_or-Id- s divirnest melodies through the mediirum of the player-pi-ammo. The ' "motor ca_1{hast19D8hhetned the busi? day and .'bIrou;g1ht the % to our gdoonr.` % Mien. DVERTISING has established a new order of things in A eommerce. It has hecome a mighty power in business `progress; a `complex yet comprehensible transmitter of many parts for the distfibution and selling of merchandise and service. To enlighten or educzitee-to lareabe new Wants or to `satisfy old ones- to protect and foster legitimate en- ` to establish a medium of uhlldterstandlxlg between buyer and seller as "a basis for mutual` prot and ac_lva-n oage--to_ prescribe an eco- lznomical price and the maintenance of a xed standard of public how _ these have been fullled. ` ` Modem advertishing has given us an insight. into vwrious manufac-A turing processes. The producer has us, the onsumers, into his congdbnce and hold us just: `how- his mince meat, his "our, his cloth- jug, etc., is made" .T Wt; "1:v;11-y certain hings should or should not be. Advertising has told: us--broad-. ened our Imdnerstanding and guided our judgment. A ,` , ` V ' U _ wru- shavd in comfort in ban `Its function" is vefold: Nonse Icnow better than [the buy- A Modern Force in Business A mad dog at Ivy created cou- s1ternation among the uresi-dents a few Let .thqAduanc Ancinuepttisingi 'Ma'n ta;Ik it cuter with you. If. you V W76 nt va4dv`efAtls_'ihg how, we `want tq talk the-fmatter over with you .. .!its stages, and - . . `Ha1l1 s Cata.1'.rh- Cure is the only A Izpositive (sure now known to the .'medical fraternity. Catarrh being :3. constitutional disease, requires a Ha1l s '|:acting directly -upon the blood and * ` museous` surfaces of the systexm ` thereby destroying the foundation of t the disease, and! giving the patient i strexigth by building up the consti- tution and -assisting `nature in doing i its work. The epmprietors have so mach faith in its curative powers ' that they oer- One Hundred Dol- lars for any case that it fails to cure. Send for list of testimonials. i 1 it 'Add3ess F. J. Cheney & 00., To- the V. , . Thus} Wal1Win,"7th Conoeseion of orafoed. with oarnations and lilies of |theAv,alley. Mr. and Mrs. Jones left on the 5.15 train for Toronto, the bride s travelling dress being, of navy blue worsted, with large rpict-ure hat to match. The groom s` gift to the . bride .was a. Heintzman piano and . 1 :-;L;.... n mxnonnng. aheaue. bride .wa.s. a. nexnuzumu =y........ ---_ from her father a. generous cheque. Many beautiful: and costly presents testied to the esteem in which the bride was held by her many friends. They willcreside in Uxbridge, Ont. $100 REWARD, $100. The neaders of this paper will be pleased to learn that there is at M... A1-nanl disease that .L.|.\.|.VLL \A;u..v .- - ~v |1edo,o. ' *" 5 Sold by all Druggists, 750. E ` % _Ta;:_e Hall- s'FAa.mi1y Pills for com} orillia Prsbyteriml Church will bbild a new Sabbath School build- CURFEW LAW WILL 1'\1"1T` 4. lJIuIl\; .... stipation. Owen Sound} Ladies of the various. churches have organized a league to help enforce the regulations regard- ing `the keeping of children under} vv:--" ' ' . (Continued `m Page 8) minutes "BT13-ENFORCED Where. they used to take twenty. A magic bottle provides us with cold with jwieathr at 90 do- CAPlTA:L.- s1` % J YREST. -% $8,000,000 or gives {us a Warm b0V'e1`z1g`(`. when Jack Frost dips at 40 below. , Modzerni advertising has elevated the stahdalwi of business ethics. It. protects 'the_;factm-er from un- scrunpu-lous competition and the C1'11lp11 10u9 ooma)etit.ion consumer `from. base, imimsyion. It. `conserves t_.rade-exends business--- creates good) Will. It enables the corporation, the manmfactumr or private -invidual on trial to take his case directly to_ the public, and 1'-O t-he publids judgment on his `policy or character based purely upon their nespectime merits. 1 Modern advertising has opened up new 'PDOrtunitis$ to the oppmxsml and -poor of far-o lands. It has V't`1n_3d-' 11 tide of i-1nm1- Eration to new countries. It lms. na1f.ioms,- and made the -- ---v -v\ n vvvasu tn 1.rA\rL.L-mvv `litter things among the people V of .1 the Old. _ All advertisig has. done and qamhinue to do. It is the ever- ` imuenoe for the ad- of most of the New World a promise -L .L'.L1.__ ; APRIL 25, 'MI*SS BILLY ROITOLERE `In The Flight of Princcsss Iris the Gralld. Opera House on Fa-t `day Hind: Satwrday, agl 27, and Special bargain mam on Saturday. 6 V. iS1Iid~1~'a-md school botird have under 'OO`I1Sid0I'ati011 the - establi-shinmlt. of Penny Banks. nine years` of age o` the st,-M A petition will be circulmhcd Ilskin for a spemal pohceman to look af't(.,1l the work, andithe church 1a'li<-.3 will Sup. port a deagoness to i11trrvi,-W ,,a,eme and -guardlans. ' '--EXCURSIONS TO lani_toII_a_, Saskatchewan, Alberta mm. 2.15.30 Vii ii;'2_ti' '"'.1IIia"{1"1, 25 am 9, 23 nus. 6. 2:: sins. u 59% f'r;;l1-(5I'1;ao nations gnm"p'.'| Northwest points at IIUMEBS XTWC toretumwnhm60 -E-r:-nonton and mm lld lo other points in proportio_n. Ticket ' ' days from some dam. .'.2:.e...... jgnn:-Lj Ll ZXXIQIA Aura: Low ROUND-"l;l"P RATES bGlI\l\ C'.Ii,_ _ nr<'>'s"-?':`;s'+sfL:s4=:`i=>=%~,c'aT<~;.~ias "':'i;;'.o.'-'.I' ",'r V` $"a'.,:.,.i.:'..i..'.`:..., ...:*1.:,c:::;.,':.. son.ueben1n.uu `wed 'hbedd'. 5. .a moalru'm auX'.'.h1oc.1`'cC' Early application must be made. ASK FOR .H_OMESEEKERS' PAMPHLET eonmmnc tau: and full infonmtion. ONLY DIREGT LINE ' Owen Sound will Airwroase V `its transient traders license, which is HOW | V V A Apply to` nearest C.P.R. Agent or M. G. MURPHY . Dist. Pan. Au. Tomato. of the "`SpecaliTraim leave Totonto 2.60 pm. on an A A` AA IIIII `I an Illlll? (4 `R. J. FLETCHER Local .-\gen1:. forces H0 CHANGE OF CARS 5, 19%1: The Money Orders oi` The Canadian Bank. of Commerce area safe," convenient and economical method of remitting `small sums` of money. They are_ payable without charge at every branch of a charteredi bank in _C'anada (except in the Yukon Territory) and in the principal cities of the` United States. W nu, _ t\;.I_.._ -...I l.'..II 3-In-n-nnd-=nn o-nagnlina fhl 1:11! X4 \_\'t` ,\\':1 his (14) nut In tiulls. , I \`H'l.`l1i.s. that .\ 11:1Ii\'q Imu- will Mfckle, Dyment & Sons plant `at- Bradfox-d: has been. closed down for several weeks to instal a` new engine. 1 1111-11 In hultfxl pa]21(~ I . . "'i`1a.` \'\'lu-11 I`:-. \ 211 [I 11 i I I bz11'n- I imlu ; tho: the the United mates. _ _ _ _ . 7' The Orders and full information regarding them may be obtained on application at the Bank. _ _ . V .~ In the event of loss of a Money Order the Bank will, on receipt of a satisfactory guarantee, make arrangements to refund the amount of the lost Order. A ` A23; BARRIE BRANCH H. J. onasnzrr. Manager. nu- (/`I14 .~~;tj mxkl Dr. W. Petersen, Principal .01 McGi;ll University addressed the ,Or-` illia Canadian Club last- Friday evening. fl`: ml Miss. Lniu Sutherland. of Brad-V ford has been appointed" assistant suspe1'inten~dent of St. C-atherines Ge.11e.I'a1' I~IoSn~ita1. 01% 0oooooooooooooooooo909090] y;:yv_s_NoTE;s J. D. McK.a.y, recently appoiutokl Registrar for North York, has sold The Newmarket E>npvesst-IEIera.1d to his forenmn, Mr. Walter E. Wilery. { It is said that a petition is being! circulated by tlteanti-local optionists of coiling-wood, asking for the dial missal of Chief of Police Borthwick.` Owen Sound has been quoted; a rate of $31 per h.p.. by the I-Iyd.-ro Electric, for a 24-hour service. This `is said to be about half what it costs there by steam. A ` _ Chief Baines of Owen Sound Fire Dept. has! resigned to accept a `sim- ilar position at Moose Jaw, at a `salary of. $1800 and free living -qmxrters. - - -- *1 n 71- 1.1- wv----- _ The Owen Sound of Health is considering a. systematic collec- tion of garbage and nightsoil. The M. H. O. has. recommended an incin- erator. ` ffralik T~hompsoi1 of Stoe1e s Cor- ners, -near Bradford, had three head of cattle killed in a recent electric - T1`! 1...... -....... ...4.....Aly lmnf Ah` ggora V - H: not bum. The Provincial Board of Health will not. approve of the oonatructiqn of any further nsewemge eystem in Midland until a; system of sewage disposal has been planned-. . i On the recommendation of the Superintendent, Miss Morton, the Gel-lingrwood Hospital are consider- ing the erection of a Inurses home at a cost of ~ betw.een_ $4,000 and $5,000. T I-'1'z31vi '1=XR-AN'D _NEAR The rabies at. Georgetown and at the lastcouncil. meeting a bry-law was: passed giving SYNOPSIS OI NORTH. WEST BEG-UIaA'.|.'ION8. V vv 1-vvnu ---u--v-w --___.- NY person who is the sole head of 9. family or any male over 18 our: old. may hotne stand 9. (garter section 0 available Dominion land in anitoba. Saskafohewan or Alberta. V The applicant must appear in person at the Dominion Lands Agency-or Bubngenc for the district. Entry by many may be mu e at any agency. on certain` oondit on: b `father, `mother son. daulrhter. brother on tor of in- ianding homelteader. A i _ .I'hn-Inn .441: months rezldanoo noon and ~ tending DOIIIOICBQGBIS -Dutles --:slx months reeldenoo upon cultivation of the land in each or-tlnfee fears. A-holnestoader may llva wlthln nlnom lbs 1 his homestead on a farm of at least 80 not-$5 solely owned and occupied b him orb b no (other, mother. son, daughter. ro_ther,o1: s_ star. nood . .l n imrmln district: In. homealnndar in . . Dnt.h.:n...'.Mm:r. rnnin nnnn th llllllll , momcr. 8011. uauguwr. lu'ul.uur,ul: claws`. . In certain districts 1:. homeateader in d standinyimay we-em t a quarter-suction ong- .3169 his omesteadi 1-loo 33.00 per . ' a homestead or awe ma nornesteau. rr1coU=s.wper_u.ore. ' . Duties.-~Must reside upon the homestead or me-em tion six months tn oafch of cixjyearl tram me of homeaIead-- entr (inoludin the, ` time required to earn `homes and patent and A oultivaxetty acres-extra. ' * A hnmhntpndnp who has exhns tail`hii-hbm6- reside alxmonths i'u"ea.cb ofilree `ycurs. rgmivatc ay. acrga an,(1;,oreat `a ho a ODIEIVIH/6 nuy 8.01305 xll. ' A homesteader who has exhausted manome- uend right and cannot obtain .a re-emp.tlonA may enter tor a jtmrobased ham mad in oer. um: districts. Price $3.00 per `acre. , Duties. *1; A .4 sun EDMUND WALKER. c.v.o.. LL.D.`.~D_`.O_.L.,' Paaalnzwr ALEXANDER LAIRD, Gzuznau. Mhuaoea : ' e KUJUU3 Ill 11- l`VUDu.u Cuvuvssv 1 His` harm was extruook, but d.i MONEY ORDERS [the constables to $hpot any dog found running at large or be`- ing .1ed_th-rough the streetsu ' It is,novw mtmored that .if the constituency of North Ontario. A is] opened: by the elevation `of Major Sam. Sharp _to a, Senior .Cou;nty J u-dgveship, V the. Hon. W. McKenzie `King will-1 be the Liberal candidate-. ] ~ ' , . ` The Braoebridge linen mills `are to be moved to G-ue-lph. Difficulty in obtaining `suitauble .work people at Bracetbridgc is the? cause of the change. The mill will begin work at Guelph with acbout two hundred h-ands. The Tudhofpe-A11zd'esrs{on 0'0.` is moving the Sylvester -pl-ant from Lindsay to Orillia. All the men em- ployed at `Lindsay have bgen offered employmealt at Orillia. The` West Lorne wag`onAp1ant. also .will be tak- en to Qrillia. ' " V 'Ca;n`ada. s re losses last. month are estimated at $2,261,414, as compared, with $852,380 for the corresponding month- last year. V The. rer loss for the year to date" amounts to nearly $6,000,000 as comqmrocl with $4,043,- """ v AL- L!..~4- Lhunn rnnnfhq nf E3?ff$}" 1911. bu 5..- Mr. W. J `. McGuire, has purchus-ed from Mr. John Svmit-11% of Barrie _ the }jn'osp~ert.y on the corner of Yo-nge and Queen" sutrcetsi, botwcern Mgr. Fostcr s store and `the Queen s I{ote1,'*1hn- vale. T he. purclmse price was in the" 1neig'hbo~rhood of $809. - __ _ ` 1 ;uuo!5---~ -.v --, Mr. J ,ustice_ Mi.d'd1eton' has dis- 1ni'ssed' a mot-ion to quash the con- vict-iou of Arthur 'I'Iarrzm. of Peter- boro, for t-reasnpassing with sporting implements upon the preserves: of` the. Cartwright Gmne Preserve Co., some.` 1,500 acres on. Sc-ug'og~ Islsind. He was convicted by a J us-tiqc of the Peace for" Oxxtarior.-ounty and n 1--nun --..J QR QR .m-m.+n- nr\ 1U1` \l1lLutLu gun--. ..-- [I18 W , SCVOII days. irnprisonmsent. A The forms `of ~wpp1i~ca'tion~ for the grant made by the Dominion Parlia- lment last session to the Feiiimn Raid Veterans of 1866 mid 1867 are new ready at Otmwa. Intending suppli- cants. for gratuities may obtain forine by .writ.i-ng` -directly to the Mi1vitria.Dep~tmsemt for them. Those` who [find it convenient to do so may get -dmired intformatiion in `person from Major Collins; 0f`Toront;o.- Mr. Justice Middleton has ratied a s-ettlctmen-.t. whereby the Grand Trunk Railway` pays Mrs. `Lottie Dennis, wideiv of William Dennis,- of Be11evi11e,. $2.000. Dennis was engineer on a. freight train and was killed in a eol-lision when a runaway % grain backed.` down. upon his engine A 11-__9_ 1')..---fV..4- .t\\ _Tonn.nrv 9.3, JDUU C as: ned"$10 and $5.35 costs, or I train `DaCK(. U.` uuwuv my-u.u. Jun nub-y in Co11in. s Bay` Cut on January 23, 1911; He. left three children, aged 15, 13 and 6. ' . `V T-hve latest method .of`.ii1sti1ling in- terost in agricu1' among. the: chi-Ld-` mu of ru-val Ontario takes the form of school "gardens. It is- hoped` by this: means to join reooreatioll and in-__ strwction. School Boards are to be encouraged to am'an.g'e for. `such gar- dens, and prizes are offered: for. the p.rod.'u'~cts. Liberal grants are offered _ y, the Government for the carrying on of school gardens. V o Mr. J ustioe Teetzel has given judgment for $825 [and the return of what lots are unsold` in fewer of -Thomas Easton, 9, Halton county farm. laborer, against R. E. Sinclair, of Toronto. The parties engaged! in a trade of properties, the plaintiff turning over `six lots in as subdivision of Calgary. _ Mr. J ustioe' Teetzel nds that the plainti Iwasn . over- |matched:' and overreached, that ha acted without proper ' information and wdwic,e,. and that the exchhnge was most impmovident- - L 7i15 V;;en'e_.18 "aa '3"7 35 oyieri-691% for and. 24 .a,gains_t;-._ 177 %,1_s+-17%2A . gs .1 .. 19;- JU RS" UUll1'[Jun':|Ll. wugw `v1,\JJ.'J the first three. months of _ Tl1o1rn~.buryV Council and Board of Trade are -diuscussin-g the needs of a waterworks slyst-em and re p-robec-A ' tion, % _ - 3 w`ndV1`%88ai1?st..*:% : = % : ' A of a_ special Weybum edi- tion of the Moose -Jaw Morning. '_News"is to hand. It is- 39. twenty. page paper` lled: with advertise-V mennts of Weyburn `and a write-up of The Biggest Little City in the West . ( ` _ T`he 1i!1_ustratioxs show some M- __.._ -LL- VVACB In ,. '.L "110 ;u'u l.I. ouuvuaa uuv-vv uvuav very ne .b`u.i1di~ngs and among. `the ;n'1o_st imposing is the nenew! De- partment stare now` `under const.rusc_- tion or the Mr.-Kinnon~ Company of which N. D. McKinnon, formerly of Greemore, is the head. Mr. John P. Somerville of Barrie is head of one of the: departments in this stone. releaseud from custody by His Royal -Highness the `Governor-General, un-, `alone, is: a ret-class Sailor, and he _ Hugh MieKech-nie, a. Collingwood man, who was sentenced to three. months imprisonment `for assault. on the 19th of February last, has been der the Ticket.-of-leave Act. Mc- Kechniei, when: he leaves liquor has h-ad- his term shortened in order that he may reach his vessel on `the opening of navigation. Last Season McKechnie was recommended `for the Carnegie medal for distinguished bra.-very on the Great Lakes. V J. Lockie Wilson, Superintendent. of Fall Faivr8,"'h~as._' `issued a srta.te~ ment to the eect that new arrange- ' ments dealing .with the dates of Fall Fains are -being made. By the new. pl-aen1 it "is hoped that no two fairs in neighboring localities will oonict. Heretofore the dates for Fall Fairs in North Grey have been set by each society without: any referenw to other fairs---the resu-lt.` being that frequently two` and sometimes three would take place on the same days-- much to the udetri-ment of each Fai r. VWhen the news! of the, disaster to the `ill-fated- Titanic reached Orillia, says The Times", some anxiety was felt for the sa.fcty of Major Beuchen, `whose wife was an: Orillia lady, Miss- T.hom.son.. A wireless message W883. 1'ecvei.ved Monday evening announc-V imgj that Major Peuohen was one of` the -su-rvivors. A Mr. \Vm. . Thom-so'n,_ Postmaster Thomxsonu, and Mrs. A..E. Andeagh, left for Toronto on Tues- diay.miorn'1n-ig`, -and saw their sister, Mrs. Peuchen-, before she left for New York to "await the arrival of the C%a.rpathia. ' 1' 1| The polviti-cat axe is being applied" `quite freely in Midland this spring, says - The Free Press, an-di several citizens are losing the (}Ao~vernme"nt positioxls whichthey 1'1ea./e. held . for `years. Mr. _IIan`x"y Hewitt has been auprpointed keeper of the western light house in place of Mr. Thos. Richard- eson. We undersstancl new `imspectiors -being` appointe 1 for the dredges C , 1 '\I'..,.,. `1rn11Y\I1YI T-Tnrulgpr 'a1`0'DC111g' zlppuuwuu nu um. H.-.,,,-.. also, and Messrs.. `Kelman, Hacker, (`.3a.mpbe.1l and O, S:hca are? to feel the lieem edge -of fthecxecut-i0ner s.T `axe. we-asons are -advanced` gtndixxg the change, but - ohe.7_ {most _ou.tstanding' feature is the color of their po1it.i_ca.1 jacket. ` ' One of the few remaiuilrg pioneers of{asag'a., James 1\'Iore, orf ' the river road. passed` away to his. re- ward._on. Saturday n1orn'mg, April 13th, in the: 82nd year of his age. He had not been. in ro-bust. hea.1t.h for [some years, but had been in bed only ' 1`-~-- -1'~--~. --u:-lulu 11rxnI\+ 'FO:I1V'l3. `ha-Y`_ some but had been m ueu 0111,)! a few days: with heart failure. Mr. More was born, in Penna-ylvania and removed: to Sunnidale with his parents when an infant. ; `After a sho-rt. residence in Sumliclale. they went to Nott:a.wasaga- and deceased has practically been a resident of the. .t<`>wnshi.p 'e~ver Asince, Deceased n_:_._1 L..,.+L,... 4.-. 1120 x}1fhh1 I the .townsn1.p (!'Ve1'Asu1.ce. ucguazw was the third brother to die within a few months, Henry of Clarksburg -andr Daniel of Guelph having very recegtly passed aw-uly. " `Ir-1.114.--- 1-4.. ...-..1-` 9 . oooooooooooooooooooooooooi 1'UL!'Ul'1u'y .11-uswscu uwv ug. I ' Mr, Justice Middleton last .week ratied a. settlement of an action brought by the . A.O.U.W. against . Mrs. _M. E. A. Petvin of Midland.` `Mrs. Potvimi. `is sister of a man who `was `insured in the order, -anti who left Midland for the Yukon, where trace was lost of him ` after he had said he was going to-Mexico. After the lapse of nine years hexwvas de- clared dead. by the Ontario _ courts, but a `newspaper clipping of this event -`came to the -attention of some- - 1_:..;. 1.L..L n...:.. man BVC.l1|.'Uu.luU LU I./no ouvuuu; u : ; u . u v...., one who gave a hint that their man might be found in Oakland, Cal. The insurance money V had already been paid over to the sister, but an action was commenced to `compel the return of it. This action is now sett-led by the return of $1,800. A __--_.E __.__ AiPPEALED_f1"0}EM.i % Oheertful Undertaker--Beautifu1` day vfoii the funeral, '-sir; just enough .b1'eeze'.::to_.stiar" the"-1-plumes. ~' Nqw, |J\JUU'Il\l\.I- Ir IIlo\I -- v_ ~,.- V Mrs. Geo. -]vL:o;;g', of 1'1-V1erica.I1 Hotel,` MidLaa1dJ,' before. Police Magistrate J ackel last week charged with keeing for sale liquor without: license. On 'Sat.u1`d~ay morn- ing ,April 13th, Inspector Fisher Enaadg an Varrly morning call on this __-_1 -__.._'I 4.1.--- ........... :. +1..` umwuu all: CLULAJ xuvnuzua yous van. on hotel, and found three men in the bavroom, who apparently had been drinking. He went behind the bar and seized a quantity 1? liquor eon- oealedi in a candy pail. He removed this and laid` a complaint against the lessee of the building, charging her as abo!v_e._ The trial took place atvMid;1aI1d_.- Mr. Fin,layson- of Mid- land`, -defended and Mr. J .' H; Ham- mond pro'secu_ted'. The. defendant t_---._ .a_.._.:. non nn:,..'.`.:I. M1 nn n.nn4-cs `mm! i$ ';.`nea- 2Tc3`.o"7;'anc1 `$`~}`.'oo `Z35 tljxe xxhislney conscated and desznoy-. _'_-..__ 1-....- an-4.-gnu: l\"`I\:U'|!lJt\I1. +110 la-LIE! wuuanaqy Uuuuwvauuu unnuur \U\*"`{`VJ' - ed. A very large crowd. attended the A...S..1 .....1l \...J..-..-..4--.;lm uni-:4-nuusaarsoln -`Ln I pourin cut `I. 'VUl J \7_l-'\6VV\l.' Ulvllllvl-L'\.a\Ju. vuv {um} and! W1 _ tessed\ the ' v 1' .1 , `I ,__ < __, AL, -.l...-.-A. `raga: transit `V U..- . cId1 topI f:-Sign, mien colds. . . `:,! .-. ..3.?~.`_ Th. Bradford Lawn Bowling `Club has bre-organized. T 7 V99-u-I i10696O6'O`O`O6. SOOOOOOQOOQOQOQOQOOCOOOQOO ` "PERRYMAN-FENN. Hawk-estorle, April 16.--A pretty Easter took place on Wed- nesday, April 10, when Rev. N. Campbell", of 01-0 Stat-ion, united in marri-agve Miss Margaret C. Fenn, youngest daughter of the late Thos. --- .1 1]... wnn fn MT. . youngmt aaugnper 01 we 1_auu ...w. and `Mrs. Fen, to Mr. Richard Perryman. The bride .wore. a white embroidered mull gown with veil and orangeebloesoms, and was unat- tended. About thirty ifriensdsa sat down to a sumptuous inenast, after ,which Mr. and Mrs. V Pei`-ry'm~an left on the 5.45 p.-m. trai-n for Toronto, the bride wearing a -navy blue travel- ling`. costume with hat to match. The groomfs gift to the bride .was a fur doat and the gift of the bride to thel groom- was a. handsome tie pin. 1 ' M6d0nf~5mwnship- lost very hoax}-i ily in the recent ooids.- - - A petition issbecing cimcu1`at&dJ for a new post. o_-i at Burk s Falls. A very pleasant event took. place on Wednesday, b -April 17th inst., when Mr. Maurice Hill of 88-_Mul.- caster St., Barrie and Mary Carr of Egbert, were `joined: in holy wedlock, the ceremony being per- formed by Rev. L.:W.i Hill, 'B.A.,' of Burlington, brother of the groom, at the ,home of Mr. Samuel J. Carri of Egbert, brother of the bride. Little Elsie Carr, _niece of the bride, performed the part of 0.wer girl in - -L"---..--.... ........-.......u. (\..`|.. n -pnnr `:TI_1 Illa]. ll-X WW3!-C !ll.\?$\.a|LlI.'c .LI.L.Lu |IIil1 will reside in Barrie. [fCl'LVl'LuUll uuo yaxuv UL uV.NvuL ass; ..-I a charming manner. Only a few in- I timate friends of the contracting parties were present-. Mr. and Mrs.! [run __:11 __--:..1- :.. `D......:.. A wedding of interest was oele-l brated -at 6-.30 am. on WedInesd'ay,1 April 10, 1912, at 200 Leith St., 13-..; ur:n:'.... L.. 11... `D... T_`r:.......` Ll!-LL .l.\l, .LU.Ll, \I sum: klvo fort William, by lhv Re?" Hiranil Hull, pastor of Wesley Methodist Iohumh. The bride was. Miss Hat: ] tie J. Parlee of `Fort William, and the groom Mr. Martin ' L. Kennedy, son of Mr. Lauchlin Kennedy, and nephew of Mr. M. Burton, Lum- berm-an, of Barrie, Ont. The bride s wedding robe was `of. shot srilk in` shades of blue and old gold, with! yoke of ernhroideved ' net trriimnedi with pearls, and she Wore the reg'u~l-a- tion veil and orange blossaomas.` Her bouquet was of white eaarnations, and she `wore the gr0om s gift, a chain and locket` of ' `gold. The bridesmaid was Miss Catharine Mc- Quaig, of Port Arthur, and` Mr. Geo. McFar1ane actedas best man. To the ,brides.maid, the bridegroom` gave a brooch of gold set with pearls, and to the best man a gold Stlck pin- Mrs. H. Brown played KENNEDY--PARLEE. HILL-CARR. Bmd-ford Fair directomte are V. considering the erection of new buildings.` .