Non know better` than; the buy- A Modern Force In Business `thAe AfdMqdnc e: Aducrtising Man talk it over with got). If you liarq nbt,dzertlaing`nooq-L we wd_nt to talk the mattr over with you. | `T `may experience the long life that your father and .gra.nd!father enjoy- ed, and those who are privileged to you intimate friend hope that Winnipeg will -ho1d_you during the remainder of your -military career. ' . - l The Elmvalae Lance says: On Sat- undiay with. contracts for thirty: ` 'eight mail boxes: Mr. James Arguel successfully completed his canvass in ' F106 and Tiny forasrural mail route. The route which Mr. Argue has can- ; vassed begins at Elmvale and goes] west.wa;rd to Li11icrap s corner, then north one mile to Tubm~a11 s corner, themce westward along the 10th line` {FREE DELIVERY EXTEND_INGi tub 11U',W, UUMJQPULDUW `UV vuuwv uau -- p.m. .on order of the Chief of Police and Cou-nc:i.l. ' Modern advertising has elevated the standard of buswiness ethics. It. protects (the manufacturer from un- scrupulous competition and the consumer` from base imitartion. It conserves trade---extends business- createe goodnw-i~l1; It enables the corporation, the `manufacturer or private individual on trial to take his case direct1y'.to the public, and 1:0 the public s "judgment on his policy or character based; pumly upon. their '~respective- merits. - `av u|.na.v-I. .L U .lI.(l Ilevelopciy the a1:ame- bf "the New World a promise `,9 where they used to take twenty. A magic A-butt-le provides us with cold dajinks with the weather at. 90 de- Modern advertising has "opened; up new opportunities `to the oppressed and poor of Vfar-off lands. It has of V v(-)Idv. gres or`. gives us- 5. warm Tbever-ago. when Jack Frost dips at 40 below. -~ V--van cu tI&'\.I'lll-l_\I\} r _among the people td Arms;tmong s' corner, and from point northward to ( 'ri1).\'oI1. Re- turning fr Gibson the (r;1rI'i0`1`wilI retrace hls route to A1'1nstmn;.r'5 corner, from which point. 11-, wi1l_gv, westward on _ the tenth t-Wu mlles, `them ~south1_to L2;ng'1na_n.1:ml iirom ,.l.angman aong t1c mm: In .1111. !vaJe Rural delivery on thif mutcis vale; Rural del1v e1-y on th1.~'1'n11tr_x is this year anc all suhcrilmx hope `that the of: the prc-:nt rm- rier, Mr. Spring, w1l1 be r<-tunml on the new rural route. Mr. Arguz. and the enterprising farmers in the dis- %trict to be served are to be mn;.rrat- ulated upon .the success of y-ir wi- forts '00 add to the ct.>1niort.< of A B0 VIJ 1.4-\.A.\|. ! aguntry life. (Che Depasrtment of Labor will investigate a complaint that Can- adian -rail-way crews are not allowed to crun across the boundary, lime. 'APRIL` `A ' I A new, railway bridge is` being plzwcedi over; the Wye Riven` at the OM Fort, a-nd a new station is to be built -at Tay Junction during, the eumrmer._ , ` V , , thc cm ? led u:~ u- til A Jill lrff Sr] 701% \\';n'ri {in 1111 {1}} 1l:< Can=suda and the U.S. may con- duct :1 joint. enquiry into: the high cosm of 1ivi11g. If they woulzd dis- cover how to reduce prices the en- quiry would, be worth While. ` (Th; 1})! it w iji;.T M0 in lif hope sand rang Th DOW Lydi I`l"lIIl.llhn'||~hl I-anrsnuy--w: _ The Canadian Bank of Commerce extends to Farmers fevery facility" for the transaction of their banking business including the discount" ancl collection of sales notes. -~ Blank sales notes are supplied` freeof cljarge on application.` a s _ _ . _ ' _BAN_K_lNG_BY MAI} ,-_ .1 rI~|__ -._-A:....r Dan`) at for t :1l:1(~ .\"1 ; 11; V - M}. M. Coughlin. of Anten.Mi11` is rapidly 1'ec0vering from the: `ef- fects of the injuries he sustained a` few weeks ago? when a. heavy log he was skidrrlillg rolled over on him. The long .promised- post ofce at the Ragged Rapids has at last been put in, operation. The" name nally! adopted is Hydro Glen." Page, superintendent of the Orillial power plant, is pos1;m'a,ster. " ' .. ......l Medonte Township is ex`ue11d-ing` their tel-ephone system to J a1fratt,| and expect. to extend the branch lines dowp the 8th, 9th and 10th 0011-` f'|I`I\Il`? I-II aunrxanu Accounts may be opened at every branch -of The Canadian Bank of` Commerce to be operated by mail, and will -receive the same. careful attention as is given to all other departments of the Bank's business. Money may be deposited or withdrawn in this way as satisfactorily as , '--- A ---4-no-an` ur:n:O- On {Jan Ran]: . cessions. M1`. Norman Playfair of Mid- land had a piece of bone removed from his. head at a Toronto Hos- pital a few days. ago. This oper- ation was! necessitated by injuries received a year ago when thrown! :from an ioe-boat, which accident` al-I most. cost him his life. | 1VlUlly Illa] UV _uI; vs WI :1 Bank: by a personal visit to the .l1M.Dvl,- UUUU 'u.LJ.uJ 1.1;? u.a.:.\.n T-he C`o1d*watetr Planet aysu that! the usual spring rumor of double! `ztxraicking that branch of the G.T.R.] --._:__ 1--__.,1 n..- 4.1.:...... :,.. .-.m.+.n1r. 7U1'wU1S.u.1.*g u1;a'o U1 .au.Uu U4. um; u.....u. again heard. One thing is certualn. the `mad wil probably be greatly im.- proved this summer. A. steel -bridge will repLace the wooden one over the] river at the station the svamie is now on the sidimg and will be placed in position as soon as the weather permits. . I `4*"-J 1-"-"'Vl~ `];'NW*<"V) VV NV -U-~v---v- -vv -Whitby. The plum wm have at capacity of 5,000 11.11., and Will" be operated by Diesel oil It will be used only in the case of a byeakglowvn` of; the`.Comq)any s: ihydiro~ -_-___. _..].....L {\.~. I..nA -l}1'K. 2i1.lSUUVVlLV1 UL`? ltL1\7.\/\"1lL-'"""`J 3 "t7"""' electric transmgissuop. plant. Osha- wa. at present uses, about 2,O0 h.p.', _practically- the same as Oxilha. V 1- 1r 1 1 1 A",-_-1 .... - _ The Seymour Power Company .-isi going to` spend $600,000 on_' an_aux- iliamy power plant, to be slt-uated 8. 'IIT.LZ;..1... TL n1|..-.4 u-r':"I.". `sown. in Jsames M-aodonaaldg an employese. in the keg mill of the Imperial Steel. & Wire Co., Collingwood , met with an accident. which resulted in the- svnorsis or` CANADIAN Noam.` was-r LAND BEGULATIO/NS. T _ ANY person who is the sole head out family or any in ale over` 18 years old. -may home stead a. uerter section 0 land in Ianitoba. Saskatchewan or Alberta. The applicant must appear in person at the Dominion Lands Agency or Subsagenc for the a.v9.i'able Dominion. district. Entry by nroxyma heme` eat any agency. on certain condit one by. father, mother. son. daughter. brother or sister of in- ,_,. M . . landing hnmnafnn ow % T . 9000oooooooooooooogooooqo: farm help `is"aaid.' to be even scarer than ever. Jngouuy. uu out uuu dau hte! tending homeste er. hnma .`..sir mnnthn tending nomesteaaer. DutiesJ-e'ix months` residence upon and cultivation of the land in each of three Ahomesteader may live within.-niueml his homestead on. atarm of at least, 80 9. es solely owned and occupied b him orb "hit" of . father, `mother. son. `daughter. rather ore stem; `In mu-fnin inirinfn n. hnmpxmndar in _mood aw.-w. coRY,1_ ~ mu she tamer, mother. son. uaugnuer. urucuur or uluwn; ~ `In certain districts 9. homesteader in. standin may pro-,em tdquarten-Vsection ong- ` side his omesteud.-' rice $3.00 per acre. .nm.1pa__'Mngr r-nah-In unnn the hnmstead hr sme 1118 nomesveum rnua {BAN per uulfe. . Duties.--~Mnst reside upon the homestead or ` me-em tion six months in each ofsix years from are of homestead entry (including -the. -`time required to earn homestead patent) and.. _ cultivate fty acres extra. A ` hnmentnnno whnhnii exhausted hit home. One thousand people attended the ____ _J..__-1 ..-...L'A......`.-`naps . |rII` .nv\ 1PV\ n10- cumvute nny acres extra. _, . A, homesteader whohaa exhausted his home- ; stead right and cannot} obtain 9. pre~emption _7J_niq.'y.enter for 9.: purchased homestead. in cars- `tntngdistriots. V rice $3.00 perxacre. Duties.-V-, ' Must reside . `six months in ea'ch'ot.threa_ ye9_,r,s.A on _;dt_ -vtty;.`m'res? andereotv a homo wgrtjm OIJIFIVBI DOOOOOOOOOOO099000900009: C.APlTAL {- $1o;ooo,ooo % L ${i0% paws NOTE_S l`l\ll I! lit Alll\ `LII! "I5 sun EDMUND wgu.KEa-. c.v.`o.; LL'.D., l`3.VC.'| .`-...,P35316215?` ` V ALEXANDER LAIRD, .Gen:-:nA|.. MANAGER V 1=_ A_R 1y1,_E R s L Bg g NAESS - 'I`-_...-.... ' BARRIL-:__B_RANcH -'H.-J-. `Manager. INTERESTING -SKETCH OF.` THE CAREER OF A SON or MEDONTE. knipeg,` is publis-hing a series` of` pietrsonall sketches, entitled Men. Who Live in Glass Houses, and has just reached.` 001. Sam. Steele. What it has to say of this dist.i-n- guished econ of Medonte -we feel sure many readers will wish to see:--- - L l s ' Col. Samuel Benii:eld= Steele, V C.B., M.V.O.,. you are sOicer Command"-, ing at Fort Osborne Barracks - and one `of the most _ `p-opul-ar military men in the Dominion of Canada. You are the__ son of ;a. naval officer, Catptain Elmes Steele, Rf.N._, who in the early days of the settlement `of Ontario played -a. very pror'ninelnt ,pa.rt, both as -a. political leader for the constituency of Simeoe and,` as a settler of wealth and" power. T. In your veins: ows the blood of both naval and army heroes. Your father was :9. midshipman at A the time of the battle of Trafalgar and was present at the capture of the Span- ish treasure sliips oif Oape ' ' in the Peninsular War in 1805. All through your genealogical tree there ane many evidences of the `ghting `blood that coursecl in the veins of, the S.t.e'elce3, and in the history of the different back .for eenturies me-ntion; is made of the valour of your ancestors. T ` This srame desire for battle and conquest has been shown in your. career as an army `man. From the; `beginning of things military for` `you, you have `played a prominent part in military circles of C`ananda. !You: were born in the County of `Sir'nIC0 Ontario, acndf edzucatedi at Orillio, and the British American Conmmercia-1 College of Toronto. The call to the army was early develop- ed in you, and.` no other profession- 'f~ound --favor with you in looking out upon the horizon of the future. Your rst service was with the 35th Battalion. Simone Foresters ins |1866, and shortly afterwards you `qualied; for the 2nd Battalion. 17th Regiment, now Ireicestershires, You served in` the Fenian Raids! in 1866 and 1870, and afterwards came: up with the Wolseley Expedition to the Red-River in 1870; Z ' T V FROM FAR AND NEAR" lossai of one eye. A splinter from a lsaw struck the optic, so injuring it that Dr. McKay found, it ;ne:cesssa.ry to -remove it altgether. Maodonasld-,' who came from, Midland; is now I. making gpod progress re-. l00Ve1'5 -, . - You have `many interesting tales` ; to hell of those rst days heme, When! } Winnipeg was a tiny unit in the |plan of the North American con- [t`inent.. You came up to Winnipeg: :with the Wolselsey expedition to 'quell the Louis Riel `nsrt disturb- ance, and. for your service received Midland 'A.rgu's--The plans V for` Mid:1axnd s new public building ' -be available `in a short time There, has -been much speculation, for somei time past as to Where the -building` would be placed, but, we, under- sta.n'da,' the location. decidedJ upon, is the prpperty at the corner 01f King ..;-._1 `MI"...... QL.....'.L... .J:......4J.. ......4.1.. ml.` Mu? ""s1-,?e"et" ai"r2}i Sull? the Methodist Church, It is prob- able wgrk _swi_11- Ibe in I J. &\AJ|IJ vua. bslu \.lAU|.I.L\au.a, \IQLAlvL humber.of years -andalso iii. the council _for several terms. He was a-` most likeaable gentleman and was well known `tlmougwhsout the dis`- 1...-L .0-.. L_'.. __2J. _....'I .1... Q-_4.-L Ill? VVPI 'l"J . \J\I'LLJll-lIu`\lllIn'\ILI\Il ll- oojonnsect" 3 clearing V the land within the next "few VJ uvu uh ' O \/usau cl-bb I. `IL .434` -I-l'\llI\l?'\- t.., `a former well known` and citizen of Ori1li.a , occurred; at Mt! Clemens`, ,Mich., `last week. The late! Mr. Robertson was an `elder -of the Presbyterian Ohurch, Ori'll:iIa, -, for `a I.~---.....`I....... ...E .-..`.......` ..'....J`..L...\ ..~........J, . the Hon. -RJB. Haldane with refer- 'tonje to. tli ?War" Oioe . for "the teresting to note, that Tet`-I 12n*nnn"?: -.. ....-:` .....1.....a.......;...... A` few days ago Major Peuchen, who `is now in England, interviewed enoe toxaasupply of;Canadia'n ace- man ufacture of oordite; In em 1 tion with" it.-~ is Oliemicgzl-,. whmh \`M a3?PJ".':P J `V VVAJI-In I35`? VVJIJ El-lLL'I.Ie|l hzrict for wit and; .,.w., .L\IL ...., ..... ....... '\A|l-J .. _u humor.` His many friends: .will learn of his death with deep` regret. The was bxr-ought to Orillja. and the, funeral -took last Th}n's - I .`l..*.".' - .1 ;L|R ULIC.I.' D U\l'Jull7 \1lIlMl|LJ Ana; \.a\r manned operations near -C}oldw.a.te;.. cwfzu wad up-var- .1 us. `an 9-0 V\av-o\nIv $150,;000_ ion" mlargements to; . it [plant at Long;foTrdF Mills this Ia-eta8on4i' -_m0ney_.e .,he, : `laid' "out. On: ' and zsls fox he` _The- Jdumnal-, Win: COLONEL SIAM.-b"1 `EELAE. '1;he dgath of Mr. Con. Robertson, 11 1' . 4531 a`.I_uu;-uu.-"I-. ~Vu.w- VWWM ` +v--T retu:r':1edi` to the East * -1y after .1 1.11-.,, 'I,__;_ ;'L- 4-..... -1! LL- LQU|;LUI'l uuv aaanvv |JIwu.IAv&,y- unsyus the-rebcal:1ion,. butfthe Jang of the oW'st in your lungs? "and you joilnied--" the North. West Mounted- `Police force in 1873. ' "As "a member of `this fame you madie 01118! of he most distinguished records in `the of 0an.a(Ia.. You _love the plains: and put the fear of God! and} Power into the hearts. of the Indians. If you pmtrgisoai; them _1-_--.___. ;.`L-._ ..-;. _' . . John` VS_7~hite, a. forinecr hambornmas-j far at Mi.dLand., at Wood:bridg\e. ' -A special committee `of the F105 .Townsnip Council has reportect "in. favor of a municipal telephone sysh VJ . ' vutuxu *1 IA-Llnl1llLlll\0Ll. V Rknew they _oOVu1d.-not dbdge it.. IJIZK '1 U?J\l'l-MU I-KI: 'IpUvIV.7 ,., YIDLUILLV `/5 Big Bea;r s band and ahe'Creesi. You commanded can expedition into the Kootenay . country to restome to-vdberr a; few yeam after the, close of the rabel1io'n-, for_ which you were personally thanked in `the Gen`- eral s ordbxa ` . :'{j`mf{s;;re' % made` 7 Inspm " J of the North West Mounted. [Police in 1878 and! Smpemintendent in? 1885. ' As Superrimehdenrt you were. in the Northwest Rebellion of 85 and; ne- eeived a.` medal and olasps for the acti;)n- at Frenchmazn sw Butte,` - __---_.Jt AL- ` At the _-time of the gold} excite- ment inthe Yukon: territory in 1896 you were in command of the North West Mounted '-Police posts on the , summits of Obi-llicoot Passes. Your "thoughtfulness consideration` for the struggling sol- diers of fortune who were "eeasling the` almost "impasse.-ble barrier to the gold elds have lled a many columns of both snewstoaxper and special feature stories of the aet rush to the wonderful -land of gold on the Yukon -river. ` Your service ' Was. recognized by the Governor- General-in-Gouneixl-, and -the miners and residents of. the Yukon say of you that" the Wonderful discipline [and the enforcement of law and or-! der in theme rst days: of V Dawson City was! in a very large measure due to your popularity with the citi- zens and your imuenee, care and consideration for your men. Yiou` commanded the `North West Mount- ed Police in Dawson City from 1898 to 1899, and were- a. member of the Council of that Tenritory, and when you left Dawson for South Africa. a.t the outbreak of the Boer VV,a.r everyone in the little `city felt that a personal`. friend was steppmg out `of their circle. -_ . I At the call to war you were select- ed to command the ' Stratheona Horse, by Lord Straztheona. t Youi -left -Canada with the rs.t contin- gent and.` lrad with you. three hun- dred} of C'ananda s most representa- itive men. You were mention-ed in` `desepatchesu several times during the , `war. `You; received the Q-u-een s: medal with three Clasps`, the Kin.g s- medal with twp cl-as(ps_, your regi- ment wasrpmese11ted' with King su eolors and medals by King Ediwardh '.VII.,, and` you were personally eon-' gratulated _by great genenals at dif- ferent times during -the progrrestr of the war on the excelslenrt appearance and good! behavior of your -menx. , I ' As a commander of men you -amei greatly beloved because of the (lis- tinctly human side to your cha.vat- er. You are stern: ah sariousub when in the conduct of a airs at Fort Osabonne Barracks. . You `demand oarerful -a.tten; to _the minutest} detail that goes to b1,1ildup perfect _1_'_-2_.'|_'_.... D.-4. ...L......+1.,. L.......~.. 4`.-.m \.L`UlJla1']. uuau 5\_J\7B I/U LI`VLlJ\|.*LAll' trva.;vvvv discipline. But when the horurs for play come` round for dioers and- men_. under you, nothing imusrt. in-texr- lfere to cut short their a.1I1ot.ted pas- Itime.` " . . `You are i one of the most iILterest`- ing_ talkers on the stirring days in -history that. have passed" .when all the. world -was in a vortex of war. You `can. take your audiences with you basok to the ~b{a-tt.1ee1ds- or the maval encounters of the last cen- tury -and earlier, and the encounter is far more real than a~libra.ry ful1= of historic events could present it. `T- - - _;____ -1. _ ._._11_`II,._. -....'I. ` Like I111 soldiers, you are fond; of `inubdolclasports. ame ha excav- _en1;'Qrsema\n_ _ Tan ave.--V `many ji'neterestin_g `imdvexzitures `> hunting big You are fond of "'-grow 've1_-y -* enthusi-astic Over` You_ new -svowts` v.`th`.. - F9 UL 11.40 I.'\J-A LU _'\aV VALID vvuuu ya \.u'vn:.u You are every inch a solider, and` -your `long years of service sit very lightly on your broad shoulders . Al- ways gallant, ever ready with advice on the district in which you have `lived and. the most encouraging 3 friend a young man could; nd=. Ydu are a, great believer in "travel as: an ediuleator, and -your advice to `all your friends who have made money in the West is to` pull themselves out of the great new West and -visit the seats of art. ' in the old `_world`, where centuries of culture and! education have `left their im- preseion. T T ` ` - ~ `ll `I01 .. 1 UHIU uuruuvuutu. youyuu auuuuuuu. um... minsmrel performance put on in Or- illiwa. by Mr. Holly Shepamdy The proceeds: Went to the Hospiwh ` gr. 1` `___ ____,___ To one who did not know you your serious face and rigid: .:m.i1ita.ry [carriagve might. be taken as evidenc- Ies -of la, cold, disinteresrted natu-1fe-, Ibut one has to see you stmi-le-all the. dignied lines of your face curl up and your eyes every inch (of yom-`t face is taking part in the re- laxation. _You were enthusiastic over the announcement that Fort Oe- born`e' was ,to`have new quarbexrsn--- nthusimtic because your` -mIenw"`ou1d- .ha.vex bette,1'._ -accommodation: `and more reoreation g_rou11dsr--your mien rst-{1'a8ti and. always-, is key note, of Ayourrl work as Ofoof Come ;.. --`.f.J.'__ _ ' urn.-.37 T II.J ' `u. ' % V` .% 2`-7"`-*%'i`-W`-'- -ai 'i` -5 % 3579-'3a \;,.:Ar'-.,"~ . .5x'.. _.sg1;m1in;>r " 0, 99}!- _Yo11 kg-wgwff-.`"/`. "*" ""*` *'`"'\'1'_` .w` `1-:.~u ', :_ >1; 2 V , > V V .' V `.1. ~ V > . . v. _- ``.:_J, ._l' .: 53> ;' .1 -If ; -. V 7 `- ~ V ' `-7 ~:':~L~ . 9*-A o1= COMMER , CE key match will always get your sup-. ` .......L '. Your name as a military leader in i the Canadian West wi1lgo down: to posterity `in the `history ,of the Do- minion among those who were :a. social as well as a. military power. Your friends of the early days in] he West are still your friends, and- you oould. never "get so high up on `the ladder of honor and fame that `you could. not nd` time to reachi down a. cheering word or pleasant smile to those struggling at the bottom. You are one of Ca11ada s `sons; who has made her bosom swell 'with pride, and it is the hope of. your Iwrge army of friends through- out the broad Dominion that. you ) 1 Modem advertising `has enabled usetonnlock-the treasure house of the w.6rld s divinest melodies through the medium Qf the player-pi-ano. The -motor car" lengthened the busi- `ourg. doom`. Men shave in jn 7. tzn. minutes To enlighten or educate--to creae new wants or to satisfy old ones- to protect and foster legitimate en- terprisae--to establish a medium of uinidlerstanding between buyer and `seller as a basis for mutual prot and advantage--fo prescribe `an eco- znomical price and the maintenance of a xed stgindmd of quality. Modem advertising has given us. an `insight into 'va:1'ious manufac- turing processes. The producer has .!ba;ken us, theVoons_urrnaeirs,`in1:o his contdbnce and told us ' just: `how 4 his mince meat, his our, his cloth- certain things should: or should not be. Advertising has told: us--brroad- ened our. understanding and our` judgment. ' _ . .. i.-ng pmibuc howj ug J{:cs;Ens have been fullled. j b , DVERTISING. has established a new order of things in A commerce. It has become a mighty power in business progress; a.` complex yet comprehensible transmitter of _many parts for the `distribution and selling of merchandise and service. Its function is vefold: ` Chinese nestaruramts in Midland. are now ooxmpelledl to close" at 12 - __.J.... -.E &Lvn n.-2