and` J as. Bow: dery of Toronto are the` guests of [M1-. Jameg gaston. 7' *%4`?4' _ ,_ I filfr. Handz` Mrs. Williams, of West. Toronto -are the guests of J amesa MeCra.cken. . . ' Mr. John Davis of Midland, whol [has been visiting rel-a1tives{hnere for" the past. month, returned home oi`1"V Monday. - u - 1| -1 on (M. ' Miss Anderson and` Miss. Craig; the two teacheis here, sue Easter in Toronto and Bra.ntfovd_L } 1 Miss M. Ingram of 1`oro,n:to. is; xisiting yxer sister, `Mrs. Me? I I }of the, Barrie, are spending Easrter at them home; here. fiii. aiiha y'itf{sf'X. Hod;gins are ' [visiting friends in Orillia. ' 1r'I\ '"1&fI-."Ef"1Eci5o{{A1 "iisiting his parents in Toronto. 1 `II T\ 11 11 1 Pi9Zi;.wa1';x`1T C. B6111 called on` [relatives at Hobart on Friday. April % 9th.--Snow almost all gone` as the result` of a warm Wave, and`! [now we have big pools of Water and` *9. liarge quantity of mud very much] ,i_n evidence in our streets. Is: it the` `mud and the -dimphed bodies of ` wa- * lter which causes the fever in some of our young people, which fever nds; relief in,spring.' poetry. is The \Vome11: sZIi1i1s"c-i t1`1te did` 1i<;- meet this month, `Owing to the ins disposition of Mrs, A. Ronald. We labl2'~ i un-daerstand she is .prog're-ssing favQi3- n` -11`.1._..'1'.\: .: I V G -IJ l|'-Ill]. DWI L -l.'lI5|v\7J aoi'i`a.y with his moths}, Mm, Ohanles .McKnigh.t of ' Toronto. ' e.Y- -- I Easter Day was a very cold daniii gday, but the Easter services in [Peter s {were bright and suggestive .of Easter-tiude. The carmations andi lother decorations were in exquisite] {tae/oe. - " Rev. Mr. Maeonachie "spoke 1 of `the srwee.t.ness~ -and purity of the lspiritual` powez~--of . a. life lived asl Ithe life of a Christian should be, lived-. Putting away all evil out of l `our lives, .cu'1tiva.ting all..the quali- lties which ywe $111011-ld possess cause they are those which are `pleasing `to God-, they are the quali- lties which are the badges of our pro `fession and .were. shown most un- 5 mistakably in the life of Him who left us an `example that we might follow in His steps. Not. waiting for a r~es~ur.rection of the body at. some favr distant` date, but being` raised with Ch_ri-st, partaking of His I nature -by regene.ration.--we -a-net raised to newness of life by the| power of His Resurrection, and .we: live as: He would have us live, i `SE. 'i?ani~}o;};;}{ df Allisbon 2-spent the holiday here, % , `1, I n TIn{;a1t<;o;2a.1;d }1er brctlmr Boy, of Toronto, are home. for- the holiday. ` A " -I-r . 1r 1 1 n.-u,-_ if-Y ' t n.w-- `gnu - ` | TMiss- B. Young`, Muskoka St.ati:on,1 {is holidaying in .Minesing. 1 .Mi ?;oi1-ald, Tororito, spent _Su:nd'ay"With relatives in this local- .I.U\I-U'LJ'U , \/VJ.La_A-ma E_ater holidays ' __ ___L__ April T1108. spent Easter with her daughter, `Mrs. Thos. 13#1'oQ~1 Allistbn. Q l LJLJ 1.45.` .1. -L .LIA.L .l. l vicinity. T [T 7To1i"onto was home i for Easter. ' and is a ,we.1-- come the farmers `on Tacv-A cdunt of the .s <-amcity of feed this Smith of Parkdale spent Good Friday with Mr. and Mrs. W. Ggou1 oe.r. i T lo and Mrs. Horace and son Hardy of Toronto visited Mr. and Mrs`. John Sanderson on Good Fri: day. _ - V I . --- `C-1. Arr! '\nvvu - IV Mr. and Mrs. Eby of Toronto `was lin our village` last week. , '1'. `II - D `Messrs. Ed`. and Ohas. Palk of Scarboro and Toronto - was in our village on. the holiday. ` V . V Miss` Alice Malcolm . of Toronto was home for the holidays. _`M're.\AWill Harrison is.,spendin:g a short `holiday with -her sisters in I-Iiamilton before joining .h_er hus- _' ' _ _.|.. :"wZ'|:[`r..i"S,tewai`W' son of Toronto waa13e.~visi.fbrs `here on Good Friday. John (if Minesing f9r .A1b* _. }. ,- - ___r:. LIEU alt _ . -~W `Campbell. . Although the 5 and . WW4 1 Hart la .-Va. ._-cos:-sumac, `angina; 1.951, Lulu \. I met at the .'f`I___--__L -11 I `ILLI, , M]esso1s- . E..Caston, 3?ie1l;i_v Gaston, l'---_..;. 'l'IT..J.I--..- ._...'I ..'I........'l....... :i[:i'ss H. Jams `a'.1'1d Miss "\I\1' |uRobe13t Collins `L -12 J-___ 1 `Sornem 5f our nzeigihbore die bxisy mggking maple syrup. T V `Arir 413:; {he .4W6;` I -...~.'-!..'T....L:4.'..'A...' ..-.-4. _; ;. - -._.;' , CRAIGHURT. sIy_xNT BA} MINESING. Tn-em AD is\ sapensdaing the in Aurora, and her fiaeg of an ideal whic %_ the` `sick. _M1?s. Van~N-dA1'.;nan gave`. 11 was good. Mrs. O Brien`i;8._ve u_.t9.n_. {"911 the an _-tho;i,_r suel-+1 - -._A.q an`. (I !l AV `l\lJI.b~L a...---..`.-_.- Miss M. Calder returned to `To- ronto Friday last, having spent two` vfgeelfg with her sister," Mrg. 1W.` }in'g caused by the present st`1:1_k_e. The meeting was closed by singing the Nationual Anthem. T - -- A-- - 1 . J, 1 \l`VIIJ|lO Messrs-. J. 1. and J; 11.1 Clark of B,r_ri_e were in 'our_ gvillage. April 9.;ENVIr`s'.'1F1:o;(i-*1'1[cGilI. of Loftus is spending the holidays with M%:%TTh9s-{Lu91s- ` Mr. W. Brodks as visitiixg griendsl |_in Alliston. j - . ' ` -] '-- --'. g 71- 1 . 0` aosoiuvv T`M`iss K:nda11" of Hawkestone is} the guest of her aunt, Mrs. Morren. ` n 117 ,I,! Mr. Frank" rue spent Easbr with friends in, To:-_ . ___ 3 I 1.0 D 1, v V- .-v- v-.__-, :,._ _Ed.wards ` of Wyebridge is g._ visit`oJ.a.i the home of Mr. and. liisg Black isl visiting friepds` in.Innis.lA. . --- . .... vs 1 Irleuus rcquwtamx uu ,uu 1l'~LI7DvIu.v . The msical gecital held- at the lhome -`of Mr. A. Campbell by pupils of Miss M. Campbell on Monday last was a `decided success. The Inr stitute -are indebted to _the friends `who so kindly in making the evening so "enjoyable. Short ad- dnesses . were made by Messrs. Wear- ing, Muir and Williams, also the Rev. .Mr. Meek. Mr. -R. -Williams acted as chairman the ladies were therewith the goods to-' ll {the-inner mam. LL L\4IIU\.& 444: The W.A. of the St. Thomm Eng- lish Church` holds the first sewing meeting at the home of Mrs. A. A. Flaherty, _Tues-day afternoon, April 16th at 2.30 pm. All members and frifgds requested to be present. _ .._--......'I; _.~.A.:#.-CI Lu-.1.J.. n+ +L)' ' AILIB. ;.uvI::. JLGJUJ oInLL\I. JJLAOJV -an-uvc I gie, Constable of Toronto are v1s1t- mg it the Home of Mr. and Mrs `John Sanderson. . St. Paul s Mission, Crai'g'va1e.' ~ 6.30 p..m.--Sunday School,` | 7.30 p.m.-Ev11ing prayer and isemnon. T ` ' - ` mon. 'i}ir.W"i2i%i1iki5a;15wEii' spent a. few days with his daughter, Mrs. Casely at-_'hor11.i].l. AT A i . ' Mr. Kerr, divinity student, V will! ;be in cha.-rgo of the work in the-I [parish (hlrin-gt Dr.. La1'1g'fev1dt. s ab- c~e,nce. and will take. the services next Sunday. ' - ' -as -u -. . rag, ;'Ilhe. ladies of. St. `Paul s Church presented the church With` new-. matting for the aisles of the church, -and Dr. _Langfe1dt pre- sented the church V with a. lectem, lnished in quarter-cut oak. The ` ladies of St. Pete-r s presented the. church wth a set of ne. linen for] the altar, to be used at the celebra- itions. ' - ` I In case the services of a c1ergy- ' man should be required during Dr. I.-avngfel-dt su absence, the Rev; Canon Murphy "of Allandale, Rev. W. J Creighton of Br-adforc and Rev. F. N i\V. Ca1'%pcnte:rT of Ivy have kindlyi `consented to `respond: to -any calls. "On account. of the impassable roads Dr. Langfeldt was prevented f1'.oms'goi11g to Churchill and Craig- vale Mission. The service at St. Pe.te1- s was taken by -Mr. Kerr-, who ` went. to Churchill from Toronto by` train on Saturday. - ~ - ist -;ft;ax: E-a;ter, Avoril 14. St. Petes, Church_il]:. Any Sunday School scholar not .having' returned the Lenten collec- "ticn boxes-, are requested to do so ! Sunday. I 1 u _ ,s., -s -u. l The Sundsay schools at St. P-au1 s land St. Pe oer s, will begin their- Esession on April 21, an hour be- lfore the scrv1oe- St.'Pa1l1 S4C1h111'Ch was beautifully decorated with :5 pro usion of car- nation-s Aa11d`Eas a"3r lilies donated by friends. _ T 1 . The an-nual Vestry meeting of St. Paul s vChurch was held on Easter Monday afternoon, /a `large number of ves-tryrnen being present. Rev. Dr. L-angfeldt opened the meeting with prayer. Excellent reports were presented, showing much activity and solid work done. The -total amount. of money raised` in the parish from all soura.-s came tojthei nragniicent sum of $5100.88. Flat- tering remarks `were made `by `Messrs. Blaekmore, W. P. Carr and W. J .. Coulter, rregia.-rding the splen- gdrid work of` the rector and) the |people s tliankfulness of having him in charge of jthe Church. Miss Said-ie Leonard was complimented` and -heartily for her faith- ful Work as Orgamst; ' . - T * I The Rector appointed M-r. ~- . John Leonard his warden and the people elected Mr. Samuel Blackmore. -The other relectiotns resulted: as. follows: _Lay-delegates to Syndd`, W. J. Coulter and Albert Purvis; aud- itors, Messns. G. W. Hewson 'and George Martin,; County `Committee , the -Rector, chairman and! Messrs. W. C.- Carr, W. . Coultem and` Sam. Blackmzore; Rev.. Dr.- Langfeldt th I-vQ"CrQ9 -Fr... -L`nn:..' `-:-- JV g--. ,. V Mis is?/Iir Caldwell of Bridgeburg `is spending the holidays at her home `IAQA ,_.,.,..V us. .ua.u.5.Lv.Luu unI_-.lLISl'JUJ B116 vestry _for their kind wondsof appre- ciaition, as well as for the loyal slup-_ port and _x`ma.nykinda1ssw he had 1_-eceived; from his flock. He appre- ciatecl the solid! work done by the oongnegajzion, whom- be commended" foi di'oin1Q things rather tha.np1`0f858rV ing sentimental nonsense. He bade Hunrri. avm..-l ..1..... 9).. __ 19-, --n z fif. Thos. Hardy and Miss Mab- ,,,;,L'l, -3 n1-_-..4.- ...... --:...'&, 11 St. Paure, Painsulvick. V3 p.m.-Evening prayer and ger- PARISH i OF INNISFIL. a.m.--Morning `prvzef and _ sevr- I Ll. \/1.1.1 \.I1\1V APRIL 'i6, 2 and nvnrr annnn VF.-.-.l.... cl. Inuvyvu -. u-, nuv|uBlVU Special Train Will Leave Toronto; at 10.3-mp rp.. on above date for Edmon- ton and po1n_ts 1n Manitoba & Saskatche- . A wan. via Chncago and St Paul. carrying through coaches and Pullman Tourism 1 ' Sleepers. {o6ooopoooooooooofoooo: ANTEN MILLS. _ :,%.Apri1 9.--Mrs; T Irwin Knapp and a".~:-gnu `_`-nunnnnkun` `E-u:un nun nuu4\4ru4l:unau lomeseekers and Settlers ! [. Excgrsion ! ,._--r..-..- N0 CHANGE OF` CARS Full particulzir from any Grand Trunk Agent, or C. R. Mccutcheon, Alberta. Governnlezt Agent, Palmer House l__lock. Toronto, Ont. . The most popular fonts to Montreal. Buffalo. New York, Philadelphia. Detroit and Chicago isvia Grand Trunk. the only 'I\l'\I I'll! IN I-nus"; nu-.. ------~ ~ ID. g`.,...... `But.t'er,v"'rol1; per _. mo o c'H..ooobo.o_V W-heat .... __ _----y - Q 1' 11.! SIIIBI Q,` and every second Tuesday therea,fter'u'mil Sept. 17th, inclusive -.. ..--.-nu naaaunc U110 "DouBLE.TRX3K ROUTE Steamship tickets on sale via. a inn: -..j..-_.-;...._..- nu: mrnasr mxnfi LIIIUUKD ` Sleepers. \YI\ `Mr; Joseph Simpeorf 0f'TQl`.Q11'o0` spent a few daze at Ins home here` during the holi aya. 5 T one time this was true, but the labor saving ma- chinery that men use to-day makes it unnecessary for them to .work from Sun to sun; and they accomplish a great deal more a great deal easier. THERE is still a bigger dif- ference in the change of I , `the cgnge the woman s work who uses` modern cooking utensils, such as is found in our store. Not only can her" work be done quicker, but more pleasantly and easier, to say _ nothing of the difference in the results of her cooking. .-gces Ruling 1n_ the Barrie and `1'< ronto Markets `Dunn: the Week. Barrie, April 10601912. 0 U I 0 O O I o u I C c. jheaii . . . . red-... WEST!E_`._RI*: CANADA Man Works from sun to sun, Woman s work 13 never done. VIA CHICXGS To -~a vv 8` 00 10 00 Wmi Mabel Pgrgrixige has been` quite ill` for some time. We hope shg will soon be around again. 1a l % 95 50 125 75 5 50 `A -A '7' ga Ann oi To-A 351 10 `36- Eggs, per dozen . . P Cured Hides, No. 1 . . . . Green Hides, No. 1.... `RT. 41 (C `UB1... 5 ' can !Hay, per ton .. i y \AA\\.IL J.AA\.|\.u, .-`U. ` Hides, No. 2`.... |Ca1f skins, green, per Ib. .Sheep skins . . Tallow, per Ib. . . . . . . . . Wool, picks . . . . . , . . . . . Horse hides, best grade. Horse H-air . . . . . . . . . . van vavnau J UUDLL gW'&:e`-gt, . .1 . . _`_A__ 1 `roads, Rev. R. Toys and Rev. E. R. wbui'{{g"u}" til <;<;1;3i;i<;;m<; the] James were unablse to get to their charges on Sunday. T W T 7" 'I\ a I 1 I oo'o"6"o`o`6o o65o`ooo: ' O-II-Na`, ALILJAJ; \iLlaJ1'|j' 0 ` ` forequarter ` ` choice, carcase medium .. Mutton,-prime . . .. Veal, prime T ___- I,` Export" cattle, choice. If _ medium .. (G L,,,'I`I `Lilli-I500 coco Butcher cattle, `c.-hoice .......\.J.`--... %"" Bu ,. 7 00 and Gulls ....HRDL Hoes, fed and watemed 3 35 7 cc Jnmnsza.~.;;-;.m~_:__.t - 95 ounces. 7 l9\\ Boo FOR some purposes you w-am tin-Ware, for others gran- ite.ware; again copper and enameled. ware or woode11-wa.1-c. VVe have every article you want and the way you want it. T AKING into co11.~;id3r- ation the small expc11.<.-- of a properly equipped kir- chen, the amount of time yum spend in it, and how much d-- pends upon your cooking, you. can well afford to have thw proper utensils for the .Wo1'k. TORONTO MARKET. Toronto, April 10. W1`: Quotations on Tuesday were:-- f'.'l.....;. 'L__-`L -1 " LIVE STOCK MARKETS. aid Mfg. W. T. Partridgwei have moved to their new 1_1ome. 8`00Se',wb1;s.he.1 --navuvu 0100500! unwashed . . . . . . earczie . 10 2.73 ' O o o u o 8 ' Co 8 . . . . .. 11 00 23 V66 16 00 10 11 f6 33 10 50 20 alias G1a:dysWMun1shtTL-vvu returned? last week to her h-omei at Weston. 7 51 95 /\r\ go 50 t'5_O 17 2% 1H HOLLY. 4 April 8t.h..--Mr. Thomas. Wi1ey| and sister, Minnie, spent the holiq day with T friends at Georgetown. ` .7 ... 110 n U ,1 0 0 Q0 O0 00 V Miss Annie Rec[1fer1`1spent the` holiday with relatives at Acton. ` you n - Mr.vW. J. Andrews visited his Ssister, Mrs. Elliott, Aurora, recent- 5 . - V ` `Ir: 'r\ 1 ran. . n rus- Miss Bernice Stuart of Temper- anoeville spent the holidays with her aunt, Mrs. H. M. Lougheed. Mr. Charlie Campbell visited riends in Toronto during the holi- ays. - -x an ru - -- spent the holidays with her mother, Miss Bertha Srigley, ToroIito,! Mrs. Jno. Srigley. : .. Mr. "Alfred Dyer lost a very. va1u- a able horse last Week. 1 Mr. and ME. J no. Jtago Sunday at Alliston. A-pril 8.---Miss Ka.te Mulroy of Edenvalel spent Sunday with Mrs. N. Hall. _ ;,7, __ non. vs assay ,.a.rv3.I.&` g|.sa.Iatvy|y noun I `T , Margaret Muir are spending ":1? 159681: in (lollingwdods with "their si_ster, Mrs. D. F. Stre~b. V - V -- -~._ A Miss Clara Rut11ve.n,- A11istoo1i,h're- turned home on Monday after it week s visit with Miss Lau-1-a White. Mr. and Mrs.`F1'ed-' V anSick1e.`le.ft on Tuesday for their home in Owen I "Sound. V We wish them every suc- - cesxa in their new home; Miss Downey, Elmv-ale, is` spending a week ._with the Misses Thurlo-W. * . Misses A. .Richavdson, Latcimmi and Bella Cumming, Midlmldi, are; spending `their 110-lid.-_a5 s Vat`, `their L..,......-... I Wzxirli ma;`::g.1nedy retumedJ- to 8th Line, after spending the win- ter months here. ` ` u... -u-cu - ivjbvlis. "i)_:Vave Dunn spent -13).... ...A-L 1.1- ....,.A.L.... m:l.."}-1-3` many `friends of `Mrs. N. Hall` w_-i=11 be pLeased to hear she is sojme-' what better. A - Dor<;:1.1y 'la`cJkIm`w1:`elYafa:)entwIF3uaster+?1: Toronto. . ` . . Mr. and Mrs.` `J 01111 , Uook anq Master Lyle.Len?ox- visitors to. friends in Water oo_duru_1g the E88-. 4...... L -1: .1--- ;;;+aoiia';,;." `stfa; mm Divinity` amt! wasthe guest of ;Dr. Langfeldt. Von m.%m m%%m- A. 2 Blackmona of Montreal 4 the panemital ., . . ~Mr. M. cougmiixj am Mrs. '13.? Oulfbrd Spent Easter in Toronto. w71i2. `Dr. Langtade me his son. -;;0t1'o. left: -Wedneatky for St; John ~N.B.,3-om where on i..i...`1'z:.....:`..:......;. 1-: - .~.1 -.. -n.".:_' 3:! -I not been *9 llvlu-bu, Idle -ll V'l$U~9 ill III-I {the vi'ginaan"m`3 Liv9u'pp_iO1_ on-_ 1-`xi-;j % PAINSWIOK. . 1 Mrs. s. lackmore and Miss \.._.-n.`L.. 'D`I....I.....-.... '..........L 1I`....J..... :~\ am: mere-hymn A FERGUSONVALE. 0R9WN_HiLI:~% ,BAXTER.T Mr. #11... . `. ` st. er holiday.s._i- n Toxjonto, _ A , J; \ k H `I in ,.i,_ na qr 115.: G.ertie Crc/iw;e of -_ AA14Ien;wo0d'.i is visiting Mrs. C. La.frenie'.V V` Mr; Ashf(mi. Waa'1-nica.went to To. vronto last Thursday. ' ' ` The thaw-'= and subsequent rain, worked -havojo with the `county road: near the 12th `I_Corn., large washouts obstructing the t-raic. 2 T I April '9.--On of the a, gjreavt deal of has "been .I1I\`r\l\. `rs. `nu-11: ?;q;"vnsl;1Y1;;?iI ;3`;;1};.'TfQ.;1~{:-`.;.;1u'1;: of bridges . on. `the Goldwater` L . . _ _ . . ....2...1 .....-.. -...3 .. ~,UUA VA. vI.L\|5uw- -ulav vvwuwsuvvs `River are being carried away` and a.` small wash-out occurred! on the O.P.. R. near Eady schoolhouse. Luckily it was noticed by the aectiomnen before -any_dama,ge was done. ..--v-v .y~-v Miss Mary Orton was married} .t-oi Mr. Bruce Bmthgrson of. Victoria] v ..,..w -.v--v ! Mrs. Lee Russell held a kitchen [shower last Friday in honor of her friend, Miss Effie Thomson, whose` marriage is to take place shortly. l All IpL\K7 LID \I\lA6\` 9V `.I'i`;1..1'bor. last. .Wodnes(iaay.` V: Bf. WWarmins-ter' visited! her parents, Mr. and! Mrs. Nei`l McPl1ee for a few last] m"1s}I'i}s'sa'i1drs "3 "trB}n"u3 ' the guest of Mrs. Wilfre-dv _Wa1ker. ed '-l[;i_dland." i .__ , *`;:a;s;.;{"1;m1.;%&12`,;y;;.L1as 1,4; mm. ` after spending " two months in`; } ""171I"iti's'.., }i1iL=[}{nd{ Olsive Orton ' 'of Toronto are spending, Eas- Iter holidays at their home hefrve. n`-.l`\i1:s.'_I{aA'yiQw-is.'uaL::1;eIr; 't'lV1 eia_VEaster`l holidays at; her home in. .Bolton.. } ` ' ` COLWELL. 1 V 1 April 9.--Mr. Wm. Tin spent, the holidays in Orangeville. . cu-v ZHtV.i%1;i`.f1S.`-1 is visiting in |OooVkstown-. A . i T` {RZ}e to report that Miss M. Rowe is under the d-Qctor s care. f `V bechr of` Thornton, is spending the holidays among~st Barrie and Co1W.e1l friends. Mr. Have-rcroft of New Lowell and? Miss. Nellig Havgrcrpft J spent] {Good Frxday w1th thelr 's1ster,. Mrs`.i `H. 1611:1933?` 1 -- Ali 1 5 O. I` Albert _Grainger~ of i Tomnto are spending` the holidays with _M Ha_rris._ . - . gt of Grenf'el]l lloadedu another carload of bass-womtl` ,here. ` ' -` V i .Rv_. A R. SVt.urg~on bf Angus` was a` iS.aturvd-ay visitor here. ` `v1 iv Mr. Leonard Rowe spent Easter `with relatives in. Toronto. ` Mr s~.i`Tmi1ir ibf, Oshawei` visiting Mr. G. Peacock and 3413. V. Cole. V L ` . "|"r--,_.- -- 1` n-,,. n_,,,'#1-13-A -1` Mr. Dalton Tifn ~.has gone to `West Toronto, where he has secur- led a position with the C`.P.R. . snug -vv `v---4---v- ---- ---r. . 7 I Mr. J ohn_. Johnson was in Toron- [to on business last week. | %DVaiIy `of Barrie} visited their grandparents, Mr. and! Mrs. M. Dumond. _ I -,BRENvT`WOOD._ % " I April 9.--Visitors who came and! went at {Easter - are -35: follows: Miss R.` A. Dumondr Qof Barrie. visited the p-areutal roof o-nuSLmday.%j 1 -11- `II `I Mr. Mahef arid. children of Peutang vis1ted the lat- |te.r s mother, Mrs. F. McQu:a.y. ' 1 I Miss: Myrtle Campbell, Vaooom-I qpanied by her niece, `Miss Evylen` `Mulholl-`and of Collingwood, spent- E-aster with their many f1"ie11dsV here. Mr. Percy Gauley of Toronto University wasv home over Sunday. Mr.` E. De?sja1*dine visited Barrie ,re.c~_ent1y. `T ` - 1 n .1 II . 1 _`| I J. \.'\a\4an wad`! ' The flood in thg. ats -has caused! la good deal of anxiety in this neigh- borhood. The, water is reported" to `be higher this year than ever. It 90. the people on; the ats `have our sym- pathy. ' -- "r -; YIV '11- (V1 `I 1. 1 _ g_7_ __ A l I " "'v' . Mr'.;' W. T; Clarke made -a business `trip to` Meaford this week. i I n. 7~'g1}{essm:. and Bert-. .` Co~.igh.1in- of .Ba_1-rie are spending the holidays at thir home here. - ` I, H Master J. -Ivjzsoitlrdie of ~ Allaladzile { Easter. _ _L. -_ _-noun u u :- visited his-1na.ny`frie11'ds here for t Mis'sV`D(;1;"(a1;1_e_,3Z'A Hs1')'ent~ Easter 'with friends at Orillia. - 4159? I355 Mi. and Mrs. J. Middlebrooks of Toronto spent 'S und-ay with "the for- mer s Tfather. E I KNOCK. ` (Too late for 1a"stweek). I T On Friday, -March 29th, V-abolutl {thirty people gathered at the home [of Mr." and` Mrs. John Hubbert. to :bid farewell to Bertha, who intensd's soon to leave here. She was presented with` `the, vfollpwing ad: 1 .1...-..... . gush uuw WU, uuo puu-pic U1. .L.LlLU\;x\ have learned.` of your Vanticipa-tecii ral years you occupied.` the posi- tion. of organist at `our services and performed` your duties with -ability courtesy. ,We have ever. found you.`-' 9. wiolliixg worker in our` (son- concerts and. entertainments. The congmegation have appreciatedi the re:ns_dered; by: you, A Sunday tafter 3Sundil5'..;and in L with you we wish to assume y_ofu;of our your removal from our midst. {For av` :To_ Miss_ Bertha Hubbert, "D"331};;LItTis wihdeep re- gret that we, `the gkople `of Knock. L -___. 3 ._..__.... J3 - 1|:-v\n I`-Ar: "?1loUV.ux'-;',`ll&_l|.':;';_Jpg`Wv` . '%{a8em % muons a j` g the- 55*`-5.*`*`.UC'W" `D000 J-ttll 9,; Is -urvv ` ` __ _- %..Js:it...,9.1:.. ...1n. Fenelonj . .w_...--, . .. EADY. April e;-1&.T7'Th$j Nisbet A of Oakville, spent Easter holidays with liifaoister, Mrs. S. E.'Bacon. V !'Q9 .c11,`{ve1ts:vi1n ` Sigqgshpn behalf [ofT.the..pg9p1e, ' A x j % Migs j Mr. W. ' F. Wonoh. ` -' Afti `aply of than'ks,ai1d a few gspeeches, all enjoyed an oyster sup- an-.. Iv\t\a-an no-I vs`-V .-_guo 1 1Lrs.', J..:E;.~I_Ie"'.tt, ed "the of % her at Cau1bon9h~Wednesda.y.1ast- 1 _ 111;.` az`md=`Mr`: (_3ha4r1es..]'31rinkgl left April 8.;1a:rs.*Ja$.' and` Miss} Susie Hill are spending 2! tweak in; the _QueenQity. -. 1- vs` -rv . ` `I -I .1 .-SIvl GIRL JILIDI \J.Ll-l|&l.\J".lJ.I.LlnLlIdL ADJ ifor Ouwt-look, Sa_sk., on `Thursday. 1' up 1- mg 31; ms. JI Gre.ves- are` at- tltt convention in I o`, 19 .wee 1' 4&1 I-nu 5 ri TI. Tofnion is visiting her daughter, Mrs. J. Baker at Coul- _-.. ' " $1559`i3"2rie?i&}y'2f'i?foota as`; home `for her Easter 1:... 13.1.`. n_...:_. V-.. _-...u.:...'..3 I -LII&j5O J-IO \JI XVII, L `V1 \J`~"."""`, I _Wa.tkins and A. 1ichandson| [are spending `Easter in the city. .b "Es.`Ro"i& ""6?ig5"'i2*"`3'isiting friends in. Toronto. 1 "fbig; 7;1}bi{ ' 11~1;`c:i1iosedi for Easter holidays. ' 7M3`. Vand- Mrs. John Gdrbtith have sold out and have] moved to Toronto. {We wish them much success in their 1 -- __,' I - V ' '