Owing to lack of support, the pro- posed `concert of the Toronto Sym- phony Onchestra has been cancelled. --SPRING TERM at Barrie] Business College begins TueeAdzay,| April 9. V . 0 I 1 L`-_ fV___`-_Q'L--| (Continued from page 1). `with the law. as stated in paragraph [4_ -of the~ Act.___' . 1 ' T a 1 . `UL vuy UV. 1 Ald. Davis--The M.H.O. says We; havn t a by-Law with a workable sys- tem. Those who have all sanitary! appliances in their hbmes need not be confaemed, but I stand in al - ,,,:n_ L____.1_-.`I- -1 ..4.L-....n E ;T1e;f);N:a:;';l`;wvit}:ui1u1:di1le`5;:(;)?`O61;i1;ag ' W ares ingintei` ts 0 030 bei:;g intof 1211:; 0 ice u-rt or in raction th ggy.-1a;w?. The deputation didngt` 'a1r -pay,-- `T ' _ ' I Reeve. Be1mett--From -whom? i i Ald. Davis--They didn t get fair! play from you, .and- V : T911 Reeve Bennett - I ll give you! something to warm you up in about !a minute. ` Here the Mayor interrupted the unpamliamentary expressions, and the Ree're?cono1!u:ded that this was GRAND OPERA nous]: Friday, April 5th TheNeWB0Y iMr. W. D. REED Presents the % distinguished English Comediari awngl L">xidor1-o_t;1d`3'r-(I'o:n';->an-y in the great farcical play c._ _J._ BANCROFT Prices` 25.; to_ { $1.00. Plan at A. .- Malcomson s Office * ""1 --The gold medal to be a.ward0d next June by Bamrie Bwsinoss Col.- ;lege to the student making the ;greatest impnoveunemt in writing in the shortest length of time during the school year, is on exhibition in Reeve s jewelry window. Studkmts entering college after Easter have an equal chance of winning it. I 13.4,... +... mnu:ma fn The `Fae. Musgt` be Bis! % Its the first consider- ation in planning new garments! If the base is not right the gown can't t. Each season brings some- thing new In gure outline and necess- arily there must be a. corset that will "cre- A ate the new gure T Ari! nknrrn (1-qigf _C_orset_s GLU LIIU Iluvv 1165:: Low above waist and very long below is the latest- Tbls New Style fea- ture is most strong- ly emphasized In our new arrivals `II - ..I,..-. I... .u. 4-Ix UH! uuvv uanavu-u We also have the medium models in variety. Come here for Corsets {not what the- Board of Health should ask. _ _ _ - glueer ~PCg21I`U:1l1g, uu U.\il1uuLu-.nr-- `of the -Sedimentation tank. and a zmotion put t.h.rough' to give that :4_ oicia1.pe1:m~ission to -proceed wlfh zsome repalrs. _ Before the motion came to ad- joum the Mayor intimated that members of Council should 1103 leave their seats until he had dc- clared the Council adciourned. | Mayor-_-I think they can submit by-laws to cover this. The motion carried tmaniinously. I NOT Mom: THAN 3 PooL Roous. " Ald. Rusk and Grey fathered 21 `motion to restrict the pool room 1i- censes to three, -but Clerk Donnell intimated that the Council could `not restrict licenses by motion. mid the Reeve suggested that the (`lcrk be `instructed to not issue any more iligenses until the by-law be ;miond- `The Spirella Corset. They do not `I-voow ---$-- D-,._-- --You will never know the full beauty of your figure until you wear I rust, break or take a permanent: `bend. Every Corset guaranteed for .one year. Drop a card and Miss Doane will -be pleased to see you .either in your own` home. or at her` -re.sid'eu~ce, 16 Charlotte St. 25-ly . A report was read from t1}u 1:111- gmeer .pegardg11g an exa1nm:1tm11 - LL-` Q-.J:....A..6-.~&:ng-. n1`I('] R `A'\?\1Y "l`o1alAs In A to tho fonnzxl equal cnauwe 01. W1u'u1u- E; III I --Prior to moving to The `P-aei rSt.ore on April 12th, The "Carey `Shoe Co. are offering some extra .apeci-a.1s on clearing lines of child- ~.ren s high grade shoes. n,,11 I _I-Iive: Is her 1:. VII Ga F1!- I1 l1C\ COHiL`1H J. \,'i$L=' cery )1 \viH ca. xvork. (}I{()(? , I-cl` HAS Orillia. CQNGREGATIONAL CHURCH AH! N01 Fol} 1 B1 01:` 5190 `tho Easter services will be held on `Sunday With` special hymns, etc., by the choir. The p.astor s' morning subject will` be, The Stone Rolled Awaf From the Sepulc ' and the -----5--- ---L-:nn# [`Luu'::I- a poaunmmn- ya! I DM44 Ill sm away .I.`.\I11L uuo uuyusuusv, uuuu uuu evening subject Christ s Resurrec- tion and What. it Means to Us. `All who are not in regular atbemiance at other services are specially invit- ed to join with the regular worship- pers in the Congregational Church.` Chdose your $CoI1fectios from " our assortment of `Moir s Cl1o_co-' la.te's, `Ban-Bons_ and Toothsome Specialties. We have al.wa.ysthe latest and best of these` goods, ordering often so as .to have ` them fresh`: Robertson s% One Door East arrie Hotel Sweet-e tooth Toronto will votp on Local Option in -January. _ A . .1 I . For Your-- > Or Your.--- Sweet-heart Spring H. C. Challlien la the time of the year when you en- T joy Fresh pFruit-~-- Pineapple: Grapefruit _ Bananas Oranges Lemons Apples . Also Fresh Lettuce " _ 9 Maple Syrup andt_Mo.pl\ep Sugar DRUG STORE !l0NE 889` {69oooooqooooo6oboo:F iQovoyvgvvvvvvvvvvvvvyvvv , seem AND PERSONAL? gem Mm Isabel M1u3ie1`Nee1y. in ! the obituary notice of the little. da,u:gh te*r of Mr. and Mrs. W. Neely, 'Pa.insw1'ck, the name should have 36090990099900969099960953} i Mr. A. W. Beardsley wasi [ronto orLbu;si1_1:ss last week. I Mis9 \7'in,ai.'7E"1;i-t;2',`W`vsrVhoZ ha been lattending Normal Sol: 301, Hamilton. Eis home for Easter. 2 V ._...l ' 1\E;.5V1a."i.iti1:'.v}i1 spend the Eas- %% ter holiday` with her mother, zM rs-. J. 1 |Litt1e, Landon, _On_t. ` ' nn 1 1" Capt. Elrickof the S.A.[has been conned to his bed by sickness for several weeks and the services: have `been led by Li-eut. Supel-ler. `I "1. L--- 'u i`I`11`;S:"_,Aj1.1.V*5. ;l-"(i.v'r.a`I-1/(iv: T daughters; `Misses Irene` and Isobea, left on Fri- `day to spend several months in C` -...l-.-.4...-..-. KJLI$&\6QvI-\J\.IJa~ . Miss Sarah Deane .Wi1l'.be in To-. ronto next week `at-tending the t.raiti- ixmgsehool` in connection with the iSpire11a Corset. ` A n 1': 1:13;. ___f11 __..,_,_:_.A ,_,,,l \l(I4J Sasicaaron. ' N1 J - L ~ - A w v v - ~ v -- _ . ` ` Mrs._ A. Redclitt will receive on` the second Wedn'esd.-a.y in April in--. stead of the rst Wednesday and not again this season. Mns. Alonzo` Haines will receive with her mother..` I.-a-suuoavu: v -u. -v---.- . | County Clerk R. J. Fletcher Was` in Hamilton on Tuesday attending! the funeral of his brother, Rev.` John Fletcher, one of the best known clergymen of the Dioces~e-of Ni-agtana. ' A _ L110 uuvvw -J-'Jll5&D&A uuvv ...auuvu~.u f'1`;erry, who scored agdecidd success "in Sweet Lavender here last win- ter, died in London on Tuesday morning of neuritis. He was 68 years of age. - ' 1 | Oo11ingwood' `Messenger -- Miss` `Laura Edwamds of Tomosnbo and Mrs. Alonzo Hainee of Edson, A1~ta.,] spent a; couple of weeks with the for- !mer s parents, `Mr. -and Ellis `Edwards, `Fourth stmeet. ' ` . Mr. and M-us. Henry Coabes `of Moose J ow, Swsk., late of Edgar, Ont., announce the engageanernt of their second oldest daughter, Mary Elizabeth, to Mr; Wilson Henry Fowler of Toronto. The _m:a.rriage [to take, place early in April. . - master Paton) Travelling Repre- sentative of the Northern T Naviga- tion 00., with `headquarters at Win- nhpeg, has been transferred: to Sam ni-a and has been .a.ppp'Lnted assist- ant. to the President of the Com- pany. `- ' vMr. Jos. Greenwood, after over; bwe11ty-soeven, years service as bag-` gage mastevr at the Barrie Station,. l`1s retired on. a. pension. allowance. ' _ 1 _-11 1;- ____.1_ ...:..,....1' ` Mr. Peter Piatenr (son of Post-| ! I [1115 l'L'l.l1'C~bl `U11_ G }JUI1'aJ.\J1|... .|LAvvv:.ucsv-as` Mr. Greenwood Wil -be much missed by all those who have occasion` to! travel to . or fmms, this station. J -as.l Murphy, .out. of the Freight Dept.- `succeeds! Mr. Greenwood. _ T ` ` The marriage of Miss ha. 001}- :t;ance- Broxlmlee, e of A1-._ 1')__- __..'l.._ .....J. ! suuwce .l_J1'Uw1L1Ut:, vrww-u -uswuguvm. M1`. and Mrs. Alex. BvoA-wnaleae, 9.11:1. `Mr. George .C. Brown, son of `Mr. land Mrs. J. J. Brown, was quietly ' , 'n___ so1er'r_.11ize`L1 in St. Andr1e'w s- Ohuroh |hUlUllLll1LCu 111 KJVUQ LLl1\-tL\.a'IV \41&|.A.L\.Ion. [on `Tuesday morning, the Rev. Dr. vMcI.eodu' officiating. Only imvmedi-a.te 1re1~a.tiv-s were present -and' the bride `and g'voom. weme unatytended. They left on tlw noon train for a short trip. and on their. return they will reside on Louisa St. A The many friends of Miss Violet Leecc, of Barrie, Whose marriage to Mr. S. Ramm: -of Wilkie, Sask., took place on March 14th at the SA. Headquarters, Toronto, will bep1eas- ed to learn that they 'have'got nicely settled on their ranch in Seek. Im- mediateIy_ -after their wedding trip to the `h`ome of,` a sister, Mrs. Capt. Johnston, of Trenton, -and the home] of -another sister,,M1`s. J. T. Hackeott of Toronto, they returned: to Bazrrie, "where they remained} for two or three days, returning on March 20th to Wilkie, Sask. ` On Wednesday afternoon-, March 27th, a pretty wedding took place at Bradford, when Miss Berrtha Kile kenny, second -d-a,u`ghter of Mr. and IL- 'rm.-.. 1'I:11.......... vnnn m.m-1-{ml `KQILIIX, SUUUI1jLl-U.'u,ll1ll.t`n` |u. JILL. u45u .M1s. Thos. Kilkenny, was married! to Mr. Howard Carscadden, of E11iott"s Corners, Rev. J. Burke : holder performing the ceremony. The bride, who looked very charm- ing in her go.wn .of cream m.arqui-. sette, handsomely hand embroidered in silk, entered! the dmawing `room `escorted by her father, the wedding music. being played by Miss ` Edith Neilly. After the "ceremony, the A------J-~ --.-.. . mmnl-n.A .nl- .a.vnn-1:1 folmlnd | . I SILVER WEDDING.` The Colslin-gwoodi Saturday News i--A number -of their relatives: and friends gathered at the home of Mr. and? Msrs. Ellis Edwards`, - Coiling- wood, on Saturday evening, March 23nd , and joined} with them in the celebration pf the axmiversary of their silver wedding`. when 3, very pleaaan and enjoyable evening was spent. During the evening Mr; Ward addressed the "bride and groom of a ~qua.1-.ter of af century- ago "and con - gratulateds them upon `attaining the -tmentyefth annivensary of thei-i` ``'``J "1 j`P d `1?.hPi --33Ja-s`1ser special at the Carey Shoe 00., 30 pairs of Women s- `Tan Oallf BuAtto`ne-d Boots for $2.58 9, pair. - |.LVU1u.y. L1..I.vc=1 -un\; \.uu..-ua.vu_,, uaau guests were seated at smua.-1'1 tables in the -dining room, -a dainty l-un- cheon being served. The - rooms were tast:efu1~ly_decora.ted with pink and: white owers. The -haxppy couple` `left for their home. near Midland, on` the -evening train, Mrs. CIarscad- den travelling in a smart grey t.weed suit with hat of black straw gtrimsmaend with pink rosew. Miss Neilly of Buarton Ave tesuqlling staff `was the outeof-toyvn guests. ~ IGB onVnAuALwA"isT on sun _'rnn rmzar A AooNrnonoN.V OLYMPIA A BRADFORD WEDDING. HOT DRINKS. CA NDY wo_R1 nV `To- bhat they would live to celebrate! many more -anniversaries. As tok-I ens of their good-will and souvenirs'l of the occasion the friends left; many pretty and useful gifts. Re- freshments were serveci and after an [hour or two had been spent very en- `joya.b1y` the company separated, all wishing their host and `hostess a` continued or bright -and prosperous` future. Amotmg -those present were Mr. and Mrs. Redditt and Miss Reddritt of Barrie and Mrs. Alonzo Haines, Edson, Alta. ` | SPLENDID PERFORMANCE OE? E THE NEW BOY AT EM- ` E PIRE. ' (From the Saskatoon Daily Star). Originality and freshness are gen- erally. admitted to form two of b the most important charaeteristics of the make-up of the majority of boys, em-U phasis always being permissable; when referring to the freshmessu. One of the freshest. youngslters who ever? appeaxreci in' Saskatoon was. seen in] AL. la`...-a:-.; #1-u-snf-nun. 1oa+ B11141 -For Liunr Lmu at {an and 12 per bloom. Sn 1'aylor.tIu tlotlu. The noted English actor, Edlwa-rd - -L - .. _ A..- J .. .l1....:..l4-{.11 1-11 psznnau uppuwnau uz uaazxaawvu vvuu uvu. .....l the Empire theatre last night, and} he certainly was a wonderful boy,} considering his years and in view. of .' the heartfelt devotion displayed to-| wards hint not only by his: mother but by no less, 9. personage than a handsome, stately, Afull-grown wife-- a rpossession that even the most pre-` oocious of boys in civilized: coun- tries can seldbm boast Of. ' ' vnuvv V--- ___-_- You see the boy in question was none other than the well-known act- or, Mr. C. J ames Bancroft, who ll-' ed the title role of that extremely funny comedy, The New Boy. In this piece, as has already been V indi- cated, Mr. Bancroft has tomldertake the diiiioult task of pretending he is the fourteen-year-o1d son of the wo- man .who is really -his wife. In this _fa1se`poeition,fafe lintrotludes him: to the notice `of the _,head of a pub! lic school, and the author of the` play has successfully <'a,v-ai1ecl him-l self of the ' fun-creating possibilities; of so unusu-al a situation. i Those who had the privilege of seeing Mr. Bancroft in the role of The Private -Secretary will* have` some idea of what might be expect- ed of him in such '9. oomedyas The New` Boy. tLast. night the large audience that gathered ix; the Ema .pire was kept on? the laiigh every moment Mr. Bancroft -wasxon the stage. -A It; is _-a part; which; suitsethim t-0' ~perfetion', andj.' _vye of" the 1oPinint.t that in stem? : -.- - :3, " The Spring Costume complete and the wearer faultless! V gloved,if the selection is made from Barrie s Best Glove Store. Our $1.00, 1.25 and 1.50 specials have no equal jnthis vicinity. * A nun-ulitil A I - HE. 'I`l.:.. :9 an |l\-I \v\1|-IIOI `III w---- - ----- I , A SPECIAL at 75c.-- This is an English made glove imported by us direct to'save `the middlematfs prot which is passed along to you. Tan, brown, grey and white,'two domes. a good wearer. Pliable. Specia1..75c ADVANCE ` Perfection in Kid Glove; is supported by a most talented c0_n1' i lpany. Miss Nell Cave, as the wlfe` {of the. schoolboy, ppssesses ua fascmatmg stage personality, and g `I, , I 1.-.. _'....L 5... `A \Ar|"I|VI.l\n$ itl .l.uEIL:uu1.u.u.5 Duasv yvsuv--5-an-vg, no.- played her part in a. ma.m_1:er that was both charming and c1ever';IMiss. Betty -Courtney made an attractive; girl," despite the fact that her` irt- .'_... ...2A.L LL- `noun-Iv I-uneo man 4-n n.11f `H . I lag wruu. bun ucvv, u\'I,y wan, vv yum ... 'm11d:ly, most audacious.` Mr. Alex- ander F. Frank s interpretation of the schoolmaster was life-likae, while Shirley Braibhwaibe, as the hy- pocritica-1` nancial schemer, gave a: rendering of the character that stamped. him as an actor of excep- `tional ability. w --The buying public seem to ap- -preciate. the fact th-a.t The Carey Shoe Co. are not 1eaving_Barrie. They have secured a long lease of the Pae Store and will be in a bet-` ter position than ever before to pro- vide Barrie and surrounding ooun-i try with high grade solid leather shoes at cut-rate prices.` ` | The piece is one of the mosti amusing that has been performed here for some time, and.` those desir- _ one of spending a jolly evening ca.n- | not do better than -pay a visit to the` Empire. ' The New Boy- will be seen" -at the _Grand Opera House, `]`3a1'vrie, to-morrow, Friday evesning,i _- ,:1 24.1. A JJCUL L L9 II\l Apil 5th. iHADDEN-In Aalamale, on. Fri- : % day, March 30:11, to Mr. and Mrs. I l '. E. Haadsden, Cumberland St., a. son. GREEN-In Barrie, on Frriaday, March 23rd, to Mr,` and Mrs. Herbert Green, a son. Mc`M1AI`I9N-I.n Barriei 'Wednes{- I . 1 r\n;`I . , 1, 1l'"_ case of v.gTovn of Barrie will be. L are the WfI}0$I--At -(3 uni11i3i sonUvWednes~ day, April 3rd, to Mr; and Mrs.| T-.. 'lI'Y`l..-._ _ J-__..'LJ.... MARRIED. BROW`N-BROWNLEE-0n Tues- day,` April 2nd, 1912, at St. An- ! , drew s Chm-ch, -Barrie, by Rev. a Dr. McLeod, I19, Constance, old- I est daughter of Mr. and Mm . Alex, Brownslee, .Ge-Vorge C. 'D...._.. -LUIA-LLB VVCE . 'UltVV`I-`KI-\J\L $56 6'5I1amages against `the ,Midlsan Iron Corporation the Asaizes last ._...l.' F u`), .uA.acL\rLJ.` HVMLI, uu .u.uLo 'olL.I.'\.ll .LIA.a.uo' Ohas. McMahon, Frances St., a CATCHER-In Barrie, on Wednes- day, March 27th, to Mr. and Mrs. 'I.`,.1_:.. T 'l`1-..A...L,... - .1.L-....'|..4...... GOUGH{-At Cr3wx{Hi11, on -Apt-Aiul _ 2nd, 1912 .Mrs-._John_G01ng`h, aged I cu `__--... .._-_.;.1... -..._1 co .1-_.... I l\Jt-LIlJLLI.l-\I.LV' .n.u. .I..1uu.;sU' uu. vv-uuuuu - day, March 20th, to Mr. and: Mrs. f\'L - .. 'Il'-'Il'-'L -.. 'I7'.......-...-. Q4. .. --Marriage License can be had at E; II. Wi`1lia.ms~ Jewelry Store; This store is noted for its great value inl Ringsmas we11`as all other lines of Jewelry. I , lly` LL `IL \I, V`, JILL I Q 333. Wilson, -a au.ghter.; Edw"i:3`.`a;tche' 71"`; smear.` .___. Q--- -n - Clara ` uth ` Crosgon w`as ,_`a.w-arded HAAA ,1 _ -'Il'0 `I1. I .l.I.'\AI, JULE, VJ-ILA?! _ VJ KFLLLLI Olga 84 years, %7 months 18 days. UIIK5 LCIUU ULLGIU .ll\.A.l. ALLAV , uauupwu with the new. b(_>y was, to.put it --_ J- -----_. 1:- .n_..._ BORN. DIED. . The last and complete word of this . . store before Easter-Through the f store it echoes---filled to overflow. ing with beautiful new Merchandise gathered from the very best sources of supply. New Dress Goods, New Suits, New Skirts, New Laces, New Hosiery, New Gloves and every Dress accessory. It s well worth a trip `to the Store to see. Come ---It. is learned with a moat deal' of satisfaction that the -celebrated` standard-bred pacing stallion, Prince` Nuttingh-am, No. 28670, will remain `-4 1)..__...:,. ...-..J -.~...-ulvrx +l\n. c.nn:Ar\`I1 OJ GEOQ VICKERS Radia%n%tMBeauty in Spring Millinery VAs demonstrated at the Opening last week, this store again asserts its supremacy,` style,-largest assortment and best for the money. Our showroom is radiant with the very choicest of the new sea- s on s_ conceptions. It's an advantage to you to buy your new hat early because you then have the benefit of the direct import` prices which later. on when the season . advances cannot be had. You are welcome to come and view our beautiful collection of Hats This Stbre for Dress Goods % VV e could not dare to claim First Place in Barrie for Dress goods. did we not shdw the goods to back it up. just `come and see our showing, every` need is here invatiety ' Beautiful Tans and Browns, Exquisite Blues and Greens, Stylish Greys and Blacks. For suits we show you splendid range at. .75, 85, 1.00, 1.25, 1.50 For dresses we give you first value at _. .50, 65, 75, 85, to 1.25 Samples ifyou want them Ask` For The History of the Corset. ` It s gratis. SEND YOUR MAIL ORDERS HERE }TOWN COUNCIL} L` uh!/l.l15uu4u., -L\Un ad`J\luu, . . . . . . . . . . , . -- in. Barrie and make the s'ea::~10nAa=tl the Si-mcoe Hotel st-ables} .with| Robert Hypson as manager.. The Advance is informed that Mr. J. J. Marks: has had a tcmpt.ing~ oer to_ Bhilp West. ' -- - 11