\l a Bath \L votouuv < J. I nuuuyuul. JIIJGFUII 1` from The Prophet. .Meyerbee Evensong. Organ-.'Pne1ude--Festive Prelude in G. .4. . '0 . . . . A-Ipvhonse Mailly Proceseional ymn -5 Alleluia! L Hearts to heaven and j voices - raise `. . Sir Arthur Sullivan Versicles and Responses in F ` ac- cording to Tallis. ' D........_ `D--1...- __.J n1,'_,-, .4.` . . V wmyzi Hymn-Ye ' ____1-.__ )9 An_u:.;7?Ti 7`c1ri; uuu. , uuvL1af'.|..Lu, -r4,`11A8 . .. .. .. Gregorian u-n....+ ' V u :....:_- "1'5sa1ms"" "Z33 Gldria-_-f-11 119 . l'V..-..-_3___ mammamN%Anvm ti:=,' JJ|Il\L' I is, rien to- Easter Hym L93`) ul-JI ` JIVOLIOKFQQJ \IJ was m-.arr`i<:ci to Mr. ' . Sim of Toronto at the home of the bride s pamentjs. A Mr. and: Mm Sim left on the evening .train.. for a short trip to the "north. V ` - WI!`- j M152}.-t | n_o\ Grzmier fQr th'e __Rite will be present- 'WOI'Kv llU\`~`.u.I_t: _uuay-nz-.0 vs --v. Social {and`Working Gm`-ld of_ ity Ghurdh will he held in the Par- ish Hall on Thursday, April: 18th.] New features `have been. provided` at the various: stalls there will be an excellent entertainment in. the evening. - Further ' `particulars-_ in niext Iissue. , ' L . The Vicar, will preach am both ser`- vices on Easter S1.imda.y, - his morn- ing subject being Joy.A_.tftJer Heavi- nws, and his evening subject The Hatppinsess of . Easiter for the Chris- - I 1.1.. J! A 7.1`!-[Ina aiianuai gmd sale of- wor!: under .-the ausplots Of the ll`! 1 ,TTY___I_9.___ t`|--:1.J~. l\: I SUCCESSFUL BIBLE SOCIETY . g -MEETING. ' The Barrie Branch of Upper nuial meeting in -the Baptist Church last`. .Wedmesday evening, when that edice was completely lled; On Isunday, March 24th, the Rev. A. V. Brown s pulpit .was taken by the lecturer, Rev. J. Gibson at 11 a.m. an the aftegnogm h adddressed the 1 . 1 11' A L ____ JL_. Q.LnA1 Canada Bible Society h held its an- . iSA!.*D.& lii`ifI1!?3z. I-med! 111 me axwmoom nu, a.uuu'n:au:u. um: `Central Methodist Sundlay Schoo and` in thgevening preached; for D1`. Booth. This work and the idistribvu-A tion of a catchy poster brought the people out, who gave an extra good collection. as a. start on the year s work. II !!! -. __Ai_L _`_____ D`...- | The collecting is to be done for Ward I by collectors from V Collier St. Church, for Ward II by two from Congregational Church; for `Ward; III by St. _AndreW s; for IW*a.1wdi IV by Baptist Church; for` Ward V. by Central Methodist and for Ward VI by the residents of !.A.llandale under direction of Meth-R vodist. and Pres-byteri-an Churches; -All collection should be in the se~c y.- treasurer s hands by May 15th. It is hoped Barrie will do better than ;.ever in 1912.` ' ' _ The ministers present were: Revs. I. G. Bowles, D. AD. McIeod, Wm-. Hipkin, -Dr. Booth, A. V. Brown, A. lsmith. -Rev. Dr. McLeod was chairman, and after the formal open- ing, -reading of `minutes "and "the adoption: of the report of the execu- tive, the lecturer took `his audience on A Trip through Korea, _i-l1_us- itrating his _ lecture by very excellent limelight views, some of which were The interest in the lecture was kept up to the end despite the warm I crowded room. A: Larger church. will` be needed and used next year. Judge Ardagh who was absent through i1~l.ness-,`wa.s again elected president and T. T. Young, 9ec y-treasurer, to. take the place `of the , late Mr. R. Litt1e,, `whose death .Was `deeply regretted and whose family have the full sympathy of this Branch of the __-,_--L-__.. ._-____..- -...._ 1.1.... ....... from hand paintings by the natives. I *5; ' 5,; March 2m., ms: ilgfuxie Donneahl of C`ooksmown,l J 1, 11,, 1111 I `rt 1\_'r I v`yL7v\.nA VIA H1112 IVIlI\J' J-315$" IIIJJII is doing far more damage to the orchards in this section `than their owners are aware of. You will spray llattei-._. for the codlin moth or apple worm with `lime sulphur 1 "gallon to 30 water, a1d.`add`2Ibs. bf` Sw_ift.:e vvsnvwuu , ll l'\.l\Io it LUV: UL P-7 WILD D ax-isenate of lead and spray the .whoIlg surface thoroughly. J 1131; after the blossom falls is the time to get after the oodlin moth. Be sure and spray with high pressure; not less than 150 poupds, if possible. Plenty of pres- stnie should be ueed- .to drive the poison well into the calyx of the young aspplw. Plough early use a- disk harrow or cuv1tivator;,ooca- sionally and -`keep . the "soil moist about the ` mots of the during _' the `growing seasonv -and `you will WAEIED so cm: I,0A_DS _o_13_ _RANlTE 1'!` `VII ` Til`? "('r-vvo.ME. SVT-(-)NE) V Not to contain over`5% Lime HIGHEST PRICE V . . ` ---There is a growing tendency of late years, both in United States and Canada in favor of low.-headed trees, -and there are a good - many. .local reasons: adduced! in favor, of! that system The advantages of low heading are:` less exposure to` high .winds, less liability to sun sealdii n `the trunk and lessnvork `in `pruning, spmying and picking the fruit. As to pruning fruit trees, that can be best learned by an object lesson. [Fruit trees shouldo be pruned grad- lually as they grow, the obiect being t.o `keep the tree in, symmetrical lshape, to keep the top suiciently. Iopen to permit of a. free circulation"- !of air and sunshine and ana. equal `distribution of bea.r'm.g wood. Do not cut away the leading limbs, but thin out the smaller ones and thus pro- tect the leading limbs and trunk from the blistering heat of summer sun. This will `protect your tree from sun scald and canker. o Com- mence pruning now. It will pay to look after the orchard and it `does not `involve a lot of hard. .work either. A Get to work at the neglected orchard and; first prune them, scrape o the rough bark and `moss and give a_. thorough spraying withNia.`- gara lime and sulphur, 1 gel. to 10 ga-ls. of water. Thisvwill control the oyster` shell bark `louse. '_1`his= insect 2- _I-2.... .___ _'__.-._ .N..\,.._,. V i The executive comprises the resi-l -(lent ministers of the town and two` [good laymen from each church, whoi [will willingly assist. A ' ` i . n I ! CARE OF THE ORCHARD. .__-.- vw -w-w--u 3 TC?` Spadina Ave. Dock, Tontai` APPLY SECE V M-r:. iJas.'-Stevart_'fi; her` daughter,` Mm. J. W. Brown. rm ' T H E HAR DWARE _BARR|E. ONT. MA , --V`-'1 3 W' "'9 Butter 11011, per soon havo an orchard that will pay] you for every cent you have spent on it, and yield you more i per acre than any other eldyon your farm. And soon you will not consider the care of the orchard an expense but an `inmastment and also an improve- ment to_ your V farm. `;h:.2Ba.rr1e and ".l'o-` .r9nto Markets During the; Week. I ~ , = Ban-xe,` A `13, 1912. "Wheat . . . . . A90 9l THE Lmasr mums SBTTLERS TRAINS % --ro- wl-:__jg`g312r cmmna " Win} 17.333 ?ro7n"o-ii)" ' 10.20 p.m. encu ruasnn 1--- _ ; an Axiu n A11-- T one time this was true, _ but the labor saving ma- chinery that men use. to-day. makes it unneoaary for them to .work from sun to sun; and they `accomplish a great deal more a great deal easier. T THERE is still a bigger dif- ference in the change of the woman s work who uses modern cooking utensils, such -as is found in our store. Not only can her work be -done quicker, but more pleasantly -and easier, to say nothing of the difference `in the results of her cooking. Between all sta{ins in Canada Port Arthur and East Mr. Chaes Dllliel was in Midr] land last week attending the funer- al of his- fathe-r, Mr. David Drinkel, who .was in the 75th year of his age mld only moved away from here about a. month ago. The funeral took place at Waverley and ,was very largely attended`. The deceas- ed was a .\Ieth0dist in religion and `tn politics a; Conservative. Singlne Fare GOOD GOING APRIL 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 Return Limit. April 10 (Minimum Rate o! 881:) EASTER Tn.IJ{MAn \EIiQ..i' R351? Man Works from sun to sun, Woman s work 13 never done. n. iii-TE('l`Cl-{El}, ' LOCAL AG INT is 0;: 04,0] April 1st.-T1{e` sleighing is still very good` in this district. I 555 10 oo soo 13 W I\I\ V520 95 50 85 1 % -v 75 EII "`r*H`;.i;;: z.-`.;.'2`:::: Calf skins, green, per 115. Sheep skins . . Tallow, per Tb. . . . . . . .. Wool, picks . . . . . . . . . . . -Horse hides, best grade. Horse Hair . . . . . . . . .. W301, washed . . . . . . . . I ..----L-) Eggs, per dozen . . Potatoes, per bag .. Hay, per ton .. Cured Hides, No. 1 .. Green Hides, No. 1.. ` 1?- n 5` `D12... -I-alttllgv I 5 `g. g, ` .` 11 B eke and Hagar, fed and .w.*aten-ed ` _:Q,o, m;_Q `l-`!;.`la.....`. I-llV\LllLuL`~ .,. . . . Mutton, prime . . . . Veal, prime T -__-1,~ IE -.`G `M ozrtvcattle, choice medium .. L..-1`I_ OI! ID. .05 01-0--_ Butcher cattle, choice AKING into consider- ation the small expense of a properly equipped kit- chen, the amount of time you spen\d in it, and how much do: pends upon your cooking, you can Well afford to have the proper utensils for the .V\`ork. T William TW;bi>{er T has moved ! into the home of Henry Cliord. T OR some purposes you Want tin-ware, for others gran- if*,W8.~l`e; again copper and enameled ware or Wooden-ware. We have every article you want and the way you want it. TORONTO MARKET. . Toronto, April 3. 1919- Quotatigns on Tuosoay wen: - KTI. ._ L L ___L -1 n n 4' uva srocx MARKETS. THURSDAY 23 00 16 00 17 00 10 00 30 25 20 1.7 25 2 50 1 70 60 ...A 16 00 V at the Par- somage on Wednesday, April 3rd. Vvv `Z65 `ltin 256 90 be 51 95 15 75 -.4t\ -. ., T i V , Mr. John Spence, Jr., happened with a. very painful accident last '1`u:esdn.y night. While coming out of the Methodist_ Church shed his horse bolted and threw him out, dias- locaxing his shoulder. 1 3 80 30 "'13 vi. 10 an an CRAIGHURST. % ! Arpri] 1st.--Mr. William Venton, G. T. R. brakeman of Allandnxle, spent. in few days last, Week `With Mr. l McCracken. ' ~ I 96?/`J \1'o1i ch we: fa Tie wommk.-1 I;1;:;:i t.1;gv;x'vi'1'11V;r'1eet at Mars. Geo, Wilson s on Thurs_da.y, April 4th. _ i `Geo. Baldwin is home preparing fo1"hi.v surmjme-r s `carpenter work, after spending the .winter loadingl logs for Henry Wise of Craighurst.\i A 80.-- -The foniawing is .. __g.s'_.s. 1519. .,1a,._. om.1o;- ~n,.o..o n-n.Ju,o_ FredVTi1ley left last week for} Pgrt Mcgiicf. `T ` - " ' viliss J. 'E[V11'g'}.'ram of` Blackstock is` xisiting her sister, .Mrs.A Geo. Mc- "Si;-'. ego. `Bwchamsan of "'P'inchei' Creek. A1ta., is the guest of Mr. T. C. Craig. ' -p` u - -nu April 2.--Mr.iG. {liljrxinds of A1- lanndale was a Monday visitor here. ` Mrs. T. Clayhan has retumed to- her home at Utopia, after a brief visitfwith Mrs. D. Donnel-Iy. b "iif '1r"".":~3I o'&i "of "<}IC~{{1"2}as. a ` 'visitor he1~e.on. Tuesday. _. . ' p66oo6o.'oo`-oo6o'oo"o""" on" TSerg't:J Major Dugal of Toronto is` vivsitingj his daughter, Mm. J. Ward. -~~---- - V ---v--.,- n;;;. "P. M. wP;a:t_>;1ck of Tdronto passed tllrough. heme on Monday. ' ~"| rj'_ vi! 111' , n n n : I CORRESPONDENCE it J15}: .IJc W? I-ll QJISUBI Ull business `last week. b Rev. W. S. Irwiupf Anguav was 51;." _~...-.`... -1. 1:- A 'n_-..L-.._' 1-4 Mrs. S. ~Stephena 'neturn- ad from Toronfo on Friday. accom- .s........I: I... `L- 'I..A.A.....!_ _..-LL__ If.._V 0 K}! J.lVVb|I!_ `IL `loll _%;:gm'eFo;V Mr. A.~'Hng1s':>: .1:.;:.; 410.50 0000`; o$llwo I-IO IJVVIIOIUIOW `v`\uIhllO" aooomr by .la.the s mother, Mrs. Vnn shingle mill. has gtpex-at.ions_ and is you-king V-every V Mr. George a val-u-I 991 {ms lwweeki` ; M f % ` . Sr. :v;...mm Church 2oa9g_Edm Bertram 1751.-~ ' - Sr. III.-Wallace Beardeall 5129, Ewart` Emma 4456, J ohnzny' Beards- .all 3194, Andrew Ruthven 2876, Vic- ,.t-Qr Church 1369. _. TV .. _ _ -I `-4 Am - . .'__ ___._ pug *}1ix:;i:';.s;"oh;,eh% 4198, mm ford Bertram 3759, Birdie Henley. 3732, Elf:-ed-` Jory 453. . % % T_ Ti -..n 11- " ` ` TJi~'. II.:'Go1dii: xiggiey 3233, i:.ack' ' Church 2418. 'Sr._ I.--Lillian. Weeks 18\6. -' V I "Jr; I.--+Pearl Beardsazll 3932; Primer---Percy H:ea1ey 1042. ` -` 71 .` t .' ---E Emnis, Mi1t?3nB:&$ra &n.daWa1;vuin Beards-; Aaliearl ~ V \ 1 ieeaz `(If t) ---.gW.aHace % %`%m % % L A COOKSTOWN "A daughter .was born to the Rev. -4 1r_- D n a..1........ -.. nr...!~........- MINESIN G. . `T333331 `CUT-CU Y ` 0 0Qoooooooooooooooooooqo D`_A_L:STON.T p_0L}vE_LL; .oLowEs. mi" i % 1% April 1.--Mr.~i Wm, Bem1>euer- [borough is visiting Dr. hndfMns. ll'Angfe1d.t`at the Rectory. V "I" Ir u . A Mr. John Cook has bought from Mr. D. Quanta {he baa-nu which stood on, the `present rnectory site, and is removing it` to his. farm. 11 a .1iI4.-,H C and sermon. _T meeting Eastr I u n _ ` A v I ' ` l 6_.3O--SumdtaZT 7yTSchooJ7 V ' `7.30--Evening praiyer and sermon Subject for the Easter sem1on': lThe Bright and Morning` Star, A Tire a.n"nu7ai { 1us3ieV7Eeig of St.` Paul s Mission was held` in the Orange Hal-1, Craigvale, on Wed'n$- .1-.. 1l'.'..-L OH 1)-... "l'\_ T-.._...1.1a. `Alpril 1st.--The? annual Vestry meeting of St. Perter 9 Church was held on March 27. A,-saroisfactory nancial statement was laid before the Vestry. for due consideration. .'he Wardeng, John Scott and -___.__ 'l')1______.L4 .__-_._ _. .'l..A.._`I. \JI I58!-BVJ `outt, \Jllnll6 VBIO, {L V1 \A.Ill\E day, 27, Rev. `D1: Lg.ng_fe1dt .,L.......... '91.- ..-........ VICIV J-`I-`.`\I`Iv Q U , LKVIV I `J50 m`9`gv c.-hm'rm`an.'.The nances" are` in. al very good condition, there being a` substantial balance on hand. " I |' Mr. Albert Purvis `I was` elected treaasurer and `Messrs; Thos. Night.- ingale and Wm. Brewster, Execu- ' tive Commit-tee * with Dr. ..La.ng*fe1dt [as cha.irn1a:n. ` V A P198858 fefltuzve of. the meeting was ;a. ~presIea1tat1on- `to the retiring .t1'easurer, ,Mr. George Green. Dr, igamngfeid : announceld-_ tbs: Ma, ' '3 ' 91-'D1`SBed. _ us wi `to re- H`-ire and he felt, personally, very g'ra-tied t h f th ` T faithful iviiterielsri eGarectt3:re % I mamfestegl ever since the T inception of the missnon four years He then _presented Mr.` Green with a `11>)ea1u1:xfu1-ly bound (1.11 red nzomwo) | P3391: ant_1[H5jm11. Book, which had [:39 t0Lge`:)1118` 3n'5cnPt101: f`Present- - V 1'88 ames Vreeneasyal (erken 9f eeteem and appreciationdof Ins faithful and active interest. in, the {work of _ the Mission of St.` 3,111: and Craigvalev form-any years.- llz . Langfeldt, Rector, Easter, . A u . . l I I The annual `Vestry meeting bf St.| ,Peter s Church was ' held on- Thurs vday, March 28, at which the follow- .ing officers were elected. .. - M 1 t Peop1e s Wa1~denA-- Mr. Ch-as. 'Northgra.ves'. ' Dr. 'LangfeJ:dt ap- -pointed Mr. Robert Sprorule Recbol- s `Warden. - Lay delegate, AMr.' Wm. B. Sloane. Sidesmetn, . Messrs. Thomas A. Bed-ford , Fred Grose and John Morris. -Sec.`-Treas. of ' Sun- day School, Mr. H. stoan. Trans. `Mission Fund, Mr. H- L. Albrecht, `Vestry Clerk, Mr. Wm. B. Sloane. ' I Easter Sunday will be the lasti Sunrdxay` at which Dr. Langfeldt will oici-ate in the Parish previous to his leaving for Europe. _ Mess1~.s._ Henry Lennox and Staf-R ford Watt "have been appointed V by Dr. Lan-gfeldt. parochial mpmsenm-1 tives on the Bishop s Ad-visoryi Bow of St. A1ban sA Cathedral. - | {Q one diesix-ing to hae boys `from an English ;priv-ate orph-am `home (under church_ auspices) may _`.J;.:__ A... L__ ....._..1-.-u.n. LA D1`-U II uuguiu _\uuuvL uuuuuu wuu vuo um obta.i11-* one by applying :3 Rlev. Dag. Langfeldtrat once. ` can A. I GO`! Divine Wwill "five we ml Good- Friday as follows: At `St. Pva`u1 s, Painawick at 10.30 a.m., and at St. Peter s, Chumchi-ll, at 3 pm. A` collection will be taken for the evangelization of the Jews. ` "$537; I "1'zII.1J d " e{3 '5he sick_ list. We hop to gge her ]P0lSONl-ID WITH . g LIME-SULPHUR! ---Now is the time to buv your spray pumps and spray materials. We handle nothing but the hat that can be produced; Everything is guaranteedIto-d1oitsworkifproper- lly used. `Niagara lime-sulphur eac- eelar all other prepamtions for de- stroying the peetsv on, your fruit trees. can now and! we will be pleas- ed to give you. any information re- garding. the eare of your orchard. You may arrange with us for your apple -for the season, to have tahen1_ made and delivered to your early -and ' thus avoidingl 5-IVIJI, -LlJ\lOI IIVLI . ,Oice hours` Sj a.ni. tb.. 12--p.x`:`1.,`1! to .p._m.,: .,,,...,..,... vu. vuv Iyscuuaca 1.11! -It HOW `ten roamed` brick veneered: house, equipped wxthiv furnace, dumzbrwaxter, telephone, "hand: - and. soft. `water; Two bank barns, one. 40 x 100, one 60 x30, cement oors, equipped" with litter carriers, windmill, and `grater throughout, also tracks, for `slings, I silo x301.` `Two; ' orcha1id, 1L__ _ i.wa.1'1:i:`-`('3oop;2r:1.ge and ` Iivporator, _ `J. W. GOSSLING, PROP. `~ `Oice Gar. Sophia ' ant! Maple iAv~e.,` Phone 361. ` - , . nm-- 1.-__..-.. o. _ ___" L. um ;, 3 .. I .- North half_,andg .south e:ast quarter. of Lot` 6, Co1_1.A 5, in the Township iof -Inmiscl, `containing 150 acres of choice claw loam. with clay subsoil, all well fenced and" in. a high srcate of oiiltivation, ' ve minutes . walk f-rom:.achoo1,-1% miles from church, 3%` miles, from- Thornton G.T.R. "station. h0n`~th cpnemises are .a. `new J-A-u un\n'u-g4..;l: 1...: .`_ _-.. - __ W ?-gigs: property will. be sold cheap as e "eto ' I ' V Fmr iuftlfgmn p5raS?h. lnilnnnn in. W `In .':r:'n mn....._- : -4 ldV ve Pefe;f e, Ch1{reh_ilL ' 2.30-Holy ands ser- vm VV `VI Llhli IJ\l'OlJ& IQVRIVU Slot! 9 George Plowright re-lected: .EQtei;nda` Q, Apai F}; 1515. `~St. Paul s,`.PaiI1swick. T St. Pa.ul s Mission, Craigvale.A an); r: PARI/SH` or INNISFIL.' i'-"5iz_XfE" MUSIC % } IN ma CHURCHES; COLLIER STREET `MMETHODIST A - ' OHURCH. Eaated-' -Mornings Service. Organ Prelude-4-Prehiera, . , . Bazzini Doxology. Invocatio . - L IIymn1-"`Cl1rist. the1Lond' is ,Risen- `L- ;.`I.-'_. 79 vW`i;y'12'fi;::ufn;.:Nz1`li<;lvi`;3?ah!;7vE"1:Ju`;`:;;a:| Responsive Reading. Scripture lesson` 'Oe1'tory. Interludee-Can`ti1ene .. ` Ma-rchant Baritone solo--Before the "Cruci- ` x,. .. .. ;. .. Frank La Forgq Hymn--Ye humble souls that seek -` the 129:4-. ., n`: .1 r1, :5 an _I7L_n"" . "1:11s_v!5ritli "Baritone So1o-`--`.`Cln'ist AI1`I'C'1 III 'IV'I` ?V7`v.'?"E.r'3aZ3 '< 51Iw"1JuI1I, aphes, I -I&~od,l Egate and: The Mu]:- tid'unde.~ e si are mprocfuctions from `the mai-ntings `by. Tissot; Dick- aee, Dixon, Hofxiuin, Capping adl -9t1_h_Aer artigts. IIVIIOI, II 0 I-Cooouooo Hyngn-J-Corn}g; ye "saints, look here- ";`;.d ;;;;a;;..~;- Mr `Benediction. C-homl Amen. `Postlu `T.riumpba1 M9.-rah . . . T .................. Se&;71r--`?"6l`1'rist?.i;a.nity, `the Gos- . _.-1 '.n"n-.... 99 `";e1"of;pe. Con-tr`a1to So1o-Hosanma` . . IV ` Anwugncunal. VJ yunv sat vu Easter Pnaise Service at 7 p.m. Prelude--Sursum.~ Oorda ,. .=. . A . . . . . . . . Elgar, arr. by` Le-mm-eT Trio Soprano Solo and- Chorus- Choir Angelic by E. W; Hanscome Hym:t1-`-Hail Thou once despised T...'..--- '97 V I _ 1 Holy Communion. lHyr'n:n--`_Jesus `Christ rig J-.. ' i 3o' `tvlie m,_I:i:1J;7;';>u.:,>fU?:2ehI<: [ _D1ocese, that for Tnmty Church be- 1118 Sunday; May'.12th, 9.1:` 11 a.m.,! `nhn -Fan .Q' (1..-.;.-...-...;.).. IA.1`l.;___1-1,\` . u ..-,,...... --.... -6... \.IIAJ\.F\4 uwymu Jesus." J ` ' Prayer. Chant in A. _ . Soprano solo with violin obligate and mixed voioesr+-Hear 0 My . `People ? . . Frederick Stephenson 1st Scripture -reading Mo_reover_bre-' bhrexn I declare unto the gospel?` Baritone Solo, .re-citation. and a.ria-] The Lord . . . . . .. . Sir Arthur Sullivan 2nd ~Scri.pture lesson, J es~us_ when He had cried! again. . l'\.Q....J....... J 1 TRI`NITY.CHURCH. l ! EASTER, 1912. ` Matins. `Orrgaxn Prelude-Ostermorg~en . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . Ot-to Malling Proeessional Hymn-O11rist, The 1 Lord is risen to-day. St. George? Versicles -and Responses in 1:` ac- ` cording to Tmllis. l `Easter Anthem-Christ our Pass- ' over . . . .' Pelham I-Iumphreys ProperPsal-msand Gloria, 2, 57, 111 1 .. .. Caleb-Simper Te Deum in F.--. .Rev. J .V M. B. Dykes-, M.A., Mus. D. ' Benedictus in F. . . . . . . . . . .Turle ` aommtw W a Interlude Meditation (Ave Maria) . . . . . . . . Ba`ch s yst Prelude 1 1\ ,1. (`I _ 11 11117 43 unwugwpurd vac vvdu vu sun .; W 155% 33- F- Sa1=.n23 mWe<:.55 !\~A` NOTES FROM TRINITY PARISH . The annual Easter veetry meeting of the Parish of Trinity, Barrie, will. be held in. the Parish Hall on Easter Monday, April 8th at 8 p.:m., when: the reports of .the Church-war dens, &c., will be presented` and the usual` bueinese ` of. this nleeting `transacted. f - V ` ` ` The oicia.-1 list of bf Con- rmation for 1912 has recently been issued! ` y the Lord- Bishqp the 1-1:` A ``__L !A__/` 111 0 1. ; Duet: -a`JJ3:1vua;;;:>ne--VVe rshall Live with Him. ..Po1='ber, Hynu}.-;-He. dies, -the A friean-df of | . . _ _ . _... .13-- 9) III! O o I O 0 I I I to ll-IIOCCO \JYLCJ Mr. L. F. Addison will play the violin parts in the {evening service of praise. . ' . A ` VMrs. Laidman, soloist and leader. Mrs. Morley Duff, organist. ` as-5'] gngnu .559 LG, l:&l\J .L`I I-I..'LL'|J,' UL sin -ners dies. Se1'm.on---The Power "of the Res- urrection. ' Motet. _ (u11a:cca.m;panied)~-Saviour, Thy Children Keep, . . . . . . . H`ym.n--_~Sons of God Triu-mpl1:a1 , I , (|....... "".". .` Fahgh .f'x~;>;I;.`..7A.:I:.e.11.d'e\.1s's'c:'1;.1; Gloria Tibi. Gratias Tibi. .T. Short- CrodLo`-`A1l tlle strife i_9 _2r ` .:.t`.::,""1:.1`a.;.m";1;.;..,1. Recessiona1'Hymn- I`he day Thou _g~_aves'_l'., Lo1:d', is ended . . . . St. Clement Organ Postlude---Alleluia 1 . . _. .,. . . .. . . ; Clement Loret Miss Marion D1-m~y----Organist. Dr; ,-.v\.vv:uu>avn14Ia. LLJ'1uu- LLLIGIUIG6 01115 to Jesus . .. .. ..... . .Lux Eoi Organ Postlude-Triuzmphal March `navy. D_n_L `L , 'll .._-_L --.. I M J-5'8" agnia L10 Iboocoooo`on t I_ C I I I C O I I C I I O Nunc Dimittis . . . 'Fl'wm.n____(1'L.:..4. It ' yuvuulu ;uvLu-Lab lulu 60111.0 16 U CI I .. the battle done . . . . . . Victory! Oertory Anthem--I am the Res- _ Lurrection and= the Life. . . . . . . I Caleb -Simperi Ter Sanctusv. . . . . . . . . .A. S. Cooper Glqriain Excelsis`--Plain Song in F Recessional Hymns--Al1elui12_1! `Sing 4.. 'r........n --._ 13-: 33*. Zmi{' 2`7bh:;`t`t`l`1ev`i?}a't;t:l"r; :" Holy Week, is being observed by the Anglican Church with a series of `daily services illustrated by stere- voptioon, which will be held in the `church .ba.sement at 8.15 ~p.m.. Ad- dresses will be given on The XITL- I`L.___' _!-.'l. f`I.L_!-4. T_. .11.. l"!_2