Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 4 Apr 1912, p. 2

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ar`rtvn1I'und :a'tL; uhIIA ' mun Barrio are :3 tollowa: L ` . .' T . - I ~ Ontano Lxberahsam Wa.nts.to close] iuyn the bars and proceed, to drown iits own sorrow in the liquor store` A}. 41-..- .-.'I..L > IIIJ IA UM` unlit LISJLU LILIJLE, `IUD UKIVJ-V` are thosewhoq have been~ guilty of` particzpating in serious errors by marrying people of unt physique` and;'m.ind, was _a statement of -Dr. Forbes Godfrey, of West York, in- troducing his amendment to the marriage act in the Legislature last week. It -was designed; said _the speaker, to impose a penalty of $5.00 upon clergyrnem or issuers of licenses: found!` guilty of celebrating the marriage of any person or per- sons who were shown to be idiotic, epileptic or imbecile. The doctor; gave instances of many outrages urp- [ on society by reckless performance: of ceremonies upon persons whosel contribution to the future was al race of criminal and diseased child- I ren. The bill receivecl favorable a.t- 5 tent.ion of the. Premier. but on thel advice of the Provincial Secretary the measure was allowed to stand, until next session. I iommous or omen PAPERS} i CHEERS FROM THE GLOBE VToronto Telegram. I be-liierve the clrgy as a whole` try to do] the right thing, but there, -_.- AL--- --.L... L..'..... LA... .....1J4-co A-I3! BUN-STRUGGLES DISAP- %L PEAR. GREAT GRIT BAWLERS. "OVER 100- BRANCHES IN ' CANADA fa; - -So.t11at the truth of the`Res'u1rr_ec- :'Vit.ion .of the Lord Jesus ought to` be :;.arnL1yVestablished in tile mind; of, j,every `.C`hristia.n, even "the most, ush- :"*.I'..'J.4:....;'-"II UNWIN, MURPEY 85 ESTEN, +o'lI*:r\ T1.-`J Q ....... __ 1'1 ' Having spent 1 years Post Graduate work in British Hospitals and having served as Clinical Assistant in Golden Square Bar. Throat 8; Nose Hospital, London; Royal London Ophthalmic Hospital (Moorelds) ; for a term `as Resident Su_rgeon in Royal London 0 hthalmic Hospital; Bnstol Eye Hospital, Bristo ;and Birmingham Eye Hos ital, Birmingham : former Member of British phthalmological Society. , , OFFICE-78 DUNLOP STREET. BARBIE. I "Phone 5%., P. O. Box. 96. `G. G. SMITH 85 (30.,iPHONE 32. ES- tablished 1869. Undertakers. Open A day and night. Morgue and chapel in connection. Barrie, Ontario. ` L.R.C.P. 3: 5. Edinburgh; M.F.P. 5; s. Gxasgow ` ---SURGEO.\T--- 1 I I ` Eye. Ear, Nose 5 Throat. L- I V Late of Toronto Gevneral Hospital. I ,omce of the iate Dr. Smith. Collier St ' Phone III. 32-ly QLENNOX COWAN `& BROWN,. BAR- 7 -{ad-non Qn1:n;I>nun `A9 nhu:n:nn 1-non- ,STEWAIR1`: 5:`:-STEW `LET, 'BA.RRIS- ters, %Solicit'ors, Not:-mes Public, and V Gonveyancers; Money to loan in` `any.sums at _5 per cent. Oice, 13 Owen St., Barrie. H. D. Stewart," I LL.D.,-D_. `M. Stewart. W. `AULT, JBABRISTER, SOLICITOR, Proctor; .Notary, Conveyancer, etc. Special attention in drawing and probating wills, obtaining letters of administration and guardianship, collecting accounts, ' etc. ` Oices, _ Boss Block, Barrie. Money to loan. `G. `A. RADENHURST, BARRISTER, Solicitor, Notary Public, &c. Olce, V lat oor. Bank of Toronto Building. _ Money to loan at lowest rates. CRESWICKE & ALEXANDER, BAR- risters,` Solicitors of the Supreme 1 Court. of Judicature of Ontario, Proctors, Notaries, Conveyancers, etc. Money to loan. Office, Ross block, Barrie. A. E. H. Crswicke, ' K.C., Arthur Alexander. ' it once be achieved, would be com- plete 7and final. ` St. Paul states the consequences that would follow the denial that Christ .was risen from ' the "dead, in Words; whicheif the fact _were. questionable--Would ll us with alarirr. If _ Christ. be not; `ris'-` 'en,-then is our preaching vain, and your faith is also va.in. Yea, and ve. are found false Witnesses of God-; beaause we have testified _.of' ' hlmt He raised up Christ: .Whom He raised not. up, if so be tlm.t_ t:l1e dead rise not.-If Christ be not ra.ised., your faith is vain; ye are yet in your sins. Then they also` which are fallen asleep in Christ are perished. A ` i.I)R. MORTIMER LYON, 31 CARLTON St'., Toronto, late of Brooklyn (N. Y,), Eye and Ear Hospital, will be a at nwan Qf I-lav-1-3n 'STRATHY 8: `ESTEN, BARRISTERS, GA`I.sl.....-. 2... 1114.1. IV.{.-..L - T...-L2..- T ------ I IDR. W. A. ROSS, PHYSICIAN, SUR- ` geon, etc., L.R.C.S., Edin., L.R.C.P;, London. Giceand residence, Dun-V lop street, Barrie. Telephone 77. i | I `DR. H. T. ARNALL. OFFICE AND . Residence corner of Toronto and } _E1izabeth Streets. (Opposite Eliza- i beth Street Methodist Church), Tele-& phone 167. I DONALD, ROSS, LL.iB., BARRISTER, I Q.-.1:..;+.... ..+.. n.....1, ..c m........5.. Inn. A. tr. LITTLE, LATE OF Churchill, Ont. . Oice andresidence, I I John St., near corner Elizabeth. I Phone 213. BUY YOUR READING MATTER am W.lJ.V, MURPHY 85 ESTEN, ,ON- tario Land Surveyors, Engineers, etc. Established 1852. Ofce, Medical Building, S. E. c_orner Rich- mond and Bay streets, Toronto. Telephone, Main, 1336. Instructions left with Strathy & Esten,' Solici- tors,` Bank of Toronto Building, Barrie, will be promptlyattended to. A11 the Latest Books" sc0T'I` s Booxsrolua $1.ooA1=nR Amzum IN AVDVVANGBV UNITED S'1`A'l`E5 SUBSCRIBERS . $1.50 INADVANCE Brown, LL.B. LIJLV J5` L19 \J\I IV ILA.` III .IJAI\l II 4.! , JJLI.-LU , . risters, Solicitors for obtaining pro- bate of wills, guardianship and ad- ministration, and general Solicitors, Notaries, Oonveyancers, etc. Oices, Hinds block, No. 6 Dunlop street, Barrie. Money to loan at 41/2 and 5 per sent. Branch oices at Cree- mort and Alliston. Haughton Len- nox, K.C., Alex. Cowan, G. E. J. _ uuu .ua.1 1;uap1u1.l, W111 Del 67; J6wen St., Barrie, .ever_v Sat- urday. Diseases--Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Consultation hours, 11; mm. to 5 p.m., and byoappointment. LALLJ. \ll -IJIJAJJAV. JJL.I.l'J.I1IsIJ...I.JLIr\l iicicors in High Court of Justice: Notaries Public, Conveyancers; Of- oes over the Bank of Toronto, Bar- _r1e. Money to loan at lowest cur- rent rates. G. H. Esten. '\I-L` A14-CAI` .LU\J|JK1, Solicitor, etc. Building, [Barri 'A.I'a u 4;. V. .u v ILL` 5.7, .I. 11 .L DLULALV , Surgeon, et.'., Coroner for Simcoe County. Oce and residence: Wil- liam street, Allandale. Telephone 269. Dr. J. ARTHUR ROSS '. g._.MI_,_Ew1s. UNDBRTAKBRS. M. D.. C. M. (Ton) suivmrons. No.5-1 .. 7.60 :3 m No.56....5. p.m I.U\Jk.IKl .IJ.l.Ju.IJn, JJILLULULLJL JJLU, Bank of Toronto Barrie. Money to loan. c. EVANS, PHYSICIAN, Al-x rnvsicmxs. ...AT... STE! 0'!` PERSOA A 1. ATTRNTIAN D A If\ n :`IE%`T?::8l?fI?)LTo Horseshoeinz V MA vuFAcTb:R-E;2 or Buggies, Carriages, Wagons V Sleigh: and Cutters. mo. 55 BAYFIELD ST. P opposnre: -ROSS ST. } V JCHN BABES OLD STAND cuuuuujn Open to receive a` limited number of Puniis during the winter season. For terms apply at `1`- E55350"! 811-. Barrie. next don" to Lendon 8; Flcsher, or `Phone 374. P. 0. Ho: 9 An-` 1 JJGXJ 34. Eltcfgnrthcrugdvautei i.. F. ADDISON Teacher of Violin ----u - vaUliUllII\IJ II`0UnLL LU~ `will now sell their 10 day Transit Policy at 1 50 1- 3100 Insurance. Write or call if you mten shipping Hutu: West. . (I0 I 0 (I0 I H The Insurance Man. 's'1=E'c"1XfT ma YORKSHIRE lNSURAN_(}E_ co. now call 01...}- in .1__ m, . atlowest current rat.es.either in small 61- in lame amounts. on the security of ood farm mon- ages. .McCAR'l`HY. BOYS MURCHISUN. unlop Street min-rie. L * T-~*~*v-mes, WI Ajiunlov of good Farm and Town Pro-I [JAS. ARNOLD Fire and Life Insurance Real Estate Agency j . Money to Loan Published tram the oice. 123 Dnnl`>),)8`t1-eet. Bun-le. in the County of Simone, the Pro- Vince of Ontario. Canada, every 'l`hux-sday Mot-nine, by _ ,/ _.v-v---\asVa-L.Jl\ I 3 ma TH: Counrrv or suvncoa. Most reasonable terms given 0;; all Stock Sales *""`1"h'5"i':attr fact dem WW"m`c . . onst t its patrons. It you have an;&a3:;Mhty M place it with the paper that reaches the not afraid to pay the price. Deoni Advertisements are charged ace . g:o-12 lines nonpareil meusu ns to ` '. 'mANs1|:N'r Anvnnrxsim, Legal Notices. A ti s ' _etc.-Fiut insertionw 13 noeni-gas e` T11_11scmenu an uentinaertlon 5 cents per inc, me each 138 notices. 10 cents per ne to insertion : 5 cents per line for each subseI;`:s - n i rt! - brsger 331:`! the same matter. Obiruan. Pm" CRAIGHURST, om`. ;LICENSED yQTIONEER i EAFI -Ivl-J- 4u--- RATFs*% -nu: Nonrum" mum Z , H - Barrie) Ont. . Tvw ADVANCE '13 1 largeoc circulation of any ;'1`ow.:. _ ` It has also by far the recei ts. ' Th latter tact demons {fa nnfuuinu `ll cu... L _ ,, , U136!` DIUH UI 5c Der line. -- --- .u... ' _ - connnmcun msnn. Rates will begiven on application, CONTRACYI` CHANG EE. Advertisers will please bear in notice otintentiqn to chug muntbe handodgnto theo ce not later am Saturday It 10 qclock, and the co y for such change mustbe xn THE ADVANCE. omce um later than 12 9 clock noon on .Monday in week. otherwxse the ad_VeI'1:la_er s announcemm guy not be made public untxl the week fol} Lg ooxnnxsnn ADVER l'XEMEN'l`S. .lI7OIf`lnI-run-`CA A-- " ` vur `run any AU V EK'l'XEMEN1'S, Condensed advertisements on first page W as wantaofall kinds, loqt and found, mop, ` for sale on-to rent. speqxc articles. etc. ea must be accompanied mm the cash. ' ' A - ._ ...v vuuwlx. Cuts for advrtiscments must in . 5"`-`Y5 case bemounked on solnd metal base; - lrus am mums M|ll\[:\n Llmlte d M - . - `"`::, ; :. :,:";`.,?:.:',sa?..:2s:*3 km or as an historical fact-, or as i11VO]JV' CHRIST IS RISEN. - : HE RESURRECTION of_ouV-r Lord Jesus Christ" from. the deadz, whether it be regardsed ingdoctriiics of the utmost amce in the scheme of redverrnption,, claims -our most. serious" consider- ation. As a. fact, it gathers into a.. single point. the whole question of the -evidences of Christianity; since, if this .stu.pen:dous mir'ac1'e be ad`- m.ittaed, the triith of the Gospel his- tory. in all its most esselltial details, is in effect conceded. The most strenuous efforts` of 1u1.~b-elievetrs have t.he.refore been directed against the Resiu'1'(.~ct.ioi1; and around the serpul cahme of Christ the evcest War ofi indelity has ever ragd. For it was _c1ea.r}y seen that if the Resur- rrectiou could` be disptroved-, Chris- tianitg was overthrown. And upon] Y .1 .1 1 n.I.uIluuMJlul'el'l'l or am! uealen in all kind Rough and Dressed Lumber Doors.8ash. Blinds. Interior Fin! h, 3 columns. Tanks and Water T:-oug';,cs` Plani g, Matching. Moulding. It ~Sz.' n Hot BlastDryingKiln. 8 Mn buying and P(;llssl;ggi:l;dwood Floors u ayculal cu Contracting and Building Estimates given 0Fl"lCE-BAYFlELD S l`.. BARBIE. ONT JOHN JENNE` SI. J_olm4 _&% cracker! The New Fog_qq_r_ I NEXT DOOR TO THE TANNERY Is 0 on for all orders in CASTINGS. MI L REPAIRS, &c. ,(St.lcc'es8brtjo the late R. L. Barwick) MA`Dv1-:Rns1Ncf Brewed Entirely from the Finest Malt and Hops. DUNLOP STREET EAST % BAR R I E -n._._ T .._- rt.l1e -ofther 11a1de,m{hJ cfufoh` of `Christ has never ceased to c11al1e11g'e inve'stig`ationV here; nor has it aeetr ed to deny that the overthrow, could Splendid ALE and FORTE The Best and Brightest in cask and Bottle pmlu Jr sale 533.}; has. Boilers. Engines and all kinds of farm and stationary machinery made and repaired on 51101 test notncc and moderate prices. A I A] work done by expert ranchin- ist and guaranteed first class. mA. F. A. MALcomso1g_ Pnhnn "nos Im, Am I; --............._$ . 151$ MANUFACTURERS. MONEY Tb LOAN Expert Machinists [ P'H(O_N- E ' 1 as vusnmg nara a Specialty -"I D..:IA:__ ~n . of proven to any paper in hav the Cg: PORTER VTBARRIE TQOMPSON CREW, PUBLISHER. -.-`-<`\ <" N ip 9:1 ud `ISM V4 Tltmf 15:06 "1907 ]mi~.% 194?! 1910 T1 birtl yea tics; birtl 1195' 110 r mar mu n f 01' (.1:-at \. K: n .,w1t} (11:11 Thunsday, April 4, 1912.` W} 101 1-ml j ust, dvat S im rm ti sho t}.1.(* the illgr ii.: lfm] ltm-j_> lfm_:; 2309-3"-N` m 7.50pm collinzwqod and Mustard, TERMS 01" V SUBSCRIPTION o fenotanc. _ -Midland. No.5I..;.7.7am " 42....1.Ipm * " 56..n`.'`DIl1 Going, south 24....l.8p`m an-No rsew name win he added to the sub. Ionption List until the money is paid. ` Subscribers now in arrears for three month and over will be charged $1.50 per annum. I 22....7.'Iam :6ICUOs'p m L .A ' I ten in reference tp ;the oaovv uuu.u.uub, uuv, -a.'~,u vum-Iuucsu uu. goodlnessl, let us rsxt see that some adreq-uate return is ma-d for the money now spent `on t.h,seoonsd'a.r-y: school `before we 1a.u11chout. on a7 msonrery-spendi-ng of this The startling fact is `given out in the ~Dept_, of Ediuca:tion' Re- port that the" attendance in the sec-' ondary` Schools of the Prov'ix1Ioek is de- creasing,` while -the attendance at the V " Co11tin:u_a.tion- Schooils is lrapiddy increasing. %. .. 2 ' ` 'l)....`L....._ _.`... `__..~-.1- 1..`L.. __.__;_. t"O_'I1-_, Perhaps we nee(I the new`-Co]leg- iate, -but it 1ooks _-vetry much more app-ameut that We a T little thought --on ' Gorgon Gnah1a;m?s`home- ly advice, about` the ChaIm:p8Lg'I1e taste. ofvthe young . wi-th_. the .19.- Lger pocket-book. _Would it `nod: be much `business for` yhe Town t,o_a1 wrv E. atka I i. _'_ ~-' .~ .. U. _. I ` . J. "u , ; V ~ .- >4 <` 'v,~,, . ` ,- ) lY'.'.`- `I, Immglng any where between $7 0,000 andi $100;0O0, according tothe 0fri1`1s aznd` fancies of architects trus- tees? Perhaps the claims.` of h;_ighr e.r. pducaition de_zrm_ms_d thjs expen- sive 'bui1ding,Abut, for the . sake of .4... . ln....__.' ~ 1.1. __.. .__J.' _ - - L1- - 1. - ____.- v\.|.A1-v use .AJ_I.u11`L\.a yuyzh QILUG-LL11 the general taxpayer $40. If thnepupils took full advantage of their, oppor- tunities, this money would be: Well ispenrt, bu.t judging by the number of I former Collegiate pupils who after- wards take oomtmercial courses in the business colleges, it is `apparent that 'fuly two-thirds of this money is sheer Waste. The Collegiate has a -commercial course ,(with' a oom- mercial specialist at $1000 per year), and this should . give `the PU,Pi.ls a good.` working knowledge of business requirements; Is the money being I wastedi? Ask any business man: if he ,wou'1x.d engage a pupil who takes the Collegiate com2,rnen'ci.a.lo course. That is the test. .Why `do so .m:.a.n-y of tllvese pupils attend busin.es`s' col- lege after several years in the Col- legiate? Atpparenuy they are not the business educa- tion which they are suppose-di to get. What the public, the taxpayer, and especially the parent, wants to know is-, Whose fault is it? The pupil e, [the teachers , or the Boand s._-l ' uwv-.c no _u n was an {hag my 'a;}a,mn' " wk-, waste of money and, what is even more valuable, time, do you think we ans at a stage of our history when we- require "a new. Collegiate at -a cost ranging where between $70,000 1-..): Q'II\I'\.l'\l\l'\ ......-...'l3_... 4.- .A.'l_- _,_!1-1- e ` ffbui3die`i_-`1d 'T'?I; n6v`~Co1le8%`7 iate Iustitixte in?` end is not yet, Imlooking epvvef the past tw.o yeans, and reviewing: all public discussion the project has ensgendered, it may to consider for ea raigon d etre--i.e. the _Inspeet r~1- s report of June, `1910, `the facts of . which haveibeen tleaft very much in the background during this tinne, Inspector J. E. Wet'.heml1' sent. in Nom- 'a z~p3rt to the ]V3oamd c;f7Edn`i_ *m in June, 1910, which the fol-` ltowing extracts, relative to the Jack _of proper accommodation, `am; tak-_ -can school has - no assembly room, 'noI physical -Lviboratory, no room, no teachers . private room, no suitableigywmnasi-u:m`, nol ibrary no waiting` moms, no w. ..c. 8 of modern type. I met a deputation .otf {the Bow andsudiscusseni fvyim thmnl Then. there is the cost of edu-cat-E ing each pupil , the average for the P91 -ovi.11ceV being $50.17, to V which, amount a Barrie pupil pays $10 and +1.`... ..............1, 4...._.......__ a..4n T111..- _.___.:1._ -Before going withi _this discussion, it may be well to `look into a few facts and gures as found in the. latest report. of the Dept. of Edu.oatioa1.~ `In the matter of extent of grounds, Barrie h-as 31/2 acres -at present, which is a larger` area. than 32 of the 44 Town andl City C=o11egiat`esr of the Province have, many of them`-rinming as low 'a 1/2 and even 1/1 of an acre in SJZC. A t \ T Apparently, the only reaso11 .why !Tt'h_e Collegiate Institute will ,lose_ its Istatusi and de'scenT-d to the much -1 desmised High Schqola standing, is` througuh the lack` of "proper gymna- sium and its. equipment. Al'1 "the `other recommendations of _ the In- spector are s-imiply persoxlal expres- sions of opinion on his `part-,-'-most! desirable improvements; doubtless, lbut not absolutely necessary. I the question of a new `building in a central locality. The plan of add- ing to the present unsuitable and` out-of-tounvm building . should , not be iconsisdemed. At an early date a by- llaw should be subnnitted to the peo-. pie for the erection of 9.-oommodious maodern building, near the doentre of population, at a. cost of, say, $60,- 000 or $70,000. ` ' it . The special attention of the `Board iscalled to the new. regula- tion last summer: fAft:ei' Au- gust 1st, 1911, a . institute which `has not a. gymna-0 s-ium satisfactory to the Minister of Education shall forfeit its status. ; J. . . The Barrie Collegiate In- stitute is under` very cdmpebent management and 'a., ne spirit of work is apparent amongthe pupils. li(Sg'd.) J. E. Wetherel-l, I11specto1'.', 7 `(This I7 ;`11.II p_m..Cobalt Special .. *5.10am` " Daily includinz Sunday. 1` 0! 10.40 a mToronto &'North Bay 5.15 pm. ' myoliiluou 67 - 8.80 p m..'l`oronto & Midland `MI 3 In ...... ....G_ravenhurat 9.85am` aocomrixodation, at this Mr. H. F. .WiHiains, 'eAditocri-all paragraph writer on the Vancouver, B;C., Daily Province, speaking of ' conditions in the West in a. recent, letter to the editor of the 'W;a.t.fond Guisdie-Advocate, J says :--M-any of the people here are a long way from being up to their own nancial rat- ing, andi it would bother some `of them who..c1aim: to be worth a]:1.the` way mm ten to. $100,000 `to *h?uehWib1# $9300 in W I` Ir-manna 5`, U ment: ? g\/ov\.U a.u.~ vALLuu5.u. wuu. LOU 10 bulk V\ Ull into your think tank. And as yet the surface hardly `been scratched. `As an agmwultural ex- pert puts it. `We have tickled the face of nature and she has Laughed back at us with crops. W1~.a.t'.wi'J1 be the result when we put into our farms the full scorp,e of our brains, energy and; sound judge mania 2 3 J-Lu-Iv u. D9611 . mun pa&2rp'1T.?EI It is wI{rt.h~ while to read it -through and let it sink well 3.4.. _....-.. a.L:_.`I_ ;___.1A )9 an 1. % `Cheer up, citizens". The Town Engineer s~ massive s-now pile on. the P.O. Square is grwdhmlly disappear- ing, -anti if the Weather Man does not send] us. -any more snow storms, it "is handily likely that that oici-a'1 will have more snow duzmped' there .unt.i1 next season. Latest calcula- ltions` wou-Id lead one to believe that `the snow .m0unta.in will -be entirely reanloved by the rst of July, if+--bu.t th-at .s only specu-1a.tin.g on the vagar- ies -of this 11ort]1ern. clime. T - \.Ivu.'u'u5'Ivv\.nn In our uu-vv on Java- hwbohery. `Look out for an extensive crop of sh stories rom. the Ship- yard.` Town. - ' . Frsh: 10. poun," advertises an Orillia. mserchm1t,ja'nd there s- one? every minute. An reportfromiNom16 says that a: number of esquisnmxux will inhabit Vtha Town .Engineer `I. __,__- ._ 1.1.` 1')f\ 6---.-. _.-._A. . , `oh irnom t,,1m= Tam Ajudgmen_ t are aid?-he F we s",;.;`who..,e"`*on';he 1:5? s;..f" mt" wnntetr. Lau:rierm:a,y-bewhugesusooessas lander of the" Opposition, but the diiculty seems tube to convince [the public that he` is not proving a failure. ' _,;.- .- Tvltispmposeditocbangethe mam- esofLtheTownEngi,meera.md!Boa;rd of, Works to 5 the Motm Buildlesrs. (Oheems from the merchants orntzhe `opposite side of the street.) N1-M-mus V` W Luvmyww `1 * k" arty the Board of Etiuoation has selected for 9; Collegiate site, re- mindsus.-thatthosewhogoout to meet` trouble generally have a short _._..|'l.l.. IO-rillia is to have a. new drill shed, but during the past year the 'O1'i'.llia. company of the 35th Regt. has been minus a commandving of- ficer and .the company went into camp in a raggi condition. Per- `haps the builjdimg of a new dirill ,ha11 .W.il-1 put more life into military |matters' in -Oril1i'a, `311'dJ be the means of bi-ingi-ng our Northern militia- men _to Attention-. At -last mankind knows how far. south the .W'0l1`1d' goes. There are ndeast and.` w,est poles, thio-ugh the huge pile of SIIIONV on the P. 0; Square would-' make a. good svwbstitute for the west pole if there" --ug... A.` A were 0110. Toronto has. had` the novel exper- ience of ning the ofcials of a ehumh for permdtting overcrowydin-g, Itheipenialty imposedi being $5. Per- haps the case is simply a conspiracy `between the Police ofciadsx and the Church ofcialsrto inupress upon: the outside world the contention that VTomn oo people do go to church oc- lcasionalily. . V up arvusnvd .5. 1.5:-AI) Ialav l~JvLa...tD6W kl'lVJ'V\/Ll. too much of a. counter attraction: for the Town Councillvors on Motnsdlay evening, and the weekly meeting was adjou_rned till Friday, says The Oriizlia ' Packet. There isn t much I` I['I'I n Q I! 110 Aucscnaan A. ulsnsnvln .Ll.L\Al\/ 1011: I: 'J..lL'l.l\41l :c`1 o-ubt of B-u1_mty .s? pulling powers. *`f %.'1\11ie article - above is-_ tiaketnl 1-om cwrrent issue 'of:Tri}_1ity Parish Apostle Paul`. real, Jami . .4 any PAID UP CAPITAL, 34,600,000 Y` . v T. : V G RESERVE FUND-' . $5,500,000 Mr. Fanmer.--Ha.=ve you seeh this '1 I 1'-"6-n;........'1. ....J. TA. .'... _-_-__L1, , `I Bunty 1=u11s the Strings-`proved V. .....-.,.`L. ..t .. ...-......4..-... ...u...-...;.:...... 1.`-.. v._- c -nI I can mesh but one thing--t,' aafent business relations. . nuacormuiiousigggy1jAo1=AMK can mean butoue thina_.tlm1-. Hm ..s..y nlll-_i IJl'Il`!\ with In re than 55 years of continuous growth and satisfactory service, invites smmas Am) nusluess Acco%um's_% ' Not. less; important is the Resuzr-V rection. of our Lord: viewed` in" its connection with some of the most animating doctrines of the New Tes:t1gm1ent~_ He who died for our sins, rose: again for our justification. The eternal priesthood of .. Ohrrist. supgposes, and in. -a. . manner depends ugponl His Res;urrection. For the right faith is , that in the body of His es11-the esh nailed to the Cross: and imprisoned in the tomb- He now interoedses for us at right` hand of God: a High Priest for ever, after the order of Meluchi-. zedek. The Resurrection of 7 ourrf awn bodies.--that stupendous: proof of the Creator s power, `and of the value which He plsgcesv `upon. `His `creature, upon the Resurrection of the L01-d;,-Hime self the rst-frru-its of them that. "(slant-,._ the p1e&ge`_and _ha;rbingefI\b . `uni : vvxtu-;.n1 ..-. .___._` `LL - 9: 'rii'i-EMBANK or ro1391;v_r,o% COntiIIIIl\I`I` nmnuyl-L ny.J and-3- >4 $5,600,000 -_- w-uvvvlll-III C` -that the stfvice it rmlcrsrits customers mak 0 ` I Hal-ton County` Council will $300,000 on r0a:ds. ' A man with money. to bum sel- dom starts ahonagrationr. This was a highly prosperousl country, delightful to live in--led the world in fact, until Borden got in. Now it is trust-ridden, railroad-I cu.-rsedt, and going to the dogs gen- erally. And so it will oontin-ue till the Grits get back to (power. Grit politicians -and Grit newspapers out of oice. (like the notorious owned. by Cuaig M Coll Robertson s brothser-in-1Iaw s w_ife s second cousin) are great bawlersu. And they complete the -simile by giving mighty little milk. ' . Owing` to the high cost of `living the annual tea `meeting {in comxec-' tion with the churchey is disappear- ing. It. is claimed that the meal cannot be `provided for 25 cents, and the churches havenft the courage to raise the price-hcnce the drisa.tpIpear- ance of [this o1d-time social event. Orilnlzicr. Packet. aoc 58....:.-In`!!! "18.... 8.80pm "' 7.60pm 331110 1 25......I.30pIn ._-__.__vv__ \/\/\.tAI_L TAKE NOTICE` ' A small Alberta town spends thousands of dollars on an advertis- ing scheme, while a rich and pros- perous county in Ontario is afraid to spend a. few h-undxreds. And yet people wonder t.h.a.t Western towns` go ahead quickly !-Ex. ' I I Take it a`.11`amuz1d ol-dg ()`ntaL'1'io`~l a.v1ert}ge!_up .W ihh` any `bf western provmacesi, excels in the eonylfox.-Es - of life` and average` pros- 0 ~ Major Cilrriev _-.-to a. tele- gram" of from Mayor of Col- lingwood-a*a s follows: `-`Thanks. $25,000 for public building is. to buy land and! the total cost will! be $50,000. Th total to be sp_ent in dredging harbor this `year will be on.` by Ann 11 ` VSom'ethin.g new in the way of ex- emption from taxation Vootmes from Waterloo, when; the Board of Trade- reoommeznds that for the. first two years after . the of a. new dwyelling, only thbi Iandshall be tax- ed. The Board! contecnds _that. va- __1__ 1...:_.... -._ .. ..4...,: SIMCOE COUNT; West Lonze ` cant property only -brings in a stat- ed revenue `and there would be no loss when the house .went up. `It is said that manxw Wforkmevn. labor in Waterloo and live in other nearby places reached by the trolley lines, and "the Board` ollaims that this exemption will be" an inontive to build more and better residsencesu If the this plan. other` \.I V1.11. uvll t Z): the club $1}5-.`., . $00. . Iv-Ill: KJUUJIAJ-LL llJ1JlI|c |-31.1.10)` lzxuuug vva.-um lmunicipalitxes w 1 the ex- Iperiment with interest. ~._ ' us-..u~`.,-_ uuv 1J.u.4\.L5\:a auu wwl. Iuruagur ~-U1, _u"`niv1'S_al deliverance from; the ,powe.r of the grave, to all His fol-T -lowers. - . ' :

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