Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 4 Apr 1912, p. 1

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I `-`L-\_,\1u. Barrie Branch-- - :F. T. SHORT, - - Mnager. LONDON, ENG-9 BRANCH, :1 'rIn-pnnlnoodla Qt. I10. I After a fempstuous~ passage andl some -amendment, a motion by A1d.' Bidwell to have the Board of Health have by-laws drafted govern- ing the disposal of gag-bage and re- moval of night soil ftom dry earth closets, `went through un-ani-mously. `I\ Aid. Davis delved into municipal history. On J an_u-ary 8th, 1912, Ald. JMarks had .moved that the M.H.O. bring in a report. on Garbage Collec- tion, and in response to invitation, three members of the A Health Board had attended the Gommittee meet- ing on. Fri-dsay evening. He thought they been accorded scant court-. esy by some of the Committee and received treatment they should not have received. - In short, it was a `disgrace. Ald. Davis . said the by- law was al-1-right, but unfortunately there was no.provision -for -a proper system. Any man can leave a sew- er just the way he likes and he would like to see the magistrate-who could convict him. r The Board of Health now propose an equitable system of carrying out the provi- sions of the Act, ; and the by-law assist without making lit \_i}'1iI;\deIl8t)le on anyone. i .Reeve Bennett had the oor in an instant after Al-d`. Davis sat down, and the- weather -predictions denoted storms. He said : It seems to me if anyone" dis'a8'1`8,88.`with anything pro- posed`, they are marked down as in oppolsition. It -took the stand - that the Board.` t_ of Health now have the .~po'.wer under" the` Act.,_ and that we should , never have, asked: the: M.H.O. .-'e.yenfor rgpdrt on Garbagwa Dis-' *1`! ' "-.._ LIA.` V lunqfk`-lull level}. 1UL'"lCla .l'C1JU.l.U ULL U: U 5!: Lin)` pogsal. Here the Reeve quoted ; :assVages_ from the Act to show that the M.H.0; under the direction of _:the Board Qf Health. The-.Ch~ai\r-' `m-.ano'f` the not the ; M.H. , fO;,` shoiild.-rvport;_ is _nbt`_ al ` ' '.1:`ovwn;`%.co.ma>1ying:' TURNED STORMY. A-1m.ost. cut in two by `a swiftly- revol-ving wood sawing machine, Abraham Pinion-, -a young Ilnsmaried Eugzlis-hm:a11 was brought to the V. Hospital on Thursday last, and is now ghting a brave struggle for He.Was engaged with Andrew Cun- ningham operating` a wood-sawing machine at the farm of Mr. Chas. Parker, near Minesxing, '~ when canting a log onto the carriage he fell across the saw, whch cut deep- ly into his left chest and into the lung. Dr. Murphy of Phelpston,` who was in the neighborhood, was called; and he summoned Dr. W. A. lhis -life with in his favor. `Ross in oonsultation several hours .L LJK./` I-LBJ IAIA \/\J. VV 6|-5| Z-FUWJ1 UU Minesing station to be nought to ZBarrie `but -3. blockade on the line del-a.yed* the train and the tern"-mile joumey Weaa. made over rough roads by sleigh. ` Grave fears were enter- tained. by the doctors that pneu- monia would set in, but he has so far W-amded this o and hopes are now entertained` for his recovery. SYSTEMATIC COLLECTION I OF GARBAGE. WAC, jcurv, j:-- W 51 Threadneedle 83., 51.6: . F. W. ASHE. - - Manager. Auuosw cur IN TWO BY i J CIRCULAR SAW {Young _Minesing Man F ell` Across Revolving Saw " | and Miraculously Es- , caged Death. A I Abraham the injured man has lived in the neighborhood of Minesing for sevenald years, and he is well and most favorably known. Relations in England heme been communicated with. ~ . `M. H..0. Dr. Little Outlines Method For Dividing Town into Districts and Tri- Weekly; Collections. ' The following reoommendat-ionsi were nmde by M.H.O. `Dr. A. T. Little, in response to a request from the Town Council. Progressive citi- zens will be pleased to learn that the movement for -a systematic col- lection of garbage is -at last assum- ing denite shape and the plan out- lined by Dr. Little loo-ks feasible and the cost will not be at -2111 bur- densome. Dr. Little writes: That while I consider the 'usei 1 of an incinerator would `be the sa.f- 3 `est way from a sanitary.ppint of} view, to dispose of our garbage I feel that the cost of equipment and maintenance would not justify a recomlmen-d7at-ion of its use. The garbiage so collected could be utilized as -food for hogs and` would have commercial value. .Co11ections to be made two or three times per week, according to the requirements of the house- hold. Garbage to be placed in galvanized iron pa-ils approved of Iby the /Board of Health. I would therefore .recom:mend| that the town be divided into` three. or four districts and that men be secured to coect the gar-_ ;bag'e or kitchen refuse from door to door; Such collectors to cover ` the whole town or `the most dense- ely populated areas-. T The ordinary yard refuse, such as ashes, tin cans, and garden re- {fuse to be collecteii as at presentl. ` and made use of for 1ling-np pur- poses to reclaim certain grounds, or to do away with ponds, etc. A general clean up to be made in the spring`-, and oftener if deemed. ne -` cessary the `Sanitary - I-nspec'tor._ 4 Good. Fziday, April 5 10.30-Matins and Ante-`Communion. 12-0 --3.0--Devotiona1 Service. 3.15 p.m.~Children s Service. = 7:0 -Evensong; Litany of the Passion. L ! 77)VI`{VT .s`A['}1[:-`int 91 Bax-illia Park. fteen min- = mes walk from Oro Station. $126 cash. Ap' `ply Box 15. Advance Office. . 14-14 " A tixix-di class of reftise s1;ch as! decaying animal or vegetable mat- % ter, `which would prove offensive if ;'dumped' into the -ordinary_ dump-' 7.0 and 8.0 a.m.`-Ho1 ' Communion. `-11.0 a..m.--Ma.tins, . oly Com,mu niVon. I 3.0`p.m.-_-:Childr`e`n s Service. _ .-; K . `_'7;p.m:--.F(_astatl Ewnsong. 15-.- 'm........L"I'| 1.1: :-.`..._.-uu-'._ .' ' v. * ' m~i*1-:1_.;;31'- iiiii" Aisri * ` I i injuzred man was: taken to l ..-.._'.... _1.-L:__. 1.- `L, TriniyLCl`1g1'_h `-B~ev_. -'li.:_r~1V4V=.st J : bBi`;; .Vicar; The golden annivelsaary was cele- brated in a. most happy and enjoy- able manner -at their `residence. Some forty guests were present, nearly all of whom were relatives. There were the persons present who had been guests at the marriage fty years $0: Wm. G~oodfell0.w of 1 J_..,J.c..._.:I. A11... ._ J _._:_ -1` e GOLDEN WEDDING CELE- `BRATION. On Tuesday, April 2nd, Mr. and Mrs; Joseph Goodsfellow of Barrie celebrated.` the ftieth anniversary, of their In April 1862 Mr. Goodfellow was -married to Mis1sIsa- bella Trueman, daughter of the late {John Trueman of Churchill, the Rev. Mr, Wightman performing the Anna:-v\1Av\ I-v ding ground, such as decayed fruit or other. store refuse, to be dispos- ed of in a. dumping ground far re- moved from any dwelling house, and such material to be at onre `disinfected and covered with clean earth to prevent its" lth being carried to other parts by ies, etc. Mr. and Mrs. Goodfellow nesided for many years in Innisl, near Craigvale, later removing to a farm about -a mile north of Barrie, where they till six years ago, when they took up residence on James ..4.......A. A.`L:_ 4.-_.. ALL 5. J\4I|rl$' `I651 O I V LL10 \J\J\I\LLL\JiVV `IL Bradford; Wm. Allen and wife of Lefroy, aand .Messr_s. James, John and Thos. Allen of Churchill. Thewekiding dinner at noon, after which a lengthy toast list was presented, including toasts 1...` 'FL_.._ TI2...... (CVFL- L__'J_ .__.J ...,.. ...... ,,...,.....M., ...c..m.n5 vvunua to The King, The bride an groom-, The -past fty vears, The Ladies? and; Our Country. Rev. Dr. `McLeod, in a happy speech pro- poseti the most important t_-cast, that to the bride and groom. To this Mr. Joseph Goodfellow responded in a most `happy vein. The numerous Speeches made in proposing and re- sponding to the several toasts were made the occasion of hearty con- gratulations to the bride and groom .Who hold a very high place in the ......L...._... -1? A.L-:.. _. ........ ___ .._2-_ J- `This ' dumping (ground- to -be un- der the direct supervision df the Sanitary Inspector. the ;eng'0ym1ent of very good health and it was hopefully predicted that they would live to celebrate their diamond jlibilee. I A very pleasant evening` wvlas. spent at the S. A. Citadel on Mon-I day evening, the occasion being! the tChildrren s Annual -and Prize Giving. Ex-Ald-. C`. Horseld pre- idved over the gathering in a `very able manner, and` gave the children some practical -advice. Some thirty-I ve prizes were presented _to the children by the Chairman for reg- ular attendance at the Sunday School. _ . oua cnrrlzmou. A la:-ge number of very hand- -some presents were presented to the hanpy couple, Who made their-guests most co1dia1ly welgome. OPEN VERDICT IN MIDHURST TRAGEDY EI l:E.~`I1.\'T.-\'I`IVE WAN'I`ED-In each 1m-ality to mail circulars for Cut-rate Gro- "<{r.v Mail OM10!` House. Few hours spare time wmcu.-i1 ~ - .920 H kl . An onecando the 1* Y91`1\'. N (ll$tl`1Ir {'11:-r:\i~`:l(13ndy frnmy DOMINION \It7 ULIKAILH '\.I L , U11 and relatives. I: A d"-eputativoni of Innisl Conser-` vatives .waited on Dr. `Palling on S~at.urday evening, to induce him to stand for the Conservative normin-' ation in South Simooe in the event of there being a vacancy caused by` the elevation of Mr. Hgaug-hton Len- nox to the Bench. ' The adjourned inquest into thei [death of the infant found on the tracks near Mid-burst, re- sumed before Coroner Ross and Crown Attorney Cotter on Tues- `diay. Little evidence was taken. and the jury returned an open verdict.` Supt. Rogers of the Toronto Detec- ` tive Dept. sent signed evidence" of` the C.P.R. trainmen, disclaiminngi any knowledge of ever seeing any` person carrying a box such as this .-_. LL- ;_`-_-_. ._ 1r......1. ,u..L .:_.`..?_I3_ ` IIJUILGULL VIQLIJLLI6 `C: UVQ DlA\./Ll. 4 lont on March 4th. i . The jury retm'ned- `a verdict that the child had either been thrown from the `train or" been placed on-thel rails, t.ha't it had been foully dealt , with-, by some persons unknow?n, bu-t..f {that there was nothing to show by; I. `L- ; The prabubility is that the secret wi11- never be .unfo1ded. as at leasrt. three weeks, elapsed between the -time the child.` was put on the tracks `and the day it_ was found. K -.--The Carey Shoe Co. have. at` last succeeded in securing a long` lease of The Pae Store and will va- 1-attalal "their pnesent "store on April ! Applications will be received unhll 4 n.m.l `aturday. April 6.? 1912. for nosition of Sanitary {Inspector and Pound Keeper for the Town of ` 33319: . A.ddre35 . `~ g ' r :- 5 " am` :9`)-m.N"~m']4IJ'r` ` _ i}%i;'!e`~1l: , A fSac1'__eto_;ry::Ltrc`x_1I_B6sr! `ofealth, Snitry _Inspectr Wanted P.RIZES i FOR CHILDREN. n. vv vvn an; A5 - Loam/\; ALI u-I-A\1 J C 1" of their numerous friends nspc. Hughes lnstrtlctive Address by Prom- inent Educationist.---Cadet and Manual Training Warmly Endorsed. ;AnE.'. vv.|I.tA an:-0 '\.AAun.u. vu-11151115 oI'\J'lAl\/\7~J Ut penny banks; cadet training, etc. Incorporated in his talk Were. some utteranoesv .ch-amacteristic of this mean who thinks ahead of the gen- eral public in educational matters, and, prominently emphasized, was the ultimate practical training the pupils received in the niatter of thrift. and a knoWlecLge of banking procedure through the introduction of the Penny Banks. system in any Is1}2,1- (`HI .1: u /nu . no u t Perhaps no man` ever connected with Toronbo se educational system has come in for more newspaper pub- licity then Chief Inspector J amw L. Hughes, who for forty years has been the subject of both resounding praise, and cutting ridicule. By some of papers, Mr. Hughes has been as a faddist, by others as a progressive educationist working along adrvancedl lines, and some have described him as an egotist. The truth seems to be that since Mr. Hughes took charge in Toronto, and parti'cu.la.rly during the past ten years; the public school system of Toronto has advanced to the fore- most place in Canada. and now ranks as one of the best on the whole continent. . ' "gave. some interest- ing information and delighted the small audience gathered in the Police "Con.-rt Chamber last Friday even- ing` with his enterta.ining address on ._..._..._ L...`I__ .. 1-1. L..-_.___.._ -A._ Power, Skill and Character, said Mr. Hughes, are the three great es- i sentials which should be taught [every I pupil who attends school. Margy. people have the power to earn mongy,-but ifewhave the correct conception ' of V sxpe-ndirng that money judicicmslyi '9 By the Penny Banks systet11:.:th<=4y:., V.-were training many boys gannd girls to save money, to know how to use it wisely, to re- strain base appetites and desires and thus forming. their character in such a way that it inuenced their whole lives. Some people contend that the Penny Bank may make mis-ens, but Mr. Hughes sa.id he. [would run the risk of making one miser in a million. A child may be given do.Wnwa.rd- tendencies by Wrong feeding before its third year, and the Penny Bank was helping children to curb the desire to spend money on things which gratied de- basing tpasszions. Many people earn more than What they require to spend, but they never have enough to go` to the Bank with a deposit, and` he had urged parents in To- il`OI1taO to give their children. small amounts to deposit. in the Penny 'D.-".1- JJIAoll;l\I A circular issued had` outlined fortydifferent ways in which child,- ren might earn money for them- selves, and: many in Toronto are now Ihealping to support the home since the introduction of the banking sys- tem in the schools. In 40 .week3 Tononto children deposited about $180,000, mnmh of which is earned |L__ LL-` __-_._:1_ n.______1___ mL:.. 2.. y e` pupils themselves. This is teaalling them, not only the valua of money and the benets of saving a portion of what they earn, but what is of even greater importance, I the. habit of ;being self-reliant. ' VWOULD Anomsn Exams. Inspector Hughes holds strong (Contin-ued' on page 5). `$1.00 Pan mnum IN ADVANCE .I4lAnL[ count: THIRD eruvn fF1.T5Ej'1% Penny Banks Qutlines Systgm of vvu up-1 I--vuvvwi II` IIIIVHIV -CIRCLE COFIII THICK OINTI BUNS l5cts PER DOZEN BRYSON S BUNS ARE GOOD srqnscor. Elizabeth & Ila-.1- A a..- SIX Bulls from Imported stock rangin from 319 20 months; reds and rouns; thick andilocky mmals of the right sort. Prices reasonable. F D1Y In ALBERT PURVI9. Craigvale. Ont. (mg (list Int-.0 nhnnn nrinhnnnn, 7-I9 TI'AOT_ORYV-- Bradford St. __-I1. ~A "rn:LE,r=Ho.\ms r_- oamm EARLY Ll` UL: ' V Jillllo Maple Ave. r; T0 - ADP]? Long ( [. I ' "Heredi- ocuuon noticc-1s herebY gc]gin\5 33 hi ota . _ ` ` 1 in all was P -2i%r?X?$ E?a`c'n. ate 0` ` "' Ir_misl int ho . _ 1m-mar `V he Count) 0: imcoe A.DoO of Febru'7a ., of ncd on or abqut the 2:3`? 9,2 mm W` 15` ` 1.912. are rnnnnrm` "" ';`:f3'82a?$.`3a'?:"pr'3.:i`:`s 58.181370 Total Assets (Over) A JiI3-*-.A.,_9v.nf V3 Lx. No.14 ` THOMPSON cntw. // . D00 ,4 ` ` Y A of , -/' webrg as ,, A d, them bor- 213,` o1' 1'0?` mu `b"i`r`.d on `,,bv 03" p 1912. I`0`l]q12_ to 99 A A'I)" 0t 1 lm of t 3:. f`-" ..,:Ji- (1-P` erwisc dc`.ivm~ tn `'1! _ .. , sWi0 T erwxsc dcuver to (`re 0 -- :1 or 915.. P"P`m t1;'a Y; M n.u.. N12` send D gge. , . t, 0 - eo ' wn of Bu.rne_1n t11`:1%9r`;?,1Ri0h' getgglid John RlCl}l'l3:nd Testamentm-ameswd.` H lIaStt11<`=.?x'1 Christian 'mg(l1i:uf `I163. enry 1c 1. _ ' d ; vg ' dresses and des_ ""p1t.i`$%:%i!:'e1.\*o ggigegyythellla lars otthew claims me_.,_ gt any. id executolz ed.,a}?riufftthe$g1;;id date the 3; of we satin Mid`. M} is 81' _ the` 558 d 0 will Proceed to dxstribute mes Ventme deceased among the 9 huvin , . . mob. claims regard may go those `they snll th assets. 0 -zany pers thf a chac,th'-";. me`. have n0e" gnbe ab, to ` go,-: xto(:"s`. wit g'!;:g:`egf1.e 1:0` digglotfgsv` pa5`: w`i.`L`;e claim twice I - ~ - 511$?` . ob dt` ` n recelved at the Q11 ? f.s`u `kn ELL .1- _, , said exec: us" AV`>" ` ,. w'n1 (rusily earn 320 weekly. Anyone can do the ark. Hut t furnished free. DOMINION. GR()(,`EI{Y(`o., Windsor, Ont. A 14-17 V \_%_ gov xs'Ax Machinist. Bnycld St. A 14' u:uclVe(1 the time of such d_lutr!but1o_n:: : ated the 7th day of March! AID. I Q 12. .7. , CRESWIGKE 8; ;cO..;;~_ __, of the Town 'off,BB`_!`1 1'6:.~'7j . in the County; otpjmnpn-.v. 13,15 Solici;c>,rs%{_1j4xAri ' * `Id-x cutgrs` {\l\ t...\. . Account. |fr::-:aEII'aI:u:-a Q. Now is the Time to Have ,._., .., r\ .. sHoRTHoN{[`{*BULLs A FOR SALE NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. SIMMONS & C0. $2-O0 Let us show youpur special dis- ;\)lny of at.tracuve new -styles. Ve are perfectly equipped for making: grouppicturcs. and will please you with the quality: of our work. Make the appo1nt- -nun? nnu! J. FRANK JACKSON that Group Picfure Made U111 \v lll [\- munt now. J I_U AL.Ukli'l` PUVRVIS. UPI I mce phone connection. Men s Hats For Easter * SA LP} _.a 32 foot Cabin Launch. 6 ft. 3 in. `H!!! lvunfl nru nnn 1-nun .4 nIr1{nr`nII A l\\1D`A NEW F ITWELL DERBIES M en's Hat Shop Without a. Rival at the Price 9? CANADA. M uker of Portraits WHOLE No. 4ToT-.7 Puuunutn. I O 1 t 5! VIII 7-19 I` M; H.0. Little made _-a. report on Garbage Disposal as 1~equested~ by Council. The text of the communi- cation will be- found in another column. ' _ ____ . _ 1 Vigs ~13"eKuS}1'ac1a1ow1edgd with thanks the receipt of cheque for her father s monthly salary, and; report-` ed that the hS`axnita,ty Inspector is recovering" but -slowly. ` up -run-ax ynwwyus II Lu _W A IMICT BO'VUl,uL D1113 between. Reeve Bennett and other members of the Council. While the hmdjs of the clock pointed.` to '7 .30, the proceedings began, and; after the formal reading of the minutes of the Last rneeting the municipal ma- chinery moved rapidly, and the. mo- tion to addorurn came. before nine o clo-ck. The Town Engineer .,and one solitary back-bencher witnessed the proceedings, which were enliven- ed by several outbursts` of unpar1ia- mentary language._ The Mayor act- ed as rmlediatorr and handled the helm like a veteran captain of the Ship of State. Chief of Police -King reported that 7 prosecutions` had .been made during March under the dog. by-law, 5` convictions and 2 dismissals re-. sulting. One prosecution. under the Public Health Act and 4 for tres- pass; completes the -record; -of infrac- tion of Town` by-laws. Seven. loads of coal were tested -and one found ten pounds short in weight. Under the Board of Health 3 samples of milk were found to be up to the re- qhived standmd. ' 0:1 I B. .M-cL'ear'V requested pe-r- I mixssi-on to ll in ditch in front. of , his property on Blake St. _ COMMITTEES REPORT. The reports of the Printing and Adyvertising and 1henFire and Police Comirniitteesvi were read. Minor reoommen-dations were endorsed by Council. - m { Chief Smith asked for helmets and small belt axes for use of re `brigade. Referred to -Committee. ' A equally session of the Townl Fathers was held on Monday even- ing,` all the representatives being {nesemt to witness seve-rgl tis _n ______ `l5,-,- 'I1_-,,,, The Finance" Committee recom- mended the pa.y'merrnt of accounts for wages and supplies and received` the Council s sanction for the follow ing special grants: Public Library $300, R. V. Hospital $300, Horticul- tural and `T Town Improvement So-` ciety $75, and- that the Medical Health _ Oicer s salary be increased by $100. _ i - * -n ,, r1L____ mnnn [Personalities Much Talk om M.H.O. srl Recommendations. -.-A Band Gets $600 Grant.--Must ` Play at St. Vincent and at Allandale. - Tvhe reconmmendatiom L the Fin- ance Committee to grant the Citi- o -n -1 mnnn L..---..1..1 .t....4-1.. 4.`|,._ an`0e UOUHIIILIEU DU guuu: uu-U \1A\.'1 zcns Band $600 bro ht forth the rst discussion of the evening. I`. was short-lived and the money was voted after an amendment. had .f.:i1- en by the wayside. CONCERTS IN S'r_. 'V1NcEN'r s CAND ALLANDALE. The Finance Comxmittee recoun- mended that $600 be granted to the bazmd, 3 concerts ~ to he played in St. Vimeent s -Park, 3 in Al1amdb.le and the balance where the citizens Band Committee designates, and one concert to be played` each week, V V Aild. Bidwell could `ecmely hide his time to offer an amendment plac- ing the grant at "$500. which was met by`a direct appeal by Chairman Sarjeant for the support `of the band on the that cuttingthie grant Get your Canadian .Home from the Canadian Pacic. Buy direct from the Company and keep the Speculatois prot in you own poc- ket. Choice lands for sale on the ten instalment plan. Gonven-ient to railroads, `schools and churches. Un- disputable ` title Excursions every two .weeks during `the spring` and summer. Tspecial inducements to. excursion parties, For prices, terms and aJ1Vother_-information apply-to T i'fS_ 1 8-20 A L .District I I I is-20 A in thv 17111011 Bank of Oangivdla is the 11.53, 1)1d(f0 for the faamly. funds. Eitlu-v1` U1" tW'O 01' -1110113 P`e`rSn3' can dg.,)n.-it 01' wlthdnaw money as de- ,]-M1 when In tmvn-a very conven-` 1-m.u,r.,ve1netr1t. 4 icnt 11 L` .],....J.`n I-`am. 1:-;n1nn-I-|.np\. nu-un.a .IVvVr-~.__.. A ayyantity of privht funds toiioan at .,A__ .__-c; r -..o. "on egpy terms of paym3nt.~ f I Lmymox. .COW.A.N so BROWN} ` * _.5Vg)gg1p;ors.?Bur:ie.A~ `f _44 g `u ; MONEY To LOAN Enliven Proceedings BAND Gms $600. COMMUNICATION. At Coimcill l;ER , GENT. `1'I-cI:_INV1'Ivnl:s"rs_~ oI_-'.4aAanI:;*jrH:couu'rv or since: AND THE common or cannon 10111; 11 1 1 u...,.,., 111 case 01 : the balance . , goes `to the survivor Without, -any legal formalities. _ . L ~ orm -L Van- 1 ,4.4* .. _%_BARRIE,.COUNTY%O'F SIMCOE, ONTARIO, APRIL I 'don t- think you have any busi- ness. to think Ianything about it, said the unwd-auntcd Reeve Bennett. I ing. and the Mayor exrplained that the Engineer, Chairnlnan Bennett and `himself -had decided to 11a.ve.t11e "work done. -Reeve Bennett. then` wero Az1['d-.MTLo\veWas`kTecl1 for a rul-1 added his quota to the explanation, s=ta.ting that the motion had been pa$ocl for this work by last _year s Council, and the motion called for a manhole. being placed there to make nit possible to get at any blockade I. which might occur. The work do1L1o _, 3,, L1- _ J - 'L__J_ ,`,-L,..,'..A_, WANTED A Rumm. Aldermen Lowe a.nd- Fraser want.- ed a _ruling_ in reference to whe- ther this year s council had author- ity to put into effect motions which been but. not carried out by * their -predecessom. The Mayor was cautious -and after some hesit- ation endorsed the present case \vit.hout giving a. g enc::'al ruling. It was all over the opening of a creek near Ald. Fraser s place. G96 ,. _ ` Wilt: gaxf Id-ulthority fof this creek to be opened? enquired Ald. Fraser. ' I did, promzptly. spoke up Reevel _Benn_ett. ` 1177' `DI `r `I I, .1 C `I `l `I 1 III tn I don t. tllilik you should, [said Ald. Fraser. . _ Ald. Lowe has an ear: fbr sweet sounds in concord` blended, and thought the. Council gave other `grants which were of less` account than the band grant- of $600. '-.It was advertising for the Town to "he libera1`w.ith the b_arnd'. ` _- -..1_ QEAA | `ff?! VII? VIII. I,`5I\ot$Il lIIh&\J $'lL'\JJI-, R .['IIvLa\a l3I.A-I-LAC The Mayor thought "the report! should.` be vadoptqed "without aimend-i merit, `as the Committee s recom- mendation had. ,n.\~m:ade only after mature ' deliberation. f " - . Here Ald. Bidwell said he was at the Friday night oComrmittee- meet- ing and he understood that they did not decide 'to give $800, but both the. Chairman and` Mayer we_re~ of tive "Was mistaken. opinion that the Ward I represent-a-'\ LU `UU J.1UC|l'aoJ. VV.l.vl.l. Iuv uuuun The amendment, td give only $500` was put and lost on the following divisionz. L ' A m'Yeas Bidwll, Davis, Bunker, Cl-a-rk, Rus-k.-5. . u---- ur 1 r` `-111 -s:LeaLxi, Marks, Sarjeant, Fraser, Lowe, Grey, Wisdom, Wes ley, Bennett, Mayor.--10. - ' ""'fh;7e"p3 ;v;; then -adopted-, and the band gets $600, with 3 concesrts in St. Vincent and 3 in. "A1-1-andale. - \V111\.`1| 11115119 U\4`\.a,|.I1I .l.ll\J vvx/1:1 tlvuu ;was- in the best in~tere'sts of the_ {Town A ' V 1 _ | "V Ald. ,F1'ascr acceptetl the exp1.an-a.- tion offered, but thought. a 15-inch manhole would not allow a very ltlirgc man to investigate any block- a c. ` V Reeve Bennett--Let s. have an un- derstanding; _If the Council wants `the C-hairman of Worlcs and the {Engineer to do nothing without authority from the Council. we 11 we tha}t. they don t do so. Ald . Lowe said he thought the rst of the Committee should have been consulted and the matter was allowed to drop. . ' '% Bunker had written to six other towns and cities and not one ofnthem paid such a large sum. TL- 113.....- LL......1..L ALA _.-...~n_4- meaznt tix Vdisbalnidmergt of the or- gamzation; ~ ` : F` In DAl.t`j-.-`\ 32 foot Uabin Launcn.u ID. 3 In, ~ beam. l'.~ac only one year. 4 cylinder 4 cycle . Hunter linginc. lighted by c1ectricit.y.BD1,BHdid' it 1) erl1_11p;<: toilet room. everything lin grezjfet `C0n(1L:,.-,- v ' , . . I B0\,E![>:I`1 Ii:{);1f.i(:db011b ll mules App Y 13441) *-~-

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