Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 21 Mar 1912, p. 8

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` Ann xx: J.u.na.lLu-V1. ,W. Oline Mrs. J. T001-bett Mr. King replied in a fewv well chosen . words, stating his mgnet. `in severing -acquaimtanoeship ,with who hiwe been so kixtgd to ' du-ring ' past six years 0 ser- Ime 5v;u~.h them. `He fel:';het,hat they. one everythmg in it power llto assist in` all his undertak-' `Tiff gwith you we wish to assure you of} our sincere good will and .Wishes: in ; your new, sphere. of labor, and; as a i tangible token of the same, ask you} {to -accept this: present. A We truslt! you will long sparedi boerenderf the great service for which you areg so Well qualied to the musical part} 'of the services. of the church, and [that u.pom_ your family and yourself the richest blessing of heaven may l ow-or nonl- !_ Signed `on beluilf of the p\astor,l official board and congregation`; ' ` Dr. W. B. Booth, Bzistor I ' T `D war.-1_-_" 1oveof 9. mm go, all V` ~:uL.._" -.... _. . I ya. u. y. uuvuxn. J. F. VWilsoIi 1'3 (`'1 `Ir v ii. Ldz` 'aw1:1l1Lel ' TIT IVY `flies. Dtnzjr, Tel h o - v of is soon at`; glllfnt :`::`:`:f`~`me ` ,Te1ephone Dimctofi 91. -`:fthB>:,Di'8tm'ict of Central Ox1t.ar10 contemplate b000m' or those Who Wish their present entry should ....-.L"..... ___`LL u__ Tmnl ,.- T. ,"'_-. r-'`*:`" "' "'f0ca[ 1` &re.u' orders with )9 1,o,,[ 7- _[r,,at once to msure H150 ' igt . I Co.of Canadl --The Carey Shoe `Co; `are placing on Sale this week 90 pairs of Men s and Boys." Tan Calf Blucher Bals, all sizes in the,new ,usp-to.-.~dJate toe. .T hes` are special vailuve-at 2;50,Ib11t We clear the. lot for $1.99 a. pair. , Rlnnaln..- '1' : . A . . . ._ _L ergo COMPANIES Mclllim BOTHWEl.L BLOCK NEW TELEPHONE DIRECTORY 5HlNG3 I and e DRY GOODS UP-TO-DATE STOCK `LOWEST PRICES ~ALLANDALE ure and ` Tom Paid and -star 51,2; 4<.u ani -J w W - '~ *-`~V-"*'**`--'3 Ion uranw 1'runK rac1c'-lailway, - V East Frida-3 ,T for the third. time 'Af>ril T211-d`, 16th, and 30th; M-.y714th this winter, an extraordinary 8111 of -a1_1d'_28th; June] 11th and-~ 25th; July snow came in .9. `single day; This; 9rt.l1;;;;tn:'g1:_ 23-ind; .Aug'u:s~t` 6th and" 20th; last big snowfall ' euzoe`ed~`evd.' a foot '1.-.8ept$m1379}r 3rd and 17 th. Win-nipeg `n .-nil ....+..`.... mu nn' *1u..-...,*....-;-. . ....;: --_`--v,- vwvv vu misc.-nu '4 had: 121:9 une td -break his. wrist one` day `}::;'e_1t.j. V4` 3 -nynnlr ' among .1! 0-111 --Th sale of Corsets, U-nuderskirts and -Hose Supporters stillnontinues, % evenings and all day Saturday. Mrs. } Hoard, Ross St. j ` 1 7--You will never know the full -`beauty of your gure until you wear The Sgiirella Corset. zT'he'y do not` rust, break. or a take ' a permanent bend. Every Corset guaranteed for one year. . Drop a. card and Miss lgoane will be pleased to see ._-/on .e1t11er "in you`; own .horne or at her residence, 16 Charlotte j 425-Ly Mr. Justice Middleton at Osgoode the trustees of the B-arrie-Presby- `terian -Church an. iinnuity of $133.18, payable to the .' minister of that church under the` will of , J 01111 Alex- ander, "Crown Lands` Agent, .at Bar-. zrie, who -died: rforty-four years ago. Under his will the annuity "was to be $400, but the Chanocery Court in 1870 'decided that the` personalty only was 1ia_.b1e for the pa.V=me'n-t of the -annuity and it `was reduced, the sum of $2,671 being set aside `to.fur- nish funds. Till now it '-has been ad`- ministered by the -trustees of the will, but. these. have died with the 4 exception of one, resident in Regina," .who is near]-y 80 years of age, I Hall, Toronto, last Week vested CENTRAL METHODIST. The pastor will preach at the ;n_1.orning service next Sunday, and in the evening the Rev. Jesse Gib-, son of Toronto will preach. ` E`DU`CA-TION ANI*`I`.IVER}SARY-' ,,AT COLLIER s1`. METHODIST n _ Next -Sabbath is Educational An-_ ixiversary, when Rev. Dr. Graham, Seneral Secretary of Education, will ` preach. Dr. Graham stands in the` :front ra-nk among the eloq-uent*a.nd able ministers of the [Methodist-3 Church. ., . A I AZFRIDAY S.,:BIG S`N.0WF-ALI... F_ we knew anvthin `better than-our RUBIDE MA for keeping the skin soft: and smooth we would recommend it-. ` Cus- tomers insist that there could not be argvthin better. AHea.ls chaps an rang ened skin in a night- V V . To: Good_` for you To ove__rlook ` Too Inexpemive for you. ` without ` Avoid` Chains DRUG 's'roR" 3"` A15 ' cents ink! 25 gents` Roberts`on HORSES % WANTED. vgyy.,yvuu.nuwa UL\.l. aJ.1Iu; JIUIL. V! l.u`.1ll'p\'55 and retu"mc $34.00; VEd1monton and Hneturn ,$32.00. Tickets-~ good for! `sixty days. Proportionatemates to principal points ,in, M3a.niboba,- Sa- skatchewan and Alberta. Homemak- ers Excursion tickets will also be on sale on certain dates viacSa.1".nia. and Northern Navigation Cbrp-pany; Full particulafs, `tickets ` and_ illustrated literature from any` Grand` Trunk Agent," or `write A; E. .D1iE,A Dis t1 i<=t Passenger Aent. '7`hto..0nt- T vevloped in `the western section of ;-_ the Province, and the Provi-11-cial . I Analyst has `ascertained that a dog s h head from Milton andi, another from .[ Guelph contained the rabies germ. Another xnatlwtiogn scare _v has do; People in these places are alarmed. It is saiidetl1a,t in Toronto there have. been at number of rabies cases s~inee| the beginning` of the year, ~impo1'.te_d' unknowingly" by-. kennel .men. from- ?.the eastern States` in `connection `with. purchases of dogs for loeal 'fanciers. The Provincial authori- _ ties are said to be exercisin'g .ca1'e to "prevent V further outbreak of [the dread diqease. ' - , _ J_.uuuu'f"' '.LVl,:5VB1' G691`; .'W'6_ Tall k1_1ow you `are only ,tw3nty_-s1=x.? .--`-Boston . .1. .--On aoooui1t- of i)(ad`71oa'dsu last week Burkell and Crofbon, '41orse?A-? ..buyers, were un.a,b1e.~to- obtain 3. full L shipment of -horses, "consequently 2 they will be at the Simcoe Hobe_l,.1 " Barrie, on Saturday, March 231%}, to. "1 apur-chase two ca:-loads more of good; I sound animals. If you. _vvis1;f,_t_o. dis- [ of your horses to % ~=.w sure and see thee- 'HOMvESEEKERS .k EXCURSION mo WESTERN CANADA. Via Chicago, including all points {on Grand! Trunk Pacific". Railway, Ayn-i1T2n.d, J une. and-~25th_; 0-41.: mm! 09.*..-I . `A..........1~ mm. .....1. nnn. . ; . SONS. `QF .ENGL-A-ND`..._ - ,3/LeII_1'l)er$`~fQf S_o?utha'1I'Lpton . ? [('.BVar-_ fie). and Kempen~e1d.tA `(A11and'a1;e[) (Sons -of` En;g"l_an5d3) pgid= '9; frat-ar1`u.1visitV.t.o the Rose `oi Co_u-- chichi,ng'V Lodge", 'O'rijlli'a, Monday eveni-11g. ~Dove1` of Graven-, `burst also visited the '-Oril-lie,` Lodge, at `the same % time. -A Ibamqut` was tendered` the vi"siting' brth _. I1 by the` Orillia ' ~A-l1 the visiting memtberrsa . report 11-a-vingwt a_ good. `time: ` "j - Tohe >`mw1..Boa.ndj'. of" Ligese l missipnels "for. the `Disfcrit of Centre Si1nlcoeA'1l1el'd.= the'\r'_l ltmgeting `in. Barrie last Friday._ An -`application .from J olm "Enrighlt, ho't1' . at Wyebridge was -bumed` down about two Weeks ago, ` ca-me lzefone the - .Boa.`Id',;_ and `after ~co11siderafio11._ they refused" to gra.n a transfer .of the tavern Ji- csensae to"ot.her opremi_s_ezs. It is al- togetherl likely that when the ques- tion of renewing the. license for an- other year comes up s-hor-tly; no re`- newal will be gmavtred. ' ' ~%*:E!.$ 81161: .%`!ra11yVA .k1.n.6s % of; >Sttirda,y* .vzas( ` %s,i"i;18 '1seoFpl chance \`:`,`. ed man .-.....J' ...-.....- LL--- -_-_- -..L`___L .11`- 4 F ;?0_3`d_`S`, V d .3 ,1I1C6'-'7t_hj ~ .y_u,ca5a,Ix,s:J. 7 uv--`__ .H`C jug" vhas `riedtwd `tug-,. e;t4fen1j9 fdejjf6h_ "t ha't,' had f~g1l;i._ ~ . ;1;` should call and inspect th-e~ famous 1 Sanitayry Pa.t,entA Toupw, as shown ibi - Prof. Dmwecnwemd of Toronto, at }"E1:e ueen s `Hotel' on Tuesday, __ -1- hon- - These fare ' not Only | fpct in construction, T-but _a.re _v the- on-ly Sanit-an~y L-and Patent-ed substi- tutes of _ox1e \_s qwn haim. _' ' T ' _--- ,At the Store of the vla'te Mr. Tohn' Crispin, 37 Collier Stu, opposite the `Central School; six second-hand Or- gans, newly repaired` -and in good order, will el1' at a sacrice, as the occupants are 1ea._vin'g' the premises. If you want a ,'goo;1 `bargain, come early and receive your choice.` l The architect of the new college iafe bu'ilding', M_r. B. Witton of H-amilto-n, visited town lasrt F_rid'a.y,. laid before the Board of lEd'u.cation - some sketches of buildings and dis- cussed matt.ers- with them. They` ap- proved `of , `Sketch B, btit s'u.-ggesrted a- few triing alterations. The architect will send.- a revised saketch at. theearliestepossible date, and the Board will then consider it nally- `MAKING A BAD ` mrmn _woRsE. `.Wo6'6'o6"o ; M' ' ``-o ",'9`*, i A 3% U55`/V W\lI\:'L& 53` March 26th, The Barrie `Branch of the Upper Canada. Bible Society will" hold.` its annual meeting on Wednesday, 27th` March, at 8 p,m.. in the.. Baptist` Church.` Rev. Jesse Gibson will `give his illustrated lecture on A Trip Through Korea, _to .whioh all `are invited. Silver collection at- the. door.` Rev. Mr. Gibson will also preaph in the Presbyterian Church,` Al-lamdale, next Sunday mo1'-n.in.g"and in the Central Methodist Church at night.` . /. ANOTI-IERA MAD 1)oG `S_CAR'E, Y6u1.-A A wife -- __,, Q09! ovuo \`_'_. ` ~Wh:_Lt s ;the trouble? ? . l`n`i'1d1 1:t inq1:1ire-. That, only` 7-L-S MZA'LL ENCoURAdEM:EN5 [ 1 They say a woman" is as old faa .4 1.9.1,. ` - } BIBLE SOCIETSI MEETING. *RE F_US_AEAD %AW TRAN_S}?ER, ARC`-HIVT'EC'1"S VISIT.` \. "[43;-3 5s}5F`1.i.-2}73TIba a)zd12a- ,_ pa; bloom. Sea Taylor. thy iloqat. V A11_-,1,1 ' ` a woman ran (old.-V" hgt "1 ~ 4. `f'.`d- V .97` A. 9? `BALD MEN FOR SALE, to, prove otgexoepgxonal. l%'mW my _uat;1 vauvu dTe"& -byvidlr. F1-: Hyde;`]Ewhen1I~:g:l -m.atters ;pertain__ing ahov the subject of game conservation A will be `freely discussed. Aspthis subject is Va live [due at the`preqTe 't At.imsea.nd is 1_y~ tfo be" for some `time ? to ?come, . . 91` . " t-i'I;_> ..-improvd ` ;laAw.'s% : `iorywhich vnuw, wgsuu ;_:uuu;u: '_pl`UVB~ OI Value! \ the many Vseekig practical infor- .-m.a`.tion on this subject. A new fea- ture this month is the creation-- of a Game ? `Conservation - Depart` ment ,,.,q;V+,,,1 1m 11:. 1r...'..'\1.tr.-..:..I _.1.__-:-. wr_, mnuteu, Woodstock, Um, and thefinterest of this articl is a crit- erion : of the interest `of those that follow, whioh:~in_clul1e articles de- -scriptive of` outdoor life from _.the Atlaritio to the Pacic; . `Among these--is the ',rst of articles" on. the Culture '-of `Black L and Silver Lioxes, "which. should prove. of vague annual.` ----`A-I-3'4--` 3? _- --ua.-gr oa.s\.|J \J\JL`o. An: isfgienoe on the Coast of Newfoundland: Hunting ' the Hair Seal opens the -March issue of `Rod and Gun; published` by W. J; Tay- loxj, Woodstock Qn-11,, a1_1d f}|n."infnnna+ ' +1.3- ....4:..;X .. - -...4 =::;,1..r_A1ry;,vVv'vvv:v`7vvvv,qg_gUv Vf`IQ_!O Q9,`OQ`; LOCAL On Monday next, 25th. Mr. .D. Delaney will dispose of all public auction at 1013 63 and 64. `Can. 7, Meudm/1te.o The .farm will also be. oenedf for `sale. .- Sale at one p.m. John` Jennett, auctioneer. ` his farm stock and implements by- u... 9545551535 xrru. .I.I,I.(;u.uD- . :LV.I.l. 11311 -l. .y Reedy upon being called noon, add- ed a._ few, words of_ compliment to his father and mother. -The remain- der of the evening was enjoyably `spent in social "intercourse. Mr. and Mrs. `Reedy received-many sil- ver tokene, . several coming ` from Barrie friends who were unable to `attend-. `Those present` in-eluded: Miss King and Miss Emma King, and Mr. and ;Mrs. William Freek, Barrie, and the following from "To- and Mrs. E.` Rossm,. Mr. and Mrs.` J. -S. -Whittaker, Mr. and-.~ Mrs. A. C. Battgen, M-rs. Annie,` .Missa John- ston, Miss Thurzav J ohns-ton,\: and- I M ronto: Mr; and M1-`s. J. P. Mill, Mr. [Miss Burden. ' i5,;vi;11;'%%%Rti`"nm1an,{ mg. ._t`a_ng; -C. McQua.y,'Ivy; `VV; Hill, H. Cald-We`:1l',\ O._ Peters, C. Fi`s*her;- town, zrecent-1_y nr.o-11ed- a.t' Barri-e -Businesos LW_EDI.)~ED IN TQRONTO. I A happy event took place in To- ronto on Wecl-11esd'a-yseve-ni;ng,_ March 13th, when, at -the home _of Mr. D. 1)-..- -ton TI'Y_`l_._--_ ._.I 'll'.. I1-.. j -CT.a.rson,=_ who. has` one` _'of `the ,;fine1`s-t, rtail bus-i'iiessesV in North-` ern~0i1ta1"_io,- was down from Hailey-= bury for a few days last week, .:_ f 1r Q10 -u-\~ W` 1 .a.rk_er,' 'a- former well-known young man of Vespra, was married to Miss Helena; Jackson; -a popular: *-graduate nurse` of the R. V. I Ho3s.pita.l._ Mr.` and: Mrs. Parker came up `on the Cbbalt -train--,o1_1 Thursday evening and` a reception -h 1'dj at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Shan- non, at which a number of friends, in.cludi.n`g many of the nurses of the R`. V. Hospital` were present. On Friday, Mr.. ~and Mrs. Parker left -ior their new hqme in Nokomis, Sak., where Mr; `Parker has a ne farm. They will visit. friends in Bracebridge" and Winnipeg on the ,way out. I m-VvV. Vvvv VVV~7V\V,VYV.`.V,P" V'- ..l . . .> 7, .r:::;' <;;o:g.s%T'<;jTar`1ey-%:;o-f mugliitbn visIi`t;ed. his;parents, - and'- Mrs. `John "Carley, Peel` `St.;` last ..week.' ' - }jM,r-_,;I` Jag, GiBb_o ns f ori1.1ia call- 'oLnV Bgjfrie fr_iend.'s. on Mpnday 'o_n jh1s "wa'y"~hom_e .f1_'or_n a _vis1t to hrs a;5g`eId ,f-a'tA;h~ef1i ]Sfayner.< , V \ ,Miss7 `M. V-Kath-Ien McNeil-1 of -Winnipeg . arrived home.` or"; Satur- day -will not rettmx to the VVest for a. month. . of Mr. and Mrs. -George.Reedy, .To- ronto,` was pleasantly observed on Saturdlay evening by . a social gath+ ering. at their residence, 152 Madi- son Avenue, Toronto, among those present being `several ,friends who were at the _m,arriag in ' Barrie twenty-ve years ago. The near ap-pcroacli of St. Patrick s Day was remembered in the Emerald trim-_ mings of the dining` tables from which an elaborate menu was serv- et , from 6.30 to 8 `o clock. Each guest- s` name was written on spec- ,ia1ly `prepared cards. bearing` some decoration ernblematic of 1reland s' patron" saint. Mr. A. C.` Batten as toastmaster, proposed` a `toast to, Our King, responded to by the National Anthem. He then propo:-| ed= Our Host and Hostess, pa '- ing` tribute to the respect in wh-iohl Mr; and Mrs. Reedy are held byl their numerous friends in Barrie and` Toronto._ Supporting this toast were Mr. Freek,D ..Mil1,.Mr.. Whit- -..I......' ._....J `II. ._.|__ __-__u- 1| The Silver Wedding Anniversary uwu. usuugum 1.5.3` L:.ua..w5Uo curu Luau left in'its trail many vacant. chairs.I With this note of sadness, however, there should also be the note of thankfulness from the living `for the blessings of life. He thanked the guests for'thei.r kind .words and wishes eipressed the ` pleasure of Mrs. Reedy an-'d himself in en- tertaining o1d_frie`nds. Mr. `H,-arvry D.-..'.'.J-. ....,... L..:..... --'n_.1'__..__`_ -11. .1`, ..' :- , -` ' "us i`.77,."""z-v ; $3959 QO _OOQfOO9OQODQQQ. f.," --._-Ohi1d.r.VenT sL 4-stm1';s\, all pat%::i_1.- _Ro;nan Sandals, great value at-$1.06 a_. pair. The Car-ey: Sh-oe, < Co. are wslling them )for 750. a` pair. -_ `._' "urru I I I\.al\.1 AJLIO J.L\,\..\, .Ll-L o JJ.I.l.l.1,,.LlJ..I.~c IVLALL i Y: I'ta.ker`,and Mr. R 11, who recalxled I-.p1eas'a-nt associations with Mr. and lM.rs. Reedy . and expressed their {pleasure "in panicipating in `the. Sil- ver Wedding Anniversary and wish- ed them good: health, long life and .prosperity. Mr. Reedy, in replying. observed that quarter of a century had brought its changes and` hiudl -_'L_f,., `nil :11: :4. J-nu-n:1 ....\....._ --.. .._...A. "3%6d6o8aooo6o9o96:I "TI:I'E MARCH ROD AND_GUN.. (IA socm. AmERsoNAL% I , _ vy LI\iv-IN, S`, 180. . I___.. _ -__,,_ - U115 lI\J'LLJ' _ `ILL .LI.l-$1.0 `Ll `Elmer Road, Mr. ~ Geo: ,,._`1`I l___.,__`__ _____,_ _. SILVER IWEDDING. CREDIT SALE; .f.rvuu.uu_.-uqtgl u-I-Ia. U-HULL , :53]. W Win 0 u `r respect -' esteem. Yu relations to `the ofcial bmdi have .a.~1w,ay3 been of ..the most pleas-! ant kind. We have ever; found you a worker in our concerts and? entertainmelnt, and in all the mrusi-f g part of the ,wor.of the e 'oo.ng'regation-'. ` ave appnecia - `by thettchtir, 1m 1- your managmnent, an I part rendered -by you:-self. ~:We eon- : sider that you with unusual, ability in your gift of 1{vefh.ave- eh- e_teTeut:--in`-thedqe1e91-ions; 5' am U -; . A to buy: their trunks. and. suit,,cia..ses`-. -. ---v`- -v...- .-*5`-v -+-PeofJT1e' . \?V'st7 kn0w .w'Iife The Carev Shoe ' Co... ` s_-a\_ve.",_t%hem money. 011 every plurchase, ' 1`. III__;__'.` _.` un- Mr. Chas. King, Choir Leader Cen-4 tral `Methodist Church. Barrie: Dear Mr. King: It is wi4:h deep I regret that we, the members of the` choir, dfcial board: and ongmaga- tion of Contra-1 Methodist Church, have learned. of your antici-I patedi removal from `our midst. For several you have eldthe im.- .portan.t position` of choir leader in our chmph, and have` ., wrung v-vuvnvui V1 Ltll uawuu aulzlllq uuw / Thg `choir, oicial, H. . a; number of the congregation of` thei `Central Methodist Church assemb- led at the home of Mr. Chas King,, their late choir -leader, on Saturday: evening, March 16th. The event! was the present.ing' of an addtrees _a`nd` a gold \Watc`h_`an'dchain in. a. handsome ease to -Mr. King, and` also bidding him farewell before he` took his departure for the West. The` followixfg was read` by Mr. Cline and the -prese'n.tat_ion -`-made lbyMrs; Corbett. T A.-' ' ._ 1 IMR; CHAS. KING 1>1EsI:NTED,' WITH GOLD WATCH - . `AND CHAIN. . . WEDNESDAY; Mar. 27 `EOPENINGWDAY MILLINERY DEPARTMENT An A11aud51Ze`zia.}i1v'vL17ha1d '%%-3 the Police Court. on . S'atufd1ay_ for allowing his dog ~ to L u-un`_-at large ~_wit.hout.'_a. muzzle. One dollar and: costs were added to the Touvm T-r ea-' sury. as a result. f We invite you td He present, you ll be glad you EveiyvA:wo1 n .an w a1_1t' `her- attire td be. in Perfect ,.~a;ccord: with "the prvailing;` Style .-turns instinctively to vthis ,s'to're `knowing that she Awillnd th very choicest as _decn"e;ed by fashion Atid the entibe store . will be given up to our visitors to enjoy the displays of " NEW SPRING MERCHANDISE. ' ' xln The % Men s Department The Sale of Men s I and Boys Clothing of the W. E.'Todd stuck continues. We re to have an absolute sale of all Men's. and Boy s Suits everything is marked in plain figures and you `see the savings at a glance UNDERWEAR, NECKWEAR, SHIRTS AND SOX alsd come under the PRICE REDUCTION list ` Don t_ put it off- Come now l-.. ....v .snuw1.Ic\;I.`U`l.' O uuuz 111 `E09 lTown- of Barrie on: THURSDAY, IMAROH 28th, 1912 at. 2 p.m. All .pe13ons"interested will govern them?- eelveq iaocordingly. III-I-1-4-`A. --`-':----- `L _.._..._n....,, uLuU__J:IVU U1. U. H1311 I01 8.` __w9_xm_n se1deom,1-nterfezjes with his , _` . ` .- _nr-' that Application will. be con- aidered. at the meeting of "Board of License, Coxnmiasiqners to. held [ `in, A Inspector s Oice in the` I I I !-`J. Giilmou of Gravenhurst, and. ! I LBag;: 1-ie`, A_M_arch._1:,9th,` 19_12. 12-13 V '. `---.-VV0V1nenA s `Tali `AV Boots, an ' extra sp`aci,a`1` for `$3.00., a ;pair, but. The 'Carey ?S_h'0e CD. are A-selling .them this week".fo:r'$2;6A8`. " \The":S_pring "As-sizes (Jwfy ` list.) be.i_in n:_ext,Tuesdz1y,A March 26t.}'1,2"l3e-_j fore`. Chief Justice Fa.1Acombr"idge.1'V _ [- -11--v"' -

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