5 The Kingston Stamdp.1;_d ~sa'ys there .tre 15 fewer da14ly_;.~n'vv"spIa.pei's,' '40 less Weeklies, semi-weelilies in 19%11,.ftlie, being.cliief- Library has to plead for 9, miser-I able $300 grant on '-the ground that] Orillia gives $1400 per to its ' Library and that Collingwood spendsl annually $1800 on its library. l I collifngmd Saturday l News - Down. in the intellectual town of Barrie where our county [councillors go , for work'*and wages, the Public Library has pleaq for r`;1i_er[-I Ihkln Q90 n-A--L ---` liquor men the greatest scare they have had` since- the vote on local ap- Ftion. On the question of reduction -in the number of licenses the muni- cipal powers divided six to five, the majority. being opposed to reduction. The delay may strengthen the cause of the advocates of reduction. gave a banquet to` the `Ontario Lib- ..uv auanvzx a..uu. tut? eral editors .w1-th a ve course din- ner. ` It was a great and. historic occa- sion on which N. W." Rowell, K.C., eral editors and` listened to the lat- ter eating S0_up _as an introductory u.uv x_uuuV II1OD0l'8" SIIK. HEP T1`;a`1 ly in black, with a delicate shade of albatross for additional warmth, and fastened at the knee with -a band and dainty knee buckles. " ` OH, YOU MOTOR GIRL. ! Toronto World. ~ Knickers, used instead of silk petticoats under the ' tight `skirts. `are also made of motora silk. nnnv1'-n ]\`nnlr 'l:......J' _.:..L _ J:I- - , V In-4. vunvvso auu 113 eating soup as, . overture to the sh .40 e!'91 Toronto Telegram. ' I The Rowell leadership furnished-I the Whitney Government with a. light lunch and the Ontario _];.i-b-2 oral nrlifnpa min. .. 1!-- -4 o . THE BRIGHT SIDE. Bradford Witness. ' Good times result in high prices and. high prices resulct in good times. bad times resulting low} prices and low prices result in bad -times. This is history. This country was proso- perous, never more prosperous than to-day; there was never a time when there .Was less actual gu ering-et.ill prices were never higher. Orillia is talking of paving some of the streets. It's 9. good intention, but you know of that other place which is said to be paved \`a`v'ith` good intentions. Toronto Teleoraml . If a Briton discovers the South; Pole the latter .Will probably bei handed over to Mackenzie and Mann under the terms of t.hei.r'street rail- way agreement with Winnipeg as `interpreted by `their Lordsbips of } the Privy Council. A quack medicine outt in Hamil-v ton oers to ship us four bottles of hair restorer inexchange for adver-i tising. Up to the hour of going-to press A.weJ 11-ave discovered nothing around this printing palace which 1 equiros hair- restorer except the lye ` i'n'11Qi1, ' ~ ` In case of doubt as to whether Capt. `Amundsen or Capt. "Scott rsf. {discovered the South Pole, the To-I ronto Wor1d'wi-ll be quite willing t v o admit. that W. F. Maclean, M.P.,! Hid -if ` vuvvv .5 vvvylwlum I did it. V { Toronto Telegram. 1 T__ , I` `I ' 1 Bruce `Herald and Tim A ~____A~li V 10 0 ` OR SPANK _EM! H amiltonl Spectator ' Perhaps the trestt manner in: which to treat the violent actions} `of those English suragyettes would 1 be. to incaroeratxa them" in some in- isane asylum, to remain at his Ma- 3'esty s pleasure. ' The SteaIe s Corners} k2orrespond- enrt to The B1`-adcford Witnes8 says: We are sorry to "say that Mrs. Joe Mattenly is under the _'Dr s. care. Hope to see her around! again soon. 7 Manitoba.` School Question No. ,'1 made Sir Wilfrid Laurier Premier of Canatia, but so far as R. L. Bor- I den is oornoemed there be no Manitoba School {Question No. 2. I N OT LOOKING FOR TROUBLE ' " '-' '---rv-vvu 4 GINO new mule will be dd V '- Ionpldon List until we monuys u:(iid`:o the sub I HIIhII'i.|nlvII nnuu I - ..-....-_. n__ -1,` I Toronto Tele ram, 'Il'-..:A._'L- (V_'L--1 [menses mus; ROUGH ON THE DOCTOR. THEY OWN THE EARTH NO BALDHEADSI THERE, THE OVER'1`UR.E.. OVER 100- BRANCHES _IN GREAT SCOT-T ! CANADA ` \I introductofy lnasunnnm The tax on bar receipts for the entire province will total up about $250,000. How muoh of this amount comes from Thirsty Barrie`? ' , invites vvvU\L Eiibrary. ' Having spent 4 years Post Graduate work in British Hqspitals and having served as Clinical Assistant in Golden Square Bar. Throat as Nose Hospital. London; Royal London Ophthalmic Hospital (Hoorilelds) ; for a term as Resident Surgeon in Royal London hthalmic Hospital: Bristol Eye Hospital, Bristo : and Birmingham Eye Hos ital. Birmingham dormer Member or British phthslmological Society. I l I --sUnanoN-- ' Eye. Ear, Note 6? Throat. L R.C.P. J: S. Edinburgh; N.l'.P. & S. Gluxow I - to, "0 no co. "0 Late of Toronto General Hoopiul. olce of the late Dr. SIIIIII. comer 8! " Phone CI. my Inn. MORTIMER LYON, 31 CARLTON l \ St., Toronto, late of Brooklyn (N. Y.), Eye and Ear Hospital, will be at 67 Owen St., Barrie, every Sat- urday. .DiIeaaee-Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Consultation hours, 11 11.12:. to 5 p.m., and by appointment. ! 3; G. sum: & co; PHONE 32. ES- tabliahed 1869. Undertakers. Open day and night.` Morgue and chapel in connection. Barrie, Ontario. (6131:. H} T. ARNALL; OFFIQE RnIiAn'nA nnu--u g- A JNWIN, MURPHY & ESTEN, ON- tario Land Surveyors, Engineers, etc. Established 1852. Oice, Medical Building, 8. E. corner Rich- mond and Bay streets, Toronto. Telephone, Main, 1336. Instructions left with Strathy & Esten, Solici- tors, Bank of Toronto Building, Barrie, will be promptly attended to. All the Latest Books IDR. W. A. ROSS, PHYSICIAN, SUR~ f` goon, etc., L.R.C.S., Edin., L.R.C.P., London. Omce and residence, Dun- lop street, Barrie. Telephone 77. scorrs BOOKSTORE Churchill, Ont. Oice and residence, John St., near corner vElizabeth. Inn. A. ii LITTLE, LATE OF I F Phone 213. A _ .._.. __.- ' ISTRATHY & ESTEN, BARRISTERS, Solicitors in High Court of Justice, ! Notaries Public, Conveyancers. Of- ; ces over the Bank of Toronto, Bar- ! rie. Money to loan at lowest cur- : rent rates. ` G. H. Esten. [DONALD ROSS, -LB., BARRISTER, .qn];nifn1I A4... 1:~.._1- -2 m-..-rLr - .--an vyuvCIlllUIWIU.I acutely. 0Fl'IC8-78 Dunno? 813331`. BARBIE. `Phone 51. P. 0. Box. 96; CRESWICKE 85 ALEXANDER, BAR- G I ' `I;nfAr -Qn`n~;4>n9a on` LI... ..-......-.... %BUY YOUR READING MATTER `G. A. RADENHURST, BARR1$TFtt, ` Solicitor, Notary Public, &c.v Ofce, ilat oor Bank` of Toronto Building. Money to loan at lowest rates. \l 01.00 rnnjriittwwrn Abvggcn I-IN!-law >`-r|vAvp|_,\; -'I1nunnu. iLENNox, COWAN 85 BROWN, BAR- _ risters, Solicitors for obtaining pro~ 'bate of wills, guardianship and ad- . ministration, and general Solicitors, Notaries, Conveyancers, etc. Oices, Hinds block, No. 6 Dunlop street, . Barrie. Money to loan at 41/_ and 5 per cent. Branch offices at Cree- [ more and Alliston, Haughton Len- nox, K.C., Alex. Cowan, G. E. J.. { Brown, LL.B. -1 7111' any Owen St., Barrie. 1`! ll` 7 per cent. Oica, 13 H. D. Stewart, W. AULT; BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, D-1\n`nu Nrn`-nucv nn 15*!) ..... u. A.;. nun nun. U1"!'1UE AND Residence corner of Toronto and Elizabeth Streets. (Opposite Flim- beth Street Methodist Church), Tele- phone 167. DR. J. A. C. EVANS, PHYSICIAN, Surgeon, et.., Coroner for Simcoe County. Oice and residence: Wil- liam street, Allandale. ' Telephone '30 a. At Stroud Oice: 2 to 4 p.m. Monday to Friday. VULVAJJU RUDD, `.lJ.l1..l5., .I5AK:K.lBT_ER, Solicitor, etc. Bank of Toronto Building, Barrie. Money to loan. go i ristora, -Solicitors of the Supreme Court of Judicature of Ontario, Proctors, Notaries, Conveyancers, etc. Money to loan. Office, Ross block, Barrie. A. E. H. Creswicke, K.C., Arthur Alexander. I I 0 LUIJJJ J. JJL&J-VLUJ-NJ .1. .1451, IuI\Ja-aa.\a.n. J. \/Av, Proctor, Notary, Conveyance:-, etc. Special attention in drawing and probating wills, obtaining letters of administration and guardianship collecting accounts, etc. . Oices, Boss Block, Bzujrie. Money to loan._ `V 011 K"la JJGI u f:L;D;, D M. liwaf -I uxnnnxzns. SURVEYOBS. .%..AT... PHYSIKCIANT ` 5. -___-v- STRICT PERso.\.a ., A'I"I`I1`.`.\'I`ln1\' Dnvn :- s P V ' ' A?;*I1;:T1:1\sl?:11)LTo Horseshoenng. MA \IUFAET`I;R-E:{`(T)F ' Buggies, Carriages, Wagons Sleigh: and Cutters. _.'--.._ \\ V ` No. na.___J3.AmLn sr. c--:-: Open to receive ; limited b r p `In d1'1D8 the winter season. 2Inp1l]_\{'na{ ide!10.. El. ` . . . . 1` an r::3:fo:+..2::';;;.'**..`:1:`*`,:;: .1n_l'<{ L. `F. ADDISON _ Teacher of \7io11n THE Yoklsnnuz msumast naunu .:..u. c.__. _.._- Our 'l`ram}it.Policy will protect intend shipping Horses to the Wes: I MONEY ro LOAN Wehaves large amount of money to loan. ttloweet current ratemeitherin small or in largo- umoums. on the security farm mon- I McCAR'l`HY.B01?S MURCHISON. union Street Barrie. b Bank of Toronto Bouamgs, Barrie Now. that both `the Nqnh Poae Fire and Life Insurance % Real Estate Agency j % % Money to Loan `A nulnlcy 1! load Farms and Town Pro- -, - Illts for sale on any terms. |JAs. ARNOLD] CRAIGHURST, Brtwr. LICENSED AUCTION [ER FOR THE COUNTY OF SIMCOE. Most rmsonable terms given cm alL i=:>'* ` Stock Sales V-..-nuuuus auu Dullflln ICE AOFl"lCE-BAYFlELD S l".. / , t_cen0! Manda` 000 .0" 1 n 20 aw? law` .. .,...., ..... use me aavers_er s an}}B`" m `"3 guy not b: made public untxl we w'eeCr?f::` B. cobtnmrsnn ADVERTISEMENTS, Coniensed advertisements on first page so want: of all kinds, lost and found, proper! for sale or to rent, speqic articles, etc at must be accomvamed with the cash. - f`-_L- ' /___ ...-an wall, Uiuino Cuts for advrtiscments must case be moun.cd on solid met: A(SVu6cess or. to ihe `late L. Barwivk) COMMERCIAL ms . Rates will begiven on appnioatf . ' On. lVl\`7|IVI'n n 4...... _ asnAnoJ.li'l' ADVERTISIM `` Legal Notices. Auction Sal ' etc.--First insertion lu entSei)e:IIl1_uscn1em| an uentinsertlon 5 cents per line 3 each mg notices, 10 cents ' insertion : 5 cents ' 01` ~. ggserug ofoghe same matter. Obitu ' `Th ` `latter fact demonstrate its trons. If you have any d ' 'q-n` ht! . 1,14% it with the paper t_hat r3a3rfe'`` ` ('1)! `not afraid to pay the pnce. Tun Anvgxcu: la!-gent: circulation c Town. to 9...- -1..- L - Al work done by expert machin- ist. and guaranteed x-at class. 8!. John & Brooke `J juexrooon -ro THE -rmnznv n for all orders in CASTINGS. Is 0 MI L REPAIRS. &c. Brewed Entirely from the Finest Malt and ops. DUNLOP s'rn'r EAST B A R R I E 134-`: --- Published {tom the office. 23 Dunlop Street. Barrie. in she County 0 simooe. the Pro- vince of unumc. Uunada, every Thursday Mom1n..by L ` Those iin1mig1-ants who arrived ' in 1"- Canada. on Sunday and ._who wrfi stuck 'in the snqw drifts in: 9. Nyg , ,Scotia blizzard, will form imh ._ as favorable -an i1np1~ession`5Lof 0a1_n-` ` ada s climate as the traveller .,who- .a `steps of! a trail; ativthe < _'.will of the Wbrk j`m fhod. ' `of dep_ositi1_1'g'-. ,?_I1!dgb" quahti icjzbf ` snow on th P.`O'.` '.__;~"_|; splendid `ALB and roman The lest and lrlclntest ` in cast: and Bottle o5osu?"F;6s-s sr. :c I-.1\_BAI S'1`A.\'l` _,__- _---v-:' `xv- Boilers. Engines and all kinds of farm and stationary machinery made and repaired on sholtest notice and moderate prices. _ by 1st. 4--- ____._ MANUFACTURERS. ,___..._,_ TRANSIENT . 7-4:-.. ` :- Expert Machinists ?%._ Andrew [ I-`H_o'N' 1:- ; as hcgyurthcrngnltvanucci *3 Drov ` F pfrnix. it CL- I tn IVQ the ty,,n;3;3, , . . . . . . u u, n KIVQH l`.. BARRIE.0N'P you if you ` accident- in every [81 hat... down in. Othv shini gath- I`I(:l`r; H1111] if:-om Barrie are :9 follows: % Ma1n Line. _ LMI. thml him. YO]:- hrst. L}! X 4_'1 i.\vL`l Lhn-. U rug` `IP59 Ezxft x1~; ; U14.` 2.5.: v"~~- [ht cm- at b,~> flioinz 1~:or2i. |._ LI the apt. rnomrson onnw. PUBLISHER. .--- .._._-u goovawvucl LL` LuIJ,Vl`Iu$`\- UNITED b'TA'l`E5 VBUBSCRIBERS L- - - 2590:9008 5.-of 1II.27:g.m 48.... 3.801) m. 55 7.50Tp.x'n and the -South Pole have V been dis- covered, there is nothing much ' left to discover except a site for a: Anewl Collegiate in Barrie that will- satisfy all sections of the Town. T 'mmmam nu.1mpm . V ' 2 .0. -"_!`l.lI p m..Cobal_t Special .. *5.l0am 16 '. 10 (Du m'l`orontu& North Bay 5.15 pm 68' 8501) m..Nurlh Bay......a. 125.50p.n1. 64 - 8.80 p m..'l`o1:unto&Midland `H2 3 m 6:! NOTE. AND COMMENT. 'V___ __ _____ , .,. .,....v... gvsauou-ulb I-ID II III 4 . ....Gr`&veuh_urst. j9.85a m Daily including Sunday. Thursday, March 14, 1912. Odlllngwood and A Meaf , _ . _ -_. v --`JO-(lJ\J|`-It $1.50 IN ADVANCE Barrie arid Midland. With last .week s issue The Mea-l ford Mirror entered wpon its thirty- rst year of continuous publication.- -IWe congratulate our contemporary on this birthday and wish itomaany `years of continued` prosperity and Hamilton. Ponotang. No;bl....7:47um -I2....1.p 1:) `' 56....5.85pm Going South 82--.-7.47am. -.6....5.asp.m 24....1.l_I5Pm Some people never because know` it ` they begin mmnmng u`.'. -lers appeaf to be underpaid, and - many people think they deserve het- uer cons-ideration at the hands of , the 1'rl1in`e'- owners, Osmada. may _ .tra.\.re'b. chance to test the wealth, nd"-Wvnrth of her coal deposits _. if; _:_i,11_t_3 ` American miners and` opera,-tors I .519 got dqpgie to an amicable agree`- ,,af1,ep t": ghe negotiators meetfthis month. The. peculiar thing a.bouf_ all -this war.` btween employr and 'emp1oyV1""'hV"_i`s .' fhat, no Tmavtter .whcg" Now the Liberals want Mr. A. H. Clarke to resign in South Essex to ve Mackenzie King a chance to slip into P-arli-axment. By the back door `seems to be the" only way Laur- ier candidates can get into the HOUSO. . I! using public `fo-ots the bi1l,;.-.'-If `the employer wins, the `.005-t-ofutvha article is. enhanced` by the `of'1;.he litigation, if the `w;orl~: ers `wi`n`,- " `the ,o`_wne);a put the price up_ to meet the 'in'g`:reas_ed_.* wag- es, Meantime :them .wi11 be con- siderable _suffe_1jin_g and hardbhip. wine, 5tli" purch~ vooortvd \/vu Jo Ml (BU J1`! .uLVaV.b-l.V1 .W1lU ii In Canada we -eah form but a very vague idea". or what the coal, strike in England; involving over a million and a. half - workmen, really means. Here, if the American. coal mines 'shut down with a strike. gwr have coal, though. infewior in qual- ity, in both` ends of the Dominion, and: rewood is not a1together"a E thing of the {past. The British min,-V L- L- era, 4955648 scholars, 872 cradle rolls, with 24,230 msemsbems-, 513 home departments with 18,824 members, and there are over 1,125 organized classes in the -la.tte.r society. ' The re- , port also shows that 37,271 .su`nday `school members joined the church. i That the growing tendency for young people to consider Sunday 9., [day of pleasure is not" . to 9. `very ` great degree noticeable in Ontario may be gatherd' from` a. despatch which states than . -there are over a million scholars in the Sunday Schools of Ontario at the present time as shown in -the annual report of the Ontario Sunday School As- sociation. T. W. Hwlpenny, the secretary yoinfsa out that there- are 5,092 Sunday : Schools in the province; $50,407 - oicers, and teach- JAE Minn nl-A I ' tum, and plans to construct 153} miles; Iwhile Haldimnnd plans; to ` construct 125 miles. Several sets of 1 1 road~making _machinery have been ,ordered, and stone quarries will also Ibo purchased. vThe ' present work '-will take six years to complete. It l is encouraging to read T of some- counties taking! hold -of the r'oad- building problem in an; intelligent mamaer, and! it would be -to the med- it of Simcoe County legislators if they [would _f9_llowT this creditable example. - - _,.___.- 1 v -`-V -.p --`.3 nnavlyn of the De1pautmen;t,. has dust return- ed from the counties; where he as- sisted in organizing for'.t-he7work, which .wi].-1 begin -as soon as the wea- ther permits. Welland has already arranged` to raise $100,000 by deben- A..___'.-- Plans of .Wel1and and Haldimand counties. for their joint ' county road system have been ' approved by the Departxnent of Public Works, and W. A. Me'Lea11, Highways` Engineer -1! AL- ' n firm to-day` ' `the 5: Tpiilishing 3 ,it'1`s_ays,* . ._ie fully. .do1ib1ethat' `,of ago, - Ate meeting 0 newspaper publishers" `at Bowman- ville, .it;waer estimated; that the cost`- of the-rst copy. of the Vindicator any week` is $92.61 and. by a careful reckoning it was gur- xnqnville Statesman every week is not` a centless than one ._hundred . dollars._ Figusred out on a yearly besiswthis meansthat it eostsV$5,2O0 a year to publish that paper, hence the printer s business is not all` ed that `the cost of the Bow prot as some would` believe. ' Hamilton poiice will be pnesent; at Council meetingw in that city. The alderman must be nearly as 7 'Ocia1 Go\:rernn1ent,`statistics`, in regard to Canadian eompanv ies show that, ._while the express com- panies are practically owned by the railway companies, 45.66 per oent.i of- the gross revenue of `$9,913,018 went to defray the. charges of ex-, prese pvileges-9-chiefly the right. to operate over .certain railw.a~ys. In regard to the telephone A com- panies the total capital liability of the 0537 organizations reporting V was. $40,068,220, and the operating ex- penses _were $6,979,045. The Bell - Telephone Company has nearly "150,- 000 telephones in use and the em- lployesl total 7,057. `-moan`; `-).`u.' -_.-- , 72* stronger `and 119 _ Cqllingzwood Bulletin --~ Barrie town. council gave the county __town Collingwood Bulletin _- Barrie horticultural society is a live con- ioern; that is doing much to encour- age. horticulture. Collin-gwood s or-- -ganization appears to have but one function, the sending` of dellegates `to the provincial association. -Collingwood Bu1Iet.inr--Ba`n~ie'is `talking of building a colleg1'ate- in- stitute and, to begin with, outside. architects are asked to submit plans. How encouraging to home t-alenst. `Will the contract be given out of if`Beantiful Barrie? Gunn, who -`hid. ina eel-5 lar,-conceak:d weapon. V ` ` -vovov vsauv V1, PUUIIU very. day of the Week-_ Two militant suragettes for breaking a _ window in 9, street car when they aime at a. policeman on the opposite side of _tlie street wS1u1chensk'uri Koppenhurijuwitz for breaking 9. Inanfs jaw. A nun: -_._ n -M-vwn;-avg mam .IW\.-E usuuvwus pm: 'eonvmt1o . _ ` I The Globe for sliding d wn |.n:tyn c`l:.-In AC ....-`l..l:_ __:_._ _- - V - - ~ - - j --- u~v adv!-01-J an pugnaeious as the London suragedr tea to require the attendance of the blue coats at their meetings. ` rows: ' 1 John" -Henry, proprietor of a hu- mor _ factory, charged .with false `pretenses. 4 I Tyrus Cobb, who admitted steal- ing `several `bases i in the American League, and had numerous previous rm a xx `PAID UP CAPITAL, $1,600,090 RESERVE` FUND -} - $5,500,600 4.430 We H. A. SIMS, `iWe` to take the evidence protested the Crown Attorney, `5for` I cannot make my joke unless -we `do. n It. is something about the Glorious ` Twelfth and the Irish, I have to say, The joke` has always been popular. a _ . 1`he Magistrate refused to re-open ' e case, and` he had no time to try any more. He intended to. re- mand all the others on the docket, so that he could} go up to-the Par- liament Buildings to press his claim .'FnI- oln om:i=+n-v` -- 1' ---- `*-`*""' T [for an no sauuuzugs ID pres assistant as she was overwork- 'B0lIQUETS & BRICKBATSI v-- on may vow lI&\to The case was 9. very simple one. Willi-am Orange. had fallen out with Michael Murphy, and` adlmit-. lted assailing him .with a hod=. (KIT? `I . I have a joke which I intend to `spring in it, replied the Crown Attorney, consulting the heap of ahnanats on his table. " I would like your Worship to take thefth case on the docket, said the Crown Attorney at 9 this point. ` ' - j Capt. Kxnunsden says the weav` `cher condition: at the smh , Pole are ordinarly calm; .Thet~e`in lies the difference between this point and the North Pole-all _th_e bick_xr_-I Why; is `there any p.a.rf.icu1ar hur-ry about 1t ? asked the magis-, fro fa ` Are you guilgy vof %1:h::.`s,; offenc- es? queried His Worship. `.`Oh, yes, was the reply. V Well, I` suppdse, boys. ,will be :boys, but do. not be so. rough in future, concluded the magistrate sympathetically as he allowed the Vviom J-A 'nn:\ The risoner _ came {to Att,n- 1 shun and saluted again. ` (L11-' ! '``Bythe way, Colonel, I have just Secured `a - copy of `your latest V01111110s W113 playmg soldier is more fun playing go 3 { A_.- vanv -. W .I. I n B blflib 1 ' vwuw-n. W V wvfn`-1.! cc car, sand Oolionel Semdo . He also ned {at the oicer who tried to arrest him, and: wounded? two citi- our-an-\ .... 7) What are the "charges against tthis man? inquired the magistrate kindly, " as the "clerk handed up sev- eral bunches Jof blue papers which were consulted by His Worship. ' It -appears from [these that the man got drunk -and; put a plank on lthe gtracki which a, styggt 4;.-- ,.__-.1. n 1. ,I;,wouldv- 'li;a;;refb<;:;:n inerely a% good-for-n0.thin`g. civilian if I" .had -.not read your book `How the `title C`_o1one1 got into the Senidon Family. he added, as he rubbed his B. P, nose. , r ,.T1i?_ , ah` .-the ` police: `qourt `-tha,t ' of Tho ` Atk_in_s,_ entered-' the dock and saluted` Colonel ., Senidon.` . The ma- gistrate returned -the salute and ask- d the prisoner what regiment he belonged; Atkins, who had a.` B. P. (big purple) `nose, repliedi prom- `ptly ` that he was a Seou___t. - Q ~l-I IJFIQ-V I` `\I`IV I I U with In to than 55' years `of continuous growth and satisfactory service, 1 ' QAUINAQ Ann nits-Inch-agn A ....--------- - v--1,11%???` ` can niean bu}. one thing-t11at tho: -anent business xjelutions; _,_. V..- -vv-`ox o-vvov $68 VIE mU5W'l ins: and strife in the whale world.} ,5.;.9.I1NH9,9_..;;59WT" OF A BANK Wm Our Exc Saying About`: TA#5B A N K 19.139 NT.0% hll (`RIPE nf I'|l\'V;I.III\I1u 1 -.--vuanu-.4uv|J DUI V IL ! sniimcs Am) B5i'1i=. ACCOUNTS - was were ag fol-J _.__ v- an JQDQIID :.s;`viL!e It renders its customers makes` for perm- Manager at Barrie & Allahdale It 35 mmomed that Reeve Bennett'- .Wi11 at next Monday s. Council mggting that the civic slides on the R0, Square be onen- ed on Sundays. The Council must have something to dilcusso '-