. J.ClC|61(l111a I . , / . I However, the f-a 1'..wreast, was beck-g Loliiing-, ,-and the Murphy liousehold, V naliy found iisaelf established nem- the banks of the Saskatchewan, in; Edmonton, where `Mr. M-u~1*p'hy is in? g Ftlerested in both mining and churohi iwovrk. M.r_. Murphy is - indeed a; [Woman ofthe west, and is -as ex-} ihilarating {is a mountain breeze {when she discovurses on the past... fpreseznt and fu_ture of the land of: {go-Id-en opporrmnities. Hers- is not; 3 the c-heap optimism of the real-es-f {tate expert, 11ort~he,unthinking; boast; !of the inexperienced: Hers is the: !belief which has seen. hmids-hirps en- gdut-red and work crowned with suc-l [cess and is oonrdiant _of the f'u:111-I [merit of To-marrow. I11 the bright; `lexicon of Janey Canuck there is no} isuc-h,work as fail. | ~ 7 _ i.On-tario to l\I-anitoba, where Mr. Murphy engaged in timbevring and `agri'cu`1t.u1~a1 .p~ursui't=s, assisted by his; `wife, who also kjent u-p her Iiteraryj `work, contributing to various maza-2' I I I I i I . . . . - . z .z1ne9 and -contlnumg her dutlos. as, a .1-evie.wAeditor of The Winnipeg: Te1'egram. ' ` ' l .. _v /' 5-..- v"..~~.. va. .vv.u.s\.fLn. U UU 1{.KZ.~I}`I fed, oavineointo village and gave} {evidences of being mad. Seven-Ialpeo-E ~ple-`who noticed the animal in time` to` get_ou,t-_of its way did. so and! `undoubtedly escaped an encounter, _with it. At Mr. Robert Hem'y s lpesidence a young girl was sweeping: {off the steps. leading up to -the doori },when the dog bounded up and at-[ itaucked her.` The girl retained` mar-V ,ve1.1ous presence of mind and {the broom stick she pushed theg idog as `she retreated backward toi ithe door which was ajar. Stepping iinsride with the broom still against! `the dog she threw the handle out: `of the way and slammed the door,; ifche animal at. no time during the5 fminute she fought it getting neareri ;than a. broom len-g~th to her. T he; dog proceeded to wander about {and soon came in contact. with Mr.` ilHen.1'y s dog` worrying and biting it.: Other dogs were bitten and citizens} I I . :~ad& The Alwliston Herald gwee a C18` ',with1~1 ta-iled amount, as %f01l<>W?, Of the camel mmd of the rables aeeted hour dog in Thornton Last "week: .'se?er-'= u Some days. ago .a stray ca.ni1V1e,% !the owner. (if which cannot be 1oca.t.- . ' 1 l lhnavnn :v\4-A LL. __-']1---- Ftom Upstairs Windows and Other: ] Points of Safety Thornton Rsi- ; . `dents Fire on Mad Canine ._GRAHAM.. . -- vw rvvuvuwnvano F fu th t 1 . s:...:::a v;ns:.*;*;;,*::i:.': W * "N W 7\-A-_! ;I_:- gen: u - .- - -_,_ anvnnl I110 LUVVII U3. IJBICXIIII "T"1E:Vias :-'l`en per cent. down. and the bal- ance in one month. without interest. when a conveyance can be given and the purchaser let: into possession. `E-.. A_.,AI'_ ._ ,_ ,,,.c u - - -- - A Mmuwu CONTRAST AND` A DECIDED : -V cav- The farm is all cleared and the land fox-the moat.pa.rt:is.ot the choicest quality. in 9. well settled so on of the country. close to churches andnchoo and near a railway. station. about 10 miles from the Town 0! Barrie. VIIIZQIZJIIG - III-.. e," Ul_1SU4'NT to the Powerlof Sale contained in "3 certain Mortgage, there will be offered fortsale by Public Auction. on Saturday. the 9th _d_ay of March. 1912, at twelve o'clock. noon. at the ueelfs Hotel. at the Town of Barrie. by Mr. ..;A xnnder Brcwnlee. Auctioneer. that I very valuable farm property. bein composed of the East fty acres of Lot mm: 1- Twenty- one (21),. in the Seventh Concession of the Townslnpnot` Oro. save the North-East ve acres thereof. the parcel to be sold comprising l5 acres. MORTGAGE SALE . -01?-`- va.1 u1;qe ; Farm Lands , .-V \4 -- u-.- v-\J\l\I v-n -up I\IIl ' 'i`ERMS -- Ten per cent of the purchase mon- ey on the day of sale and the balance in 30 do 8 I without interest when a. conveyance can I made and possession given. There will be a re- serve bid. I3.-, Fnnfknn v-\nwuO=nnsI`nn .._-.I.. 4.. AL. ___.1__ ECVVB mu 1 For further parti(_:ulars apply to the under- si ncd Vendor's solicitors. ` awed ttt Barrie this 27th day of February. 1912 I I ! i LENXOX, COWAN 8: BROWN Vendor's solicitors. 9-11 V " ' Barrie. Ontario -90. plus 1\ 0, 8010 I01` DIITYIC. 1 9n the property is said_ to bea comfortable I bnck d_welhng.-house wlth sewer and water ` connections Tnere are also a number of valu- : able fruit trees on the lot. I rnrsnvxupnn nu - .- - wuuv; 0 uullvlvvlu V-rl ).;t;d'this 12th day of February, 1912 G. A. RADENHURST, 7-9 _ V ' Vendor's Solicitor. Barrie ! Pursuant to the Power of Sale contained in ' a certain Mortgage. which will be rodnced at ; the time of sale there will be offere for sale by Public Auction on SATURDA Y. the 16th day of March. A. H. 1912. at [2 o'clock noon. at toe " QUE `.N S HOTEL. at the Town of Barrie. by ' W. A. Mc()on_ke.y. Auctioneer, that very valu- ` able Rcsidentxul Property, being composed of . part . of tots Numbers 10 and H. on the North ' side of Wellin ton Street arid E_ast side of Mary I Street. in the own of Barrie. m the County of Simuoe. according to registered plan number 12! and more particularly described. in register- `-ed plan r\o, 9613 for Barrie. On thn nr-nnnv-Ivinnnirl tn I-nan n.-n.......o.l.-.l.. Mc00ll6A|.|. Of Valuable Town Property in the Town of Barrie . j u So, I hope that the gvovemmuen,-t,! having embarked upon _ this ` po-licy, ' will be g'cenerou.s--ve:ry generous in- deed, almost la,vis.h--in the e.xpeI,ldi-%i turc of monevy which will s_o `d-i-rect-' ly concern the farmers of -_j Canada.` ' ' _' ' $711" 'c?H1c'.{o.?3 " "' ' ' The Grand Trunk Pacic Railway, shm-tc. E I line, fastest Limo, ncst .~;c1-vice beL\\'cen\\'im1i- , peg, Sakatoon and Edmonton. I I I I Full particulars and tickets from A ` J. E. BILI.l\'GSL' Depot Azent I ' Sa.nPra.ncisco,Ca1 $ Los Ange1es,Ca.1. San Diego, Cal. Mexico City, Mex. I I I . J { Spokane,Wash. 1 ;Sea.tt1e,Wash. I i Vancouver, B.C. Victoria., B.G. -Portland, Ore. Nelson, B. C. _ comp inear lwre sat- } oi.sa:ety :~besfore- being reached by }the' dog: excepting M-r.'_'-Jos. Sproule _; who was cAa11ghtiuna.Wa-res. The ani- yfmali jumped at him and) catching one of his hands sunk a. `tooth into {the_ es-hy portion. Mr. Sproule did ;. not attempt to put up any ght with ,'l1is'i-atsszailant but gv.c_>t out of the way as soon as possible. It did not take ilong for the whgle villsage to be- . Ana`- ____ BOTHWELL BLOCK Low Rates to Pacific ; Coast from Barrie March 1st to April 15th f -Best quality Seville Marmalade {Oranges just in at Vair s, 25c. and i35c. per dozen. Jupstairs `window. Mr." 7`Sprou1e & ,.W,oun:ded hand. was. given immediate; `attention, but the doctor advised having the head of the - canine ex- lamimed. It was! sent to the provin- icial analyst in Toronto and a couple ,of d-,ays']at2er his report was receiv- ied declaring the dog to have been {effected with an advanced case of `rabies. All the dogs about the vill- viage .were either killed or SOCf11IBdi land m-ra;ng'ements were at once made for Mr. Sproule to go to Toronto TlQrhD`:wn Inlnn `Dan-5---- :_-.. ---.-on u1l.IAUuLC LU` EU IA. .1UI"U`1lL() i `to Ieoeive the Pasteur tneat.men.t at. `the General Hospital. Proportipnate Rates from other points in Out. THE POPUL.-111 I:0L7'I`E T() .,.,. 1., \,l_,.\, \/IJALLIJIB JLUIJA. \ ]_\(I.D JJL 1- I min, and inspecting our ~11o1nesteads, um` the fact thart they c0nt.rasA'. _'the' mmlitioru of our roadna most. unfav- m~-ably wifh the roads they have been` zu.-<-u.sto-mod to, in the land they! (`(11110 from. . I 1 .;v1t*hia GENTS FURNISHINGS and DRY GOODS W15-*5T.I$IIiI3iffnf{I*IXI5A MORTGAGE SALE lnwthe Township o! Oroi UP-`TO-DATE s'rocx 1.ow;:s'r r-mess ne,Wash. e,Wash. uver, ia, nd, u `D (V 41.05 `ms . RUHK I M LW AY C 1>?- .1`t?:%; ALLANDAALI-I '.\l3'. S])~eal(en', I congratulate 'tl1e`1i ;.;uV('l'1llllCllt. -and the countary upon 1lu- intrml/uxrtiou of this Bill. I can lumlvly cnnceive of .c-my -lnoasureel Jm)l'(e to the credit of the g'0ve1.'I'1-I` am-nt.'o1' that will give more sub-` . l)(. ll(`Tllt to the co-untry, t-hgaznn 1ln'.< Bill. I cong'r:a.tulate the coun- try lmrtic-x1.lzu'ly `because it is,.a dis-" Iim-I: art in. favor of the farrne_r and- the ru:1'nl po-pu-l-ation. With it iisoclle-i" \\'lmt I-.wisl'1 l1un:d, at. all events Withj \'H'y ,<.:`1'vu4t. g'0ner0.sity, we have been; fmm you! tn year voting' large sums I of money for the construction -lofi railways, the wrlevelopmnent of our " czmul . and the i-m;-m"orvemen r. ul` our <; ports, but we have not. ln-M1 -(,lnl11g' V'0aI'y much that brings 9' aid lirm-tly to the farmers? (loo-r.l` For many years I have flt lat, 1 l1n,\\'v\'(*r '1l1U0l1 we: -may revobe `to, the 1 (:un.s'tI'1lL'tiu1`1 of railways, yetgso lonigj` as the main highways of the="co~untry 1'm1m.i1L in the imperfect conditionl in wl1ich they have ezxisted in-_ Can-l udu, t-he famner will be hundicap- ll ])(~(l lmth as 1~eg'ard;s~ g`0fttil1g' his pro- 5 (lll('ta' to the markets of the world I and also in the matter of `the vailua-, tiuu of his. I-aml. Theme is: nothiugii which much from the!` rcauly sale of la.n at. a. good` pri-ce`,| to people coming from Great Bri-I 1-. - Au- - ~- ` 4... ' - 1' H... I\ AL-.. ,. s ( 1 1) Lino H '1 " . `hi- ()u motion of Mn`. Cochrane for st~(_~u11(.1'l'ea(ll'llg' of the Government; Bill` for the Improvement of High- wzxys and Sir Wilfrid La1irier s' m_o-I tiou in amendment on Friday, ]. gaid: I I-av `B23. .431; `"5 av` 3` Simone : Membr A. A DJ; _ 1 `C ._ _ WU auuus nu.) `of pIopm1 ation- should govern us [but that we should!` be guided by _ the question of_the_ need. of the various provinces` -and localities. VIIWIII Il\IU XX \i\I\.lOJ Vl\IO5. . HEL1i_:rHE WEAK ' AND MAKE THE Smona HELP THEM; . . Ibelieve that" in th e"fu17ure in somae instances cit-.wi11 b T-advisable` = to_ 2`i.ve_ even a fair p1'0':; .p rtion to. 'P0P11'1&tiOns. some 'rov1`nce;s-, In order, to dlvelop. their .ighw' ` '1-,and !fou-..the ; that thelmprei. _ _ We keeprerything in Mu's;i ! R. % to be distinct upon this point.` Whilst I congratulate the Govern- ment most heartily upon this great l for the developmeumof Gan- ; itisqneof _themosti1n- Zpm-tzant stepein the advanoemnenzt` of" `long time-fyet I would have been a grea.t:-.dea`l better pleased if_ this really generous eppropvriation of money was not to be spent `exactly -.--v--`.--- ,- "iidn that basis. This is a pmogres-. eive gvvertnmenrt and I cannot be- lieve that they will, not come to my view, time. I -am quite sure`. that if they believe it is right they will.` That is:-the dierenoe between ,this side am! that. .I would; be glad- lifwe had: -been allowed more lati- ltudb and probably we..will take more `latitude later on in: this respect . in wf shall "say that not the `_questi o'xi" _-.-_L__1|.;;3_-_. _1..;-aJ.'. ..~.`_..`.... .-...Al;`.'.-1.3 the eppiopriationrn. of this and . VFNI tI\IIII 656553 II\Jvll B5 IvUUI II\JI -II II-V, . if there is anything on` ".whi_ch I would:'fl5~be disposed to -`express , a ne- gret imd -a. -hope` `at the sigma time, itisthatithas been-announced-that this 01-1 this initial vote and the inauguration. of . this _ \ 8UW3'mn will be upon the of population ._ -......-. -....1.._....--. .....-.....1- `I ...-..4. 77 C`. E? W TIT V IT`? `IL 33335` or .;ana.1agous: want to this -point. nn.:1;;. 1' --_.-...._..__1_;._ `L- n-__.._ I tlv`r|A-ABOULVLI, CIJIRL SIG J5 DU VJ\II.I." about that that he .Wou.-ldl `give: Bill a --black eye in order` nthat hewousld be able to say that he has*b1~ought in` `something new, in. connection with thus: scheme. My gght hon. fnemd the leader of thug } u ' l`Il'_. 1)-_.`I__\ 1.-- ..-_'__A_, I My right hon. friend the leader `Of -the oppostition; thinks that this lshoyuh-_l_d _ belan expenditure in propor- ition to-Vbopulatian, and he is 80 con- nn`\:;unL `L.uL _ 4---`: Ill U I L` O I `$32.1! `$.57 CMV3 `IL UKIIJ EMF.` Borden) has pointed oupftlaat already the desime of my rigzhtgrhon. friend?` the leader of the has V been gratied. But. 0 . H fJ1hi !n {Q nnval nn"`=m}|3n'h `F ..... su. --;ua.;vvuga--u.uIu .uU`l)U!l.l`) [ever said that We were bound` to con- swlt the provinces as to that `expen- ldituve and nobody `-has ever said Ithat .We were bound to. expend it in [proportion to population--suo this, g`overn~n1etmt,_ a' progsressive-- govern- ment, .a govermnent that is. going` to mark a new era and a- higher ipla-ne in the history of Canada, have` jcome to the soonctlusrion that not [only the :g'reat Water routes should `be attended to and Athetiron high-' I ways developed-, but that the` high- _way which practically, goes! to every farmer s door in Canada'shal'1 be at-' tended to; awd that the government. {of Canada shazl-1 embark in the en- lergy and intelligence to the solu 'terp.rise and bend their will and_en- ition of this. gmeat problem. - ` !The Need of the People, Not the` 1 Number of People, _Shou-ld ;- . be the Test. ..... ...v -..~v-v Iu'\-\.-AA. UALJCUULLIJIE \`.'~l,L|.I_-L'_' ` us sums of money m the promo- tlon of .nra1l-ways---and nobody `has awn!` nuc. +]m~.+ can u..-;...,.. L.........`I 4.- ---- I ' ..--~, ......-..,..u... uvu is/uca .Lcuc4'uu. gU'V(`.'-1'11" gmmt spent the -money- if they will? -,Why should not the federal govern- Fment have the option on other oc- Ecasions qf placing it. `in the hiands of] ':th:g pmovinctgs to spept in f:o-opo:=xr- iatmn and In oongunctxo-n wzth 11b- ;e1-al expenditures at the same` time `and perhaps on the same wovrks by the provinces? This-_is: a voluntary jaontribution by the Dominion. Just ]as we have been expanding I.10_-1`_' .'fnn.nn mwvm ml-` .vv\.1\rr\4\u- :... LL- '_.__-_.-- In-nn\`5AlA3\AI-VUh`3' u1.l.'U.iU1`.) expeuu nlolley {in the pe1'rrLanem; improvement or constructionv of main roads through ljthe country. But, if they see t, ( they may do it in co-opera-t.i:ovn .with `the governments. of the . provinces. gWhy should not `the federal govern- :"]nn:t .ET1lNl`I+ srvurxvunuu. .'.c &L--- ----'11a _aixteen `years they the hardi-~ `hood, if the" expression is parlia- imenntary, , to ignore their promises. `WHY -SPEND ALL 0}: RA1L\v.uj_?s? Now, the hon". mesm.'_ber ' for St. John says `that Vtliis money is -to be .expeLnaded outside ' of the co.-operation " of the provinces . . That is- not. ._cor- [rect at all. A section of the Act `provides `that the govesmametut may. [themselves direqtly ezfrpend mone ' 'nl3'1'YYI R7119-11+ `IInn~nmncvn.nan...L A- %c{mm=.Jrr s Music Store Phone 2598. P. O. Box 178 ` l'C"`?* SPh5*` "3 MP'AV-j A `Hook of ` fnsttuctiono given: with every order . ' . TorontoS'taxr.~ V ' [' E .,..,_ ..vu, UVJLJJLM As to this ,,ne.t__em1=;:m mix-up, we frankly say we qa.n t e.x'pJ:a.inyit. Also. we believe that-rif anyone can, the Vatican. - | ...g.u5u, ouapu guns. Dxunaerroy. ' .That"s whereumost of us keep our |automob1lqs, returned the V caller I [with an smile. f -.WeA,}$ee1zour` automobile in the; mirage, sald Mrs. Blundevrby. Tht, fkan rune` lk: -.... 1--.... -,,,,,l LESS EIXPENSIVVE THERE; Boston Transcript. ` ..Weyee1)_ 4011-r_ autggnobile t It will paSJ't call and see our line of Sprayin "Materials be- fore commencing t 19 sea,son s op- ` erations. _..-.. ... -. \a-o\I1.I'a"L 11.55:`, uu EJUZIIIIIQI j `by a. summary -of the chmactehrsu of} the play which besides the lovers, include -an Italian. house janitor,/_ his Irish wife, a livelv fun-1oving| `actress, a. New York man-a~bout- town, an. excitable Venezuelan. an amusingly whimsical uncle of the maid in love, others, including the PWDNB of a. dancing school and; [the guests of -9. yachting party. I I I Acessories, `including Bamboo Slgray ` ullv uuuncu, auu U: lull lllle 0 3:0- -Rods Nozzles, High Pressure ose -`and ower Sprays; also Raw Sul- rphur for those who wish ,to make their own mixture. _ To obtain good results `from. your orchard you should commence S raylng as soon as the buds be; g n to swell on .the trees; ` An order has been `placed for 'a. car load of Niagara Brand. Line and Sulphur, which excells all other preparations for destroying the pests on apple trees. It7$'.1la_.S_ also proven to be the "most satisfac- _tory thing for the potato V-plant-. ' TIT- -1-` 1--.. .1! We `also. handle Swift : Athen- ate of Lead and? a. number of the best; guaranteed spray Pumps on * the market,` anda full line of ac- annunrlna "`I1tI`I1li`n:v 1)..-.....L..... co....-_ tsmzoagj is` mu; :3 R: zd*"g * WPM4 11; 1s- `-ove, t is oourt.sh' ' . beset 011 90 many sides; and Igttzdigil by -_so _ many misadventures, _ thati -yvhlle ltself remaining an appealing-I _mteres1:,~-a.l.-I its accessory situations: arouse amusement Some idea of{ `the fun d9V10'P`- d -may" be gleaned; ." a;='nm*?r.> . of. the: characters ;`L'- . - 1 Because everyone all over the' country is humming, singing or whistling some .number of the soore_ of the big serisationaxl musical .suc- i cess, "Ma:dza.me Sherry whieh Will` `be at the AGra.n:d|_0perra House on, Wednesday evening, March 6th, the impression. is current in- some qymar-` ters that the production e chanm is; in the greater part, musical; As a matter of fact, the zmirth e.qua1i.ties . of _' the play jaie. no less erigaging '. than its score; , The love of a.- man for a maid under odd circu|msta:nc- e_s, love of .the soulful, romantic zsort, love that blossoms in the heart `of youth and ourishe as true ' love ever does, when things: do not go. ,R.Tnhnf]'1J.v 1'5 +1. M:-.....:..... -..-11 ml Aubrey Hooper has taken position on the G.T.R. ' . THE BIG HIT . T i MADAM SHERRY, = L HERE NEXT WEEK! ` Mr. Smith has removed his shoe` store -to the Leslie block. I rI\l|U Iv IlI\JI& "11- dom& Co. - I Mr. and `Mrs. W'm.{ Rusk spent-3 `Sunday in Toronto. . } i\'[1'. Fs-ter[ .(Ndrf.~h -I `W1 of the Swaw m 1 Rediem V of . Rosseau, who lost 9. foot in a. railway accident at Allandae several weeks ago, is stilll conned; to the hospital. He is new progrressing towardb recovery as .well.- as his friends would like. ` . Mr. Waltex; McLein has a! tuna "1. A n -r as u o... A. -..... -__ at vvuuaucu. JLUJEWLL `J1 ion on the sta of ..J.-....... P. I`- M1`. Wm.` Cornish, the popular! [young brakesman; who was injured 1 at South oRiver, is. making good! progress towards recovery. He is` still in the .R. V. Hospital but ex- pects to return to his home in a] fewgdays-. V o I . ` ' *".'.` ""' 6 ":OOQfO`Q`O6000OOQOOOOOOOOOO "1`-h:'e raLi-1w.my -are heaving with the severe frosts of . the past VAC?! ..vance 1-n _ -pnogiresswe legislatio . . < - ; :OQOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO00: A I Q} L g z-_._ _ in 0'11 h_ighymys from time to t,i.me.;V On_ behalf of the people " whom I have the 'hv0u1vO1,`;t0 represent, the farmexa of the _gre.atridi1ng of South? Sim- coe, typical of the `farmers of Can- QHD. lIl\V|lnun.\J---1._l.- ;1_-. V ED ; ` _g_rr!9 Qdgporage and Evapora_`m`%.- OH, YOU JOKER. AcR0'ss' 'm}af'1iAir' ~~--y v-VAL -\.u. w ynuuugwsm W-Va | 1m-1` on the hus ti"I71gs- and in `the. IIOII?-i0 to the people of Canada. Tm-I * Mona HURRY, TH1c:GnEA1`1y::g`V. = OREn1'r.__._ . H H 30.. I hope,- it -Will` `always: Jlxeau hon. gemt'.lemen do not under- T=111<..1 it. For sixteen years they`- `1\'f3I the fullment ofefvery pro.-.. ll11s1_:---I think every 11:11] even` I- think heard them that but I do not?` It was. I aoul:dJ'._-"never nhv H : .--.- v-u. \.n.:v.uuI.UJ.J, .Lu_L'Du .LlLLl3l]_J11v'y \V1"Ul6 -:1 series of sketches-, J a.n:ey_ Oanuck Abroad, ,which attra.c'rbed much at- -tention for thig bright and original` comme'nt on Eurqpean, from Germanfv cooking (`(40 `ri-tua;'lV-_ __ ........ a-uu'_vv`a'A\/ Luovrvutllulc D116 W85 ! married: at th age. of nineteen; to the Reverend Arthur A M-uruphy, an Anglican clergyman, '- and entered with-. a. _ light heart on parish Work in western Ontario. After 9. trip-to the old country, Murphy wrote -:1 HA1-1'na` Tn-F olzgh-.1m..'. '`r.-'......._. n_..._ -L' ed Bishop AStrach`a.n` School Toron-I to. and carefulfly observed` the rules of that his_tm'.ic`insti-tution S.he ways 0 -rwn-no-Ix.-u-`I. mt IL- ..... -1` --'- ...aa.w xcuguauu came Irom Wextord, and Mrs. ;Mu1'.phy tells a delightful story of 9. great-grandfather, one John Hunter Gowan, `Justice of the Peace for the county, who put his home over an eight-ba.rred.e gate, and, without dismounting, cut the clean off an outlaw with his sword." Winston Ghurchi-11 might wll become pensive over a visit to U1- ster when that- uncompromising Province is displeased. - . wuaohu.-. J-U1Co .u1uu1g1'1hg' 111 `CHIS? `simple fancy, the`U-'n1 ted States "bio- .gra.phers have "used the shocking `compound Scotch-Irish to dene the Ulster folk.` Of course if they would on-lyh take the logublf `t`<)S0gI;: v vestigate t e he-tymo o - tieh they might more care-> v ful of their olaadcatxovns. - _ As a Canadian Scot once said: ' It is impdssible to be in Ireland for ' halfan hour" without a of tempea-ament. And the Fergus-ons, 3 the citizen of Pailey gasping, and yet; Ulster knows~a..rest.ra.i-ning cau- 3 tion 2 w11ohLgonnaught1s-a Etmtoirigg ; er. u1'P,5', en, comes 0 ' a Ehlter 1 which loves advenlijz-lucrg t ,rev inpioneerdaangems, w ' laughs its wayalong cordunoy roads nd through forest 1:1-aiI_s a,.n.,1 keeps 1 the, Joy of life unquest1o_nd to_t_he Iecnd the w,ay.- The wlfe of Mr. 5 Isaac Ferguson came from .Wgxf rd 5 of"tiTe1l"f o}1ZV311ti:;1; 8;: 5 I%:..,:.`:..:;...';*1* mthe N:;f ` are , even teri lhundredsof .1;- th d5 -' ltressful Is1e. 7em?n31p1fi';i `m if tail 'n:*rn:n}.n `n-I-`:11: J-la- TY....'L- J. ('!A._; _ `The the straining rope, i I011, on the anvil _ of thy Wrath, re-; make me, God, that day. i I i i Mrs. Murphy is a Woman of such! ivaried: and buoyant activities that; one may well hesitate to say .what; she does hat or where she is most` at home. But, like all faithful` chl`0i1iCi1ell'S,- if we turn to her an-[ icestry we may nd the reason for" her enthusiasm -and unfailing sgpitrit. [She was born in the pleasant spot! known -as Cookstown, Ontario, and! was the daughter of Isaac Ferg-u-E son, .who came from Cairan to Can-! I....J.. 1\T.....' `L--- :- T W - -- '- ' |..., 1.....:,., tgv ...u uu_y pxxxunau. urea`; I and mg me on my way. 9 iWhen the wine has all ebbe_d- from} - an April, - " When the Autumn_ of life 'foxrg13.ts 1 [The cqll and the luuje of the `xvi-deen-] r . I - mg west, 1 ? 5 m;`n3E,` " L : `And the halfway lamp-3; a-11u'ne. ; Oh, purge me` in thy primnazl resi ......J n:.;.. EHAA W _-_ W - '-rw-vu HI uug v\.r1.uvL'1'vvv M`-I.UI~b W0 W8.`/S td_advaxnc<; swp'byA step in the` 1'edempt10n of promises they} I `."- I In.-Mu. I111 +1.- L........ .. -4-kn! I And so, in as rst; Prfesident of thee fwarthesrt north Can- ad.-ian Club -of women, assembled at` `our first meeting, my message to! you is a ringing call. to hanrdihood, la call to endurance, to work, and `to outdoor days. Let -our spirit. be :tJ1.a.t expressed by one. of the hard- .'iest of our Canadian singers,i I, Arthur -Stringer: - . I-.W11en I quail at. the snow on `the! .....`|.....,Il... ` ' ~ F": When the 't1*ails that ar_e lone- ~\n.A -..p.J. u - -.\,-a- u;:land Q1111 \1DII&lL `I C` S: L 115 nuuw U11 When I crawl frdm the glar of I...-ma; uuuu. 1111-Q-I '1uU.uH.lU11Z ` ``I tell} you women, the danger to: which we azrelnost liable is not one: that springs from the rude hordes` which we must convert int-o p-atrio-. ;`ti'U C-ana,d;iams.-f-not by any means.) iOu.r chiefest diangvc-re lies in the fact; that We are likely to be smothere;1! `by chiffon.` In these days of easef `and rapidly-growing weralth, there is; .a tenden-cy that .we. shall become, ganaemic hair-s.Iplit.te-rs or abby par-' v asites on the body -politic. It is well I tha.t the northern eagle should: `have va downy 'bneast, but it is equal-lyi ! Well that she have strong talons and ; ia rm; beak-in-a word, that she! ha.ve~ opposite qualities in. perfecti _ balance. - - _ i .... waaull .u.uuAyL1J', \_V_uU'.`: `W UIl"(.|S Were} so characterlstac of the speaker andl the country that ,We_ may well con- is-id:er their nal v-monition: . T 4..-.111. ._-,, V H -` .. O a_.._.. ..~....tn.u.-J -u; _uvvv_ . uu.wu.:1C|u. ,WU"" men assembl - at the King Edward Hotel, Edmonton, to hold the ina.u-,, egural luncheon of the Women -s Oa.n- [adieu Club. As was tting and; lfraternal, the Men s Ca11a.~dian__Olub sent a message of gmeti-ng to" the] new sister . organization,{ and several of the old-time hostesses of the Albertarn city told of the days of the Q buckboand and the four-horrse stage. '1 The speech of the occasion was d-2-j livered by the `President, '.Mrs.5 Arthur Murphy, svhojsr: _wo1'ds wereg an p\`n.nsnnp.J-....:..J.I- , `. ` On the twetieth of `lfast ag iglad` odmp-any of two hundrend` ,wo~i nn-.\..~.LI...'l .1. 4.1., T7 11 'MrsArthn r Murphy, Former Simcqe V Women, President of Edmon- % ton Women s Can. Club. I 5 I I 3 JANEYCANUCK I A WAS HONORED? ('FroAu,1-The Saturday .G}1~obe) -ouuuvu 'l`tL'Ul1U1y ICU Dy UIU `,I Igll|i' hum. gentleman ~(Sir Wilfrid` M`). So this government -have. !n`0up;ht. down this measure speedily, In haste, in a hurry-`-118 the hon. mmnbcr for St. John City (Mr. '~k*3') says", bearing evidence 1'U'y--anui to the extent to which It may bear evidence of hurry re-; doundiug all the` more to the credit =_1nd- honesty of the present admin? ~*"1 i1ti0I1. as showing that they are Preparer] to-day, T to-smonrow and al- uvotu. 4,; ...l'......... ..;..... -L_ -1... 5.. 4.1.- . . i - mvlte ; ........-.. uuo umu wu.-uuwu u. Uarlalll weakness! for hospitals, `dower-bills, clubs. district nurses, playgrounds, and Canadign fossils. Concerning the last named-, she boasts of pos- sessing`. a ' Petzraia. Csorniculum, a. spirifer and; a Ptiilbdictya Fenest.ra- Ito. I have not the ghost of an idea what these things are, but .they may be able to tell `you"at the Var- sity library. `Anyway, Murphy says` they are subtly -farycinating, after you" -leam` to spell them; A '. That` in the West, with daughters, may know hever.vi1iappinss; .'l~T_1d.th3t\hrr msa.n;i- `_`prra,ise: her in the - This `writer is. pm-eminently a lover of'outdoor life, and we are not su,1:prise& at a~1'l.` to learn that she is at -home in the saddile, and that she has achieved} the distinction of an oice in jthe `Edmonton Womem sv Curling Club; In aot, `she admits that she .9-an _m.a.n:age a coal mine ( d workings included) a timber lmrrt and a. farm; can. break Va broncho, and} .put a stane, T She also `ad.5nitis1"a oegtgjn ll trnnnlynnanl l\u- L A ---- A- _ [Vuuu vvxuuu U1. 1161 1.ll.[6I$IYSs LIKG .!-Tramp Royal, she likes it a.~11, : "and enjoys. everything in life so gen- I ; enously that the reader is swept. _ along on the tide of her enthusiasm-. Q , In literature her tastes show the} ', same breadthand balance, and you: . are perfectly sure that as a small] . girl she must have browsed in an} sold library and read a mighty mix- _ tune of Axrabian. N ights, William` ` Shakespeare and Sydney Smith.` There has beenta deal of talk _in' self), and then m'ou.rnfully declare that we have no humorous writers is a pesimisthxdeedi, in whom there _ are no smiles Mrs. Mu._rphy s_ humor 4 is not manufactured society epjgrams ! for the 11:1 blase di-n- ner-party, ut the ' g vigorous 4 fun of 9. n`-at-ure which has seen the stern. t:rai1'of a. new land`; bllfb yet : rejoices in the brightness of wide spaces Nvlashed with sun. fa l\u`\- -. u..-.u...u. ;. LJLUIT-L`.C`L"L-ll'dl gzrzlap us] well as a keen: sympathy with allf Ephases of human endeavor which: 'stimulated the reader s interest in] the people of Canada s great new` Provinces. Another book by Mrs.` `Mu-rphy, Open Trails, will be pub-i in April, and her friends are} 1((.v!45I1{._ f0lI'\VaT(1` to barges. bri-mful of; imerriment and philosophy. `' as u . striking fea- bure i}1VMrs. Mu-rphy s personality is (131- _ A. A ` I I I Like Mlrs. Mturphyfs book, Janey Can-5 uck in the West, was 21 most. enjoy- I `able collection of sketches of the tautvhor s adopted co1m.t.ry and show- eed-a Tbrieadth of intelle-crtmal grasp as] DO .0, `roan Q17-nn-ru.n4-1-uvv -.-.'J.'L -1` ` ' I congratulate . the govvemmenng too, upon the fact, which seems 170' irritate and ananoy hon. 'gemtle'xn1'en Opposite, that the govemment have not lagged back, and for years and years been prodded on iniiile-` me-nt their promises; but that they have come down at the every j` rstf ppportunity to make good prom- ises made on the hustings in this regard It does` with our horn. friends opposite. be" cause they are not aocustotmd N t0. that kind of thing. It does not agree with them . for another reason --because they know that it. is in marked contrast with the" agrant way .with which they dzisregarded their promises during the` whole` Dvriod of their `administration, and :30 the people cannot t0 notic the contrast .betw.een thb , ' _-ut adtmiuis-tration _8Jn|d` the_ U mstration recently led by the, lum ...n..n......_. /cg- n1:1:_:.1.