rolling , - itute- in roliving` 1]. txrilhk `A ._._....-- -\.-u 4: vua. ;.;.uuu.1. J.1.uq_ auu. he now wore. the peaked shake, with white pugaree, aected by junior staff_ofcers at -that period. His long military cloak, steel Scabbard, sabertache and Wellington boots, lproclaimed his profession, while his` Iblue riding-coat and cross-belts were lvisible` in front, as he meant to have his arms free in case the necessityl `arose to use s.word or pistol. I ! -A~nA Ln ..-,J.. 4.1.--- :__., 11 - -n - l Malcolm decided to risk it. He! mounted and rode forward at a {sharp trot. Of `course `he had not jbeen able to adopt. any kind of dis-I guise. While doing duty at the [Residency he had thrown aside the turban reft from Abdul Huq and` wgre. 44.1 V yucoqsu uuuugu, L116 lgUWLl* i ' - U The old peasant _was so taken- aback,.by- the gift that he could ` scarce speak mtelligibly, but he as- sured the Presnnce that at such an hour none would interfere with] Ii`-`TI I lA\l lull him. `ADV .u.us5 UL \Juu.u.. ' Malcolm was `relieved to hear this. The wild jnotion . had seized him that the Princess Roshinara, a stormy petrel of political Vaairs j11st'then, might have drifted to Rai Bgreilly bylsome evil chance. " l(TT You see this pony? he said! Take him. He_ -is yours. I have no A further use for him. Are you sure that there are none to dispute` my passage through, the town? "FLA l\]/] ......--A- -'--V - ` ..u yuan nuv would L!.RlI.I.X,, . I- have never been so far, Sahib, but it lies that way. 7 . V A ._Is the bazaar quiet `new ? e I have seen none` save our o.wn people these` two days, yet ' it was said last night that a Begum tar- ried at the rest-house. ~ I A Begum. What Begum? .``I `know, not her name, huzoor, but she is' one of the daughters of the King of Oudh. ][..1..-1.._ ____ `I . 1 ' ,went to Cawnpore, : I have heard. IDl_ V U1-AC. I You a,r`e lite, hioor. They Mn `talk, of much dacoity in that district. Is that true, sahib? ! Yes, but fear not`; it will be sup-' pressed. I am going to Allahabad. Is this the best oad? T `I, ....l is to. ur and paste burn .h cohi a burn s it is vvhe7 ._ ..-_._ _-.--v-v-vx-u ! The roomswam around him and the grim-visaged' moullah became a! grotesque being, with drago_n s eyes and a turban like a cloud. Yet he? kept on, hoping against imminent] death itself that his words wonldi ireach some willing ear. . ' i 1 I Any mainl-l--glilio galls Gexlerall lNeill-sahib--at Allahabad - that! help is ~ Lucknow-willi be made rich. . . ._ Help at Luck-3 jnow--immediately. .` . . I,. Mal- ;who are you that demand them? ihe said. I am an officer ,_of the! `Company, and I call on all honest} `and loyal men to help me in my; !duty. I prO1I}ise-to those who as-! slist me to reach A11ahabad-t.hat! they .will be--pardoned for any past: offenses-and Wedd rewarded. 'miW1.1aveA'no papers, -and if I had! , . . _ u u 111. uxsuxxxg [.116 116065` 5 1 | sary words invArdu. But he spoke,I lslowly and rmly, compelling` his; {unwilling brain to form the sen-' :te9,9es.- ` 7 i .~-.~.-~ ~-vu -nu uouAJu15= 1: I Frank s strength was failing him;!: To the` weakness eresulting fromgf loss of blood was added the know- 1 lledge that this ti-me he was trap-I1 |peid .without hope of escape. The`1 gmagnicent display of self-com-'l imand entailed by the effort to risel and face his foes in a last deance 1 could not endure much longer. He i [knew it was near the end" when 1143,; Ehad difculty in nding the neces-gf I 1 , 1 'A `Q0101? tnnurla :94. A-!-- 1-)r-` . ].In1vLnqn LL-.- _-- aaaa Av-Iv u, UL lllllll/alll; .LSlaIIl'. was plying him with mocking ques- tions. . _ ' I ._ Whither so fast, Feringhi? Dost; thou run from death,Aor ride to seek3 , [I T 1 I ---v... .uu. .uuu.:.,-U1` nue LO SEEK; -It? Mayhap thou comest from Luck-E now. If so, What news? And .where1 are the papers thou art carrying?; 'D`...'_....1_).. _A_.. -1 " " 11uLuu1L16 J..I..I.Ll1o Though Malcolm s torn arm was bleeding copiously, and he was stun- ned by being thrown so violently at on his back, no bones were brok-. en. His rage at the trick fate had} i I 1 I ! played him, the overwhelming obit-3 ,terness of `another and most lament-; able failure, enabled him. to strug-i gle tohis feet and empty at his; '.as`sa.ilants the remaining chambers!- `of the revolver~ .which was still: `clutched in his left hand. He miss-ls ed, luckily, or theywvouldi have but- chered him forthwith. `In another minute he was standing befor Moulvie Ahmed Ullah, and that earnest advocate of militant Islami n-roe .1\]vr:-r\r- L1... _:1.L `I v ....- `row uuu- \_u.-a_.u.uu5Ll D116 ..|`J11g11B11` _inan s right forearm, struck the hilt, of -the sword and knocked `the wea-: pon out of his hand; Exactly what! happened 5 next he never knwf From the nature of his own bruis- es afterwards and the manner in; which he was jerked backwards} from the saddle; be believed that! the rope `missed Nejdi a1together,l but caught him by the left should- `er. The height of a horse extended] at `the gallop is surprisingly low as{ compared with the "height of the` same animal standing or walking. There: .Was even a. remote possibility` "that the rope Would. strike the! lArab s forehead and bound clear of his rider. But that was not to be. Here was Frank hurled to the road-! way and striving madly to resist the` treble shock of his Wound, of thei blow dealt by `the rope, and of the` fall, While Nejdi was tearing away; `through Rai Bareilly as though all; the djinns of his native desert were? pursuing him. ' F[1'|,...__._L `ll 1 1 --, --- --- --- ;-v--- ~----. uutaw ` yl_ These` eon.s'ideration's` passed! .. through his mind while Nejdi` was :,lcoverin g some fty` yards. To dis-I .concert' the enemy, who were not. lsepoys and whose gxms were mostly? antiquated _weapons of the match-i lock type; he pulled. out a `revolver; a-`nd_ red twice.` Then he leaned; forward, with right arm thrown well in front and the point of his, sword three feet beyond Nejdi s} head. At that instant, when Frank; was` unconsciously offering a bad? target, the moulvie red. The bul- let plowed \through the English- 1rnnn q 1-~in-11+ 4-'nngnmm ..+......1- LL- Lzu read or % yearn: ng thou my and bxaaemh = pm to it Wmpletely. while any _slackening- of nnno nrnnlt-I'nnnLL-. J-Ln I-......A.:L. ..__-_.J .,'_....`,`.--5.." vvuoav nu; .oAaun.cu1u U], lpage .would' enable the host11e guardg Ftogshoot him at point-blank range. ' "ll__ _- ' A, I Hr I-$25: win IIKQIIT lsfzhign Ave. and Griswold St, neuoaa, Mich. ' All letters front C:zn:n .a must be addressed _ to our Cggnadian Cc-.rr< Depart- ment in Windsor, Ont. If y-nu desire to A.~,`.`.-E;--`f-eo:2AjZ'-`:`; .-.w_',' c:11?atT`o11r.Media1 Institut_aj'inDetroit as wg: See and ties: m;:"sf:uv,vs2A:s<' `iii ;o'.f.r Wi n(1sor.oes which -`are for Ccwrrespcnence and .*:gw1'.;'; "':>r.-Canadian b._1six1ss_ oxy. Address` all letters as followsz: n . grungy. -no..-r -5-. - .7...` _; _.-_--v .-o `v- -av` you any vc uuvuau nu. Ivuagvuuvhu vuuuaugca 3150333! I " &5m. avict`m'? Haveyouloathppc? Are 0 the di gt nr. f Has '3'o::ry{."!.Jood bean diseased? Have you any nuurobrgzw 3-rzzon d*.B::nL'1'Ix'rvwZ`.l care you. What it has dbne for o';he::34it.-w.1 Co for you. Coutulhlion. .-Fido-. ` o;Arnat-`cr` who has treated you. write fOl`j(m 1*o"est,<.':'z:io:1Frv-oc_fCharco. A Bodss` :60-"oyhood, Manhood, Fatherhood. (zilustmtcd) on 1.`L=.ea.-es of Men. 3 U5E.%'Wrg"OUT 8ONSENT1:hfT.I\;AgE.t 1;) _PI!nl. on was .. r-nve.`oncn v in .ConhdenInl. uostxon` an a~-;;;zsaxup;\ca _, 4 v ' '` ' V , xu..1u U1: J'.L.`DD'__.. A'..u.;u I111.-:1\'.-Impruden: acts or later excesses have broken f ;d9wn your syztrzn. T 1 on ice! the symptoms sic int; o'.'e.~_ 3_'_ou. rfeztaily, r;h_`,=sicalIy and many you Anna: tho man you used to be or should be. Wm you head the danger signals? I .Aa\n\v1-an an cvI.sA!-uO morn conic lg-L I....'.... A ..-,_-_- r_L-_. .12.... ; _ _, ___..__g O9, , are the most `szrevnlent and serious diseases. They sap the very lite blood of the victim am 111: ess entirely crauicnted from; the system will cause sari -us oomplieatior-.3 !; of Mercury. Ic may suppress the` s;,mpoom`.~s-our NEW b_1...;1`1~IOD.cures alluood ' 1-I-A"v~\`v.n~z\1\"-nvcuv.~--n .;...-n ..-.q -. . . . - _ - T mag 89` NOINAMES USED WITI*30UT XVRITTERE CCiNSE.L`T. uuq.unvvu `5'5'.r:'3"z'c3" 1>'.`* AC-21) MEI\`.-Im rudent acts 0 late - - [Own Y0!!!` feel C118 `rmntcme S`."r`_"1 IWI? n'.'n_- En-v I E~'lAS Y335R mac BEEN % msansl-:m / 7 harlot. M NO NAMES cowsxzm. confined to His Home for weeks. . _ ._.--..--_... .. . .u.uI.uL:aa GIL JULLCJ.-1 mzs. KENNEl`?E '1:fi3'1'~z1'-:13*1, Windsor, Cnt. Lschvndn nyluann. Heavy wot-1:, seven straining and evil habit: in youth brought on Varicose Veins. When I wuri.:oJ hard the. acimzg would become - severe and I was often laid up for a. week at a. tune. My fuxnily 1)hyici:.n t.'>1.l me a.'.1_opcratioa was my only hone--Luz. I dreaded it. .tr. ;d several -.peci a.i-.scs, but soon found out all they wan Led wag; my , money. I commenced to look. upon all doctorsas httle better than rogues. One day my boss as.:e1 me whyl xx-as-off rrork so much and Itoid him In condition. He advised me to consuit Lrs. Kennedy & K2nnedy,as ehad tztlzen treatment from them himself and knew , they were square and sk11l_f'c.l. I wrote them and got Tar: -New =M1:1'non Ts:2.u'zmx':. Hy progress was somewhat slow and during the fl:-st mom. `:3 treatment I was somewhat diseouragcd. However I continued treatment for three months lvnger and was x-ewardc with ncomplete cure. I cou`d only earn 312 a week in a machine shop be'ore treatment. now ,1 am earning $21 and never loose a. day. I wish all sufrorers knew or your valuable treatm-m.. I - - , _ . - ` _EENP.YC,LOCUS'1`. - - .J -mu, ALLVLAVLL wan Wl.Ll1l11u\Vll. %'i`{ was resolved that the Legisla- tive Committee wait. upon- the Leg- islative Assembly of Ontario and lipres for the necessary legislation to genable local or county municipaIi~ ities to acquire product.iVe- lands for ithe purpose of tree-planting and re- -forfsting, and that the Legislature !aid in such work. l Tliat the Council present. a peti- ;tion to the Dominion Government `that the Newmarket canal be com- lpleted -and made available for traf- gc. Such was a motion made at a. lsitting of the York County Council. {It gave rise to considerable discus- Esion, some thinking it partook too `much of a. political nature, others lcontending that it. was presump- 'tuous on the Council s part. Ulti- :ma,tely the motion was withdrawn. . TA. ___-- hi -1 V I` ` " T ' " lREFORESTRATIOl\' APPROVED I` k BY YORK CO. COUNCIL. -..\. an. I So the clouded day broke sullenly. ;with gusts of warm wind and red igleams of a sun striving to disperse gthemistfs. And the earth soaked and ssteamed -and threw off fever-laden gvapors as she nursed the grain to {life and bade the arid plain clothe {itself in summer greenery. It was in bad day to lie wounded and ill land a prisoner, and despite the cool- ling showers, it was a hot day to Lride far and fast. . us--nu uvC- u.1aI.- L 21111 L'UyC(.l. E The moulvie said no word. He {went back to his praying mat and jbent again toward the west, .where 'the Holy Kaaba enshrines the ruby `sent. down from heaven. But though his lips muttered the rubric-of the `Koran his heart whispered other ,things, and chief among them was !the vow that ere many days be pass- ied he would so contrive that no wo- :man s .whim should thwart his judg- i ment. 1 u - _ _ . ..._._,. . . >. . l; Hecollapeed in {she grasp ofthg -lme_n who were holdmg him. T` "Thnn Luna no`.-1 AnnnnL- .1-.. -3 _ `guns I He hath told us already, Brin- icess, said the other, his harsh ac- cents sounding. more like the snarl `of a wolf than `a human voice. He :comw from Lucknow and . hen seeh lsuccolj from Allahabad. _-_;1'hat means-- , L"`*It means that he can be hanged e_ s"'easily at eventide as at daybreak, and we shall surely learn the truth, las such men do not breathe lies. He will not speak, Princess! Leave that to me. If I fail, I `hand him over to thee forthwith. {Let him be brought `within and `tended, and let some ride after his lhorse, as there may be letters in Ithe wallets. I have spoken, Ahmed !UlIah. See. that. I am obeyed. qllqn rnnnlcuin nn2.J --.- ----J T7- i Nay, ' cried a woman s voice !from.' `behind a straw portiere that [- closed the [arched veranda of _ the ;house. Thou art too ready with athy -sentences, moulvie. Rather let `us bind his .wounds and give him lfood and drink. Then he will re< }cover, and tell us what we want tcT ;know."` in-\`:;rhwuv vvcu-; fxu1u1{.1g'~ nun. on has send enough, dog of & Nazarene. Take him` without and hang him, growled Ahmed Ullah. (EXT - __ 9! v- v-vv---av g,---v-- $:C'TUE" -Azanasomexy u1nstmted_weemy.- Lau-um: cu`- culation of any aciemmc joumal. 'l'eru;:_ tor Canada. 38.75 a. year. postage prepaid. bola ny WiT}o.3ern~amv- ewggrk ranch Omoe. 625 F t.. Tvashinaton. TRADE Mama Dasucms COPYRIGHTS ac. Anyone sending a aketchnud doccrlguon may quickly ascertain our opinion {roe w ether an Invention I: probably |put.entnblo. Cnnxmmzlcm ttou atrictlyconndent . HAN BOOK on Paxenta sent free. Oldest a ency for agcunng paumm. Patents taken t touch Mann .1; Co. receive cpecau notice, without. charge, acne - Q -2-..41-me- -I-1---. - --9 - - -- 'c<")l:x1'1~sahib--of. the ad: say. -. L ,I`I " ` rpecuu notice, wlhnour. cmmze, znuna Scientific Hmmcan. K nnnnvnnlu III:-tel-u-natl u-Anlol-.. `l"-_......L -_.. nrgzg {*1 Wm ulyuvu in con- ties ` % un pertyj; ;s` 19.3? . - `gs a homo. nantlnll ll ,, .3 Lalong--:1 ` 51 3R'rH.; I8 52-2: ; , 011 _l' the_-.15 1'08'.:7, alledt By Lydia E. Pinkhanfs Vegetable_Cp{1_1po_1Ind :1` .......-... Ho, then, in God s n'a-me, and xnay-1 ymzr K-1'I'21H_(1 prosvper, for you have.` m::n_v }u`=(> ]xiversT in your keep.-I '1!-fr " I`:` . ` l::x\v1'0I1('e hetld out Vhis lland. and ..I\[H]('U]1 clasped _it. V 'T 'l_`a-~11 I\ eill, said the C`l'e.f Com- .mi.~;:s`iu'I1(`I` in a low tone of intenstec stig- ni1i<';.Ir('0, that we can hold out. a 1'.rt:.~i;;ht, a month perhaps, or even .Yt\.s, rsir, cried Malco1m,Iea,ge.rl'y. I Imow the odds. `are against me, but liud.~'.m1 rode as far thapough . the em-xny'.< coun.t.ry' omly .~ix1W'e'eKS` ago,, am! I did something of the kind,` th011;_1h not so succwezss-fully, when 1' went from Meerut to Agra and` from Agra to Cawnpore. 2 K .` Yuu had an escont, and I can," I vparu not a man. e I will go alone, sir. V g I would gladly avail meyseflrf, of your oevr, but tIme- Residency wi-I-1`be :-nvuste-(1 in less tilvan hour. ~ . i , -r . . . v . . \.\|. nun. .:\.ua.r vnuuan IOULIIU Let me go now, sir. I am well Irmlllltwl. In the c0nfus/Lon I may _.b6 ulnlc to reach the open counitry with- out being noticed. -13,. +-...-..... :.. 11.3?" ..-n.....,. .-....,`.I. ........ mm; V WELL AND Anomezfwomnin - . l.l Maple Creek, Seslci-`-I`-h9Lv"e"'I1"Ied Lydia. E. Pinkham I Vegetable Cong-I: pound and Blood Purier, ~ and now in perfect health. I walj wnth pains eve month, I`kh9ur_...otherf.` women who sugar as I. .1; gladly recommend .-your clnO%?1,VQ them. You may. ublish` ' thunk it will help_ oh Co K, Maple Creek ` ' ` 0 . ': ,- . ` .=: If vnn 1...1...... 1-.`\=1I-`dbl-vnnI1`I\l:I&lgn'I!lI!?If E uy Jun? 1' sister.; I` annlllyx` uoox, Maple Greek 8as1c._ - 1. ._ If you belong to that countle sIA,arm`_y;; Of women who suer. from IoII.16.39f1`l,1..|"` Of female ills; Vdon ;t"rIi',O%,8i13BsI.'JO:L`-#:130?- Lydia E. Pink1_i8!n..; . bound maria vs 22:5 . '53 a'...'; wagebornf anrrlng .-.ommn'3 igyhijy in II riinnnnu unnunhn -.__a"" Jun: :2. rmncnuxm. wvwwum o pound. made an UUIII, 5" I FUUUIIIIIIUIIIII IV {B an pre ant woman.`--M882`-. Wmnav, 92 gun Ave.. Toronto. V Torongo.-I gladly give you my test1_m_omal in favor of our wonderful medncmes. Last Octo er I wrote to you for advice as I wasgcompletoly run down, had bearing down sensation in the lower part. of d ' in; th :inde opIm:;lso*,Ilu1?_ =-. bowels, backache, T U --`..`.I L-_....1I.I.-`-A-h` -.., .-.. . --vv oun--J 6.uu..2L:\,\.n. J.IL|J Allliolllll-IE: l'o AJ' ' he repeated,` turning in the. sad-dlev to watch the e'e-ct of the first shot! fired by the )1 (J t ti`-I'_\' . . 97 ... .. ....-., n... It.) 9-... u-u, uuz; u 8 no 'lI<-I'll: " W1'.':uvrence< looked at him, as, thorugh the rc-qu-ev. were so fantastic that` he hzul not fully grasrped its meeaning. 'I'n A |']`LI1\I1`\n')r, `an 1-t\n\t\~f-"-"'1 ..,., _ .\J:.IL-01111, to Whom ue s~olid'er. e' words .b1oug'h.t imspviratiou, spurred .\'e_j!i alongsidner Ini:s_ C:h'ief. A ~ - \\'ilI \vr\1\ unmw-..4~ ...... J... __S _1.- - L- N:`3`'iw1;`E:rm'i1i `me . to` ridia: to Alluhulam, sir, and~ tell Ge~nera.1 N~e1ivlI1 how nmtnttens stranrd here? `he staid.`- I .\..v...-........ l..-l....J -L L! I '1'-11:-are!" .s:ai-d- Lawrence, you see how my words 'hav~e:_ come t1'ue2._ A nljnuts ago you were re-ad.y..t'Q fall before the first sowam w'ho Ilifted his sal)c1' oval your head. Go now and help by drawing water for the gun- hers and _v0u1's-eil-V-es-. Tfhen' you can ride back on stlbe ca.r1`iage~s' wl1en.they hn1~be1' up, ' V ` \l. '.xt\`hi\ L . ...L.\.... LL- ~A"1- -' ` ..,---v-, An Englisll battery tea-me th.und;er4' Jfng clown the road to take up a fresh 1m: and `as.sIis't in coviering `the- net1'-cut. '1`):-e guns un-1*` nxar, a7 well. _ A " 4 o -n - 0 olo 'oIo lE o`o L , `:ououvouo-onono-ou t 0 on:)-oIli -o -0 Qonouo-o-o- -o-_o- ` [ bowcln, _ Ind am /is I stronger in ovary way. 1 use tool: Lydiu 1-:. Pinkh u!n'.I 90nf1|hln Fnwnntns. Iinfdind HIE ba.kingj alf lr` t, then strong n g stir .7 (`I-IAPTER IX--(Contin`u:d)L.' `J % ~ " "thcqrbratidl i 832.`, '5 Barrie Branch, FIVG Points. -. J 1 , ~14 BANK cg NovAsco'rIA A Correct Nai- ativc of the Inl diam Mutiny :_: STRONG n an&2 e years. . _ xles ot; 52:23 t3m't'5 123'; `S3. ' After receivin your directions. foll_owol`d 'thexn'".; cloudy and: an now?` entirely free tram Pain in `back and -_.-I.` _...I -- Au\'or of - "Wings of the Morning." Etc.I Lows TRACY uuuca LIUIII uu: jucuvuv -yuusuvu "we `the small s town of _Rai . Bareilly. Fifty miles; to the. southeast was Partabgarh. L Fifty xhiles diie south of Partabgarh `lay Allahabad. " The | scheme ; roughly. outlined in his mind was, in the first place,` to `buy; bor_- ;ro.w. or steal a native pony which would carry` him to the outskirts of Rai Bateilly before `dawn. Then re_- gmountinge Nejdi he` `would eitheg. ride [rapidly through? the town. or make` a detour, whichever `method- , seemed preferable after inquiyy from g such ' peaceful. natives. as e:he~,l;i;i1et `on . the e Aroad, alilour . hours `beyond " Ra " 3are.i113" he .W0u.1di.fgsi&:-:.thT;* E f l s 1 _` V ' .Luuc1.u_y v uv u. uuuuuuu u. At seven o clock he was ten miles lfrom '7Lucknow,- at eight, ' nearly twenty. The quick-falling shadows (`ALVA vsayuu warned him that if `haw -would pro-l curej. food for, Nejdi=a`nd' himself he must seize the -next opportunity that |preVse1ited'it'i_self, while a rest - of , epme -`sort was * - absolutely : necessary lifghe meant t3. spare. his gallant `Arab. forrthe trial of endurance that still. lay ahead. _ . ` g ` ` ` rlHL..--..L L...l~ LBJ, uuvau. m'I1:hough- he had never .befoi~e. travelled that mad he`. wa;s_-acquaint- ed with its main _ features. Thirty lmiles from pnesent'ipositio`n was I LL 4 . _,,-_ -1` L...-__ `U11. [1113 LLCLU. , i It was out of the question` that `he should -r'eturn_tb' the Residency. 'he'fore he began h1s self-lmposed m~1ssi.on. Already the -enemy cav- lalry were hswooping `along both tanks of t e routed troops. In a lfew minutes the` only~av.ailab1e road, lwhich crossed the Goomtee by a lllridge "of boats and led through` the. lsuburbs by Way of the Dilkusha, would be closed. As .it was he had 'to press Nejdi into a` fast~gall_op be-' fore he could clear the left _w1ng . of the advanclng army. Then, . easmg `the pace a `httle, he swung otf 1-nto .a B'a'reilly and thence to E1lahabad..`. A. ~--____ 4.1.4.`. I... .......A;.... .....:1.... lby-wlay, and ere long was e_canterin`g . down the quiet road that led to Rai . `I And in,'.a11_ human probability their fate rested with him. If he .were able 0 stir the Britishiauth- `orities in t. e south to almost super- l'humau efforts, a relieving .force might arrive -before7 the end of July. It _was a great undertaking he had set -himself; Yet he would have attempted "it for Winifred s sake alone, and" the thought of her anguish, when" she should. hear . that he was gone, gave him a pang that ,was not solaced `by the dearest hon- 'or a soldier can attain-promotion 'OI1f the field. ' ` ` ' n .1 I0 .- .1 .--. --_ -- ,----., .....,,. . r`ro_m the point on the road to Chinhut `where Malcolm bade this Chief farewell, he could see the tower of the Residency; gray among the white domes and minarets that lined the south bank of the Geom- tee. He had no illusions now as to lthe course the imutineers would follow. Nativerumors had brought thenews of the massacre` at Caw_n- pore, though theughastly tragedyof - the Well was yet to _come._ Heknews lthat this elegant city,m resplendent and glorious in the. sheen of the set-' ting sun, would soon be a living, hell; A fearsome struggle -would ,s1u-ge around that tower Where the dreds of Europeans would strive to lkeep at bay tens of thousands of .eager rebels. ' Would they succeed? British flag .was ying. A few hunr V Pray Heaven for that, while Wini- _ fred lived! A ;a few days longer` if buoyed ;1p'vi~t1x. _!'ho-pe. That is all. If you succeed, I L shall not forget ynurservices. The , Viceroy has given" me plenary pow- ; e1's;~m1d I shall" place your name in . u1'ders_ to-night, Captain 2!tIa1cglm._ g 4l';\ lvrnr-st -an----:~'- * is able. velopg. stories, _, ` W61 whila-` ' Luzu J_.4.lCuLt:!IlaIlE nranx Malcolm 01 the 3d Cavalryhad been promoted to avcaptaincy, supernumer.ary on [the staif, for `ga11antr y on the eld on June 30, while. a special minute `provided that he should attain the rank of major if he reached Allaha- bad on or before July 4. u`~nnyy-. `1-Inn ....-..'...L A.. 4.1.- ,,-_ 1 \lh\l\-`LlJ_ vu lltslltgl Qaplulll He kept his promise. When Luck- now .was evacuated after the Second Relief, the official gazettes recorded that gieutenant `Frank Malcolm of +1. - ' ` .; 9 . n..---1__- 1-_1 1 '41.. J. sman, manager A Thrilling Sto rs` of Romance : :_ Love and Ad- venture : :. ': : uavuuu |.||I.v.L1Lo Malcolm, of course, saw. him and regarded his action as that of a `frightened man, Who would be only too glad when he cou1d`resume,his_ devotions in peace. Ahmed U1lah,[ soon to become a claimant of sover- eign ` power as King of Hindu- stan, was not a likely ~ person to, let a prize s1ip"t_hrojugh- his ngers! the previous day. -He '- un_s1:rapp|ed' his -cloak and ung it loosely over his shoulders. Then he. waited, un-_ til the growing light brought forth the untiring: tillers of the elds, and` he.-.Was able to glean some sort of information the positionioi -affairs in the town. If ~ the place Wfere. l:31eu1;1'1eed a prowling garlig s mm 1: secureaa gui_e\ - S. i_ Keei .u an hat; `by payment ~._and -savoid its narroyv. cfaagif of ,_.,,,`, ,,`,nd he ran to ostreetsi ~a1tsfether;. At any rate It the roof of the dwelling, snatched w_"1d- b9 9" fh5h' an? *0; dash up a musket and took . steady aim. :th1-ou.g:h . blindly and trust to. 1duc_k.A- By. this time `Malcolm was. beyond The `5.`at 5tak ~'- t?`1mP t' the gate and thought` himself safe.. `ant, , fr _'.th`t"~.l 5rt f s `mp.-mdent Then he saw a rope drawn breast- _valO1`- H15 A b3?t"~W`-'5 t 1'31_` Al` highacross the narrow street, and t l?.h.t :m.8'h..t','."nt- _t hewv hm gesticulating natives, `variously arm- 'l=ay It`h:. 9`.l3h-pp5m3,' :.,h- d..-.9 -`ind. ed. leaning over, the parapet-s" on rgrrskr being cut down In the process. egt1.e, 1.and, - He had to decide in. A it-',l?he' lowing--t`of"cattle `and the;soft `the? of an `eye "whether to `;stumb_ling,v itread fof . iI1any:_u'I1ih0d 80 on or turn. back. P1.-obaiblye 2 his . fhim` 'thht:.:S0I!.1 0118.1 :was. retreat;.Woul_d `tube `cut o_ by. .`@PP`31n8-- A-;:e r-of .t-bualoee similar; ,'device,: so the holder .exi>d-j ` atheriilitam` .;,iTh=eir. ienttixof. madvance oeredte: the: `*gitivP?iai`? .was}.zquit9~.W'il1.-1 :91; chances-An imzomparable horTs`e~` ` mans moxngted tour a an absolutely a `-i\,;h( iYi.8.' !R:" lax =W911`f=for< .`e*i' ttagoa, Md _ r, '\ i s3 .-.a .,v `sue \..u;\.u1u,uLULLo LAC wa: UUUULI a mile from R-ai Bareilly. The hour[ was the quietest and coolest of the` hot Indian night. Some pattering drops of . rain and the appearance of. heavy cloudsin the southwest gave premonitions of a fresh-outburst of? the monsoon. _ He was glad of it. Rain would freshen `himself and his horse. It made the ground soft and- would retard his speed once he quit-` ted the high road, but these draw- vbacks were, more than balanced by the absence of the terric heat of the `previous day. . ~'He'- his*c1oa`k `and-ung loosely? un-.' imtiring: `land; able glean sort `of position I of. in: the If the; were occupied by -a prowling` gang` -of. .reb_e1'sv-he might secure .--a guide. by -payment ~.-and-savioid _ narrow: ;streets i-a1toge'ther.~_ , At; any it ` would he ;--.a" = foolish ` ` to; dash -:throu'g_h -blindly .,.and` trust, to .' luck. -The. issues : at `stake too import.- ant for of . imprudent * .va'10r. ~-,-;Hiai:.objeckwas, to reach LAI- t!!att; hew his .= :rik beiyxit .* precess-it V `-A. --- -o-v rnvvvuuv S i `The? 1-o;vixi`:oE;tt1e'and the soft stumblipg _tread_ of many imshod feet told him. that some one was apprbaching. A- herd of buffaloes fgiriver, an'~ o1d._-inan,- was ,quite .v wi11- . ` loomed Hut . of the half light.` . Their ' mm_;_- - _ _._ -`r 1 V .- .-- -.......... i g It would have been well for In-E clia if Nejdi s hoofs had then and] there struck the breath out of that` ascetic frame. Of all the _re- brands raised by` the Mutiny, thel Moulvie of F yzabad was the fiercest and most dangerous. . Early in the year he was imprisoned for preach- ing sedition. Unhappily he was lib- erated too soon, and, his fanaticism only inamed the more by punish- _lI1(`.l1t, he" went to the Punjab and so,wed vdisatfection far and wide by his hurning-- zeal for the spread of Islam. By chance" he returned to_ Fyzabad before the outbreak at Meerut. The feeble loyalty of the native regiments at Lucknow vs'ui- _ced' to keep `all "the borderland of Nepaul quiet for nearly two months. But the `reports brought by his dis- ciples warned the Moulvie:' that the true l:elieV'er S day of_ triumphs was approaching, Moveover, the Begum] of Oudh, one of three women . who were worth as many army .corps to the inutineers, .was waiting for him at Rai Bareilly; a placid eddy in the 9 '-backwash `of the torrents sweeping through Upper India, " and Ahmed Ullah had left Fyzabad on the even- ing ofthe 29th to keep his tryst. TL _k . - It was, _therefore,. a lively brood of scorpions thait' Malcolm proposed to disturb_ when he dismounted from! a wnetched tat l_1e'had purchased at; his first halt, and fed and watered` Nejdi again, just as-a_ glimmer of dawn appeared inthe east.- -A_ccord- ing to his calculations_`}11e was about as ~...:1.\`.C..-.._. 1)-.` 1'), N `| nan. aony; uLJ\.a`Q \4J- Ll-Vil|..yu _ `All unknown to Malcolm. and in- deegl little reccgnized as yet in In- dia savew y a few district oicials; there was it man in Rai Bareilly that night who was destined to test the.cl1ival1'y of Britain onrmany _al hard`-fought eld. `Ahmed Ullah,l fan1ous'in history as the Moulvie ofl Fyzahad, had crossed the young of ` cer s pat-h once already. Wheru _Malcolm took his untrained charg- er" for the rst wild gallop out of Meerut---the ride that ended ignom-I inously in the moat of the King s[ of Delhi hunting lodge--he nearly; rode overs-a. Mohammedan priest, as` he tore along the Grand Tru'hk Road some ve miles-- south of the ` station. I \ - . I Kai -it happen-ed,'it`hie' route hen, fol-_ lowed `was? far: removed from the track of murder and rapine that marked the early` progress of. the Mutiny, and ' the mere sight of a British Officer, moving on withisuch speed, and condence. must have set these worthy. folk awondering. rBe- Trunk Road stood the wide barrier of the sacred river, while the town itself [must not be confused with Bareilly--si.tuated nearly a hundred tween Rai Bareilly and` the Grand.` miles - north `-of Lucknow-\\`hich be- came potorious as the headquarters `of Khan"Bah.adur Khan, a pension- a-ruian second only to Nana Sahib in merciless cruelty. er of the British Government. andi I All ..--I_---_ I If I `I 9 I -_-- wu --v- van.-sour VJJLI-U 0`- ..l.V A the .. ywfayfarers encount- his journey treated him civilly. The ryots, ypeasant p`ro- prietors of the soil,~ drew their trough ` carts~ aside a and salaamed as he" passed, `These. men knew little or nothingy as yet, of the great events that were taking place on, the .south and west of the Ganges, A aeducated bunniahs and; zermin-s pace: I A _. dars, ` (Bunniah, `grain deauer; ze- mindar, landowner) xwho doubtless had heard `of wild doings in the cities. glanced.at7'him curiously, and ,would have asked for news if he had not invariably ridden by at a. rapid _`L `L_ 1`.,1 - I --l .f$.r-.---.-_-WV --V35 . .```E".``.. *9.`'`' . 1- fshall tackld V` `that `aLbou, this "hour*td-mo'rrow,~'he `dom- with a laugh at his own ex- *5JIiis*t fnow, V/whnga hundred miles` of -tmknown territbry face me, 4I*have 'eix ou'gh to contend with, So, steady isthe word! `good horse! Cae- sarmd invehis et fo1-tunas ejus!_ `rhL_-, r .I - .%-hat `he%`a1d do` if A11hab& were` ,-in; hands of `the ` rg,be1s;. _ .- NoR71`H ERN AA1) \"AINc1=;& -uu AAA-J Pu ulna - Dawn. was peeping grayly over} the horizon and Ahmed U11ah,t moulvie. and interpreter of the K0- ran, standing -in an open courtyard, `was engaged in the third of the .day s prayers, of which the rst was iintoned soon after sunset the pre- ivi-ous evening. He was `going: through the Reka with military pre- lcision, -and as luck would have it, the Kibleh, or direction of Mecca,` brought his fierce gaze to the road' along which Malcolm was galloping. Never did priest. become warrior; more "speedily than Ahmed Ullahi when that Warning shout rang out, and he discovered that a British` of-- cer was riding at top speed through the quiet zabaarp -Assuming that this `unexpected apparition betoken.- ed `the arrival. of a punitive detach- ment`, he uttered: a` `loud _cry, leaped `closed "them. 1:11 in v -. -i to. the gates ';of`. the jcou1r.t'y_ard and _ ...uuv cu uou o.v\'uJ.u UL p1b'LU.l. V I L -And he rode thus into Rai Ba- . really, watchf-il, determined, ~ready lfor any eniergmicy. So boldly did [he advance that he darted past half in dozen men whose special duty: {it was _` to stop `and question all `travelers. They` were stationed on the at roofs of two "houses, one on .each side of the Way, and a rope lwas stretched across the, road in [readiness to drop and hinder .the lprogress of any one who did not .halt- .When summoned. It was a simple device. It had not been! seen by the man who drove the buffaloes, and by reason of Mal-l colm _s choice of the_ turf by the side of thefroad as the best place! for Nejdi, it. chanced to dangle` high enough to permit their passing beneath. ' Thesentries, though caught. nap-l ping, tried 'to- make amends` for] .their carelessness. .~ In the growing; light one" of them saw Ma1co1m sj accouterments and he yelled loudlyzi Ohe, bhai, look out for the Fer- inghi! ' ' " I `___`i __7 p. , n '1 I -I ...,_._,-.. . ' Frank, unfortunately, {had not noticed the rope. But he heard the; cry and understood that the bro-i ther todwhom ; it -was addressed] would probably be discovered at] the end` of o the short `street. Hel shook Nejdi into a canter,- drew his sword, and looked keenly ahead for the rst. sign. of those .who would bar his path. . I "n_,___, ____ __ __,_s., _, 1 | W min- ` without