Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 15 Feb 1912, p. 5

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GEO. VI CKERS ANVv\'r `Printsnfare in and the New Gingharns. _ > ` _ ` A New Lawns, L aces,.,C0%ttVci:1s and Embroideries. _ V. Linens, Lace Curtains, \\7hite Waists. CEC. n can * - 10 + Tea Towelling f`L--I_ .1 9-- ,, _ Lent fbgin's": L 191-2.-:9 _ Du-_r_in_g _: :.D1'..?:` P s9rin?8~` rL Ii- . ~- ;--~~T-- I . The social to be held "to-night has been postponed to ` Friday, Feb. 23, `aftheiresidenc of Mrs." W.J. Leon-._ a1"d, 11th Concession. `_ , ' [m o_n.' ...-..., ...... uunnuuoazvu. ' Miss vita; ,Ha$_ley .o.f4 Ori__l1ia is [visiting Paul . Rggtory. 2 V_ 3 , On Wed{1e}dyjiie'En' r.ryv";1:t:.Mr.' J. J. Marks wi1l'sell 7 by public auc- tion at Lot 32, Concession. 10, Essa; a number of valuable farm hordes, `particulars of which are given. on the bills Which_are now posted up. Nine months credit, .with seven ._cei1t. for cash. . W. A. McC'onkey, A1ictioneer.' g % . _ V I , ~ PAINSWICK. ' The parlor social announced to (be held A at `the Rectory last Friday {had*to bop_ut"oif on account of the ! sn0.wstorm and drifbedd-oads. It was ichangedvjso a St; Valentine Social for Wednesday and is being held as I wo go to press. I The ordinance of Believers Bap- 'tism-" .wil1be-admini.stered~ on Sunday evening next`, February 18th at 7 'o clock. All `are welcome. " o CHRIST CHURCH. -_,Rev. Horace. Peckover, of Christ `Churoh, Toronto, .will preach atboth and evening service on Sunday. = ` Detective Ed. Scott has been sjrikixlg terror to the hearts of the Iiewlsboys who have been violating the privileges extended by the Cm'.| pany, and henceforth they will not he allowed to get their bundles T at the trains. ' ._ ...`-_.-U --v.... .--o4na.av. .- R10 0 JJJC. Fall.- bqarers .were four u1ic1(:s: Charles, Harry, William and Peter_ Hook. . Goss, Miss- -0. Brownlee, star from! Mr; and Mrs. R. J.` and Allan Man-{ ue`l,' sprays from Harold and Frank: Manuel, Murray Reynolds, Mr. andl Mrs.` J. Lambie, Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Sibbald, Mr. and Mrs. -W. Hook, harp from , Andrew and Mary Fras-E er` , cross from Gracie Cameron,; sprays from Mr. and Mrs-. A. Hook,l `Miss .Gertrude Wallace, Vernon` `Hook,"Mr. and Mrs. Curtis-, Mr. andl Mrs. C. C, Hinds, wreath fmom C.| |O.; of Foresters, anchor from the Sr. Class No. 2, Central -School, and a spray from Trinity, S.S. The. pall- Qnara morn ':l\I11I 1..-`.`..'I.u.. l1L_..I_._ E CORRESPONDENCE _iPAR_ISH X 013 INNISFIL % Qu;i{quagsi:n_a }sunday,%1?`ei:., 18. `L I;_,, .Pejaqe1_'_ s_,} Qhu`1'chi1l.,-.; AF.praveruand_ sci: unis SALE [OF `FARM HORSES. AT VICKERS (`Conntitiued from" BAPTIST CHURCH. `: 'Wednesday,, Feb; 21,` '7 th;e-1; j `$888011 "..`VVi;'11. %a;:? Series $1m4%msii4dea1insVAwith fe. T`..`* '.' .10 Mr. Wm. Tooth of Ca-1~olineQSt., an employee of . the Barrie Carriag. C0,, had his. left hand painfully in- jured in a belt of the machine .111: was operating`. The back _0~f=..-`the ; hand was cut and Lb-ru-ised'. .V _ .~ 1*. Friday -last four`. ninks. of! .vStmud`T~*cur1ers went-_1__1,p tq (Barrie; X p1ay\a,`_,retur_n ga,m`with-the clubs: ';9f Although the weather ` 4. \1..'.d.1 . `.;1...~;..:.~./; __- .- The many `friends of,.Mrs. Jas.,! ~,B}`ack;.will Ab glad to hear A_1'_.ThaAt`_ she" , Aslf v v_1'y recovering, from her; recent ..\A 1-'/`.,, ' `.1 * I v.'-.`.,_ 1'..g.`_...' I - _ va ~ '> -, ` .` " ` ` I` ......;. 4ywuJ .|.UJ. U_ub111C&o' ' I 1 5% Mm and Mrs. .Suthe.1*land `enter-1 ltawildle-d a. few, of their friends and; .neighbors to an oyster-1' v supper on I Monday eve_nixig', everybqdy enjoy-I ii1'1gW-;the1;11s,eIves ` Ito!`-Athe fullest Aex- fentii '_ ': s - ` . -.A._ ._ .......u av uuuuu uu ouuuay msrt. ' e; Miss Peacock and- Miss Mccraw` treatedt their Sunday School classes! ,to atsleigh-ride and tea on Monday] laf,ternoon,1ast.. The scholars report _a good time. V Mr. Louis Guest has his shingle millqread-y for businegs. " 1] ... '__'_J 1r- I. I smoun; . 1 Feb. 13.-Mr. Wm. Duncan. who has been very low with pneumonia, is slowly recovering. ' 5 About tw'en_ty new members were, added" to the roll of the Methbdist] [Church at Stmud on Sunday lasrt. ' 7M-Fag Dam-.n..l, .......l.1t:-.. Inn" ;..oou. Inn. .uUbl.!':l' X ;edy Dr. Langfeldf {all his `parishioners. E Weeknight services will be held? levery Thursday in the Church "at 8; ,o clock. The subjects of sermons` lat these services will be: Home; :Duties, Home Inuences, Selsh-1' lness,W'orldiness, Pride, Ind-ier-E QIWIIQ At the Sunday services the Rec-i tor will pneach ._a series of sermons! on The Woman of Samaria. St. Paul s Mission, Craigvale. 6.30 p.m.--Sunday School. 7.30-.-~Evensong _-and sermon. Lem begins Ash Wednesday, Feb. 21. Those attending the services at the Mission are invited to attend the week-night services held at the Rectqi'y_ during Lent every Wednes- _day.. . On _ Sundays during Lent Dr. Langf (it will preach a series of sermons" on- The `Actors in the Lord s Passion. . A Lenten `Letter 8 i'al]y prepa1~ .`J -- 1" T psu.. .-- Lent begins Ash Wednesday, Feb! 21., Duringithe Lenten season-.w_eek-u night services `will be held at the Rectory ' every Wednesday at eight o cIock. At these services Dr. Lang- feldt '.Will preach. on Every-day! duties. Miss, Kemvledy of th 13 E ii? School was `ill on Movmfay `;!:(( i)'nT`ef-`I day and the children of "her had a holiday. " ` . @" _ !theV Wpersons who took part in the Lord s Passion, Judas, - St. Pete:-,' ,Caiaphas, Pontius Pilate, Herod,` `Bax-rabas. i __ __ ..., -- u--any Iv LVALO 3 p.m.--Evening prayr and mon. Embroidevies - 1c -1 ME-mbrroidveries 'I`,__. I`! .. `I 7' --77 J-ulnlrl Ten` Patterns, I6-inch Embroiiiery, of Fine Ca _ good value` at 20c and 25c." Special . . . . . . . . j- ,,v_._._ * gvjg IIVIAL4 Four Very Pretty Styles,` Ecru and Paris Net Waists, , % siecves,` very stylish, sizes 34, 30, 38, 40 and 42 .. _ Embr-oiderie` - 5c -% Embroideries - , w --1---v\rA VIA\II-\JJ Lovely White Cambric Embroideries, edgings and in- sertions, in pretty cyclette effects. Twenty-ve patterns j1\IJ `Five Patterns,, Lovely Fine Val; and Torchon Laces and ' insertions, %-inch to 2 inches-wide, worth up to Sc. . . . NET WAISTS -_3.93 -5% LIETWWAISTS LACES Wiittle Jean? Musalf recruit to_ the ranks.~of {en sufferlng` from whooping"byugh.- ,1` St. Paul s, Painswick. ;`eold,,_:'th-`31hanne:r$in which I J .-..u_.aau;, - a..`LgI.l'\.l'|A5l.l. U115 r4..<-.:.-ms; ' ~ sent to 3c u. 1 S*'='*:~!*`* SW-*-*;.;`%*' 5* *5 2 they Were received and entertained ,'while there, more than made up for ,`the discomfort of the trip. After Qthe. afternoon game the Stroud _boys [jwere - escorted to the Wellington ;;Hotel by Mr. R. A. Stephens and ,7Mr. A. E. Stapleton, who acted as ,:hosts, the table being decorated to .5suit the occasion. After tea they .again repaired to the rink, when another game was played .with four [more Ba-rrie rinks. After the game _ those present were called up-stairs, where they were treated to a ban- quet surpassing anything McCon- ';key ever attempted. `After "the in- `now .rr|n~n 1\4\1J LA-.. - I Round Trip Tourist Tickets now on Sale -to all Principal Winter Resorts including .Winter Resorts W "W "'*"'~" - Mr. and Mrs. George _`Prin'g1.';:1e"ft; on Thursday to. spe11d'a-'f"vi?'?1;o] " ix` 1 days in London `and -_So1:1t1_1.La.,;n;pi;o`n, ' 4%` ,-_L.v---V `following: F. T. Short, Dr. Arnold`, `J. H. Bennett, E. T. McConkey, .Jas.. Vair, David Lennox, Jas. Pat- terson, L. J. Salter, H. M. Mathers, G. Monknzall, A. Hay, W. A. Boys, F. W. Mathers and others. The meeting was brought to a cloe by all joining hands and singing Auld Lang*Syne. ' --_v v w `an. vv_vv\.L.|L1JIJC\Ju 111 Let In.` 'ner -man had been satised, Messrs. Walter N. Duff, H. E; Jory, W. A. Boys -and Jas. Vair took charge of affairs, when a long list of toasts were dnmk =and responded to by the following: .1 1" '" ' II 'DA_`_Al_L _ 1r An cAL1Fo1ii~}iX:'MEx1co FLORIDA, Etc. A quantity of private funds to loaf: `at ' ' PER CENT. on easy terms of payment. LENNOX. COWAN 8: BROWN. . ` Soliciton.` Barrie. 44-)5 The Attrac hve Route to MONEY TO LOAN Cambric; LAcE SF? 3.98 Miss iL_ilg Hoopgr left. on %F1*hu;:` day to v1s1t ' relatlves V in I `I IN "'14-ly V _ Anvnuvw-I ounll IIJII ` :ooooo9oooooo0oQo O5 1m. Joh. Webb was * .in T;a`zfb::1t.o*;. on business last Thursday. I .~. 1` :09oooo96;361 0 ll 0 Mlll ems FURNISHINGS, and DRY x sweene,%?J]v;;.{;m1nessavem? serious conagration i"n this`- ACROSS ?THEV I'3AY'% UP-To-5473 LOWEST _.'-I_f~I_;7l cIVa.2Vs_f SMALL FIRE: ' and in .the evening-jfoined with the ` I Wm. Albert Keat. I Death's summpns came with sta15`t- lling suddeness` to William Albert ,Keat, early Monday morning, at his {home nea;r'_Da1ston. Deceased at- nded. church on `Sunday as usual, I '0 family circle in. their -usual Sunday sopg service. He Aretireti feeling in his usual health, but at 5 a.m.'- his `brother heard-j; him `moan;-and hand- !]_y had- he` fejavbhedi bedside when ` lhe; - expired. _ I`Ieart` `fjilum was ,the` _ l_i-mlmediatel `off`deat1_1.f,', Deceals.-' L : ed__.w.gs . ;bo1`111 orif the i ~farm* wh'e'r.:'hef T died; 1ot:.21;A _cbnpB&i9n..+.)=1;`~ a;,: 113.8-hr Da19tn3i`l`ll:.Ii='1Y:I3u`i 0! ai1'da_ fa |Bothw*e1I block ea,r1y'Tuesd.i_1y "mom-~_ 'ing. At 4.15 he smelt smdkv-T-alid discovered, after some investigation: that J. `M. Bothwel1 s store was ed with smoke. He quickly mug in". an alarm, and both the Allandale; land Barrie brigades-V turned out in` lshoft brder. ' Investigutidn that the stove had set fire 119' oor, whole being burnt through 110;. the basement. ,..The- damage was: slight, not over $30. w.o._tae;;,'. most of the trouble. The above is a correct stiztement `of 2&1 I moneys paid; and accounts rendered in `A. B. Thompson's Election Expenses in October, November and December, 1911. _ ` T % `,- 1). H. Lm~.r.ARE`N;r:narrije. g 7 1rin.nci.1:Agent fo_r_A. B.`J.`hompnon.l Eclenvale Hall . . . . . . . . . . . Phelpaton Hall . . . . . . . . Allantlale Hall . . . . . . . . .z - Marchildous Hall - . . . . . . . Opera. House, Barrio . . . . . . Wyevale Hall . . . . . . . . . . . . Grenfel Sclmnl Hall . . . . . . . M inesing Hall . . . . . . . . . . . . It New Lowell Hull. . .; . . . . . Personal Expenses . . . . ., . . . . . . . . The Northern Advance, Barrie, Printing . . . . . .1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . n Penemnguisllene Herald, Print- Rent of. Brentwood Hall". . . . . .` Sunnidule Corners Hall .` Craighnrt Hall .' . . . . . . . . .V Gibson P. 0. Hall .. . . . .. . . VVy'elm'ialge Hall . .- . . . . . . * 4 mg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . n Midland Argus, Printing.. -. . . .v .. Elmvale Lance, n . . . . .; Rnbt. Br"-adford. Hill Posting . 1 James G; Keenanystationery . . . . . . D. H. Ma'cLaren, Postage and Sta.- I':n|'1n|-I1 a I'l avlinvlaualvu, tionery . . . . . Q vnvwa V I . Robitaille, Livery_ cot _. ep. Irwin, n H . o_n .u\.;uwu.u uayyuuvu uvUVV"' "" -""" -on Thursday morning of last. and the injured man was P19d 011 1). 4521130080 and sent _R' V`;-Hoe. pita], the journey being delayed n a: of a broken rail at Burks` Fan..-. The injured man suffered! in- 1rn.~'<]y before reaching here Qt w}1 he was met at the stnt1on'..b5 ,_` .`{)n:. W. A. and F. Ross, and renni- 1 To the hospital in the _ambu1a-D09-" Hr is now reovering. " l ` v 1 I Statement of Election Expenss lo; A. R. Thompson, M. P. P. I I " ransom sxmsts nr caunnnais ? Railway Fares . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8 8 30 [ Hotel Hills ......... ., ..... .. 22 oo Livery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 00 !'l`elep1iones . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . _ 4 05 Exp rc.ss:'OrAders, at'8c each . . . . The c:azet,- . mu am The .Elmvaio Lqmce ` Jphn Wilson ` .. `W. J. Scott _ _ V K _ IJ. H..Du_ckiuson -' `-' C. McRae* J. -Young ` - " i ` . I. -Mcaster A J. H. -Hall ' " i Max.` Spe'er's - A. Huth . _ I Bails .'s Liveiy Livm-'y. W.`Fowlr, ,' '. Geo;,McKuig'ht .- " f','[`he Gqzotte. Paintix I The _Bnrh"Examiu_e1'. _ I-The Northern Adiaucd"? Wino Elimfale Lance, `f" | The Ilc.-rald 'l I'i_u't.ngC`o" y _.___. .__.-v-cw` . 1~`oR"<:'E:~x:r Ri-: "I$1EO&` ~ f in __onnect'ion with the `Election of T Dccembeg__u_th,"V1911. !H- F",`!`{'15_"_y__l`:" ?.?% *`%`l :c""i`l"`;`;I STATEMENT 01?: EXPENEESI I .C ed :1 ` Total 8221 31 WILL R. KING,- Fimmcial Agent, oB1TuARY~ .I"finting nan ' Hall . . . ' Corners {all 2 Hall .4 `v Hall |s .. se, )..I-lull fall Hall .* mnl .. [all .. l.Hul1...;..... Mr. James Douglas, who has been} Mr. P. J , Lynch s private secretary! HiIH'(`. `,MI`. Lynch assumed the posi- mm of Superintendent of the North- ern Division, Ihas be_en.trans-fe_1fre_d to the oompanfs head ofoes` `in Montreal, and left for his new posi- tion on Monday. It is undeljstood. that Mr. Allan Ingram will `sueceed Mr. Douglas in .the pOsitiO'nT.'Of su(ro,tary to the Superintendent}. ....s 37 so _26 45 ' 1'25 AC9 8 311-87)] ..s 15o .3 so T10 so 31-74 '96 -350 so .21 31333} no 60} my '62 so Wm. garnish, .who lives, with-~h_isl Irlmlwr and (sister on Bradford St., hupp<-med with .8. Serious accident when his head was-. crushed .s'mn(-. cars andxa 130513 at South-River. The accident happened about 10.30 .l|V| 'l`1n1~--..].._. ....-.....:-_.. J -n1\I:`.' 1 `UV? 4 00 5 00 5 O0 2 00 2 00 5.0 00 uvv 3 00 10 00 80 00 $3 00' On?! 2 .00 2 C0 2` 50 3 00 10 .\h-. Alonzo Haines, who let hre -.1 _\'<-an` ago, to take 8, position_on the (i.'l`.I . at Edson, Alta., as. chief 1-1('1'k in the Superintendentfs. oice there, is spending _a couple ofweeks with Mr. and Mrs`. Thais. Blair. Just ]n'<-vin11~st0sta.X`ti1 1g east, Mr. Haines had a narrow escape in a. re which burnt up" a1l~ his belongings. V ' . `The home of Mr. and Mrs-. Thea.` = Nash, Grove _-St., _was saddened on Saturday morning'fb'y the death :_on! their fourth daughter, Alice Lydia,? ` aybright yehild of 14 years of `age, the ca`.use`_ of `death being chorea. The funeral held on Monday; serviceis, being conducted? at the! house `and Trinity Church by the Rev; J. Bigfgs; and `interment ;was` `made in" `the Union?` Cemetery. .'.I?he-children of. the -Senior Class `No. ~ 2 `of .`;Ceutra1. Sc`heol__of which} utkmeaaed;was:~e.:emember.tf with their , a1'rt9i!d9t17; ,thQ;`;;;..-S'rYice'.-h in. V -V "`0h.11i':.h._,y "aiily ` . V o:ut1;e ` ' ;2-7 V`. 2' 'fim.6to 65.1 Vuhll_dSO ,AlAI1Q'o' Ll . Vl_.lLJ'D;U\,lJL, liar .;;%.154?i*wA&; I v4": nifece. Deceased was` an Anglican `andif a `Consrvative. , The . funeral ` was held from the h9me~ of '- his x;6n, Sh: nty "Bay, on Tuesday, `February ?6`th, to cemetery, the Rev. ;l"ea'~1r rocigat-ing. A _l:17rge- g-mm her ..were` present, and the 191- _1owing were the pull-bearrrr: - Wrn. Scott, `Geo. E. Crawford, F; Shaw,- C. `Packard, Chas. Crawford and] Leonard Shaw. - - ` ] "- "'t'.I""~"J --4 avvu u'-MW-H u had just been playing with his niece, when he was seen to fall from the chair without uttering a sound. Deceased was born at East Oro; seventy-one years ago and removed to Shanty Bay where` ..he. lived in ` later years ._with his son. He had recently ~ .re.tur:ned "from a trip `through dihe West Three sons and two d.aug,hters~-`survive. They are: Chas.` F. Shaw _on the homestead, Geo. ~S.,s"Shawj*of Alberta, Thos. H. Shaw of Spokane, and Mrs. Hy Sutton and Mrs. ,. Joseph Sutton of A brother, Henry Shaigv lives {_a.t 7IHa_-whestone, and a. sister, Mm; Alice Ecntt at East .201-0, and ' _IA- Aa`cz.ard of Barrie ' a Frederick" Shaw, a well-known far-g mer of Shanty Bay, and formerly of East Oro, expired from heart fail-I ure whi1e.sitting on. a chair at" his] home on Sunday, February 4th. He was .apparently in good healtih aind L.s.J r.'--..J. L--- _.1____'_._. Annie and Mary -at home, Lucy of Barrie nd Laura of Winnipeg, sur-` vive him. The funeral will be held on Friday. at 2 p.m. Vto Dalston Church hnd cemetery, and the Rev, R. Toye will oiciate. ' fromo s11.Ks -V259 -`TAOKIO s1i.1g llD.. ...L4.__ ' Tea. Eowellin The call given by the oo'ng're`g`-_a- tion of Burton Ave. Method-is-t (`hurch to t.he'Rev. J. H. ~Moore of Victoria Harbor has been accepted. subect to the approval of the sta- tioning comm'it.tee. V` Mr. Moore` will` not come to Allandale until J 1113'. Mr. Carl Hutton is 1aid-up,suer- ing from burns and :a severe shak- ing: .111) sustained by being thrown the full length `of- the caboose; while his train was being shunted i11_t11(- North Bay yards . .His- back! was sprzxined and he Was bu-rned!~ about the arms on the stove. ' f f The Toronto Telegram `says that! Wm. Long of Allandale has entered! suit agai-nst Richard Agar and the c.\;<:(:1ltu1' Of the late John Long, Of the: tnwllship of V-aughan,.to re-g 4 .u-uin the sale to Agar of twenty a<:1'<,~.< in Vaughan town-shlp, former-I ly tin-V property of John Long. { :$IrU L\IVV%L'. 24~inch" and B31: Chgkv iinen Tea Towellmg, "medium weight, good drying. ' Regular 12 %c4 . . . . . . . . Pretty" jaqs.-Iard` Sill:svi:1 Apricot,-V Cr:-am , \.-V1Ti?c':-, A-methystt, Sky and` Porcelain Blue, Tan, etc. 35c and 40 qualities. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . .; 3 > White Ve%sting's%.- 15c; - bite Vstings vhf`) pflr nnb:rrnn :~\ D.;_.- `17L54._ 1 .- -_..__-.~ it 1110`! V '7Ul.I.l5 Very Pre tty(Dvcsigns in Pum.VVHi&: Vestings, popular weights .andL"sp`lendi.l washing 'qua!l-ities. Regular 2Cc . I x Alice Lydiai Nash. --;. Died in chair. this the adsrice of a iarge number of oufrt_p'atrotns itortktept to the `o,ld stand.` This we have decided to do havi_?ng- m a.<?:le satisfactory arrangements with our landlord v t new SP -RI`NG GOOVDS are beginnihg to arrive and there are large` consignments` now on` the; Atlantic being brought to Barrie as quick as ship and railway can carry them " 00 J O` COME I AND SEE Watson Hodgins .will have _cause- to remember the cold snap of" `Fri- day last. He was aging hi`s ,train~" near Vine when his feet and face were badly frost-bitten. He is yreel covering and no serious reslllts 9.19` o):pc(:ted. M 1 an n u .1

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