Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 15 Feb 1912, p. 3

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-vs Plnl r Tgltm '1`-he Walkecrton "l`imes. Althioug-h: Bram, pople ght like the beasts of Ephesus alt their muni- cipal conventions, and am no.4; pbove scattering theif 'nenigIhbor s wigs pro- miscuousnly on the green, yet evidenc- es=Ua1'eI not: wamting to show th'a.t un- der thxesie rougil township `coats are concealed mI.n yV kind and'.dece'nt fel- lows who are .abl'e t o give some: of the ._ monrev r.ete-nti'o'us stare-h-f-routs: in town .a. _f object. -lessons -in un` ' b91"ly=q.n; unselsh: conduct. '1'31is.vv-as dgmonefytrated-1'as week when a large nuxzibemif --the neighbors gathered and ta-_e_pJ'Qni.shed :teheA 'pilr_ of Mm Jhmea Gnarbutjt, '99{h:ik:Il1= j and -become `somewhat em"cited the cold wa- V max drain V ?.on% it. ""nai.gh`bo1fa V--vu um uzuao uuu .u.u BUUlI8'H.' the minister get across into Scotr lag,1d`th.ana suifragette assaults him. Hereafter the palm for trouble- making must pass fnofn the Irish- meri to the shrieking sisterhood. WITH MAI]:-I03` TOWARD V NONE, ' WIT! -I` ('! A'D_'I`|lFV' um Arr, ...., vv uouaau, .ucnu.uu, Maud ueuver ing a. home-rule speech fight in the heart of the Ulster district, without anyone even so` much as heaving a brick at him. But no sponer __does 4-]... ....'._:..).'-_ ,7 How are {he mighty fallen! Here we have Winston Churchill travel- ling to` Belfast, Ireland, `and de1iv :71! .3 1`III`IV|`I:_.--uu11` g-.--.`_ _'.'_.`_L E US GUR_LS.AGA1 N. Hamilton Spectdtgr: l T A PERTINENT QUESTION. 7 Ottawa Citizen. The Liberals point with pride to the alleged fact that they once al- lo.wed Mr. Borden to be elected in Carleton. They could not have pre- vented Mr.` Borden being elected there -if they had tried, but that is `another story. But why did not the Liberals open -a constituency` of l their own for Mr. Graham, instead of `throwing `him upon the charity * of a constituency that insists upon its `right to elect a Conservative member? ,l T axuylc, Luau WEEK appomtect Mr. W. G`. _Fisher` town solicitor, and Bar- rie has given the xposition of town [engineer to Mr. K; S. Macdonell. I . Whivle oolliggf t;11;mo cut- `ting o a town engineer, town soli- citor and other oclals to save money, other Wide-awake towns are. adding just such. Alliston, for ex- ample, last week appointed Mr. W. a." -w;QlIl\` `1\vC-can ....1:-:L__. _-- 1 WIDE-AWAKE .TOWNS. Collingwood Saturday News. W I` " """" . Thomas A. Edison, the inventor, in speaking `at 3. dinner in Chicago recently, made the prediction that within a comparatively short time coal would `be virtually unknown` as an article of common usage, in fact would be more of a curiosity. Elec- tricity, generated by water powers,` he said, would be the motive power of the 'future.- . ` ' I Joe Lawrence, Wellington s tallest {human product, who stands 7` feet 2 linches in his stockigs, and lies a (bit longer in his bed, went west some time ago -and has realized the height of his ambition, as he is ap- | pointed station policeman ,.at Cal- `gary on the C.P_.R., -and is now the `longest oicial on the longest trans- I portation system in the .World. NO MORE COAL BILLS. St. Tkomqs Times. `V... -.~v .a.vvvvv\~n v.'] '| T Over in Ifackensack, N. J., a Methodist pastor `is going to intro- duce a -choir of .whistli-ng boys. The eect will be very suleu{_n, for if the whistlers even smile broadly` it will be all off with the" hymn. , COLD {IF THERE? Owen Sound Sun. , ;iChh1rmaTM : L of the Domirinion` iRaiIway_ Commission is noted. for his . common `sense, and his state- ment that the da.y- of level railway crossings is gone and that the rail- ways may `as wellface the situation is in- keeping with his usual utter-1 ances; T 4 -| ish-altfurd Daily Herald. . ~Vancou,verProvince. _ V ` ' ` During the; old snap in Chicago! 23 newly-married couples wen:-. appli- cants for fuel -at the` charity bu-`eau. With the mercury below zero even love grows gold. ` I {LEV-E-I. cnossmes DOOMED. St~ra.tford Bacon. 1 % V oU'r%AM1I.E;f._ % iaobcaergegm .1ndepeud;mt. % .T_he statistial dalulator `who `ii - gures that. $115.9 Pilrlfchasing power` `of I `lastjyear, is not within 9. mile of it. Let him put his dollaf in, butter, `and The will nd the -decrease nearer `-`~40*p.c. " ' 9. dollar has'Vdecreas ed'-5 p.c. in the Joyous aroma PAPERS! SOLEMN WHISTLING.. NEWLY WEDS com. `i-'6' uisihene. ]890-J0hn Ross, Innis-l. 1891-Joneathnan V Sissons,` V espra. ]892--W'aI-t.er Lawson, Tay. 1893-Joseph Wright, Beet-on. ]894-R. E. F-let-'fe.h-er, Barrie. ]896--J.2.m-es S. Boddy, Bradford. 1897--Wm. A. Snoath, Flos. A 1898--'I`h.os. Devitt, Mevdonte. 1899-~P. 'R.ona.n, A.dg'ala. 1900--W.H. Hamilton, I 1 .1 895-J=a mes Ross, Oro. ! I 3 1901---C`h`asr. Nottawasaga _E. Wright, 4Penetang-: I 1902---Dani-el Quinlan, Vespra. 1903---Robert Murphy, Tossoromtio. 1904---Geo. W. Bruce, Cod-Iingwood. 19_05--R. H. Jupp,' Oril-Tia. I 1906_--Jos-eph: Whiteside, Essa. r l _ 1880---C. Cooke, _Te:cu-mseth. `]881_--0. J. Phzelps, Flos. : 1885--Robert Paton, Sunnidale. uishene. "1-875--John C. Stee-119., Oro. 1876--,Wm. McDe1-mott, Tecumeeth 1877-W. N. Rutledgze, Medonte. 1878-Da.vid Dunn, Es-92.. ]879--`Gh'asa. Cameron, Colrlingwood. 1886--A:rthur Craig , Medome. 1887-Jo-h-n, Stewart, Alliston. 1888-Wm. Switzer, Sunnidalc. ]889_--Chaas. McGibbon, Penetangf bury. u;-met M`a.gistrate.s for thefyea.rs pastl sf; far b-ack as 1843, when Simcoev was] but a judicial district, we find that thnevlh-on`or `has been pretty well dis- tributed over the whole County. Dur-` iug mhesoe 69 years Ban-tie has held the A honor ? ve diiferent times,| Thos. D. M_cCon.key being elected for! 1860-61, W. D. Ardagh from 1869--71,; R. E. Fletcher in 1894, W. A. Boys in] .1907, and A. C. Garden'in'1910. The; following list will show how the` honor. (plus the hard` work) has been passed` a:ro:und:-+- l 1843--Jacob Aemilius Irving. V I 1844-6--Jame.s Dallas, `South Orillia.l 1847-52-J-as. Samson, Orillin. I-`un:... 1l__'I__,1 , I . . I Before the--election of A. E. Scan-I [on to the _Wardenship of Simcoe County, much d-iscussion was heard; -regarding the claims of th-e Northern] pa.r.f of the County to the big chair. But when one looks over the list of` Chief Magistrates for the `years past` la"; far b.a.o..k ac. 1242 u7`Ia.n.n .u:~....- --M` 'i.Isro1= wmumns i .smc:a 1343 .1 `T18-- I Gal1on `Spring Wheat, grown hand sel- vk` `b e".,t_edSd....'...~..:.... .. Gallon. roweq Barley, grown from hand sel-' M ........ .. _ `1`7l--:-I Ga`1!cnAWhite Oats, grown frordhand select- J " " I Ed `sged 4`. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15'-1 15-1. Io~-I` II--I I2-'f'I I3-I 1 The following fizes will be awarcled on best samples of Seeds exhibited. in accordance with the rqles governing seed fairs. No. 12541-az--J-as. Samson, ]857-J`-o.h.n Craig, Medonte. j ].858-'Phosv. R. Fe.ng7u$n, Innisl. 1859-`-Georg-e McMa.nus, Mono. 1860-1--'I`hos. D. McConkey, Ba:rrie.g 1862-7---'l`hc.s. .R. (Ferguson, Innis]. 1868-John Kean,` Orilia Township` I 1869-711-W, D. Ardagh, Barrie. atria T71-cw-n * Max \\ ".'._.\. \\ `Q c.:\.<\t.c_.f'": ,,"""`2-_. Fun/Icof V631 Oil _.vvu u.x' JJ. nruagn, D 1872--Geo. Davis, Essa 1874-A-Th0*S. Astlkins, rv. West Spring Seed Fair ie`M en Have Held Honor hug ve 0.ccasi0ns---Has Pasied J I Aronn`il_ to T all Parts of Bush.` Fawn -Hall, Barrie, Saturday, March 2nd uywg \J\.\,\; I OOIOOI Alsike Seed . . . `. . . . . . . . . . . Alfalfa Seed ` . . . . . . . . . Buckwheat . . ;. . ._ . . . . . . Potatoes, any early variety - Potatoes, for general crop .` Spring Wheat, any variety named $2.00 Fall Wheat, any variety named . . 2.00 White Oats, any variety named . . 2.00 i-Black Oats, any variety named 2.00 Barley, Manchuri . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.00 Large White Field Peas . . . . . . . . 200 Small White Field Peas, or colored 2.00 Field Beans. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.00 -Corn for ,Husking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.00 Timothy - . . . . . . . . . . . . .i. . . 2,00 I}Cl'Cl9_.Ver_Seeid 2.00 Bpys Hand Selected Seed may to En or in farm Y!) "H Barrie, Agricltural Society Prize List Gwi1Jim- P1810 reas, colored 00000000000030 ee ............ . . . . . . general crop . . . . . . I Graham--MarIey -- Ordered that Councillor Archer be appointed to make enquiries regarding timber for bridges and. culverts, and report at next meeting of the Council. !of clerk and Treasurer, appointing zpathmasters, fence viewers and pound-keepers, and -appointing a. truant oieer. -Council adjourned to meet at Elm- lvale on April 8th, at 10 o clock a.m. I Graht2unr-Arche1---Ordered ` grant of $25.00 be made for [ling on M. Whitham s roadc Idition that Tiny contribute `sum. , -_ .---u VAJV \J1Ul`n. f Graha-m-,-Archer -- O !the application of Thos `the changing of S 1/2 L 1, from S.S. No. 9, an it to S.S. No. 16, be lazi consideration until next `the Council. . Richardson - Marley that the Reeve, Deputy Clerk be. a committee to : 1.1. , - ' ` \4;c III I Graham-Archer -- Ordered that the auditor s statement and reprot (be adpoted and that the clerk have 200 copies printed for distribution. ` Richardson - Archer - Ordered `that the clerk be instructed to order Isix conies of Hm 1\.r....:..:..1 "7 H x-'n&"a:5 [next 1! O , _ ---v ysyl 11 UC 1 lsi copies of the` for the use of the Council and the ( 1 n - - U0 \AHLL` E clerk -1 uvnagu The fol1o.wing accounts were pass- |ed' for '1')ayment':--The Municipal World, assessment rolls. etc.', $18.05, R. Strathearn, bonus wire fence $7.40 ;Wm. Berre , caretaking gravel pit, 31911 $3.00, Jas. Hughes, rev. road- `Way and `putting in culvert pipes `Con. line 3 $6.00, J. H. Hall, ser- vices as auditor `$10.00, J no. Mc- lAndey_, services as auditor $10.00, V _ _- ``.-..n.4I 4 ' Los Council met at` Phelpston on !Febr_uary 5th, pursuant to adjourn- Ement. All members present. nu A -- 1907a-W. A. Boys, Barrie. 1908-D. C. Barr, Cohlingwood; 1909---Ri.ch'a.rd Bell, Essa. 1910--A. C. Ga.rdc-n, -Barrie. ]911-Jas. Moore; Tossorontio. 1912-3-A. E. Scanlon, Bradford. -.....s/\A B Uredrge Downey be appointed mt officer for Flos and that the k prepare, a by-law conrming appointment. FLOS COUNCIL. -Arche1~--Ordered that 2. 25.00 grave1~ I. road division, t a like C. S. BURTON, Clrk. _., ---u-u. uuuvu. lU Uraer 1f the Municipal World the members of the `flip {`1lm.l. be Flag 1st. 2nd. I 3rd 1.50 I050, ..\, u1CuLUCI' 01 {De Clerk. '1' Ordered that f Knupp for 0% Lot 20, C9n_ .-nu...` _J_1 ,8 ---v-- av, \JUU.. and attaching laid over for meeting of I .00 $108 -- Orderegi hSU| or uolg {Re-Smyhj; an. 1 bell knd 'p_oa rloi EAS1 ` you if lET'i nuchfn- A" DNEI W. Co. M.(, Bro. W.A. More, M,e_a.-_ for`/1; Dc-p. C0. MI, Bro.-R. Fergu- son. (?1arksburg;` Co. Cha.p.,j Rev. Bro. L:1I?g, Meiifdrd; Cb. '1`reas., Bro. W. Cooks, Meaford; D. of 0., Bro. Co]. E. Rorke, Thornbury; F. S. Hm. Alex. Londry, Meaford`; Lu-t1.m>1', Bro. Jas.'Murry, Euphra- sia; Hep. L. Bro. F. Abercrom: bio. St. Vincent; Dep, L. Bro. Wm. Whatk.-y, Co1Iing'.wood;'I.M.P., C'.M.,V Bro. J. VV. Patton, Rocklyn. - 4 _, , ,---, ----w---`, --I Ruucxllla was chosen as place for the .s'oxni-1nI1u.a1 in the` 811mm*`r at call of the chair. The animal meeting of the County L.`O.L. of North Grey, of the Or- -'ange Association was held in -Mes: for;-1 on Tuesday, February 6th. A large. number of `enthusiastic Or- angcmen were present, stirring gad- dresses were `presented and resolu- tions passed protesting `against Bi- lingual schools and the teaching of `the F1-en.ch language in Ontario. T}nc_V also went on. record as opposed, to the infamous Ne"TemereeDecree| of the Roman Catholic Church. On election of officers the following xvt-re. chosen: sf I-`JV Druggist-. At :1 meeting of South Simooe County Orange Lodge at `AllistonA the following` ofcers were elected, for 1912: County Master, P, Gall- augher; Deputy Master, W-In.` Riley; Chaplain, Rev. J. Blodgett; ,re- cording; secretary, `T. Robinson; Fin- ancial Secretary, Robert Henderson; Director of Ceremonies, S. Somers; Lecturer, H. W. McGil1; Deputy I.ecture1's, Robert Lee_and' N. iKr- by. ` 1, . V \" ' "'1 C. 2nd .Dep. Lecturer-'-`-Bro. Wm. Milley, L.O.L. 704, Creemo-re "(a'c c$l;)` This is Mr. Rose s- 25th year as County Treasurer, which goes to show. the esteem in ,which he is held by his brethren. ' ~ The County semi-annual meeting .will be held in Stayner on Tuesday, Jnnn 19) {n no (]na~nmn'L.-.'|`I ` Ccgunty semi-Lannual mee Tues June 18th, in the Orangahall. MAKES YOUR SKIN LIKE VELVE'l`-g Monkmanfs ;(.`flycd_oniis. % Has a -marvellous `effect on rough skin. One or two 399153 tnons will remove the rouzmlella and by its occasional use the skin acquires the smoothness andj softness of a baby's. Glyceiionia is not sticky, and gloves maylrbc Worn a few moments after-using". it. Price 15c and 25. D'eg ht~` ful after shaving.,, ' t I * Cg. Treasure!`-V-.-Bro.` 1.. 463, Stayner (a-ccl-) ; 9 % J D. of C.--Bro. Neil Hurst, -LO.` 1.. 1990, Collingwood.-` (ac;-'1.) A `i C. Dep. 2D. L,. Peaclliy, L.O.L., 1990, ColIil1g"wood' 1...... I .. C. -1st Lecturer-Bro. T. Gill; L.().L., (582, Midhurst (accl.) " ` \.vu\. AD Eacclf. C. Fin.-Sec.--Bro. Iaac`1 Cairns, L.().L. 463, Stayner (ac_cl. ) ' _'_ (`. Rec.-Sec.--Bro. Peter." MMi1-' Ian, L.O.L. 493, Collingwoocg. _v I 'xIB'.1uf.T-"Br}."3T'iI. Fi!a$ ~:I.(5. L. 943, Collingwood. ~(acc1.) -- C`. Chaplain--Bro. John~L L.O.L. 452, Barrie (accl). `;;:;;;.3L';B;:"'ee+;i1;ami W L.Q.L. 463., -Stayner. ' The Couilrtly lgtgero ?i'21f- tel` - = , ` 3:-anse *1g' Vc:1?win'8f}""" ', % cpaclycted and duly ,wexve 1 Master ro.` V ._ Past (,.o11l1ty ' . _.', .. Cubbitt Of `9aSht:ivWiE+ H V s..,..er. mm Places of Meetin`. ---.-j?f:RfFg5 Condemning Bilingugl and Ne Teujete "`* . P` ,_ ransact cf. `Genc_ra`_l * Business.` ,Nbteo'Di80?W9`3. T. Be ecm: Cheques on outde Sale Notes Oaalfed; at rersonable rates. Cgllecf ` tion of Notes and Accounts giiic special attention. . . _j.` .` . -'o` L Drafts Issued ~pg_z/able at loweatrateawqf A ` on moatfavorabl (mo. MEJNKMAN. uLrLri.qr. t 1:-.. r. azzc: .BANKERS. Occ 1srooa;-1%o%tq:4_ _ &.-~ GO. ff you `wish to iron 3 etarched~ gar-. vment and have` not much tingeto waw, try}13hisvschemTe." V f8p.rinkl.e`Vro1l,in,.a .dhmp-c1oeh~ or and p is ini.a.,n` 9 jg: about :gI*:o.;; to: Ii iswexpeon tzazih this year that. thre will be three camps .. under canvas` `gt Niaga ra,L two of tfhea` ruralnegl-* manta, 9,-n_d[,one of-;i%the"4 city v mental ' The ve days in camp of #h`7ld9P**`.* the city _1~efg'imsents-'ig _ a Qnevv,-Vordsejt by """"" J"'V"9` V` ` ```' `'` '``` J l"`J ```'V `',?'V' I been ch.an'god*, ankl instead of being graded according to the score made. at the rie, ranges,` there` is one rate aonly and} that-is 15 cents. To earn this the men in addition to pmving themselves eicicnt in general` work _ must make a score of not less than 42 out of .9, possible 75 at the two ranges of .100 and 200 yards. >.F'o`r- merly a score of only 28 at two rang-. es was-necessary `to qualifyfor the clocwest rate; of -eiciency pay, which * was 20 cents, while a s`co'roVof"`56 entitled a man to thehighest rate of ` I '50 cents `af5iay;,, V . V s` 7- -L` - U`, __. .- Inn .0 _,.-u. J-V`4a`ILI\III Ui fl! W V Majors . . V-. . . . 1.75perday Eiciency pay, all ranks, V , . _ , . .. .. .. ..].-1_5 cents: pervclayextra The pay. for. privates was 50c Aa; % day under the old system, ";'whil e =`the non-con`1miseioh'ed.voiBcers pay has also been ~aco1~dingly.- ` .The:systemTof eiciency pay has 5130! LA... `-1.... 5...!` ' __'.1 3..-`-A.` 5&1 L-.. .. \/1.!-AIIIJCEEIAS O O I O I I I I C O QVJY EVIL KLHJ Sergean .. 1.00perday Color--Sergeants and Squadron Sergant-Majors . . 1.25 per day Regimental V Sergeant- 'll'._'.._.. 1 hr__._ _1-__ The following table shows the new. schedule of pay for. the ncm-.com- sioned oicers and privates '_of the Canadian militia, whic_h'wil1- apply for 1912: A L ` Privates j`. . . . . . .$ ~. _'I_5vperday Private (after ivvo yea_r?s service)` - . . . ., .,.....:' .85perday E01-porals ;. .. .85`per MILITIA PAY INCREASED PRIVAA-TES GET 25 MORE Nnta ma s. ' kinds of my made ticc and _ F;J. = CHENEY 3500., Props., 'roaeao,o' Sold by Druggisus, price 750. Take H-a1'l s Family Fills for con- stipation. j ` - ..-_...-V- , mun; u uavazuu ULIJU LU HUM I; qua.c.l`<' medicine. "It was prescribed by one of the best physicians in this country for years and` is a regular prescription. It is composedl. of the best tonics known, combined with the best blood puriers, zwtting directly on the m-u'c,ous' ,su;rfa`es.- The perfect ccxnbinat-ion of the tWo.ing.r'edient.s `is what produces such wonderful` _ re- sults in curing Catarrh,` WSend for teet'unonia.ls free. e . lwith local applica-tions, V-asv they can- not reavc.-h . the seat of the disease.- Catarnh is a blood `or consttutionbl disease, and in prder to cure it `you ' must take internal remedies. H-a 11 a Catarrh Cure is taken interna`1 ly,'andT ,a(-ts directly fonuthe blood -and mucous `surfaces. H`a1l s Catanrh Cure is not 9 nuonb n..n.`~l2....... "T1. _ . _ _ _ A . V VJ! A dock will be built running from midway between Birch and` Beech streets, north-easterly to. the V har- bor `into deep -water, and the rails` will 'be laid: along this dock also. The plans also show an elevator. just west of` `the dock.. Construction? work will probably commence about the 1st of May, it being Mr . Lume- den"s opinion ., that the gmvel pits and the purchase of the right of way .will take till that time to effect. The line should} be completed by January 1st, 1913, which, while a little later than was expected, is at least a denite [pronouncement from an authoritative source. 'l .A<.-cording to ""t vplans "shown your representative, e new railroad -will parallel -the Hamilton branch of the G.T.R. along Walnut street, not crossing that road or the Mea- ford braflch 7 till they strike -the junction, where both lines will be crossed at the some time. -' The new depot will be at the foot `of ' Maple street, .with the freight` sheds 'just {north of the station. .Spur lines will be run into the shipyard. In order to_,.get` this location "for their depot, the C.P.R. will want the lots leased by the town to the shipyard,_ south of the Byrnes Manufacturing]; Co. ' A large block of land `frome; Birch to `Balsam street `along the`; waterfront is also required for`. switching cars, also for roundhouse, i1 hnvnfnlnln D11!` -I-'-.m:...1.4. ...... ..:.1:..~.._ vv . UVQOICOB vuig IIJDU LUI 1'Uuu(.l.LIU.uBB, Eurntable and freight car I sidings. A -\ - -__ _ By th"e, Ctiine .i_sa'ue'?`..hfa* the-E_n-! berprise is_-_=in '~ha13ds~6f'd1;if rend-`I ere. sass a 0911331533094 j.En.terr prise,-' the preliminary survey of the! - C.P.R. line` from -will be. about completed; At the time of I writing, the 4. survey; is. hqvringi over the golf grminds, . though they are not playinggolf, -and ` shguld` be lweu into town by Wednesday, M-1-.1 Lumsden, the. chief engines for Tthe} railway," has beee_n in` _fo1" the past two days, and the plans'are now practically` cbmpleted for both the lines and docks. V ` V llevgtnt, CATARRH owner 32 ctmnn % % LAT cottmcwoon `:r"_:__)U.`-->, -J:_.-._~.A_, . ` -e_.~ . -- . ` `j `.-.,_sW_~q,~.-V.-;;..,1':.- ' ` F '. Z: ,, .- '-qr, '.~.I1`.-5` ` `:2;-v ` *1 3 ,2 y Y. .; ;e, , . , 2 _ .4 :~.~:' . ~. .2` 9..-`-V.-,~.-7'_v- .. ;.-` ' _'." '7 " ' ' ' H ` 2,; V ` 0 I 0 ` ` ` . e ` 5: V` -c` I I RTER test ' A ra.m.:;u. and Doc]: % % Show}: on Plan: of. New Brand! Baxter. -- % Elevator, % Rjjd Will Ba;dpenq_by Jan.19l3 Federal ' Council of the Eiiinagng tgi-;.3`;%:3. I betwgen Aa Churches of Christ in America has . ' A supplanted no denominations, in hash * . drawn up no new ncteed, it has not 6rth4;,h'9' J ngwn rseizetion, nor; .h,as,i \' L V " ' G6nti`V,:;oh:--i{I_!a`gS:.Vsismgoj;,j;__;_~] _ _ . ,4 _.-_.,-.---up.) .:\I.L- cl-U.L.L n ' 7 This , a;t7ional Orgahization Mission. Board of " the \ Churches -federated`, have _ secured. the _adoption ' of a basis of `comity and co-opera- _tion in .H o`rne: Mission work West` of ; ~-hafve_`; ben` adopted. by Boards i`epn"e.- seating 9.5.000 101- % .3a066;>%` misi ; 3'11 >pd1't..' `"11iK0f `;.:Rfl.'IL;- . 'l;:~J_1.-_v1 A` -' J1. .- Stands in a notable -manner, fo_r~ Christian` Unity. . . . The `Home the, Mi;ssissippi Rivr- The V reejom-J menda tions' contained infth-is Basis There is not so -much overlap- ' ping as is reported. I feel sure the fewness of the cases will surprise a * good many honest people. There is more overlapping than there ought to be, and I am hopeful. that every . case will be brought before the Com- mittees empowered todeal with these We shouldibe able `to reduce the cases ` of wasteful overlapping, .well towards the vanishing point in the course of a year or two. [The Remedy for Overlapping in the Churches _ of the United States. _ In the United States was organiz- ed, `two years ago, The Federal Council of the `V hurches of Christ inVAmeric'ao. ? .I' the --Report of the. Presbyterian Section of `that Coun- Acil, adopted by the last General As-. sernbly ofjthe Presbyterian Church U.-S..A., are the following words ; see -'znni-- " Minutes j of their Assembly for 1911: V`: _ .---- ounnoov vIrOO'\L -llillo The late Dr. Carmichael, for many years our Superintendent in Mani- to_b_ag and Saskatchewan, with . more missions -under his care `than, any other in Canada, who died a few .weeks ago, worn out with his toil, .wr.ote- not` very long ago :- a uni: ___ ....- gnu avvxuvugo [Watefglfroverlapping is greatly" overestimated.` . The overehurched village or town is often the centre oof 9. larger district. `There are also many fields where two men cgver ;'n nnrf 4-Ln an---A `force for righteousness two men can WAnd yet again, in places where` the missionary is almost the only` stand by each other and win, whei-e one wouldjwould faint` and fail. ~b III` 1 . -__..--., onvniahl vvuvtc MWU LHU-ll UUVCI` [1n part the same ground, where -union might readjust the.work, but where the two men `would still be necessary. ` It `would make. easier work for the men," but the careless and unattached -.would not be so well looked after. `One can often win` where a11_Othei' has failed. --- -- .---.r av-`Ava- Further, in_ many places in the newer part of Canada, where the overlapping seems needless, it is But ment. The strangers as they come,- nd a church of their own .to wel- come them in a strange land; and there will ere long be more` people I the missionary in advance of settle! than can caredefor by all church- - * z A I .In business, the money saved by a merger is `available elsewhere, but, in the church, the almost invariable results of a merger are that more is spent upon themselves; that somei who were leaders and workers feel less responsibility and drop out; and that some, because there seems less need, reduce their giving. Sel- donr is more available for work else- where. ' Tshc . v -~- --W aw 1 The results also are different.--A( man prots in business y what he gets out of it ;` he pro s in the church by what he puts into it, of] effort in any" way; and a smaller` cause will develop more, work and workers, = proportionately, than a` {larger _one. s I i of the two" are dif? ferent. The aim. of business is to make others tributary to itself, the aim of the church to make itself tributary to others. .` The -aim of business is- to_ reduce the workers to the smallest number, the aim of the .church is to increase them to the Harg number; The aim of busi- *ness is to weed out the inefficient liar its own good, the _aim of the !church is to gather in andienlist, lthe iuecient for their good. ,` Business is under a deiaite. con- _trol which can unite it at pleasu're. But congregations l are free. They! will unite, or not; as they mayl choose; and they usually choose not to,` even -when they `are of the same denomination. - " ' l ' A 1 last week); 1 F" The }"foIl6\fvii1gv is` "the continuation of ' an article against Church Union, `as p_ubli'shed_ ;in__`V . the -V Pzesbyterign` article fmrn _the'f pen `of `the `Sjcott, editor of L the Regord,e._nd is endorsed: by the -:Rev. W of i St. Andrew s ~Preshyterian"`Chu rch, who says his on the _-suhibt. are fully iex- prtsseed _by' ethismieer. e L [ ` t i. sometimes me that business Qalways Vunites smaller . _v agencies, sible. under one control, and that the Church should be run on busi- ness principles, .the smaller congre-I ` gations` everywhere uniting, and I en and moneyset free for work elsewhere. This sotinds reasonable. . I R114` `\~n1n:v\nn.-. ..__'I LL , '| ` lwauvwuuhcu ~J-I115 GUUI-[as But business and the church unlike, in A then_1sel\t'es, in .-their and their results. AGAINST PROPOSED % CHURCHUNIONE Vgwn OV1`l3PPi11g` anti` its Remedy. IT......4...._-1 , , 1 arm IA`l'\l uuuv ua.L'u.I UV UIIIVU5 uI'0l1n.(l a widow s wood ilex near the G,T.I_?.. station .`metrev,. but would: have -been 'a.head~T if they -hadn't Vcal`l-ed, $11313 s`hdwingi. thia dierence 1 between a _town` `ant!-cog1_n.t;y A

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