wheat 3n1ing_ in the gum and To- '-ronto. Magkota Durinz the Week. ` Quoations on Tbay `Irer'aV:-A b WP`68t, snoop` to_, T `gooee,bushe1 .. Iocl0o o}`uVootVo'9V,c,o';` vvwvuyu IOIOOOOU 0 unwashed TORONTO, p _ : Toronto, Ee-b. 6uh,.1912. -CREDIT. Barri 9: Feb. 5.-Mis4sF-C!Vl;a`-(:1-Biown is spend- inga month withfriendu in. Toronto. I Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ball of_M_oon- ptone are visiting friends: Vhenen - -- . . \ u... as II `II , DI Jan. 7, 1.912`. 45 90' 9 5 75 ' .s ,9o~.12 L`1o 1255 s-oo* 1o oo V b 6 15 A% 5 oo 8 50` 9 oo 18 2o 12 ' 13 24 55` % 3 55 ' 5"? .... .35 1$ 13 $1 .00 znn Iynnvv - 5.00 2.00 5 so 10 oo 8 oo llllv II V Uo-rd-vases ooovooruur onvrvv ,. Mrs. Wm. B1oxham,`and -Mra.. S._ .,Mason were visiting friends in To- ronto recenvtly. -. -A 1 -I-\ ,.n, -_ .L--_ % ` 53 23 oo 17~oo ::1.' 0. 1'25; :1 .915 : 96 9o 50 12 `/2 15 10 '30 15' 40 An UV 5% 10 nan 50 `S5 ,a.-u-an-.-~.. .a.....-._.........._ . WA. . ,.....u... -. . ..._. ..._..., \.~-.._..~...;...........--. .. .. ... Z5` .-........-....- qgmv-... _.._.... V- % Noticgllj.-E. Bennett, V'.S.,- B;V.Sc'.,: Barrie, can be had promptly at! any time. Phone` 412.- - 1 _' ' DEVLIN & MURCHISON 4' This as the? Season,,.of the. Year -1 %To make wash Hay easy get one of our yogr _ Wuhing.f_Machines and "Wringers : ' 1% `PAN.-A-`CE-A and your hen; are sure to! pay. Winter Goods; Mosvt Goto Make V Room for tln,eNewo Goods _La.di;,s Winter Weight J Vests and Drawers -white, or natural color, regular 30c, 221 Sale price, each", ....... ., ................ .. 20 Ladies Winter Wei ht "Vests and I5ra{wers, V white or natura color, were 500. Sale price; .... ..; ............... .. ...... ..... 0 1 Ladies 'Vesit;.nd'Dra,wers, same `as above, were 750 each. Sale price _.,.._ ......... .. Men's and Boys Suits and Ovfcoats all Reduced in -Price. M 5. Special Prices in Men's and Boys Odd Pants. - ' d .ni' Miss 'Be.rth'a '1-V3one `of Barrie spent. Sunday with Miss "Mabel Dyer. A ' - _ I -r-In-in ll `(VIN `I\1?$_- . Boys` and Gir1 s heavy ribbed "soft`iWo()Z1il/eii Hose, sizes 6 to 91;, were 25c pair. Sale price ................. .................. .. 0 Ladies and` Children : Heavy Rib- /bed all woolCasl1mere l-lose Sizs 5,51}, 6 and 61}, were 380. Sale pric.. ........................ .............. Size: 1, 7+,` 8 81}, 9, and 9;, were 45c. l\ TIFIIIII Ladies Vetsw and Drawer, Tail. pufe wool or natura.1~ color, were ` $1.00.` Sale 7m. muznn VVVIQILV` VI IAIN!-IAIIUI VVAVA, vv vav vv VVIIILQ |._Il. L.IllII.i.Al1I1 \I\lJ\ll Avbun-A vvv, JIGLV V CIDI-3 Tll\I AJIIUVV \/LI) uanz na_tura.1`- were` $1.00. 'prlceouonooo-amnionnacoaocouoloouuooonsaoo 51' "` 78c Go 0, I9, U U9, 0, quu -1:, "010 IIJ\/0 Sa.le.p,rice REDUCED n-ca no ow -v % Mr. C-h2a;ev."1;1';1;Iu'1"1":'z:3`*h viz`;-V;4;=1:i`o\;.Vsii'$v'vi'1T"l`I and` his many friends` `wish hzifm _aA ' speedy recovery. n 1-: _,1,1_. -r.-1-11.` _.-a__. -..'-.3 &Fr"th::-balalice of iris mnth w clear out our av 50 11 50 T 7 50 10 25 8, 50 3.2 3 75 16 10 1 1s 22 16 1 so 2 50 '13 36 8 so 11 00 9 00 36 9 25 `, 17 12 25 18 1 90 , 4 00 2! Exort cattle, choice: . medium . . bulls . . Butcher cattle, ch-oic medium .. common Bult-char cows, c;1;(;ice. ' tea Mutton, prime Veal, prime . . . .' . Lamb . . . . . . LIVE STOCK MARKETS. VAICJ v ed friendev-in Cuolnstown, recently, . ' Mr. arid Mrs. M."Loug-hoeued visit- At Reduced Prices. 300 E9 Out New Whitewear for Next Sea- soliis All Here. See the Low Prices Spo(;ls--Av good strong Thread. 3 ..... .. ? or ................................................ - Hzindkerchiefs_-Ladies White Lawn Hem- stltched Handkerchiefs, regular price 2 5 5cTea.ch. Sale rice 10 for ............. .. 0 Pius-Regular 5c each ................... .. Sale rice 3 for ....... .. - ............. .. Safety Pins -- Regular 50 paper. rice 2 for .................................. .. Embroideries .- White Embroideries, wide _ width, were 10c and 15c yard. Sale 7 rice r ard ............................... .. C Laces-Torchon La,ce-a good wearing lace in all widths. Sale Brice, Ber yd. Night Dresses-Made of substantial English cotton, trimmed with embroidery and small tucks -- high neck and long 75 sleeves. Worth $1.00. Sale price C ~ 8'0-NNIDALVZB commas. Fevb. 5,--Mr. Robt. Carruthens left for the Wuesstn this week, aft_ierr spend-' ing a. few weeks with friendisv hem. i . _ _._- -,_ ...__ Ell! `II `I Corset Covers-.-Made from English cotton and` trimmed with lace. Special_Sa1e 25 price .............................................. .. 0 Night Dresses-Ma.d from very ne Nainsook T slip-over style, short sleeves` was 1 $1.25. Sale price ......................... .. n Night Dresses -Made from Nainsook, slip- over style, with short sleeves, lace trim- med and silk draw strings. Worth $1.25. Sale price ......................... .. B b3\./IJ \J\J ` med __._'l IA 8 00 11 O0 13 00 PRICES 10 O0 13 00 14 00 Iona 'o.o- ~-~~--v -.._`.__ This branch of '41; "V;<;aVr1';1q s' Insti- tute visited .the- New Lowell ' b-ranch this week and `V all Vrepo-rt a pleasant XE Canne-rs . . . . Feeding S_'te_ers `.4 bulls. . Stockers, choice ` ` light Milkevrs, choi<':.a' ' Springers Caves . . Bhseep, >ewe.a: ' '. . ` I IEIZIQQ" 5;ia"cu'11.-,'5'II'.III Hogs, fed and watered f.o.b. .. . . . . . . .. of the Whole Year This is the Greatest 5 Sale `.:::::: 50 -Mrs. Ma.conachde isv [homer from Guelph. Her fatther, Mr. Evans, is in the `hospital. It is -hoped he may soon be able to`-be home again. ---..n -n-q'u\ cupg gs... f` 10c 66 00 66 00 60 3 00 O0 Gd '"i&:SLJ;%1i1;ennett, v.s.,% B.v. sc., Barrie, can be: had` prompy at any time. V Phone .412.` ox6>7`&pg\1l'" j 'artmomthI1y the Wuhan : Institute wi.;"'5 of;~`he1|d bw*'homo of Mrs.~-N-eolanida, Thumg. M7. Femwy .8t*h.% .94? _2-80. -In. .3?.u -Patrons toil given "by ins ouch-nu-d and 0onut'ab1e., Every-_ ody. wgdcome. Q--;n,'_ --as-in .n -con 1-517 11. Mr. Da.nS"h;;v-'0-f . 1`-pronto visit- ing ;his sister, Mps. J. gBrow'n. nu, - -ui-v__.. __ 7-" 1'....L! MINBBING. Feb. 5.-T'h.e. Women *5. instdmute monstihly meeting was. held `-at Mrs. "George Crawford s. We undlearstand that .th~eT me-mbe-rs of the Insatmute had 9. very enjoyable time. Mr. Grant, whose wife` is presi-dent. o-f thus `local W.I.,- -drov-_eT a~ large number of the Indies M0 the meeting. - - - Ann `n . /.1 .,,I, Lizzie. Gibson -is visiting her. cousiia, Miss Brooks` of Cashutown. .'l;l;e }ii'oei<;y -151}; Si! Cfhrist c-much," w...- Barrie pl-a.ye-d the: 'M'inesing '-hockey tie-am .o`n W-ed-nesdvay .even.1,ng; J an. 31st. Repo a't_. says a splendid: drive from and! back to Bawrie-. Moovnlight .. -..j-..J. "fN3iEa-L'J.'.T1iih%etT: v.s., B.v.sc.,%l Barrie, can` be had pram-ptly am" any.` time. Phone 412. ~ ` ' .` % simnn 3.41:; % Feb. 6.--Messns.` Fred Sanderson and Norman Wortdey journeyed.` to Mid-land last week for minnows." _ '-L-IZIT. -i\io.noe;x" W .0?! WC'raig'va1e Tish in our village. V Mias*Moore' of Toronto was a."vV'isi`- tor at The Woods last week. ' trip .to- Mid:l~and' last: week. 35 311585 &II'V'U'IJ\l U BOOGIE` 3 th.i:`pri;g. and hue the lumber on the ground -ready for action as soongda` the weather moderates a little. ' Mr. W. vMoMi'llan made a_yig "7nIrvr.5's.;.;;.7.L -;;;n1;'S'\::T1dayVlaIt in- Toronto. - . `= ' T 34.; .r..,.;,1.I ..iolz1Zx7:Van 6-{7Nort1' Bay.` was in our villaga 1ast`week_, ' -Il', (I _ C I ,4 Bennett, 1'V,.S,_.,' , :B.~jV. 6% `Basie, can be had promptly at any ggcimo. '~-'Pho`ne 412. - 2 - ' Campbell accompanied sister, Mrs. Wendnll Grhham -to "'t`o:onto, last Friday. ' ` . . \?.L.l`.- 1' 1: `II, .1,-non: :0. an frxi-l:I'.'E:i3}f:;"ntt,$" v's., B.V. $43., Barrie, can be `had promptly ab any, time. \ Phone 412. V ` " - .. - ._...._ -, --v-----vv- 11- *a.m.-7-V-Hdly Comini1nion' and 901'? 111021. . I " 2 Ivvc QVUVO % 2.30 p.m.--Evenin n_1on. g P1:9.yekr' and Feb. ;e;-Sfmr. diifii T jionin .fr.41 zay;-.. Lo1ds'_"6I Colljngwood "3 friends`: ' ~ Bvnne't.t,. 57.8.; f vB'=.V'.- Sm, ,-Luann '. nan hail QM IIIIW M; yv.{{{G,.n;. an.;.a.}bm..g-% L311 an-\-u-nan am.` gonna. Ln... 1:-uun`unn A-u . mnzsn or mmsrm. , SVIIO _'Vo-JV&6u EOOIJ vvur-- :- `7'1x'o_1(1s' "6? Co1lingwo<;d':.:'$i_:9it>,~ H;e.ro~Jast ..week...;' V J- -. {L Miss Helen Blaiiiw-'i;B;. "gon t takl; *' charge the" post o1!!c'e"- in P~b'o1pat6n. 1 .`:ior M1-.~J_ames Marley, ppm- ` master jthero.` Mr. Anemia Train (:4! 1*AIewu`?'{co'l1`-- at} on ffrinds in `thisv_bur'g on day_. -4,; at can .u\1 ,,, -1; 1Y ."l\"I'II--' St.` ' f" Miss 'Be=n_thiL_:{. Glagher '_<.t.' her home. L`in`jTIfe1-um,-*a4gi:9i;1paniod; `by-g '.har..c_1iBiu; M- Olomiey. W116 19 goinggto .- spend` a..-, `few "we-eakn .wit~h , .re1q.tiy`es in /M_ulxrpu1r._; _ ., - -`reu- :6."--Mt.~ `!'in1'9z-y;?- Hir_1`vkinir:=-`Miguel: Slain mother, { win `A. :1.` H 5111' `J a- . 8936011. -~ ' the Colliggw_oodr'i Midland` i,hoclt`oy_ match last week. II3'e 3}3e'1'J, <'"" 1 '7""" F'%".';"i 4. The Ladies! Aid of the Grenfel `l"..LL-}_L I'I.--..--1.. ...-L ...L 1.1.. 1.-...- E V;Mi.f Ainoi a` "car-load ` of Mnnit':bo,i" `oats =herr,e .."and~ had no troiable in" disposing of all the had" to farmers`, 1 at 50c. ' per btisliel. `Mr. `Arnold expects . another carload ngwlu ICIAAAJD . E Mr." .T.ohn>.O1o1lxg;hioy_:a1$1Z1?t.' smuray ii G'*1'- % W i.:;i.`;;u`;:`E;i....`.?; me? 'at""'ne5:`i.`i;' of Mrs. W. G, Gldughky, `Wednesday afterno_9n.._._ - - - i ' T _ . Soxageaima Sunday. Feb. -11., St. Paul's, -2Ppi_nsw1ck. ' Mr. and Mn. Frank _Ro`we enter-. tained a number; of young people last Friday night, V when a most enjoyable time` spent. j ` A None-4J.Bgnnett, v.s.,% _B.V. sc.,4 Barrie, can be hgd `proytptly a__.auAyA time. i'.xPhoue 412. " _ - CIIXV VIBKIJIP VJ VIIU J_J'uVuJ>C was at home" for a few-days wi:tJh' a cold. _ > * - ` . Mn; .1). Dozgnglly and Miss. Lil-lien Donnelly have "rveturned from a visit in Tofonto. V T . V . % Feb. 5.-'-Mr. D; Mcol-intock of west Toronto is.vis'itin'g-."Mr. Thos. `Pratt. A HOIRAIGHUBQSI. ' The `O1-a'ngem,en: of this village `ape making a decided improvemglnt to the interior. of` their hall` -by putting `ig new furniture. - '7 his father, _C'apt.. Hil'l',` on Moqday of Mr. 'J1as.'Hil-_l of E1m~va1e_ called on last week. I k Word was received here: last week iofltihe death of Mr. Wm. Reid of El-k3 `horn, Man. Mr. _Rei;l- -was well-known (in tfhizs vicinityaud resided ~he-rebe- `fore going West. ` ` ' 1\Ir.u.Ta; Caotbvn and? Mr.. Wm. Had.- son attsenuded, 9; Masonic m eetin.g-` in lllmvale last Friday niglht. ; ; I Word `was `received here of the. death. `of Mr. William Rutherford at- .Hast'mgs Coulee, Alta. Mr.` Ruther- lford was. well-known in this d'istrict{ `before: going to Alberta. * -.---u - : _ . . ..| Miss "M. `AJVVi`:1:15son'<`>fq'1`3a,dy is visit-. -ing at Mr. A. Cra.ig s. -_.-- _-w-- T" Mrs '1`. Vligtivfewh. and ~son, Rdbei:ti,`t| zissited friends art. Thomton ion -Sun-J 8y . , i _ . u -up -rv -at -r, ,1_,1 1-1L` I ` Evlr, A. Jary shi;:ped-14,000 bshels ,of -barley to At-water, Quebec; last Mr.,and Mi'.* J. Carson of Yorktongi S'ask., ' are visiting Mrs. Carson"s _Mother, Mrs. J . J. Ma,rti:n.. I Q-,An `up u- on. .. --A. -__ .. _Not1e-J. E. Bennett, Tv.s., B.V. $c., I Barri, can be had promptly Iamany time. . Phone 412. i Feb. 5.-A' number of people. in this locality are conned; rtbtolze hovus with severe _colds. _' - ' The annual bsiness-V meerting of the Congregational church was held Thurs}- day, Feb, 1st. Quite :a few werrg Vvpmsent. A ' . There was no soefvice in` the Meth- odist Ohurc'h~ Sunqay owing to me` 'I J'`I?I'- nn-a\.`:\u1-uv nnuv=`nps' `El ('1' 3 friends on Friday evening in honor of Mr. and Mrs-. N. Dunn, who in- tend leaving for the: West this week. Notice--J. E. Bennett, V_.S., B.V. Sc., Barrie, can- be had` promptly at! any `time. Phone 412. i V _. , ~ 't1Iais$ am; fT.;,g:1o;t`.mm..ea a few ' Miss Ena~imuts of Midland as visit- ing at Mrs.` Jas. Casvtpn s. hiss Tena Turn.r (`bf .iHil:ls~d'a1_eJ is the guest` of Miss: Mary Craig, __ ` Rev. Harold Toye "and! Mrs. "1` ye called on parents " of this placue, last week; _ J. - WI;dv ise Toys intehds. going 'tb Toronto tls week tor -a sehocrt visit." Tiiid 1\a-i'1~i;;:i`J1?W Burk `*5 Fans} retaui-n`e-1 -homes this week. - -T . WIL8ON-WABD8. on Wednesday, Jan. 24:11, at half. past six in the evening, the home. of Mr. and Mrs. `Joseph Edwards wan the scene of a pretty `wedding. wth-en ~tIh-air youngest da.ug`hter, `Laura, was united `in the holy bonds `of matrimony. by Rev. _Toye, 3to John ID. Wilson, eldest son of Goo. Wilson of tihis `place. .'l"h-e "bride looked charming in 9. dress of embroidered net over e-ilk, `as she en- tered the parlor to the strains of the wedding march-, played by Miss Vera Wilson. The, :bride e .trnvel'ling dress" was. navy :blue' milk with I bong` navy blue coat and bat: to `match. l'1`he many costly preaents1taestie i:1.,to the esteem in which the young people are held. C'1`hey Emil-1 `-re'ei`de. in Dalston. We wish them `a. long and! happy- mar-_ ried. life. . - W .' V EH8` S'01l1'a'1l: H811! OI LIIUU Z0, Ul'U'. _ Miss Pomilla. White intends going (.0 Toronto t.h:is_ week. ` ' 1 Mr. Vivian. `W-h-itei has Iiurc-hased' {the s-out-In haif of that 26, 01-0. Rev. Dr. Lnngeldt was in Cooks- town on Wednesday, attending `tlhe Induction out ' Rev. "E. F. Sal'mon_t_o lthe Incumbency of Ooolwtown. .- A 1 c'cu ":1 > The parlor social head-o under `A the` auspices of St. Paul s Ohuwh at blue] residence of Mr. 'S;'B1ack-more was. attended by a argeiqniimber. of peo- ple, everyone ' of whom voted f-it Ibo` have been the: beet,-`and most enjoy- able social evor;=l1_eiid` yet. a Mr. `and M129. BlIo,ck-more were adtmirablou; hosts. and made overyone V most. ' welcoine. Social -ga.mes.~and -c_-harades were the rst `of tho evoning *o occupation. The m_1isical'.,`-progg3a.m~me..;conaist.e;d: V of voca1_`so1og~ and` piano `selections, giv- en by. Mr. `W. J,.C_3oul_ter'j. ,-and`; Miss` `Dorothy *B1wkmore.-f ` .Mrs.7 John `Cook ana>~Mm; e.,w. itmon sang pgmsy I.'.`mM.".`m+_` * .u:.-.n.o..;1;--in...` m'.*A.'.'.".`.`.`\.7'-.'... .:a|. V uuu august: \.lo Iv. 4LU`VVBUlL any JJUIUDUJ Lang`fe1`dt delightecl-- thve audience with` ?hum0!'01l9 retcitmhio poee > .were also inevidence rom-.Rev. Lang- feladt gand; .B1h<:_km`m-9,. Dtlint {j mtxuhmenu um `aorveci. s:na%' Va;I1`o;` `evening 'bro}1ght',u A i T __l.ihi_jIi " ov- % V: i Miss (ilatiy Cluoughley of the 3.0.1., ran nii. `sauna `A: as 0.... Hanna cnbflnl an m?=,WIi- _8`,a.. Paul : 3rai:iIl;__ , _46.30_....p.m.-Sunday Sc-hooi. T A . 1 7.30 p.-m.-L-Evening, prayer "sew-= ` -parlor aoicial will .be h33_l_d. *'=.1."rWay evening at the R+t 1"- FXGA DALSTON. ` nzemh 1 % 'ti"1ji'r?' a;n1ina.l;,il*'1gh{r1o3fe`. `last; Moxi- day to gut village` and the even-. 1..- ...:+.1. . `mm ~"nr; `and: M1 -9. Ling.- `J I H ".|a|lly._1;U_\luI._ Vu8u5v_ cg-gnu. 5-`r.,.g-,.. ...._ ,_-,. *i:}g:. B_agw_.- ~r1)r;'-.`;~; ~ a M `bmt *-mtr*bhaT Games; tjmimc mire of 6116 out:i.`ng._V ~.. ...... - vvn-7111? cs. a nd- a-eh-eah`n,1Ae`ntsA added: to 9 lm pla_-.:' HE`? 9 Ra `Barrie, ` V` co`-L-5;. " V.'_Si, " B.V~ `cap ~b;o__ promptly at: any Phqne.41 2. . . . V _ * u7J L13 ;-ES 3; ;au`gu,iae.' izg from` Sciatica. and unable `to be ;a (mt. `V - ' _- ` . 'n____9 A gnxannunon ram Afs1es7g':lz2La7*J. Bhrrie` campus. ad through ruhe village 1mtFrid-ay. ' --- 2.. `.L:`|rI"......~..,I . Hig~he.r `eduation and higher , edu- cntionagl` `fees apparently ` keep` . pace with eoJc;h.. other. 7 A circular. from the Detpantment of Education at! To- ronto .re by Principal. Redditt of the` `Coiegiato Instituhe last week announces a. new schedume of examin-_ ation fees to -go into eect. at once. I'l..4 8.... -4! an an en`. an!-rnn.n'n nm.| 1 J3! JJV'IlIQ\?lIU,. u}3;;rie,'*~can be. had time. Phone 5412.`. A" A`co_up1,e- of sleighloads of young lo -from` hrevroea attended the party A _l a.LtA t.1}e home` of Mr..F1fank` Loftup` ,_ llI,_-_J__._ A ppvvuv Mr. Qias. .Cairi' `is in Toronto `mg khie -btohhexf, Dr. Gert. - ' CNIVII `VT UV 8? bluw Va-vv v-v v--wwv The_ fee or $1.00 for ntrance ax- aniinatzipn stb High Schools` will re- main the same. The` senior High` School enta-anace, the examination for adtmittance to the High =Sc'hoo1s and` Collegiate Inqttutes, taken by pupils. vvJ1%o- have` taken stvevral years at a continuation sclhooi, now be $5. The` fees for all `other examinations navie that of entrance to the Normal schools have alksobeen le On Friday}, Feblary 12th-,- Mr. -Wm. Eepie will sell by public auction at Lot 59, Con.- 1, Medonte, all :_his= farm stock, implements, etc., t11e.sa_le to `commence; mt. `one o clock. Ten months credit andc5 per cent. 03 for cash. J o-hn Jenneett, Auctioneer. I I7 On Wednesday, Fer}1ary 21st, Mr. J. J. Marks will s\;plal' by public auction at Lot 32, Concession 10, Essva, a num- ber of valuafble farm fhorses, parti- .cu:lars of whzivcvh `are given on the bills lwhich a.re now pos_tedf.up.lNine months credjitu, with seven per cent. for cash. i`W. A. Mc`Conkey', Auctioneer. ' ' On Tuesday, February l3t!h, Mr. Thus. Gould will sell by paulblic gauc- tilon j at the" south half of Lot 2., Con- cession. 6, Innisl, (T-horrnton), all his valuable farm stock, implememts, and household` edfects. Large -bills are now] out announcing this important; sane] and in`; will pay you to consult Itnem. Everything will _-be sold without re- serve as Mr. Gould is leaving for the West. Ten months gjedrita -and 5 per e.ent.' of for `cash. ' M. R. Ferris, auctioneer. - I "X.'{:Bm.}ai `tumor guhe; on and- new xedv fees for the. exami'nati'on: ` New rate) 016.` rats .___.._ - _ '. _.. `AA |.High school en-tram-.e..$ 1.00. Junior matric-ulation. . . 8.00 Partial m;a.ta'icu1'-a.tiion . . 3.00 `I-Inors or aecholansh-ip \ anal-n..1.nI-in-. 1n ..........~., .. -..-...._, .,-. _ ed?u3e1a.tzi`on .. .? 8.00 -5.00` (Part 1 or 2). 5.00 3.00 '1`-he.inc-rease in the fees is for the purpose of preventing candidates `un- pared for their examinations trying them for the ,mere_ sake of trying. "Notice.-.-J. Bennett, V;S., B.V.Sc., Barrie, canbe had -promptly am any time. Phone 412. _4 ` . . ` l'.lUl.lU.l'5 U1: B'l'al1Ull1.-l|Bl..l'l.1J matriculation . . . . . 10.00 Entrance _!_10l'm:al1 school. 5.00 l`Entran$c_e~ to faculty` of ;..1I..\m..J-.3-n. . " . dnn HIV EMV uvouv VG .' :Spto' on Tuesday. I