Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 8 Feb 1912, p. 1

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GRAND cram)` Hons!-:% 3 V-MONDAY, I-'EB Y.h 3:1. 1 ' `|Ir_.'_`"m4.:__..-.._. nn..'_._ -1 i\2__-- . DANlEL3[ BOONE ~.-_-gia-n n-.'- ---._.'.._ - ` e;.'.}i.;'~ii.;;{;.W;xs~7Z7*3a.7; na; _Bo.x.;tm.:k'y .T1'ai!inS${98 ' -. . ~ ;. -1.,uL_`....`..'-.A _S1`_-3... .. "5'.'B8'o`-'bf"._~'__ . _ I 4 ;m337l_5{.D326.Ohting the 4 1x?a!'slIt0Wu Evcz;Av~ UIJIID Iljc :'rni1is bi_=.,_.s_sxoux :w- -nmon. l`I-_'-4A__*,t'USL`.._!'-.g `|I.v-I_`.'.._. *-I-v___.'_ ._ V. 1 , 3 ..,; . _ Vlith" CHIEF `:YOU{lG'~`BUF !'f`ALO_ /', aunt` kn` ` -' `...-_-_-_ ___.j q._ 7'!"n: -S,_.tirm'ngV Storyyo` Pioixee: `Fairs ` -4---.-.--n- . 4_ -_ -_ `Hand his -.-Quvup 1 ft`:-Z-:2IEZlEl|E}E-E %:l van was-u uyuulvu-V, urn: Vv was `av `V: .....r,,_ _ `ihis bravery and prowess as a hunter. f;In the second act we see his struggle} " t`o retain their`, friendship and yet ; I . _ I _ g ,` rescue `two helpless women whom the. hp$hawneesp 'ha_.ve stolen.` The grea1z_ ...climax of the third act is his single-; '_r_h`and'ed _gh't for life with a pack of; qlves. ;A_`1thongh `parb1y-- successful e`hii1_}i";`doing' _thi.s, Bqone remains as -a 1i68"tvlgrT-.3111-n-e';Indians prepare to! 5.=b11rn hiiiI1;a.t the?.sta.ke. 'T5he'p1ay it-1 se1i.sr 11c-.9fsu_Iprises and stirring} 1 ,1; `this one is a.rthri1'l-er,!u 91` -:('.;l'11,_ -ta_ i!\_ at'er`_ curtain`. we-see j,o_urthero_ hap- \ 4` 3" , .YiI,1ia31' The many friends of Mrs. Harry: Brown (formerly of Holly) will n-ol doub`t- be pleased to hear of her suc-' cess `in -her musical career. She has now "attained a `good position at a `high salary, being the pianiext of the! `leading orchestra. of the !twin ecitie.s,i Port Arthur `2_md- Fort William. As" Mrs. Brown has al`wa._vs -been: -a clever` accompa1iizs_:_ it `is quite na that s_he_.should be chosen out of a large lnumber to ll this responsible posi-i |'ti.on . T . _ V g v, vw uwoavcu-qua .sIoQInI$.n.\lAv `AQUA i * ANNIVERSARY. ` N ezgti Sunday CoL1`ier St. Methodist .C~hurc.h -have their Missionary Anni-, varsary. Rev. Newton E. Bowles, B.A.,' B.D., -who `I1 .asspen.t several years! in. I West Ch5imz;, ,wil,l preach at -both ser-! vices; In,v1'ew of the great chamgesi through. which China is now passing` git :Wi-1'} be specially in-tienerzting andin-I jstruotive` to hear him. -Colslieur St.` `last year, for "all: mission purposes, raised ov`-eir $2000 and they are ai`m- mg to raise as much this year. i i t I . . 1.` 7 "T 'T' ' I . Miss Mitche of. `St. Gatherines has` been engaged `as commercial-. eoacher "for 'tlhe C0113-gi.ate,"_' and commence-s her duties on AMonday,mo1:1in.g next. ` .Wo_rd.. was-received on Tuesday of! the sudden deaftzh of Mrs. L. N. Foy Ofl Tor_onto,1on' Monday. Mrs. Foy was formerly Miss Fraser, and was for a number. `of Myeaxrs as mi1'1iner with Sar- jeamt & Smith. V 1 ! . Daniel `Boone. on the Trail comes! ito the Grand Opera House on Monday, .Fe~b.-_.12.4 ` The end of-the rstw act; Idhows a'sudde 1i_attIa.ck` '-by Indians:,i `misled by` 'a renegade white man in-` ;-t.o,_ betraying. Boone s friendship for, `them. -:Daniel Boone was always fair! jti'oL the `red men, and `won their friend-3 ;'s-bipqfon this acuc:ount,_a.s well as `for }rhi.-fbravery prowess, .Tcn'7 C13)` Juana.-51: non` C111` nu-\o\ 11:9; av`:-uunnnn11\. ' Negotia.tion's are now in progress for the sale? of the Cla_r-kson House from`.Mr.T Goodwin to Mr. D. Cubit`b- Nicholls of Bruce Mines-. It is kikely that the transfer will be made within the next: ten days. ! 3 Mr. De]. Benn-ett has sold his. ne farm at Edeiwale to Jas. Giin of Su1)nida1 e, and. is said to have receiv- led` in. the neighborhood. of $14,000 for! I l the 185 _acres. Mr. Bennett will have a sale of all his etfecats soon and in- tends to move West, where his brother] and father now .are. He will likely`. Ilorzatev in the neighborhood of Stress- hurg, Sask. ' V I -If ydu want to `save: 72c. a pair on Men s Fine Pebble Bluchers, the_ Carey Shoe_ Co.` are selling the $2.50! kind for $1.78. - 5 . \ , ' | We ;'are_ oering some used Upright! and; Square Pianos at bargain prices see` them at Garre-t_t s Music. Store, for cash or easy terms`. I .--Flowers are the inosb expressive Valexitines. Try them. Taylor has the best in the` Town. 4Mr. Geo. Shannon writes from Mont- .martre, /\Sas~k., to con't-radict. a rumor set `zioat that one of` his hand.s was so bad'1y.froze_n that amputation was` learn that there was" no truth or found'a t-icn for the idle rumor. necssary. His friends in Town and aroynd Painswick will be pleased t'o| `Rev. `Dr. Booth will preach. at bothl services in the Centr-al Methodist Church; nxt Sunday. His: evening subject will be Pleading f6i' So- r'I'nm,` -~'1`hejGarey" Shoe Co. are slli-ng Mnfs ~one-bu'c`k1e~ Overs-hoes at 95c. . 1 Egiday` evening, Feb y 9tJh, be Lady Grey Foresters wil`1Lmee-1: fbr the tsaltation of oicers. VA good at- tendsanoe is .r_equest_ed_. , x . . . ` .. OOOOOOOOOOO_OQOOOOOOOOOOO .:9ooooo$booooooooooog . 1 vvvvvvvvvvv Hr LOCAL MERE ? COLLIER s-mm:-r nssxoxzmv A `U10?-DO%9\1u A .50. I-Elf:-Q-'-'-=`|":::l IEJEl~% J-Q Th A '.rmm.1.nn. Barrie eurlers sent two rinks down to Stroud on Friday `afternoon for a friendly` game withitlhae Stroud'knig'ht9 of the vbesom an stane, the Barrie men "being slightly ahead at the end the afternoon, atter whic'h: a swpmp.t- nous supper was served at` the home of Mr. and Mrs.- W . Patterson. At the close of the evening game, Punch was served in t-he Orange Hall andi a.n`hour spend: in szpeeehnesg songs, etc. The chair was occupied. by Rerve E. T. Mic-.Conk,ey and. -about fty were present. Songs were given. by Messrs. F. M'a.thers, W. A. _Bo3s and H. M. Mathens, and toasts drunk to The King, the 0.A_.C., and the Visiting !Ourlers. Mr. W. A. Boys" them propos- ied a tmmvt tn Hm Rh-m.A. n.....1~:..... n1--L iof ieeplay. A game was curled in I. The question has very frequently {been asked us lately, When -are you going to have your Great February Sal-e`! We are announcing it to start on Saturday next, Feb. 10th, and lasting for but. 14 days, closing sharp at 10 o clock on Saturday, Feb. 24th. Witliout doubt or joking, this will be the grea'hest effort at Bargain-giving {up to da.te of our business life. This lwill be a bird of a sale, a. whale of a sale; and-- our great annual gigantic sale all combined in one; in addition to our whole "high-class stock of; some `$18,000, every do1lar, s worth of which .will-be on sale, `-We -include in this {great clearing the entire clothing [stock of Mr. W.'A. Pae, which we {purchased 1a.st week at an exceeding- lly low raife onth-e dollar. T ! To Be Given Away. 1 [We will ,~;,rive aw.a.y absolutely free `of charge, the fo-ll_gwin.g prizes, to the [three pe1_~ons- hzdldimg the I-in'ge:~vt num- iber `of coupons at} the close of `this sale. A coupon Wil1be- given with every 10c. ca.snh purchase. Be. sure `and get'yo_ut coupons. 1st Prize . Imi- tation Lined Pur Collar Goat, size to fit Weiarei-, valued at $18.00, 2nd Prize, 1Me.n s Tweed sum, size `to t winner, va.1ued atj$13.oo, 3'rd Prize, M_en s [Colored Worsted Suit, size to t `win-` Inez`, valued at $10.00. iHUN'I'ER `BROS., LIMITED, I The Big Clothing Men. ' ryson s m 7 EEE 1 !v...-.--~. ALLII n. 11- .uu_yo uulzul. pfU[)(E' ed a tqast to the Shroud! Curling Club, which was heartily drunk, and re- spondeed to by Reeve McConJmy. AuA1d= Lang Syne wound` up a very` pleasant evening. ' I A 1 , A he-amty invitation. extended by the Barrie curlers was accepted by the Strand curbens to play a return game in Barrie on Friday evening. The scores Weme:- Afternoon Game. |~ -The Carey Shoe Co. have some- lthinsz special in women's higih. Tan Button Boots `and Tan Rutbbezrs alt re- Imoval -prices. I. . L$at ...v_ -- .-v-.,- I Friday, Feb.` Siyvtzh-;r:e--1jv'i11 be closed tall day getting in shape for thee 'opgning rixsh,` See hand -bills and `posters for further particular.` Siroud Club anteriasn vsssmnar. Rock Hurlers Last Friday-' Return Cam: To-Morrow. ...---..-u. DNIDU IW.cou1.ter W. A. Boys `A. W. Green J. F. Jackson M. Robertson 0. G. Hart D. W. Lennox,s-k.7 R.H. Webb, 9k. 10 `F. Peacock T. Cneyv 1) TX'7..LL IJ. Robertson IB. Meredith- 'H. M. Mathers KC. M:c.Conk-ey, GL1... CURL!-IRS RECEIVED % MOST HOSPITABLY ; \.ur\.v\.1\ . LIUUVV '. Webb 1. Ellis . M9redi-th A. E. - Stapleton .Meredi-th,sk. 14 W. E. Todd, sk. 11 'I',qvnn-an 11...... i K./L\ A W. Stewart E. T. Mc`COnkey F. W. Mathews "1:-rv u :'.\'i- Conkeyy Sklp . . - voL. Lxo; No.-6 1-uom-son outt`; {C1..O0`PR INNUM IN ADVANCE ' OIIGLI cont: nun: elvuvn` Shroud Stroud - One... of our. salesmen asses vour door; _Why`n`ot: ` c. `y"eVhix n can? r mna Dcllvqry `angry; rgaron yeaiafard st, _se1;o,nz.. Cor. wwzaaeu; 7 ;%;`*`f`gnd. Haplo Ava, vvrri I--IIVUIII ll` IUVIIV YNIII GIN?! Z-j- '"s`L3}3 . Ivan`- ::\.re made fdr people who want the` best,- VV Ldwsv -qvuuvuw -- t-on-an -'.-.., payable at a1} impormnt'3iuts* 1;. `Canada and the United States, -cgin purchesed, and Mgney Tau-er, arranged. . ' V `L ,uu. 41' VI LI. 1.` Evening Game. .13 \J \_lo LLGIIU LT. F. Jackson wvvs. `J1 T. Crew H. E1l'i.9 VV. E. Todd A. Stapleton, Skip. n (1 11.... - V) uI\|\A3 "1.`II. xvemuyu W . A. Boys, .,..., G. Hantt ski}. Barrie .18 .21 Londonlnnc A Visitors Room ise~pro'vidd";fo1'i: the convenience of clients` of thevhjhk when in London, to which their man '- may be addressed. .. . - ' T ' '- \,, v77 SEXAGBJSIB/I._&" `3 ()--Sunday Schopl. # ` ', Young Me}? 7.0 p ':Re\'.`Er'.11,'-t` A Branch of this -Baxgtk established in London, England.` A at No. 51, Threadneedle Street,` .'E._ C.', where Letters of Credit and -1. .1! :._.___;__,_L \_.0 . 1.\'r.\' ; noun GIRL'WAN'1`ED~at. once -1 I \\';s;r~(.w' $l5."0 Der `nth` App1y,atBAR,{.3IE' 7.IU`1`r:L. ~ ' NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. `. Rent and Undividotl Prots Total Auclp. (Over) a "` 9.1.1.... cum: . . , uindon, Englanci . ._ ; 61.'l`lIreadneedle S|i'eQ_;g;f(:; j SIMMONS & C0. IF YOU "have been waiting until later in the season to buy a_ Set of Furs do not de-_ lay any longer. e We are putting all our Ladies Furs on sale this week at prices that will clear themj out in a few days. \-` I WI) 111 lJLVL/I-`o""A. IIUUHUI ply Mrs. A Culham. Owe-n_St. Correspondence/salicited. '1` A Persian Lamb Ru , in o'r'near the .-.- Mink on Thursday evening `Feb. 1st. Will ndt-1' kindly leave some at this an 1 he suitably rewarded ? 3'7 -._,_.. _..____.._.._ ._.`_....'_......_..-...;__.._. PORTRAITS BARRIE, - - ONT. coma AND sane: Hats and Furs Maker of my ' .( ."`--On Tucs.. Jan. 30th.,st:-aved H :1-mi. :n[\' glgcglnises, a lare black and whit. I hulmni : he \'m'e 2!. colla.1' Wit G60. LiVi.!'!Qt-09%: nlw an H. Hewmd will be given-thaitlyoul. x-~.-mu-..m: him or giving information 'v 1* _.W . -.-M Iv; h1s1'-ccU\'el'y. .; ' w. E._ V'ronD.}!3Tr`1'1$?- | __._._.._..-<-_. Punuuuua. ~. 2 i it} Loa f;a;na3_f:su1ieie:%` 1 t'.i:g1ge;d v;for,, :"n' haaesgms` ii . ,,co_x-net `~ of. Barrie Hc-rticulntural and Town Im-I provement Society asked for usual; `grant of `$100, `bud notd the fact mat! the Society had; paid outvbinprizos fcr lawns and boulevards 20 per cent. more than this Vgragnt-. Out of $676` ~ revenue. -by hhe Socity over` $600 was` paid out in prizes aml premiunis. _ L , _ ,, 1 _ _ .`__~. :01. ;........-..! lvvsoun vv-v --- I. - - - V - _ -_ I l Jas. Douga11_ and other"Thompsoni] -St. residcemts, petitioned- for` an inn; can`d~eecent lighib as poles"-are already; 5 erected on the street. T \ _ Would Out on mcenge. _ k : A)petition was presented asking" for ~ theieduction of ~~t~avern licenses to six, "dating from May 1st, next". The signatures were as fo1'1ows:- Jas. War-T ters, Fred Mari , S. A. Morri-son, W- J. Partridge, ,A. M. Hunted`, `Geo. Otta-,1 way, W. J. Graceyv, G. N, Gracey,,Wm`.`. Graoey, C; T. -Tthoempson, Wm. Freek, 1 Mrs. Rain-ford`,v_ Mrs, Stephens, J. Rogers, Camplbelslr, Jos. Goodfelllow, {Jo1m.smit.h, Chas. Reynolds, 0. Butt cher, John Crispin, Jae. Cross, J. 0. 4 Rseynolds, W. C. Hunted , C_$eo.;I.~]. Fari- 1'ow,.A. E. Lennpx, Jem_n-e- K1`l18:` J,-.3 R. Mercer, 0. N. Holdswbnqh, :12. J...`-III! Spfott, R. Beat_on',,_ A. 'Ma1c9m.sQn, . G. Bowlesa," W, A._ LewV1s,.-Ja's -j.'L07V19aT. {Robert -Lightfoo.t,(, J .' N. Brown, Elxbav `-be.th C19,rkson=,' -. W-. /J. G .od*fe11o'w,L: Clara King, A. B. .Cal`;le57, qJ_aS:5'CQ1:j` I 1 o b[et[t,7 A, H. west; W... sarj`eant,,V_%-,T_- `W-f 1_\'Ie.rrick, _-JohnASta:p1-e.t0n,V_J`0hm Gamer - , 11:11.... 'l`...n.%n'.-'l.u Pal] ` Rama ' I WMacLa.ren sent in `his reusig-_' nation as` member of Board Qf.Hea1t:h.[ FARM FOR SALE. __7 _T:- . Wi Lot 8. Con. 6. Vespra..100 acres; 2;_mil9s~f- trom Midhurst P.0. 7531-rein under oul`t1.v:8_t.iQ-T 15 tu-.rvs< pasture. 10 acres WeIl`tlmb,6r0.dj Nb.-. One flvwing well. hip roof bamJwlth9, .00.!` oors, an x (H, wnh root house undier IMVSWIJ; Sheep hptgse. Big pen and heilundoox I-,0` 3 ggod dnvmg ouse zlarge brickhouag._-;_9Ip;_IqgI5 Uh Koud cellar. one note 1 ...." mm .fx`on1 school. This ta.rn).is- ,6! 'f!l 75 well watered with runntn smelln -`to JAMES CAVANAGH,M1d um;:0nt-;;~`-:- Miss Viola. Richapdson, assistant tol the Town Clerk, `applied! for an in?! cre'asze- of salary, from $4 'rtvoT$5 `per ! week. i /"A ` Merrick, _-JonnA btarpl-e.w1_1, _qmuu ua.uLw- i011, `John Millaur, Luc'i.n.d'a~ Be:11,`Sa.r 1:4 I Bel-`}_. Georgie Be1~1., Andafew. 'SmihI," P. . t'R. Smith; _I`ht_).s. T.f1`qoke,-..;__.ChriIti~pqL- Usher, Go. C'oopei1_', ' Jdhn ~O:ut.1'1bie-rtA,. I1\.r.... 'n..:...., (1 'M';]pR-_ A_ F. Hun;_` Mayor Thdrpe of Guelph requested? the co-otperaztion of `the '_I`ow_nTof' Barf- rie in `an endeavor-to have a publig [provincial -a.bat1t.oir with an inspector Ito `inspect all animals befonas` and after` killing. % Art; the present timei councils! ma.y.in;s'p`ect` meat kil'ledv with! in the. muniscipality but have no -ju'-ris-I `diction over meazts killed just outs-i.del Tthe Town. ' T ". f E1lIS`hveI', U80. UUUpU|{, uuuu V..........,..,.- -,, - rs. Rainey G. A iles`, A. F. Hun - mer, s.` _N,. m-st, F. M. smith-, 'rhgos.` McKee. G.` B." Warnica, Da_vid `Berown, B.,Bo%t`h`,s TW.-.'~ V. `Brown, J, .14`, raig V mith,` J. G. Hubbrt-'A'. 1 Ca.rso n,; At1_ian`iel Smritb, Mrs. G., F. `Levering, S. _W_'_Llk_ifnon,~` C. Craig, 1: n..-:.... `M . 1Kf$.i:inn.rZ~1T5l'_C .Wg,fn.5r` M. 0 Llvvpnl VJ , ley, Mary.,1s. Acunwy, :3. u M. E. R0849, A. Russell, G. Crheesgnan, .M rs.aE. Myers,` A, Lit- tle, J .gA. ~C-: Evan4a:,v.ALbe,1_1t.~ `Webb ;-. W. J." Hatt, J. S .-`jBrunb n,' J`: '0. ~ Ser- l-vice, J._ohrn Bru,nto`n, -81"). G. ..Smi;t\h, In ,L__ A.....;\ TIT "W. nulflan. J.'.E. some weeks ago,` a peititioui re-_ A As foreshadowed, in_.AThe Advance ceived `for license .red`uctiTo'n,-'eh.e `peti- .tioners asking to. have four of the the Counci1`"wil:l voice their. opinion Council for a grant o~ $50.00 in aid `ten 1:e'n_-tavern licenses lapped` off.` The yby-law will` go through commit-tee` on Friday evening of ne-xt_week,'and , at the meeting `on, February 19th. 1\I'ue;h speculation .wi1.1 1>e ind.ul'ged.' in: as to the fate of the/by-law. I ` - A Bugle 0311.. A L25`-.-Col. G`. W. Bruce asked the. of the 35m: Regt. Bugle Ban_d;.. Hal referred to the fact that Bugle-Major` Gaughan is now a res'i`den'b of Barrie, and t'h-at a. portion, possibly all, of the; band will be remruited from {Barri-ei New drama and buglves are required. The committee will ,d'e.cide.` _ Levering, :5. _w;u n. u. ..,......, F. Craig, M. Waa`ner,'~`H.` Warner, _M. Ross, E. Little, Mrs.. _Rea11cy,AJco;;- 1ey,rMiary..E. Aconley, A. J. Aco;nley, 1.: 1: pm... Mm- E. A .-Rusex1I,.Gr., . `on 91 up \.u (Bprton_Ave:.), W. ,W. Culrlen, Morrison, Jaas; ._B1funt_on,` `Walter ner, ,Ma'nbhva Huntelf. - - The `Parks Gommissidn` reqt t`he Counoil ` to ;. malge -provissim levy of % mill. i11,~the7`d'o1lar,V vac ing to -lgjvv; * .... . a-`.~_.:u_ ...a..a }...iq;,,1,;f. '`n `n` . ` `__'v ` - Biz-rtj, . mg to ugw. L _ . _ . Chief? Smith re_portedj* the: number` of rep ;during the y,ea1`.Ito- be` 13`; false alanma 17; `some repairs, ralter-. atiqns gnd Vadditions.-_1_2v_e;'-o[ asked for. Repairs are `badly .312 the Sixth 1 W~g.rdo " ` ` .;!:Ba.rrie {.0`a'r,'.`.i1I:%tz%"4.2": 7 ` ~ :`:-gadeA` `;stat,u:i:/t> 1V?7t1 " `V la e -*'cf 41 .n i_ng:st>heu- yeiar and. coma A JvHan% .$2m-1! H)I`sI: I901 . SALP.-Br-ick. all modern con-I ._ n \<-nit-xwcs and stable. 3 minutes walk irum Ihv mxrkct. Appyto W.`FIl'lTH or H . U ~*:\.\iHi>TU.\I. - .968 `-1 at First ;ebtm_nr.'y -.Mee>ti'n%g of Cbuxicilg ll .l.l.uuuva". ks eommissidn requested. l make -provision for im thed'o1`1 ar, acco1`~d-3` fl .`6bhes%1::ftitiohed'til ` .` ` .i'c9`m er'="Lo . Tm: Iu1'i:I'I:frs "or '. Reeve Bennett ico1_1"te;1.:_i:o'd that thevre were .macAhin.e shops in itown operated `by men. who paid taxes, and they }should have the job. ` ` - Mayor Cowan -. intimated that he,` .also, had strong views on the, quesv-I :t.ion, .He did not agree with Ald.3 ;Cl-ark, and as_ `for Reeve Bennett"sW robjectioms, the. Commissioners should be able to look after their own in- tere.sts. . ' = . I !W'IV'.VlV1oMn1`atte`x' "will be discussedjby the! `Committee. , _ - - - 5 A motion was carried to_ thank Mr.) E. J. Richey of Edmonton for 11-isz , generous oer of free land `for factory? sites . V _ ` Depnty-Reevez Weslejr explained Jthat -when he, was consulting Supt). ;rownlee .in reference toithuea by-1 12:33.2 ::t`,*::' to '_I'own. V _[ p V _ I Ald. Clank also had strong views on"! the, reengineu question; "He would fnwot repair it, but would rather sell it {and devote the pioeeeds ito extending Jthew mains. He 'crriticize`d' the `idea. of spending ..money. to -rerpair `it, when the ' i:1`own.dic1_n-ot have an.-_eno_gin-eer to run] l1t,ta::11} undcta-I.:to.oct,tthett.E 1t.wbz:s turnzg ou ..en a. an to e wa, 1' ton for `z1`re` some time ago. I T _ - - ._ o '1 I- The Toyvn Tprintihg conrtract 'for" l1912 was aw-a rded4to The Advance. A I 1.71-' Ufnx } JANUARY I Though __lower` temperatures have ibeen recorded in past: years, probably gonadal? of 191.2 w_ill long be remem-J ez;e I or Vt.h_-e contmued. _eu:t-renlle cold; whnclt preva1led,and. whmvh 13: anpre-1 cedlented as faras can be learned `-from any reqordgs which are; ~0bLain- |afb:le- at the `Barrie Weather S..tatiou. [The _mean. temperatureshvowsa the -re- vmark_a.13le record of less than one -ie- es~:;::ch*~*::Y:;:e;:1o:* 2:: :;::::g;`"::,*; Jani1a.ry o othelye/ars-. `December, on `the other hand, was a remarkably mild l.`mo'n`th*,V the emean. temperature beinfg 31? above tl1 e~ a.veIra`ge.`q . I I I " The mildes"n day was on ' J agzua-ry. lfsth, when for about two, "hours the` temperature ,rosre above `the Vfreezingi .point,-17he vaiverage for styhe-` day'VbeiTn.-g L29',g1t.he ~lorwevst.-.17,' and the `higshest_3 6.! -unnn .Ta1`1u`ary. 12th was" the coldest day I with" 1'1 m'ean._-te`mgpe-ra.ture. of 17 -below, fab-ef/lowest point touched onfh.i-s dgy _b,.eipg 23- -belbw and the 'hi.g`he`vs*t' .-1`0 ;b.e1o_v'v.\ j , j _ ` 1 * "F611r ddys ciufing `the. monrt h~ the mercuiyv dropped to` more t1_1=a,nj`20 -be-i low, the lowest-hgbeing on the 6th when-I the oi _`inta'u men't'. recorded 24 be- the -12th `23 -below, the 13th 21 .,b ;low,Ua11d_`-tihe zen; 21 b6lvow.- % ` -._L.-' I -n quot` \v'n-u-guy . to. can. 3-: -v--on: ! +1119 famous Inhdi-an Balnhst and`: |Phrenologis'b, yvill be at Room 7, Veer! 1; `ra Hous-9, for a short time beginning. g-_d;a.y, Feb, `8th. Constt -her if in `usxfgggggss, hea.1'bh1 or hgart; aairs. 'jt`_2o1ib1e or uricert-ainty over fdomedtic, _ I _ I'i1_'gani Pol1'ce nopore. . % Chain-man Wesley "reported ', htart the re eI_1gin'e .requirQd 6verhau_1_in,g_ and `new whee-els. Supt.-.Brown=lee o_f- the` .Wa.terwork-.9 Dept. had "been consulted` !shavpe. _' H M p j t I .l' ,and had: .o"ered to put ithe engine in ;s`n ovTv-flal was abo1T1 .j the aver. - gs, `buft. there _wa.sL 130` .ra_in,. which is. `.-rL_e~ma.rlV:ab1e, eve;_1":for January. I _}BARRIE;AL CCU-NTYOF SIMCOE, ONTARIAO, FEB. 3, I912, I Reeve Bennett `said he held strong. `views on this matter, and thou.-gthih the Waterworks Superinendeiat had no right to have a.nyit~h'ing.to do With re- -paiering the e_ngine,"as !he is a. servant !oij' the Commission and" not of th-e !CounciI. - ' I [ $H.u'gh E1-iel, a_,ge& 53, ydied at tilheyi -~r_eeidb,nce x,of;~ -his" brother-inslaw, Mr. 01 li- % `Loftus, P=h.e1tpeton, after. a1`r_'_ gs~fof over; ve` years j"Wvi-th dia'.be.- by-1a.wsT passed at last `meeting be printed; A and , also assessment and `building by-law?! I` now7 under con- jsiderwtion. V - 1 _ Want Same Pay As` other Towns. ; -[ `1>.c. as; Lambi-e and`: Sweeney applied ;for an increase in salary. They point- jed out that O:ilz1ia s- night policeman ireceive-3 $2.50 er night. 1;: 'Co1-1ing- .'wo`o'd-0 the `Obi ` geits $1,000 -per year, and -the night men $60 per molfteh but no feges or tel'ephone.b. -- - I I uvyuvvra `nevi/ugu urn _ru9; ug....\__,,..,, |3as`,.i1IOwAsu-_T-.Joh,` TMichae1', v.To`sep1n_, anal `T:].It1h7Loftus, Hugh" Friel, `J-r,. and Deceafsodw was `'born_ I 111 `t`J7i"S'1:7." ~ ~ iSt1is ,' btit; fthe ;g:ss%u,.bg;ng9` ltll-U [.l uL|G_tL \llJ'Gl~IIUVD' __uur u `fan-'\.Aav~ ' } ' - u's-VJ `_ii;t_x4Ir%av; * _Laf1_: ~" "of L PRI1c.1{s_s . DA-Hnnrrmxn. fI:|L_I|IIIIIF':.L_?5I"`,+'ii'-,._;'::`a`_I,Iti "i"v_' r snuco:A'nnf*rHi; noujmnqu or cmnon oun carruuou. !i The remains-, arrived on the 830' train on Monday nighlt: and yereimetl at the station by the Vicar, the Church Ward'ens'and the Sirlesmen of `Trinity Church and taken to Trinity Church where a large number of fri_end~s'l awaited to pay their last re- l's'pe-cts to the memory of one who was` `beloved by all who knew her; The `funeral was `held on_ Tuesday morning, `the Rev; E, R. J.,Biggs cel.eubra'.ting I IIoly`Communion at" eight o clock, and the funeral service was held at 10 o clock the Vicar being assisted by the choir and Miss Donnelly at the organ. The `schools were closed and ;the scholars. of ` `the. Central `School, iaccompaniedlby the teachers_ and Prin; cipal Marlin, occupied the north and gsowtah aisles while the entire church was lled `by many friends and. ac- Kquaintances, and the members of the Board of Education.` The pall-bear- ers were: C-hutch Wa_rdens- Porritrt land Palling, -and Messrs. Donnelly, zChannen, Brownlee and S. E; Turner. ` Among the many beautiful ora1~ tribuites which covered the casket were those from the S. & W. Guild of Trinity `Church, ` the Trinity S. 8. teachers of public schools, scholars. of the Jun- and Sen. IV., -and the Board, of Education. - V ._ ' Miss Lee was an earnest worker in `the church and for many years taught a senior class of girls in Trinity S.S. She was secreta.ry-treasurer of the S. 8: W. Guild,_and' for the past: two, years was treasurer. of V the Woman '8] Auxiliary'.of- Trinity VChur.c~h.' _ I fA.\'I`I1D 1Z\T1`1)`NCE--A Housemaid; AD-t - I j Hr fyomier pup1V1[sv, - 70;, Tara. nOv `scattered in` `all parts on `_0ct.g_rio, will learn with regfeib `of the. pvasssingr Of` ,t.his ,t_era.che1-L who "was alwayes 'hi-d in `the higlhesot Ves-teem by her 'scho1ans and_thVev-Sc'hoo1` Boards which. she so fja.it`hfu`l1y served for thaesei -many `years. , ' ` . --n _ . . _ Ti 7-Miaszs Lee is su1vived_ by two sisters,` `Miss Emma I.-ee of Sherbrooke, Que., !an21 Miss Violante Lee of New York, both of_-whom, were here for _the 1 funeral. ` I iA ,8ABIBA'1`H scnoon AND HP.` 1 wonzm LEAGUE .1Ns*rr.rt_n'r: " """'_" """","" """"""" I `Under the d'irecati_iosn of the aisorict; `S,-__S; ands_E. L. Commiftiteex auInsrbi-3 tube" is_to'_be held in Collier St. Church: on .Wed`nejsd;ay~,14t.h.. Theme be -two sessions, commencing at 2.30 and`; i7.45. Rev. John K. Curtis, B.A., S.S. Sooretary for the: Maritime` Provfnc-' es, be present. No.1: only is 3.. `niacin Ilnltvcv A3 QC an] '5` T, ---A-1-Agni \I|hf, ..-.. .. 1,. .. V lgureab rally of .. S.S. and E. L. workers `from johue three Meotg11o`disti Churches in`; town expechecl; ' but` d-elegatezs fci-ovmf Orillia, Hawkeatdne, Angus V and: -jMinesin'gVcimouit8T are_ to -_be_ held, 'I`he_ l9.d,ies.o -Collier St. willsea-ve. tie-a ing the chu~;~c'h at. tbs close of -the miter-' upon s'e`sio_n.T . ` \.I\.ru' II: .Vv|r \ll.lLJ our I ' -On the 1'1st_of December last `Miss Lee wee granted? leave of `absence. on a-ccountz of` ill, heai'th, and left for `New York to rund-ergo treatment un- der the care of -her sister, Miss" Vio~ lante Lee, who is a skilled` nurse. S hev`graduav11y-'grew worse,` and was removed to Rooseveldt -Hosrpita-1, where death ensued early on Satur- day forning from diabetes. .'1`-he Rev, E. R.,J. Biggs, in answer to a tele- gram, started for New York on Fri`- gday, but on arrival at Torolnto, re- lceived ano.t;he_r message tha't. it was !too late, and he therfore re.turned to [B21-rie. ' ` r ~ g I ! --Marriage License csa_n' be had at! `E. H. `Williams- . Jewelry Storp. This . stqre inducted; for its great yal-tie in! Biggie "as-we-` as all` other lines." of; `Jew.e1`ry-VV.,T L . > - .3 __Miss Louise Desire Lee was born in the-`United-States: on. November 16th, 1851, and removed with her ;pa1:en?ts to Barrie when she was quite young; Her mother was an ac-c'om- plished and very .h1gh1.y` educated.-` wo- m`an and it was: frovm"1ner'that she re - ceived her early trainjng. Before she was quite 18 years of age, she began her career as a teacher, a .career which -shewhas so` successfully follow- ed ever since. The average schoo} life _.of a. chi1d'is__ about _e.ig'.h'te years, and Miss Lee has seen` a.t._l`eahs*t ve generations of. school children pass under her care. ,; j 'Dhe.~.-fde'a1;~h:_ Louise `Desire jLe.e> at Bogse.y.g1r_Hpsp-ivsal, ~eaY'31y_. on. +Sa~tu'rday, fmorning, 'i11_ia;'A1ksv;~,;,.t%}i"e`:}`;:;';)`g;ssingv pf `ones `of-the truly- remaxr'k.ab1e"*w_.omexi `in the `annals Ozitario ss Edfucgtion-` `.31 Sysvieem. -She beigg.g"_:her `ca1reer'.as._ !*q._3?vIA:Aeacher' one tJh_e` Bgirrie; school 'stat`i about; the year 1868,` .-and, i-eizx'u'1i'n_ed_ `continuously in the'~serviee-* of the. ..;Board ever since, a period of over 43 years, and establislhed e/record a!tatain- ed by few teachers _in Ontario. In the gninutesr of` the meetings of the first` School Board organized in Bar- rie appears the recommendationvto re- euig-a`g`e-4Mise Lee for the year 1871, at what would now, be considered a`very low salary, $140 per year. ~ `Ir! KDEATHOF MISS LEE! LOST---On eVeni!1:78`r: 5-"i :i..wm~n ["5001-1'0ft S Bank ,.3n\d'V ;;r0r:c1'_y store, a dalk blue coat. Finder leave at `. and race-ive reward;

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