Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 25 Jan 1912, p. 6

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I Camj)be1l--S411'1iTt`l1--Acco1|1VntsT to the! `amount of` $150 were passed. ; Adjourned to meet February 7th, at] H. J. TUDHOPE, Clerk.| 10 a_'m_ ~ V - `more of coiled wire, woven wire fencing, gates, staples, stretcher-s, etc". .11. -,, ' 1 I " "l'.`BEECROl-`T, Manager Transact a General Banking Busiziess. . . . . Notes Discounted at rersanable rates. . . . . Collec- > tion of Notes and Accounts-given special attention. . . . . . Drcgfts Issued payable anywhere. Cheques on outside banks cashed at lowest rates of efzchange. . . . . "Sale Notes Cashed gr Collected on moutfaoorable terms. T.Beecroft BANKERS. Oce Hours--10 to 4 6:. CO. FROM FAR Anb NEAR 0 nooooooobooooooooooo 99`: Hon. Dr. W.` J. Roch-e, Secretary of| `State, will address a meeting und'e'rI the auspices of the Collin-gwood Y.M. G.A., at anTea.rly dpte. . . _ I D-Anna; CCCl\`l\hn ._.---- A A- - - " rna j % `j-th;h1`td(i`gitg`i`;%`8 offering for sale the _ ` `:; 'f.the-.Tow.nshi 03% in Q18 Eigllth (`om.'0S- kn`-H . Doflnmsl. contmningome > N h.{!.!9{e8~ more or less. The son f 3_Bl.I;|nd ism 113005 State of II all having been 33.35%.` _ ;F. arI_n is situated ':..O1I;g',: Imle south of '9 Cielsvale on the . -any time. Fur- .18tf ,-.... uuuu m. nsner - There is` said to b lands ` a . comforts} dwelling house, good outbuildings thereon, chard an .1 wen. Offers will be received by the un~ [dersigned for the following property {to be sold en` bloc, namely, Lots 153 to 24, inclusive, on the West side ot -Essa Street, in the ' Tie, and Lots 19 to` 26, inclusive`, 011 . co East side of Centre Street, in the :s,aid.'l`own of Barrie, according to r0.1~ i_st ere_d plan No. 30, commonly called [,tl1`;e._-` `John ,M;_ Fisher Property. rm....._ --. ? , W. W. CORY, ' N.B.--`Una1ithorized _ vertisement wid not be paid for. ' " J..'- ., Dpputy of the Minister of the Imm-iur. publication of this an !- M _,_ __ ., 1' your. I;-om date of homestead entry (includxng trw tune req cultivate fty acres extra. A homesteader who has exhausted his h0nw- stead right and cannot obtain a pre-oxnptinn imay enter for murchased homestead in co-r~ tain districts. ce $3.00 per acre. I)nIu-s. - Must reside sixmonths in each of three )'vaH`;; cultivate titty acres and erect a house worm $300 00. l-Cuulg nomesteadc-.r., Duties --Six months residence upon and cultivation of the land in each of three _\ (`nrs'. A homesteader may liw within nine miles or his homestead on a farm of `at least 89 nor.-s solely owned and- occupied b `him or by his father, mother. son, daughter, rother or sister. In certain districts 0. homesteader in good standin may pre-em t a quarter-section along- side his omes ad. rice 83.00 per acre. Duties -Must V ide upon the homestead or six months in each of six years f homestead time required to earn homestead patent) and cigtivate \l |'Il\ hon as-.L_-__L_ 1 1 - ANY person who is the sole head ofa faxnily. or any in ale over 18 years old. may nonw- stead a nutter section of avai able Dominion land in enitoba. Saskatchewan or Alberta. The applicant must appear in person at the,- Dominion Lands Agency or Sub agency for the district. Entry by proxy may be made at an )- .agency. on certain conditions by father. mother son. daughter. brother or sister of ii.- tendlng homesteader. lltl -Qi1r n\nnti....v --_!J ~ For .te1-ms gooooooodoooooooonooo099:1; SYNOPSIS or CANADIAN NORTH. A wnsr LAND REGULATIONS. , A `two vA1.'t'JA3I.n mam ron SALE. _ \ Dlip(`r|l)[L'!| Post Office Department. Mail Service Branch. Ottawa 8th Jan nary, 1912. "seen and blank forms of tender nu)` 1-. obtained at the Post Oices of >`.-m-izh" Urilha-and route offices: and at the Urlicc of flu: l Post Office Inspector at Toronto. I G. C. ANDERSON, NI!v\nr;I\I.....3...\o ..u.. an no vunuu-Ions or proposed Contract mu? l be be nweek each way. SEALED -rsnnsns addre.=. n. We Postmaster G'eneru'. will be reueivvd an Otmxm untii Noon. on Friday. the `Z.'n`rl Fehrt1zu`}.'. 191* for the conveyance of His Maj:-sty`s Nails. on; proposed Contract for four years. six rim.-< pr 1 between Orillia and >_`,-hx'ight from the 1st April next. Printed notices containing furtlmr inf::~m.z- tion as to conditions of proposed Conmu-t m:1_v b89081) blank fnnnc nf rnruhm ......- 1... ., Little Car Owner--WI;~:it :u'-.- t2;e_v like? Big Car OWner--Th.e_v're Inmln of the skins of pigs, chickens and farm lanimals one_ knocks. Big Car Ovvner--Why lun't 5-` get one of those new style mot Icoats? Mail? Contract 5frHURsDAY, _ ' v v - u `J48 yu L\ N0 30* common] 11 .M;_ Fishe,r Property).rca 0 "Bald be erected on the 0.m-fortable ve-roomed man. ..'......'.I ..;.-1_-n , FOR SALE The Very Latest. ~ iv-vu--1-V lLVU'L UULHUU 9: good stable, barn and thm-Am; ' .1-.. .....-.1 __ run.` on '1'h`\VAR'1`, 13vOwen St., Barrie. - -rvuulvala IIGLLI CIIJKA '1: '_also good or- JAN .v u1'.Anou;\, supenntcmh-nz V- -- u rtnanull-1313 lJ9hJl_I`,IuiI> The Canadian Bank of Commerce extends to Farmers ` every facility- for the transaction of their banking business` including the discount `and collection of sales notes. Blank sales notes are suppliedofree of charge` application. .-oBA".K.'"G_3V_a M_N!-i _ A....._;._ __ ___ you xotor int( 8 nd \'(-_V teri arm all Whc dur SCI` _ --.I DO ac eas ha lea ble tin ho her ene sho rat the pla ers and the the sep sic wh to W81 ove fti EU 1r_' _ A -:rnn:1n||I\Z I-ll, lllrllld ' Accounts may be opened at every branch of The Canadian Bank, of Commerce to be operated by mail, and will receive the same `)_:arefu_l attention as is given to- all other; departments of the Bank s business. \ Money may be deposited or withdrawn in this way as satisfactorily` as by a personal visit to the Bank. ' i [A231 BARR`|E__B_R_A_NCH VVVVVVVVVVVY V" %i~ Ii.=: Ws NoTEs I:'Df\Il DAB Al!l'\ nu-gnu. A fr ICAPITAL. . $10,000,900 might Ilzavev bexlmag serious occurred to Mr. Th-os. James, SPLI'.l' EA1_R. OPEN. sun EDMUND WALK ER.. L c.v.o., u. o.,k o.c.I.}> Pne:u:u+ ALEXANDER LAIRD, GENERAL Mmaaaa` ' -E5BlV'nERS' Bbsrnss J Manager. Mr. Flubdub -- You` women are mighty slow.- During the time it: took you `to select -that hat I wet out a.nd- made two` hundred do1'la.rs. Mrs. Flubdud-.-I m so glad, dear. | Ypu I'l need i-t!-Puck. .. vwuu wvuovnvot ABaker-`-` ` Whenever I see anyt{h'ing' costly I want to buy it for my wife. Ba1A"ker--Pr,o'digal,. aren t you? ` I ! Baker--Oh, no; I always _cont,ro1 It-11-L- impu1se_.--Harper s ` Bazaar, j | , T-__._._~---. we wvu,_ .|.gAu\J\-V, \Io Sold by all Druggists, 75c. , V Take Hall s Family Pills `for `con- ! stipation. A . Wha accidem I _. . --vc-oJ J-I-lIlll\.I 'Ha1l s Catarrh `Cure istaken inter- nally, and acts directly on the` blood and mucous surfa,_,ees_ of the system? Send for testi-mon'ia1s free. ` . , V Lucas Cou'nty.. J" 83' -. Frank J. Cheney `makes oath that the is senior pgrtner of the 'rm_'of F. J.-.Cl_1ene'y & Co., doing business .in `state of Ohio, ,;City of Toledo, o T i the City of Toledo, County and State~ .aforesaid, and` that said rm will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOL- ,LARS for each and very case of Ca- tar1jh~ that cannot be cured by the use of Hall s Catarrh Cure. .___r__ V. wa.-...-.-v.n4J.o Sworn to bef::ore me and subscrib-I led in my presence, this 6th day ofi [De ember, A_.D., 1886 * A J I . l A pleasant event took. place at t.he'| `home of M.r. John. McIJe'a.n on Thurs.- iday evening last, when a number? of_ his-f1-iends and neighbors gathered to `bid _farewell to Mr. McLean and fa- mily, who leave shortly to take up their residence near Barrie. A In rt`11e" cc;-urea of the evening an address Was; [read -by Mr. James Graham~ on be- ;half of the company assembled, and Mr. and Mrs. McLean were presented with _a. handsome easy chair `each. A most enjoyable evening was" spent _by | all present. The oply thing that _mar- ,red the event was the absence through |misx'nana.gement in the invitations of [some very neaztrelatives of Mr. and Mrs. McLean. . The Jarrett correspondent .-of the! ~Ori}lia Times `h~as_etl1efo11owin_g refer- ence to Mr. John M-cLean, who has ,taken Mr. Dan McLean s farm, at the eastern end of Barrie; I 4 2 !A.trner1ey,; while _in Orillia last . Mon-"` `day, says The Times. A'ts the corner ,of Miss'Lssaga,.a.nd W-est streets he met a load of hay with Mr. Russell An- -dersqn and Mr. Geo. _Moore on it. A ` board projected from the load about! four feet, ' which struck Mr; "James! on the eag, splitting it open and ren- fdveringl him unc-onscious. He was hlur- {ed to a `surgeon whezje f his wound twas dressed. He is doing well. ` (Seai) WILL nnsnm IN 3Aa1a`n :.J _-`-._ _.-...., .17`. J. CHENEY & CO; Toledo, II I_,- L11 'I\ Good control. imainys were interred -by the town The Collingwood. Bulletin s=a`ys: 1?ich.a.rd' Dougbas-'s,___ one of C.o1ling- Wood s small colored .com1'nrunity, pass-I `ed away at a, good old _age, his .`fl'_iendS say ninety-one `orytwo years, at. midnight on Sunday. 011 Tuesday -of last; week, during the. co1d wave `which continued without -abatement `practically. all week, the old. `man `sutfe-red from frost bites, his `hands and `feet being badly frozen. To add to `his mise-ry his home was none too. con1i'orta:bde `and he became ill. On, Saturday night Chief of Police Borthv-"' wick had `him removed to the G. o& M. Hospital, where he lingered in great pain for -twenty-four hours. The re`- authorities. FRANK TJ. CHENEY. . Gomforft. A. W; `GLEASON, .("L,,_ _ N otary Public ' a u,d,itor'a toj_"aud-it ,tJheV '.bgoks:,` a;1_d- 1:,eport:f at `next: meati %f`:jf;'T!."%. -".71*".`1A`?`" -". Vinstructesi t` ,..-- .. f.A.u'llll4llc 4Beifntin:g --H-Mil1`a:r--That W. H; Hat-7 ton ;and, D. H. Ross` "be" appointed Treasurzer '3 Leave was granted to introduce by- laws to appoint the severa1 ~oi-c;"s tor bh:o- Township of Essa. for the ycsr 1912. '1`.hIe following are `he list of ioic-ers:--Assessor, Charles Denney, Baxter P.O.; Fence Viewers, Northern Division, Geo. Davis, D. McCann, Jes. ` Sproule; Southern Division, Jo-hln Car- ter, Jae. Bruce, W.;J. MeMater;'Wee- tern Division, . Wm. .Div.,- W_in._..gSpin1oe; Stewart-; N 0.` 7 . Div., j AJennje,t.~; and > vCa,1v/in F. fDu, .er9f.~t38idi' 39"d?f I`I9.-1?- . C` if n..*..;.-`.. .. 1 1-`en members , Boerd,` J. Cox: '. Thos. `W-hiteside, Robt. ., Miller-`-Lowrie--That 0a gram of $10.00 each. .be given to Sick `Child- re`n"s Hospital; Tordnto, and jSanitar- ium, Gravenhu-rst. ' 0 ' ..... .....w.uu w. quuuucatlon and office` before the clerk, took their seat in Council, and were called to order by ( the Reevxe-.j Minutes of last meeting of best year was read and ad-opted. Application for "the oice of assessor from Chas. Dean-ey was presented and `read. The Council then got down to liusiness and discussed the great ques- tion of road-making and` decidmd to place a good deal of gravel-on, roads` h lead-ing to roadsvtaken over by the Coun . ` . ,_- .__f. w t 9 Q` $1XO The Council-el:ect for the Town.sh_ipu of Essa `met Jan. 8th at {Thornton in conformity with the Municipal Act of Ontario and consisted of R. \Bell, Reeve-, J. J. Banting, W. A. Miller and _R.. F. Lowrie, Councillors. Mir. Dundass was unable to attend. Each of whom hvaving taken the necessary declaration of qualication and office .b8fI`r fshnul (clay-I2` 4-nnl. A.L..:_ __-- Mr. Robert Stuart was the victim of a serious accident on Wednes--`I day evening. He Wasnreturning home with a load of chop, when his team became. frightened and ran away. Mr,-=5$t11art3 was thrown vio1en.t= ` Iy to the` gitm1nd and. sustained a'sc,1"p 3 wound which necessitated `several stitches to close. Fortunately he was discovered soon after by Mr, Mor- timer`Porter. A by-law was introduced appoint- ing A.- Cochrane a-nd`A. Quinlan aud- itors for 1912. D. Wood, amember of the local Board of Health for the, `ensuing three years and was given the `usual three readings and passed. "The `Clerk was instructed `to ask for tenders for printing for township. _ The Council adjourned to meet February 5, at 10 a.m. ' ~ i .oHickling-Harris - That $50.00 be! granted for gravellring town line Sun- nidale and Vespra, opposite ]ots'1 and 2, Con. 14, Sunnidale paying same amount," and A; G. Johnston looking after work. p The following acco11nts were passedl and_ doniitions made+Jacob McDe'r-, mott, sheep .killed by" dogs, $3.75;: Peter Seadon, winterlroad and work, $4.00: Muskoka Free. Hospital, Toron- to, /$5.00; Sick C-hil'd_ren s oHospital, Toronto, $5.00; Royal Victoria Hos- pital, Barrie, $25.00; John Brown, re- fund Statute Labor tax, $1.00; Muni- Acipal World, six copies, $5.00; A. B. Coutts, municipal election expenses, $81.00;, Tl_1`o.s.' Turner,`refund dog tax` `$1.00; John. Traverse, sheep killed by dogs, `$30.00; _ > I .V1o\ll-Ill`! uuu ;.u.umxunu rree .1105-pltal for` Consmmptives, asking nancial aid and Municipzil 'World re_ renewing {sub- lscription. ' ' i for At the Town `Hall, Mi-cl-hurst, on Jan. 8th, the Council elect. viz.: Alex. _Finl8Ya Reeve; Charles M. Hickling, 'Deputy-Reeve; Charles Harris, Grant; Knupp, and D. M. Co11tts_, councillors,[ led their declaration of office and: property qualications and took their! `seats, t'he reeve inthe chair. - . U ,`7.---v----v--v In-gs UVVIL UIIUIL I lseats, move Communications were `read-` from: Secretaries, Sick Children s` Hospital Toronto and Muskoka Free Hospital; {for Consmmntixmg nulnm nnnnni.-1 ~31- . The. following orclers were issued! viz., D.` .Sinc_1`air,. use of gravel pit 1911, `$10.00; T. `Syritzer, use of` _gravel`pit, 1912, $12.00; '1`; Campbell, _ Mun. Election exp. Div.` 1, $7.75; H, Scott," Mun... Election exp. Div. `2., ~ $7.25; T. Forgie, .Mun...election exp., Div. _3., $7.25; T. Rickey, `Mun. elec- tion exp.,, `Div. 4., "$7.25; H. Matthews, Mun. election exp., Div. 5., $7.25; T. A. Bell, Insurance on hall, $9.00; W. `McBride. polling booth, Div. 1, $3.00; 'N. Schell, polling booth, Div; 0 $3, -$3.00; T. Sealer, polling booth, Div. 3.51, $3.00; `W. Mumbegson, polling '.:;2bo_oth, Div. 5, $3.00. Cul-hain-Loekh_art-.-That this Coun- cil adjourn to meet at Sunnidale Cor mars r,st;'1`h'1irsday in Februaryg " Township Omcials. 1912. Assessor, John Switzer, New Lowell, {Sanitary Inspector H. Scott, New Lowell; Pound-keepers, Wmg. McBride, '-Brentwood, Isaac Carter, New Lowell; A. McQuay,' Sunnidale Corners; A.l Copson, Stayner; Fenceviewers, Wm. `McBride, John Gordon, W. T. Gilroy, A. McQuay, Wm. Brown, H. Rickard; -Henry Matthews, Board of `Health, 1912-13-14; A; .W. Huthu,.Drain Inspector; James Mieks, New Lowell, caretaker of Town Hall; T. Rix- brough, Collector; H. `A. Scott, Medi- cal Health Officer; S. C. Warner and John Matthews, Auditors; Sheep val- uators, C. Seeler an-d E. Rogers. Qpic-her-yCulham-'-fTliat Rejeve and Councillors ; Lowrance and Lockhaart procure 'st6n.o and gravel to" rebuild Bowen s 'Bridge, `Con. 1, Mad River. Carried.'; '.~ __ ` `- ` _ say fair, from February ,'15th to . 17th. Sports will -be held on the main. . Lindsay will `hold `a `three daye mid-I winter exhibition and Made-in-LinrL business str-eet, hockey match-es in the] rink and a`free exhibition in the Towix Hall. "The -Seympur Power and Light-_ 00. Will` furnish work and material for illumination free .of_- ' charge; ` Lbak'ha`rt'- -._-Lavrgme ".'1`hat.'.: Cooun-_ "cillors Cul-ham _and'_ Spicher procure necessary timber to rebuild` -Riley Bridge, Con. 14. 1 Carried. Qu_tioh Vof-j ,b1?id;g}s.il;iidin;V:i'i was Tconsiduered.j ' . ` ' %~"~tt$heoim}:i1o 1912 held their first session in tl:ge'T0wn Ha11,,N.ew Lowell on `the 8th inst. -All members ptesent._ A _aoUNc1"I..' VESPRA COUNCIL. ` nssA cotrxxicm. A. B . COUTTS, Cnlerk.-I 5'1`H4E A NORTH E RN ADVANCE -infant children of Catherine Ann Min-1 Daniel W. Watson of Beet-on is ap- plying for .-letters of Guardianship in tho Simccvev County `Surrogate: Court for the custody of his three children Ross`, Margaret and Minervahwatson 7.; 1 oerva Watson, cloceamd. ` V ' I .f. I , ,- .._... n_-no v.l.\.II1Ll'\ !"7o `I J. Ross` Robertson wrote asking: donation to Hospital for -Sick Child-' ron, Toronto. No action- .1 . Campbell-.-_S1nith+-$10- was; granted` to Mary Haynes, Hawkestope. A Cookburn---Campbenll-Six copies of I. Municipal Worldvor`19122for Council an_d Clerk were fordefred`. i_ .j T ,, ~ 1 Smibh-Gampbe1l-The Orilli: Times] was offered the contract -pri ing for 1912 at same rate as last year. Campbe4ll--4McArthur -n- Four fore- men sheep valuatbrs were re-appo`int- eci,, namely ,_John Roe, John Brandon, John Sanderson` and 'Wm. `Tudhope. - _ .T, ` pnna- "D1\1unuL.-_-` --~-1 I ` ...V..,y..us vu`uull.Lll.llg 1418"" of fore oin oicers and rovidin . for 8 8 P 8` the remuneration of V Township oicers for 1912. " x. A Cockburn-1-:(r}z:xn.p-be'll Mrs. Neil Bell was re-appointed` caretaker of the Town Hall and the Clerk was in- lstructed to prepare a by-law `for. next meeting conrming the3` appointment [Of foregoinnr nmnnrn on-nil 1\~InAo3.I2.... 1!-.. ' _ Campbell---Smith` `- Wm, McAIthur was re-appointed assesggt. McArt-hur--Cockburzi-H. j P._ Mer- rick was re-appointed col-lcetor. l`I-_I,,1, - --- ...-u n;vuaanvIpLJ.LllOllU'\]lI\-V1. 'McArt;11`11;-i-(v3'o`c3l<:burn' -- Dr. G. B. Jamieson was appointed M. H. 0. for 1912. . I Campbem-;_;1;i_th-:- Archibald Smith was appointed `a. member of the local `Board of Health` for three `years, l`|.........-.`l..-`I1 c1.._2;u . - - - CVam(1)t;;I:1-:-'-_C'c;<:'i --- R. 0. Bell was re-appointe -as the other auditor.'_ IN Mickie, Dymentnnd V Son are en-l larging their Bradford factory -by building a new addition 48x20, two storeys `high. They intend to em! large the business oice-. The addi=tion| is for. storage purposes. ' i ` -._y avvvv ` Me.-`Arthur-_--Campbel1 --'Gilbert Love was re-appolnted an Auditor.` nnumLx1`I f`l__'l_l._-__,, `I-5 l'\ `C an I The Deputy also spoke, taking up some of the matters likely to come before this Couneil- during the year and heartily endorsging the state-[ lments made by the Reeve. ` `II .A ll - -- * ,,-__. ,e 1 The Council elect forvthe Township of Oro, for 1912, namelhy: F. H. Ball, Reeve; Geo. Campbell,,Deputy-Reeve} `J. H. Cockburn, Alex. McArthur, and. Archibald Smith, Councillors, met as`! requested by Statute, on Jan. 8, andl having madepand subscribed declar- ation of property quali-cations and of, olce were duly organized. ` | In a concise and pleasing address} the Reeve welcomed` all the members} to the Board for 1912. It was a -source! `of great satisfaction to him and.` he: felt sure to_ every member of the Board to know that their manner of conductingthe aifairs of the Town- shiphave been so satisfactory to the ratepayers th-a.t they saw t to return `this Council without opposition for three consecutive years. He further out1i;-1ed- the work for theyear so far as at present known, and hoped the meetings would be esiagreeable and Ipleasant. as in the past, and that every -part of -the Township would, as for- merly, receive`equa1 and fair con~ sideration. -~ ` The Council adjouvrned to `meet at! Angus 3rd Monday in~February. j I , I'14\w9vvv1\w\n-new .-.. zCon., $1.00; John Nicol,iouttingi down` fhill. on 7th Con. $14.95; Nomination `expenses $7.00; -Geo. .Monl;man, 1% ggals-. formaldehyde A $4.50; Lewis Mason, rep. culvert on 7th- Con. $4.00; Jas. Ellis, for cedar and putting in` culvert on 25 s.r. $10.45; S. Gilroy, Cook.stown lock-up, Essa s share for |meats $1.27; Chas.` Denney, rep. cnl-5 vert on` 20th si-do-road',$1.00; G. C. Allen, for gravel at McLean s bridge $10.00; Dr. J. W. McCullough, Deputy Reg. general report received, certify-I ling to the number duly registered in; `1911: births 71, marriages 14, deaths} 44, total 129. . I `ORO COUNCIL. .onaay 1n~1*'ebruary. A J. COXWQRTH, Clerk. It `is said that Lind-soy `music?-lovers! will shortly organize a`: choral society.,= "`T?he~ Court of King Cole is now being rehvearese~d,"- and a. presentation of` the sacred. cantata, Belshazzar will! be put in re.h-ears-al for Easter.- ` SCOTT S OOKSTORE Wise-Well, I d sag it! is pos-I sible for-_ two to live 0%: $10 a week `weakly. .--Catho1ic Standard and 'Times.- ` [A % , All in Spelling. Ascum-_-` ` Te11.me, which is proper. Would you say `it `is possible for two -to live on $10 a week or `on.$10 ,,.: 1 _~` `. D _. ---V xavurxn I I _ { - - | `."l`-he quick, my child, are those who hop out of the.road` in time. I -`-London - Bystander. ,-`,--._- Papa, what is the.) difference be-` tween the quick and the dead? ] .10 `Councillor Cockburn reported that! W. Walker Wished to purchase trees on road line, Cons. 7 and 8, Lot 5, .north. Councilslor Cockburn was ask- l...'.1 L- .._.-...:_- examihe and take such action as he Ibhinks best. ' vvu-.v-uava vvvnsvutu V1 an awn` I ` - `fl . I I Frozen water pipes caused a range` 1 in the -home of Mr.. W. T. Allan toi blow up as soon as a re was put on.$ The range was wrecked, but no `one was. injurerd.

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