9999 99 OOOOOO 99 vvvvv vv: 1 ;sNA13snors on sroms s; O . :0 ooo'oooo3 '3 \ JUVENILE HOCKEY. n I In a juvenile hockey match be- 3 tween the All Stars and the Band of [Mercy at the Mammoth: Rink on`; 3: Monday night, the_former won by the {dc-cisiv-e score` of 5-2. The game started with a rush, Sticky Steph- 'ens scoring from the face-off for the` All Stars, and Fraser, in a few `minutes, duplicated) the .trick, mak- iing the score 2-0 in favorof the All .Stars. With decidedly the better of lthe game the All Stars added two .more to their tally, Stephens and ;Fraser again being responsible. Score '. ,4"-0 in favor of the All Stars.. Near it the end of- the first half, Scott made a brilliaht rush through the entire line- up of the All Stars and tallied the B.O.M. s rst counter. After the in- iyterval, both teams .settled down to `steady hockey, and there was no! `scoring for the rst fteen minutes,? ;when Scott tallied another for the] {B.O.M. on a pass from H. Vine. The !score now stood 4-2 in favor of the All Stars. There was no further scor- ing until near the end of the `game, when Stephens scored his third count-` l er for the All Stars, making. the final score 5-2.. Every man on the B.O.M. t-eam played a steady, heady game,` but the superior weight of their op-! ponents `told against them. Fraser! `and W. Stephens put up stellar hockey! {for the A11`Stars. { ! Barrie Juniors again went -down! to defeat in the game with Orillia last Wednesday evening, the score be-I ing 10-2 against the local- boys. Atl half time the score stood 3-1 f01`| Orillia, but in the last -half the Couchiching youngsters played the Barrie boys off their feet. Penalties were numerous, and at one time four of Barrie s men. decorated the box. The _line-up was:-- Orillia . \. Barrie ; .N. Co'ok....A.....Goa1 Villiersi R. Cook . . . . . . . . .Point . . . . . Brown McNabb . . ; . . . . . .Cover . . .Brown1ee "Buttereld, . . .' . . . Rover . . . . Sevigny Mohan- . . . . . . . . . Centre . . . . Keeley Th_ornton. ,. . . . . Left Wing. Longman ` Jupp. . . . . .Right Wing . . Crogan. . .. ...... I Barrie Business College hockey team defeated the G.T.R. clerks` Sats urday evening, score 4-2. The col-' lege. team would like to arrange games .. with other amateur rteams of the County. Address L. Lyn*c;h, Sec y.l Taking into `consideration the mag- nicent" equipment supplied by the Canadian Pacic , even at full tariif rates, every day is aA bargain day for the travelling public. ,-_._ _.;--..A.'I_.. can u-wow v--v-,-5 r_.._7_, The-new compartment cars recently` put into service between Toronto and Ottawa, and Toronto and Montrea.1, on trains leaving North" Toronto at 10 pm. daily, in addition to the electric liglmted sleeping cars`, `also operated on this-`train,~make it second to none on the continent. T ` - The ~c:ompa.rtment cars have a. style! all their. own, being the latest in con- struction; and appointment. They are -electric` lighted throughout; absolute privacy is` assured; individual toilet requ:isitge s;,- etc. ` , m__-:_. 93' :_ 1.1.... ..............-.1 \-IUVI f-A Premier Trgin, is the general verthct-; `some say, 9. credit to Can- .'. 1.. v Unu- _ada. A Th line-up :- DIVLnJ c ..v......,... ! Mr. Clarence Mitchell of Tollendalei enter-mined a sleigh-load of friends; on Thursday evening. ' I _ ._ .. av , ;_1_--- -_-.1J.... ` a. `All Strs_ Band of Mercy L. Stephens. . . . Goal. . .C, Robinson L Allingham. . .Point . .W. McDonald ' 3. Graves . . . . . . Cover . . . . . .R. Vine V. Stephens. . . .Centre . . . .J. Rogers ' >._ Fraser . . . . . . Rover . . . . .J. Boys :. Reeve. L . . . . .Right Wing. .J. Scott`. . Reeve . . . . . ..L_eft Wing...H. Vinei ifee_ree--Greg; Caldwell. R5 J. r1t.cher, agent, Barrie. L-grquantity of pvgpg to loan at V , V PER _4`=!5'N_'l".,; Mom-:v TO . LOAN ORILLIA WON AGAIN . ACME OF SERVICE. Biggest Sale of DryGoods Ever Held inhBarrie It Will Be the um: ; bA\.Iov.I\an-a`J v . v~--ha. l Mr. E. G. Harris was} taken studden-I ly in with scarlet fever on Saturday and up to the present is sti1'l'quite ..!..1. I Izooooooooooooooooooo00099: socm. AND PERSONAL; }39099000090000.0090000090: . Mr. Cecil Jory of Winnipeg is home for a few weeks holidays 3 : Miss Del-em-_ere McKee returned to [New York last week. Miss Innes leaves on Monday next for Edmonton. E Mr. S. Brown of Thornton was in |Town for several days this week. Miss Woolner of Toronto is the guest of the Misses Dougall, Worsley St. I Mr. S. ' E. Turner att.end.ed the ', funeral of the late Rev. A. C. Watt at |Churchi1~1 on Tuesday. Tuesday evening about seventy students and friends of "Barrie Busi- ,ness College assembled in the College {rooms and spent. a social evening at `games, etc., vaf_ter which excellent re- gfreshments were served-V by a commit- itee of students. uuxn sick. OI` IN'1'EREST TO MILADI. Footwear. i E Black and -white footwear is` ex3 pected to have another season of lgre-a. c popularity. I [Generally speaki'ng, millinery colors [remain dark. Black and white com- joinations are expeetzed to hold stro:-.g.. Narrow, Petticoats. Petticoats are little more than drop skirts, narrow skirts, and in every- instance wholly without trimming. `A Newest corsets. The newest corsets preserve- or mold the natural gure 1ines-the low un- {conned bust, the curveless waist with Ithe diaphragm slighftly full, the per- Vfect curveless and slender hip line. All of the new corsets are more ' exible. Yellow Fashionable. I Yellow, in a]1 shades and tints, is exceedingly fashionable. Palest corn `yellow, amber, ch-amois and mustard l arppear in many designs. `In... L1... +..:1.-ma an;{' A13: nnl and `l:l.PpI'.7'd.l. Lu Luau] ucolsuao For the tailored suit oh} gold and [khaki are used. These. are trimmed Lwivh`ba.nds of seal or skunk. [Winter Resorts Round Trip Tourist Tickets now on Sale to _all Principal Winter Resorts including .. - _ nujpjg-C A QQf"'3 esterh Canada A- j ~ is via Chicago ` . -_ .1 -,|I=v-I" :..... . and uokeci trdm A V;;`i*;-= '?.``4"3:!" newt Mc|lllllGALLl DJ.\4A3n Conduotor John Steele is oneof the lucky fishermen of this Ward`, Who. this week outclassed the prize Ike, Walton, Principal Shear. Mr, Steele made :1 haul of 49 beauties on Mon- day morning. .... . , n m `n `-.......1....-. BOTHWELL BLOCK IIIIQIIIIIIII CALlFORNlA,`MEXICO FLORIDA, Etc. GENTS FURNISHINGS and DRY (00135 The` Attrgcfive Route to UP-TO-DATE STOCK LOWEST PRICES Millinery Shades. ALLANDALE ..._, Mr. 'I`horington, a G.T.R. employee, was quite severely injured the other lay, when several bundles of wood fell on his head. His face was badly out and he has been confined to they` house since the accident. A Mr. Geo. Smith, who has condu_c'tede|, n 1-epair store for some time past, is moving into larger quarters, havinga] rented the store adjoining Roy Stone's book `store. He expects to 5. move in in the course of a few days. '1 The Y.M.C.A. went" down to -defeat 4 on Friday night at" the `hands of 'St.`. I 1 1 1 J .AndreW s by one goal, but took thei'r`i defeat as good sportsmen do. Presi- dent Shear says they have thlzee other good men in view and will likely have a much stronger team fore the next game. . A debate on the queetion.,of Church Union will be held in Alland-ale Pres- byterian Church on Tuesciay evening, January 30th, wt; 8 o clock.~ The sub- ject of the debabeie: -Resolved that organic union between the Methodist, Presby-terian end Congregational Churches in Canada will further the best interests: of these churches-.-; The affirmative wilt be supported by Rev. I. G. Bowles (leader), Rev. Mr. Hipkin and M-r. S. A. Morrison, and the negative will be takenby Rev. Dr. McLeod (1-eader), Rev. Dr. Booth and The Bureau of Colenizatien ef:the' Department cf A.rili_ltute+r'_'e Province of Ontario--has ettedupe a Demonstration `Car, exhibitigs the grain, roots, vegetables, etc., ggown in .The'GreateN_orthland-ve-:V-NE nu!-rnnrn ' ' . . _` _ ~ .- ~ ~ Demo nstratiuncayr i5iv TX'1'z I6T' Barrie, Saturday, Feb. IO, gooooooooooooooooooodoooozQ You should atrail yourselves of th'e..op .portunity", witness, `a . demonstration of the great heritage wh.ich`wev.ppss_eS; .. W: ,. The attendants ?will be pleased to supply ~;]}jitqf9rmt-idn.1-; .' . 4 V onmnzo Govnmmnnr humane romowxna TOWNS 4"` I ' February _ H (6 ll at . u _ 1--:Mp;f)lef{w 2` King .v 3-Au:or1 cmmon UNION DEBATE. ACROSS THE BAY Wait for Further Announcements _Late'r Keep this Date, in I I 0 I I. O Comme1icing JIWIIVHII I DIX XIDD 3 O :6000OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO This car will__be in -, 1M, Donald Roes.. This -live topic `handled by -these well-posted. men will. no doubt be the means o`fi11-i'ng~the,f i'ch`urgh _to the doors next Tuesday` DLIIJI L450 evening.` Ernest Holden, a car inspector? at Collingwood, came near terminating his days on `the G.T`.R. on Saturday `morning. a He was `inspecting a `coup- ler of the baggage car of train No. 42 (1.05 p.m.), when in box car ran into him, : ' pinning his head against `the buifer beam of the baggage car. Assistance was immediately _rende'red him and__after`medical attendance he was taken to his `home. It is now thought` he will recover. W'hi1e the Hamilton train, due here at 7.35 "pm. .on Mondayenight,` was |nea:ring Beeton, avjournal on the en- gine broke, -oansing-some delay. ; The train was, fortunately, proceeding slowly, and none of the wheels left the tracks. An engine` was sent from `here to bring in the belated train, 3which arrived at'9.20, just one hour` `and fort minutes late. The auxiliar . ; Y . . --van any-u.6-. Rnnyh on +.l1n"hrn~luI.n Engine! II0l'liy IIILUUIJCUA sang. J-LIV (II-|asAaumJ - was sent down and thebrokgn engme repaired. . _ _ -. i, Several ladytpassengers who sat in a coach of train No.~ 43,` on Monday afternoon, "just before- it pulled out for Meaford, muet`h~ave tliought that a. miniature Tripoli co-nict was in progress under the coach in which they were sitting. A heavy freight. train had. just pulled alongside the! Meaford train, when -bang i went !something! It sounded like a_ can: non, and the shock fairly. lifted the- car off the tracks. Panic-striekemwo-V linen to the number of a dozen rushed, ito the depot platform,.and. refused to` {return to` the car until their fears gwere allayed by the explanation that ,the explosion had nothing tovedo with their. train, but that the big noise was `caused. -by t-heburetting of then cylin- gder head on -the side of engine No. `1255, belonging to the freight .train ..`l..........'l- HUI! uvov alongside. , 7 [AUTOGBAPH QUII-'1` SOLD Mr. D. Moore had one oflhis Vfeeti frozen last Week. ' % l Mr. Ola:-once Mitchell Purchased Bad ! n-_-...:.... swan. Mamas A0 D1-nminr ;.|.\l.1'. UIUIUIIVU .lVl-IIAJILVII -huavuwwvu --.. covering with Names f Premier F and Mrs. ` Borden Thereon. The Button Avg; Methodist` Church `Ladies Aid Society held a most sue-_ cessful social on` Tuesday, and during the `evening disposed of an `autograph quilytf, on which was worked the names of manyof the prominent residents of Barrie, besides those of Premier and Mrs. Borden, who contributed $2.00 ;for the privilege. The quilt was _after._: wards sold, Mr.'Cl-are'nce Mitchell be- ing the` purchaser at $6.50., The -total receipts were $131.50. ' _2--3 .1.'|_-\ _'I.-:.. nvvvorww u V-V Y-- . - ` Rev. Dr. Booth-@;<;cupi_ed the` chair. and gave` an` interesting address, . andl February- 1,6-.--Wahag0 : : _~ _ __17-=-sev,er`n 19-I::1w9rthy T 2<-:cnevenhnnt%%Lv ~ 4 4' g;-:u.*..."-.V.1..-a:.1..x`~.`. . mama 133.031: own. A NBA3 PATALITY} Mr. Thos.VMcEachern rigned from the G-.T'.R. on Monday. V - - 1 JAMES VA I NOT mrrou _2`- =-Falkenhurg _` .4 .. , 9 ` '3 *rua..'....-.4`... , .:LiI?:i;;a.3;; V _24-,--Hu_ntsvViIle V 3%"-rf:NW.I: : 1 ' ' the ` following contributed to I the" .mus ica1Lgp'ro.gramme: Misses Garrett {and Johnson, -Mrs... W. mu, F. Nor- I..__-..- -u:..,. ~u..17...:...1..+ `M .-u `D1-`nu-_' and ;ana. duuuuuu, .Lu.L':.- vv. .u;u, ..-. V. man, Miss McKnight, Mrs. Pratt` and Miss VL. Garrett; Mr. Ny1a.nds- gave an address on`the Juvenile. Court over _whi'c;h. Rev.` J. E. Starr n_ow presides. Refreshments were served a-_t the clbse. Egyoooo6ooooooooooooooo:i . . I . 'oooooooooooo000099909931 The organizatibh meeting of the Board of,Hea1'th will be held to-night. Band at Jtnhe rink on Frilday night` this week, and on 1`ues and Thurs- day nights next week. Mr. J. I3V1`<;vTirW1s cT>f' Torontospent` Sunday with his family here. . R. Vair has taken.a position as junior clerk in Supt. Lync1_1 s' office. Mr. Chas. Lowe purchased` a fine prize -black Minorca last week. - Mr. Wm. Simmons had both his feet` frozen during the `cold snap last. __-- -1, I Do_n t. forgt the. Band Boys _' Bene- fit on Tuesday evening in the Opera House. ' ' V I where. T--Gents $3.50 and $4;ooA Patent] Leather Blucher for. $2.69 at Careyl Shoe .00. Don t pay. $1` more else-| 1 There. are four houses quarantined ifor-scarlet fever in town. Medical men say that whooping cough is very] preva1sent., ' T i Rev. Dr: Booth will prech at both services in the Central _Methodist? Chtirch next Sunday. In the evening Dr. Booth will speak on -the question of Church Uni-on. _ I The death of tthe Reve'renE= A. 0.! Watt, late Incumbent -of. Tecumseh,i took place at the Renctory in Bond II-Lead, last Sunday mornmg at three o clock. Anacoount of It..hehobsequiesr lis he-lg over until. next issue. ` `--V1\&e-n s. 1,-heavy two buckle snag! proof rubbers for $1.98 at the Gigan-I ltic Remova1TSTale of The Ca-reyv Shoe ` A Mr. %s. G. Hall has disposed of his` `barber business on Owen St., to Mr.-` W. I. McKnight .of A_.11is7ton, who took I/Jososession last Thursday. The-JIni1i`sf'i_1'S. s. Convention com-`i men'c.es to-day. Rev. Dr. Booth is billed for an address on The - In-| nuence of the: Devotional Side of S.S. Life for to-night. A full report will be `given next week. -V--Marfiage License can be had at` H. Williams Jewelry Store. This `Jewglry. . store is noted for its great value in Rings as well as .all other lines of . A L , I - -.o A in,,._.,L- ___J .-......._ I Mr. J. A. Harris spat a few days` last week with his family on Wil- liam Street. ' - Mr. J. Wice of -Toronto and former- ly of Allbandale, was stricken with parlysis while visiting` at the home of A. McDonald near Painswick last- week. He is recovering slightly, but is yet` in a precarious qondition. -R. Manning,`Chi1rchi11; J. and P. Sheppard, V`Toll'an'd-ale_,' enrolled at Bar `rig Business Co1'lege this week. ' Dr. R. s. B1-o.a`d,Ahas_dispos.ed or his practice to Dr. E. G. Turnbully `of Elmvale, who will take possession about February 1st. Dr... Broad will take 9. trip to New York and~ after -a few weeks will "go west "to locate in Calgary or Vancouver, ` ' At the meeting yes-terday of, the, iBoaa'6.` of Directors of the Agcub tura1fJ-oinst4 Stock" 00. the President was appointed a commitee to! ascertain th'e.-cost, of `a _ new grandh standrfto seat 1000 `people-. `A re.newv_a1of thb lease of 0 the track will ~bB"' securqd from 1:-heTown. - ' .. | The annual. Warden s A supper and. initiation of _ new members Cwasv held! at the Barrie House "on Tuesday even`,-I ing, Warden-elect Scanlon presiding over` the soup-tureen. The usual good time,ewith many suxfpsesyfor the new members-,_. was enjoyed `by all pres- ent. ' h . ' ; Mr. A. W. Laid-man wasoppointed . to temporarily ll the vacancy iii th {Collegiate caused` by the resignation!` of Miss Miller. QM:-. Laidman will teach the commercial c1assesiuntiI.an- other teacher can-`b'e secured. 'No `ap- - p1ications'_were .:eceived~ in `answer to, ,,a ~.1? veek. faA v`ei'tisin_g,~~ in g iiorontn, . The -twelfth annual convention of the Ontario .Association "of Fairs and Ex'hibiJtions] will be -helci in -`the- City -li'a-11.19%` .T0rht0{? V on` 1 %AWe; and f1`hq1:ay, ,Eeh; t;ary 7_th`,.an`d~ ; 8th; ]Mr. on I or * o L Siwso ig; ox ? OF LOCAL INTEREST AnV.ANCE_ C feet week. -_:_ _ - - % SOUTH smcozrs consmzvynvns ; . Beeton, Jan. 20.-Liberal-Conserve-f tives, of South Simcoe dhaive elected the 4, following oicers: President, J. J. _D. Banting, Cookstown, re,-elected; 1st vice, H. G. Robertson, Barrie, re- elected; 2nd -vice, H. Stoddard, Bradford, re-e1ec.taed;_ 3rd' vice, Geo.` Lee Adjala, Bradford-,V re-elec-ted; Treas- surer; James Wright, Beeton, re-elect-1 ed; Secretary, W; M. Dinwoody,; i Cookstown, re-elect-ed. , i --You will never know the full! beauty of your gure until you wear `The Spirella. Corset. They do. not u rust, break or take. a perma.nent.bend._! Every Corset guaranteed for one year,` Drop a card and Miss Doane will be pleased to see you either in your own? homes or at her residence, 16 Char-5 1otte- St. 25-1y The annual meeting of the Oral} Agricultural-V Society was held at the , `Town Hall, Oro, on Tuesday, January !, 16th.` Owing the blockaded state of`- the roads3,_ there was not the usual 3; . attsenvdance. I ` _ _ - I ance on hand, after payingalvl expense- es, of $134:44. The following oicers Ifor 1912 were appointed:- ` President---Georg'e Raikes. _ - 1st, Vice-Pres., Alex. McArthur. _ 2nd Vice-Pi'es., Gilbert Love-. Di-rectors-A. D. Campbell, Jno. M-c-I Lucas, Geo. Crawford. Wm. Scotti, lw ;I;h`ca<;i`rve=;ctAors repart showed a bal-5 I P. Merrick, D. T. Strtheam, N. Camp- ihelI,T. H. McMahon, "and H. T. Bam- lhardt. ` I Auditors---R. W. Mietcal-f and George `Anderson. . . - spnenu. NOTICE. ' --Please take notice that our big sale which has been in progress since. |January 13th, will positively close on: Saturday next" at 10 p.m., there will be I no prolonging of this great bargain, event. If you have not been at this Isale come at once. It has been a. great success. Qrowds have attended and have been astounded at the bar- gains we are lgivimg. Take notice also "that goods will be sold at the fol- lowing prices until 10 o clock Satur- day night. Men s $12.50 colored `or` black worsted suits $7.90. Men s -$12.50 tweed suits $7.98. . Mews` $13.00 Atweed or worsted suits $9.98, 'Men s $15.00 suits $10.98, .Men s $10.00 college ulstevrs $6.90, Men s $12.50 college ulsters $8.90, Men s $15.00 college ~u1sters $10.90, Men s imitation Persian Lamb lined coat fur collar $11.48, Men s $1.50 coat sweat- er 98c., $2.00 coatsweater $1.10, Boys $5.00 suits $3.48, $3.50, suits $2.68, Men s $1.25 gloves (8%. ,Men s 75c.~ Underwear` 59c., 50c. dveralls 3%., $1.75 pants" $1.19, Men's 90c soft , shirts 4%., $1.00 Sweaters -5942., and hundreds of other great bargains for the closing week; of "this-Big 1 Cash Sale. V ~ ' V ~- - -' -n a--1 -1-.___I- mmsrm scAn1.n'r Loner; The following oieers were elected and `installed in the Innisfil Scarlet Cho_.p~ter at Stroud on Friday, January 19th:--- Past W.C.C.~-Wm. Martin. W.C;'C.-Wm.' {Wench . Ex. C.C.-John; Leonard. I `Chap.--Rev. Mr. Carpenter. Scribe--Robt.: Gamble. ` Trea-s.--Wm. Latimer' | vHerald' at Arms-E. .11. Sloane. Lectur-er--,G=.` `Neely ' ` , ` '2nd Lecturer---A. Marshall - 2 1st .Conductor-'--L; Black ` .,2nd. (londuotor-+`-G. Mabs _. . 'Inside'_Hera1dr-4-S. Reynolds. * O_uItside ` Herald~`-.-Geo. Leslie.` Mr.` G. Miles has` resigned frox his! position in the Car Department of the G.T.R. ' -. _ . u. 1-4,1. | 9911313 I--- - Next Sa-bbathzn the regular Quarter-' ly Service will be h=eld.~ Lqve Feast at 930 innnthe morning and theSa.cr_a.- men.'t. A wi11`be`[ administered fat; the Vmprning service. In` the evening the; pastor s s_ubject will be. " `Life `a lRac'e. . _ _ SeTc.-Treas.--H. J.` Tudhrcspeg one SOCIETY I-I._AS SURPLUS Ion :dnmn A1.wus%oxsA1.n s Hunter B1-oa., I.im1taod.'Ba)rrie. nmuxs CANDY It.rl\II|Ir1I 5:9oooooooooooooooooooooooz1 vuu \AOoAv- Mrs. Hy. Sanders returned` on Sat- urday, after a Week s`visit with rela- tives in Toronto. -