K Mr. J'i1-n'1es`TP. vTe-1'; a few weeks with friends here, have return- !ed to. Toronto. ` Mr. suiane of ciiumhin is visiting Mrs. J. T.-CoA1-bertt, . I 6,l~Vl\P{Ll\W,. &j*_$)o_ /-J. . l)u{1e1, . 2,. bushel %.Re(_l. `Clo_y`er,L , _N;9.1 1, pus: " " N9: N9 5VUG\7,' UU `Oats .. .. Ry'6., ;..-_ -_-I jv -V ::B;ir1[ey,,:%vnshew1:= . rHay;"tinf6t`h& *'7."4T .A':T':~r3."[;"2 .11`. Straw. ~ pf1'.'it0n I ! '.{ ~.'.4 ..;.v;~ ' h` .1.--_'L~.1 irnces Ruling the Barrie and To- ronto` Markets Dnrinz the Week. ` VBar.rie, Jan. 24, 1912. Wheat .. .... ....- `_5 90 I\-A.._ Wheat Peas . . Barley Oats . .Buckwhz;t ` Flour . . Beef, Thind` C I `tuna - v_----ow '1? ` -IDOD$X_$QI ~ V _ _ ` Toronto, Jan. 23, 1912. Quotations `on Tuedn.y were:-+ W:he'a't,'+.buiahe1v ,.._ `.`;. . . 94 . f.: goo;e,?:bushsel . 88 yo`-.;q o - o n o 9 o 0 0 61'5" oRY f~f:.-. " -U -T -.9-'3'.-3 . H95 ' `Mrs. O Brien, King, who has been` `visiting -her daughter, Mrs. Young, .was.taken.sudden1y ill last Thursday evening. It is. understood that she `is much better now.` L THE LATEST MARKETS ronogywo ; HOD]-IUII qonoouoo 0 o.uVoooa_ cg v`;|ocn .`.. so_ouooooon'oi- o_ ~00 `_oVo_cV"o_oo.'. u9O. i)`n.sah;eI== % .v mistliy V.".* Y. s No._:;:2,,; __ ":j;"-] mmswtox. THORNTON, N%o11T%m~:RN% AD.fVANCI.~.J bushel. . 9 so bushel._._ < jssoh . .21';53 3 'j 15` 00 1.7..:`. `CROWN HILL. Jan.v23.---`Mr. and- Mns..Potts and children of Collingwood, have _ `been visiting-Mm. and! Mrs. Will Peacock. -19 n1__.-...L- _'... Iiiz S 355 .30 IOI'.OI18 18 35 - 1 10 11 10 M10 00 ` 'n'.'An- 23 55 .16JooT 13`.-. 5 55 10 oo 8 00. 1295 10 oo than 17 13 12%~ 13 10 . 30 15 "1aV.'f:}{a Wi11 Chappell and children of Saskatchewan are `visiting relatjves hem. T 11 - 1'\-..L_2J___ 2.. ........'.!I......'-.. 12V 60 5% 10` In `An 95 90 50 98- 90 `pa. 90 46 A- Dressed Hogs Ghicken, _1b. Fowl . . . . * Ducks . . . . . Turkeys . . Geese Potatoe`s,' 'ius'1{e1 Apples, barrel .. Cabbage, doz. . . Dnnl l..s.J annual- "1 DEVLIN & MURCHISON Dr. Hess Stock Fopd will keep your Stock in a healthy conditian . V Wissa I{1:1l;el WI avrtrif1'ge of Tofonfo is v.isi=ting with her_ father, VMr. Ja_s. Partridge. I . 3.5 ~.. - 11701! IN! , ,1` :`-. fl Horse j vankets and Rob e s ThisL isFthe% of `the Year to Make Money and. ygqr heris are sure to pa) - Alf Winier e Coeds Go to Make Room for the New Goods Ladies" Winter Weight Vests f ahd Drawers; white or` natural color, regular 30c, Sale price, each ............................ .. 20 Ladies IWinter Wei my Vests` and Wnrawers, ~.white' pr natura. color, were 50c. A9`. 't\_`I_ __..-.._ . Men : and Boys Suits and Overcoat: all A Reduced in Price. ~ special Prices in c Men's and Boys Odd T Pants, Ladis Vests and Drawers, sarne as above, were 75c each. Sale price ......... ..Ladies LVests and Drawers, all purwool or natural color, were $1.00. Sale 78" V\$`lIlI U} V I13 IlUI'Fu Wiss Eva Partridge is spending `a short time with '*f '_ends in. Barrie. `UV , '7` n. -_ __;___....-_1 12..-... Ladiee , and Children : Heavy Rib- .J)ed all wo_ol Cashmere Hose Sizeg 7, 7},` 88%, 9, and 9:}, werg 45c. In nu- Boys `and Girl"s heavy ribbed soft Wbbilen `Hose, sizes 6 to 91}, were 25c,pa.ir. Qnln rusdnn . Sizes 5, 5;, 6 and Bag, virefe 38c. Sale pr1ce.......v ....... .._ ........... ........ 4153 III HJDUI. 1101 I'll) VUBLD unxu uuuvvunu, white` or color Sale price VVIJILW UL IIINIIIJIINL \/U101 Jvbanunnu vvv, CD I, 03, U U3, I7 auxu vu, vvc Sale price . ......... .. . ....... JIU V UDLD allhl JJLGIVV VI D, (NIL VI \.I\.Il \II- D yuAu color ..... .. , IllI.l\I \JIl.l D IIWIIIVJ &l|.Il.I\.I\J. |J\J Hose 91} 25c,i)3.ir. . I I \I\.llL\ll4 JJaIlJUo The many friends of` Mrs. T1108.` Drury regret to {hear of her seriousj illness. ' - ` I-1:1, ,, ,n 11`, 7,1, -l'L-_-_._1'l REDUCED PRICES or the balance of this month e we will clear out our ca. vv 8 00 10 25 8. 50. _9 oo 17 1o 18} 22 16 1 50 2 50 vv 50 13 50 9 00 11 00 9oo 950 20 12 1 . 20 24 17 400 ILllJUDD _ The little son of Mr. John Chappe is suering from `blood poisoning` 1n `gm. `nnu ' Mutton, prime Veal, prime ` Lamb ` o f Expqrt cattle," choice ` ` medium .. .. bu]-ls .. ..... .2: Butcher cattle-, `choice A medium . `4`u common .. .. Butcher cows, choice med. and com.`. uvn srocx MARKETS. h Riduced Prices. 300 350 clay easy get one of our jMachines and Wringers : 3 V7 ifoedey Tafterzioon, the little daughter of Mr. and`Mrs. Thos. Acon-` ley was laid away in the Union C_eme-~ ftery `here. The babe had been _ill `but a few- days. Rev.. Mr. Meek eof\ Sh-anty. Bay conducted the service.` VThe,be'1_'eaved parents have the sym- pathy of the community. % 0urNew Wlnitewear for Next Sea- son is All Here. See the Low Prices Pqins-'-Regular 5c each ......... .. ' Qnlo using `-1 fnr -Spools-A "good strong Thread. Frnn Safety Pins - Regula 5c paper. Sale rice.2 for ............. ........................... .. La.ces-Torchon Lace-a good wearing lace in all widths. Sale Brice, peryd. Night Dresses---Made of substantial Er1gEis`}1 . cotton, trimmed with embroidery and small tucks - high neck and long 75 sleeves. Worth $1.00. Sale price 0 Night [Dresses--Made from very tine Naillsonk slip-over style, short sleeves` was 1 $1.25. Sale price. ........................ .. . Night Dresses T- Made from Nainsook, slip- ntrnr 21-17111` miflm chrn-f olnnxvnc In/on t-En. LIEIQVI D1119 stitched 1 P- --._L DIIVIU UJJJJU vvsvu Loouuuv nu: J-acaopovv Miss E. Drury `has returned. from Barrie. ` ' ' __,,__ -J!___,'I_. -3 11'..- fIV`L...; ' LUV sale IIJI \Jl\.l w1_dt Elly .IIL`l3\lb) 7` A'L(D\JKJ 1I\l11.l J.` (LII)-3\IL}l'\, .`ll}I' over style`, with short sleeves, lace trim- med and silk draw strings. Worth 88 $1.25. Sale price ......................... .. \-'13, AL 6\l\I\I IJI-1\.I "300 11 O0 12 50 10 00`, 13 005 13 50; cu iii hand. ;--ill:-`.ATi .E;{t'. Wiley has retu'ri1ed h6,me v;.,ater- spending __nearIy a" year _qt..{1 ro- Stockers, choice .. light ' Milkers, choice. Springers .. Calves .. .. Sheerp, eawezs . . . . . . Lambs} .. . . Bucks and Hogs, fed and. Watered . V _f.o.b. .. .. ` ` canners Feeding Steers I I `l....`Hn VTl1is, is the Greatest Sale of the Whole Ye -vvvw B bu-113 -)0 45 T 'Z.l`heT ciuarterly service will be_ held in the Methodist Church on Sunday,` Feb. 4.. at 11 o clock. ' . ` 00 40 io Jan. 23.--A- number from here at- tended ohe cantata Tho Tenfple of Fame, at Churchillt on Friday even- ing last. _ -seq Miss? friends Mi`ss dayin g James -Afew from here attended` the con- lcert given _in Stroud Presbyterian `Church on Monday evening. e V \J\-lOJOI6\-I da}T alt `her gandfath-ei"s', `HE. Buchanan; ~- _ _ Mr. James: Buchanan spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. TV.A. Sawyer. ' ` -Iv\IJ\-IIIUV O n I ' LA 1 1 II Jan. 24.--A parlor social will be held atAMr. M. M. Be1l s on Tuesday, January 30th. Tea will be`- s=er.ve`d from 5.30 to 8 p.m. Games and other amusements `will be indulged` in. Everybody welcome`, / T . b `I Q M1; A1:thur Dobsdn returned home from Elmvale; accompanied by his cousin, Mr. Elwood Lennox. ` an . Rev. was not able to hold services at Craigvale last Sunday on- `account of the drifted- roads. The -service at St; Peter s Churchill next Sunday will be of av '-memorial character for the '1at'ed Rev. `A. 0. Watt. . A d Quitle a large crowd spent Satur- day evening skating. T lIn1j$4Q`3.,V.o or 1.1 pm- ,o"f *5 oo"ooo`'o*ooo V ~ ` noun. ~ , Jan. %.---Mr. Norman Campbell` of Holden, A1ta., spent. last week with `his uncle, Mr. Thompson Campbell._ __..1`_ -3 `L1 -.. q-|`r. 4%}: Sunday after Epiphhzy, Jan. 28.` 81:. Pauljs. Painswick. -:1 -.._ 1r_______.. ....-__-_. -_.3 `---.. 11 "R1011. Incvnat St. pom-3, 0hurch1l1. ' 2.30 p.m.--Eveningkprayear and ser-. 11101:. L 2, In,, --I I _ An I , n. St. '._Paul's Mission, Oraigvale. - 6.30 p.m.--Sund'ay Schoool. ` V 7.30 p;m;-Evensong and prayer. . The wee-k-[night services at St. Peter's, Olmuichill, have been ldiscon-A tinned for two months. ' on.uc+mms'.r.% ~ ' Jan. 22.--Mr. and` Mrs. C. Nort_ oh_ of Waterloo were the guests of t_h_e E. R. James, at the Rectory, last wee. uu .su.s uvv. usuus 3,. UVU'lT' wuuuuyg V Congnatulations to` Mr. :Wm. Coward and. Miss Eva Younger, who .wero; isnarriod: at .,Woy'burn, Sa.sk., on__[J'a,!1: Mr. G. Ostrander out -WaerleyYca11[-I ed on his uncle-, Mr. Geo. Ostrander of this place last Monday. - A - ~- . "fl-.. 1'.I.'l_._ I\!!_._ , C - Miss tag; --.');l7as ,f;v-`l1w:'1'1as-been... at Waverley for the last month; 'reIt:urn- ed home `last week. Mr.JTJs."i5}in'1k$i".- cum`; S1Isk.,; is visiting. his brother, `G.has.` Drinleel. : -. '. ;::a 33.; E;2lfE?;m3{ ;;;"m Dale, Ma-n., were visiting friends here last `week, 1 _ . _ - --- vuu v- Ilr-go GIG Z \fT IIIIHII, - .~---:- -' rr " : _ 4 Miss Etta Craig o_ E1mva1o!i.~Vv.7 _i-. %vis1tin2i` Eher siqtgr, M'r_'. 6%--0: % ;B11`;f_ . ; 3 -Lu-'_.....-. - ----'-f Mr. William Binnie` Vahd aisr, MB)!`-L garet, of `Ahten Mills, were visitors at Mr. Geo. '.Bi`nnie"a,.ove1-. Sunday.- (`.nnu3nn+:|o{nnn 4-1;. am Tifw} fh.-.`n..~..`l Mix A. Mcbonaid shipped twO=cr'-. `loads of hogs (to Toronto` 1'aat: Mdn-i`. =da.y. `Messrs; -BucJu1ey- and` O N.e'EI` 9.! ._ P=help'9ton V. also. dhippad; Lia hm _ V `_ .c._V_~, _- ___ _ '. , .,'~.'..' ` ~inn_'.. 5 op:j13:31;a*d`ay Q, u ' " ' '."'7 ' -""" Mr-: CriIig1anL1';.fcIs:::'gl.;:e`1}, T Mary; c'a;l:led .-o_n1 `. _1}ign`(l__s*.. ' at *Moo'nltonoV: CORRESPONDENCE o9ooboooooooo; $Uo J WHO 9) I QIIIDWIVRO a.m.-Morning. prayer and `ser- I-A3131: or mmsrm. Tzena Reid` is visiting with in Thornton. ' V. Collard of Toronto i_s.ho1i- LEPBOY Nvwwv Duo-vvvv Mr. Howaird `Reynolds; `and.'aist:e-n Mirle, are spending` -a -month `with ftrienda at forangeville. - -- _,g_.',,_... _'A 11:`: UTOPIA. sieni a day or` (Dr.) Murphy, Phe}p- Bhxf-:;"A1calli frlnds h1_'ei :'b v 'e_r. Q..u'..J'..-- ' 3353'~ &'"`".' I :"f'. *5 Mrs; Jas'~' E`I1l,.o!f"I`Jl,"m v`al:e ` spent a ,:few'5d`ay` at vv_ek~p1t Mr. Thoe. Hil1 s. H ` -- -I 1. 1.1.. `I-COO WI , .. . The` "new `A 1;in'lE`[ unde.-r theL' managemoht L T of T I-Iaxry = ` Wo,tk"1'ns,V will 'bfe_.we1com~ed very much by the -4~-_.'l.. _.n u.1.'.:... ..:1'l..n-a WIN `UV. Wwuivusvu _vwo young people of this Jillgge. \JIoo Whi< (I ll -ILIJJGVIIJOVI Mr. Charles White `of Barrie spent Sunday at Mrs. J. White. s. ` Mr. West of Barrie [conducted ser- vice in the. Me~thodist Church on Sun-V day morning. Miss L. Smith of Ori.11ia is visit- ing at the -home of Mr; Joseph Ed- wards. - - ~- A -1 1.- all .l'CUL|l`uU{l- WU lruvns uvu-v spent `a very pleasant time`. M;s. "1Z'."5.{1li;'" aila` `ms; syivia Jenkins visifted friends at +Anten \l'!II_ I-.J. 1.--`- nALsroN, Jan.' 22.--An enj9y'able- tlme spent at the home of Mr. and TN Dnnnoty (nan Malia `WE U-L $VL-lo GU dis: a D. Bonney (nee Miss Maud -Watson;,. When the. Women- s Institute `and. their friends gave them, a kitchen shower. _ . ~: - n." I 4: rn.`_,A ,___ Misses and Muriel Tdye arne visiting `their brother, Rev. H. Toye at Hillsd_a1`e.~ . .._--.. A `I\ ,,;5_ _____` '1 (AI unto Miss L. Drury has; "returned: to Dalston after spending `the summer in the States with. her mother. V Mr. Norman Dunn and Miss Jean `Spence were united in marriage on Wednesday, Janua.ry 17th. The many costly and useful, presents received testied 'to`the esteem in which they are `held. They leave .for their.h_om in the West 1n about .three- weeks, where the best wishes of` a host of friends go with them, ~-_ .. _. KL- (`Ann mun- & a J u a nu av vv-v-- -__-V- The annuatmeeting of the Congre- gational. `Church could not be held last Friday night as -the pastor, Mr. Mur- ray, was unab1e'to`be present, owing to the death of Mr. A. J. Thompson of Edgar. . SUNNIDALE oonxnns. Jan. 22.--T`-hie branch of the West Simcoe Women s- Institute, held their annual social gathering last Tuesday evening, Jan. 16th-, at the. home of Mrs. Gordon Moir. Owing to the inclement` weather the "attendance was not so large as usual. The first part of the evening was: spent in listening to an excellent programme. - Interest- ing papers .were` giv~en.by Missee E. Mair and A.` McLean on ;"Work and Value of ' Women s Institute, . and How -to become a successful Home-' maker, followed by 9. solo by Miss L. Gibson, which was": much appreciat- ed and instrumnental music by Mr. W. .G.. Meir. The letter partof the evening was spent in various kinds of games and.emusemente,l -after which: a dainty lunch was served _by the ladies of ;the. Inatitu.~te.. ououowvu v- ,u-v. -_....---_.--. On Thursday evenings at the close of the enn-u_a1 business meeting of Zion Church, a surprise awaited Mr. and. (Miss Burrows, who -are leaving our neighborhood, to reside in Stay- ner.. On behalf of the `congregation they were ppresented witahva go1 d~wateh chain and locket, and a silver fruit dish _ ' and berry spoon, respectively; .Mr. I-y. -Sahel} read the adtiress and Messrs. M3cQu=ay and Magtee made he presentation. Mr. Burrows replied very suitably for himself and. `I5 ---__ _.!_._L_.. __ sister." A ; M1 1" T Mrgirt McLean `age visiting.` sister, MS`:-s. McKe!_1V 210 of C0 . :|`r:.... o_;..35'.3." -in-Q1-\_..';.~135 La -"'Vrr3__;,, -`I-vi ;-- lezxpe-rie;1 Wthei seyere wee;-_. . tiger- ythia; ,~1a_st$, two: weeka V. that. been - . V9.33-gv `~If? 171179 ,W is "1 \Er.TW('}<:w1'Veion Brown is ~\.risit_ing" friends in. Ivy.` _ ' i ' ` - - Mr. R. ,Caniuthers_ of Strome, `Alta, is the, guest of Mr. `W.a Garruthers. Mr. -D_ou'ggl, Algslgean. of Swif't C1 1r,.-` rent, $sk.,f.iq,,"mz1fi1ihg. the winter at big home A ' T , ` T , -. _ 5 I Mr. ~a:1;l weruon :6! burst. v1s'itedgfrie..nds here rece_ntly._~ 1. I Miss %.susi9?A1fiiona1d or Iir1v511ier } visiggd t.hei`. mgsesfeibsox; tugs _yvge1;._, ` `IOU Jlvl-ADV Icy-l`~'I V , and VBeatty16f Ba;l-l.yigvra1-1 t 1 were vi si1:Iox} at Mr; J. ~"_l`hompsoxi_ s,. recent}y.V ._-3:; - - v v -v.-...-.L;.` ._ .. ;~ ....`-." v~?`1*`A:.r:>x$to,V%;5ziLf,i'4e2' A 'ii*isitingLTfV%%Tfiien hem. .' . V - u -v u " _.__x _._.!.......;u E-he. V IIVIVJ , ' .u.he` "peoi1eA mer%J-axe;%en5xi#s vahemsel; ,on our `new `skatung also iaogne fof theyolderj` folk . _`....1_ `L '..`._g. In nfa V |k~d . / H] 350.1116 ,-_0I `DnUI;.'f_U1u'I':.> `J..usn;`_.'. L,` ~ 5 ~ ` -T110 c-march 11"` e 119,6` ..tahe1r_-annual ,meeting7 last week.` ' ? ' . `I Are`. `~'in' -order "for .Mr; and -- Mrs. -Seby .(Tarr_ upon'Tthe _arrival of a lietlg daughter.` v-Mrs. -;W. `J. Grant of Hhmion wsw visiting Dr. and "Mrs. Langtemu at; the Rebtofy last week. . . . 7 Mr. -Ohas; Carr, jwho went. to -the Jonth West last/ny_ea.r, is..visiting_. his brothers, -Robert and W. P. Carr; V Mr. B. W. Quartz spent. the week- end in Toronto. ` ; n .' 4 ans: .Uoo\a~ -a- -v- ._.v. `;Mre._ Lanvgfeldt m`an 0:11-1L1`a last w`eve'kL fqr :1; few da'ys.. : ' -I 1 AI, Ijvuuuuw Mina, ;aat'17`1. -'.vI;>h;_i V 'I;en;1ovx Vatfended the "funeral ofthe lat-e Rev. A. C.` Wa :t:t lat Chu-Archill on.._.1`uee_iay. R - As. I: C Dr: Langfldt and -Mr; John Lennox were in xvy this "week; where Dr. pangfeldt was. special preacher at n I-\nan':.l\'|nnI\1r BAIIWIIIA - last -Sunday afternoon. _ .`-AfTn:umWA"i;o:i-' .;`,)e.;pa.; Exam Allandale attended service at _St. Paul s Church 1 `I . 7,1, uh -IJQJLSJUJVIU VVIIIJ I7y\ a m1ss1o'na.vy serv1ce.- A.` 5-.` Annu- Col. O B1-iven of Shanty: Baygwas the guest of _'Rev. Dr. Langfeldt last week. VI-Ln. nd-4-nnrlnnnn `of nitlleni-Inn] hun- IIVUV VI; -LUVVI Arcs a.o|paaa'a,\.Io\.|-Ia auwv IV yuan The 'atten'da.nce;. _at our"? school. has beenvery sm_a1'l lately, `partly an ac- ~.:cou'nt fof,th e dljifted: roads and partly `on :aocount- of" an epidemic of whoop- ing cough, which is rampant, among the child-ren. - A " ' The Rev. W; F. Ca:-pemter has com- menced a series of sermons on the creed of the Aug-1icanA Church. His text last Sunday was I believe in :God.. A V ` Announcement was ~made= at St. Paul s" Church last " Sunday of_ the death of Rev, A. C. Watt of Bond Head, on Sunday L morning at.-' three o clock. v . January .22;--MZr.' and Mrs. Stubbs and child-have retuined `to the Can- adian Soo, after a lengthy vi'switVwith friends here. A s A V Young Heavy Horses--M. Bdake 1st, Jdhn Patterson 2nd. I` ` Jn. 22.-V-V;-1:"--Stan(1AVan,` TRat.'hmu1- len, Saskatchewan, is renewing Aold ' acquaintance in tlgis -burg. % mxnald, J_.r., spent,` 4...... .;.-:n. at... /n..\ 'Iu'.nm1n'y D1-mln. The first pract.icala\ demonstration-in thestock-judging classes were held in a `large ten:t,,here_ last Tuesday and Wednesday. The judges were Messrs. Gard-house of Weston and _ Dr. Reid n annumn`Anvn ` LL` ........-.. - 1- uuuuuvuuu va. `vvvouvu uuw _`.lJ1'. D010 of Georgetown, `the gformer judging the sheepand- the latter the light and heavy horses. Mr. M. Boake s cow was rst in the shorthorn class and" Mr. I~Ie'rp. B1ack s second. Ligh;,t; HTors{e'{-'-\ir11}rea `I-iill 1st, Mr. Grey"'2nd. Ifeavy Clydes-V-T. Scythes 1st and 2nd. .. ' V ` Farmersi meetings are `of considerable value, -but for practical instruction (the judging demonstration _here was of immense Walue to those interested.` Everyone had an oppor- tunity to, take part in the discussion, and each. could see where their judg- ment; wasenat fault- Mr. Gardhouse and Dr. Reid gave `good? satisfaction. ` `Megs-rs. wi11.nd- Matot Boak-es will [rent their farm. and intend going | West in the spring. ` - I The weatiher in '.l`hornton_ has been on; a,par with what you `have. had in |Barrie-._ ' - \ Mrs. Frank` Nixon of Tdronto is- holidaying with friends` here. V "Mr. 6:`:-;';'u'1noved ito Barrie i last week. ' I Mrs; under the doc- [tor s care. I30 Gvihnounuu '3voT with Mrs;