__ .. .. uauutl un. Lu Luigi: amounts." on th _s"e'cui'it:vo.f`good farm mort- Bages. McCARTHY.. BOYS 8: MURZHISON. unlop Street `Barrie; Having spentl years Post Graduate work in British Hospitals and having served as Clinical Assistant in Golden Square Isar, 'l`hroat- &: Nose Hospital, London; Royal London Ophthalmic .Hospital (Mnorelds) ; for a term as -Resident Surgeon in Royal London 0 hthalmic Hospital; Bristol Eye Hospital, Bristo : and Birmingham Eye`Hosmtal, Bmmingham ;former Member of British Ophthalmological Society. 0FFICE~78 Dunop STREET, BARRIE. D,\1-nan KI I\ f\ 7: :- I L.R.ci.P. 8: s. Edinbui-gh; M.F.P. 8; s. Giasgow --SURGEON+-- Eye. Ear. Nose; 6 Throat. V M. D.. C. M. (1'or.) Late of Toronto General Hospital. \ . omce of the" late Dr. smith. Com. ! . Phone en. I DR. MORTIMER LYON, 31 CARLTON I St, -Toronto, late of Brooklyn (N. . Y.), Eye and Ear Hospital, will be at 67 Owen St., Barrie, every Sat- urday. Diseases--Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. A` Consultation hours, 11 a.m. to 5 p.m., and by appointment. :j )5 7 or-7os1?' .1565; ET. ` " 3 .999-'57`-3? Bank `of ` Toronto Buildings, Barrie DR. H. T. ARNALL. , OFFICE AND Residence corner of Toronto and Elizabeth Streets. (Opposite F1iza- beth Street Methodist Church), Tele- phone 167. DR. W. A. ROSS, PHYSICIAN, SUR- geon,_ etc., L.R.C.S., Edin., L.R.C.P., London. Office and residence, Dun- lop street, Barrie. Telephone 77. 3:'r1va1o Vang! I departure; a from Barrio` are as follows: `Mali Lane, 1*` Tire. and Life. insurance A Real Estate Agency % Money to Loan A nuhIl m_- of (and Farm`: [and Town Pro-- . _ norms for sale on easy terms. DR. A. T. ,LITTLf; LATE OF (!hrrl-n}" n! IXNI-.. ......l --...::l--_- STRATEY 85 ESTEN, BARRISTERS, ' I.I`I II`-I nnvu` A` Tun`-:nn DONALD ROSS, LL.'B., BARRISTER, Solicitor, .etc. Bank of Toronto I Building, Barrie. Money to loan. DR. J, A. iENNox COWAN 85 BROWN, 37%.] CRESWICKE & ALEXANDER, BAR- risters, Solicitors 01'; _the Supreme Court of Judicaturev of Ontario, Proctoxmv Notaries, Conveyancers, etc. Money to 'loan. Oice, Ross block, Barrie. A. E.` H. Creswicke, K.C., Arthur Alexander. 3. G. SMITH & co., 1>i1oNE 32. Es-I tablished 1869. Undertakers. Open day and night. Morgue and chapel in connection. Barrie, Ont_a rio. G- A. RADENIIURST, BAR'R1sTFtt, ' Solicitor, Notary Public, Jcc. Oice, 1st floor Bank of Toronto Building. Money to loan at lowest rates. 's'rEwA1rr% ,a-.. s'rEw mm, mums- ` tars,` `Socitogs, Notaries. Public, and -. Conveyancers. `Money to loan in any sums at 5 per cent. Oice, 13 Owen %St., Barrie. H, D. Stewart, LL.D., D.- M. Stewart, An .8 Page 48 golumn Newspaper.` Published {mm the mace. 123 Duniop Street. , `Barrie. in the County of Simone. the Pro- vmqe of Ontario. Uanada. every '1`hursday'Mominc. by V W; `A UI;"'r, BAIR'IsTER, SoL1cIToR, D-An`l\$ `TAG-A-1 (`.lV\`1|f?l|19n`I\lIl\? nfn I DR. ROBERT S. BROAD, PHYSICIAN, ' Surgeon, etc. Specialty-Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Oice and resi- dence, cor. Elizabeth and Bradford _Sts.' ' (Dyment Gore). Phone 105. Box 456.` unto `La La _ J.l.I.L.l..l.J.IJ, JJIIJEI U!- Churchill, Ont. Oice and residence, John` St., near corner` Elizabeth. Phone 213. DR. J. C. EVANS, PHYSICIAN, Surgeon, et.'., Coroner for Simcoe County. Oice and residence: Wil- liam street, Allandale. Telephone 309.. At Stroud Oice: 2 to 4 p.m. .Mo1_1day to Friday. ' _ rent rates. G. H. Eaten. LLULL J. LA LJKJ J. LIL` , JJILLULULKU .I. JJLULJ So1icito;s";n High Court of Justice 1 7 Notaries Public, Conveyancers. Of-. ees over the Bank of Toronto, Bar- rie. [Money to loan at lowest cur- jv ,(Suc_cssor to the late_R. L. 'Barwick) ' J g V ml. J-ILLLULULKI L -ISLU, &l\lJ-J-I-\lln A \lJ-V .Proctor,t Notary, Conveyancer, etc. "Special -attention in drawing and prbbating wills, obtaining letters of administration and guardianship,` I collecting accounts, etc. Oices, Bogs Block, Barrie. Money to loan. IJJLV 5` \ & \l\I `V I-J5` X &J&U\J IV AV JJA A A`! ~ 7 risters,,So1icitors for obtaining pro- bate of wills, guardianship and ad- ministration, and general Solicitors, Notaries, Conveyancers, etc. Oices, Hinds block, No. 6 -Dunlop street, Barrie. A `Money to loan at 4% and 5 .per cent. Branch oices at Cree- mor( and Alliston. `Haughton Len- no_x, K.C., Alex. Cowan, G. E. J. Brown, LL.AB. - Dr. J. ARTHUR Rossb -.-.-\a-- Phone ` _--.`.--_.. _.-...- -.--v.- --.v u-uuv; an [lull-lo | Subscribers now in arrears for three mbnth . and over will be charted 81.50 per annum. r'[ W! S ! MONEY l'O LOAN UNDBRTAKBRS. rnvsidmns. i{1{::3E.' P. O. Box. 96. ll. Collier S1 I 32-! y /` '" North. %[%.m.%Aumsou A` Violin fu1 aft! 1 ` DATED at 1::lZ:nV(aW'i"c>_v:'nmt; g]-g-;e in }it11":'ev'.P1` _\rince -of Ontario this nu day .o_f1N ovember, A.D., 1911. ; `GEORGE pAvIDso.\I, % 1_`_:- 1 0, `Atlantic Steambna; V g_e Allan Line, C.P.R. Canadian Northern White Star, Dominion 1')--A. A 45-5 L v---A------ . Ald. Iln. _ NOTICE is hereby given that Dm'i'3Brownlev 1 George. Davidson of the Town of Bar-_' ijie, i n_*th'e County of Simcoe, in the .5P;`gvinee_Lo Ontario, Merchant, W1 - to` the Parliament of Can:1 at ;t_I1e`'-next session thereof for a bill of -,g1:ii7,0;fc6ne;from his wife Jennie Davidson _ ?jv130s? preeent address. is unknown. 09 Monk J'~1_0`4g!"01il; _(1'0f- adultery and desertlong Has r-. `.- '-- " - *- ' 3` FOR THE COUNTY OF S|M`C_-0-!-I. Most reasonable terms given on a} Stock Sales [JOHN JENNETT CRAIGHURST, ONT. ; LICENSED {XUCTIONEER 1:_.--.__.__ ----uuul lllll-L V limited Manufacturers of and Dealers in all kindgoo - Rough and Dressed Lumbs-r ' Door-s.Sash. Blinds. Interior Finish, E columns, Tanks and Water Trougzgcs Planing, Matching. Moulding, Iic-Suwlng Hot Blast Drying Ixiln. 5 uuuug, 4u.awuuIg 1Vl0l_]l(lln{. I(C'51. ln Bla'at 3 Laying and Polishing Hardwood Floors a Specialty l"',nnI>v-onohan. .....I D...'IJ:_.. vs .- N3. V`. ........ uh uni 0F'F`lCE-BAY gzuuuuu; I'4aUlllZlK(`S ,C. 1\' ;lEl..D s'r.. annnuz. {ms am mums Muuxcd Llmlted `awn -.uu.u AZ 0 cxocx noon _on M 0 week. otherwise the advert1ser`s a ` ." 110! nday man M n 3 I may not be made public mm] the nmmcemem mg. T week 10:10` CONDENSED ADVERTISEMENTS. Condensed advertisements on first as wants of all. kinds, lost and found page W` H 1 Dropen) for sale or to rent. specic articlt-s, em must be accomnanied with the cash. ' Q T` Cuts for adv:-'tisements must _ in every case bcmouztzed on solxd met :11 bases V . notice of intenti CONTRACT CHANG ES. Advertisers will please bear in mm qn to chaIf1e 8.d\'(-ruse mustbe handed mto tbeo ce not lat Saturday at 10 o clock, and the copy change must be in THE ADVAZ\ ('E later than 12 o clock on Monday in otherwise _a_qvertiser`s annmmno n. '1`-ma .ADVA1\ CE he lurgeat circulation of an Town- h not afraid to pay the price. 0 es the str t t ts patrons. If you have anyaafls he `lush: place it with the paper that men vcrtisxhg `O13! __;Adve;isgments are chm-szna n A . _ .. aunuu W Pay me price. NW we F JIUII {Advertisements charg d p'a.ce--12tlines nonpareil mee accordmlh "inch. ` ` in: Legal Notices. Auction Sales, A ' Uet c .--Fir_3t insertion 10 cents m asure make 0!; TRANSIENT ADVERTISIA (, er 1ine`" " an ' uentinsert1on5cents per ne, g 1-ng notices, 10 _ccnts per line insertion ; 5 cents per hne for each Sllbseo - ue E miggf the same matter. Obxtuarv poe A nuocrmun UK 50 Der line. Nomnaxn AD ` & -' `F Brrie, Ont. VANQI Religblg l'1-nsura-1;; I)-ft a'll- s T Nos; .. 760.9 `m bauvoo-so D In SI. J_olm& Grookerl ` I VNEXTDOOR TO THE TANNERYI 1'!9.9 9! E9 {W In sillchlal I9 Contracting and Building Estimau-s am. ` P- )F'F`Il'!l?.....RAVII`llI',l n cm n..-...... -_, by enrolling for our Mail Cotxfses. 17:1)` and Night Classes. in Education always pays the but Interest. For years we have gin-n hundreds a foothold in the con11m*x-ciul . world. Many ambitious people -;-_____ ___ Drillia Business College (Afiliated with Dominion _ ~ Correspondence School.) A. H._SPOT'I`ON. H. G. BEST. President. Px'ixnvi;mI. 7 -_ --vu COMMERCIAL DISLAY. Rates will begiven on application. Brewed Entirely from the Finest ' Malt and Hops. DUNLOP STREET EAST BA R R I E Ehcfggortltcrngavnutcj BARBIE BREWING company An Investment Splendid ALE and PORTER The Best and Brightest In cask and Bottle -,_ 7 __-_--y vow. Boilers. Engines and all kiuls of farm and stationary machinery ma de and repair-e_i on elm: test notice and moderate pmces. Al work done by expert machin- ist andguarantecd first class. N Is 0 en for'al1 orders in CASTINGS, MIKL REPAIRS, &c. 3 35223 QZXQE, Ba.*:'1.n JANUARY `an the Town or barne Lu . QYIDCG `of Ontario mugh 33 'f`*`I??f3r;;11A.D., 1911. `Ions wil " '..-_;_iG1`,1QRGE DAVIDSON, j aqd by ..I}y.his Solicitors .=1`s1, acr 11 ?Murchis0r sgftqegs - Barne, 0113- not sf t1.oo rnn*~ANNti1i IN Arman. UNITED STATES SUBSCRIBERS-~ $1.50 an ADVANCE srumr 'AT Hollkir L MANUFACTURERS. Expert Machinists 9- MlF0%M5G?: PHONE 136 : I13 proven_ to hum` of any paper m the 00% nust ever metal bas CS` 1 A Barrie and` Midland. a`nun..upm ' 2!" 4'o.1a a.6iv1~ wuull In-I by AM.` `adopted `:2 in sqppnrt Council s} they =wr~~ position. zen of H: [every Ola.` -reliable :1 ance Chm time at h it WOUM ' the Town ment. ' Ald. Ln sors for :2 name of .- Hun .I.n.u. ll `Shir TOIHH` tW0 appli asses-sor, "one frmn commemlu Chairnm `I 100', 3:1"! 361` 01` 1:: 'of romn t1a.H_y It}: `after :1 `the brmq Where th `think 111 b10Ck U!` have u- There is back LI` E the Snmn . 0I'L`- .n.. nny :- d on ; ,NO1'tl1 back 1! and it reserv: it ren re` ;ci;4.; _}vui1di:~ r.i-sl Ht momrson oimw. % rbnrsnnn. an-J dres tux-es :: al. of BI'I'}v*. into rh `V0131: `was t ]y)} H ~eurer1 Viva labors`. readin manfu let :1 n -u-- ;;;;;_4 axac-_nw ight ..Y.....I parilgl on-e _pin(: h WM 1 0 desc r must for y( `23....1o2oa.m 87.... 7-509") Mr< Bro -_ for law oft H1011}- pres ' , mmb A] at t M r Ooutnzwood and Mehrord. _ _ '.I.'0 . FROM. 58;. 10.27am No. 5....'(.7a.m -13.... 3.80pm " 42....1.05pm 55.... 7.60pm j 56... 5.85pm UIIU [1 IIIOI ovovoovv In avg.-on-nun. 1-: - --, ..........Gravenhurst 0.85am` Daily includinz Sunday. Thursday, Ja.nuary~ 25, 1912. Tmms or SUnscmP'rxo. GET BUSY. Hamilton. 1 Ponetanz. nmna MILWAY cum:-; Gol'ng"8ou'tha 22owII7o`7 I m `26....5.35pm 2`...-1-V051)!!! LTBIII No. n In I4" T11-e~re_ is ho "crying? necessity for a L-ick observa;t,-Qry:,in% Barrie, but` an accurate 'o`1cia1 thermometer at the~ Post. Oime would :b e. appreciated." Be-r-_ `Imps Mr. I_I_m'1ghton2Le_nnox will {Iook after; the matter` and` [havmthe Ggverha mm; 'iY+:u#%.:4aT*%ra1I`*I!`tb:d#t9~5i i GENIUS, rmvm, POVERTY. HARLES DICKENS made $200,- C 000 on one lecturing to'u`r-; but his descrendants; it is said, are vnow in want. His eldest son, Alfred '1`-ennyson, whosesudlden. death was re- cently -recolrded, lnad beentravelling through the States delivering, lectures `in an endeavor to keep the family pot `I.-oiling. Tragic incidents of this kind are of daily oecurrence, and yet they make as little impression upon. "us as `the rain on the duck s back. One of ;r=ur nee-wspapers in comrnenting. onthe pathetic facts _~a.sl;ed the signicant I l question: _Wh.a.t is to become of us when we are old? There` is but one anew-er: A man inust save in his youth if he .will have he nest egg inst-he days `when ,hi.- locks are htoary and -his earning? polvyers have depart-ed. But that is"not all._ He xnustadopt a system" of saving which will ~not`fai'l him in the hour of trial. This "system" has been `provided under the Canadian Government Annuities Act/, in , regerde `to which you may obtain`-l`itera.tur.e-_of _ your postrnaste-r, or on application to ta'wa., Many _;_insru ranc`e. com-pa.nies_ -have policies e which include _ani1'uity- i feiatul-gs, and` -every" 'you',ng7jma.n "should, secure i'n'fo`rrnation.:ai1dV start"-ileaifly in: : life to secure" "at com etencev '1 or ' itle Superintend-ent of, Annuities,.' Ot- _ "T-he `citizen-s_ will A await,vwith`co'n-l dencev in the abilvigty of the present Council, `the a.nnounee*men'17 that a fea- sible. scheme has been introduced` to provide the aecommodetion and ad- lvertis.e the,_bea-uteies of this summer. ipatadis-e. V a d_t_ fog th `awhin `Vconict; A.a_;':d-:..:i1:* m ` gay % . If theCoun-clilv of 1911 Wish `to make (for themselves allasting name_ for good busineuss ability and farsighted- ness, they will tackle this problem -in a -business-like way, and evolve a szchen1e for an advanced policy in re- gard to accommodatingl people of means and leisure who would come. if the proper advertising were done to bring Barrie to their a.tte!ition. Mayor Cowau is a `rm belie-veriin the possibility of, making Barrie one of the foremost eummeri/ng'p.1~aces of Canada,---not merel-y. a/transient to-ur- ist town--but a. place where people -from the Southern States may come and spend their summers from May to September. The problem w-hich faces ,any town which caters to this class of `business is suitable. accommodation, and We use the word; suitable ad-e visedly, for` this class of people are fastidious to a de/gnee. " ; for the purpose . of attracting visitors. Among `them. is Margate, `which twenty _ yearsj ago Ihadl. no 'municipa1 enterprieesgin the shapeof "concerts, shelters, band stands` or. pavil'_i`one_, or ba.t~hing_v facilities." 0 All these were later provided and the total revenue for last year from all sources. totalled u-pto $75,000, as`va.gainst- $55,000 in 1910., Some of the 5 revenueso are, re- niarltabl-ef. ' The new Forth Pavilion opened in August, drew` on the aver- age $1,500 a week, `while two concert parties attracted -`$2,500 a week and were paid `by a "percentage on the pro- ts. T'he municipal orchestra produced $1,750 ea.` week on the average at its open-`air-concerts. _ An older pa-vilion, the Westonvilile, _ has already `been paid for out of the prots`. Marga-te s re- cord has been surpassed in and results in other watering places in England, but" it- is an: excellent ex- ample of the way in which a. muni- cipality can both boosteitself and im- prove -its revenues; i I { "V ~ to"Eair,j and;"11l'i:ar`;_ tnhi1.:fyvorJ;ed jginfbeg-jt tween Fthe; bandi_i.nut36rSi n Ofhr` pm`vemenntse.ou1ae` be. niade iniei the rag- tails of the programme, which could bejwarked out by the committees who now, have V _valuab1e;'experin.ce to guide. them. V N c A general meeting`. should be called at once, `dates set, and committees got to work. The Zmain things required. are prompt action, and enthusiastic boosting, and th-ere is little doubt but that last year s= success can be doubled nancially -as,_Well as* The motto s5hou1d._ be, Get Busy, , NOTE COMMENT. _ t A` GOLDEN, CHANCE. . `ANY BRITISH holiday resorts _A "have gone . extnsively into ' the entertainment business A `few suggestions for this year s. celebration may be" of. alue, for we take it for granted th t the major- ityviof the more progressive citizens and business men `are in favor` of an annual celebration, and that with 9.] little well-directed boosting this yea.r e big event_ will b-e- along even- more advancd. lines than that of last year. _ - . , _ ~ '.l'hat Finished Him. . 2 _Hu,bV-'-,eYon' say.` I v_e `only one. fault. We1l,"'if' _t11Ea_1; ?s 9.11, _ -I c,a.n t _)be_'s1_1c-11'] a F , 2 Whail-ei Jerusalem -hail a Wise Solo-' mon, Walkelrton has the next nerafest thing--a Solomon Weiss, says The Bruce Times, and while the_ latvterr never entertained the Queen of Sheba, built a._ temple or __ had ve hundred" Solomon in the tribute paid to him by hisifather, Reiiholt. Weiss, who _came to seek` hie advice when he wantedf to run for the Town Council, a.n obeis- ance that .was never shown unto the ancient Solomon by his parent. Had 1 David, the 'Je'.wis1h King, when he; wanted to steal Uriah wife, consult-I T ed his son, Solomon, like Rienholt, the Potato King,'did- wfhieuhe wanted' to run. for Tthev Town _ Council, things, mi'ghtrhia.ve. been different and Jewish: .his'-tory would not 1'e.se=mbl-e- atWalk_e'r-) {on police. court" record so muceh as it now does,-. . e Be eth.i.s"as' itfmay, it was the 'wo1__'ds ..of. Solomon. that kept 3 `Ri_nh01t, froni `running .fo;r =the+ Tovslni +counc,ia,. for although .Mr: Wei_ss ;n*ame j v vould7_ `have_ been glphabpticalljf V _ last ' on _ the . lo-a;_l1ot",,e :h?is71bn Avis omit alto-' .gather,;cei%tain;`=`.11hsLt}`~the:csbiipture s*ay{ of fjtIxa;'tjltl`.g;"t1;etc liat will `he; rst g{ * gxzmmin up < the = votes, 31 It Eighty-two fatal and one. hundred] I and ninety-four non-fata1 accidents to} work people were recorded by the De- partment of Labour during December. This record shows a slight decrease ' compared with the preceeding month, and is-`much less than in the same ` month of last year. In Novemher there were 286 accidents fatal and non -fatal, to individual workmen, and in December, 1910, there _w.er 351 accidents. The chief disasters guring the month" were the suffocating of three miners at Middle-sboro, B.C.,_ in a. chute of a mine, and an explosion in a powder factory at Departure, Bay, Vancouver, B.C., in which three [men were lgilled. There: were eleven killed in the railway srvice, and four- teen in mining. Thee_1*a:g-est` number of non.-fatal accidents occurred in the meta1`t\rad-e1s', in whichfforty-two were injured.. Nine! men were killed and ..thir-ty-`one were injured in the build- ing trade-s,1a.n unusually high number for the month of December. There were twenty-six non-fatal accidents[ in the -railway service. It isfa nipping, eager air, that comes. kerwhooping from the north. I hear my . bluenosed neighbors` swear as citywards ltthey sally fort-11. That Wind, they say, "has been -on ice for fty years in Labrador; `to spring it on us isn t nice-we don't see what they send it for. And thus` my] neighbors advertise to_ all the yworld (that they are told; the-y d- sing and Edance, if they were wise, and say how much they like the cold. There is a tonic _in the breeze that icebergs in its whiskers wears; that comes straight down from arctic_ seas, and smells of l sealsdand polar `bears. It ought to make you skip and jump, and if (you greets that breeze wih groans, it! show you re ready for the dump where people take their worn-out bones. On torrid -days the fat.man sighs and for relief he vainly grapes, but on cold days he d. like to rise and whip a bunch of white man s hopes. -Walt Mason. V 1 [ Llyyibt ,_ o_u1:"-ndrth-ei'n.i'.'_ne*ig1tb or' on rtehe jehoies of Lake` Co`u`chichin" g. ` `Sbme `of the nowspfapr men '~ there may get hold of `9; copy aid Tyvrite 3' review of it .7 as -a.` new contribution to literature; I The st1'*ike1reeor of the `Labour De- pertment. `shows -` that there were, only eight trade disputespin `existence dur- ing De\E'embea',Vbeing_ six less than in Novemiber,-`and two less than in De- cember, 1910._ About ten firms and _slig*htly over fourteen -hundred `em- ployees Were involved. tT'h:e loss in working days amounted 'ap.pr.oxi.mate`-"I ly to forty thousand. The new dis- putes; of the month were of only slight importance. . There were only four dis- putes unsettled. at the close of the year. `` ' "Trade" andthe `matter was. placed in. -cieive the. support` of every member William %Pro'ud M.P.P., for Cen- tre'H.uron, `will introduce a. bill in the Legislature to provide i4_f0'r the ation of the .bus-iness _done by large mail order houses in townsdand-i` dis- tricts other than w'here their business houses are situated. `The idea. origin- ated with the Goclerich. {Board of the hands of Mr. Proudfoot for pres-I enta.ti`on to the House. It should `ure- outside the city of Toronto. I THE "N )JRTI-.fiERg\T~ ADVANCE , THE SLIPPBRYA PATH. Hamilton Spectator. ' , Toronto is excited7`; pro and can, on the` subject of .S,_unda-y -`aobogganing. It~'i.9 dkiicult to draw. the .1`in~e-_be- tween takin.g a walk and.-- sliding on _t h e day of rest. Indeed; one frequejnt-, .1y rdbeis thte; Iattiezr slippery "da.'ys,. `When~.`5 int.el_1di!I_'tTi`B. .fo!,n16r,, Etbnt df` ggourse t'h`at1u`is - V ` % ` ` The celebration should last for two `days, the rst :to be devoted" to the huorne-coming of. arrie s Old Boys and Girls; an aquat cl carniva.l,"regat.- ta and water sports in the afternoon, with ma.gniceut illumination. of- the `waiter-front at night, hundreds of` gaily - decorated, brilliantly - lighted ` craft skimming the waters`, with priz-J as for the best decorations, The de-` signers have a wide range oi subjects from which to choose`, ranging from, Venetian gondolas Uto Co1un_Lbus ' Santa Maria . or, Nelson. s Flag Ship. ` l The second day, commencing early with V a fen de joie by citizen soldiery, should be one long ho1id*ay of merry-making, a carnival of `. as-. toundiug attractions with not a dull moment. The big parade, w`hi-h was such a successful feature` last, year, can be made e-venga bigger andrnoreq successful - number ' on`; the program, features of which_rnigh.t in-elude: '.I`he~, rose _pa.rade, Jincluding allegorical gures in roseladen oats; '-represen-i tation of\` King George '5: trium_ph_a1' ride in state through?` the _str`e'ets_o"-- London; scenes f-rorg the Delhigiurt-_ bar, an almost: "inexhaustible eld, f furnis_11iug,- a, we~a1th~ of-` Oriental A color : ' and nery,and, of course, t,he~,`d-eco1`at -, ed oats. of: t`rades 1ne'n`, W` .manua.cti:i:g,s,i ..-.-abuuuu uvauudluo A _ The blind pig industry is: o-ur- ishing in the Porcupine district, though t- he government is doing all it can to_su-ppress the sale of intoxi- c-ants. Owing to the enormous` prot L--from 200 to 500 per cienzt-.-the 5keepers of dives `can aiford to pay the `nes 'and still niake mone.y._ Local option doesn't always opt. ' - -........u \.uJ _' uabcbbvo I _It is proposed in order to meet the views of the stnragettesb to have the bridegroom make a vow to obey in it-he wedding ceremony; the same as.the ,Bride. Thus Woulda they be placed on would be the, same as at present,`_ when -most husbazids"'have to '_ obey \ their wives anvwav. - . ......\. no one: 5-u.um as txrlien {most husban'ds"?have \ their` wives anyway. With a cabinet crisis in Spain and {another barelyn :tided over in France, the Chinese monarchy playing for" safety` and: the German elections hang- ing in the .balance, little Chili has to get excited and have a little -cabineite crisis of its own. Thus it never rains but it pours. ' ., ,L A T wHb s TO B: Bbssv E Montreal _- Gazetfei ' TL: ` `Ottawa. citiz e: 1x1:n.. .. ....L:.. . .. .-v--__u .-. nsnnyvo A man over in the `States is apply- ing -for a divorce because his wife insists upon keeping thsii`-ty-ve cats. No wonder. Imagine having to wind up `the clock and put out 35 cats every night before. retiring. Kingston Standard 0 mt... :n_1:_3 _-9 H j A DON El_'.'_ BL ,St. Thomas Tirr}es.__ A ____A, , f6r.mo1fths `is -the re-I port on, the lobster supply from the maritime section down east._ vThis item, of course, does not apply to the human variety. ` The absnce of the mlilitaif at the un_huaAl-_ca.n 1p, wag last :year_ _una,void_- Vj`p,__t5le,`_`1_)ut {it ;VviVl11bo' poas:ib1eV; to;_._33_*rn.n'ge 5: `n il:Vul'r.;~.'Io`..V.'..M. *5`1`.L;...~..-.-.._"..` ._ < L2--.u.:::=::!;.sH`a&e:.-.- Hamiltjon $pectator. '.qnn1vnnu'- ALLA... '.'... - {OPINIONS or ovum mans! 5 SirvA]len his much perturbed over the fact that the canal being abandon-I led will remain a perpetual monu-| ,ment to the stupidity and rascality `of the late Grit Govt., just -as if it hasn t been. a.11__ this e.ver[sinc.e they threw out the first shovelful of earth. Fifty-four eless. convictions before the Beak last year in rBarrie`, makes me think some of those Jan- uary ], 1911,Areso1utions came through the year as pure -and 'untarnisl1ed as a bright new gold dollar. T All men are liars, says an Athei--' ley clergyman in "a lecture he de1iv`e-r-` ed, and one would judge that fhecomes from the right district to be sure; whereof he speaks. " He forgot to in- 'clude gas meters. ` b I If Council keeps on raking up `by- laws, thser-e-. will soon be lots of work_ for the Engineer to do, without him `going out on the `street shovelling snow.` . in u u Invaiid Eggs i the. startling an-H nouncement in 9. New. York .grocer?s advt., but whether they are "invalid for election or.tab1e purposefhe does Inot say. I -x- as - Imumnnr & IMPERTINENTI It is said that new-1aid~ eggs are so scarce~and expensive that it is no `longer possible for the Barrie house- Iwife to scorn.th fogeign ybg. L -It is sai s5 cglestials look after their p s?" butxhave `lost track of their queus. ` - HE OTHER DAY there came to ~h-and a coll-ection of post cards . `depicting -scenes _in- 'Portland, Oregon, at the time of their Rose Festival, held last year. Nature, assisted by` the artist.ic= skil of man produced scenes of wondrous beauty, and `provided; :a threewday entertain- 'ment for thousands of spectators and -apfar-reaching advertisement for the 3. collection of photo prints of the Coronation Ce1e.bra.tio-n -held in Barrie last summer, the gre.ates=t and!` most successfu1`day_ in the history " of the Town, and one which wouidstand repetition this year. With the ex- perience gained we can now make a celebration on a. much: larger and bet- ter-paying basis, and if anything is to be done, preliminary work must com-. mence at once to insure success`. Last year the `first meeting was held in _.March, and! the time left for the work city. From these scenes" I turned- to 1 was none too long. A search warrant s;h_ould: be issued for the .cow_ which drank up all the water in the Newmarket` -canal. Judging by the back page of this out of place to have -a smile - the old-fashioned winter wel- come?` A " A - Bright idea.- V'Dhe*Ay1esworth-`Mu- lock Ditch might be usd as. a grave 1-for the d'ear departed Reciprocity. * Ye-zis. The -Coal Men I The _ yeas have it. THE LOBSTER! `B1-nd and P-g EPIDEMIC. pearance of the . issue, iii may not_be ask our readers to on Geo. Vickers. A use ;1eZw mivmtvaVvVvill be adfded to the Sub- Icnption List until the money is paid. T nhnnnllmnum. -2--.. .l.. -._._--- 1; 41 --- - Nays The Public ..,. .i.".... _....__.A _..__---:jVV ` MA YDFAbTURER OB` LBV1iggiVeVs, Carriages, Wagons Sleigh: Aa%n[Cutte_rs. A .'.'.`..".....a.- vs. ' S'rmc'r Pxnnsoxuu 'A'I\1`Il!h7'l'ln\Y Dnrn n- Na. anmetn sf] -------- - &%l'II` Wehave a la. 9 amqnnt gt money to loan atlowest current rat.es.e1ther1n small or in large - . of good gagep. McCAR'l`HY. BOYS. Mnn ".L!Tcn1u UNWIN, MURPHY 85 ESTEN, ON- tario Land Surveyors, Engineers, etc. _Established 1852. Oice, _-Medioal. Building, S. E. corner Rich- mond and Bay streets, Toronto.- Telephone, Main, 1336. Instructions left with \Strath'y 8; Esten, Solici- ' tors, .Ban15 of ~ Toronto Building, Barrio, will` be promptly attended to. W _ 3 37:} ` -11.00 p m..comgt spemx .. *a.1o a m- . .01 10.40 a xn'l`oronto 8: North Bay 5. 15 p m 8mpmooNOPlh Ba.y....... 67 8.20 p m..'1'orunto'& Midland 7.42 0. In .Ol-~.. n __ ---..L'--....