` Mrs. Joseph Day and family leave for C.0chnran_e to-day to join Mr: Day. They will reside` at the T.N.O.-G.'.1`.P. Juncatzion all Winter. _ V _ I | Canon Murphy, rural dean of this _Deax`1e ry, was in Penetang on Mon- Id-ay am! Tuesday presiding at the !annual me,et.ing. ' _ ' Engineer-_ Harry Hawker isoif on a six-weeks leave of absence. He will take. a ;_trip- down thraugh Quebec next` week." V. ' ' Victor Fi_s-her-V oespciotia. Junc- tion is' in Townfor a few days. Mr`. Harry Gartner `hes ~takenAV a position as messenger on.the `Canadian Express Coyrunning fr'o'm_ Toroimtoto London. U Pdsfmisfer, in_a, _purr;lihs&r_ at _n; Aire`dale;_91"rti'er last` week, ' Mrs; Ba'i:eman,; Caroline. 'S.,, is- with` an attack L of la grippe. I -`Mr; H. `Noftoh is visiting for 9. few days` at his =hom_e in _Pen_atang. Mr} Fisher of Scotia. .J1.1nc- Town for ' kOr`9m"--S_pearin spe1_it*Smrdaj at _his- home in. Penetang; ` I 7M1 . .H(>wrd, Fm-gus _o'n rgrned .Ca lg,a 1-y on Mbnday; :_ _ nyuvuu _|%uu val : 9000QQOQOOOQOQOOOCOOOOOOQO .o:_1 agicbut `of.- `.!18"ins*t attend Ru_t.!1r*`De8ne:y meeting", .. Penotanghishene-. i Gordon r+:1ve:yA`*-kindly gays Tpiano? f 53193:: t_ions- ,batI1 .,ater"noon -an'& .evening. _ Jan. 15.--'1; 36 degme` below zero on Friday xn ornlx__:g. l\- __.L 01-011 A l'\ OCII - -' u 1:hemo1;;feh beim the guest . of. and, Mrs. Lang:f;eld-t, , left `on Tusjay morning, accompanied. by T Dr.- and\ ~Mr's.- ,Langt`e1dt and Rein` Mr. Acgeigzmg.-go `visit Rev; A. C."W'att' of Bond Head,.,.,,.1vho is seriously sick - From" there, `the Bishop returned `lit; `Toronto. ` a AV -~ hfwmilly. Pehdh; th:h;new` lfactdty hdedicafed it `- by " special? praye`1"s'.` E.-. J. ;`MIcKittr:ick, .~*Rev. W.` I J . Creigh- `ton and the Rector made" congratu- latory: speeches. `The " happy event was brought to a. close by `all? joining. hands ,and singing f`A`uld' lang syhe, . and God Save the King. ' 1 Z" -N[c.Kittric_k_ the 01 We` f`?~"' can *<.1'|11"ih8- in`-'frhe"`ph'rih.` ` ' ' .- ~` . ~ w. :O6ffOfO6OOQ3OQOO: ACROSS THE BAY7 Mr. Dyment is _survived by` '-his widow, nee Miss Alice Grose, and one son, Jack, alad of six years of` age; his father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. John Dyment _ of Toronto; and: six brothers and. four sisters, as follows: Harry, of` Alberta (`who was unable to be present, at the funeral-), Addie of Bradford, Philip, Nathanie1,- Elwood and. Harold of Toronto; 5 `E1iz`abeth,| .Ba.rbara, Nellie,'4nd[ Mary all of To- ronto. -All were present`at thefuneral but Ha_rr`y,_ Harold, and Mary,"' the latter of whom" is` ill "at" the present V Mr. Jack r Dyn>1ent'Aia.'a veousrin of `Meesre. Simo, wDyme,nl'..o Town and Albert ,.E.. Dyment, ..E.x-Mo-P-. _o~f_ 11. ` All the "'.I(.o 1'oni io sV`p,oke~"-in A feeli V. ing= .refe1fe11ce :to.. the passing-i of _`Mr. o1owing3::qm;ae :p'en, off 5-a;..epm`ona1i -friend,` who 'iv;aL;.1'-y(el1`?\qua1ii1lo epealpg V ~.bv.T`;g.. ._; .- "ii an "11: 1? If H A .-btteri'1iket1 or m5;r:iies:vi;g3.bf,`g: % u_nivei's'*a1_~r_ cf_`].in ~ % I I hA'l?, .:~`"i~.h 6i2 e.:l'P.'.I/.-...7 ` IA-915%. Pi`19.918-8 I-esscysp . V Mr. ' Eranki Nelson, sporting ,- editdr of .~'1`-he Toronto Glqbe, pays the fol`-.-; 7 10Wi'n%t1'ib.nte: ,to` the-~i.nemo myA " of ,Mr. _9eP'::;`r ' -A ` .4 1 `;1`he M~izLf&" 'TtIh6ir annual .chi1dre n_ s `treat on Sunday and?-it.~\`_w'ap well attended. I H _ ` - `and many beautiful oral tributes re- The wr1;3$}" the Canada Gas` Producer Engine Co. and the ' Barrie Carriage 00., were closed, the former` from `Friday until `Tuesday. Messages; of sympathy were received'.fr'om a'l-1! over` Canada and the ~_Unit_ed Sta'te8,| ceived, among` which were designs from the 0.H.A., the Barrie Hockey Club, the employeee of the.Brookda1e Farm,yI employees ;of_ `th9_' `Canada Producer` Gas Engine 00.; and the Barrie Brew- ing 00. . , . V- uuuvuauuw ya occult WUIUZ M35873. :1. E. Dyment, ex-M_.P., E. J. Evans, Mvajor F. _L. Burton, A. W. Burgess and _ A. Simon. 1, fo .!l.'HB masme or The franchaaaz tlie: Dorixinion Ex- press Go. over he. '1`. & N. O. expired -on January 15th and in future the Canadian` Express Co. .will' operatefa through service from Toronto to Coch- rane on trains No. 46 (going south through Barrie at 5.10 a.m.) and 47 (going north at 11 p.m.) The Can- adian Express Co. will pay special attention .to local business between| North: Bay and Cochrane. - - I EXPBE/SS .DIBEO'1' TO OOCHBANE force as -to topple -it over. Thia_ blocked the main line and the Toronto` train, en routeto Midland, was delay- ed until: after 1 p.m., when the track was partially -cleared" and the weary load of passengers `proceeded on their way. (C<}ntinue;1f;~oan page 1)_. n;;iue.`..u Stock Food will keep` To make wash day my get one of our youi"Stqck avhealthy condition ' ; Washing` Machines and Wringers : ~ __..._.`.J v wgnider ` _ _- 11,a,~d;;i: e `ftoistune to ran an brea'k:__ajxer{iag-1;; ,1g_s(t` Aunday- T.` % to Make Money *. ybur hens are sure to pay. 9 of this: rhonth w_e[ clear out our THE HARDWARE MAN "-Ifvu. YVL1-L` .uU`V_6T KDUW DUO full .b,eraut.y.of your gure until you wear 1;,_SpirHa Corsetp They do not gbreax-or ._ta .ke a permanent bend.-J 1 tar Grs;eM;ueranted%or'%9no year-. , V ` * -' e, a"..'v A ~hand :er`;i`;.sh-3-<'1"by several `men of _t1he .B1=id'ge- and .Bui1dinn-=Dept., was, struck_.by. the engine of; the Mid- -land - vi?ay-f1~e.ight_1a.s_:t- Thursday , morn- ing, .and:.- the men a_re;_ congratulating A':then,1se'1iies _their.- escape Irom in- jury."-The ha'n.d car was loaded` with timber, and the engineecompletely de- :mb1_;s.Ahde it,; 9, ?-nearby `switch and the `pi:1otf;n*o'v_.the engioej euering from the '_c0'.1'1.i8iO1i.` , The men: jumped to ` one nf ti1;n;e,_; escapei ; njnry. Miss} Heien James *vtn%TRect5iy%: V ._isV'_a;tgt,e1ivding the :B.C.I.- in"Ba.r-1-',ie. ' ' / 1:... ~.1n:n.:'_-.__ ' ' .. ..._ \- Mr. Dyment s enexgies in sportl were notconned to the turf, but in- ! eluded Canada's national games of winter and summer, lacrosse and hoc- key. He was Presid'ent- of the Barrie Ilockey C-hib and served` two years on the `Executive of the 0ntarioHockey A_ssociation. .........;.. __vv -we ; pexfswtenb etI'orts_ of {Jack Frost, on Sunday morning, and |the,c.onaequent delay nearly tied upl 17116 tfrexght. tra_ic on the Divisionl V1\q1_1fe_af the .eng1-nes could. be moved '-untll the..pip(es-were thawed out, He died just at a period: when the horses in his care seemed ready to .repeat these triumphs, and even sur- pass the past successes of -the Brook- dale Stable. Several years ago exten- sive purchases of the most fashion- ably bred mares were made, the breed- ing establishment was entirely-`rector ed` and Red Fox, the only son of Fly- ing Fox in North America, "was im- ported. The harvest was now ready to reap, but the husbandman is called away. - To a widow and a little on-phaneboy [he left what money cannot purchase. I the legacy of. a good man '9 name, be- !loved. by his friends and respected gby those who had the honor of closer Iassociation.` . . - ,1-IN,D_3.A%Y. ?333Z3-UP- I All, the water---pipes in the Motive Power Department 1 9t Lindsay suc- cumbed: _to ~t-he,.per_s1stent. efforts` of A lifelong knowledge of the thor- oughbred-, -beginning _on the Orkney Hills near Hamilton, brought him marked success in his calling. As a lad he rode races for `his father s Orkney` Stable with a fair `amount of I good fortune, and when the late Mr. Nathaniel Dyment went into racing, in the thorough manner in which he transacted all his affairs, John took charge of the Brookdale Farm horses. He scored many triumphs and won all the great events of the Canadian Turf, in addition. to important races lac-,roes the line. Carrying the orange and green jacket Thessalon and Nesto` were first and second in the Plate of; 1903 and repeated in the following year with Sapper. Suc`h great horses as Fort Hunter, Kinleydale and Ton- gorder, trained by him, won. the To- ronto, Liverpool, Seagsram and King Edward Cups, '-the eWoods.tock Plate, the Hamilton Derby, the Canadian ` `Derby and the Bu`aJo Derby. ....v, ....\._n gnu-.5 vv Acausno uuau ouaurue is `ended. As an owner and trainer of one of the chief Canadian racing establishmens he had compassed the whole country, earning the highest possible respect` in a world in which men -are inevitably recognized for their true worth. -John Dymaeait was one of those who passed the test. A 1'1!` u lsummers spent Largely in the open air, `clean living and exemplary in char- acter, he seemed destined for a. long iife, and it _is impossible for those who knew him to realize that that]ife' :. `.....:...1 A. ._ ----- --v -t?uAwm~%ne&er rnw me full n.1\':-.AP ih' Am.-- .;..;:1 _____ %At Redhead Prices. A .,r~-v- co-V CJUIJI-DO III J-IKIIIIIVO W _ William Venton, G;T.R.. brake- -mn ; of Aandale," ca.11e;d;on friend's pig :_.=}H$ib_. ;,yeekg 31'.V3? 3995 u-uuu .s.Lnuc/D, J.` U. .L. - o a Hides, '0. 2 Calf skins, green, per lb. Sheep skins . . . . . . . . . .. Tallow, per lb. . . . . . . . . Wool, picks Horse hides, best grade. Horse Hair . . . . . . . . Wopl, washed . . . . . . . . . unwashed _ wuuvou ow 433.9-313.1 Quotations on Tuesday we:-az- Wheat, bushel . . . . . . . . 94 goose, bushel . . . 88 Oats . .. .. . . . . . . . . .. 47 Rye .. . . . . . . . . . . .. 92 Harley, bushel I 75 -Ha timotlhy . . . 20 00 T`-_` No.2 . . . . .....16 00 Straw, per ton . 17 00 RAA1`n_ , Toronto, Jon. 16; 1912. o_o I-J , VLILIIIIILI imr Seeds-- Export; cattle, med-ium. .. .. l I `l.~_- `I1- vvuw Xlaike, No. 1, bushel. j_` N o. 2, bushel. Uilllo III! -so-Iva VVV V U VV*Iv& IJVIIVAU as in both the c`1'1urc\h.es lie:-e on .Sun- day last. a U\O .1 A b f4'K' u [Prices Ruling in the Barrie and 'fo; I ronto Markets Durinz the Week. l`.\-fs THE LATEST MARKETS uvrstocx MARKETS. Barrie, Jan. r;5`A.JANUABY 1s I 256 `Capt. 's. 13117 ;{'i3n11.ua% 7Wx7itea his father :and mother, Mr. and. Mrs. Jae-. "Him, week. _ " ~- 10 i2 8 00 10 (H;-. 17, 1912. 85 if 10 50 8 2:3- 9 00 13 00 12 00 24 95 90 48' 95 85 O0 17 00: 18 00 10 00 9 O0 12 00 10 50 15 50 Mrs. 15hd;e};o; Ma:-sha11 we on Tues- `aay for Tworonto, where she intends, spending the balance the__w'inte;. ` Mrs; Hudson " of ' Gleniilld, Man., 19 -visi'tin g at Mr." William Hudson s. : 16 BE 9 oo i5 .36 60 35 I 20 12 20 25 17` 1 50 so 50' 50- -nA 10 80 30 .18 13 ' ax Mrs. `John I1:v'r_,i_n.Aof Wave:-' ley vis'itved'~L~ their .,-;.df.u'g_11,.ter,' Mvrs;-R. Craig, ,1ast.,_week_. / - _. .4. , 56 10 1 1 10.- 12 60 us. 06 Imegting 1a_4:_ Thnfsdgy. _-__, ._._- _. ..--.._. /Y , y -The Pmegbyteans of -St. A . _ew, a~ Ohurc-h held` their annual bus -06 '|r_~_ vvvusc Jan. .:5.-n:is{Tv&i7.7oZ`"isaci,aug`haan . attended- the funeral -of Miss Webb in, Wyevale on Monday. ~ ' - There is. good skating on the Little Lake. . ~` ' - \BIIJ ITUO The Lord Bishop of '1'oronff4'1A"erach-V ed in `St. Peter s Anglican Churoln in thg afternoon. . T. Mrs`.4_gJenkins of Hbily is spending` a "few da.y`_s here. - ' A H` Mrs. Brobks left ~here on Friday for her !home at Muskoka Station. _ Mcagghn 9's.` ` Josie and Innis of `Phelpston spent T-hursday at J. `upon: a -- Mrs.. "King of Toronto and Mra. `French-. .. of Elmvale spent Thursday wifxh Mrs. C. Lafrenie. *_M.r.: a1'1l_a'in"i;-rig.` Thom- _son called on Mr. and Mrs, Andrew` `Potty `last Sunday evening. " - Where aes t-he };1i1 v;{;1te;;mc;;' in thatleverybody was talking about. It must have gone south. V ` Jan. 15.--Mrs. and `Mist, William Wicklumder have returned from Allis- ton to t`heir former home at Vigo. I `It- 71--.._,_ nmt 11`. Mitchili o`f" 'f '"!;t-<>ws around buying up all the goods Horses. | `V:-as-I -`lvager vattcv 'a:1d_Ii1'i~e"!'11\other .made a. trip to Stayner. on Monday; 'l'I YL-__ 7 T _ _-__-- _-_-- .. ...,... V Mr. Henry Smith m.a;d9 a busineesl trip to Elmvale on Satu-fday.` " 'II__ 'If!Av,I 11 fMr. VPa1k,, who was `in the} hospital, is able to be --around again. M`r.` Johh Millet spe'nt7 Sunday vwith Mrs. Flahelfty. - . . _ vl;':~"J.W(`4fc>zrne1-ius of Orangeville is; 1 "%h_6 guest bf` Mr. W. `Cloughley. ~ . = ~ Mr. W;m. ' Tiin has returned from 1-In extended visit in Toronto. ' ' Quite `a. numr 'fi*s'11"sl`1`antie"s are .alr"eady erected on -the'ba'yy .V TIIL- _1__A! Tho: s1;ai1;g- 1'_i;k`"is-:Ji','rj _ rning E orderv now- .- _ ` . I :-.v----uJ -u-rvv Iv `you! ` -Gi-adyag -Clonghley of wtpent the weekend "at =.her::home`jhere'. f hexje. `Mr. `Willie Parr of Allandaxle` spent . A l\ 5-- ` 15:--.A` `party .-bf `mn`a;`e camped about .a mile west oi 41016, `~n1a&k-Ving a. survey` Vfor a-- C.P.R. .bra,ne`_h. `tram Baxter to Coltlingwgd-. `f._ .I3 1 ..T\ Jan. 16.-lQ[f. a'mi`. AeMrs:`Besseyv and! `family have -re't_urned' from London, `vivhere they spent the .Christmas holi- ays. . . . . .- ':I`he Miasses Maomillan a nd I.I`ugh`es `have returned to Toronto. _ T ~ 4 j `1o,;}-;1iis"fB'erthJ` a.m.gg. qt ne guagt` of Miss M._';' GlIOI}gh'- i Tin this vicinity, last -week. ; ___k l`- j n 1 Rev. W.` S. Irwin df visited` o,:.oon.;m;.;t.;',., trip` to Toronto last week I` horse.` V ads `at `and bought `T Mi'8- ' F- McMn1kan_ nd} Mis I1_q_, 'MeMu1l;o`n_4 -are 9n` the e_ick _ . .bef9r_e, ` T iva;z1..th-e1"V' fto be the coldest in. many years, _freez- ing cellars `that. had never __;us`zn Ada. Blair Sis visiting {;t `hr siot_e1 b Mrs.. .L. Dav'id'9on.- Jan. 15.-The-re were special servic- I {In ILIIIIQIIJIAJ: 11.59:; not quit. i.u_rn'.N% ORAIGHUBST. new-an .Vont".hV.:g>'_`.?.k`.V" 34?. mans; >A*?{tn ..lm: ziemanni : The At_Ho'me-3 `given-_at` the rRec- ' . toryby Dr. and` `Mrs. Langfelt to ; the parishioners `.was;- attended bfyra large Vnu;n'Lbe1'.~ ._o_f: people, -. `including ,. fziend -from .Bar:ie,: Vyrwho . c'ame _-and went. A. both. a:fc`xz,ooI; a=`!1d* % eve-ning.J Dr. _fa.nd j.M1".":`Langfe1dt;; wi'1ih"? `the, , Bilhop, - _GOi.Vdi.-.'-th$tiV,\"`!flfi`nd. - in t-he:_,. ' spacious . hall. .;'I;`.he.;_`tea_V 7t_.able; ns ~-pfr_e- Sid.6 Mm: -';!31a.cI:1'n__oVre ma . The visit of the Bishop of Toronto was a great, pleasure to the rector and people of the Parish of Innisl and everyone .. was r greatly pleased ' with and benetted .by his presence and intercourse with him. _ The ser- viceeat St. *P`aul _e morning and even- ing. and at St. Peter s- in. the after- noon . were largely attendedghy appre- ciative congregations, who listened most attentively to the earnest e and eloquent words. of the . Bishop. ~ At St. `Paul's at the morning service his ' Lordship preached: on the gospel of the day, the miracle at `Cans: What- ever He saith unto.you, de.it. , At the evening service the sermon was based` on, the epistle of the `day, Romans xii, II, Not slothful in busi- ness, fervent in gspirit, serving. ..the Lord. Preceding the sermon` the` Bishop` exhorted the -_people. to give loyal and praye1*u1*flearport =tl1xie. rector.` .en<>.ur.asine . `him. by" heart? co-operation and loving `est_'ee;n.'. At St. Peter's the sermon was a per,s,onfa1 Epiphany appeal, mm St. Maethew.:Vrj 16: Let your light so shrine bgefoi-e_ men ~th`at`they .-may -"`good' a works, and glorify ` your "father .whic'_h' ' "is in he,aven.~ i w V Q\'VI . Choir practice, Friacy ct Rectory 7.30 p.m. - ` ~ _. 4 81:. Paul : Mission. Oralgvalo. 6.30 p.-m.--Sunday School. _ 7.30 p.m.-Evensong prayer and` "ser- Elli!` `T - 11 Ta.u'x.--Mornihg-' 1;;t;rm_nd ser-' man. 8. School and Adult Biblg class after service. - ' V. 2.30. p.m.-`--TEvVe1.1i'%ng praye~1;:j;nd ser- `m_on. Sunday School after ' the ear wwe. ~ _ PARISH or INNIBPIL. 3rd Sunday utter Epiphany, Jan. 21, - ` St. .Pote1f s. Churchill, The different `numbers were receiv~` ed with great applause, and reected much credit upon Miss Florence Nightingale andMiss Florence Greene, who~ had trained. the children with much care for many weeks. `Miss Greene also acted very creditably as accompanist. .The programme being ended, Santa -Claus appeared and: pre- sented each child with a present, da bag of candy and an orange. A splen- did` illuminated Christmas tree added to, the pleasure of the entertainment. Everyone went -away pleased with the evening s events, _ after singing the National Anthem. ` l."Di.a.logu.=-'I_`rig1s noinfj, a 4Teacher""-.-. I _, by` `Marion Black, "Fred Leonard, Fred Purvis and other , children. Recita. oionj--The` Farmer A by James Leonard` Motion Song- Shoemaker John.. . . . . . . . . . . . by the school Carol?-Three Kings _of Orient " Recitation-Slight1y Mixed .. 4 . . . . . . . by. Arthur Richardson . Gramophone selections by Mr. Frank Brewster . ` A. I -Ohorus-2` ` Holy Nigliti v-_-u.- v-g Dialogue--How he eteased NedA..` ` by Arthur Richardson and Ross] _ - A Brewster. Carol--See amid the` winter snow Dialogue--- The Golden Rule . . . . . 1... AH..- IV.'...._. . ...1 'r;n__. -r_`L,,--,, A '1:-he follewing `programme was then presented by the iacholarisa: Ca!-o1~" --by the school`. g . Dialo`gue--` ` Rehearsa_1 f_ by ` seven '..l..:'I.l.....;. ~-..- `.7-. _ .-V ..,.usvauv .a.I UUAUVH I-t'u_IU by` Alice areene and John Johnson Ch-orus---Gladdes Day of all the. ' ` - . -` Year- {large consignment of sheep tram here last Monday. "M1-. W V\1in;1-."`M;:Dona1d: ghippqaa La and ' attle - -r\_ , "1 1 n n - Last trim} `eveni`n_g:i--"`in fEita.r of: the`;seve_re` weather. `an . bzad. eroads, the "Orange Hall was crowded with an appreciative audience to take part in ' the tea and` entertainment given un- -der the auapices..o the Sunday School of St`. Paul s Mission, Tea was serv-_ ed by the ladies in I the basement, Iwheretables were prepared` and laden with dainty provisions. After "tea," Dr. Langfeldt, as chairman, called _the meeting to `order by giving a short speech: on the object and progress of the_ Sunday School. ` ` ` ` M:-1_'a.` } fAd`r{{ '~i?fa.teyin` `or; D$ehuist ' spent the we_ek_-end' with her parents, Mr. and M`:-_s,"~\p?ValVt er `Ralston. ` On} si:ii~ayf' ihoning aat.-h iggih visitsigbnrrvlhes: talsinz itsj` vie-: tin} -little. Mary Dixon. '1`h_je funeral` took mm .o'i:'-.. Tueady a1t_emoon-from `her `grandmother's residence,` Mrs.` J.- King`, tov the?` "Sixth 'Line3'ZCemet_er3'v. '_l`he* family have? the .sympathy.of the whole` commitnity. W'e a1T-$7 gla_1_ 11:45. (see `the smiling?_f:_m;`e of Mrs. v Hillands of Toronto in Ada:-`if iviuage vgsgain. ' ` ~ ' i .MLr;f:` 4_1 B'9.ttiyf" % Sn}: " with Miss Tillie Donnelly.` ? A up-:__.- ,, l ' Miss ,Tmi" Donnelly ~ente.pt'a_in"ed .a number of her friends one. -e17eI_1Vi_n g last week`. All report ,9, most .enjoy_- `ableime; " ` ~- " " I Ajnugtrer [from here` attended Ethe pneralt of the -late Jack .Dyment. `in Basic _=on M0,n<,iuy. `.v___ ~ g '-. 4 .--. - %`Knf&ga % Iunlid :}}}{'nZre- atssma the .T.`a.nni-ve'rsa[ry services `at Chuwhin; on` Sunday lgst. L - ~n. - T-We are` giad go`:-eport thuT Mrs.: Wood~ is recovering after an attack o to:v1si1i.tis.` ~. - - - V _ -~ Week-night service, Thursday, at T 8 -st. _Pau1 _s.- rammck. ~on .A1ev%A1.z. _ L ' - oouuuvadbi `la camp 414].` 4819 `JP: `A`4f1arge.,'number. of passenvgerm on thga Meafprd Mi_xed on Monday after-' noonspent a._ coi1p1`e_ of -anxious hours, .'when:._the train became _s_ta11ed,- in the- s;now""drits,= `_ about 6.30 The `passengers - were` making- up their minds _t`o"5pend dihe 1.1'ighti,in. _th"6ti*s;in, `when three`_ engines. managed'=,t(2 Pull` the tlfai-`out of the -1'ej?&torm.. of _rthe `worafyg _en%<';'g1`__1,1V;1t9-rc>g1> VI [59 VH9 '11.!- ltmss sea11- T .---fin--1:i;e_"1_ ;;abyterian Church, J Rev. '1`. J. Thompson of Collingwood, con- ducted the anniversary services. Large congregations attended all the servic- . Svomd (railroad men who were`-`on their way to `work between 2 and 3.a.m. on Monday morning _were -surpiised` to P.`C: .-Sweeliey` Iwidldinsg. .79, `snow shovel between, the Bank of .;.Toronto and'xPatterson_ s Drug Store. Just for the`. safety of-`the public, . `was ,p'o1i.c`_eman+ a: ;-answer {to .;;he -as- to_nished' e-arlyq-isers. * ` After being out of the use of his horse which was stolen a year ago, Mr. Herbert- Fennell of Painswick re- covered -his property in Toronto last week. A_ Toronto grocer purchased the horse from. at sales stable, -the` pro- prietore of which were unable to tell from `whom they purchased the ani- mal . Mr. Fennell was able to prove that the steed belonged to him, -he was upheld by the police in claim- ing it, andy-the Toronto grocer and the. sales -`stable proprietors will have torequare accounts as beet they can. R. J. Harper, well-known in this! Ward, was killed in Hamilton yards on Monday, `when two ealocomotives crashed together. ' Mr. Harper, who was ring on one of thwenginee, was but- 35 years of age and was -a very "genial fellow and wen.-liked by. his fellow-emplogtes. An inquest mu be held on Fri y. -. The latest report from the `end of the new G.'l .P. work shows that only _-10 miles oftrack is. to be laid from the summit of the Great Divide, where the steel rails now _end. With the completion of this distance the navi- gable waters of the Fraser will be connected with the big railway; The Grand `Trunk T Railway systam have Canadian Car & Foundry Company for . 2,000` steel underframo box cars -with a capacity of 60,000 pounds, the rst batch of_ them to be ready by June 1st, 1912. placed" another. order` with the: ' .'1`rainV No; 54,Zdu e 1 at 7.47 from Mid-ltand, did not arrive until _9 o clock on Friday` _m")rning, owipg to an ex? ceed-ingly `heavy sngwfarl. It is said several "feet, fell there on Thursday ev.en'i`ng.V . ' ' Miss. Neeley of Bradford is taking Miss Smal1 s place on the teaching sta of the `South Ward School. The latter -is attending the funeral of her mother at Mount Forest. The snow-plowing contractoris mak- ing an early job of clearing the walks in Ward `j VI. P.C.* Sweeney was forced to step into the ditch at 3.55 a._m. one morning la_st week. .. M Harold `James of` this Ward,` `had his: ears nipped: with the'frost' at. the rink on Satufday afternoon. He was taken to Dr. Arna-l1 s oicei for at- tend-aiwe.- ' ` I `Mrs.]_Edgar Burridge of Reve`1stoke, B.C., and Mrs. Luke Spearn of Allan-, _dale, are.spending a short time with their` sister, Mrs. L.` D. Robinson, at 62 Second Ave, Ottawa. ` ' .. The `Rev. L. Mciean preached in Collingwood on Sunday. What -might have 'been a seriousw accident occurred in the warehouse of Mr. Albrecht on` Friday -"Mr. .Alb1'O('/Nb was thawing some ice in his acetyline gas generator when `it ex- ploded, wrecking the. plant, but tor -V. tunately ho `one was mjnred.