A nay JOKE. % S f p ` _ , ..Hmfseshoe1ng 14: vn.._--.._-____ A Bugies-;` CarVi;i;s'g_e`_s-,' {Vagons I; Sleigh: an;l% Cutters. `t-'..`...`..i_` <|\__; . Wchave at larg atlowest curren amounts. on th t ra.tes.eitheri -- v $&I'I I` e amount of mone .._.__._-__.__:_ UNWIN, MURPHY 85 ESTEN, ON- tario Land - Surveyors, Engineers, `etc. Established 1852. Oice, Medical Building; S. E. corner Rich- v mond and Bay streets, .Toronto. Telephone, Main, 1336. Instructions left with Strathy 85 Esten, Solici- tors, Bank of Toronto Building, Barrie, will be promptly attended to. Having spent 4 years Post Graduate work in British Hospitals and having served as Clinical Assxrtant in Golden Square Ear, Throat 8: Nose Hospital, London` Royal London Ophthalmic Hospital tllnoreldsl ; for a term as Resident Suygeon in Royal London 0 hthalmic Hospital; Bristol Eye Hospital, Bristo :and Birmmgham Eye Hospital, B rmingham ; former Member of __ British Ophthalmological Society. _VOFFICE-78 DUNLOP STREET. BARBIE. Phon_e 51. P. O. Box. 96. -L.R.C.P. a. s. Eaixinurgh; M.F.P. 3; s. 513.230` --SURGEON-- ' Eye.` Ea`:-, Nose`? Thrat. fr M. D., C. M. ( l`or.) Late of Toronto General Hospital. Office of the late Dr. Smith. Comer S` A dumber by `good Farmsand Town Pro- L, . penlegvlor sale on _easy terms. ].DR. MORTIMER LYON, 31 CARLTON St., Toronto, late of Brooklyn (N. I .Y.), Eye and Ear Hospital, will be at 67 Owen St., Barrie, every Sat- rurday. V Diseases-Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Consultation hours, 11 a.m. to 5 p.m., and byappointment. jV %Fi=reand Life Insurance a (Real Estate Agency L 1VIoneytoLoan Jgs. ARNOLD DR. `ROBERT s. BROAD, PHYSICIAN, -Snropnn aha Q.m..:..u.... 1:..- h . V - - 1 DR. H. T. A RNALL. OFFICE AND Residence corner of Toronto and Elizabeth Streets. (Opposite }3`liza- beth Street Methodist Church), Tele- phorie 167. DR. W :4, ROSS, PHYSICIAN, sU-R-' geon, etc., L.R.C.S., Edin., L.R.G.P., London. Oice and residence, Dun- lop street, `Barrie. Telephone 77. ::Zl 1 G. SMITH & co., PHONE 82. tablished 1869. Undertakers. Open day and `night. Morgue and chapel in connection. Barrie, Ontario. DR. A. T. LZITTLE, LATE `OF Churchill, Ont. Oice and residence, I John St.,'_ near corner Elizabeth. 1 Pho1_1e 213. vQ'No new name will be added to the Sub- Dcnption List until the money is paid. . ant-.;......`I........ ...._... .l._ 4-....- DR. J. A. C.` EVANS,` PHYSICIAN, Surgeon, et.., Coroner for Simcoe County. Ojiice and residence: Wil- liam street, Ailandale- Telephone 30 a. At_Stroud Ofcez 2 to 4 p.m. Monday to Friday. I _ _ ____-._---_. I DONALD ROSS, LL.'B., BARRISTER, Solicitor, etc. -Bank T of Toronto I Building, Barrie. Money _to loan. :}V V STRATHY & ESTEN, BARRISTERS,` Solicitors in High Court of Justice, Notaries Public, Conveyancers. Of- ccs over the Bank of Toronto, Bar- rie. Money to `loan at lowest cur- rent rates. G. H. Esten. CRESWICKE & ALEXANDER, BAR- fifdf .qn'n;flira A `Ln 5 ---- A-`A G. A. RADENHURST, BARR_1sTEtt, Solicitor, Notary Public, &c.` Oice, lat oor Bank of Toronto Building. Lfoney to. loan at lowest rates. . LENNOX, COWAN & BROWN, 32-1}-. .1-infzarn Rnntfnru -Far nklvnini n n n - l\, W._ AULT, BARRISTEB, `SOLICITOR,- prnntbr Nninrv nnnwnnnnnnu ALA "B'lfEWABT- J: STEW 18!`, BARRI - . tQ1"', ol,icitors_, N otanob Public, (1 - _G6hvey'ancbrs. C Money to loan in any sums at- 5 `per cent. Oice, 13 Owen S_t., Barrie. 'H. D. Stewart, `I -.~T.T\ /n It a..-.___. .... a.vvAJJJ.I.|vL u. nnuau, 1'11 1 51U.lAN, Surgeon, etc. Specialty`--Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Oice and resi- (lance, cor. Elizabeth` and Bradford Sts. (Dyment Gore). Phone 105. `Box'456.T . . w(Succcsaox- to the lite L. Barwick) ..--... .--- ...--- -us woo uuv auvuv; IE ytlltlo Subscribers now in arreardror three month and over Will 2 cha1$=:ed 31 5-4 per unnum. -a-.caa.wavv.a;, vv vv:1.LV III .I.l.ur\I 11., JJ1.l.U'_ ,risters, Solicitors for obtaining_ pro-' bate of wills, guardianship and ad- ministration, and general Solicitors, Notaries,` Conveyancers; `etc. Oices, Hinds ,block, No. 6 Dunlop street, Barrie. Money to loan at-41,5 and 5 per bent. Branch ollices at Cree- morc and Alliston. Haughton Len- nox, K.C., Alex. Cowan, G. E. J. Brown, LL.B. Dr. J. ARTHUR Ross v.n.u.n4_uu II a.V.I.Lx.I.J (ll ILLILYJALIILV 1111119, DIXIE` risters, Solicitors of the Supreme Court of Judicature of Ontario, Proctors, Notaries, Conveyancers, etc. Money to loan. Oice, Ross `block, Barrie. A. E. H. Creswicke, K.C., Arthur Alexander. `Boss Block, Barrie. Money to loan.` 5 was 1. JJILLIILULLJ .l. JJLII $_\llJJ.\IL L U13! 7 J` . ] . 7 I Pxjoctor, Notary, Conveyancer, etc. Special attention in drawing and Tprobating wills, `obtaining letters of administration and guardianship, collecting accounts, etc. Oices, V" VI: ' hf!!! .IIJL.|Uo =LL.D., 11). M; 8tewa;:: VSMITH 7 PiioNE ES- lilma `loan *r1 _:n--L-L--~ MONEY |'O LOAN UNDERTAKER8. F sunvmrons, :- EEWI 8.1 . An 8 Page 48 `0o1umnVJ.wWe`wspa)per; PHYSIIEIANS. 5. Glasgow 'j DATED at -the Town of Bnrria` 19 the Province `of Ontario this 7th J.a,`v` `of.Novmber, A.D., 1911. f ,_ DAVID GEORGE DAVIDSON; 1. his Solicitors _ 1 :`;gyM;cGatthy. Boys & Mur15`j 4555` V '-NOTICE is-"herfeby given that Iizzvid T(feor_ge.Da.vidson of the Town of Im- vr1e,,_1.1_1~the County of Simcoe, in the Prgvmce of. Ontario, ' Merc11a11t, will i.P.P-13/J 130 the Parliament of Canzida at "tl'1 9 next sessionther'edf for :1 hill of_ -.'.d??1`.e;frOm his wife Jennie Davidson ,4-.WF.39 -P1`A9-Sgnt.-a`ddreVss is unknown on 5'th`3" 8 9`?{(1 Of ad.ult'er37"and dcserxion. -llI"I1!\ -_._.--.vw -- van- . Atlantic Steamboat `Agency Allan Line. C.P.R. Canadian Northern White Star, Dominion 'BA.L Ann; , 17:-IQZIVC-null ron THE E>u}\rrv or sIMcoE. Most reasonable terms given 0:1 2.: Stock Sales CRAIGHURST, om. LICENSED gyperxowzm P33 31:: g-.. [JOHN JENNEf'i A Published from the brace, 123 Dunlop Street, Barrie. in the County of Simone. the Pro- vxnceot Ontaric, Uapada, every 'l`lmrsday Mormnxr. by _..__._____.A_ `I K _.__.O ....u buying and Polishing Hardwood Fioors a Specialty Contracting and Building Estinmn-.< r_m.n 'A0FFlCE-BAYFlELD ST.. BARRXE. ONT '-' "3I'|f\" _!{el`iI_1'|>l-I-1-Isurance of all kins Manufacturers of and Dealers in all lam}: 0. Rough and `Dressed Lumhe-r ' ` Doors.Sash. Blinds, Interior Finish. Etc columns, Tanks and water Troughs Planing, Matching, Moulding. I:.;--_~_',- -.\-gm, Hot Blast Drying Kiln. I ___g_- ._ __ me mm mm a-.mp3 Limited Manufdcturers Deakr ' e s 1 Rough and "D rrrr ml I U l``'`'5 C? guy not be made public uxit'ii_tF<"3' CONDENSED ADVERTISEM E .\"I`S, Condensed advertisements on `first page W as wants of all kinds, lost and found ` . . W0 - -for sale or to rent, specic arm-Irs. 0 pm 1 . must be accompanied with the cash. C W` Cuts for adv:-'tiscments must in _ every case-bcmoungcd on sohd meta 1 bases CONTRACT CHANG ES. Advertigers will please bear in m` ,1 :1 notice otmtention to change advertise 3 mustbe handedlinto the oicc n ter than 12 o'clock noon _on _Monday 1,, an week, otherwise the advertuzer s annotxnce may not be made until the week roi ;`{;` . , AN [Iargeo circulation of any paper in .111` ADV cm us proven to have T the!) n v'1`ow.n._ . `*1! -Althea also by far the largest Hubgcri recei ts. W Thg latter fact demonstrates the qua, itspattons. If you have any ad vertismg to! place it with the paper that reaches the d not afraid to pay the price. Deon. _ Advertisements are charged am, 12 lines non r '1 mi! I: 33% pa e1 measure xnake on TRANS] ENT ADVERTISI .\ [, Legal Notices. `Auction Sales, Amuaem etc,-First insertion lu-eents per line em` Ill nent insertion 5 cents per line, ' Ch . mg notices, 10 _cents per line fm insertion ; 5 cents per lme for each suxbsemmf` gag-tiggeof the same matter. Obituurv pom W01, ~ umcruuu UI 5c Der line. St. J_ohn% `_& Breaker! Tun: ' ADVANCE !1s lhrgeab circulation an 'I"nw.L Em ' ' . . _' ~17? *1_1.oo pm..coba1sspea1a1 .. mum ' TH; 1~ 3 1` 10.50 a mToionto & North Bay 5.15 p m C71. 8.20 p` m..'l`orqnto_& Midland 7.52 a m _ .. ' T ........ ..Gra.venhux-at ...p.~.9.85an\' '\ an r - 3 ADVANCE 7 --...vw- -uv|IIUUU UUIIU U (Aiiliated with Dominion Correspondence School.) A.` H. SPOTTON. H. G. BEST.` ' President. P1`im'1WH- I `NEXTDOOR TO THE TANNERy| ,(-_-1 in Education always pays the ho.-: Interest. For years we have ginm hundreds a foothold in the commercial world. Many ambitious people STUDY AT HOME by enrolling for our Mail Courses. Du y and Night Classes. Orillia Business College Dominion Brewed Entirely from the Flqest Malt and Hops. - 7-- .-av-vs . COMMERCIAL DISLAY. Rates will" begivenon application. DUN-LOP STREET EAST: BA 3 R I E 1 . zro ` ' No. 58...10.27am `" 8.80pm ". 55.... 7.60pm BARBIE BREWING GBMPAM Splendid ALE and PORTER The Best and Brightest In cask and Bottle ----v C nJ\.IlllAl'l\.'ll `Post Egice Square, Ba.rr'i.3 A] work done by expert machi ist and guaranteed first class. i ,___.-v, unv- Boilers. Engines and all kinds of farm and stationary machinery rmni and repaired on sholtcst notice um moderate prices. 4: Is open for all orders in CASTI.\`(,;.~`, MILL REPAIRS. gm. i1 REPAIRS, 8:9. g-g,.u -. MANUFACTURERS. No.64 .. 750 p m N0. 50... -5- D: All Expert Machinists MALCDMSOR P/H O7N`E V 1- 36 5'; or .. ne, Ont. Y DE?! n LL ` Barriev, Ont; must metal bases ltelartlxcrugtlvaixirc '18 .diw tion are velo lin oth tent ch-o ed and are life exa loo tie and ven the on Sta ope urn... sue ,Bi_v of one it pat goo lin at _1'1-on 3srr1ear`o as follows: Main Line. North. Tmaus or Svnscxur-non. $1.00 PER ANNUM IN ADANGE. .UNI'l`ED STA'l`ES SUBSCRIBERS $1.50 IN ADVANCE auuowuw -unvuusuqg II; THOMPSON cnnw, '?U3LIshnn. " 23....l020am 27.... 7.60pm 25.;....aaopm ma pnxzr. 3Lv1vina.; rdfhtv In -- A` -----'~ v - w-uuvvvu-nonnowv one D:a1'i'l'3`r' cl udinz Sunda$';" Thursday, January 18, 1912. CIVILISBD BARBARITY. A comngwooa and Meaford. A UNIQUE -`METHOD. Barrie and Midland.` IIa:_n11tonL Penetang`. No. 5:...`.7.7 :; hi ' 42....1.Ipm "` 56... 5.85pm Going South mom. 24....1.Ipm' .7.47a m ' ipm And now, for the individual citizen. What are yougoing to do this spring and summer to make your homes s-ur- roundings more attractive? `It was a source of pleasure to see thejmany trim, well-kept lawns and `boulevards around the '1"ownAleast'_.sumn_1/ey-r, but un- fortunately, the ee'(-;t_ was somewhat destroyed, at Aleast _ along'VseIver`u] streets, ' by` cereless 1citizenswho.,a-1low- ed their boulevards to run wild. iw`ith' rank L grasses `and 'we.ed-s?."` Then *;tJh.ere; is the p1e`sure;t.o be derived .fron`1'tlxe""' planting. and care: of ower.-beds, not -to say anything of the =he-althy _exer7_ cise of '. Working `ij1'the open. ='_Pe1'}'-} I I hapst you a.ref"not" intexjet.e'd,s , `about the [best way to got,inte-r?st*e'Z_of is ` to, _t join _. t"h\ej 'Ho'ftiou'ltura1- .So_eietj?t "J and -planfqzf -the .vv_ork -of J spring. "V and_ every oitiz;en:;._;`eeaiii doe * art: `t eyuc`&1cta v ii" The lHorticul.tur.al and Town Im- provement Society are tobe greatly commended for the incentive given to ori;cul.ture dnringthve past ve years, and it was noted. with pleasure that the. retiring president in. his address at the `annual meeting, mapped} out a programme worthy of the best atten- `tion of this most worthy society. The `acquisition of the propertyin front- of the re-sidencies V of Judge Ardagh and Dr. Morton, and the conversion of the unsightly was-te land into a bean- tifully-teurraced` park is deserving of careful consideration. The Town Council would, -doubt1'e_ss, v_velcome sug- gestions from the Society_in .-reference to -the P. 0. Square` improvements, work on which wiAlll_,beAcommenced' in the -early spring. Plans should be laid for this work at once, and the ideas submi;tted to the ,Town Council so tlnatthey may be communicated. to the Government engineers `who, will have the `work -in charge. V" " The details .of the scheme `will be laid before the American Associavtion for Highway Improvement when` it ineets in` Richmond, Va. The lesson will not only tell. of the annual pro- ts by n1eans`of vsih-ich some of they most; splendid highways in the world are maintainedwithout other cost," but , `itTwi1`l- gjointo the &e~t_a,i1s of the care and .harve.st4iug-of the fruit; Fo`rVin_sta_nce_, during the season of ripening, watch`-.. men, inounted on bieycles,-pare kept on 3 all ethese fruit roads; '4a1`;j`gig_:[.VAth_e;'-et.`,s_ ?a`, }?=-heevy `penalty for V Tt'11eftJV _:_}b._f ftlie, '5ui_t. Now the time" when the Horticul-. tural and Town Improvement Society; the Parks `Commission, andthe. indivi-E I dual citizen who loves his -home sur'-. rotlndtngs and who would add his.` quota to the Joveliuess of the beauti- ful urroundinge in wh.i-db. he lives, (should plan for civic_ betterment, along aesthetic Vlines. ` Beautiful Barrie so aptly `termed the Venice of Atmerica-how {ave}-I we like to roll the words around our tongues--but what are we doing to [make Barrie more beautiful? Individually, are we doing our part? L I HE" GR-E;EN. LAP of `the new.-_i come spring, is the way , the poet 3 expiresstlx it, and, ` verily in the E midst of winter We are forcibl.-yb remind- _ of the eetnesis of Time by the arrival this week of s.ee'dsmen_ s catalogues, the ever-recurring report of the `ap- pearance' of theirst~robin - (which,' by the way, must have made `up its `xnihd to stay out all winter), and ! {other lxarbingers of the vernal season when plants begin tovegetate and grow. This but more forcibly re- n1inds,`"`us` all` that the-long, dreary winter is, in reality, but a short V `time removed from that period when . all Nature attunes herself to the un- ` fohding of the glories of t.he,GrO-(1 of 1 Creation, of re-produ'ctio'n` of every kind of__ plant and life. -~ . , I/ofiopposition. The many road bridges "will be -Hrestoxfedg and the famous waterway (9) `along .which was .to_ oat `baafges `oft tanbark for he Hon. E. J. Davis leather factory , and ra._fts of logs for "then Newmarket. Speci-alt-y Co`.`, to say nothing of the pleaasurel parties Ho-n. Allan B. Aylesworth was to entertain thereon in fche- proud days after its completion, will remain noth-' ling more than ' a monument tothe most "scandal-ous vote-buying, special- favor-giving sch_e-me ever pei'pe-trated ` upon an unwilling prosperous people. The Govewnment will own the right of way of the famous ditch, but `what they will do with it, the Lord only" knows. mgaiei as eave:%;;n;.;t n 1' aite 8'1iit9lys necessary `to at :1 od work has dragged along gover: as t test; lstituency of ;N0rbh York;.*.`5sQ1id," ,1i1ie` tuon and stormy an .existen`ce,v and as any public project-in Canada. has ever enjoyed--and, in fact, ~ its pass-V been /the subject of as _n_1uch `criticism, age` through the House of.Commons V has been `as crooked as` the winding creek whpse courseit, to a large ex- !comes `that work on it-Iris famous ` white elephanthas been "terminated by an O.rd.er~in-Council- of the Conser- vative Government, whose honesty of purpose `will not allor them"to vote any ,-more of the people s money for a wor `which: they have been criticising Isa`; oundly for" these many `lean years l\/ tent, follows. Ancl nowt-he word .ux.-u uucl ucuu--a "U lady, thinking she. .,;;j.`ic1e, : was as `prov hut :_her `L `1anth` rark A L [P_ossibly, tign for; the ._h'g1'_q-l;L`-`--`174'_>1.] ' The Great. Compoeer Took Delight in` . Practical Jokes. Beethoven _took _a keen delight in practical -joking. The wife of J .pianoforte -player_ and composer * in Vienna`hvad such ap ardent desire- to` possess `a -lock of 'Beethoven s hair,` that she` induce}; her husband to ask .12` mutual fried to endeavor` to get the gre_at:. composer to g1_'a_7tify. her wish; '.l`vhe_?frienVd proyed too fond of ha` prfactica'l. `joke etobe a~._1oyfal jmes?se'n- >.He fpers`uade_d' *~`Behethoven-7-"_ to .s'e-id" 5here-_*-a' lock .; of ebarse._`_gr`ey`jahair f`l;95.I1b1ii1'8 -"v`.~h53:i0W113 ffbut, U,-cut- ~`,-ff,0m' ., other _-vo__Vl._1)e"a(1<`- hj_,=a.f,'_:;:tglly;go!s.!?.';T}-yf1`1i:7 Llmhaa `h one" = o iinu ` There is a frumor that the Canadian Pacic .noW intends to reduce rate_s via.Mong.x'_eal, but this cannot be con firxx}`ed`.` `A _, 1 . 4 . % ` ` In consideration of "the `Grand Trunk withdrawing these drastic mea- sures, the Truuk Lined Association "has agreed to the company being. given a representation in the taritfion immi-_ grant business, and has allowed it to. book passengers fromhAtlantic ports, via Suspension Bridge. and Chicago to Winnipeg, for $25, each, as is charged on the New` York Central and Can- Sdian Pacic lines. Time" Grand Trunk also `will have repre`sentation on. Ellis [Is1and. ` ` l - The Grand Trunk, it- will be re.- membered; had taken the matter into itsown hands by oiferingthe steam-T ship companies $3 for every passenger booked over its lines to the Canadian West, and by "applying `for perm'issi'onA to open [its ownbooking offices on Ellis Island. A - _Trunk application to be given a The New York Central, which ac-i tively resisted the Grand ~Trunk s claims and secured the refusal of [tire Trunk'Lin`e Association to the Grand place in the tariff, had its representa- tives in a long conference which took place in` New `York recently, at which Mr. J. E. Dalrymple represent- ed the Grand Trunk. . .- Grand VIQAYVIFIQFIIIJ `an : `air ... OLA .~...LL_.. 3_.L_ A Th-e big ght which `the `Grand Trunk -initiated in order to enforce its claims to a share of, the immi- grant traic from American Atlantic ports to "the Canadian North-West and in particular to the traic destin- iedr fer -points on the lines of the` GTr`an_d'1`run/k" Pacic, has ended in victory for the company. ` =3r:1:1'Hov::N's Lock or Shelburne Councilhas a Ceimeteryl Committee} Apparently last year s Council had ii similar committee un-' derlthe assumed name of the Markets and Buildings Co-mmittee if one is to judge by the `strongly-supported mar: 'ket improvement recommendations which they buried forever out. of` lsighty. 1 It is_ up to this year s Council, lin street vernacular, to" look into these ;recommen dations5 on which a Board `of Trade - Committee spent several weeks gaining rst-han'd information. The suggestions for improvi.ng exist- ing conditions at the public _market were timely and deserve, at least, a ifair deal at the hands of the Council We_ beg toldraw` your attention to: the excellent showing` of the Bank of Toronto `for the past year as given in their gures` on page 3 ofvthis `issue. The prots `equalled over 16 .per cent. of the average capital `and `the reserve fund equals >121iper cent. of the capital. The total assets are $57,067,664, an increase '6 of $6,753,267 for theeyear, while the qixick assets $15,509,664, are. {equal to`33 `per cent.} of the total liabilities to the public.l This substantial institution which has such an enviable record of service to the public, is one of the olklestbanks in Canada. and is the,` oldest with ,.head office in our own province of Ontario. The. Shelburne Free Press says tht""._l`he m_unicipa1.'council of Bar- rie will spend $30,000 during the year 19121.: putting in -' a sewerage system in that town. Why, Brother Mor- timer, '9 bless your heart, we have had. a sewerage system in Town for these many years, and this `little touch '(which,`byithe way, should be $21,- 000) is only paying -off `the dead horse end of a near-sewerage system, which is reported to be disconnected in more places than there are gures `in the amount stated. .l`his`exp'eriment in tlie: 1nainton- Lance of good roaqs has been brought $0 the greatest_ perfection. in Linden township, near Hanover, Germany. But tvhe.sa.me business has'been under- taken al-l over the. Province for `Han- over, T which has more than 7,000 miles of public highways_]ined' with fruit trees. The fruit is sold,"-at anuction, and in some parts of Linden Vtownsh.ip`the' sa1es ran as high as $595 a mile. * ` I ` Come to think of it,`we havemade 9. plfetty good: bid for the retention of that ovld-time oft--hea.rd._ ayi:ig- that Bar:-ie.,is a cold place to get ag- quainted i1_1. heer up,'it ll soon be spring! 4 A \ - The Mnniipal World, _-"that istandard publication of mnnigipal -.kno`wledge~ and `timely " comment, has entered. upon the .22nd year... of its, Vvigorous _ex'istei'1ce.`, It is well worthy of a 'lace_ on any business _man s table. ~ % cg)nveTr1'tio1"1_,V`V~of the On- .t_ario 'Good Roads Assdcnihtion will be. he1d_in.'1`oroto on the 26th, 27th am} 2St_lr gt February. . ' VICTORY FOR G-.'1'.R. THE. NORTLHLERN ; A DVANCE .Luu1_u1a uc.'51.buE-'(l I01 a moment.- '.l.`hD' as the virtue of;truth. clamored for -ex Jression he i. d` out Please six- 7 9 9 7 I m to wake himvup as soon as ever I hear (yo-u coming. ` T With his hairsprucely combed, his jacket scrupulously brushed, his hands a. living `a.dvertis en1ent for the uses of `soap, and: his face beaming with the newly-found glories of seven_ shillings a week--svo the managed found him on his rst morning at 1:11 oice. Ah, Thomas, said the m nager, a."ably, working hard? `.`Yes, sir, re- ! plied the oice boy, trying to. look im- _portant -as he addressed. an ien'velope 'upside down. Good! And has: the cashier instnu.cted- you as to yur duties.?' Yes, sir! W-ell, re ahead and repeat/them, said his employer. Memory is an invaluable ass~et,Uso we ll- see how yours works. .2 Thomas hesitated for moment.- Then; BS` 17;!-fun nc 5 J-...-4.I. -1_.4- ~-- - Members of the Epworth League recently V debated the afrmltion, `` There is no such thing 'as'failure'. `Since then even Success, has be- :come a failure, the magazine of that [name having gone bust. e ` 5,... -v--... Germany has". ;nade `a success of} maintaining macadam highways: in` Vthe country by mgans? of the prots `from fruit trees planfced by the way-_ side. A T was the composer ashamed for his discourtesy and unkindness of the jest. in which _he had joined, that he wrote a letter of apology to the, ag- grieved lady enclosing a real lok of his hair, and` thenceforth refused the visits of the instigator of such un- gallant practical jo'king. BOOK _vV;*m3;AR'3R`!!V; Aylmer Exprgj TA -fashion congressrat Chicago has decreed t_ba=t the bobble skirt must go. The 't"hring that is hard for a mere man to understand is why it should require the decree of a fashion con-. grease to banish such a crazy contri- vance. Bzioim` `MAN'S KEN. Wbodstock Sentinel-Review.` l0PlNl0Rs OFOTHER .:_'{ T-he intensely ipractical. Borden "Gov-_ erninet wi` order operations on the famous: Newmarket `canal to cease, thus putting out of-exi.stencefthe only canal in the world with no water in it. But what could the \Libex:aIs expect when . they allowed that thirsty? cow to make-`its way to the banks of the canal and drink up all the water in `it? Ever since that ,time{ the canal has been a. joke, Toronto Telegram. , a...` tenth; If the report be true, and V.-theta is no reason to doubt its authenticity, the matter .- should "be rectied at once. The spread of con- aumpion will never be h -tzhecked if` such barbarous tre-atme-nt is/accorded prisoners under the \public charge. T.Beecroft Transact a Genefal Banking ` Business. _. . . . Notes Disounted at Mrersonable rates, . .. . C ollec ' tion of Notes and Accounts given special attention. Drafts Issued payable anywhere, Cheques on outside` banlcs cashed I` at lowest rates of exchanga ' . . . . Sale Notes Cashed or Collected on most favorable terms. 4 T. `BE EC ROFT' laager BANKERS. rAn.t_m_n or \sUcc1'.ss. TRUTHPUL THOMAS. Oce Ho1m9---10to 4 .'..AT...L 6:. CO. !1T\vAs WIT'H no `little surprise` and some feeling of sh-eme _ that I read a news item in the Toronto press-, the other day, thvei gist o-f which was an appeal" by a` hum-ane clergyman for. donations `of `warm outer `clothing for the use of insufficiently-clad prisoners who are compelled to work outside in` zero` we'a.t l-xe-r in Toronto. I rubbed my eyes Wo make sure that I was thor- oughly awake and living in a sup- posedly Christian country in 9/Christ-l ian e:r.a---in an era whenwe have societies for the pirevention and cure_ of -almost every knownidisease, chief i among which are those who have ta.k-' ` en upon `them:-:-eclvle-s the noble work ? of stamping out the White Plague, tuberculosis. Yet here we have a 5 report which goes to show that pri-. soners are treated in the same man- ` ne_r`th'at one would expect to hear of 3 eiiles in` Northern Siberia. being sub- jected to---but, surely, one would never dream of such in-humanity in civilized Cana.da, the land ' which boasts of its charity and fair dealing" with the unfortunate " submerged tenth. and|]