vvvvu vLDLuvu.,.|.JJUHu. HOLD uxau VVDUl.\o LMiss Carrutheljs of Scott is he guest of her '-brother,` Mr. `W. ~Car- rutlhgrs. I I ` ' 1 / .7 ;..v\" ` ~. I .H. V -years. The. funeral took 2 place on Tues`dgy* afternoon to _the Union Cemetery 'a`tIBet`hel, the Rev. B. C. `McDermi'd- conducting the services. A wido end` ve children are left -to mourn: Mrs'._Duif of New Lowell; Mary,_ Annie, Dalton -~ and Hugh at home. To the sorrowing family in their great loss the sympathy of the com- munity is extended. ` `Ir o ~ = 6;+i.-%Wgt1:;i'igegrgtee-_;xour., _c9`fres,`- > pqn(lent;- _1'ep6rt's!i~t1_fe..- deuth .Sun'rly,; Di21;;1.`m..1' "91, M1`--I Wm-V MattbQW8.aged; "55"~;M6tthew}'8yh-he been` `a `much, re:specte_d- `resident >ofnSn"i1n_i&a-le, . ialways t.a1=linJ8-tine active part` in` ` the aegirsj 6f'*-tehe; town'ehijr;*?;*iand.. : was % 'Re'eve' Iof Suiinidale for a number of lo. ..Mr.+and `of Ciooks- town visited,friends here last_wee_lf;" 1l':__ r1_'.._.,,1.1, _-__, -'. retv -nd; e'_nte1jt'a_in-'T ;!!!.9{1t:._`rW 1.i.ll`,`a!t_a_j<>` be he1d?for1 the Sunday- 5'Scho,ol s ~"of* `St: Paul s, and St. Peter s rchu.!.'ches9 in1-tl1(e_" near ~f;u_ture.p . ~ V - Wt- lie: 9 "&.3:~i`. 7 %;3`.;`%j9rfie:%<%F1ifthe :.evex;i\:1g_;'f'h H , L ' , "and*~E .at ";h1 .~*' ~b'e Mzsaioqn. -S'ui1day j;$e%1a% (Gbutinued ' from page 1)- CANDIDATES ' % on PLATFORM, ;.._" '.[`he;Farmers- Institnte `held. `"their meeting in 'the`scl1_ool on Dec. 13th. Some _ valuable instructions were given. ' ' uu uxuuu ne1:ner'1ater on. - ' The Al1and_ale_ sewers decit was a ~ matterwhich could not be laid at the doors of the present Council. It was ,the` Council of 1909 -which was to- `blame, but" unfortunately it was thiq y.ear"s` Council which had to'sho1uld.er ~t1u_a` expense of it}: 'Mr.: Bennett`-spolso, of hriswjwork` _i_n1_th6A .County_ "Co1;n_c ilT I____ .,_....,....v .u u yvuvnan xuuuu U11 on _a. new school to sinking $50,000 more in improving the present build- ing at the extreme eastern end of the Town. Mr. Caldwell favored giving the Spencer Industrial building free of rent to any manufacturer who would employ `suicient " labor. Mr. `Bennett ` had landed _ the `Reeveship last year but this `time he (Caldwell) expected to'com,e_out.on top (Cheers) Mr., Bennett {took `up the question i of power and transportation facilities- and went thoroughly into the cost of hydro-electric power from gures_pro- cured from the Commission. A ques-k tioner in, the audience asked .w pro- ducer gas could .not be. subs ltutedl for hydro-electric, ..-The former costs! $6 per horse` power, the latter a much larger sum under existing conditions. Mr. Bennett, `did not explain` this but said` that the~fuelsupply at thevpre- sent time costs} the-'.:.`Commissione'rsl about A $8,000 per 'year,` but hvydroselejc-_ ltric ,_could `not be installed in `Barrieii for five`. times `thatamount u`nde'r_th'e" . existing > circumstances." 4. (Conditional may improve :nd.:yv`e may he ab1,.g ftq. =d..3 l .,be}i.Iaterrom "-, - unuvunus VA: .1.` xxuaj CVCIJLII vavu 5 1 In Mr. A. "w. Beard-sley said he` felt lthat. he was one of the old war- lhorses of the town. The meeting had` been peaceful and that was what he was glad` to see. Mr. Beardsley defended -his actions during-hislterm in Council, and said he never cast -a vote for which -he was afterwards` sorry. W ' industries were brought forward. e T ad: always supported them. He iinstanced the Nicholls rail- way, which had received a small ma- jority; We can t have industries and progress if we are not willing to` spend a little to get them. Each _and every man should have the interests of the Town` at heart, and try to `build up and"not pull down. If you" elect me for Mayor, as I am sure you will, I can assure you" that th-e Town of Barrie will progress {as it never` has before,a .. was ex-Ald. ~.Beqndsley s` `parting words. _ _ f] 11- IN` pe.-Reeve Craigf said M_1'.Cc-)-v;;'an referred to him as the so-called local option candidate, but I want to tel . uvnnu T nvvu n -=...LL ..--L ....J ...-L T (\- 17-`W _-W-~`.'---2 Wu: 2L`.:..lu. .I.:uqnua1c)"V: ~.' _ _ . l lpartmg } In corn for huskmg, `the acreage` Mr. S. Caldwell-, who is a candidate . .was 1 742 p dig 872100 bushels: for the Reeveship, spoke but briey, "1 the 9; while 9557 acres in Silol and said that he. would again addreslcorn produced 116,618 tons (green). the electors at the nomination meet-l-' In P0tat0eS Simcoe also heads the` i118` "011 Friday evening. He `was elect- Sta h`1`lig 3,359 acres, with a total` l;dtobt`he eouncfli re: ll; 1:30 and he ; yield of 703,720 bushels. eenlnan ouote ' V . ever Si"- During his tenu`3`iJ walsn 3nl3x(lge; i:l:lri?lz,1 233330 gag-alga i (and being` 3 `heavy t3XP3Yi' While ,7 863 acres in turni 5 ud ell lhimelf) he had always protectedithe 290144;! bushels P pm We best interests ofthei Town :to the best` ,1 h ` ` of his ability, and he asked" for the 1.03n194a support `of the ratepayers ion his re- 7 " - I cord in.the Council. He -referred to` I. 3831'_bt$ the 959393-89 W83 the co11egiate byqaw I-1o'W_.-bef0,e th 939: `Producing 364,941 bushels. l people and said_ "he would. prefer to There - are,105,089 acres of cleared spend: $100,000 In a central location pasture land in the county, 10,347 Ali; II nnv QALAAI L- _.__'I,_' , , 110,961. `acres produced L-A AAA an-an -' -_-L_._`I nan - vrvavu vuuunuuuv, uuu J. "any DU L611 you I am a right out-and-out L. Q; man and not one like he would be. [Mr. Craig spokebrieyl stating that Ihe would speak again at the nomina- tion meeting on Friday evening ' M!` A "\T nnowAn`n1v unit? Inn` J.-.15 uuytlvl v uusaus In-JV JGDII uuulyulsu Is this a local option campaign ?_ I wants`-to say that it is no person s business which way.I voted at the| last local option contest. There is -a, so-called local option candidate: and he is not getting the support of the temperance peopletof this town. He is` the candidate of the Citizens" League, which is a small wing of the !L.,O.'pe'ople. I am not the candidate of the local `option people and I Want- to say emphatically that I am not _the candidate of the liquor people. This {has been said of me, but over half of the hotel men are not supporting ma -' uu vuavyutvuv 7 aauua vuau. asanv We are not progressing`. as well_ as`! !'we should along the .line of getingin-, =dnstries, and the greatest `factor in{ getting industries is the_c.ost of pow- er. Mr. Cowan took up `a rumor eyvhieh had been current. that the Lib-; erals of Barrie should`. support Mr/.r' .Beardsley in return for the, Catholic `support during the last campaign. I Ta `1:a n `nnn1 An`-:nua llllOI1'V\l\:thiI 0 T T7-"Dec. 19'.-Mis.s__i\I"t1:i:1" Cloughleyo is w'eek;js_ in Toronto. home [after a `week spent; in Barrie; 'Mr.' Dalton Tiizi has" gone'to_Mid'-H` land, where he has secured a posit_:ion., Mr. O. S. `Rowe was invAngus on- Wed_n~esday. ` Miss Mabel Gnauley of Thornton" spent theweek-end`hei'e. V Mr. Win. Tiin is spending a` few to` _encou,r_'age the" summer eresort.-;4busi- -nes's._ V We have the prettiest /town 'in Canada and there is great chance" for i`developm\entealong this line.;g us Dep.-Reeve Graig Resepts Term. V. f '.Besid;_these 1:v}0fha.v e dthpir i1o1;el a.rt1c,'._levs very uitable for ts. which are far to numerous name, butwe like to ahowzhem: rwe to empha.s1zega;t.1cu1arly two 1ngs-QUALITY and PRICE T met you cagiralways-depend_ on bejng hxgh. the second emg consmtently low. ' 1 makes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .`5ctO $3350. ..\R_azors-In the ,. ord_ina.ry shapes $1.00 to $1.75. In theSu_fety Pat- terns' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..$l.00 to $5.00 Dinar"! and hblo .Knlv'u-- Ivory and Celluloid Handles, Steel` Blades, per set . . . . . . . .$l.'50 td $3.00 .Pocki `V gd` 9 Evei*y*body -;S.ensi'I$l__e' % Pr.i1ctic&1 HARDWARE _ Stolfeis dull and stuDid--i1ow orlat ` p ~ any time. A fe gs yoh W6 lIfa1rg..a .1`a,rge,p.nd varied stock of appropriate Chri t 8 mas Gjfts_ `to the as Ae, `e"'wejome_~ ` Lent ' .- v to% 8vee'?+'z3i3` `3i%: %3?`so<; whether or not th :_ was nuld -laid esent 1909 was 120-! nrfnnol-AL & ---~ `1\AI'r.' H1_v'Brbwn (if. is visiting his, .bro_t'hor, _Brown. . ~' ; .2 ~. .- -vvvlvl JUQ e _ speciva-1V .. cio.1r;1_mtt ee,. 8 ,in_. `the same bogt "T" I V If 1 V `8tor`e is dull . T g ! " and urn?! urn Iistvn a. 1`a.r2e4a.nd varied stock of` a.nr:?1{va'`E-Iintg I F.A. I-[OAR 0a1f~ikina' `green 1:"1.". !Wheat' .. Oats .. Peas .. .. Peas .". |Barley . Buckwh__eat. :.` .. Flour` '.'. Beef," hind; quarter . " 66 ` `Assn 4.--'._.A---- \ Simcoe farmers sold or killed dur- ing the year 4,742 `horses, 35,911 cat- tle, 26,113`shee1i, 94,642 swine, 203,- 746 poultry, and clipped` 225,857 pounds of wool from'their sheep. :In Production of Potatoes and Bar; ley Excel: All Others.:-Hay Was the Smallast Crop. '1;he.re Wi 05;()'8_;` -acres cleared` 10,347_ acres of orchard, 729 acreg of small` fruits, 78 acres of vineyards, and .2,- 192 acres of ' garden. (IE-.- iFERTlLE smcona I LEADS IN MANY if.` A numb'er' from where ttenddw -anniversary services gat T'h.ornt"onA SundayVe'v-ienintg. " ~ "Ir: A V From the era}; Bulletin just is-5 sued by the Ontario Department of Agriculture, . the [following facts are gleaned relative to the production of , Simcoe County farms` during the! year ending June 30th,- 1911.` Tu Qorlv vnlnnnlv I-`Inns... ...........' :':~Ano I I In mangel-wurzelg, the acreage was` 3,190, yieiding 1,234,530 bushels, while 7,863 turnips produced 2,901,447 bushels. ' In hay, acres 103,194 tons. | - In sugar beets; 989; } a_ A-- Jyuu. uuuuu u~ uuuc uuuu, .LiI.I.J.. I . In ufallzvheat.-.ther were ,55428 acres under cultivation, producing 842,506 ebushels. | In * bar_]e_v,_ Simcoe excelled all other counties, having 66,342 'acres under crop, with a total. yield of 1,- 532,500 bushels. 2 In peasgthe acfeage was 25,740, the crop being, 326,898 bushels. ` uoluunv vv mee'tin'gA.] In beans the County of Simcoe had only 452 acres, with a crop of 8,272: bushels,_ while the County of Kent yhadz 25,687,acres with a crop of 444,- 4385 bushels. , ' - -In rye the acreixge was 6,498, with, ia production of 96,820 buszhels. ` ' ` In buckwheat, 14,464 acres yielded 290,726 bushels. 1 C) " [Sev`eral others- were bi'1led ti)` \1nd`:'\`,- 1 spak,jbut as we go to press while the meeting is in progress, we are unable, to'give further report of the the good roads work.` At the 1: time Barrie` had better roads for many years past. -co u\ n . 1 . Whe'n"he _(Bennett) wanted to vote for a" man he `voted for him in the ,:intefests of the Town and not for [political-reasons, or whether he was, a ]oca1v.op`tioni'st or not, or for friend- ship: sake, and he asked the electors, to do the same thing. rnu ". o'.u - . ' I nu; mast MARKETE :5.l. `.AiexaVI1 Sauilyt `Stfe. Marie, is visiting at R. M. .Carson s.| `-3-, Ir . ' ..n , .- up-v 1:99, Ruling in the :Ba:.r1-to _and `ro- Aronto Mgrkets Durini the Week. 5 ,Barrie,,De<;. 20. 1911. 1:e at".. `85 99] ._ 7_- 9$ -;?s- Egglisb` Steel diiiect from Englauff,` 3 pieces in - 9 '75 in 351'. an nula _IlrII'I'I'.{l, Ilvllr clue--nu, cass... .` . . .`_. 7 . . . . Sensors and Sh'urs_-The best -_ American-7 goods . . . . . . . . . 50 to $1.00 Baby cutters" and Slamm- Sometbiug strong and substantial, at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .' . . . . . . we to $9.00 s.7"T5. 1'6 1 - o on I sunuu, present I -nu' wnnnln `lunar! I ' 1D.` is able `to be out again but` is not able to 'do any work yet; ` N6 75. 60 EPA than 475%: 1.9 28 -as T 35' 15 AA 90 48 The` `undersigned is off}: ` ` - nn for sale the ugggmaglf Lot..Six_tecn. in theglyighth (`onces- hnmfred e Township of Innisl. contuming one ha. and ten acres. more orless. The Soil `uh ; 44 clay loam and is in aguod state of don Vb t.iv "19 `I311 glen hing all }m\'inf.: been on $1 5,in8'l D1011 . ghis Farm is situated 33,0 $1 e"m8 Oad. one mile south of -3, Tunnandn. two miles from Ctmgmlc onthe `Herr -iP'J8888sion given at anytime. Fur- D3-" Oulars on application to ' V BARCLAY 131133.. Barclay P. 0. = .' w- 5- MCCON KEY. B2u'x'i* 1 - 0- CHAS. MANEER Crm_s_:\'u1c P. 0- S R. BROWN. Thornton Pig`; - Some choice building lots on Brad ,f.o1fd Street. Excellent }O(`a1it_\'. I Export cattle, choice ,V medium . bulls .. . . . . . .. `Butcli-er catt1~e,- choice V ` medium common .. Butcher cows, choice med. and com. `.` Canners A Bulls .. Feeding Steers if` Bulls Stockers, choice . `o` light . Milkers,` choice Springers . . . . . . .; Calves .. . . . . .. Sheep, ewes .. . . . . .. Lambs .. .. .. . . . . .. ,Bnc_ks and culls Hogs, fed and WatT(. "V`_ f.o.b. Timothy, No. 1, cwt. Eggs, per dozen .. . Butter, choice .. ... Dressed Hogs .. .. Chicken, Tb. .. Fowl .. .. Ducks . . . . . . . . . . . .. Turkeys .. . . . . .. |Gees.e .. .e . . . . . .. Potaties, bushel .. .. Apples, barrel .. Cabbage, doz. .. .. . Beef,= hind quarter .forequarter I . choice, carcase medium- .. " Nov. 19.-rs. `visited her '1 brothe;', Mr. John Paterson, at `East -Oro, last week. - LLJJLLII-I AV\Io LILADIICL, . , F`. -No. 5, bushe1.. Red Clover, No. 1, bush F , No. 2, bush... m:....'...u... M. 1 __a. aux uzuus Mutton, prime Veal; prime . . Lamb Apply at . :41-1:-f THE ADVANCE UFEICE. ""'J 7 istraw, per ton . . . . .. Seeds- 'Alike, No. 1, buhel. 1 h XTA L.--L_1 1'onoN1'-o_'AnKrrr. Toronto, Dec. 1.0, 15:11, Quotations on Tuesday We1'e:_ ,W-heat, bushel .. ' . goose, bushel 97 (\..&n ;f"""lI I-uuu auuu.-. , -_ Ulnlmum Fare 25. - all `stations In Canada I b us: . J , """"z:3`7: 7' and .'Nlm'! { Wop], washed . . . . . . . . 5 ` ` unwashed . SINGLE FARE] mo T * mo. 30. 3|, Jan. I lfII}!f Jn.2 pee. 23, 24, 25 | Mr.` Thompson 'df 1(3arfVi`e Vv1v'a'sT'l`1er9 lookifla forf- orders in the fruit _ tree businegs on Monday 1ast.- ' 'lMurn llu1nDc.26l &----&:_j:_.~...\;_.____.__-__.._.___----- 13R05En'rY FOR SALE cIfp 0l Swdopus - Bisse-11's in_ di erent kinds of wood and im. . . . . . . . . . . . ..s275tos Aquantityaot private funds to loan at PER c'1=:m*. VALUABLE FARM FOR SALE. ;tions for the Christmas tree. The`-young ladie; o`f"1;'he Methodist. Bible Class gathered at the home of Mrs. Wm. Goulter to make decora- [ mmo5;;' bfditigie '2; BRO\V.\'. Solicitors. Barrie. 44 MONEY TO LOAN LIVE STOCK MARKETS. on easy terms of payment. 7, No. 1, cwt. . yer choice ..... .. , u faces..- IOII II IOOOIOOOO 5.. .. . . .. In no u... 0 at `HARDWARE tle, _ 6 Lium . 3 s . . . . . . 4 tt1-e,- 6 lium .. 3 mon - . . . . . . 4 we, .. 4 V. ..`3 ne-rs . 1 `.3 4 3 -1 2 S 5 4 Leers .. hoice .. .,oice nouns no -son both Hockey and . . . . ..50c to $6.00 Is ofwood n. $2 75 to$~1 50} . The membere of.V eheExege11vV_Church. vwi11_ decorate for the Christmas ser- vices' 0;: Thursday. _ ' _. -. v V v u. - : Return limit : 18 . 1-1 00 16 00 16 do 9 .30 11 . Miss ' `k of.` Barrie home for the<.Christmas vapation; (:0 Ob 50 6.3 . 30 iei 11 13 50 50 On 50 An :Mr. Ilorard Andrews has gdne to '1`orouto, where he has~secured a. posi- .ti`OD. . _' ' . r ( ~ ` . `-1. 2 besf % 34-Is 9 50` 9 00 12 00 10 00 15 50 15 lg 100;) 14 1 60 4 00 63 96 '56 6.3 no ..... r - ~ ` - ' - - "' '_"i' Yr` ~*.*#"._!__' ' Don t Forget the 'Date--Oi1. Dec; 28th, a Christmas tree," "tea and, enter` taiument will be given` by the- Meth- V:..od.istrS.S." .'1"he scholars`.-vane very usy+;;prepating% the gdrill} t=.o3:ss;and` W" .3`.`%.? AF: ;--3 ``. 9f =39-~T"?53-AA-? F 955 $366 800 .4 A- 7 50 9 T3 636 300 6 50- G 10` 10 50 "E oz). .18 13.. 92 88 50 92' 80. 00 00 00 66 00 'f1:]lm S.t; Church, -, V3> ;_:jto,,;-2_gave'a. vgry `ne discoursve -he1;g `n : ~ 66 A- 15. 12 00 50 40 00 00- S.77R`ey1 1_.o}<`1v V friends-,5hyereVo % n Thurs- Wale preva sh In 1 _ g1eee~1s99;r+chee=- period} e`ee1eee_da,-asslthe} Maiziiardi. of ._comparison.` _'rhe`;de- 'te}"led .-zguijes show that the --cshiefv leetures "of" the price movenientwdur - V -in ; November was a .cont.ix 1uence of; .ithe':A11pwaf:& trep_d_ of grains ,,and_(d'airy-, A-p_r6"d_i1ets , with a `drop in animals and hMiseelIan`eoush. foods, especial-". , ly eeened goods, our az_1d4.su`ger,L_, were 3 .highe1f,~~but textiles were slightly low; 1 `.;er"e'v5vi!'ig to` -a fall ineotten." Under ).paic_zte" and oils, turpentine` drop- red, but linseed oil advanced. Pulp eniji rubber were lower. ` ` Dec. 18.--Meissionary ~ anniversary Tservicee will be held here on Sunday, lDec. 31st, at 2.30 pan. Rev-.e Geo. Balinborough will preach and Mr. Campbell will sing. Both are from Victoria ,Co1le.ge, Toronto. A `most helpful service may be expected and` a-hearty `welcome is extended to all; ` "Mr. A. `Hughson is, we are `_sorry to report, conn-ehd to his bed with a cold. We `hope tg-see him around 30011. _,,Q uite a -n'?u_mb_c_ar of our teams" are hauling slabs for Mr. A. Campbell from" Mr. Clark ?s mill. . Miss I;uyQ AI-3rieTpm11as' returned to Barrie, having spent some time with her .brother, at The `Woods. , _ . Messrs. Hloiton v'I.'oron- `to were in our vil1aAgeAl'as.t week. _ `I III Mr. Quiguankf \'Fja:s1)_rAaV_ "%}'in on; village `last week buying up young cattle. t % . V . -- . . --~-~-- % 1 ' Dec. 18.--Mr. Robert Rey/nolds` .01] f:Mid;1and, is home ;for the wint-e'r. v 5 v -..uv- Mrs. IVM`t;l1e'3i"\`;isi'te'd `her augh-` ter, Mrs. A. Dyer, last week. "Ila: 'r_,,, (V911, o~ .` r . .I'1m' S:f,gv1;e yv':1;;fh;)'1;1'e"'from the} west. A. > = The moral seems to be: `fDon_ t be 9. consumer. T*heh,- it s back_to the land', and New-"Ontario with its great possibilitieg for mixed farming sms tombe the naturalpoint for our young men to trek to.a I A V Wishing yui all a joyful Christnias season.---W. G. llfhe questioii ivs wl1e_1?'e `jlwill it 7e_n('1l7 Th-e'farmers l crops in ,0nt'rio_ 'w_e'i'e poor,` but prices are so much :&_1:l'g'her that.he will have nearly as rnhch -_money- as during any former year and the consumer. c.ontin_ues to foot the "bill of all this increase. A_N_'J.'EN MILLS. ob1.w1~.1.L. HOLLY. _Fo_rt William. ,Mr. .'Jany_:_s. attended the A flVI__.._L'-,, _, _1\/I`iss* Emma. Smith .o`f~ Meaforcj is` visitiiig her brother, Thomas Smith; oovo awn-I E. LllvlDVVlU&n' ' 2.30- p.m.-_ -Evening prayer and ser- zziiil M _ Vi`) " ' . 3.45 Tp`.%m.-e~,Su'i1day~ School: Choir practice this Friday `evening at the resieng of Mr.--:SaInV. Black- more at 7.30. A V ` St. 1 $u1s Kmssion,` Ora1g'vl_9. 2 6.`,3__0--Sunday.. L School. . v * 7v.30--?E3'rening `_pr'a_yer .;a'nd. smern1on. subject got. sermon--.-_` `nh '1Igtii%ii;y ;J_su;s 3 Ch_ri'sf;.'. tmj;e~ utternbon gar`-} ri..' E?5'T `J17 ".7094 i5.?,1.<};, 3?? -913,0 :vi_;?55f-711??` "c19,= -1 ,'jrhv_eV an'nua1- C1i:ri1;ma}s, tr4ee'%a.11_`c:1 ;n-F ..%tttii9?i16nt. =i.nd::ta '0f.,.t.1.,1.e 89- . &P9iR11".~' 2 sandy 8:ho<:1%:%%Aw:11 `W 1: mizszale man." -A- an-raw`; VA Lbibilpl I-lo ~ kt}: Sunday in Advent and Christmas [ Eve, Dec. 24th, 1911.` T The Christmas Festival services will be held ,in, the Parish this Sunday instead of oh.Chris-tmas Day.` ` ` Q St.` Peter's, Ohurchill. 1 _ 11 a.;n.-.-1-Morning prayergand set- mnin; - ` ` .S.<$ho_o1. a.z`1d,~. Adult `Bible `Cla;ss_.". `V ' " . TY , -3 ` ` Mr; and ?MrV's: 'W."- Watt visited the former s parents, Rev. and Mrs. |`A. 0. Watt, in Bond Head last week. Miss Nel1ie' Wan1e_ss, nurse, visited` friends here; for a few da'ysA1'ast_ week. Hurrah!` for A. B. Thompson, mem- ber- for Centre Simcoe. ` ' The boxvsdcial at No. 17 s:c1ioo1 was" a grand s uccess,the proceeds amount- ing to $49:.()0. - ' V Quite a crowd attended the'meeting. of the Farmers and Woman s In- stitute, receiving information" of value. from Mrs. Shaw s and Mr. Kidd s"ad- dresses. . 3 , ~ Mr. Robert; of XiiQ&1}' va"i;{E: ing his pare-n-ts, Mr. and- Mrs. Roberts fog a few days last week, - Mr. Arthur }Ie'wson is celebrating Christmas with his parents. in To- rpnto.'- ` 5 Miss Mild`:-edL Willsoni of Churchill intends srtartidng Ihelj piano t-eaqhing in `our neighborhood after the New, Year. . _ A - Mr. a "visitor in Toronto las-t, weolg. ~ ` A ` ` Aenumbelr here -attended the annual meeting of the Conservative 1Ass~ociation in .'Stroud on Thursday ~la.st. `T ' ` v __ __v..- .----u vvvva-II i `Dec;.1`8th=.--Quit'e fall -`of snow. cax_ne at 1as't, on Friday; A | The new ste'el-.bridgej_. at Vigo gisv ~ ___! `completed. " _ } Miss Lizzi MoVnte.i`t-h visifed at_ `Andrew Pott s on `Su_11da_v 1ast. f , Miss B11av\V7ahl.sOf `Vain Vlack |visitec1`Vigo ,frTiendsUlast week. 1 Mr. and vMrs. G. W. Hews-on and [Miss Doris Hewson are spending-`the Christmas `holidays with friends` in `Toronto.`.~_ ` . . Miss ogkiey and Miss Geialdine Oakley, are _home for the Christmas holidays. ' V - Miss Johnson, who was fc the teacher at St. Paul s School was married last week illia to Mr. Harvey Hughes. ' h___ _,_, N `If C Q "."G" ' '7 Rev. Dr. a`ndAM:rs. LangfeIdt\ and" family are -A spending Christmas in Orillia. with Mrs`. Langfeld-t s-parer_1tsp 'll'._ 15.`, 1- inc u" . nd -I";;tt. attnded Miss Johnson '3 wedding in % -Orillia last weelgv : A ~ : ' Dec. `1s.-srX1';~:1r"our young men took loads of ` Christmas trees (amounting in all to about 1500 trees) to, Toronto last week.` ` ` T } Chris`tma s 3"d'Jiz};7%';re xth order iof the. day in this village this. `wee_k.v 09006o6bo9ooooooooo9o: CORRESPONDENCE :......;...g............ Dec. 1s.:M{aTTXQf%3b;L1a, Jr., after Q short enjoyable visit. to ,Toronto, .re- \urhed to her home, looking well, . '11:..- 'n..'n- n'_-_--n _.-~ Kldlh \JIIL uwqeksniagwint` service,` Thursday, V7-.V3 (,) BROWN& Co. Bile.J %-.-Hay: .4-Straw, Flo'ni' > % gnd Feed. ' - 'Hhe`: B`ilaicliffqi'il"_,{aI_'h`o'_`&; Cittl , mg: :5:;e.asu;,; ro.-pf" %Royfl%: . H9}!-gholf Flctir % PARISH Br `mmsrm. uiw :*rr'um New P `Allen : Apple Juloo, ; _Pn_`mes.. Dates: Flag . shelled Nutg`. . % 81:. Pau1 s.`PLa1ns`wicl.-V v1:s_--_:.. .. p..- Phone 42. formerly E Dan} 9.. D..k1: .. .. Mr. A.1)V;;;,D-;a`n<;?l isr7iv[a`bl `visit. '-"ed__ friends _in %VThor11_'_t_o.x3,V9;x `S.\_1I_;g1__1!5_(.-A..*; `n'.....n 1:r..._.-;. . u_'_ - "131ii{1'i c in Or- U10 U531]. I y - - MayoreBeecr oft~ said ,that Barrie s nancial position was rst-class, and `he was reti-ringyfrfoz/n the municipal aiena withjthe Town taxing the peo- ple 21 mills- `This,' I.be1ieve, i un-e equalled by any town in Canada` Thepe a`is inot. much the matter _ with` Barrie at the present` tinie,. except :tha1:_we1 pull togetheer=:.e_ ] No't-1'.i1quor Candidate.) A V Mr.` Alex. Cowan w'ishe dV hi`s hear; era: V a H Merry ChriAstn'1a`s' and the good j oelg1*`:. `Toxin, of-' ::Barrie .th_e _.-f "mq s_'1;.; p;Lr.os-.. ` perqps ; efw; .:Ye`_ar 2 _-ini. its; ';histqry.;`i 55`? f .`f53n" ` ae ' etirggdj ib V ti`? `./ I . e 6r 5 {that ""1`\'fr'. J. R. Hambly had 3; gm word to say for Chiairma-n Robertson. and M. H. 20. Dr. Little '.of the-' Board of _Hea1h. One thing _the Board needed wasfto-have funds always .at"thei1_ ,dis_posal; ' ' _ nu-...'.-_`I)-'_>._.`_n4. -. an .. . '_. forced the Board to build. This_ was| not so. Another false impression was that the Board are determined" _to build on the present site. `The Board had spent a lotbfp time trying. to se- cure .a suitable location, and if. any ratepayer can nd a suitable location! the Beai'd will consider. the matter. The present location -is a beautiful site, overlooking the bay.- This was the rst Grammar School in the Pro-. vince. -Have you heard any children` grumbling about the length of` the walk"? ,I never did. If the grate- payers are not `satised with the pre- sent proposition we may come back for"a _much.larger amount. -And we are not averse to spending yourl money. - ..You pays your money `andl you takes `your ,choice. . The great- est-asset we have. to give to our` children is a good-education, and the present school will lose its status and go, D back, to the statuspof Va lilighl Elchcool. `What position. would we` be, in with a` Collegiate Institute, -at Oril- lie and Collingwood and only" a High School here? We have no gymnasi- um--on1y'a`cubby hple, _fast becom- ing uninhabitable, the lavatories are bad, the commerciallroom, the cloak room and laboratory- `all condemned. Whitby has gone back to the status of -a High School, but not many -towns wish. to go back like this. Think the matter ove_r carefully -be_- fore you vote.` Look for a letter in the local press next week. ~. On Sewers By-Law. _ iMayor Beecroftfexplained ' the By-` - law now before the people to pay off. the balance ofthe Wards V and .VI sewers. The contract price of the Allandale` sewers had been exceeded some $15,000 and`ad`ded to this is the. $6,000for sewers in Ward V. .'.l`he money hasabeen spent and the only thing to do is to pay it. My (1.... v:..1....... .......n-.. -1: _..2L2-:-.m `means of keeping good men out of nu-us vv uv an DU ill] Ibo Mr. Geo. Vickers spoke of criticism` heard all over the Town, but most of] this can` be attributed. to ignorance. Often this unjust criticism is the municipal `life. because no man wish- es to be knocked,. vilied and even boycotted. So long i as these petty jealousies are allowed to con- tinue, Barrie will be the 'pretty,}ittle town, but there will be little pro- gress. J. H. Bennett had signed the peti- tion because he wanted the public questions of the day. discussed in a fair manner._ When you elect your Council `youfexpect the Town to start going ahead. immediately. This is not the way in Coll-ingwood, Orillia and other towns. There are a lot. of men who go around to knock the men who are elected to the Council--I have been hounded`for years._ - Now, .I_wa_nt- anyone who can say I have `done anything but what isin the` best interests of the ..'1*own (Hear. hear) to get I right up -and say so. There, are a lot of questions to dis-- 'cuss,- and /I would like to Vhear . the audience` ,n1ak'e- `enquiries .7abo,i1t any- thing they wish jfurther >inforn'1a tion* . -IIPOD. If ` -. `fun V_T T1 `.I T--__I,1 ` 'u - -I ' ` -' i V IMAYORALTY `preparing for the Christmas-tree,.an'd fQu"r teacher,V "'Mi`ss; McDerm oft isl concert to b held in the Aschoolon Friday night, Dec. . 22nd.'. it-In-u -_. .. '_-` vM{)ir `and A.- McDe}15mott4 agsisted at the concert at New_. Lowell last week; . T T ! V V . 3' 7 VI` -' ' " . ' ! Mr.. McFar]ane `of Du1uth`:'is spend`- | ~ ing ome %-.;:t.irIie _here.\`risiti'n-g --`_l_1isI >7"-_` Mr. James T 2c:;;.ug`1;1i;.` 121; re- turned, after spending two weeks ..with .his,sis_te1f at Sault; Ste. Marie.