NOTICE 1'0 IIOU8HOIaDEB8. I 7 Q-_C.l4-4' A. H. wu . V _ the most successful ;o'eK"J :ou sguona ;_ __.4.1n:A1 |?iii?iiiiiiVFR0h1R!59T9`!i `with 9. Notable mm mm. 4- nu ma; Electrical Production no mum at `!.cb'crs".1"l\ e.n1 York. -. vmcgs: an-._ to 31.60. noun-'s:;so{ lflan at Wa_l_lsHBroo.. Phone -- - -- v couumtcmo MONDAY, OCTOBER 30th, -_.I , --_Ll_-ulna as oncnms'mA-1.} F. Adduon. 1 HQ \lV . Eb"?-'i3k}i'i}i}'i.'s"i Plan at Walls `B1133... 196,`. An` persons forbidden to put ashes orgsrbngo 0! in! NM ... 4.1.- gbonnl-1| not nthnr nnhlic B18638.` A-an A. H. WOODS. . In tauooessrul Co y `ct tour II `III-outlaw-it "' ' ' THE GREAT _ Q-lull! h aw _ . all` gooooooooooooooouoooooz [O V s VVVVV V NEWS` X1}6f,t6WN% T "U0 pun 331103 UL` gun Iulgw up; you on the streets or other public Prosecution win follow any violation or by-law relating thoroto. . j `--Rubbers have- certainiy taken ~53 big drop in price. at Moore- 6 Shae LStore'.thi.s segson'.' ' ----- -4... -. nn,__41_' cg` JIXQQ an-vww_ `_---__ V 3ooqooooooaoooooooo9o9 | `D5018 . Hub am :-vvu. _ ' The Y.L.P.A. of Trinity hold their annual Fowl f1`hu.rsday, Nov. 9th. Church will Supper _ on Bulbs` for fall p1an,un`g--1"1yuc1nths. .naaoama. 1'upi_1s,,otc. . % Wm._ '.l'aylor,_ if. Ilgllllvgl who V > _ _ _ The W.AI of R. V. II. will hold-their regular" monthly meeting on Tuesday, ,Oct.` 3131:, T at 3 _o, c1oc`k `in ' ue court lroom. ' .a 5 . 7 ` `A-'9 ' J---.1;-I.-- I.'-.I:`..I- 3. _--'Marriage Lidense 'c`un _be had at`, "H. Wil'1iam?s Jewelry Stage. This lstore is noted-' for its great value in 3 `Rings as. well as a1l._other`line-s- of lJewe1ry. .1 #__'_L.... Al 51.... 'Danv-fa! QIWVVCII-Jo . - V ' The, anngxala meeting of ` the Barrie Curling Cl_ub\w-'11]: .ber'he1d. at .-the "rank! '31: Clapperton St., on Fridayjevenin.g,'] October 21th, at 8 o"clo'ck_.. `Election of ocers _and_ general busi- Alnpluuu -1- nppuuauuu - uagasouwu, curbstone oratory and useless pleasure, +attendanoe_ at Barrie Business 001- lege=a qualied bookkeeper or stem` ographer and a. better _r.`e.putation and *p_c_>sition. ` Night; ~Schoo1, Mon_day,. W`-Intr -`-.-_J-- gun '?t'13I "'1v1' 1':t11'Stid ednesday an - __r1day. - -- 1:) -- :...12__ "La 4.1.-` yi vuuvuuu; $l4I\'l nofnvvgv . ' The `meeting of the Barrie Liberal- Consen-vative Association ` called` for last Tuesday. evening {has been post- [poned until Wednesday, Nov-. glsrt. |De1ega.te'sa to the .GoI:vention to be 31916 at Elmvale on Nam 8th will: be select- d at` this meeting. 139 sure to b on hand _at._`the committee , rooms next; -Wednesday eirehing. ` ' ' , ,, 1.9-: _._._.._..-._.L.-L:.-_- -0 V .-..-CaAre yT.`S'1ioe. do. _'h;ve `;m)& ` . pr vision : .this._;j:g1,; . . :fOl_`~. pithy: L .z;-jaidaei I1_`he,_ :19 : . M A enarin opsrm House ...-...unnuviu'ut1 awn.- ...I.-.n6- IIIIA nudfnrn on IIQAIARQ n QSLCIITQ. Ambition Applicgtin - cig`a;reteS, 1 No. .1 lgeods. Carery,Sl1`oe Co. purchasl-I ,edv their rubbers this year at lube same prices as the large department stores` buy at and that means less than any other store in Barrie; consequemty they "are iii a position and will sell rubbexs cheaper than other stores. M_a1tese`Cro-as and Lion brandf goods. ,7 ,___;.L--J . JVLRIDUDU wlvww u areguaranteed-. "".lUu Wilt uwvvn nuvn .....,. _.-_-. beauty of your gure until you wear The Spirella Corset. They do not `bend. . Ever Corset _guaranteed for rust. break or. `take a permanent one year. top a card a-nd- Miss Donne will be pleased `to see you` either in. your own homes or at her residence. 16 Charlotte St, ` 25-ly Anniversary sewing; Them in I `tube Stronti Met:hodist Cihuroh on Sun- preaoher for the occasion. On Wed- nesday next`, Nov. 1st, I; fowl supper and entertainment will) ne. held-. _Ex- cielwlent talent will` furnisnbhe program, the Collier St. Methodist Quartetto being .one;' of `the contributors. .. ' dhould call and; insjimt-. the famous Sanitary Pabenlt. Toupeehi, as shown by P1-out. Donenwendrs yqpwesenhative of '1`oront;o,?at[t`he Queen's Hotel on`Sat-% luljuilj \.l\un_ uvv-- ;!nh|se Toupoes are` `not. perfect in ` but ` are aha may "Swan- itary and . Patented substitutes of '._..D.. mu-n hair 3 . ' `lllly uuu. .. uu {one '9 Own - has been ent:red' against A 'tho_vo_1_*d_ict` {for loss of his `arm. The appaaf " likely be A -heard abqub, November .1__31dh, T .F=rase_r_ case wil1 bjo _h:euxt_l swarm vmmior T Notice -has. been set -vedhby. t_he"sol_"1- citors of *tho- C.P.R. that" an appeal- awnrd-ing Roy". Stone M000 damages.` - Or a bi1`d" s.eye View of all our mis- sion elds`. In this`. travelttalk, Rev. (Davi MacLar~en of `Toronto gives, wiih the aid` of nearly one hundred slids, 'a~ glimpse, into _,e'ach one of the `Foreign Mission Fields -of tho Presby- eriiau;j;.Ghurg.h.-.2: `Come and see _t=heso .miS_sio'n o:vioe_jvvA's:;. in the. Ba_;-r'ie-.Preshby- terinn..f;0hn;'oh`3,_ on .T-hurngy mung, .oct..~26, at! 8`o c1onk_. Agmiaaiou 15c. i> e1'ii8`l_I}, ;.Ghurh.--<~-- Uome ;ano. see unease .. A L _, . . -,- --% \ A . A . , `mission nv:vi.g_jov"sj.i`n ue, Barrie ,Pres_by- 'CAMERQN_-On'LSa.-unday;Octobex 21,`, 1 .T-hurd'ay 1911,` at 59 .Ba1fou,-r street, _Eaa1;lTo'l AT Oct.:26, at` c1o.c~.k. Admission ' ronto, Dnnpnn Cameron,` in his`-36th ` _ "" " Q ' V. : ': ` gear, belovgdihggbmd -fo_g `.`Snsie - -L ; _ _ _ . . I . ameron, .a}'1 .Tso.n ojgtho"1`a,tQ`, '!.`!l.A_N'.K3GIVING.8EBVlO2B;, Angua -Roiiticalrna- I 4 1:``n`: ?`:" ~n -`-jrog win never" Know the fall -A R------ -._LI- Au 1-11111519` STROUD "Z1-4?. `Hymn 92--When all Thy Me 1"cies.L Anthem-O, Give Thanks. . .Smar_t Chant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4. Psalm~.-.- . . . . . . . . . . . . Oertol-y-Prelude, ` ` Berceuse . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Bnrdette Oertory.--Quartette, Nearer, `Still ' Nearer . . . . . .. Morris Ifymn 161-`.` Never Further than 'I`1\hr npngq _ _ _ _ ___ _ _ _ _ . I .. 1` `Jill LII`. Q-vvvu --v---- - Thy Chess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sermon --The Life of Sacrice Anthem--` ` Come; ye . Thankful People, .Come,.... . . . . . . . . . . [Hymn 151-O, Could I_ speak the T Matchless W,or|:h- _ . . . . .. . . ' Benediction with Choral Amen _. . . . . . . IPostnliid0e--"`Toceata. . . . . Legarde r Prelude-_-` `;;.=;,t..,;1,_ %. .. .. Hymn 796-` ` Fountam of 1.11 11119 I111? 1.1_y'Lun iw\r'- saw... v. .___- _.7-. -all my 35; ............. .. Invocation and? "Chant . . . . . . . . . . . Anthem---Praise `ya the Lord. . . . A ninmnn IV.&I`fICC' T: - -v2%-~ Th km: `N ht.) d ~oontnnmB- |\ve:l?exc:;;ltgTht8nglay.`I|`ov. and L v A ,--.. 4"-.6; -on` 3 _ Dotb_Aid. Offertory Prelude-` `Andante Gramo- ' ao . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Silas Oifex-b'o1_~y, Trio--'` Thy Will` be Done - ' A :11-fort} I KJIIBY-l'A)l.'y', .I.l'lU`-" .I.n_y vvv .Ial'.I. uo uuuv ,~ . . . . . . . . . .`.....Ashford Sc-rmon--` ` '1`-hanksgiving . . . . .- . . . Baritone So19-'-But-: the Lord` is ] Mind-f u}A," aria from "at, A` ~ :Paul, . . Mendelmohli ]HJymn :9_08-A-V-Si_ng to `the Lord or ' J-LJ unu vvu Ivan-6 wv v-v - Harvest? Ben edictus Chant . . . . . . . Organ Postlmie-`_--`-` Marfche nn`n DOLLERY-i-GIVENS---At the Parson- age, Collier .St., on "Oct. 25th, by Rev. 1. G. Bowles, Frederick Isaac Dollery to Madame Givens.` . ~ | ..- A. 5 an-yrs-we--w D.zuNGs-LEX'1i:At~ ' An Saints " Church, C-o11`mgwood~, .' on We&nes- " day, October 18th:, 1911,` Isabel. Hsmon, only daughter of Mrs, ' John Leask,-,of Col-lingwood, to Mr. C-ha:-lea '1`-hompeon Darling, of .'1_`o-, j route. The `ceremony was.{perform~,~. ed%by_th Rev. A;-O. MiIes,.of-`Cree.-` lnaJ\Inl|' .cuiLA"l| \ eG`D)"`l:Ll.U` HOV. :1. -U. uuuu more`, vuncle [of they `byidq; . ~C LIT ! ale nvemngym. sei}1.' C1135 IIIIV IJVIV-I 0-I Adlamson I000 O O 0 o I u | Q I II. `Maxfche Ponti ' . . . . . . . . . . Lemmensi` _-L519`-{Saint-iv. v Inng com`-1 . Edmund John, eldest son of Rev. Edmund J. Peck, (missionary to the Ihkimos for the Church Missionary Society), aged 25 years. SPEER--At the Methodist Parsonage, 246 High Park` Avenue, West To- ronto, on Tuesday, Oct. 24, 1911, Eliza Harriet, dearly beloved wife of Rev. J. C.__ Speer, D.D., aged 50 ` years. ` ` 1 Funeral` _will take place from the Parsonage on Thursday, at 2 p.m., to Mount` Pleasant `Ce-memory. T,RAIN-`-At Toronto, Wednesday, Oct. 18th, 1911,, Wiliaan '1`-rain, husband of the late Margaret` J .j Train, -in his 73rd year, late of Burk s Falls and 1 ~ Meaford. 2 - ' ln loving memory `oi! Stephen Bell, killed at Utopia, Oct. 24121:, 1905.` I _often sit _an& think of `him when I am all alone. For memory is the only friend that _~ .grierf can call its own. Like ivy onthe withered! oak when all other things decay; , _OuVrV,love forrhim will .stil1~ keep green and never fade, away. A . ` Gnu. mom nncrows. 'm_1eatre-goes`; are anticipating with a. remarkable show` of interest the fort1_1coming_ production in n this town _of .'Bhe Girl From Rector s, which ran. ._for "over three hundred nights at Weber '3 Music Hall, New York. All: he: `oice records were broken during` the engagement and the run might. have ffeoxfvttinued indenately were it `not Aforjthe neeeesitygof lling ont-of- town contracts that had been pre- -`-viously made- "* * _ .'g u. .V gene n,,1 T The Girl from Recztm- s is 'c1ec1ar- .ed by the Mqtropolitan critics to be one` of the, funniest of high-class pro- ductions mnade` th'e;'o in many years {mm plot deals with the actions of hi young 'aocie~ty'_woman of Battle Creek,l `Mic-,h.,_wlgo is; charitably inclined. she! Spends of.` hot time in her own` `*cir(:le'_,;;afrj`l1l_>n1eL but -her husband, A 1 <~judg6,,.at. the`; Court. of Shanghai is_ -_aAway,"or';euo*31 long porioda she docideat -torgo .to"N`eyr' Xork for recreation and gash.-: attracted: by the." glaring _`1fighta,3t Re_p`to`_1r s_' = and there she "`.mgkeg;._ Jxer ; h_ead`qn'arters._ In` the- t`1;i"x_ne,sho."eurns tho sobriqnet `,7 ;,,' ..~` ' . , - . 7 -.-Flatvnily. QCTOBERA26; p}ain her duaf identity, complic arise which reveal a series of tions that keep the audience in to the nal curtain. The engagement of The here.i.s limited to one night . day, Nov. 2nd, at the Grand House. In charge of Deputy S` and P. C. Sweeney, Arth made the journey to 2 Thursday last. This 1: __She'i Smith s eightieth I `A!___ "' & 5 -.C T U :- {ze?;Zif.`.?.`.`.'.i`*``'``?`` ;"` ?`7.3' W HYPNOTISM. I _ . ; "assisted by ` and Company 0 Oupsbie Associates . -----n -3 lf monnsncxc HA 11.3? Puma Donna- LIEU: Ill. man... i institution. What's it is the thrifty house`-A wifes who use Heinz Pure Distilled Pickling Vine- gar, that can answer 2- iN othing." This vinegar is of extra sllality, and is specially pr? ~: ` red` for Pickling. Those W110 gntend making pickles will do `_V|.'ll_ to give it a. trial. Tobe %.'Qht&lned at the East End Groc- wSt'ore--50c per gal; A130 ite Wine and Cider Vine- 5381.400 per gal; 1- ifull line of Spices, _ ;;ST,I.l'g Rings, etc.. always! OPP T0 KINGSTON. LU Lxs.uu.....--.. Sheritf Smith iweeney, Arthur Sheridan iourney Kingston 00 ast. makes Dep-~ h trip to W3 V TQjvuv-v-- .--.-._.-. On Friday, .o`et.- 2m.--1>artiea in` ' `need. of rst-clam. "stock, imple]-.. mute and '1wu7sehol(l furnitur, would}; "W89 `$1.1. -i complications ,2-.. .6 Anne. the with Matter lU Uuu at unc..., Upma Girl" night, Thurs- ,, 1 I Inn!-1 6,` 1911 GnANn0pEn`AiiOUSE THURSDAY, nov..2