18 E"?! 15 00 91 . 36' 52 75 92 21 00 15 00 Al\ B 66 12 oo 10 5o 15 `13_` 14 `y 23 +15 Anv 1 FV`O-av V V The regular monthJ!y meeting o the! `Women s Insti-ute` met at the Gnome" of Mrs. G. M. Moir on Tuesday after- ` noon. Al~thougl1 the weather was verry: was appointed. unfavorable, a fair 'represne`nta.tio1i` was present and a prot-able meetinghe-1d!,, It was decided to hold a -couce~rt\ on! Nov. 10thin the: interest of the 'lib'-' rary fund and a. working committee; Q-I -gr I I ',!1,!,-;. A_-1-._J.. . 23' 15! 4- ii, 10 -:rvuw Welmve amount of money to loan _l owest current ruteseither in small orin largo ,I.tnounts_.,on the_aec\u-ity of mod farm mart. ; TENDERB,wilJ' be received at the I oice of the undersigned until twelve } o clock noon of the 4th day of Novem- ber, 1911, for the several works re- quired in Itiie alterations and. additions to Collegiate __In:svtitute, Barrie, Ont. A certied` cheque for 10 per cent. of the amount of the tender must accom-l pany same, which will be forfeited should the contradtlor fail to sign. con- tract. Plans and specications may be 1 seen at the oice of _Stewart & Whit-- ten, Architects, Hagpilton and `of the undersigned. The lowest or any an- der not necessarily accepted. ` FRED MABR, Sec y. Tress. Board of Education, 42-43 _ Barrie, Ont. & - IIIIVVCDU \JIlI lUlltl`lIRUvCl(II5l'ln Bmlll Orin large . amounts. on the security farm mort- $:u`3'eI. MQCARTHY. BOYS MURCHISON. nlnn Stu-at. Barrie. ` vsnunnnn run ran sun. The undersigned is oerin for we the North-half Lot. Sixteen. in the ighnh Conces- sion of the Township of Innisl. containing one hundred und ten acres. more or less. The Soil ison A-1 clay loam and lain a good state of cultivation. the fell. lou'hin all having been done by . his I l . is it ted on the r&`e&om. one `girlie sguillg of Btroud `and two miles from Cuugvsle on the .1. 'l`.R'. Possession givenat anytime. Fur- ther pet-t_,i,cula.x-s on application to I) A IIIII A If I\I'|t\aIu - GT. Be'tween`all Ashtations iltcanada. also to .'Bu!la.l`o.N._Y.,Pox-t I-lurotkt ' Bud 0011: `October 27. 28.19 80. ,` _ `Ruurn mlttlovombor Is!-.`19_lI. 23.-1VIr.:1-x;<-1_ 1\vI ivs_sWf[{*oigers$u bf`: Chute-Ahi1'l`were recent visitors to our burg. V ` V ,,,_,_;1_1__ __...-L:..... -4 51.... [Hunt e rs ftdpoixgts in Temagiihh pixinta Mattinvb. to Tim- inkammg and Kipawuu` Que., inolnaivn. also to points in _ Quebec. New Brunswick. 1;1*l9v9'Soot#-- a:n dT=Mai_n.9 9 A- ['?y-`vC-J rI&VIId\k nu; O`lll'WvLlI ).\;ItV.luu E ;mz?: W *2? Amarggasg Lakes. Pienetnn , Lake of Bafsv M at ' Yer. Lakee v So nd,_;_Arle toCobo' Inul\I Allu .l9th N9v ember 1 1th` .`.`|l.';Li..`.I.- .1` ..u_.. -n __, . tutu. MOUAlt'l'l1X. nnlnn ----cu van -y v4nVuvlVIl IA! BARCLAY BR08.. Barclay P. O. W. A. MOCONKEY. Barrie \ P. O. CHAS. MANEER Cralgvcle P. O. .3. R.` BROWN. Thornton P. O. Illbl , MONEY TO LOAN um... Tickets gt smcu: M FARE. llailyuntll Nov. 11. L.We are p1;eVa%1.rs;ed to .s;e Mr. Charlie: .McMurmy in our midst; again after! spending a. `con-plve of months in C014 lingwood Hospital`; - , ,1, _ I_._.. L`-.. Meaium and dark shade Over` coatzsg, _n"1ade_ with Velvet Collars and best _]_It;a}`ian7linings;.;,sizes 24, 25 and 26' ecqats that were $4.50, during sale ~ %Si2es'"= 24,2 5,26-$ 5. 50 Coats $3.95 3` 27,28,29--$6.00 $4.39 3o.3I.32.33$6.75 $4.75 33.34.35--$5.00 $3.95 --$7-so $4.95 Boys L_)vercoats with College .sizes .27 to 32. Coats that were $7.50, during, sale . . . . . . . . . . . . Men's Suits thafwere $7.50 to S1o.oo_ _sizes'35, 36, 37, 38. During sale.._... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Men's` Suits that were $10 and \ $I42,bsizes 36 to 44, during sale. . M;.=.n s vO"Coats with Velvet 4_C'Oll4a%1A'r, wer'eV$I0.`0o, `during sale _$I_2,Asvi_zes Men's Caller, Men`s.O C0ats with College Collars, i:`.i.5?:5.`.".?.`f :`f`i ?f?`f f . s2u.uu ~ smc.u_s % 1-` {Es 3 75A 75 oo -45 00 6500 800 Men S Suits PURSUANT to section 38 of Chap~ iter 129 R. S. O. 1897 and amendments thereto, notice is hereby given that all creditors and persons, having claims against the estate of John Robert Bailey, late of the City of Zion, in the County of Lake, State of Illinois, US. A., formerly of the Town of Barrie, in the County of Simacoe, Province of On- tario, who died` on or about the t.went_v~ rst day of April, 1902, at the said City of; Zion, are required on or before Saturd`a.y the 4th day of .\'ovem.ber, 1911 to send by post prepaid or other- wise deliver to W. A. Boys, Esq., Bar- rie, Administrator, or the undersigned, itheir fulh names and addresses with . full particulars -of their claims proper- Iy veried, ..__ _,,_-_-__.. O C I O I O D ` I . Muss Lxzzle-Mon` rs vxsnmug frxeuds in`Toronto and otfher places. - `iv 1NI,',10_; AND FURTHER TAKE N()TIQE' that a.ter,t.he said date the Admims- tratbr will distribute the estate of the said deceased-, "having regard only "Ito those claims of Whzich he shall then have notice, A .u- v v -u vn\l _ "Dated Barrie, this 11th day of Qctoberp 1911. Mccarthy, Boys & Murchison. 42544 Solicitors for Administrator. In the Matter or the Estate orewu. liam H. Mulholland, late of th6 Township 3? Innisl in the Count? of Simcoe, Farmer, deceased. , `NOTICE is hea'ebyg'.vcn p11rs11a11f t0 R.S.O., 1897, Chap. 129, and runendgng aetshhat ah! persons and othms_hav1ng` .c1-aimsnga.-i.nst the said \\'immn H. -Muiihoand who died on or ab011t-`t2: .-27th of September:-, 1911, are vI`9`1} to" send by posb prepaid, or to delxve` 0, Samuel .Brol.ley, Stroud 150-: Ha M'\t1hvonll`and' on or before I0 6 'deB(`1'-iptiollsj, 1'ul`1' Part; ...;.'.1_..;; .1 u_-:.. ..1..:..... cf'nfnnlPn of'+theTExecuto r.s of the said \\'i1lintnl:A ]Td'ny`. or `November 1911. their C`hri9P ~ wry:-aauwuau\7,. \Av\r\ . .1, - .gi!u1a1.,, of their claims, state-n1e}1f$"`(`i 1Hi1r-}a.Vcc,(;u'z1-t.a_, and of the s(`cur1t_V ;m>.m1d- by mem- 3'}A5`NDAtFURTHER_ take n W `last mentioned 3`_buw will proceed to 11tr1said of 116 estate Of W: the 1;, Vmumxolslsand :}_mona claims of wl1ic'h ` he notice that '6 . .~' . - f0 wl not, be `lxablgf,/to.` iw~W??:, ..; Amnms'rnA'ron's NOTICE TO cnnprrons. :4`9?T`;3- NOTICE TO CREDITORS " OCTOBER 26, mnxsn or mnzrn. A 20th Sunday after Trinity, October 29.` riptions, Iunr pun- Iims, st.'a.temen ts 4}? of Se-curit_V M Co1}ars, 6, 1911 $5.00 $3.95 $3.95 Mrs. Joe. Spickor, who has been visiting in Sutton, `returned last week, accompanied. by her jsisgter, Mrs. Fair`-' view of _Le'tJhbridgev, Alta. -Vi.'7i5iiV7s~ Church, Pa,'i-;1sAwick-2 1).; m., Sunday "School; 3_ p.m_., Evening prayer anti-sermon. T " " i .1301 HAA .,A LL-- ` dhoir practice`Friday, 7.30, '-at Athei Rectory. The" W. A. will` meet on Wednesday, Nov. [1, `at the residence of Mrs. R. A. Carr, 13th Con., at 2 pm. `St. Pe'tIer s, (ihu'rc.'hill--10 'a.m.,' un- day -School, 11 a.m., MorningWpray.er `and sermon. . The week-night service on Thursday is cancelled on account of the Bible Society. meeting _ being held in St. I- ete;r, s.Cliurch this Friday (Oct. 27) evening `at 8 o clock. special music: Oerings from the friends of the ` Bible Society is requested-. Dr. Leader is President of the Society. 1 Wi`7aVulAV s~ hliseion, V vCra'igva1e--6.30 __Sunday School; 7.30 Evensong and ser- `attend 81:. Paul s Church. mon. The Lord Bishop o1 Toronto. will visit the Parish Nov. 18-21... On Sunday, Nov. 19, he will preach at St. Paul s at the morning and even- ing aervice-, and at St. Peter's: at. 3 o'clock. _The- friends who `attended the, mission at Oraigvale are requested` to forego their evening service and` a On -MV(_n'1.day,' Bidhop df-t Toron-too and Dr. and Mrs. Langfeld-t will be at home totho parishioners of Innisrl at the dew rectory-from- 3 to 6 and" 7.30 to 11. Dr. nd his family are) `now comfortably settled; `in the new. rectlory. ` - 3 Mr. Walte; Igrgqjson, who has `beang `with Mr. Sam Blackmore, m'~as`- "gone to Peterbo.-ough. - an as I I . 1 '__.__`l. Mr. Wallacja ' Tribble` and.- H `semi: friends are starting on a hunting trip. Miss Henry of Barriae is the -new school teacher at the scvhoo1 ofT section 17, near "St, Paul's Church.- -vL| , ,f 9,. :1`hca"g_en.;1;1l-to1>;c~ oi Ncawovnjw-voiasgtion i111. this neighborhood is `wedkiings, hunt: ing-trips and fowl: suppol-s.~;_ ' _ ,___,.1-;...,:n -..:| 7:- '`.'i5u17 fR;c;t`<'>jrywi;s':rc:>;h;i1etei1 ma is occupied now by .Rev. Dr.- La.ngfeld't and _family. . " ` A well known lumberman. in Vaugh-1 an Townevhip and` Parry Sound, in the{ person of Mr. Wi}li'am"1`-rain, died: at -the Toronto Generatlloerpital on :Thure- day morning from the -eects of, gas V poisoning. Mr. '1`:-ain, who was in hie` seventy-fourtah year, was a resident od! Burk e Falls. For some monlths pant nhe"had been living with Leon,-A Mrgl George T. 8. Train, at 46 Degrboume avenue. He went -to bed nweek ago last Friday` and left` the gas! turned vonoin the room. In, the morning he was. found `unconscious . ant} he ` , effete` T` raved; fatal. "Early in his career, Mr-.f bin OWW1 and 9pe.wU_e 7a-~:1`umIbei*. ii` 73nd; f_l9\1r -`milling at 'M_enofd,.- 2 ,:;H. thennmoved to: Toronto` uncle. -baa: oumen.o`e*interstw-in reewgastat.-~ .:ein& no resumed au;.n1aer::is~:wn bnsinee.-.` A at: e -Burl<'r3'Fn:1l8-:-1 e .:W%i f"-T.1iI&l$. 11~ ;lfl_7lovec`l.' .7 s`UNNmA1_.r: -donN1'.ns. ` ,' Oct. 2.1.-Pi<;;-i-ng pgtatoes `fish Ttvh'a9 `brdar [of the day here. just `at; present. 111.. \t....-. 1l..`Y-..-3 ml-at n# Tnrnnfn han- mmswtox. %o31'.rtmnv.L Q amiable` members. `i Higgins waalj alicted. with an "acute illness lasting some ve weeks, during which period" several medical men were in consul-ta.-V _tion, and" an expe-rieneed` trained nurse was in constant attendance. Deceased, who wasja. daughter of the - late Wm. Hines, was born notffar [from her late .home some 56 `years ago,'ehe~.being one of a family of nine . childfen, of whom Miss 'Dap`h'ine Hines, gegraduate of Mayo Hospital, Rochester, "survives her. Of her ownfamily four sons`. and four daugvhtens survive} as follows: .John and~ Louis in the United .States, Thomas and: Wilfrid at home, {Mrs 'Arsenau1t of Wilson; North Da- . ik-ota, Sister Gerarda. of the Precious Blood Convent, Toronto, Miss Anastia of Toronto and` -Miss "Vera at home. The funeral, :which was largely at- tended, took place to` the Roman. CatIholic_C`hurch, -Mount St. Louis, on _ Thursday. The Rev. Fr. Daniels of Waubaushene, celebrated the, mass for the dead, the pall.-bearers . being Messrs. J`. Mar1in,iE. Morran, M. Shan- -non, P.` Shannon, M. Hayes and J. Marrin. -, Among those who attended 1 f . l : . M . d M' (t)1 e1%ei1l`;eIo!;. -Tc:-2:110; , in-. alna. M: McEac.hern of Bracetgdgev and` Mrs. '1`. .'Connelly Inn , 1- . igg-ins! and sister. Miss Mary Ifiggins, Stay- ner. Mr. T. Higginssand; family have the sincere sympathy of a host of friends. A . . "0 U0 MO. I B W. J. Manning, one of \ ytche best known and most highly re-stpe'cted- resi- dents of the township of Teen-rnseth, died'at his home neuir Bond- _Head,_ in his 'forty-seventh year, on Sunday morning, after a, few days illness with went an operaution,`-but the disease had Aappendicitis. On `Friday he under-D advanced to a. stage where it failed-_to save his life._ The Late Mr. Manning was born and spent all his life on -the farm where he died, the property be- ~ \ . LL- '|r-_..:-.. `nnn:`1v Ono nun ll ULIU -LI-Luuuaus suns..- lll I _ . . . _, hundred `years. ~ Deceased was 9'; mem- |b er' of the Orange Society, ettkmdingi |high up in the order. He waa'a.l1so.a Forester, achartetred member of Bond He-ad lodge and` carried $2,000 V insur- ance on his life in this society. Mr. Manning was a member of Trinity Church -nnd, a prominent c1hurc.1m'work- er. I`Ie.ale-otook an active part in Sun-. dayechool work, being superintendent of Trinity- Church Sunday School` at ithe time of his deceaae. He was also fat one time president of the County lsunday School A Association. About thirteen years! ago -he married Miss iJackeon of the township of Mono, who, u with their: three children, survives him. The funeral took place on Tuesday from his =1a.tefreeidence to St. John."s_ Ghurcnh. jA short service was\heJd- at the home by ev, W. P_. Lane. The service at ttzhe church was conducted by Rev. 0. `J. Nurse oof-.Beerton, after which interment wae -made in the. cemetery vadgioining. Beautiful _ ; oral wreaths were sent by the Orange and ,, `I-__L.!-'... Dgnllla-u TIT.-mhl Y [arm Wuvrv IIU I700, VILV \'1JlVtIv-nv.y -V-v ing in the Manning family for one n......:.....1 -'nnn1Iu . nnnnmmd was dl mem- `mm liifoiuncm ! commune 31'. tunrnonzsr cannon. _ e'1`Ihe pastor s subject in "the _m0I'niY18 will The Life of Sacrice, ant} fir : the 'evening,` `Thanksgiving. The `-choir will` `give special '1`1hvanls`giViI!g music for `the day. D , 4 A - ' CHRIST j0HUBU.H. .. > _ M The` rector will take for his7.subjec_t in the morning salt,_ and in the I evening there will he 'a"t-i,pecial '.l`-hanks. giving Iservicc`. `Special music `I188 been prepared. ' l ' ` THANKSGIVING DAY. 5 1 Local` talent will-1iresent themusxical extravaganza, _The Court` of King Cole under the auspices of The Ci~ti~ zen-s Band at the Opera House in the near future. Rehearsals were opened in hall overt Bank of" Commerce `for this delightful production on Monday, under the man-agementof Mrs-. Har- yiet Purdy Smith of .'Chicago. Mrs. Smi-Uh comes here from i pronounced - sncceesee in Brantford, Orillia, Mid- . 1and'and' other nearby cities in On-. tario." There will be:.over 150 people in the cast which inc1u.des: many`of_th'e- favorites of prior .`_home~. talent produc- tions andva. number of new .ones.wlsho? will make` their `rst.-`pow .bef,0re the footlightstg * - ~ 3 e A V , WUIV THU UJ `V1519 vau-ev ; Forester Socie.tiesv._--A-Beeition World. Vfrenguining untjl -. spying`. _ xA~`.j.' . Hf 24.--Miss E; Muir has go'nefto'_. Tliveland, u.0hi.o`,' where " shfo: .1_nt_q.n`14aa`:_.`V Em. Thos. ;coreey;..% `was is in % V pnoumo nia., is recovering.` . V L Mr. George Peacock is having _ hii" idrin stumped by.Mess1's. Cuttin ,a:!;(]; Carson. . - V --~ - - 1 'll'__ 'r!..Q-I.l The will take for the S;a1t, Ievening there will 'a".peia1 .Specia1%m_1A1aic ' -" A Union `Thanks-giving :;t,erv`ice uAri11V be held under the 'a.1'1spiqes of mh Barrie = Ministerial: .Aasociati_on ; .in the LC`ong=re'gatipna1- 0hur.cih`,f` on: the morning.` of Moiid~ay', `Octdber '_30bh; ("1`h a!4Jksgivin'gLyDay) `gt , 11` o _c1ock',_ * Members or 'thev_' A`ssociatidn' the Rev. 4..Andrew'- _S,:`it1ivt1119".A')(fL `th-`I, -Bapgiia `G1ir;r_c_1n.:i?=:A-%,?<;9l1fio;i th V; .-will be pre_fs e`nt 7and3take"'. part {in,,1. `service, the .add1:e'ss__?co be delivredhyi the result or e carefind in lblfoildiml m11 be; A the of fans avor. smobth estrengthl end richness, ecause all these elements are `so ienerously included in `Red `Rose Tea it well the lterni ood taa." Your Grocer W11 Romtnend _lt THANKSGIVING nu}. uuvgn .`I:LE m IULK Lasting digest and revi_ew=of delivered by the _ReVL _ .- on _:the demand= jxpoh. `t-he -~Ghris_ti-aid dentia1_.oddre` o _ Chas. Brown of, London `before: the Annual Assembly of the National Co'uu_ci1.~ of--Evangelical Free` Churches in Geeat Britain`. Whilst the paper dealvtgwith many questions from the standpoint of the `ethurehes in Great Britain, considerable ~,~ stress wash ~1'a_id_ v Chumh everywhere. to see if ;nothiiig could `be done -to" eounteracvt `the- material treyd._of t-he. age`._._'-...g ' VI Ihvu .'I"hos.V jkubery and-. Hirol Wilson have returned to TorontoE;ater7- spehding. a week at E. Wilsonja. . a i-Miss` Berha Pattenden of Minesing .`is _spendiug a few`da.ya with h_er ai_s- _ tar. Mrs. G. Cole. . 3 `. Mr. and Mrs. Bent Wainright'hav -`gone to Toronto for the winteg. j Referring o setL1ath`.deegrati9ii, \.l_ilr.~ Hipkonh pointed out` t.11___at "-`:tlie;_ remedy is not! toheffound alpine . in,r'e-` pressiye - and prohibitive legislation, but also in the greater spirituai__.po12w'- _er of the Church itself -and the more _loya1 `adherence of its The Ch.u_-rcht must not debpirivtuialize herself,` but there must be instilled? into. it- more of the heart-bhrob of V human sympathy.` Inn "regent" 't'o;politics,g. whilst the ' Church as such should not be tied to; ayy"politica1 ~par~ty'-; ..her individual- memhors could-not be expecte`d= to ~ah- stain from participation in political questions and principles. All great 1 questions; "social, `moral and ethical, are bound up in politics and the voice of the Church and the . force of her` _c.onv`ictione -ahouldr b` a; power to ; -be _ reckoned- with. ' ~ ' .v_vaIvovvnvo-w -quovuu-,u-. rvw -..rv.--- --.. ..- `reckongdewith. ` _. A _ . ` The paper. by M r.-Hi'pkin* was an exceedingly clever and- _l1_1cid r'eview,_ of the `queetionsw tonchedg upon. Rev. Mr. Anderson, who occupiedi rtahepullpit of St. Andrew s Ohurch on Sunday last, was an` interested visitor . at the meeting. ` ' 3ooobooooocoooooooooo3I Mr. W. Clin has r~turnd- from the ;W98tu I ' t - t pi , .Mr._ C. Garden of Hamilto was a. visiox` in Town this week; Mr. John Powell is spending a. few weeks relatives in Guelph. ` Mrs}, A{ -E. H. ' Creswicke will not receive again until the New Year. ` Mr. Geo. Wilson of Ham-ilton renew- ed acquaintancein Town twhis week. up c`. j... -..- 'Mx'....Henry Robrto, K.C.,: of Col- -lingwood-, was in _Town on Tuesday. ' no .o __A .-.. lcfrs. R. Hambly, V118 Collier t., will receive the first Thursday of each `month. `V . ' - SOD.` Miss Stella Ronan of the Bell.` Tele- phone- staif, left for her` home in !Or`a'1fgevEle_ yestefdagf. ` I 1;go6`ooooooo9og Mr. and Mrs., D. T. Rees leave on Friday to. spend the winter in New Drleans. ' ` .. . V Migs Pato;1, who "has been visiting friends at Mil't'on for some time, re turned` home =Sa_.turday night. --A 4.... _ ;Mr.s. Geo. M'cOrea,'- of vcotllingwood, `an old friend` of Dr. and Mrs. Patter- son, made a. visit with them last week. Mr._ and -Mrs. Herb Greenwood of Elmvalo were in Town over Sunday, the guesta -of Mr; and Mrs: E. H. WAillian`1.s. L - - . I Mr. `Joseph A. Powell, a former member of TheuAdvance"sta1f, and-,now with the Sttephenson, Blake Type Foundry, gave The Advance a business. call on Tuesday. ` FA `Mrs. John 'Moore~1rft on Thursday `last for Pittsburg, Pa., to visit: her 6111!.` Dr. and Mrs.'Ric-hardson `of 3 Van- couver,' were _week-end, visitors with the former '3' brother, Dr. W. 0. Rich- ardson,` Worsley St. mu 1 _ Beej:on_ World-.--Mr. and: Mrs. A.` T. Marshall and` baby, Arcvhie, of Allan- da1e,j are` spending a portion of a fort-. night s vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Hill, Beeton. Mr. Howard Porritt left on_ Tues- .day for Niagara` Falls, where he has been promoted to a` more important position in the service of the Canadian, Jxpress Co; ' - I Mr. and Mgr. R. C. Cuniningham of Thornton anndunce the engagement of `their only" dau'g.1;Itbr, Olive Gert-rude, to Mr. Russell E. Ooulter, the ?mar- riage. to take place early in November. A Dr. and; Mia. Pactiterson celebrated the 48th of their marriage on Sa.turd~ay" last. The Advance ex- -tends. -he~a'rtiesTt cong1`atul'ations and best wishes to v the Dputbr and Mrs. _LL _..'..-,_ `want 01 um! u.u_y u VLl7'.JuUIa aw 3...`-.. Miss Mary TMcKnig-ht of Toronto has returned -home afrtbr visiting her _sis- tor, Mrs. Dave Dunn. T `- ` - - -~AL~----J-L- Vl-.......64\` nafgp vv QQrIl\d' iatvter'son. A `comma ENTERTAINMENT .- '_1`HB.OOIIB'._l' pr KING 001.3" - Thuly_1-ic and the libevrtto `of the book are_ new amt. are the -best that the best. writers of `rhe, .world have produced. A The .. A ps_tum`es;.; -are .e1_a bor`-* ii`t4;',1_.')'._;1__)' eLl1"x1tiA1r1-'.". I ~"'1*ne, couit of King-(_3_o1'e 1 has not an old-dng, a commonplbbe Pine ` rfa" _st`1lcjo}:eL._in -It is new,_'up-t_t_>edge,. (ind. `.c on o'ai'nes-._1::he ""11; mu.s,ic, and `.":.-'.:......'... . A11. 1.1.- .._`~..-_ n"-~_;7n-_'-n ,, .....u \.vuua4u~o.__guo uucm `Lu; u..Iu_31l.':` uuu qdiajogue-. A11 t:he,wbnde'ru1}_Vpe le. of `King colers . r'e'a1'-xn_'N_v[1l1_`;- show of ` re-_ :'iihi8 inuenzzess (if ; thg -2.0t_h. Vg`ce`n$.ur3*'* --l}!',10.i_3f2`ri1,t_lPP1.i<'3.atio 11`j;` " <`3;;bf A :{i.1 ~u ' 925* ~ M .,,._ :22 la vuuoonoooououooouo: "Bct}`rs _3-picne Svigle; Breasted Satk Style Suits, made from good quality Dark Tweeds eigd 7Wor'steds,sizes '28- 3 3. Suits that wgre $3.50, during sale V $4.c')`0%&%$4.5o L $5.oo&$5.757 " j$3.95 _ `I95 VI` ' _It "was with the deep'e`st`aorro w7tha-t the people of this place heard `of the "sudden death at; Mr; Wm`. f`1_J.um; of '1`o-- routo and their _sym-path-y goes,-out to[ the berea.ve family and relatives. .!L_ _ __-__..I..-..` `-1-nan `union? Boys 2-piece Norfolk Style Suits sizes 22 to 2.8 Suits that were $2.75,, I during sale. .' ._; . . . . . . . ; . . . . . . ' Suits that-were $4.5oAand $4.75 during s`a1e.-..A..., . . . . $3.35` __ _..,..: Boys 2-piece Double Breas`tc5dVSui t.s with bloo'mer_ pants, sizes 26 to 3-2, 4 for $3.50, $3.90, $5.oo,,s5.9o & $5.90 BOYS ()v'ercoats ` Buster Brown style, sizes 2 3, 24 and 25 only, 3 distinct different styles, T. each $3.90, $3.90 and. . . . . $5.190 Wheat DEVLIN &MURCHISON Pnoea Ruling! in thy name and `lo- ronto tho Wonk. T - "a"ta'}'"nv}' 11b, 'c>m',' mun . % mogomo manxnr. % Toronto, `Oct. 24,. 1911. Quotations n Tuesday 1vero:-> What, bushel-\ . . .. -99 It .-an-A " 1.--..I. -1 Expqrt ;c'a'.,ttle`,A' .. T *7 ~ .-medium .-. '..,;=.. nus LATEST mums ;'hefe.. UV! Oil-CHI -rw-V .-..-..- I . _ Mrs. Lee returned` to `Toronto; after spending ,3 `few weeks with frien1s' . . ..A.7,_44'g;`L`4L)` uva srocx;% Ivyul-In-IVJ\ `outcast! I imwashed ;. . ..._ Boys Suits Barrie, Oct. 25, 1.911.` NCE 51,5` 5 10 2.50 330 30 .,......%...1s 12 13 vv 15 10 00 6 50 --A Dreuavuu Ll!-ll~1l_y usuu: Ivnfnvuvvwu Quiye a number` from here; attended the funeral. . . `