1&_miles from ' hornton and `I i 5m!!! 3:151! Barne Soil clay loam. `close to, school: -.hl`0he6: 2 acres of bush; well fenced. ml "1 Rood state of-cultivation: 17 -acre .,0fi bum"-*3-33 Plowing wilt be all-fl . ` ,_ '-V; am, 48x72. with stone foundation, and!!! _ V lc_e throughout the bulldin .: driving Ib0,,_d'. mlmo. also root house, 16x24. grhere I! 8.185 3 msemnlglgi house in- ood Are 9.1:-.[on_thi A . R.LENNf{118,mt_q_pt p_urc user. Ann -[lb IHUNTERS Lambie gathered in `a young man, _ An Amateur Garuno. _ V At-_Alla.ndale_ on Friday night P.C. charging hiui with being drunk ' and disorderly. As an example of what the nil- hn}. a'nalu-:..+..-. ...:n .1- 2 I sang on Street;---The Booze` ma lt.--%-Jas. Johnston Spurn: ' Chlorinated Water. AMATEUR cmwso LANDED %lN we Of I911 * ornua, who capehged Sheridan after a strenuous two:-day chase. CRITERION.` WE HAVE A SPECIAL LOAFFOR _s1'onY--non. TRY." The Annual Meeting of the Corpora tion of the Royal Victoria Hospital will `beheld in the Police Court Chwam bets on Tuesday, Oct. 31, 1911, at 4 pm. to receive the Report! of the Directors and for the election of Directors for the ensuing year. Ittis 1zo1.ed- that "all interested. in tube Hos- pital wi1_l `be ifuresent. I`. 3. ~ Porritt - V Goo. Vickors. "President. j V _ Secretary g: 4 , ,_- _......,.. uu-J vvvu EUUDICUIUH W819 s-een wandering through a cemetery wibh bags of golf clubs uI_1der- their arms. Those who saw them cannot make up their minds whether they were looking for a good lie or_ their last hole. . 8 .x1o--Holy Commmuiion. 11.0-Matias and Sermon. . of-gsnngiay-School; V V V F `~<>2>?-rt:-{<.=A1.~m`rwee-ssnrsivno In the ladies handicap played" at the links on Thursday last, Miss Laid law captured the prize oered by the Club with a net score of 71. Miss Laid-law made a score of 81 on the round: but had a. handicap of 10, thus reducing Iver scorelto 71. Others who competed were: `Miss Lount, Miss. Crew, Mrs. Lennox, Miss C. Spry, Miss A. Spry, Mrs. Creswicke, Mrs. Jory, Miss Wismer and Mrs. J. Dyment. Considerable interest was aroused in this contest `among the lady members, and futnre- matches are l-ooked forward to with pleasure. . . .. . ...- .n\lna-"Ll vvugu uu uouu. v Delivered tq any part of H18 Town Finest Home-Made High-Class` Candy Fountain Service 17-ly $03501). On Thanksgiving Day a handicap match will be played for a caddie bag presented by -the Spalding Co. This `is likely to be the last match of the Captain of the Orillia Golf Club,` Messrs. John Scott: and `C. W. Whitney, conveying the good wishes of the sis- terv clu'b. ' [ , -_.- -1... us u'u1L'u may W'8Yl fed, there is Iittrle doubt that `cesrs which it has already wi :be continued in an even degree. ace` pleasing feature of the `was the receipt ofamessagei UVII I -I`-I llci - I I \J . P. O'Connell. Proprietor. our. our umxtar ucrrlnc SI eet. wi0iD8 FirBLClasseAs::omt'nodation. Remodelled and Returnished Throughout. - Wnm\'-TaAvxLr.tvo W331` an Sum: ` AND STOP AT rm: I During the -evening statements the accounts and of the work done- tihe links were given, both provi very satiszfactory. Various suggestic were made for the improvements 2: development of the club, and, fr~ the spirit in which they were rece fed. there is lit-no 3.... LLAL .. Toast, `_`The` King, the Chain,- song, Mr. W. A. Boys; toast, T-he Barrie Golf Club, The Ohair.-1'e- 2 spouse by Dr. Arnall; toast, _ The of Golf, the Chair.; response, Old Members, by Mr. W. A. Boys, New `Me1'n.bers, [by Mr.. H. E. Jory; Pros? pective Players, and Coming Cham- pions, by Captain Bird, Dr. Palling and Mayor Beecroft; song, Mr. J. E. Montagu-Leeds; recitation, Mr. F. T. Short; toast, Summer Visitors, Mr. Donald Ross; response by Mr. D. T. ,Rees; song, Mr. W. A. Boys; toast, The Press, The Chain; response by Mr. T. Crew; song, Dr. Arnall; toast Our Lady Memibers, Dr. Ar- na_1l, responses by Messrs. Parker, Scott and Salter. ` Heater. A ply corn! FOR SALE-A No. 5 Villium St . Al andale .._________________ MA R |"<""'i{ H-(")_`T E L B ti-154---: tL.._.._- __ 30?-`lb VICTORIA HOSPHAI? `RA RRTI! ICE CREAM:-Br'l_:ka soc pint, 40c quavrtf WATER ICE-Always on hand. Dgilo--..A 5- ___. .___.L -1 Al - "L 0LYMPl_. _(_21:\N_l)Y 'W0RKS you-u on-so. A rie Golf Club. was: -held at the Queen s `Hbtel` on Tuesday evening, the Vice- President, Mr. F; T. Shont,beingintho `chair in Vtshe absence of the President, Mr. `H. J. G-rase-ttu Fun justice was done to an excellent repast, after which the usual loyal and other toasts we1'e given, intetspersed witrh Songs and stories. Trinity c1mmh% : OPEN ANNUM IN ADVANGE ounau coma -rmuu cun- [$1.0 w r in IOUVIUIII ll` THICK CCU`?- . - Sunday, Oct. 29th. day two gentlemen wefe in (I IIAI: ID`! .-A.._-L__ _ J any n.11Jau.l.l.|yg DU. 11113 J . v unxvllb and club, from unk +1..-..- ---- - thy 'receiv~ oubt the suc- achieved uuux.cu|U1.ll./3 0` `tie on run In. -~-~ greater - -v--.'-In Secretary nth provixi Suggestions uxvnn-.4.` -_ ,1 F. T. SHORT, - - Manager _. .._.-.. 'J.A.MAcLAREN - ' ` ; "43 Sec.-'l`rea.s. GEO` Absolutely safe, as no one elsej-_._a n,' realize on it, and an-`introductioftb; the best Banks and Banke_rs ev9_ry.. where- . I Our Local Manager ivill be Vg`lajd' `(:6 tell you about it. - 7 ' E-.-S E-noun`. .-No matter what part of the " world? you visit---can be conveniently `se c`u'r-' ved, whenever and wherever-`you want them, if you carry a 'I`rave1!ling Let-_ ter of Credit from this: Bank.._' .~ _ choice building l.ots ford Street [ Excellent 1oc9g}11?)';t;, or cAnAnAf;1f :.=:s::7::e'.:::.'a':: 2- s $8.o32.ooo Total Assets (Over) FUNDS for vouatmisl AID WAN'I`ED-Ap If D6 Box 8. Advance 0 cc. THOHPION CREW; NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. lMMONS & co. We guarantee satisfactibn with every Fur article we sell, whether in is expensive or not. V ' We can save you money when buying Furs. cw Manutaclurers am; Import: of Furs` Our hfail Order trade is` * growing every day, and where it is not. convenient to visit our store personally, you are assured of the very best service. ' _ ., Our FURS have a reputa- tion for Quality and Durabil- ity, our customers coming` from all parts of Canada. . F URS `QUALITY IN.` Appdintments have proferucev Lu UAR [SN 0 Sec.- l`reas. B. D.oug:aJ1- 111` of lake triiiit? : Island, n.`1n-'-'--* `FARM 1-0 1.21}. Island, ing e1=even5.vegiy _ tipped. `t:1ia'` -- ` A Radiant Home Coal. A corner of Burton Ave. and .I I2-an Brunch. rowzi rnornns.-ms nu CA1-u ---u V yuafu] twat at-iith%[.A%ABiz%- lam: is .. "".1....7. gily personally or wine ce. . ' WHOALE u_o. asst; PUILIIHII o ::-:n xunnna. President. Brtufi-' Z pwutiie. XVU. HIM] I2-up -Berfore `spbalcing of` the programme for the meeting I must ask yam-Vin-" dulgence if _ I s`__ay. a; few words` Vabgut the `Danna:-y. ~C1IlPt 1T.If MVe ertin'gs,...__Na;_u_l their impel-a.nc`o; iclfergy, j pecially Ahhe = quarterly 1;m`eetin`gV 31; `t1i`e_` clergy and ~1hity~.W!t1;in !1r9%?`m{r!_4:11ea'%% :;v",` . dress which in part was "as follows: Rev. Brother and: ` Brothers of the The Archdeaconry delivered-[his ad-i , Laity, V _ `I welcome you most; hehrtti-ly to- this, the sixth -annual conference of third since my appointment as Arch- d;eacon. `Too much cannot 'be said of the ready generosity of the good people of Trinity Church,` Barrie, and their Vicar, in allowing us to come to them `~ for the 560036, time in so short , .a period, , and in treating us to that abundant hospitality of which we are new reci'pient_s. -We have listened this morning to the-!l1e1pfi1l words -of the `Vicar leading us , in -meditation and prayer, and`; while all jarer `grateful to .him for his `help, personally I shall - the Arehdeaconry of Simcoe, .and- the! never forget :his_ kindness ._in~'nn`dertajk-_ ing the ac:onduct.p,o~f"_lIe_ Quiet. Hours i at the last moment.` ~ While not wi sh- ing to takethis place in a_`gatherln_g in `his own .parish,'.`pntting.._ae`id!e Ins own personal `feelings; -he L: so "-for `the : lgjoodi , Not, _vt_oh'e ` I have rst oinll to express: my re- o gret that I have been udable to visit 1 as many of the parishes `in the "Aroh- 1 odeaconry during the past T "yea.r_`as_-1|] had desired.- This is owing mo no ins; dierencef on my part; but to` circum- stances over . whie;h._I had: no oon_trol., I trust that when we. meet: ngainihr-j,` conference I. shall beunnblejto say there (1 is not a,` parish or- mission .. inwtahe "I- A_rchqeaconry.=.whioh- I have not -'vi8,iI:'-` fl` ed once, netinitwobgipg :.~;;ppointed4.'Anc!n- _r] . V _ - . l The Secretary; the! Rev. '1`. G. Mc- Gonigle, wasvunanimously re`-elected to that office. ; Letters `of regret at inability to be presenm were read by the Secretary from severahmembers of the_ Arch- deaconry. ~ / " gm` 1 9 / ` - . have society Th. An ml Meeting 0f we 3 be;-on will {we henltl in the Police Court Chm Thurstla ' ` v tor the . I\ vember 2nd. o.t8 oclook. . r `election of ogcers and transaction 0' `gm ' business. 7--- .. V v---~ --v. va. nvna-u_LP. _` On `Tuesday at 7.30 the I.~Io1y Liic-harist was celebrated `by the Vicar, with the lfev. T. G. Me-Gonigle as ser- ver. Matins were said -by the Rev.` E. F. Salmon at 9.30, the lessons being J"`08 d hy-Mr. Keir and after the, T_Veni Creator had been sung the} time until` 12 noon was apenttin med-I itatrion by the members of the Con- ference, addresses being given at in-- tervals by` the Vicar on The Glaims. `or Christ. The addresses were based` on the invitation of Chi -ist, Come and See, ?_ an `invitation `of companion- ship, which by the interohangei of rthong.ht.'and mutual love 1ed;up to the higher ideal `of c?'ml'8deS`l|1p..iWhic'h, ecntinued through life, ending at; last in the complete surrender of seif as the steps of the osavionrwere followed until the nal "victory of the Cross was gained. The prayers for missions `were said` at 12 noon. ' ` At'2 p.m. fhe buoineys-s session of the Conference began. The minutes of_ the previous ` `Conference held. at Brfampton were read and conrmed. ' The musical portion of the service` al`lot't-ed to the choir was beanti-fully rendered, Psalms and Hymns being sung with excellent p-reeision and eei- ing, while the two antvliems Send; out Thy Light (Gounod) and `_`Ha1-kl Hark my So1i1!"~-(Shelley), composi- tions -of the -highest clmracte:r,'w'em in- terpreted in a manner which evinced` a spirit` of deep devotion; and! intense feeling, t-he soprano solo of the lat- ter thrilling all' who were privileged *to join in this act of worship. nu muuAnJ.A-- -1- P A The Conference opened wlth `Even-I song a.t7.30 p.m., the service being `fully choral. Prayers "were sung by tihe Viclar, the Rev. Ernest _R. J." Biggs, the lessons read: by Canon \W-alsh and Murphy, and: -the sermon preached: by the Venerable Arclldeacon Ingles, who` divided` his discourse into;.two..- parts,` taking as _hise subject The `Holy Spirit, (1) In the Church-,V (2) In the Individ-ual..` V ' . . . `The siizteh _annu.al-` `o<';onfeo`en thief` V Archdeacohry was convened!` at .'1`rin-ity`t_ ' lowing members "anfswerect the-roll: _The Venrabl*e .-Archdeacon .Ingles, C.hi1ro1i on_Mond-ay last, when; the fol- .Ca.non_ Riener," 4Mu.r.pIhy, `Morley and . Wa.1sh; The~ Revs. R. J. Bigga, T. G. McGonigle, E. F. Salmon, A. P." Kon- nedy, H. V. 'Phompson,_ R-. W. Perry,` .. A. H. Meek, A. 0. Miles, `E. F. S. Boyd, R. G.Maconachie, E. R. James, J. J .- Preston, Messrs. Kevir and G. ` Raikesa and .'Col. 0 Brien. <%9"%.*;`1} 5; j V; Aiclideacon lnfluflihlakeg Plea for `Thpf; Instruction of Teachers-`-_-'U_xe: Conference Sessions` ' , .;Aroued Grat Interest. 5 , V_ V - HI INfl'lIII_'l'l,,OF .IAl|Rl, Tl-It 12.43!` . jmigmemt `commends itself as! .; -being sound iig. _e_vver-y wa.y';"_' To hold. fctherwiae would! `be: to dveqcJ are,tha:h any! `;s[1fa:;1fg"g`r~:`.n1ight`_.Q0me upon * any man` s pg-ami.s;eks .wi41:_l.1ojxt-;..the Vknqwledge of the "**91> ?i`*1 `;-A..znnt3I. J E 1101'. :; ` .. J % ` ;f9-~":"``-th'...e:"Ij vvaovnvna I unsv \IJ- . ;;.<->'take;tl`1`tam<;a;; {'0 a nsgT'z'eT:~ "$&'r7 `to `test,.the detfe*n`dant'- .9 legal liability I be" in -~m') Inm'in_eu- .c:onnc'he.d' with : dh-em `and. altwhaoughsnfe Lma,yAhave be-en :_upon the ground: that _' HQ would! be fliable` evven.;{thoa`1g'h pe1`8!oI_l 'i9`1xo~ - made the.-sale upon his` premises should ;.m_ad_,e ._Witwh01l`7 , any` knowledge on -th1_a. gt ;_:i t-h'e\%a'e:e%nd-antjT Ac; any ,0: his?` .v ' % ` ~ ` .,-1\'..-. , A_.y~4_;_; 1-. 'u__1n " _ 4-. `In-vvlvnvuh v-guv uu-u uvsvuuauv wan HUI: the man` nor was` anyoneof his em- ployees`, `who were a'll`tp1=odnced. The defendant proved that he had not made any eaJej`an<;' that no liquor had been taken from hie premises and that lifthe quantity stated `had beenrtak-` `en wouhl `have _miseeId- it out of his cellar` where itwa.s kept. Jud-ge ~.W';smer_ nds that the boys got! the . 1iq`uor" 1ipon"{the.. defendentfe premises in quantities flarger than: those al- lowed by l'awj[a.nd that they were un- der the .-prea'cri~bedy age, but that the Iliquor *was sold; -to them by someone u\h\ ant! Inrncc n1\n-nnnlnk a$.3L`L LL-` It now vvnu. vv VIII-Illl VJ HVIJIWVIIU lggtrvin any way connected with the. Hwngmisa. I3; is sai`c1*t1r'a l: there is an intention ' upon rhhe` pa r-t of-` the : Crown r`lI ` I-lo}: , I-`an nnnnnn `A. n .ln::uLuuun f`9A`..-`I. -__--...-..\ . - V - - v I-v.\lVVl uuv auuunu. HUI: see anyone about the premises 'Dhiey went out the ronty doot again and back into the yard- where they saw a man whom they asked `for the liquor afterwards _got. The man told rhhem to get out of the way and. he would see if he could not get them the '_liquor.- They. went .u.p town and after- wards returned and were told by the same man injthe yard that he had put. tbehliquor in the 'buggyand they there- upbn paid him. the price. They were quite` clear" thtlt the defendant was not LL... ....... ...... .__..' -----`-- -1` "A Judge Wism-er handed out judgment r yesterdayin two liquor appeale. Frank` P. Ilaym `the keeper of the Dominion ' .Hotcl_:nt I-Zlmval-e, was charged before Ll Pol .ce Magistrate Young of S-ttayner last month`-with having on the 7th vi August last sold liquor to two boys ll-namedi Campbell and Bell, `both appar- _ en-tly under 21 years: of age, and in II quantities larger th\an.rt'hose allowed E by law" to be sold upon hotel premises. The Police"_ Magistrate ' at Stayner . found the defendant guilty on each charge. Appeals were taken and were heard before Judge Wismer on the 9th instant when._ additional evidence was called on behalf of the prosecution, Crown Attorney Cotter and A. J. F. Sullivan of Stayner, appearing for the prosecution and A.. E. H. C-reswicke, K.C., forthe defendant. The boys in question drove in," from Wasago _ Beach to Elnivale where they were not ` acquainted. They went to the ta-"st hotel they noticed after they crossed the G._'I'.R. right" of way, approaching Elmvale from the. "west. They were not sure, however,` that it was actual- ly the rst hotel. This was important `because the defendant's` hotels happens to be the first .hote1'but is very similar in its -l'.n.v nut. in` 4.1.. a-..m...a. .....- "mu"- "us An` vuv uLvu_Lu3 OVHIUWUUN 9 o'clock, and after putting the horses in the shed the boys went around to the front of the `hotel and ent.er_ed,the front . door but could not BAA nlisrhnn n`nA..L 1.1.- .._.'---3-A-A -.-v .uv yuv ulalr nuuuu nut; 18 very 1m11'ar `in its 'I'a.y out to`.t:he,second' -one. "This was in. the morning somewhere: about (I n nInn`I.r and -14.-.. _._-_;.;_2,-_. (Go Hotel `Preloige/s, But Judge} s Quashed Conviction as Hotel I Employeetid not Furnish It. - V VI 4.1 rnvrnfl-53 ""1-on sun N &- Lot 22. Con. 11. Innial. 100 acres :' WLot 1. Con. 13.TInnisl. so acres: Lot 21, Con. 9. Innisl. 0 acres: P9. Lot 1. Con. 13. Innisl; 93 not-eo;.~ .l Lot13. Con. 8, Vex rt 1!! 1101'! . townshi? road, 50acrcs; pa 0! Lot _. Wat :` e m tSt.(c9r.APe-.lund.Jameo W _,`\`f,L,f3' 0r 5 - For artic'ula.ra appy__ Ivoum; Boys PROCURED LIQUOR THE nmi;'n.% 3. J. macs, Vicar of.1`rinity. ` -V More Thgrougli. oimuou or Tcnnpon. qua cou;u'v or. smco: AND"?!-l.l D 'I`he__average itizeu of Barrie prob- ably does not realize the cons:ta.nt~ drain imposed ` upon rtlhe, town by the exodus of the young men and women who have to go away to nd 3. eld for their energies.` .-The .V'ery fact that they have the ambition and the courage to leave thier uaztve place! is a proof that they possesethe quali-5 ties which would make them most, vah1a.b1'e..citiz_en`s if they could be in-j duced to renia.in,- -bu,t_under presenrli conditions there -is: little to `keep them h_e\'e.\ One will meet more Barrie-.*born! -men and women in g,_ Half-mile stroll along Yonge or King..stzreeta in To-1 ronto anyrfgtbmoon Itha.nvwill be seen in`_`th e, same distanceion sue; Dun1op_Jsti1'eeta. f`.A/_ prophet is not` _wibhout h`onor `pave in his own con-net try,..-`and it eanfoqq Jircumietance the aenarrie boy can so mo oriniai. .androan'~Orii1_?ia. boy come to. Barrie 8.n;l1;t "0?-9h`"eeur.ra Batter sultry. bhan*vh;* 0I.11ii' : 11099 i.fo'r in; "`.+1ii:,.. ;`ho1.ne ;.;.town. r {M2 jd`~ -; * n -e "`-Jo1d ;; i'3:?s1.ui{;$ 1;; necessity,-3 in seeki! ing_to secure Bait`-ie s iqd_1i;`stria1; ad! ; van 21:0 f-9,tt6.9l1*PVt, to mice , es+* Jfmnei fr?! mt mesa; '"`.=v. "aw ""7 l","`1"""` v- 5"--a v-v-- or selling at low rates. to new indus- tries. An enquiry as rtlo the methods followed' by other towns, Berlin, Owen Sound` and Petea~boro_ for Lexgmple, would!` reveal obhegf legitimate ways of encouraging the ostlblishment of in- dustries, to the great! mutual advant- age of both-pa rtie& `co sauoh. transac- tions. ' ' I T - truly laid' for creating one of the bus- , iest, as it is. now undoubtedily the prettiest `and healt-Ah-iest, of t:h'e7embryo cities of. the Province. Barrie '9 great- est: problem now is the securing of more industries, and it is a problem calling for the best; thought of every citizen, from the humblzest to the u wanna. van-u ovuuuwvnvu LIKUU UVIIII VVUII` Cl.lI.l cash bonuses to` industries `is happily gone forever. A The practice` is illegal, uneconomic and` ouneth-ical, but there are other inducements which can be oered to prospective manu- facturers without sacrificing the in- terests of the ramepayens. Between Alland-ale and Barrie are -stretches of vacant and! otherwise worthless land; adjoining the railway, A which are capable of making emollient factory sites,,`and it would not! be an unwise . speculation for the-`municipality tobuy these for the of giving them ...: n-....1v`I.. .. A`. `An: onuus -I-as nan! `manna- highest. The day of the free gift of I 1 1 Barrie s natural beauties and geo- graphical situation are valuable as- sets, but something` more is needed to enable it to maintain a steady` and a healthy growth.` Witih` V a community, - as with an individual, industry is es- sential to true matexial-progress and prosperity, and manufactories are the vital organs which maintain life in the civic body. Much excellent work has been done by Barrie council, board of trade, parks commission and the citizens in -general to ma.ke `this town an ideal. spot in vvthioh to dwell, and the foundation has been we1`l- and L_._-`I__ 1.31. A!.__ .4 .4530; AV B280 ` The East Half of Lot No. 17. in the 9th 001'!- cessnon of the Township of Vespra. 100 acres ' . For terms and conditions a vtltv *9 HLGH McBRIDE. Ema P.O.,0nt.. orA . _. LRESWICKE. Barrie. Out. 43-? BARBIE HORTICULTUBAL AND` crown Imrnovnumn: ' % Thn Anmml u-_u_~ _.._ uvua "sh vvu vvv\..l.lIIJ G-LIU. uuu UJ yCa$l'5 I ago, drinia ;has 'lways..had' leading! citizens who have A played a public spirit. and a. civic pride _that have not been witizessed toTa 'co_rresponding |de'g'ree' in Barrie. --.-....~...-.1 Va. sac ycvyu: it u 11] B118 face of disheartening . diiculties. -Candot compels the admission that so far back as twenty "and thirty yeasts nan- nrmag. Jmu nlmm... 1..`..:. 1.... -_..J _ -__ u .nrIu|LllV yclluuu. Itliwil-17, : no" doubt, be pointed; out in 1Barnie s defence tthaj: the. growth of its "rivals Ls lamfgelyvdue to certain ad- vantages which they possess. This argument_ may be readily granted in t,he,`,case of Co1lin'gwood-, whose situa- tion on oncfof the Great Lages made possible it.s selection asalocation for the big -ship-building plant which is `the town s chief` miainstay. But in the case of. Orillia, bhe`1>n1y consider-` able advantage `it possesses is its supply of ' c-heap "power, and that wasl se-cured only.` by the enterprise and in- it_ia'tlive of its people and in the Fang AF .`l:gl.m...c....:...... .::m---u!-- orovrjrn amr[svs;` j , .HI,-J. s_;tiA'r1s'rIcs `made .. public _.last week? [upon the completion , or the'I)on1jinion"._ce`n su.s, so far g they apply` to "the -popn`la.tion of ctvphe three Heading towns` of\ASim_coe County, should be a subject of grave concern 811d -`thoughtful study by the citizens ot`.Bargn'%;.- ,'I`his' is `no time for adoptingle tactics- of the ~os'ttric'h ` and-;~attemp;ting `avoid the lesson of the census by ignoring the `existing conditions, The County Town `has fallen lamentably behind in the-` race with H its nearest rivais, Collingwood "~ai1d"OrilI`ia.,,,and; nothing is to he gain- `ed by maintaining, silence about the fact. `It isitrue that there has appar- ,,ently1`ben`serious bungling in con- t `nection-with" the counting of noses an over Canada; but while it is probable that Barrie has more inhabitants than the 6,428 with which it is credited, the `same statement likely applies` to it the other towns in question, so that it 1 may be assumed that the published gures represent approximately the comparative progress made i `by, the three communities.. Barrie s - increase of only 479jinHabi:thnts in a decade . is not a matter of pride when it is Q known that .Ori1lia"s population of 6,835 includes an increase of 1,928, _ while Col.]ving'=wood s 7077 represents a T j`growth of 1,322 in the .s-a.me period. %9se.%5>~ cnvjc PROBLEMS I` A `quiet wedding was usolemnizedv at high noon on'Wednesday, October 11, the Rev. Mr. Legato oiciated, when Ednah Mae, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Roe, Crossland, was united` in marriage to Mr. Wm. G. __Story, Croaslanti. The ibride, who was given away by her father, was un- -attended and wore a gown of Brussels not over cream silk and carried a shower ~bouquet of bridal` roses and /lilies of thevalley. .After the cere- 1_nony_a dainty luncheon was served, the table decorations being yellow` and white chrysanhemums. Mr, and Mrs. Story left! onla ghort. trip, the bride travelling in a suit of dark. grey :broa cloth with hat to match and wearing I the -groom s ygift,a_ set of mink furs. --uv-s.u.a.J. nu an czsample DI WD$a17' the oil` that inebriates will do, this young man was harboring the delusion that `he was a warbler -of C_aruso s class, "and even oifered to hand V the ' burly oicer several! love taps. He landed` in the cooler because the police- 1 man had -an ear for sweet sounds in concord blended and' it pained him to hear the song getting such a raw deal; Next morning the amateur Caruso blamed it all: on the booze, and was let not! on suspended sen- tence -after cashing up $3.75 costs for fore the morning after. a his vocalistic 'stunts of the night he- -'l`.hi- nnkduvinx -not mold, and wiix-keep VuTnist'V`at1dpalatable. We have repeat ot`Jets"fIu:I| `every clu:b su=pplied last _,yg}z`r{= qlao` nnapy new 0l'_.(`l0!/8.` :_ ,,- '7"? _ InST-Sct of keys on a key ring marked _J "Prudential." on a. chain about 2ft loll! Fmdcr kinkly leave at the Advance` 011100. 1 ""-----:------------>-"` cl raj