1;. 1..-a ggmgd _I:o call cons to} amass namousmanou or our famous ` `b with I sto of thoinwest Europehnr-% American ' Fashion: in \ - (`)1-'% TORONTO I /g `o o a.- .4 Wmaga A `KT . 4 V Reprigsetitafive Any ` 4 Style be Demonstrated Free _v6i1I be gt-(1.5: % & m ARREARS FOR TAXES. Part or mu-:nEs'r TO ran: an. MAN 10 11 was nomwm 001,: ms... Lu ' Thoouae or Quality Hair-Goods 103-105 Yone48t., Eroronto, Ont. COUNTY OF SIMOOE. T0 WIT: c o o I o n o o c o U u I io TOWNSHIP OF stiNNIDALE ....... 19 6 14 TOWNSHIP OF INNISFIL TOWNSHIP 013* VESPBA. (L in registered 28th ~a rruuuu... .. .95-1!! glsvioted in the search? 81.1.61 hnd attended the Normal Sah9: F081`, and '96 3 3" "ability. She came fom13'i'7 Gb1H{ugwood.~ __._. ____. v -, ,. nnn ...L- luff. he? i" f for ih; lady who has thin hair, cannot be equglled. ALL OUR Goons are noted for their superior workmanship, exclusive $tyie,_nnd fine` quality of hair. Our Tgansformation --9 100- 14.86 3.30 18.36 . 8. 6 -A 5 1.53 3.50 5.03 .; i3_ - 6 100 ` 9.55 3.50 13.05 __11 11 85 14.23 3.50 17.73 ':-.-81114 717 3.65 3.50 7.15 f,.f.9t. 1 ` 5 . 1.61 . `dl1~.!l UESDAY-, the 19th day of lunnnn .,\'9.vI.-14 . 9'. 2.41 3.50 5-91 ,3. Lot Con Acres Arrears Costs Total ?DAn_1_L QUlNLAN,_ 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10.. 1o 10 10 10 10 1o 26 13 Tho\ only Sanitary an(iMp lconuti-acted toupee made. Inde- tectsblo, light in weight, strong, 4-perfectly ventilated. Worn and on- dorsed by physicians and medical men- Thuy are made in any styles, shapes or shades. Do not fail to call and see them. IE 16 16 _16 16 16 m_ 16 16 I6 16 16 16 16 f'.`lV`1A"ehsurer-, Cbunty Simcoe. got the Prize: Con-_ tut wo are con- lncun: tor. -`tho "tarm- % the 'ona1uom* 0 on or cumin. '"oo.[on` I 0 In prizes w1ll..b'_o;dwu"d-' v ed to oachlwovlnce. These prise: will `bq divided into, tour nouns. ocnsmlnl 0!: V . ' PRIZE "A" 100.00 to be V01! to on farmer in nah: Province who wt in lulu! 011 my oatownulhijr at bank of 0ANADA" Donn ., '-8 _ - ' Inn to tho lunar In out Provina who nun NOAH A ' non: {or the 3-rum: number of 13:12: ..'. 0'--V_-, 1-16 1-16 31-16 1+16 1-16 1-16 1-16 1s16 1-16 _ 1-16 1-16 1-16 1-16 -1-16 1-16 1-1 $1.24 . 5.47 33 30 30 2-1 24 24 24 24 24 35 35 35 32 32 Z32 $3.50 3.50 3.50 3.50 3.50 3.50 3.50 3.50 3.50 3.50 3.50 3.50 3.50 3.50 3,50 3.50 3.50 .T__RAV:E!-LETT3 CHEUES $4.74 . 51%; 3.85 3.85 3.85 3.82 3.82 3.82 3.83 3.80 3.80 3174 ll SJR EDMUND WALKER. d.v.O.. LL. p..;%b._c.L..L Iinesmeur ALEXANQER ALAlvRD. Ga_N:aAL'-.rqAuAaen VV ' r BARRIEBRANCH-4 a g 5.1. GRASETT. Manager. `$.10: $20. $:_5();..'$V1%(_)0___ang ., Farmers p.....- a It is understood. that the 0.113. had previously Imnde on 0191-" ` of settle- ment to the pleinti, in which -"ahey would allow `him $1,250 and a position , as station agent at Baxter it .a `of $40 per month, with tree light: and fuel, the plainti W Pl) -' $5.00 per month` rent. for the house. This pinin- ~tiR shad rIo_fused to consider -on -the ground bhnfit was not a guarantee of a. permanent poeirion for life. _ This is the` 'la1'gest;`~ amount ever awaurdeti in. g_, railway action in Sim- coe County`. Mr. A. E.H. C-reswicvke, K.C., appeared: for the .pl'ain1:i, .Mc- Murchy & Spence of Toronto" for the defendant company. It_ is reported that the C.P.R. will. appeeax the verdict. I rx;,~raaaar{3 '{'p3{;;}' vivm "be pleased to learn that there is at ileaet one `dreaded disease that science !has been able to cure in all rts stages, 3 and that his Czl1tarr'.h.t Hal-l s Catarrh Cure is to on y posi ive cure now `known to themedicall fraternity: Ca- tarrh` -being a. ctonstitutlltinzil dzseascz, requires a cons rtu 1ona__ rea men . I{aH*s Catarrh Cure is taken internab ly acting directly upon. the blood and mucous s`1(z1rf:;ces.n oi, ttihe system, thereby y es roy1ng- Q tion of the dise'as:e,: and`. giv- ing the patient "strength by hull d- ing up the constitution and assisting natutre inh doing its A w1'1orl,<._t.h The ` pro; prie ors ave so m-uc 81, m .1 _ curative powers that they oifer One Hundred Dollars for any case that it fails to cure.` Send for hat of trestl- monials. founda- | 1 I U'<|\ilI3IG'V yd. 'JOa9V'UU~lU Uilvfe-UIHAVW .Pru" vided for thegzouphng of the car with safety to -hihmrself! Answer: In` our opinion, not iuyder the cimcumstances.` (8) Do you nd;-negligence in the C. P. 3.! v(-b).~In thle. plfaintit (c) or in both oi. hem? Not answered.'. (9) If so, state briey what was the negli-' geunce in each case, Not answered. (10) If plaintiff is entitled to damages,` state how much. T The ` last question was answered by the jury returning a .VAYIil|_ A, `R000 00 ilnsnaanan 01;. `hi... vvnuhv .wu~1vvvuvu VJ VIIU Jul`, KC-Iillfl-lcll-|::87 III vet-dh.cb of $0000.00 damages for the plainti. .. 0 AA , ' 0 exercise pf -reasonable cafe have pro- vin far this nnwnhna 1:! 144` nun. Q.-:51. uoo nzwun, uoo; - D have no bearint -yehatever upon the quantity of cement used. - As a matter of tact. youriucceu in this con- tent wilildepend to 0. zreatextent on your careful t reading of our 160-page book. What the Former _ce.nDo with Cone;-ete.". In thin book--sent tree on` request to any mum. tuil _in`et2-uctione ore- -._ivu- no to the use; ot.jconct`ete. and. piano -totheveryvkind ottufm building: and farm utility; You'll tee the need of thin book. .whether'you'ire coin: _to_ tor e. ' A n ' ` so: 3n'ot..,;It.you have not jcotfyour.` em "rot. -wr|0_`.";f? It to-nun: A i I. > amen: econ; fl6.:-t-1 e s - in L4!reJi,~_.1:'t_|,'I_e7r"5t1o`_;~;'1-bl T ' ' v-uv.-v-u \J|\-Iv.:lIlI-7. van`! . .nuv 'ulIVVUlU\Lo I - . " ; I was Insured` m cm 2:533:23 %.?Z: 391:` a:;:a;:;;: quenoe of any dtefocbof he_m-mke-up f - V ` V . . ._ of the ca Answer: Year im out anlg :0 cure. for test: opinion, he was. (6) If he was so 'in- moma 8' V A ` ._ T . `-3;-egg, state [eveliyvh-ing -wh: you qd lmddgess F. .J_. CHENEY 85 00., T9. = 9 wrong. V nswer: car an , - 9 . ' ., question lacked the lagider on `end of_ . 3015 by" #11 dfuggfsts, 750. car and long lever equnmfenf used; by ! Tak_e:Ha1l s Family Pills for cone the 0.P.R. (7) Could plmntta, by the stipation.` , , * T you "wo`ixld. ` have" iittlb - chance ` "aunt . ,' Your no1sh'bor.'~ For rexnoxn`-- `bar. P:-Ina o_.nd. AJII |.-,, .W_$_1?{3`!`.E5 A L 12` `' `l"`:_I.Ig`_V;Y` %`1xu 1 `AND N `~.. Q -`l. l\\IAV_I_ I 4'15` ('5III` 111.4;-nu` V :oboC6ooo66Q9oobo636: L i djilrs Trais yhe `price t'o8 cevnvhg per quart .on N70-' lvember -1s_t2 ` . _ ; ` Mr. Baht. J. Wa]a1'1_u_;e ha.s sold '1`he A_11i.ston Hera,ld3 /to Mr, F. B; (E-l'1iott of `Pembroke, the transfer takingplace last week. ' . I pe"t.iti6n 11.as"'1),een Ila.id: beforev the Gltlwatem-,(2ounci1 to on a. repeal L0l_1 Option tome. . t Oril&ia. s ptib1ic.,sc%|1ol: teawhi-"ha\r:e `all-'beein re-engagetl for next "year. The salary totals $12,700, an. increase of $125 _ov=er a year ago. A - I Aman named) Finne;Iti`ren't`ed-~a bicy-' de in Colllingwood last sumzmetr anti made of with it. A warrant was` is- ued for unrest and~' he was tnaced` to Owen Sound, wevere he dlisappem-ed after` selling fhe w`-heel`. _On Monday of last week Ohief Borthxwiick received .wor~dAthat his man -had been arrested. In charging the j_nry,- His Lordship placed before them ten questions to. decide before bringing in their ver-i diet. The `questions were as` follows I (1) Was the car in question owned: -by the C.P.R. or another company! Answer: Car was owned by another company. (2) Were. the car tftinge. reasonabliy safe for the employees of the (lP..R_. in t!haeeueua.1. operation of: the read? Not answered. (3) Was the phainti, hraving regtard to all the cir- vcnmis/tancos, in his method! of arrang- ing the gear in the coupling of the can`, acting in good' and proper prac- tice? Answer: Notzzihaviiig received cincuflalr `No. 4, we,` think `he: wc{t9d.` to the 'best of knowledge. (4) If not, wherein did he err? - Not _answered~.A IE\ 117-- ._`|-!_.L!- ___0,,.__ 3. "T Th Coldwa.tei~ Ladies Ipsti:tute'"have! rented. a large reeicien-ce as a `house of 'acc'aniIx_n odatian. Thvev hotels 'hav9 been cglosed since Local" Option came `in I force. i There-is a tumor in Orilzlia that; the C.P.R. is negotiating for the purchase of th-e_Qu.een s Hotel-', Orlia. It is tated: that the company intends to re- modiel and; enlarge {the present build- ings to the} full aize of the property and make it a. wt-class ` A drove of cattle `crossing Mad River eUriJdge_con 2.,, Sunnidale, cane- ed its -collapse. _ The man in charge and cattlae escaped injury. The bridge was used; for engines: and fhreshing outts this season`. '1-'he'vibra-tion caused by" animals running over iong bridtg-es causes a much greater strain than heavy loads as is _eviden.ced by this` _accid'ent. L - A pettition .`signed by Mr; R. E. Stevenson, 37.8% and -a number of oherxjs is in circulation asking the Gov.- ermmaetnf. to send -an Inspector t-o'in- specta the Toll Road; -running from the Holland River to_ the Hoand Landing. . n . . . , -LIIV \JUl`Ulll5 W UII\.I- JJIJ V71`!!! IUU C O 6 Rev. W. F..OarpentesrLof Ivy -occupied t:'he.pu1-pit .of Al*lSaints Church, 001- -lingwbod, at both? services on Sunday, not `It'll ant`: noun ll-uni-ck a`.A4\nAnI- nun} - `Petitions are in circulation in Elm-E vale an-cl` Flos whioh wm be presented to the County `Council, requesting that body to give a "grant to assist in mak- ing a .passubie roadiway to `She new bridge oven the Nottawaeagaf at The: Beaeh. V ` . ' ~ ] ' Mr. F. W. O Brien pf Creemvre has in his orchard 96 pI\uma"tme-`ea. They occupy less" than one acre of ground, A108 -the number to an` acre. From bhese 96 trees be marketed` 881 baskets besisdseas what he used: other-wise. This is,seertta.inl~y4a gooci record. _ -- If the;i'e is -o'ne.th`ing more than ann-' other that Bradford !b.'as needed for a number of years, it is 3, covered skat- ing. `rink. Mr. T. G. Fisher is about Ibo -`axpeimi $6,000.. "in .-'t:he~"erect`ion or: one. me. rink win be 900 -ft.`x185, land the gallery Wm hold 1,A009rpeop1e. -ungwoiou, at now services 'sunoda.y,! I.0o.t. 8th, anti; gave both eloquent and inst-ruc3toiv e addresses. No. Co1l':ingw'ood .' Enterpfise sayszy PAC! W I` nwnnban 4-.` Turn .Junncno\:AJ.` lash. Plaintiff was riding on the rear. side ladder trying Ibo -raise the lever which releases t-ho pin in the coupling. It is alleged that this love? was short,` and` plaintiff -had to atop on a.` mug of the luddem wslmic-h he ulilogod: was .loooe,,, thus" losing his bal-auoowchen the car gave a jolt. VH0 faboneath `bhocaro, one] of `which passed; over right arm. Tihe _ra.i1roadgcompan'y rad tho. plaiutid removed` to u` hoapitaJ' in To- ronto. and otore-d to . pay for the am- putation of the injurudv limb. This the family objected to and sent their own physician to bring the injured man to the R. V. Hoapita-1, Where, after oe_vora.1: days, amputation at the shoulder n-ally took pIiaoe:.- The case 18ts6d'_f0l' over a day, four witnesses .,being -ctalld 'for etach. side. - `-1 nrcvou: mar CAUGHT. water rnnoan names. ` ----_u was. I?U'll.ll73 Il'ol`1 je}`d0r[ brohhenf n'obi_4:ed - this lad: V :- ing crow the delay, on. on him: what was -wrong ~vaa_nsbovun_d9ed, tohea* the: 1197 N91! snins+ crazy." :0 rem % wan c;-.1: Grosa + 9tiiue17< his` heist? Ton` p . 7 ismucx nun LOSTMEMORY Vtirain to. bring` A case of considerable` -interoawt to 1`.ail?roa-(Em-on am over the country was tried here Friday and samaay, it be- ing the concluding case of t1he'Fa1l -Aasizas. Roy Stong, a. brakemnan, sued the 'O.P.R. for $10,000 for the loss of his right arm, the jury awarding mm $6,000 and costs. This uocidout occur- red` at Bolton Junction`, on tho Toron- to-Sutibury Line on the 18th of March `- Braefbi wacmah; 1 e,`ewsam~ Agave, was _ t-he ea.usve*.ofe_'.theo {;..of-ff Mrs: Francis.-';Ga.siselL9 as . the `.V:`agee.o :fj` 32`. years, in = St. `Michael s;, ; H_`pSpitl,- Wed- Jiesday flsast. e Frank, as; he _was e1,u_h_1owh here, was employed by Mvr.j_.Ge o.o. Ogil- vie from 1901 to 1907.- He th,en`wvent to Barrie and f1:om_ `Barrieto Beerton, where hevetarted ix; 'bu_s-iness; for him-_ self. He sold- 0:189" there `um! took a posi'ti'on_in Toronto, which he held` un-` til his illness. The funeral was` held. under the auspices of t5h.e,C.M .B.-A. -to Mount Hope Cemetery. The, chief mourners were: Mrs. C`assels,' Bond` Head, mother of deceased}. and Mrs. Joe- Kanaey, aunt, of Bradford; 1 What are you doing` up '- theta : Baid (P. C. `Sweeney to a man on 3 `I353 der in the lanemzny next to Wi}1iarm s Grocery Store about midnight ,day. Thrice wastthe interrogation put without eliciting \ny from the man on the ladder. The police acrobatic stranger, and commanded. him to desc'end= to term rms. which proved to be the d-ownwandi path"to'hat leads to jug. He -gave his name as McGroven of Penestang, but when ar- raigned in the police court next morn- ing that this cagnomen was an alias, his real name being William McAnbhur from. the seaport town of A113 W -on u1lA11n\&a- .v\14..,n `an i man then as.hed~ h:i.*a bulls-eye on the All of wAhi ch xnitted. . . 4 2nd. We. wc$u1ad: re'counu1ecnd- that suitable s'1eeping~_accommql'a.tion should be providid in the Court House for jurors, who in- the discharge of their duties may be covmcpeld-edv to spend the night under" custody, and% that more atevntion `be paid.` {)0 light awd ventila- tion in jury rooms; These improve- ments, we bel-`ieve would: tend to the better discharge of the responsribilties wh-icuh daelvolve upon the` jufymen. an -3 __u_:`.u_ 2- DOWN WE T0 mg `qua : I A 191:. ,.We `have visite41' and jnspecbed the C.a1int;y~Jaila_-and have fotind it in a most excellent condition. '1`-he eno ' tire premises indiicatze-. eicienti manage- [menm and a due regard? to clteanlnesa innit` nnnnnnnw `IVA --1... _.:1.1.'- _-L,AI _.-----. --.- up vuuv ovecusur VV-\Dl'Vl-lllllle aud.economy.. We note with"-satisafac- tion the many. Tinprovennern-ts which (Inning the past years Ilavevbeen eect- ed in the jail -building and in. beautify- ing the jail grounds. undiar the direc-" hion of the present Governor, and, hope that he may be spared to continue `his work. - , . L bis Sudden Rise in Life Cost ion: Collingwood Man `$5.00 { and Court Costs. < I MI-IV Ir` UUWII U1. l mgw -ve dollars plus the nnnfa can-an &}.n 1.31:`: 3.. :`InnI-gr. .I-.uQ1I} vvuwo.-6 vvkvvvw a `VI: 1Ia"a'|.IvJ B1357 VIIV costs was the bit! for being drunk and: disaordea'1y, and as he was L 0:1: or the Arooih of azlll evil`-he was ' to scjourn at Caevtleshssns for. " the period of one calendar month. ~* Kind` friends sent he money down and: Wil - :1iasm will ta.l;eean`et!1ie'r'gueas before agaijn atttevmpting. to. reach the top of the laddetr, eszpecial-Ly when Itihie ladder is against another e 1 He n wnunnaa 6.11 1:` L A. `.`u_ls1u 1-`A-` LIm3`n. -{nun ll Roy Stona Awarded Damages Against P. at Auizea` Last W eek.--A Case of Interest to awaymen; ' ` V ---C. P. Re `Will% Appealth, Vertlicf. I Grand Jury Note `Many lrnrovc-VI 1 meat: Around Jail Property.` ~ ,___.____-_ -yJ `-- We, the G-.ra;1y'..:]'uI1'!y, beg to report as fplslowxsw: . . ' . ' " }PRAISEroR I` CWNTYJAILER Barrie, Oct. 12, '\1911. To `His Lordship Chancel-ltor Boyd-: `IT- 1.`..- l\_,_ , can 1330-onavv olalvuslvn 9 averted: that he tahoug~h:.wi':`:h:i`I:` was a hotel and he wanted! accommodagion for the night. `/ I Recommend Beds for ERNEST c. DRURY, Eoremm. Prom Dillon Port. Parry . Sound mph-Act. Iaut_Wook.- _ - .1:>my',sonnd,=oat,12.J -- The disap- ' 00 ~Vt!et. .agBd 192` .Din P0) great _eyxgi1:ozhonj_ vi_n tjhnt louatity, caused Th: bow mamoa. but it l has a W " lose his F A thought -he will 8 -`"'3T;""?'`T'L % % $0,000 FOR LOSS or ms ARM] 13 19 20 L 21 :23` ;` . ,.E_1, . f`w,`?3")L`_..A.._,[ ..{ .4.,..'.....`._._`_.J . 3 :14 17 13.00 17.7 T 1sw;g 7'15 '-":9; % I }' 9 1.4 9' .. '9 14 1,31 .m 5.11 .{ Jriutako pinch on TUESDAY dnv %owx 'p.url_; in` the com House. V.\?'J.. .1'...":.'."' .'...`."9LlOIOIIoIuo .3 " IV`OOI_O,-.O `Q-Q-Q-DOOOII9:00 ` ~- Advance, Barrie, on Thursd:-1_\'. Al1g``5t ; on Saturday, September 2nd, 1911- I0 11` 12 13 14 15 16 17 an`: 7t._ne hogrof wiiro o. c14ock -'i__nV' the aftomoon, at the Court House in the Town.of_Barri2e, to sell by Public Auction so much of the said lands as may*b au';oint` to_ xlischarge -the taxes and all lawful charges ~in'curnod in and about thoXaa I'e and collection of the same. This fol1~owi~ng_ lots are patented (excopt where otherwise stated): No. . By vi;-tuo of a "warra1_1t issued= by -the Warden of the County of Simcoe, bearing date the 22nd day of Angmt; in, the year of our Lord Nineteen Handled` EIUVQII, and 1'46 `me diveeted, commanding me to levy upon the `several -mntioned and described, being in the County of Simw,-oe, for arrears respacti-vey"due theneon,ntogether with my costs, I hereby give notice punsuant to the Assesgment Act. and amendments thereunto, thatuu- less the said a.rregrs`and costa-be sooner paid, I shall on courrrv or SIMCOE Treasurer sSa|e of lands j upgmjznwann SANITARY p_.'rEg~41_` '_IT'0UPiI-IE .QUl3EN S HOTEL, BARRIE, < [sailed by The Canadien Bank oi` omaierc niosut `form in which to carry money when travelling. Vi They are negotiable- everywhere, self-identifying`, and the exact` amougt` payable in, the prin- cipal foreign -countiries. is, printed on -the faeefof every che qu'e-. The ` cheques areissued in denominations Cvf j . Q3. 4:. `:4 -4.--- Prgf. D6rnwend s SWITCHES % __ TRANSFORMATIQNS Pouuoouas _ wAvI:s - Fnorrrs % cons HA: R Go 0 as W . W `Elm St. No. W Elm St. N0. E Elm St. No. E Elm St. No. E Elm St. No. vv -auagu J ,Wa.sh St, No. 6, 1 .Wash St. N0. 7 Wash St. No. 8 '1'} Cedar St. No. E` Cod-at` St. No. B Cedar 81;. No. E Cedan St. No. _E 'Ce'd'a.r St. No. E Cedraist. `No. W `El-m St._No. 9 'uesday, December 5th, 1911 Pt Niy as des_c;l;ed deed No. 87861 ' -7 - v, -V: v. -y- f,` -7 cw: j_Ci 117$, /V - - ' nd may be obtained on applicat`;_onIat the'Bank. ,, _ . .. ; In connection with its Travellers` Chequ_e'_s.)The Canadian 7 Bank of , Commerce has issued a booklet entitled Information of Interest to those about to t1avel, whioh will be sent free to anyone apptying for