wnu THE CHURCHES. THE RIGHT `or -WVAY.." supp1ement%t TRINITY `cmuwn- Lot" TLa.st.4 Sunday the anniversary servic- es of the, Methodst Church were held in the atlernoorn and evening. The weather was ideal and large curowds attended `both services. ` Rev, W. S. Irwin of AAng11e gave two excellent dis-courses. Special music was provid-- ed -by the choir; The free-will offering -amounted to nearly .$50.00. mun `Inna: T .4\.. A-`In `A3 `L.-- '_._J.-___. _ J ' wm1&:1j8.;vU]`.;A:av1';` uI:f':`1`1-`g.v h.a:<'1u'_u;x.zzs "Irertu1'ned.' -from visitingher aun3t1,AMIrs. W. Rey- nnlin n*P-"Raoul: D Il01'ds V0177 ";l5o"l;* BARRIE, ONT., O_C'I.`. 1i9,% "FM-;. % '6\;i`i1`i;J`C`:;'JI.1v?pI)eE!i z;;`&vs:i`;:;. `Olive of Cooksttown, visited! at their uncle's-, Mr. '1`. Ke1'1"s on Sunday. ` ' 1-O J-l\Ill.5'lal\I\l\IvI ' u"1`Q[I':ui-`l;d- Mrs. J. P. Ca.~r_r of Thornton spent `Sunday wi tfh friends here. TM`- \'xr.:11:.. :m..`.....\rL...1n .....:I ....:....:..... -n1:__- II wasp VVIVIJ {J1-L\/Ll flll J-JWI}'I5U34Iao `Mr. and .Mrs. W.`Wonc~h of. Ki1ly- leagh Iand; Mrs. T. Lorugheed and Bert of AlIlla,nda.l'e_3, srpent Sunday T Mr. and' Mrs=..H.- Lougiheed. ` 1\,r.. ......: 1|,r..... T `n n-....v-n fl\`I.-._._L-__ f ' `133.; 'lgdwi"dang unis week with riends at Bethesda. ` 1r__ -__j `II_._ 111 1 n -cry-as {'ii;I Jf,"1iI.i.7e'i.ts~on ; 9: sum: ma M1~s. Munsha. w of Toronto visited Mr. W.- J. Andrew's on Monday. `Ilium DJ- A-..1.u...-..... ... ........_.!l..._ J.lI.:... 0('Jt\.A _17.-Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Paljling of Fort William -have 'been.visvituing the forme-r s fat;her._ . V ' { Don t forget the dlate. V Prices. will be. made to suit everybody. Dan t miss this event, even if you do not go to the theatre again this . - -1- In ULJO 113 , UUUNULHUU with __the xpgr-b acting companv of Sanford Dodge, togedrher with the bean- tiful scenery, and property effects, "will make bhis- production I the dramatic $enLsa.tion of auhe seasorg. V ~I'n-this_p1a.y, which W31`! .be present- ed at the Grand d`0p_e`-ra House on Sat- urday, October 21st\, by M-,1-. Sanfocrd Dodge and} uh-is` splendid company, we` not" only have a. story by one of the g're'atest of modern authois, but `we have 9. play made from` this story by one of the greaitpst liv'ingbp1'aywri`gh`ts, Eugene Pr/esbery. r1`he.se,`,comIbined 1-u-H-1. +1.... ;...-..;....1.. ..,.4r . _ . . .............-- `A horth as elijve with-' .ar_moap'here of _tl,1';gt interesting and moun- '1;ry `and `its peop!e. V_ this. worndbrul! eldi For many" years . . 01' . to haven been overlooked by the novel- diet and dramatist alike, lbtuktk -of late years. it: is coining into its own. Such: plays :asd'1Whe Wolf, Pierre of the Plains) and many others have ahei.rI scenes `raid in Canada. It remined, however, for Sir.` Gil-bertn `Parker . to vsrite the greatest of 'aJ.'1"modern novels and give it a wonderful setting among 9 `the cities, `mountains. and beautiful in his. many _ rivers and!` to embody charactens, absolutely correct anima- tions of the diversied types` found in` the childre-n of ` ` The Lady of the Snowe . - romance seems. 4 'IVh~e inaugural meeting of.t1me Trin- it_\' Branch of the Anglican Young PuopIe s ASS'Ocia.tIi0n was held. on Tues`- JA:1_\', ()c.1;. 17, a good altttendance of members, both old; and-` new being [~1'o..~:e11t in Spite of the d0Wnp0'u:'! of min which, however, dumped` neither rhoir ont-hrusiasvm. nor epircite. After a brief ex-pI ana.ti0n of.th1e._dbjeIc,t, and! work of the Aeszsociation Ihadl been giv- ` on by `the Vicar, the folowin.g aimersi wow pleated: Pat-ron, the Vicar;`Presni- drnt, Mr. F. T. Short; Vice P.nesi:dIent,. .\Ii~_;.s C`. Scott; Secretary, Mr. R. C. H\\'in;r: 'l`rre-a.surer, Mr. F. Banting; lixemt ive Committee, Miss J. Drury, Mr. 0. Lawrence, Miss Stnoteslbury. It . w.--.' looided to hold meetings weekly rm 'l`uosday evening, the next meeting 4 In-ing Oct. 31st. A programme was er- ' r.-m;_rm.1 up te the endof the year and .-Mor the membershsip .roI-I- 'ha.d= been ~:;;,v-nod by a number of new members, Hw remainder of `Luke evening was ~,mnt in a. social manner, refreshments Ewing; served by the ladies of the .`~`u(:i0ty. - 4 1' 1 1 ] (' ` HOLLY. 1.911. We J1zea`1'Zp`fj_V:a)',"- 1'rav1I1atized Book of Job. Wi1l"the people have patience to hear it`! ' .- T ' _you like preseawed: pachea hAvWo`ma.n of 40 may be a pom-,hg-ir TIY- `l_-__ 1V1AULaAJ:H1}JN-1n: Barrie, on Friday, October 13tlh, 1911, William Douglas 1' Ma.cL'aren, D.D.S.,v in `his: 43rd year. WILKINSON--o-At Ith-e residence of her son, Mr. John ,M.etcaIf,. Stroud, on Friday, October 13th, 1911, Mrs. Amelia Wilkinson, aged} 91 years, 6 months and: 16 days. ` "'I`:he Rig*11tT(T)1r Z -S;ay" .by' Sir Gbeft : Parker is a story of_- the Canladian CASSE_IB-At Sb. Miohanels Hospital, Toronto, October 4t.'h, Francis ~.Cas- sels, tailor, of `Toronto, .,and for- merly _ of` Barrie, aged 32 years. NUNN--On Friday,` Oct. 13th, 1911, at her late residence, 356 Spadina `D Avenue, Toronto, Ada, dgarly b'e-1ov- ed Wife of George Nunn, and eldest daughter of `Mr; and Mrs. Frank V Penstone,v Barrie. MACLAREN-In.~ Barrie,___on _Fri-_d_ay, l'\-.A._L._`__ 10.111 -on... M-cDOUG-ALL--In Barrie; on VWe.vd'nes `Ann n..4.-1...... 1u.1.. 1... mr. .___.-1 -u-__ _ * . BORN. ~ KEI:LAND-A|t: the R. V. Hospital, B'arrie, on Saturd'ay, October 14th, a son. to Mr. a.nd- Mrs. A. Kel`.l'and `. of'Wes't_ John St. . I vvo Auuvtlva ALL. \ll.IJ' VJ. UA-IU IJIIIIJI-KID U-L Legislative Olmmbrer. , He was one- of th-e_o1dJ. settlers of Simcoe -County, anudris survived` by a grown up family. Ex-Waridlen David Dunn is `a brother and, Dr. Dunn of Edmonton a nephew. An inquest will be` helid` at Gookstgrwn to-day. _ % ' 3"__' M;'.T was -nearly setirety years` old, and lived; on `Welmeslby street, To-. ront_o. Mm. Dunn diet} four years- ago; `After her` d ea1'ah `he gave up the % farm and went to Toronto. For. the last two or three sessi-one: he thad been a. door-keeper in one of the lobbies` of Ian T.An-:n.1usI-3-A t`l"I...-_...L.... `YT- _...... ____ J ' simooe 'on Temparary > Stat!` of` Parliament Buildings Met Tragic Death Near Oookstown. - V.Wlia'mA Dunnu,:`on'e of .tIhrev temporary- sba` of 19110 Provincial: Depa`rtmnen_t- of Ag`-ricu.1'ture, was killed by a. G..'1 .R. train wvhile driving over a level cross- ing north` of Cookstown Mo`n9d'ay night. He was dxriving "across from Barrie. ~ The horse escaped, but thue,'bugg'y.was smaswhedi, and Mr. Dunzst body was bady, m'angl'e_sd. ` V A `AGED. 'VEVM.' D'..U.NN'. xnim `_ VIO1'IMOP Lnvnz. onossma U \JI4.a. 1 .uv.cy1 .L SC", vu. V1 UU.l..lUD' `E357, octr 13th, to Mr. and Mrs; John ` McDouga1, B'radford > St., a `Jan-n ' Advance _ Friday, Iona TWA. (-1.... [`ho chuildren s in the `atuer noon was attended. not -only by" the members of the. Sunday School` but a mmsi.(1era.bIJ number of panents. and ohilclren, when the Vicar" .add`ressed* them on The Cnhilds Duty .to"God, and the Sa_.crame-n'h of /Holy . Baptism was adiministereds at its clioae. A111 the servicesfwere we1`l attendeds. .%nnd`ay ]a.st`.was" oIbTserve-ds as .Chii'd- men's Day in Trinity` ohungh, wheni . w`ere_prea.ched `by the \'i.c:n' at both the morning and: even- ing; services. In the -morning: ltthe stub-A jm-f treated was T`J1e Greatness. of `him.hoor1 and its PosIsibi1iti4e?e, and) in the evening The Reas/pons:i.`bi1If1'ties_ of Parents) was dealt With. ` ~ cams-.r ammon. '.[`-hqe rector wil1_ ta.k`e` uh_,e'me gfrlxe .};n3a.E) m(:1"n1:f `The Power;-S of The Eloodhgy ? dl 1n,-the evanu-g, T11-e Christian ibhle Sa.lt . _of_ the lCa.r.t1h is the paut.or sv subjdcltfoi--the morning a.n'dJ Ghf1'E'lBfh 8 .A!biJity" I00 Keep for the evening.` T T V ' comma s'r. METH6DIT om: T 611'