K-:II'i-gve Be`nn t . asked :wh:t became_ of the. booitb and coats sent dver to No. _6,'"an`d_ no ~om} knew. _ .- 9 Deputy Craig ~will` investigate _an1 report. ` . Ald. Evans ':had' $5.00` granted*~t'Q_; wards "cleaning a ditch on the south side. of"Gu1n:berl;a,nd\ St; . H6 and` Ald. Lese also got $5.00 for cleaning the water tables` 91; William St. ' \_ p i-non BIOYE' ` 4 8`U'$'1'-LAINED INJ'UBIE -L`-` any new Qfer put th'er9, asked7 Evans. L . j v"` I don-`t select them, ` ansswered. Deputy-` Craig,- f"thata s not _ny_ busi- nnsn, beoh t-hei-e buxf alwaj*`dis- appeared." ` T V ' ` v 51--. I` ' "' `' "..`-' "' '-." ,I.__}nc.s.._, .Vic:u;_. ....,.... u..,............,., ...... VVVICII .. _..- ..... . '_en up by the junior and-senior` classes; in each form. In c-Buneltion with t_.hV_isA In-spe,-ctonsfv Day and; Garvin" met the: `Edcationalv ` "Committee " of " the `Gaunty Council on; "Imesday and; raid,-' }the matted`-"`before` them . `V It was .sug~,g '<' gfesfetf that `only _onCe{teac'11er.from each Irmzpecorabe :*.b f1.198n; WE9. zitblg th I I tl:r e_ev TI ;.fw9}_:}(1. "b9 5,` `_"Qf' si`_i_L:,_'7 .'lV`l)'.,_` .. Copnpgl MEI l).__k-esiyag` wMr. A. F. Hunter, M.A., gave a short and int-ere-sting reviewyof the f `History of the County of Si_mcde, Mr. T. H. R-etdditt, M.A., dlisrcussing 5 `English Gra.mma.r- and Professor Alexander, of Toronto University, _Liteu'ature. In his address, Prof. Alexanderisaid he would divide all litemitnre intotwo -glasses,_t'hat writ-_ ten for information "and! that` written .in- a. sense, purely for pleasure. ' He contrasted-` the our readers with those in use. at the present d'ay,.epointi-ng. out that, although `the g-elelcrtions in our present text books are written in as pwr-e English as the` older ones, the new "ones are more inti.-re.sting, A `thus inviting the attention - and study of theep;npir- . L e . M}; 71*, H. .ReddLt_. -M.A.. drew at-A ten't.ion to some of the more common errors made'-'b_v_'.entran`ce pupils, `ant? -his -.. ineter.prert.atian as,-- an examiner -' of certain questions which migeht be con-. sidered amb`ig1`1-ous., . His paper was practio al `bar~'of'* great" bmet- to the *toea.che.1"s in iprepaftjing-ent?_x-ance" rupi!?ii2:;:Vsr2I*si!#t-i ` .. ,4? ~. ..._ . ` Vres3i1;ib'z14 `wlra-sv -pasussegd V't_1;.zz tT -.th;ree teahers from each _insp`ectOrate be asel-ected in. conjungztiovry with?-hpg.`.',In- I-:; )T'e'c'tor`s, to d: w up _a.new Limi't 'I"1me... Table;-dIe1u'.mi't'i` 'f.t4heT -`Wm-1;` to be tak-_ A , no; rain kcv `nun. -|uun:A9 - ;_Iia.pecto$- . ,`$xt$jc.t'% .`.was .. 11 ` j % A F.Arik-hmfsts: `A ` PT-ie`T.M x `(in-IV':>. - evening" ai 1'P1..\? -1 eliverear Mr. Prendergast `also spoke on Practical Ari*thme'hic in_a most en- tertaining way. `l`1f a farmer `said to his` son: V`-How much cement will it take` tobuild .3 wall of given dimen- sions? would i the-' son fresh. from school be able_ to answer! said' Mr. Prendergast. The teaching of ari'th- metic should- be done along lines which would give _'to the scholar the: best practical insrtmction.` Compound in-. terest. Should be taken up by en :-rance classes, and although a pupil s3hou1d- not be expected to memorize all: t'abl'es of weights, measures, `etc.,'__h'e should a.t least be able to well at any time just where he could lay his hand on the dtxsircd` information. Alb this. practical age, practical instruction was the "key"- note of success. The.t-eaehers general- ly were delighted with Mr:~Prender-i gast s able and cntevteaining address-.l DC. | vvuvu-uaklvzalj 1LL3bUry ' was an extremely interesting review of `tube history of the world from the period where the text books left o' to the present time. He especially pointed! out the growing dominance of Germany in shaping the pol-iclie-3 of Europe,~the triple eutente really being formed to _.1'esi:st_ Itlhe encroach- ments of Germany in Europe, and not, as many thought, to rule the world. I `(M 1-\ i `Mr. -Prendergast, who. is connected with theteaclring sta of the Toronto Normal School, made an appeal to the tease.-hers `to encourage` style in Com- position. It is .notsufcient for apupil to be able to _write. grammatically correct sentences,'if the vital in'tce1-e`st is n'ot_inco,rpora,ted in the story. His paper on Contemporary History extremplv in1>rm-+3.... .-....:..-- mmrsd~ay' and iF1i-.id'ey were peaagd; gues . days -in Town, the occaion be-` j _ing the `33,rd annual` convention-. of the ' Nor-eh Simcoe. Teache`rs iInsti'tnite. The meetings were held_._ in Trinity" Parish gall, and'the"'gfreatest interest was- xnanifested by_ the teachers who as _ semlbledn in the exce11~en'b papers` de- livered by the speakers. , `Mr. `C. McKenzie of , Cpllingvrood was in the chair until the oicere for the distinction of becoming President was conferred `upon Mr. J a:s.'Ma.rli'n of Ba.rrie. The other oicers are: Vice Preusidenvty Miss Birnie, Col-lingwood; Secretary-, `E. iSh ear, Barri-e; Com_.mit-` tee, J.` E. Morrison, Barrie; W. Wager; Elmvale; G. 'Sntherlan`d', Avenin ; Miss Elrick, Fergusaonvale, and Migs / Duif, . L Mayor `Beecroft ::%ended the open- i'n`g?meeting and ex ded the freedom of the town to t e Educatiohi-sts, Dr. Palling, ;in behalf of the Board of Educati_on,`,al-so inviting them to enjoy themselves while visiting the] County Town. Rev. E. R. J. Biggs conducted a short "devotional exercise] KKVHL- VIVA. ' ` the ens'ning..ye'ar `were elected, when ' ` The"ad-dre`ssee.s of Mr. Prendetgast on ` ` Composei-t.ion, -, `.` Contemporary His? tory, and . Practical Arithmetic were replete with interest to those engaged in the important responsibil-' i-t-yVof imparting knovsedge `toe the young; g . , ._ T .(.. vvavuux C`ACl'U13Cn '.[`.he Tec.lTrer~ s`Dut.y In and Out. of `the School Rdom ? wasdiscussed. by Mr. C. `McKenzie, who referred to. the inuences for good that? a painstak- ing teac11'er'-could exercise in any com- munity. ` " ~ - - Adam. and Preentauon` ' it `An- nual Meeting of Tegchen Insti- T `tuteF-Mny*l_mt1:ucve. % amen sc00L %lNSPECTORMlLIS PaApe`r; Read. . A large number of brobher oioers! find friends came to Town for the} funeral," among them `being: Mr. Jas. Webster, of Bathursst, 13413., and for- merly Supt. of the Northern Division of. `the G.T.R. at Alland-ale; Major F.` L. Bu-rt-on, Lieut. Robt. Henderson, Lieut. "l`a.rb'ush, Co1`.eChadwi_ck, Major Gorcton, Major Beckett, Major Riches, Captains Angus -and Drake, a.ti'd- Lieut. Harry Strathy pf Toronto; Lieut. Tud- hope of Orilliia and Lieut-. Telfer of Co11tln`gwood=. ` ` - A n:emoria1_ service? was held in the! `Brslgyterian Church on Sunday even-,' - ' ` , I The funeral was held on Monday{ afternoon, it being one of the largest} attended ever *hel. Barrie. Rev. Dr. McLeod, assisted! by Rev. David MacLaren-, of Toronto, a cousin of the deceased-, conducted. the services. The. pall bearers were the three brothers, John E., J. A. and Leslie, Dr. C. H. R. Clark of Newmarket, Mr. Walter ,T\Y!....J--..._ - 7l1......_L... .....Iv ll. `I"\__..`lJ' .Beautiful oral tributes were sent! from the ofcers of the 36th Peel Regt., from the ofoers and non~com- miesioned ofcerst -of -the Missa.u,g*a Horse, and from his former associates in -hock'ey'circle.s. Ten "years ago he was man-_ied to` lMiss' Georgie; Maconchy, who survives him. T` He is survived` by his father, Rev. '.\1ex. M_acLa2'en.t of Hami1ton..and four brothers `and three, sisters. They are: Major D; H., of Barrie, who is at present in Scotland`; John P. and two] sisters of Ottawa; Leslie of Prescott;| M1-s`. Martyn R-. Caldwell of Denver, C-oAL.: and J. A. of the Barrie Examiner. \ ~ n g 4 ,5 V`. AIVVV IA-IQIA ll\4II AVA`. IV IDIIIVI I Windeyer of Toronto and` Mr. Donald Ross-. _ V . I I u Dr. Mac.Laren. ~h3d' always taken an nctivrinterest in athletics,` being one of the foremost workers in hockey and aquatic. `circles. " I He was _secreta1'y of Corinthian Masonic Lodge for several yeans-, and a past Chief of the Sons of Scotland. I-Ie..wa1s~ a-member ` of St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church and had been on the Board of Managers -of that church, and had -also `been a valued member of the choir for many -years. 1\ sn-- w I I -v `as: vuyw 0 ` unxu vuu U1. DUI. Alex. Blac- Laren; of HaI_nil.tqn, who survives him.` Educated at - Almonte public school and Co11egiate_Ins4:itute, he afterwards entered? upon a dental course in Hamil- `ton and graduated a.t Toronto Univer- `sity. For severalyears Dr. Macharen "practised in Midland and, some 17 years ago, came to Barrie. When the Light Horse-Regiment was formed`, he was appointed` Lieutenant, his expert horsemanshrip being of great service to him in his rapid rise from this posi- -tion first to Captain, and later, when Major Barton `retired, to Major and the.com-mand of A. Squadron` of the reeixnent which is now known as the Miss.is.sauga. Horse. In, his position as con1manding.ofcer .-he proved to be a most energetic and deserved-ly popular oicial, much of the interest shown in local military matters having its ori- gin_ in Major MacLaren`s enthusziastic initiati ve.- ' ' . on ,Frid"a'y morning last spread _Fred4;Sne2"zth?s in Ves'pra,, Dr. Mac-i .La.ren_' riding out on horseback about rider over its head, his head striking l The sudden death*'of Dr`. W. D. Meet- a `gloom over the entire Town. On Thursday evening a small gathering of Masonic friends was `held at Major 9.30. Whee_n near St. Mary s cemetery on the return to -Town his. `horse _svtumnbl;ed and must have thrown its on the hard road andrendering him` unconscious. Shortly after this a. bus load returning from "Major Sneat1h s noticed the prostrate forum on the roadway, and with all speed hurried him to Town, where medical aid wasd at once summoned. Eve-r.yt'hing pos-` sible was done to restore- the injured`. Doctor to consciousness , but to no`- avail, and he passed` away at 7.30- Friday morning `from concussion of the brain. ' '5 |BRYSON S| l .Wi1'ljia.m Douglas MacLaren was` born `at Wakeeflxd-, Que, 43 years ago. He ,was_the third` son" of Box. Alex. Mac- r.nI-nn n IT.-.....:1J..... __.I._ -V Icoomssl A 'eomnm)u:nv , .9'A1-._ _l,`?9iP-93.9 V-and, ";P' .LuZ-geitlhuortmeht` and A16; I-`Q-eh.` . ' th Jets ,. ll;g(t,1se.oi`tl:e` I __ it. . the place !'`)_r"tl`1e"-choicest Glnocojates, Aa_ndT they qre 1-jf L1Clln - Said Dr. Mcb.-od in Feeling Refer- ence to ~Sul&len Demise of % . 7' Major 'W. D. Mac -L % % Laren, D.D.S. 1%HAvIz LOST - A%LOYALRlEND B'Vm..9.;" 3 isvthe place to buy Tut-:n.son-s.% `Ave_. _ Personaliy I feel Itihat I have lost a loyal" fgiend, whose friendship I valued` I very much`. Let" us then,` while we sorr_ow. for. his untimely death, and payout tribute of respect to his worth, learn.the lesson which our text! teaches us, that now is the day of grace, now is the. day of salvation. ' . _.._.._-vv~-1 uuou. - `.`Dr. MacLaren was one of our fellow-members for many years; he has taken part with us in our con- ` g-regational` life and for a number of ` years was a mmber of our choir, he mingled his praise and prayers with us last Sabbath evening, and `on many Sabbaths during the past ycar,._ but hisvoice. is silent row fnr`erver"here. He has entered` that unknown world which"- we too must soon `enter; he the mystery of the unseen "life. In parting from `him we are only doing what is} right and becoming when we recall how great our loss is; he was known to you all, but more intimately known to some of you, ami Onlv really known to that inner cii:cle.of friends to which alone our real character is revealed. Dr. MacLarien possessed` many attractive and admirable qual.- it'ies,_qualities which won for him, not only the esteem but the afection of his friends. He was a manly man; his -tastes led him tb seek the work and exercise which are joined in the mili- tary sphere; there -by his brothe-r of- cers and.men h.e was held in high esteem, for with the sterner qualities of manhood, a resolute will, fidelity to duty, and a spirit destitute of fear, he was apsplendid soldier,` but with those qualities. he combined` the grace ' of genuine kindness of heart` and even- ,ness- of temper, but, as I have -said, [only the intimate home circle can testify adequateixy to his -lovealble character and worth. In that circle his `genial dispcsciltlion was alight and a a joy which no disappointment 01' `trial affected. ~ With constancy, with idelity, with a high regard for truth and honor, he did `his-work in the `world, and made the power of his life it-rigihl with his kindliness, hi-s` gentle- iness of temper and- with his unfailing E brightness _and hopefulnees ,o,, spirit. in his dieatih the Town has lost a pub- lic spirited and' honorable citizen,_ and our congregation an esvteemd and vahied member. ilI` learned` what we do not yet know, -....uJ nAvU' Acc-I1, Dullhlg T/He V on his `h'e'adz\and shoulders. When PZC. Carson, who was_not far away, ran ` 10 his assistance, he was`, to all appear- ance, dead; but he quickly recovered ;g'con.sciousnes9. He -was-quisckly carried mpstairs, and Dr. Hershey who `was gsummoned, found -that -he was badly ~;bruised. about the bead andtshoulders, ; his head cult, and generally shaken up. `He remained at hisehome until Wed- nesd;a.y" night, which fit was deemed: `%advi:sabI'l e to remove him to the Gen- eral Hospital. He is now resting easy, and-'tIhere is little doubt that he will a recover. It is thought t`h-at in" the fall he must have struck a windowsil-1 or cornice whic.h broke-the fall. Though. he is badly -hurt, he can rthank his lucky stars that` he is alive. F. T. SHORT. - -A Manage} ing,'_when Rev. Dr. McLeod? made: feel int: _reference to t he.lo.ss~ susta.ined by the c and the -community in the death of Dr. MacLaren. In the course of his rem_a.rk's Dr. McLc6d; said: V P.30-HolyV Commu;x{on. 1l.o---Mmins and Ho] Communion. '~ Anthem "I Will i Thee "- nrtnnn (3 -- ..,...,.. Jun}: uuw. uougnwxvesu In the third storey of the Coulson House bloc]; with his siser and brother-im law- About el-even o clock Tuesday night he was Wandering round` the at when he. walked, or fe, -.through an open window "and. dropped about `thirty-ve, feet, striking the sierraik on 'hn'9H.. -and n1nn...`I.J.-...... `nu. - ~nr~ .7.0---,FesVi'i Ev:-'-.:aon;g and farm on. Anthem"'O, sing Untqtlae Lord ` H _ 4: L . . C, Frgnqis Lloyd` ._ .- _'1. .- -- .n ,_ .',,s"1n _ _ . _ _ -_ - Y} .. -v...'._ _..V.' Preacher t'bnth Matls and Evensong. - - i w 5 Tan Raw. 'l`.G McGowan: .- T1; . ;Rcctor.nf Iolington. . 13:1,- _`_ ' V-_.' .A."".'i1 L.I3t...u._" ."" '-vha. \. ' ICE (`RE'1AM-`-Bricks we pint, 40c quart`, WATER ICE--Always on hand. ` ' Deiivexfed to any part of the Town Finest Home-Made ` High-(`lass Candy Fountain Service 17-lyT ' Hov'v. George Goug escaped with his `life after falling out of a third-storey window the Coulson Hougvhtz, Owen. Sound; is diicu-It, if not impossibie, to understand. The accident! -happenedi one night-last week, but nobody seems to know just how. Goughivesa in the third stnrpv n4 Han r`---`~` "" Wan` 'l'm`va:m.t\~a Was? me ~"8 tiRn:$: . , `- AND STOP AT rm: s'rnAiu LXUNDRY PLANT ion `SALE. . `Ir .` . tvu.r- II`! I I.` j v I I o'conuen. Pr5nri'eto. V- i":$ . c$ `.`ree. Winnipeg I'inat_(`Insn` A N-nmmndntInn_ Rnmnnllnd III rrulcess street - - ----u-va First.-Class Accommodation. Remodelled ` and Remruished Throughout. Eli. .Hf>;T E '- MiA::R ` :'- OLYMPIA CANDY WORKS `HARVEST ms r`1v.AL SERVICES V. `.3 Sunday-, Oct. '22th V [ [s1,o<'>r_-an ANNUM m ADVANCE _ A - ILNOLI COPIII TNIII 3'37` IICIL 3` `WI. 30? 9.131."?-'~st%R '.7.~a:gs.;ym:. VT ._.,n -uuvum IN ADVAI SINGLE THIII CENTS _-._ * `ruse `got-`luau Churchill or c1mAnA; { C p al. Rest and 1, a It Undlvlded Prots " .rrota| Assets (Overf of because` they nd our seriri'oe_co.u1ft=f ~eous and satisfactory. Collecting S:_a1 e-. Notes-transferring cash by Dr-oft , Money Order or Telegraph` '.l`ransfer- -LA issuing Letters of Credit to "provide funds for a trip-every facility whioh a progressive Bank can oer is at you; service at any Branch of '.`l_.`e -.Union Bank of Canada. ` 4 1EN}4.'RAL WAN'I`ED- 1 to MRS. J.-i [I Mccusu, cor. Ba3'elpa1d`W'llmtonl 42-12 Farmers Deal" with The Union Bank o'_fA -'C%anal:g `VOl..LX. ND. 42 PIONGRIW. THO ' POR Ll.` w:N1:.\rjE}~:r:mN1` wAN'rE1)-A}pIy to T M RS. MOBERLY. 100 Blake St}. Barrie, 42]? ___________________________ Apply J. U. BEATTY. l54Bo,y eld St.A cCLA m 12 A NGE. Kitch`er'1`ty e fox-a`a1' NEW ADVERTISEMENTS . SIMMONS & C0, Beautiful Mole Sett Throw Tie 62 in. long, nbst Silk lining.; I.:u'ge Empire or Pillow Muff to-, match. SE'l"l`. . .. .'; . . . t$l4,5O we pay express _on all or-. ders of $10.00 or over. Large vF.1'n[[-iro. match. I RI`,`E . Lm-gr: Grey Russin 'I`hrow Tie, 60 in. long; Trimmings. PRICE.-. . . Throw Tie of Ntiitjal (`mu Muskrat. 60 in; long, lined with Satin. . .,, . . .- 3. '.:. Empire Design 1\l1ill' to m_atch._;v l l{I(.'E . . . . . . . . . . \. . .$4.7,5 FUR SETTS Manufacturing Furriers %sTYLI.sr1f SA .E-A No. 5 Radiant Home Coal 8810!`. A rmlv nnr-nnm nf Iluu-inn A no ant` ;y.' `i`?$i- ` "a"r`tT<'u' ' Block. 1118. Barrie `Branch. J. H. SHEPPARD. I Col`dwater._ than two years. `Ma? :1. or the buudiu may :0 reasonable 0 er_re_- , Design `IIlT-$ Puumcu. -. 3.75.: .a.. .-..s+{; I` IJIUBI $7.00. t(` -2 "$7.50- LUBE-[E30 President. ' Chara -buti ` -his been un?'o1:'i`I E `W e `.`. .W%** 9.'1}'9. *1'~ be Machinery used less ` -cluneryxnaybc removed. Ie rented or bought. W No rem . used. Apply to t H M " uli -BU.l`VU'u. `WI-IVII-ll'I7I~Ir0\v-nu V VJ _ At; _he' `preeiit `tiriie`i"c>'i1'1'. a"ev'cr'ei',[ plumbing and` 'tbui=ldinvg' by4l'a.ygs Anne ` 'worth1essas, ta.ted.`_: he alsbs referred; - `t;h"e"-. tieceqs;";`3r;.'ofV -`:'=1ii:,, \`i-_ ing some ` deixitap 'p_1?an` of gettingv -rid. 7'6: i` he rqm`.'u1;e*_.hing;.% Mar)?`-'-8t2`V_wlt,T ,V=b.e4:: % Deputy: Craig ` did` nag expect` an engineer would attend` to the ,v a1-ions matters" pe.rsjo_na1`l!y and '.d"oub_ted- Abbe" possibili-tly `of making any sa.-ving. `He didn t pretend to know it all, The ap- pointrnenb '=lo`oke_d 9.111` `,rig.ht.- on papen, but. he was `now satised that it would work outwaa advantageously as mut- .1in.f@- I17 - -1 -.. n-'........1. 'DAn`n;a" V Ilnn-. IJUIIII _v our Iv "saute. stqpd llmi _. -15.... (I01! 6. AM. Young 'p}_;1'9'V'efd' of the appoint-7 mnt, as an engmeer would -laytou sew efa, wa'1'k-9.. and "streets" .`im.aV systema- -tic " manner: T .119 pfe3it93`i a` s_a.v- iug inuhier purch'ase`~ oj sewer mpphes. It was, an _-fu-p-, V.-Q-a..te, mpvemen 999` d8i*vi e9 * ~ 1-0` '1' j L>l{ '4"`a"`~ -. . av: Mun V.` g .- -_._.. -4-n-`Ac ,,.,..... _ . . ' Reeve Bennett, chairman of commit- tee, re the appointment of _a Town En- gineer repor-tled'- that a. suitable person be engaged at $1000 per year. He ex- plained.` that the duties were of e\ic'h a nature thavtt his salary vwould be stav-V ed, as 'he would-whave` the inspectioli of fsewer pen n.its,plu.mvbi'ng and pos- sibly wiring, as well` as relieving the Clerk and perhaps `removing the necessity for employing an jaseistant. He stated? that the duties were becom- ing so onerous: ct-tiat representatives could not `be expected- -to devote their time to the public service free. - no 0. . , _A___ _'__L, ___` guneu. _ _ ` H . *- Al -favored Reeve` Ben- ,netfc s` "_view`,` mm: ._'Bid)v`v,`I.1-,` tfakihg` ' thf , __.|._._: samaejtand T . . j ;_, ' ` ` T-he` }lmas- `(;om`'e, w:henA;-`g `ih possible". for aldemriien to profferviy s- t en cI to V the mu`htiplicity of- diuties,.} {paid Al_d'. Horseld , who ,haav_ wo1:_ked1l -2.4 a..`.`.. u........- .....V.1.1.";+.-'.`. ammm. A~1d'. .Sprotb"s'~" report," rec om_:me.nd'ing! Ithat Plumbing Inspector'0btlon s sa]`ary| be increased; to $100 pj-`year, was passed, `he _to now make monthly re-` ports. `- - = ' ` D-lkui D`bu.I'|r\l\I AR '1 .he .iire, aq'nipme1nt_` 51:; `Wr&.?:i`;}{ ?i1'l. M ;`?,`f01'-1.`_8C` `t, ; ,9ne% on % ~ * Il_._..:... mot_,1_oy1_ oL.tua. ueemu uuu ,v J f`?F1F@f~5th`? h.`P9.. v U\l5_5'U?vYaq y- .,_._r.,. .._._._, .13ev**#r `vAN'|`F2[)-~I\Ia'n with team to do plan hln . _ Apply MRS. H. (JALDERWUOD. " nah - fluln. l`elephone 134. ' ` M 4211 `- AM. Evan; produced ..a. lbtlbgr Iseunt. {by the `Clerk 0 Mr. B. Parker notify- ing :him not to -wei-gh~ prgduce~,~ `and; wante,d'_...to_V know by mhoqe "authority it I had been -nt. The C1erk.exp3ained that it! was the pracgtioo to send such notides and the/natter dropped. AJJI .Q.9\svAI~I~.-7:]: wnnnuilr . $AlIl\I'III1!I$A:r:|'It'I Ald. .Le`sV1ii-I z;aj 1;v'1f1_(;"1"`3:1s(;x'1 ;v-1:y may or cattlte could nut! be weighgd in the |6t~h-Ward.'` :'- ` The `\Mayor ruled` vtha.t 8; rfivafe own- ! er could. weigh but shouw hot c'h-arge..I I L 1'1 I T` I D II nn 1 Reeve Bennett! wanted to protect the -pub1'isc,_ not the Weigh`-Master, bu1:'ad- mitted it was etinfair -that. ti. private `owner should -be a_1_i1oweds'to'c ha`rge., ! Ald. Evans "wanted to know if unper- -som `swelling ' a,_~lo_ad '-'o_f rip the count.ry"to a person in town was com pel-led to have ihweighed on the town scales. ' ~ j ` Ijorseld 'con_side`rAed that H one iset of scales coxnld do the. work to- }better satisfaction than two. Chief King will be supplied with a new overcqat on` the report of, Deputy |Ree-ve Craig,` at" a cost not to exceed r$25.00. ' - - _ . -'7-r'_""'.' . - \ I __ Chaifrman Y oungadvised payment of it number of accounts ,andjwages'. ru.:..1.- 'I'r:'_._ *9:-n 1 -- A.- E. Prince the `Town Hall fora. Christian ,terms. '"s"i`eoe HanLt d.,a.pp1ie1.f$; twp hydrants near their propently. \J| -Streets. That the t__ime hans con1e'for't_ahe_ a.p- pointment of-. a paid municipa.1- en- gineer togsupe1{vi`e all-ftpwn .wo_rI_: is} the opinion of Reeve -Bennzet *l;,"and: this progrewive znove is) endonsede `by `a majority of ~t`he-. Council. The -"matter was pretty lthoroughluy discuseed- at Monday e 'session_of the Council, and a` _recommendation* pub in -by a. special committee favoring the .cr`en_tio;; of this new. civic position, the salary to be .4$1000. Alsd. Bomhwell and Hind-s vyexje the only absentee. \ 4. I . _ _Oommun!c'at1ons. V A- C. H.` Moss _ "asked the Council - o" pass a resolution favoring the `con- struction of a wharf on the Adamson property Vat Big Ba.y Poinft. V` J. N. Brown wrote, oering to `ac- cerpt $15.00 instead. of $2'5.00'if `paid at once for damages *to' his rig by faling. into" a_ hole on McDonald: St. Ilt will b: <.:onsidered'. _ ` V [SALARY or $1000.00] Suggested - in LSpecial% C6muiitte e %s% ' . Report. . .. \. I Co%unciVl 3 %Enz9xin. L Man to Supervise All" J. .y, Town Work. 1 . I -fv;;1;-_fgiven :t_Ihe use of "at Th:anksgi_v'mg_ time meeting" on the usual -'rjnc_>Iu'_r:nI:s`1's or aaunmz. THE cooirrv or suucoi:_ANn TH! -.o omm o u or cannon .oua'ca1nn1o`u.` _%_1g\T RR1LE+.`?`tiou`N%rYV `OF sxmcot. oN1jARi(j;"0cT. :9, .1911` -un am.m-A N0. 5 Radiant Home Goal .b_ Heater. Apply corner of Burton Ave. and Wnllium St . Allandale. . 42-up _ %-z- _ TENLDERS -y'vill" Wbveu.- reaceive41.:;.at cm; 7oi_ce of the unduersgignect until. twelve_ ;o*. c1ock.noon' of the 4th d;a.y of_ Novem- '_b_r, aI91'1,1 for the several w_o1;ks- re-L qiiired in itihe. alterations and zidditions to Qo1i.ei.at9_,~.In9hitute; . Batrimont. IA" f' i119d" .i"1_W for :10 7f>9i'! ilt-. .0` lie ;.amonx,gt. at the tendwegr neom~. %`IiaVn**':`9#mWhieh% v%.wi11% he % fr1iifeeI* s6hbuld?~ \ `Q o.1a17',!`;aeeitio1-`,l_123il t6JjsignF;c`Qn:. 1` ` n.a$i.0h# ;rn3%%~ 129 V A % I . f J . L `e? av % my jfji TRINITY CHUQQHQ wsv c'i`-_=.24srz 191 `V! I 9/1wil l"`_.'.!&VLwafl-'..s-\-,(n~1?Pa:Qa .. .. - .`3.3".`-9%5.`f,.:`.-".- i Misdbnm'yo.c1tY9ft1!9,% bf England in Canada ` V SPEAKERS: - ; _ TH!`- *EV1~15-:-8.`n=IGYD-A--M6!-MN-A r`1V-us` _-ny._ 15.3: w.R1E_n.av - JAPAN Anu I\; -n: :ieTe%i5.iTe$r I ~wara IV.--Da,vid` Harrie, LB. Mam.- colm, J1:.,.V L. J.. Salter, Pete;:_,Hook,.' Wm-. T S;ca';rt_q"w, : -_`Wm._`.vJ.r .;C1:a.'Iwford`,4 J obeph ~A."Garvi'n- `(Thompson ~StI), W-.-_ -R; Peachey, `Robt. Meldrum, Willard Strephenson, S. G`. Buch22n'a.n, Philip M'...1'..m.1. u.r-a'.1;+;..<: gm.` . - `.1\t:. A In-:... Ward VI.--A-lzberb Meoonkey, F_irman,Jr.,_ E. Ogden, Jeifrey Fidileur, Wanl Dong`,-7 Sg. Doi1'a. ldtso'h,- _` R. -.Hed'ger,` ` W-. Peck, D.;;.: McDbuga1`1," Fra1:' Har- w,. Hm-1, H. B. Chute. % Elarry-`Norton; E. Mortq n,- ;J. A.g'El1i6tt,` Iii, J..0h'n Lawson, Stanle Mc}Ga1`1?8'1`a'nd;.M Henry- Herrell, Philip cDon~a1d",V `GI Publi MeetrViM;g "ji ~ ~--*'W1:.t:B.Ha`Ln T 1 V . Wa1:d` `11._--Gordo.n. Warrock, Gordon McC14eady, Jos. McCarthy, Hewitt` Latimer, Morl-eyA B'I'ac.k,` Henry Caughy; .W. J. Re'id,`.C`1'aude E1*m'svlLey,V A `I. Dnknnnkqv n(In.nm ' :7.Wa.r(1 iII.-C. `B. Johnsst_on, Eldon. Skinner, Joe. TL. Garvin, `Ernest, Hoar, Hggar , Smifah? 1 f_,, ____ ,__ __. _ _ -_ '" -. rGtu:ic'I5sIInan"k, _ Harry_ A'n1strofng,- 7/ :(_;;..__._-.-.- FOR SALE. kl He&;\'y Bay Horse. 8 years; 1 Small '38); A : 0 Pee. years : 1 Brood Bow and 8 pics. 67063! "0111; about 50 Plymouth Rock Hens and `P611035 - 1 set Jamieson Heavy Bobsleighs. nmrlf ' Allply to J. B. MINNIKEN, an-.1; P. o. Nor at residence Lot 22. Gen. 7. 'v.08pl'3o.. _ . W. Ferndale School. P` L `AW, . .1 ` LiEi'4`3`&1Tvai Lrf s;:`;:E1j*.`:f fMXi;`i] tar, - Bell,- .._. 7' Ed. A`-rmstronlg," ; Isaac. .G_9ft-`on, J. 0. vLibtz1e, J. P. Johnson. 7Zwar V.--A. Co11ion, A. Fm, Al-ft 'G1:id:den, W-m. 'Bel,'.; Thos. Bevll, Jag." _Ni:m. ~ ' V 4 tllxi`.-5i'n`1Jixn1be1'~.7 `were. from Ward I, 13 from. Ward -II,V7 fromI.II, 19 from _IV, 8 from V,. and 19 from_ VI. There was iitt-le opposition `and_ prac- ticany a1ll` the names_ proposed were allowed: b'y t;hJevAprs1'diTng Judge- 3 ' n-11.- `n-n__,-,, , Ward I_.- - Frank S_mitl1,_ Sidneyl Sheirlock; Mait-land'.Ho1mes,' C. { Stotesbury, Wallteu Fraser, Andnrew ;-Fraser, T. Will wmers. - Tl1e f'o1l'owi ng"a:re n;t;I1w<:.::)f'hdcied to? the list in etahe different wards: vvnvooo-VJ . vi a JIVIVI, . \JlGKl\.lI.7' I.-Jl'LIl\V'IK7.y, H. ,A. Sims,` idne-y. Ba,_t.he;'sby,` `Oscar IrI.u1's-tv,"" tTp }Ih '*'Bobi.s-b'u,`' "I`~hb. :ML"*'M1i'-_( iann ,Srye.n`ty-three` new names were add- edto. the list of.vote.rs1entit1ed .tAo vote `in Barrie at the coming,.Provincia1 elections at -tile Votefs List. Court of 3 Appeal: betfore'Jud3ge~ Ardaglx `oh Tue;ss" day mo1jnin.g. ' Nudes Wage Addecl to the` Liston _'l'uesday--T-0i,r_er Half from . . % Ward: IV and VI. I SEVENTY-THREE NEW vomcs '8"everal, v8tit{:he$ Required ' .to- close _Wound on Head of Joseph V Mf. `Joseph AFitzgera13d _ ,-wvhile ridin-gi `Fiiday. aernooen happened! with an 'unfortuna.te_aecidlent. and received; in- vjurieks wvhich will conne hzim to_ "the a lon`g4W'omsl`ey St. onhis bicycle" on. house for some time. ~ The -grips on_ the,.h`and~le -bars of. ne wheel bee-ame loosened w.hen.'goi'n.g at considerable speeti and Fiib-zgea'aJd.~' wassa't.'h;ro_wn with some `force-over t-he fronl wiheelg strik- ing his foreheaiod` and: inicting several wounds, one of which; reqtred several v_stitches~.. Two teeth 'We're~'k1iocke-d out anti the `man. s_ [face badlJy' scraped-. The injuredi man is an. employee of_th_e Ball P1'ani_u'g Mill.Co., anQ'1iV'es on Penebang St. He is recovering frpm his mishap and hopes to Q9 ab1e~to resume his work "in a few days. Bmuun HORTIOULTUBAL ` !.l'0WN V socm-rv.` _ ' Th . ' '1 ',`,{l_l_ $)gAl?33a}nL::%)5ig t('l3 :uexnu'-lr.b(=.a-mu!-Tent .-'\r1T 31