Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 12 Oct 1911, p. 1

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` Non-Jiiry. " pO|MON' OF CANADA OUR CRITERION. (Ndt in Cabinet) - . V 1 Solicitor General,` .... .. 5,000 4 1 In `addition men Minister has a. ses~` sional allorwamze each year of -$2,500` and all members of Parliament tmve] * [free on the railways. _ `A I nnnonou _1:x1>nNszis. V V I Persons having `claims against me for Halls, Livery, Printing or other legitimate election expenses should send them_ in to my Financial -Agent, W.` .1 . Bell, Esq., Beeton, Ontario, at once. i . , - _ _ HAUGHTON LENNOX. II Barrie, qctober 10th, 1911. ' l '1>cm'.rroLIos AND 1-H1: SALARIES ; u r 'A.nnua1lyvP1us S_e"ssi'ona1 A1low- I Q *' V ance of $2,500. ~ V ` There~'a.re een members of the ~C`a.bin-elt '2.n.d one Minister not in the. ;Cabinet with portfoal-ios-% and sal-a.ries asj fol.lows:-- ' Prime Minister andAPrersi(]`ent pf I IV-,__ ,. :`What_ the diimeb Positions are Worth! It"'is rumored` that as-tion `wi`l1 be} taken b_v'_t:he ownens of `the show -a gainst , the evangelist ,v . ` "An Advance correspondent madie a tour of` the itbivn inspecting the bis]-1} boards but could` `find V nothing `that such pstiong dbjectioin could be taken! to. -Most` of the posters were typed `bills, the only ,pictoria.l p-icfttures being of the same description as used by' liearly all musical comedy shows. Q -r. I -otllc. vCon1_:inuing, Mn. McCombe staid: Ii C-Ionsider it an insull to the decent citizens of Barrie to a'l`1ov' svush bills to `be placed before the. pttblic. iwouild not be t0]erat`edJ in Torrent , 1 and no one can be a Christian and at % tend such a play. it's the` place for the chgcst Chocolates, Tandxhey are ~ - -- 7:7 L`a'rest Assortt7nnt and Always Fresh Tiakipng as-l1'is nel message," The `way of the"`transgres:sor is hard, Mr. Me-Gomvbe made-`nan impassioned appeal `for volunteers for the service of Christ; In p1a'in language he d'enounc ed the evils of the present day, and. e.mp'h!atiica:1-Iy'sta.ted that if he were to remain in Barrie Ia few hours -Babe`: -to-morfrow mo1 ning,A.*he Wouldiuse his inuence wiYt'h the autlroritiez of` the town to remove from the bmboards hhe billfsvat present. placed there to ad'- vertise T-he Freneh Maid, which is to- be'pl'a.yed- here to-morrow night `at [A the opera`. house. A lB%RY%SON S| IQOOJUVESI B.rrie,'_ 'Oct. 8.--(Spe`cia1)--I_i1- 1os- I, ing -a. two Wee-ks"' series of .e-vangelistic * `meetings in Colliir stret Metho.dis'c Church, Evange1isrt;'C. Je . McOom'be announredv before a- large audience, that on `advice of 'h.i.s pI1y1sician, after '15 years o_f argl-nous labor, `he Was ?`com- ;pe11ed `to rest from the Work of the church and} seek the recupera tion of his h ea`ltlh-. ' ' ' Mguch ,ta`1k_ has_ been ihenard around` town _in `reference to a sermon de-I Vlivered !by C. J e:' M~cCombe, evange-list` in .Col'ler` `St, Met.hodji.t Cllltrclr Iastl Su_n_da}y evening; _- The fdllowing de- spa Ac`h a_.ppered' in Mondxay s Torohtb Wbr_1d: ' 'l'enderi will be receivedupto 8 pm. on Sat- =urday. Oct. 14th. 1911. for thelilxcavatlon and Pipe L0.) in for Extensions to thearavenhurst Water War 3. comprising about one-halt mile ~01` 6 inch pipe with hydrants. vplves. etc. The` rmporation furnishes all materials. -Specfca-T :.inns and form of tender may be soon a.t"m-y Talk: of _ Aciion ,Agai-hnst Jeff! 1, McCombe for Outspoken Criti- V cisTm of Show. La'bo1j .. Posdama.-ster-`Ge-nesra`l .. Public ' Works . . . . , . VRa.i2l'wayrs' and! Ga.na.lis . In!t'erio11 . . .C'us'tomsT .. Inland` Revenue _ ~ A o n o n - ac - -a-.-V, A.v.l.Jl.l'1A7'I.\./L auu ,(`,ounci'I .. -T1]aSti.(?-6 .. Trade 'and: Cosrnmerce Secretary Of State . . Marine and Fisheries Mil.itia- .. ,. .. mncausis _ OBJECIEDTO snq}y_ POSTERS I91 I is thevplac to buy: r{t~:ILsoi~rs. o o a o n o o o o to c o I n I A Pressidlent of . . . . . .$12,0000 . . . . . . 7:000 , . . .' . 7,000 7,000 . . . _. . 7,000 . . . . 7,000 . . .7 .000 ';_.....`7,000 . . . 7,000 .-0, . . 7,000 .... . . 7,000 .... . . 7,000 .... 7,000 :.._-..--v.-v l\l\JlUlI\/.1 c V" 41- ' ' _TH_E ADVANCE OFFICE` Elocutionist. Teacher cilia Iical Culturi Graduate of the Toronto Conservttory Sqbool of Expression. has opened .5-'.Studio over~Mr.. Brown's Seed Store. and will be pleased to re- \4.`(`i"( V visnors after Oct. let; V ' 4V0.-41 l . Somelcboilcebuilding lots on Brads Iford Street. Excellent locality. A nnln n4- ' ,-..,---,,. .,.,-.., uauv, uxnuvep WIIC OI Thos. Hig;gins,`in vh-er 57th year. . Funeral from !he4r.1ate residence `on Thttrsd-ay, October 12t.'h to Mount St. Logis Cemetery. You never know -(how a man. is ingvto strike you when you first In him-, or-for how much. P0U Allandale: on 'sun`aay,' October 8th, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C_. W. Pouchen, aged one day. - ' ` jHI(-}GINS-At' Craighmst an Monday, l')n.+nhm-`OM. 1...... L-I-A-~'| -- A CALDWELL--At. the 4th Con. /of Oro,e on Thursday, October -5th`, b George Cadwe`1!l, in his 85t1h year. LYNCH-In Ba-rrie,. on _Saturda.y, Oc- tober 7th, William Joseph, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs P. J. Lynch/,' aged -25 y-ea.1-9.. ` ' ` I -uxpx--.~__.___ ! ` MARRIAGES. oLYON-CHEESBRO[ GH -- On Wed- ne.s'1da.y, October 3, 1911, at high: - noon, at SS. Paul s C4h1u'c11, Toronto, ` by t:he.\'en. A'rchId'ea.c;on Cody, EI- vhra (\'o.)* Ch-eesabrotxgzh; daughter of n . t11e~:1ate~ Mr. and- Mrs. Wm. Cl1ees brougvh of~St. Thomas, Ont., "to Oliver T. Lyon, youngest. son of Capt. and. l\I11s.' 0. II. Lyon ovf Bamie, ()nt-a.rio. ___8$,30--Holy Communiori. 11-Matins and Sermon * aohwI:A 7.0-'-_Ohoi'.a`.l Eiau3qpg}_z_.nf \. PoUcH}R-h{ A`1Tlan-dale, on Sat Qctdber Stih, a daughter to Mr. Mus. .C._ W. Pouoher. ~ IDYMENT--.-In Ba}-}i Von Tuesday, 09. tober 3rd, to Mr. and Mrs. N. Dy- ment, 1a son. MYERS--At t he R-o_vaJ \'ict`oa`ia Hos- pital, Barrie, on Tvhumsda_v, October 5t h, to Mr. and Mrs. H. B; Myers), of Dorgarmar, a son. T\r\ ? ICE (`REAM-Brficks zuzupint. 40c quart`_ * W ER ICE-Always on hand. . elivered to any part of the Town - Finest Home-Made" High-(`lass V Candy Fountain Service 17-ly Refuse notice. Every editor has received` them, says an exc'1L'a.nge. The postmLa.!f1er' sends't`he-In to the editor. For instance, there is a man, vyfe ll= say, John Jone.s,iwho refused to take? his paper out of the post oice. He dered What `was the matters. Uponi investigalttion of our subscription book, We found -Johin was slhort $5.70. He has stopped the paper as a matter of economy to us. `A few evenings ago we stepped" into a church, and John s melodious voice rang `out loud and cnlvear in the sourl` .stimrin.g song, Jesus Paid It._ We might have been mis- taken, but his earneszitness impressed us. 'T'he next day we sent him a re ceipt in fuiil, begging his pardon for not -k_'n.owin'g he had. made an assign- 'ment of his liabilities to the Lord-. hi not *want.it any longer. We won- I Stewart & Whitt`en, the Ha.miLton .arch~iteoc.t.3,- will bejh'ere ..on Thursday evening to- dis 1195 the abteariations of the `C-olleg-ia._te. There will be in the neighbohood of $35,000 to be spent on `tlue CcI]legia.te-, and: a. by-law will` likely be submitted to tih rsatepayem at the `January elections; ` 1 `I ` . } Many newspaper pub lications' have been `.`up vagaiz_1st tihe difculltry of collecting subsmtptoion `accounts from denquent strbscr-i~ber9 who run up a newspaper -bi1~I and then refuse the paper. The fo'11 owi..'ng i.s_a new version rnf` the p0p11`Ia.r mode of -escaping pay- ment of 4 just debts. ' Trustee '0. W. Andrew enquired why the.c'h1'I.d1`en had not been notied} a`,.htat .thze're would be: no sxchsool on Fri- day: aft*fQrnOQ; he considlafed it a hard- ysllioip to `bring the s'e1hoT:`u',s out in 3. ` pquring rain flnj nohhiizg. The Inspector havirig called 3. Teach- ers meeting tlnexpectetll-y was given as thzevreason. ' ' -vuw--uwvj Ijvja P. 0'Comu;ll. Proprietor.` bpp. crrv MARKET . . " . no Princess St t wll 9 First-Clusa A(`.l'.n!h:1engs1f.Inn. n.mnaBn. uuurnncess street ' ' "I"'6 First-Class Acco modstion. Remodelled and Return shed Throughout. N jeit-her Dr. Ric'h`a}d.r3onV nor Mr. Laidman were present at the Board of Educationv meeting on Monday,` when acc_ourrt.s were passed a.nd_somev minor `details discussed. ._'Tlzu'_a Boord will Ac'o-operrate wibl-1 the_ other Boards` towards -having County promcttion exa_minap:i.ops. - Wmcx Tmvm.m.\'o Wssr Ba: Sum: AND s'rox> yr ran: MISS VIOLET sEnonE. .A.T.c;M_' F'nnnnG:A_:_4 Fl\-- _I_ , ,, Q 1. MA R RE"? "E-i"c3fr E L 3 l\I1\-....-I| 11..-___-- , [IGGINS-At' Craighurst, 0;. Monday O.otober'9t;h, Jane, beloved wife of, Th`m Almnw KVLLI --...._.. PROPERTY FOR -sAL1a 9LYMPI CANDY WORKS Trinity Church . ,, {$1.00 PER ANNUM IN ADVANCE omen comn run: I BENT` 7-.u.nvu.uu a.a.g~a;\.uvvu;I. cuuu 9} ` Thur` ' 1"`l.t"a... ASSIGNED -ro THE LORD. $u1udmy, 15th norm. llI\3 nun._ DA.ul`J-3lllf&Ol8 101' Summer L cuttagcs; m East. end, facing the bay. Ap- ply MRS.GAZLEY.KempenteadtSt.T A040 ` ___________________________;___ v go~ rsct meet F `lvlusnn Sundayl fn fut nun! ""J L and {Iv-:nI....c.\ ,.o 4.1.. n1.__, ., Gravenhurst, 0nt., because they nd `our service ootirt.-= `-eous and Satisf_act'ory. _Co11o.c1;'ing sax? Notes--transferrinlg "cash by Dru`-ft,"} Money Order or Telgraph` Trafnsfeoi`--' issuing Letters of Crdit to`p4ro\'_?`id funds for a trip-every facility which a progressive Bank can offer is Jot your service at any Branch of `-Ifhe. Union Bank 5'f'fba1ia`d._'-L. '- ' ' _ Brri/79 Bra1ich._ F. T. sHo%1,2T,% . #.% ~Mgmager . ,7. ....a nvvv u Ill. IJOl'l'lUv Ull a,LQl1UYi', `23rd day of October, 1911, at 2.30 oolook...;m.-f`. for the purpose of receiving the report 0 ~..v:!1.E; Directors for the past year. 9160!!! -~ of the said Compa.ny.tor the e;1su!n\,{h9Q|?wl,3.`v. transacting such` other business -0. H e,_.,.09m'v Dtmy as may-be expedient. - .1o1~L, Dated this 10th dayqt Octobeg. , ' ` .41 2' _41-41 7 , B`. ' 0 rs FOR sALE-Suirable -for Summer J <:<.tta;:cs: in East. and. fa:-jnov Hm Hour An- c It I :2 sun` :1 U:slv?JedePro'}s } ' 4 Farmers Deal" I The Union Bank of.CaJ11aAd[a` Tdtal Assets (Over) vou. Lx. No. 4: ` wHoLi._*;up;f`9s'n7f THOMPSON cncw. Puu.m-In . ~, ~ M A-o~ NEW ADVERTISEMQSITS. SIMMONS & C0; ours to 1 Mail Orders and Enquiries receive careful `attention Notice is hereb nuul_ Meeting of (}:1I`I`l the Ilige Street. in the '1` 23rd Oct e th Directorn fnr :1. Com cie of iven that the Eighth A31:- t egshm-,ehoT|ders.of` the my (Limited) will mke,plg$e';I.tj.` the naiii Com ny.i _ Ian own of Barrie. on Ondbiiall Ober, t 2.30` o'd!ockZ;7 receivixfg _the TOWN of enAv;:N,Huns*r.- at prices as low (quality considered) as any Fur house in jCanadu'. We V nmnufacture Fur Garments` of all, kinds-; 'uml...~ o11r7`cust6n'iers4 come `A from all over. the-coul try, Ifyou are contexnpuating chasing Furs # it will be~to ` enet as well p` r_,.,._. 4... r... ...._ .4. ,IA Quality and Price is'the great fac- tor in p-m-busing any article. Our aim and we believe we have accom- plished it, is to sell"j'o1 1 ' ' Manufactung Furriers FURS GOOD runs FARM FOR SALE; NOTICE or CANAIJA: r o u`r"iunueuse. stock. ....... ....o, a auruu U1 D1180; weu~.mncea.* in good state of cultivation : 17 acres of a W service throughout the building} .dr1vin'g \Sh.03`V-.~ `- Ux40: also root house. 16x24. 10-_roomed house in heat ; plowin WHO be all finished. Good- . 48x72. with 3 one -toundation, 2-tts 1150` *3 .ms':~zNox. Thornton. Ont. = so-415* -_ good re 301;` the" 9130"? intmcs Terms to sut pure a_se`r. April 30: W. H. cRbss.~ T Town Qlerk m. Sept. 30th, 1911. V g4o+_n. ;ss,o:s2,ooo" V; ...s52,ooo.ooo I j the dgtte cf_fvsuc~hrglis91:ribu_t;i9n. A . %W'4%1 #.h%4??1*% '49? of _<=r ~ Mar; 1.5 ~` ..I W .- AND._FUR'I?1jIE'R tlakqe not-ice that after said. last me`b_.t;i`oneod: d'a.te the }Execu`tors wi11`proe' ed to disgbmibute ; the a`s.se~ts'5'o the estate _ of fibre said. [ William H; ,Mu1:11'o1s'i}an.d among. the % pantieal entistlneda thierreto,-.'h'a;ving:re*ga1v % on-15"". to mac-1nims of w11`ich ; % they shall have had'rn_ot..ic;e.; amdi ~'th!at2 ~the said . ;Exo$~cu`tors_ wi19l 1'1b_t be liable ` for. "the said; assets,,or any-`gab-ergof, to .5.x'.P.!`l' 9". 993.9% 91 V claim: i!tic 95.`;i%`!1:1`1 %1v0thm*e-r121*1' -.1;9"i,A"-"".1."V~`..*'L*=. ~~ IN the Matter of Estate o_f'W1'l-l liam I-I. :M.u1ho1ynd, late of the` ..Tow'.nsh1p otlnnisl in the County- of .81mcoe, Farmer, deceased. V NOTIC-E is hereby given` punsuant to `.1?-.SV._()., 1897, Chap. 129, a'm.1e,amen'din-g | acts that all! .pe'rsonso and others having claimsmgainst the `said William "-H. Mu_*l'ho11nnd_ wlto. died on or about,` this 27611 Aof Septembeu-,,_191'1, are} ;;3;equired' to. send by pousb._p1repa.id,._dr.`tp deliver to' Samuel Brolley, Sbmud P.'0., one of the` Exe'c1j1tor.s of '1ahJe said) Wi,1.l`i`am 1 H. Mxilhtollancl on or -before -thef-,61;b`. I day of November 1911, their, Ohrixwian . and -qua-'names`,_' d'ea'cniption:e,- vfu1ll' parti- ' cu1*a1~s`eof- tlreixr fclaims, smtemenw ._of. r their accoi1n1:.sz,`and` of tlhdsecurity -(if any) held by..,th:e'm',v ` ~ n `cos -new-an-u-oi--nun" a. 1" ~' ` ` A rather amusing -answer was given by one. ofthe prisoners at-they County "Jail during the Ac`hurc.h .senvj.ce at that in.st'i1;ution `last Sunday afternoon. Rev. Andrew Smith who -was cowductingdtfhe service, ask-ed.1:-he .pri.sioners if herre. was any hymn for wihiclif-t'he_y had. a .prefere.nce.i One'yo`ungd`man promptly requested V`-`We _ve re a.ched- the land` of corn _and wiiie, and; t.,l1'e"..1iyn'1n: "was ' forthwith. sung with a 'heartin`ess t,`.h'at was e-'vid'en'ce thath the: prisoners a-ppre- ciatie the _comf_art* of their surround- ings. ' The jai1.m'e'rnu`costsbut 85!; cents per `man per day, _notw_tit,hs_tand`- ing the `ever-increasi`n.'g' high cost of living. _ T.hi-s' is one okf tihe 1owst'aver- j ages in the >P'rovinc_3. d_ vuaL_'= .cu.u1'l1ulu1Iy J01!) D116. OPO SIIOW, and a.ssi:s`t: thos-e-[faithful d'irec.tors an enable them to hincrease tthe prize. '.l`.here is ,no rea.son.w`-by, with the , - I _. operation of the people of Oro` _it con `d }not be one of the lzargeist fairs in the 9 1 -'rov'inc~ e, =be6ause you "have t1ie goods. I `must say I`was' `used most court-5 it eously by the directors. I consider the l Pres.id=\ent `Mr. Raikes, is the riglrt man in the` gvht place. I was p1ea-sevd. to meeit v'vith,an .Honorary Director like Mr. Geo. _iCam-pbel9l:_.;;whio, I-';_ u.nderstand,. has been"i:dentied' with the Society {for over` 50 y_e'a1`.s. ` - ' } .Wishing you every success, I .remain,. you.r- sincerely, V `_ '1`. J; MooRE.. NOTICE "ro % CREDITORS 7 I notiee your" government grant. is not large-, owing of -course to the"-I amount 9f money paid` out-in prizes. Now, I would _lik.eVto `see everybody in blm't`J.co.m-munity join the. 01-0 show, :3-n A as `m{.n.+ M. An ... A- : 4.1-. 42.- 1 ,1: ._ I F x I 1' found mat the` majo'rity of the lxorsas .w-hich came Jbefoafe me: were of high quality, far above t'h'a.t -usua lk y found at the 'av-erage- country fair. The -horses: -were of tlieltlhick, smooth [type,"' wit-hugood feet a.md- legs, combin- mg"_bo 0h size and quality in a marked d-eggxjee. ' I If you will aliliow me space- in your paper," Mr. -Editor, I~ woulti like .to make a. few comments on the Oro Fair, it` being -my privilege: Itb judge` the heavy houses -'at that Fain.- ` 1' II' - *- !'l'{HE-L/AND or} com: gm) WINE. bury _s c'o'mp'ai1ions'g31VveA `a b`lfdw with- Tn s_:_t.ic_k -at `the " gnim'a1,; t'11e~ _svbic-k.. s1riki`ng vtshe gun" `h-em by Sallilsabury and. disccharginug uh-e `con-tents, in jh'1`.sf1-igwht anklie. - '.l`.he I'nuxscle-_ s' ' were! vbad:l'y- [torn Vand lasceratetl and 5 aibbulti trwp i.nzc1hes_ of home .s'ha't-te;re}dI. vDr. Pallixig was summoned` and .h'g(1Vt;h~` ..inj_ured` Vman` removed T to the R. V.-Houspital, zwherie strenuous eifontls `are~ _,being made to save the injured limb. If the ne sity o1_'_ a.In:pu't;at_ion, isl obviated it" "is `said his ght 1-eg w;i1rl' be several! `in- ches -shorter, on ~a-ccotint of th.e'4spl i"nt-[ l:er.in.` of tth fboliesz _ _ - , - 7 .-.---- ~- .---_--ax. +w<-,-nu er D;_,--Quin!`-'an, met"wi-t=h1 -ashooting ' fcid'ut `while out coon humtng netar Little _Lak'eV on_ Mond'ay eveing, civing a charge-`of shot: in Th{is 4rig'1it' foot. The party: of hun>ten's,1l1a4l1-._s%11r- roun`d-ed _a (non, wh one of `S-aliVs= bui'y s compai1ions'g'ave` b`l`ow with .-. ....A.:..1_ _L'n ]S`V_red-'-S`a1i~rb1biry_, who has: bvben ein-V played`. 01; .t`1`xe~.&farm `of County T1*e~as_v111=-` m. n. n..:..1v... _- (1njueea`eMee% neeeivea cheege or ' ~ Gunshot in RightvFo t.%-.--Am-% , ~ I . putgtion May be_ niecessaryei SHOT INA F001 PnAIsn- ron and FAIR. ' Kibsyth, 29,_ VI... T.1J!L,, Lot 1. Con. 9, Innisl. containing 1oo` or- About 1 3; miles, from Thornton and 7} -miles: from Barrie. and churches; 2 acres of _ V 4_sn_ state of mlltivnnn . 1-: ....... no u 1 1 . 1 dbl so 0 ay oal;nush;o:v9el{gt:l;ed- - _Dr. Pallixi g twp` I vtjhvi V man` V ' Hospital, -_,being "H: m1 :nsfrs,or aagnut; i1-I`-it counfm?` 6:-T%'nucos_' Ann -rm: `* ` 29: _ _i911; _1__AR%R1E, coUNi*:;Y:_)FASIMCOE. QN_%TA1RI%O, OCT. }2, Tynd-a !l*l1 swore lzghat S:h9ri;d :;n had s`tru_ck at`11imwith. the _ kxiife ,Vjust . -*_[u'_i:Q1` 1 tioftaherg-' kiliising V of __ Fond, ganzz1i-,``zindt}lxeri4 LCrov5vn wvit_nas_a, gvcom-`o-H . #93 W33 --9" i`1-;9A* `".W .``3`1d.d ' Wat . When _Co u31ft resgmeds. 'after,.din1'1er,l Jas. and: Murdock V M-`cKee-,_ F1`-ancki Ty.nda.11 a'ndv_Norman Trgazzi Aggvg 9v'Ldence., ' ' - * '_FQurjvitneseeS were -heard yersbe-rd'a.y _mo`1;gingT and an ad'jo:f.mment_ made until.a_fte11 dixinr. None of these"; had" _ee_n. L 1}"he- actual . glfting between Ford and! vShe1'.id`an. . A. V . V _ Jury on Murder Trial,` _ Fourteen junymen` `were czhallenged in mpaneling the `jury. `The-.na*l _d_ra_t ws:. ` 4 ` _ 7 .4 ' `Alex. Risc-i.l1'a.1fdson, F1109; Robt. Low- ` rie, `-Essa; Robtw Bowman; _Ndt!tla.wasa- ga; `J'a:In0I 15`i!_1'l-a y, ._Co'l_1in,'gw'oOd`; _ Gem! I `Jaunes Fin'liay,.ColJingwoOd'; Geo.` Nelson,_I;1nis1;_ `Bryce, Notta.wa- U saga; J'a:ines' Bamrerman, 'Not` tawasa- ga;5J.. M. Courtney, Tottenha.m;A1ex. F. Burrows,-Sunn`i&a1,e; Rout. Wood, W. Gwiimbufy; J}: A. D6wn.3':, E1ssa:; Er- - `nest _4 Newton, _ Tiny} side of Pe FOR SALE. A "V he N :1 Lot 22. Con. 11, Innisl. 11]) acres: . W} Lot 1. Con. 13, Innlsl. 50 acres: the S W 1 Lot 21. Con. 9. Innisl. Eonores 3 P5" or s 5 Lot 1. Con. 13. Innisl. 93 acres}; W M 13. Con. 8, Ves rs. U138 30! of townshi? road, 50 acres; put at Lot 1.. West St. (cor. Peel and James Etc") 03?] z.ag.e. PT`0Dert,v. For Dartinnlnr: nrmlv tn -7 I I I `I (ear case of _ `nnrunder. In his address to the Grand Jury His Honor ! efl3vlf`1"ed` to the growing` preveJ`enc,.~. "of.- mn17der c ases`in this: dis- trict dusring the past few years. In the case to come." `before: them, they would be asked: to `say whether Sheri-I da.n.s_hou.ld be tnied -on, the cuhargse of murder, or W-hegther the charge should be reduced to manslaughter. The two young men, Sheridanw and _Ford, had been `keeping c0mpa'ny` with two sis- ters, they were of di e~ren.t. religion-s faiths, they had` quarrelleds and_ Svhexfi-_ dan had `carried a. knife for some :t`ime befone the cr_i:mehad.' been committed. From the Aervidence adduced at the inquest, HistHonor' thoughlt it 7` was a ` The: `defence may be able to bring evidence to show that the_..crime was committed. after` mud-h pr'ovoca.tion and it would then` I I I I I I I I rest with the Juny_~ sitting` on the case to form`.jud'gme'nt. "Do your duty. in ItIhIe height of God, was the venerable judge : parting words - to the Grand` \JurIors. _ . True mu fo_r_ Mixrder. When the" `G.rand"__ Jury re-turn~ed'on - .'I,`uesd:a.y Vaftetrnoon` aye! de.ibe_1-.a.tf1ng' for `-several` -h-o1_irs,_ they [returned a true bill for mnnden against Vmfthur Siherri- _1 "dan for the kitllling of Ross Ford`. The case was on Wednesday imam- V The Fall` Ascsliz-s opened on Ti1esd`ay` _wit1h Sir Chanoelhor Boyd-' `presiding. rue rlisit of asles isnot: very long`, but Awsom-e or the "c.asersr proIni.se{, ..tto, last se\frena.`l'l days. The Gra._nd Jury. were. sworn in and add-rssed by Chancellor Boy}! just 'after' dinner on Tesdy-ay', the following being -the personnoliliz` .9 E. `C. Drury, Oro, (foreman); Allan, Bell, Nottawasaga; ' Wm. Ba.con, , S.` -OriI`Ivi,a;_ "Lewis Guignac, Pene|t|a.ng; Ge'o.i Hanon, To_tten7h:am;v Wm`._ P-atteison,` I_nni.sl; '1`h'o:s; Parker, Essa; Jno. AI. P_arke1_', i Tay; "_J no. _Richrdsson, F105; John `J. Rawn, Adija.1`a; Wm. Thomson, _ . . _ I "-' `~""'"""`"" 'I.1_1ni.sl; -'1`lros; Parker,` P_arke1f,i Jno. DhomsOn, Esszi;/V Arch. .Wats_on, Sta.yneI.i;. James Pavson, Flos. Crown Wiinessg `Still Beit`1g .'H%e1A'd.-S el_f efence Will? ---- I , ham. 3.1.. Pfsihif and President or the council. .. Ho1~r.,mA-R. nunnmn. Minister of A.gricI_1ltur9.. fl`-ION. DR. .J'. D. REID, Minister of Customs. . ` `HON. w: ;`l'_. WI~II'1'E.`Minis}e'r of rinanpe. . . 'HON"u',`.iW...`.3/ NA.N'I'_EI'.,.s star 91 Inland Revenue. ..HON'. 3. ROGERS, ` star of xthe Interior. THON4 0;-T."D_0I'IEBTY.`. Minister of Justice. HON. '1'. W. 'CB}0THBRS, Minister - ofLabor. I-ION. J. D. HAZEN, Minister of" Marine and Tislierics. V _ H01__W.j.-S,A_MU,E_Ii. HUGHES _-. Minister of Militia. .HON. L. P. PELLIE'.'.l`IER, Postmaster-General. A HON. P. D. -MONK, Minister `of Public Works.- HON. PBAN .COGHRANE, Minister Of Railways and Tfanals. HON. `DR: W. .T, ' .An10n.-nu-no `A5 Q5-C-A __,_ -, aususauua UL uauswuya all Uanals. -DR.` W. J.-ROCHE, secret-.a_ry`of Stage. . . GEO; E; POSTER, Minister` of Trade and Commerce. A. "B. -.HON. GEO. PERLEY AND `HON. SENATOR `A . LOUGHEED_ Minintnrd urn-'hnu+ ym.`.a.o..1:.. Be Plea. f 7.I. risoner.--Oh:`er l`nter.esting-`W I Case's__`l;:o Be Heard. ~ i.'b'6_{3:`i: '-a..sva.Iu \.l'.I J\ln Illllllll l`LI.V.IJ 11 D, Ministers without portfolio. THE, BORDEN CABINET .w"_ . Rdy N, Stone. v. P. VR-.--`Da`,magAers. 3 for loss of arm. .A. E. H.` Cresrwic-ke, KfC., *1-`or p1.'tf., McM'umhy and Spence ( Henry Moore v. James Moore-`-$86L R429 f 1_' renlt. and $1,0QO damages for ;`x.gmoyal and .wr'ongff,ul1ly cutting of 3 ; wood, -eitc.-, Bruce & Fair p1t_Af., John i`IIo.od:foi- arc, _ w. J George Robph vi Ernest Moores-'--As- "saullt. W. H. Bennett / for pltf, _W. | Finla-ynsou fog dft. T . ' ' .Es*tther Ann Lynn, admini2str'at.rix of estate of Wm. Edgim Lynn and `Esther Ann Lynn v. G. T. vRai1way\---Dama.ges [for. d-eaath of ,hus band- and father. W. * Finlayson for '"p1`t_f., _ W; Biggar for Wdft; " ~_ .; ` .. sas-\.u for Colilin'gtwoo_fi Shi-pnbuilding ($0.4 .v; 1 _Bud o1-ph. Mcnonam Co._--Action for] `price of -b9i1er.' - . ` l .+I, rof. s -rep1fesyei;,;;ive' bf * ,'I`o'nonto`, begs"-__to, annmmceWt11:am_,he'- w_i11`1. be 4-aH$i_Ith'e Queemsi .Hote1;:~%TanM.satun:tay, -~()p];, J` `,h;_ `-?\ 1ni'vH-.11 ".g:'.'.: nn'vni-."lIa#'a` A...-.J'....` --3` .011-motkae. 'E."-c1ne1.1 v. Joseph J. ,_Red2mon*d-A--Brea.,c1 of. promise. Bruce and Fair for pLtf., John Birnie fdrl rlff. ` ' DIUU C N120 A [YY.' ; yv a-I4: -yuu \:ucuu.*u nul;-8'1 0Il.D~3Tr1ll'7(l8y,' ; Oct. 28th-, `a. 'c.0mp]!ete. dvispiay of the. njeT ' ._. -` `and; New Yam Haif`i;t`\`G09d5-7i;Y 4 M` _ , M Geno. ~Rol-p`h. gbt judgment for $500` from Ernest V_Moores Jfon "assault. The "two men were employed` D. White of Midland, `andhit is alleged that Moore-3 svhnrck R.-olsph. with a` shovel injuring his head and` `breaking I 1 several `j ribs. ~~ on-n\A dft. _ 6 The defendant dlenie-d all the a1:l`e~g'a-E tions and: fm't!h=er stated that the} `plaintiff was not a wo'm`a.n of chgste E `oha1_'a.c_te.zf and claimed that since mime! thte of t11c_e/a1'ie ge.d_ prgimiseu` `of mar- 'ria;ge she `has `had illicit `inte`rcoT1.rse~ `wiblr men otllier than the 'dIefen1dant.; E - . ~ -- --~~'~ t"V"` `es `sev-era]! times, pa1'.t.iAcu1aa'1.y in Juy l]910; t-li2i.t're:lying on `this promise of` 'ma.n~i_age the p1a.in.titf permitted` the! defendan't 'to` seduce her, and .on_ May: '2, 1911,,She gav -biwh. to}: female} !c`}riTdl_ of Twihi`c'l`1 .de.fendant is fa`t?I1er.` ! Roy Stone is suing the C.P.R. for $10,000 for the Poss: of an a1'.m.w1:is] braking on the `road near Bolton Junction last Match. 'He- claims de- fective eq-uipmenm A. E. ~H. Creswicke is acting for Mr. Stone.` . A Breach `of Promise. ` Charlotte E.` Sc-he1`l, `a spinster, of C-o1ling}v;v'ood', i-s'Usuin,g'.IosephV J." Red- mond for "$2000 damages for 'brea.c-h . of promise to marry, In plaintiff s; staterment af claim. it is a.1'}e.ged thlat: In June, '19O8,.defe-nd.`Aant prdmisetd tn marry; thaiti be renewed: llhese promis-< `(IQ Aaonnalrnl` 4-1'-um- ....._J_!, `I 1 thought` .t-hat the -CrownT s~ .ca.se on ' thought the 'Crown .s case on` thd `cl`1arge of_ murdelj very weak, `and it, is ge7nera_1*l-y. supposid tvh a1ts Mr. `Robinette counsel for-tho prisoner will apply to have the charge re(d'uc~e'd` to one of mansllaughter. ` Apart_from the n1?u_n'de~r. trial tihf-e tare `a ni1mber_O=f :i,ntenasbi-ng cases to be -heard at the Assizes. ' i The rs~t scase heard was a non-jury ' .case of Henry Moore, of Nottawasaga,' against his~son, J ames Moore, claiming o$861'for rent anti $1,000 da.ma'g_e_s'for cutting and wnongfully removing` wood, andv to rec1'aiI'nJ possession of property; Decision was givenin favor] of plaintiff. ` > . . . | mronrmg -ro _ List of Eases; "-`I ... . U01 at. war. reel ana James 5:13..) 001- ' roperty. For articulate apply to W.-- Ross Block. rrie. I ` 33 -41'!-'_,

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