{DB A_F.1:_spN 59 T .I...h. 4.. 26 13 10 10 10 10 .10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 AQUINLAN, 16 16 16 16 16 16 16. 16 16 16` 16 16 16 16 16 Tieasuger, County 'Simcoe. %_I.or1-us-`1>mmsox. 1-16 '1-16 21-16 1416 1116- 1-16 1-16 1-16 1-16 1-16 1-16 1-16 1-16 14- $1 .24 BIIIIY-' VT: -IQIIIIIQ I-gt. .y--_ ` nu tho hotshot Your uqlchbol on non- by. In In! 9". don't in _;t,lo"llo ;o hdvlu 5 plctotnph, pgao dour you from ontorluc tug, -scoutootltton; A tleulu-I7 `II illlvo , V ' rotlrglooil pig A 5.47 30 24 24 24 24 24 24 35 292% 32. 32 32 374-2 $3.50 3:50 3:50 3.50 3.50 3.50` 3.50 $4.74: 8.97 5256 3:74 ' 3.74: 3.74 3.74 3.74 3.74 vwv 3332 dual` wus- 3:32 Ft-`ch Cochin China l.'l'IllOB , , 1 Grant Rabin - ' I Ivvjuv v , I, II _uvu~-_-. u_-u-u-v-' --, ALxAiI3EI'LiiEn. caugmu. `V 1'-*.f. .. ;.`x.1.n4- Finland ' Formosa. I`... na- ITBIIII1 Italy `noun "H7 1'. 'Ei`liA`S E:'l:T. Mama; ' Fletc-l1en,`C "Campbell; ` llllyglralngea-, ` Tudbc 3. -`Pikes: R. Bidwell, R. J. -Fletcher-V AD9.m0uee,.~R. Bidwell R; .J iF1e.tcher: ` .`5R Sc~abiosa,_ ,P.. Love "1):.c.'oamp1ie11 - D C Verbena, Mrs-.` '1`. (la-Vve11`a, D. 0, Camp: '.'l"8 < bell; Calliopsi,-R.J.`Fletcher- Lillies L905? R. Bidwel-l;~ Heliainthus R. 'Biawe11"|b11= `Mrs. `T. Oave`na Candwztuft P. Love Reid Geo. \'ic1ger;' ',Coc`kseomb, P. Love:.`l t `Miss Creswicke; Mignonette, G. Vick- 33% `s s. ' ~1 v` ' - 3..:fon .`}T'i` el2?i-6 i?:.' 2 me 6 single, ,G. Vickefs, R..I,3idwell' Ger- 3- W animus ,double, D. C..Campbel,l, R. Mrs- Bidwell-; Basket cut owers,` D. C. 5'1?` Campbell, W. Patterson; Table Flower 3- M Ornament, D. c.-campbe11,Mm. W. 0. drivil Hewitt"; Table Bouquet, D. 0. Camp- H3853 `bell, Geo. Vickers; Hand `o'uqu,et,~D. (115 h _C. Campbell, P. Love; Floral Lawn 01- 3- H Inament, D. C. Campbell; Gaillardia, `IN ('1 IV.._...I....I1 _ H_enderson sEar1y,`M. Moore, Jae.-` Marlin; Winningstadt, M, 'Moore,wJ.74 Marlin; Savoy," J..vMarlin, M. Moore; j: Scotch Kale, D. C. Campbell; Red .1 Cabbage, M. Moore, J. Marlin; Cab-' bage. any other variety, J. Hines,;J. Mar-lin; Cauliower, M. Moore, ~Mrs. T. Cavena; Early Horn Carrots, D. C. Campbell, W. M. Campbell-; Chantenay ` Carrots, W. M. Campbell, C. `W. Nash; Long Red Carrots, Mrs. T. Cavena, W. J. Scott; Parsnips, _W. J. Scott, M., Moore; Paris Golden Celery, Jae. Mar- lin, D. C. Campbell; Pink Celery, Jas. 9 Marlin`, Plume Celery-, Jas. Marlin, -E. -Harris; Winter Celery, Jas. Marlin; Capsicums, D. C. Campbell; Table Corn, C. C. `Hinds, Chas. Robertson; , Table`Beans in Pod, B. Bidwell, P. }Love; Long Red Beets, D. 0. Campbell, W. M. Campbell; `Turnip Beets, W. J. Scott, Mrs. T. Cavena; Salsify, W. M- Campbell, D. C..,Campbell; Long: Bed llladish, J`. Marlin, C. W. Nash; Turnip -Radish, M. Moore, D. C. Campbell; Table Turnips, W. Campbell-, D. 0.: Campbell; Jerusalem" Artichokes, R. Bidwell, P. Love: Yellow Seed Onions-, Geo.` Ottaway, M._ Moore; Red Seed Onions, John Hines; Potato Onions; W. J. Scott,.J. McLaughlin; Imperial Tomatoes. P. Love, Mrs. M. Campbell; ' Eanlina Tomatoes, P. Love`, W. M. `Campbell; Stone Tomatoes, P. Love,` W. M. Campbell; Any other vL'ariety,l Mrs. W. H. Myers, P. Love; Collection of Tomatoes, D. C. _Campbell,- Jno. Staplbton; Hubbard-~ Squash, 0. C. Hinds, `W. M. Campbell; Mammoth Squash, Jno. Stapleton, W. M. Camp- lbell; Vegetable Marrow, Jno. Hines, Geo. Whiting; Musk Melons, W. J. Scott," D. C. Campbell`; Water;Melons, W. J., Scott, W. M. Campbell; Citrons, Mrs. W. C. Hewitt, W. J. Scott; Col- lection of Garden Vegetables, D. C. Campbell, Mrs. T. Cavena. . 'I')`:`..i3..-(v2 a1;1';'>b.aVl'l..' The headline `tdon of Dynanmite,- suggests that the future eccupant wanted temake sure at going up.- '30 I " Ia Po\% 5 Rnumnnin Il V Roumanis I GARDEN PRODUCE. neighborhood. , By this nun. 10' you up plant! on an aqua loch ? Inc. with our! other contuunt. Got the olcglllf. wllall than you . . tun puuculuo at tho ooudmou III iot- `clio othor "cu-no pmu. In:-7 doctor with soil: "CANkDA". Gallant will an in had a supply 0! than olroulnu--can -he'll give you on .1! Wu lint uktor II." 0:]! you pnt`or.`='vo`u can an an a'tI9_ehqI_ cousin!-_-or I tutu:-I um` do-nut it to atone! you-`II uuIn~tho.1conoIoco. I ot uln `at up .oontoit D7` rotlij 1 runner nr wfwnu cu- 1 9! . = ~V i . It r%~`u-um 6.: otnn cu,.;.f ;,&%m L soul! at = - f" - Tariff I1-it gigsam A (Continued from .page 3). M I Colverts, John, How, L. Kenneiiif; 8:. Son; Wagner, J.. How, Geo. Ottaway; -. `Pippin, "C. '1`. Thompson, T. co nne11;; Wealthy, J. How," L. '1`; Leach &- Song.` Bell Flower, Geo. Ottaway, Jae. Coutts; King of Tompkins County, "Geo. Ottaway, Jas. Coutts; Rhoda` Is`-Z 1and Greenings, Geo. Ottaway, C. T. I slop. Jas. Black, W. J. Campbell"; Crabs, anv other varietv. Albert Or-A Thompson; ' Man, Geo. Ottaway. Jae. chard. Chas. Robertson._ PEARS, Belt` 2`- Coutts; ~ Ben Davis, `Mrs, J. Quinlan, _`W. J. Scott; Cayuga Red Stre'ak.*.R. ;'.Bidwel,.l. A. Or-chard ; Ontarios, C._""l'. Thompson, C. M. Hicklinsz; '~Wo`f ,River, R. Webb, Joe. Caldwell; Seek- lno-further, -Geo. Ottawav. 0. Robert? son; Grimes Golden, C. H. Wilson. A. Orchard; 5 varieties suitable for do`- sert. Geo. Ottaway, J. `W. Orchard; 5 varieties suitable for cooking. `Geo. 0t-tawny, W`. M. Campbell-: 5 varieties suitable for export. Geo._ Ottaway. A. Orchard; Transcendent Crab Apples, W . M. Campbell`. Geo._ Whiting; v- letts. E. Harris; Mrs. J. Lawrence; Louise Bonne. (lea Jersev, R. J. McCon- key; Duchess. Mrs. J. Lawrence; Flem- ish Beautv. `Mrs. J. Lawmmce. C. '1`. Thompson: Collection of Autumn and Winter Pears. Mrs. J. Lawrence, C. W. Nash; . Collection of `Grapes, L. Kennedv. Jno. How.` i ` PLANTS AND FLOWERS. 2 Hanging Baskets, R. Bidwell; Fushias-, R. Bidwell; Single Geraniums, Bidwell; Double Geraniums, R. Bid- well; Coleus, R. Bidwell; Begonias. R. Bidwell; Ferns, R. Bidwell; Collection` of Green House Plants, R. Bidwell; Collection of Plants in Doha grow`-n bv amateur, D. C. Campbell, R. Bidwell. Collection of Begonias. Geo. Vickers, B. Bidwell; Rubber Plant, Geo. Vick- ers, D. C. Campbell; Kochia. D. 0.. Campbell; Impatiue-, B. Bidwell P. Love; Collection of Asters. P. `Love, D C. -Campbell; Gladiolif J. H`. Ben- nett, D. C. Campbell; _Panriee with foliage, P. Love. Mrs. `Cavena, D C. Campbell; Sweet Peas, P. Love; Gle- (lioli, 10 spikes, 10 varieties. P. Love; Asters, pink, P. Love, W. Pattersoml Asters, white, P. Love, Mrs-. W. H. Myers; Asters, purple I . Love. J. 1!. Bennett; Asters. crimson. P. Love. D. `C. Campbell; Asters, mauve, P. Love, D. C. Campbell: Asters, 2 shaded. "P. Love, W. Patterson; Annuals, 18` varieties, D. C. Campbell. Mrs. Ca- vena: Petunias. single, D. C. Campbell`, '0. W. Nash: Petunias, double, D. C. "Campbell; Phlox, Drummondi. `R. J". Fletcher, R. Bidwell; Perennial_ Phlox. R. Bidwell, Mrs.` Cavena; Stocks, D. C. Campbell, J. H. Bennett: Zinniae, W. Patterson, D. C. Campbell; Marigolds, P. Love, R. J. Fletcher; Dahliae, G. V Whiting, F.,Otton; Naeturtiums," R. Bidwell, P. Love; Diantlius, B. J. `A (.`.arriHage.-_--Sing1e,- H. Hea.l_ey, A.` `B. , -~`Coutts;* tea_m,. S.,_-Harvie, R. F. Cald- ":well; mare having` ;ra1sed- foal Rm 1911', ` _ He_a.1ey';H_2-[year-_-0151. ..G_. -Henley, J`, g `Pbundf .yearI1 n'g,' G. I-Iealey, H. J. _ gTud`nope; "Highland `-.Pv1:uce" colt , ;T. _ 3-H. McMahon. . V - \, . ,1 `;Road -.Ho1fse_s-Ge`ntlem`anfs driver, I `Dr. C. .Kirkapa.trick, J. R. Reid; farm-' 'er's driver, R. N. Reid, Ralph Mc-i ; Leod; team, H. Columbus, N.rUa.mp-, 1 |be11; open trot, A. McIntyre, R- N.= 5 Reid, W, Thompsom; mere having rais e"ed foal in 1911`, M. Beath. N. McCal- (f man; spring colt, VT.LH. McMahon,` ,_ N. McCa1ma,r.; yearling, Beath. an 1 `II .- __ `-__ inane _ > :;., roo V S. ;KissOck?; R.;,l%oe;-T`-21. :- ?LIWi? glg1ii; f_b{x1"'bf'1911. ;R~.' Roe, J. Wiggins, P. McLeod, ;Jr'.; 2- yoar-old, R, Roe:; J. Wiggins ; J. Cald- well; .yai:1in:. `~. 11. R03, R. Roe, M: Mcrthurz yearling sta1.1io!.i.'J. Wig-.| _:..z_ L___...- .11..-. 1.--; ..'.'__..' __ .....1.1 .1011!-olds. >3-B9e; :91. .W1i:.zin: Geld .fwell';f_ .yfamg_g,l% 3.; Ron, 1:. - Roe, M; i1cA,tt!n1r; stF11io!.I.liJ- Wis,-L lsin; .team;n;-13oe;ll mm or gels! i'n8"..-Jshyvee.;R..Roe-.3. ~ 7 V V 9. lilo.-UV 163513. J.` Q Qilunayvws :_y.v c a ` Agr1cu1t.u1`a1-'.-f-_- `road mare, ~T 'l`._ W.- J enmey; I-Irb Gralwford, J ." "McArthur; -foal of 1911, J. McAr,thur,-`A. Jermey, | Herb Crawford; -2-year-`old, H. J. , .C`rawford. HG". Simpson, _J. Caldwell; yearling, J. Pound, F. Robertson, 0. Herbert; V beam, T`. W. Jermey, Gra_-1 ham Bros; best mate or gelding, T. iW.V J-ermey. L` * ` q `-9 er, I__.. A ' -l'I -`G. Love; best herd, W. O. Wilson. ; 3. Misceuaneous-Saddl_eF' honse, Mrs. I; _B. W. Binith, E. Leigh; lady driver, "1 Bailey. Mrs. B. w. Smith; lady a driver, resident, Miss Slessor, Miss - -B.`McLean; best horse `for riding and ` driving, J..R.. Reid; pony driver, _.D."~ Pugsley, W. R. Harvie; farmer's sad- , horse, E. Leigh; saddle pony, W. ..-u -_._ V,. R. Hag-vie, D. Pugsley. W . -`CATTLE, Re-gisbcred- -Aged bull, W. Graham; 2-year-old, G. Love; yearling, A. R. Graham, `W. 0. Wilson; bull call, 1, 2 and 3, W. 0. Wilson; cow. having raised call, 1, 2 and 3, W. C. Wilson; .2-year-old heifer, W. O. Wilson, L. `Shaw; Heifer ca-ll, L. F. Shaw. Grade Catt.le-2-year-old steer, R.Roe J. McA.rthnr, R. Roe; yearling steer, -J. MeArthur, W. C. Wilson, M. Ma- honey; fat beast, J. McArtlmr, L. F. Shaw; omllch cow, W. Graham. J. McArthur. R. Roe; 2-year-old heifer,` `J. MeArthur, W`. O. Wilson, R. Roe; `yearling heifer. W. .0. Wilson, M. Ma- .hony, L. F. Shaw; call, 1. and 2, L. `-F". -Shaw. - 81nepstakes-Best Registered bull, Ootswolds--r{ged rain. J. Sander- son, 1-`. Sanderson; shearling ram, J. Sanderson; F. Sanderson; run lamb. J. Sanderson, F. Sanderson; aged ewe, F. Sanderson. J. Sanderson; shear-ling. F. Sanderson, J. Sander- son: ere lamb, F. Sanderson. J. Ban- 4 . I .o__._-.. I Leicestera`--Aged ram`, J. Allan,{ W. Tudhqpe; shearling ram. '1`. W. = Jermey. W. Tudhope; ram lamb, W.1 Tudhope; 'R. Carscadden; aged ewe, 13; Oarscadden. W. Tudhope; sham-ling -r A It... `D gqnnngnu guy; `R. Oarscadden. W. Tudnopc: snvlrunz gave, .1. Anna. R. Oarscaddgn; ewe 1-...:. 1 .....I I) 1 Allan `uwv, u. nun-u, an ...-..__._.., -..-i |lamb, 1 and 2. J. Allen. Soutbiowns---Aged ram. ram lamb. aged`-ewe, shearling. ewe lamb, all taken by N; Mcoolman. -_ Shropshire:-Aged ram, W; Wiggins; nhearling 1-aIn,AG.-,8. Clark, W. Wig- gins; ram lamb, 1 and 2, W. Wiggins; cm lamb`. w. wiggina. s. c1uk;1 shearling owe. W.` Wiggins, G. 8.; "`--'-- `-34 I153`: ` and W. wiQ- ` Grad: Sheep+-Aged ewe. W. Tudhope G. 8. Clark; shearling ewe. N. Mc- Ga1ma.n,~ J. Allan; ewe lamb, N. Mc- Oalmsn. G. S. Clark; {at sheep, G. S. Clark, W. Wiggihq. . `PIGS . Yorkshire:---Brood now. M. Mahony; .4 E_ Co Ion l'r'chL7ochinL:hina1VIalta - y K0381!` . v V vmwuvpwvu . Chni ,Germany Manchurirq . T .` ,Umguay_ ' ax China GreatBr-{min " Mexico `L - Siam ' wag t." a hels, toubles, etc., as the case may be. `Thie "ensues that the _payee.abroad;w1ll `receive the actual amount intended. i 'aARRI+;_&B_nANcH D-: I'he amount of these drafts is stated in. themoney `cf thecountry..whe:_je they ajre',p'?ay-,.r able; that is they are drawn in sterling, franqa;.`_m a;-k_s. lire, krouen,-orins, yep, . \.!> A333. E; fewo _ `p90,! 5:0 09 o_ioq0'. sammri RN- Imvaiwen '3}? sf. '. 5 0` W 4 W555 b, .1 and 2. W. "in; `$.21? or'1-:72 Ca:t:a:li;n>;.Ba::l: 3%'c'o.`$;-23 fsf:qn"ipp'ed- Ega? .5. V ` rincipal cities in thefoilowing countdc8-,Wifhgg;:edc > :- g V ;:..;-.`r ~ 5 frica Crete T V ; V Ambit Cub: Holland Norway V V T ` . - 2; ; Qfgcntine Republic Denmark Iceland ` ` . Punauu. ~ ` . . South*Afri;co 3 ' T __I!_ IB...._a. `I_.I:- . ' Dnnudn -- -./ .gnn:n s`)w.b; L; Sh3,_' V . `T - .5: _. . ' T % . \.._.-- r W _` .,. ` K ., g _.~.: ` H-, ` `,.Wi1On ' 8.-ni?;eS`."aW`+; S,0,tt`: c!,li93.lis. C.*H'._Wi1`.-_. '~ 8011. TW-f ;.3c`c'>t-if-'."'i` ' Gochiua. T C--` Wil-` .~ . son; cl_1lcks,.,,'Cl.~.,.;I-,1. ['Wi,1I_on. Turkeys; '- L- -F.-*_ Shlayi` seeae$Ls, F-*ShaW:l .duck`s A J. A. McLucas,- Shaw; hen-;egg_s, -, A. -R.-Graham," W.. M. Campbell`. ' .- FARML-RO`O,'I'S AND -VE -l'1`_ABLES , Eai-ly potato,es',7:'G;`Cam13bel1;~. `N. . j Campbell-; Tate potatoes. G. Campbell A. D`; Camvell; Swede: ,t'u'rni'pg,, W. A M. Campbell,-, D;='P._ .Strathe'a1_'n; '.Aber`- _ deen turnips, W. `Scot-t,`i. G`. I-Iealey;_ white` turnips, 1 and 2, VW- M. Camp- Ibe1l;..mangolds, V long, W. M. Camp-j bell, W. Scott; nrangolds, globe, 71 : and 2,, W. `M. __Campbe11;` white car-; rots, W.. Scott, W._ M. Campbelh` A sugar beets, `W. M. _Campbell,- W. '|Scott; pumpkins, W. `Scott, G. S. ' Clark; VMam'moth squash, W. M-. Camp ' bellr; collection of roots. W.--M. Camp- " ;be1'l;, red onions, M. Mahotley, Mrs. 'fF. McKay; yellow onions, Arch Gra- : ham, Mrs. F. McKay`; white onions,` .Mrs. F. McKay, J. A. McLucas; ' potato` onions . -W. Scott, J. A.` Crawford; red carrots, W. Scott, W. - `M. Campbell; shorthorn carrots, W.` - IC. Willsosns, W-. M. Campbell; parsnips, V (W. .Scott, W. M. Campbell; long blood 3 beets, J. Elson, W. Scott; turnip '_ beets, W: `Scott, Mrs. W. '1`. Leo; cab- bage, W. C. Wilson, Mrs. D. Mccuaig; cauliower, M. Mahoney, Mrs. W. T. - Lee; white Tuscarora corn, W. Allan; Stovells Evergreen corn, Mrs. W. C. Hewitt, Graham Bros.; Hubbard . squash. W. M. Campbell, John El- - son; vegetable marrow, J.`E1son, W..` l I o C. Wilson; tomatoes, G. Campbell, Mrs. F. McKay; salisfy, W. Scott, W. M. Campbell; citrons, W. C. Wilson, Arch Graham; `water melons, W. M. Campbell, Mrs. W. T. Lee; musk mel- ons, W. C. Wilson, W. Scott; collec- tion of vegetables, Mrs. D. Mccuaig; bag of potatoes, N. - Campbell, Arch` " Graham; celery, W. Scott, Mrs. D.: n `|l'-t'|u..: 1: IJIIIIAZ McCua.i.g ; ` W. T. Lee; Bouquet, Mrs. W. '1`. Leo, J. Elson; Crab apples,.Mrs. N. Bell, W. Tudhope; Pewaukus, G. Crawford, _W. Scott; Northern Spies-, J. Caldwell, W. `M. Campbell; Wealthies, .W. Forrester, J. Caldwell; Golden Russets, M. Ma- honey, W. Scott; Ben Davis, W. For- rester, Jno. Elson; Snow apples, J. Pound, W. Forrester; Wolf River, W. Forrester, J. Caldwell; St. Lawrerice, um, .11. ___- `ll 'I ..lI.-...L\nn 'l`a\`nnn ` Dis;;l:y: C\1-tilovv-ver`s, Ccott, Mrs. Forrester, J. Caldwell; at. Lawrence, H. J. Tudhope, R, Johnston; Tolman Sweets, J. Elson, C. Herlbert; Plums, W. For-`teeter, W. M. Campbell; Pears, early, W. Forrester, C. H. Wilbon; Pears, late, Jno. Elson, N. Mccalmnn; Grapes; Mrs. N. Bell, W. C. Wilson; Collection of fruit, W.M. Campbell, Mrs. McCunig. A ` -Mrs. '1`. McCulloch; ~Gi_lch_rist. . w. news, a. uuuuwcu, A. Crawford, J no". Elson; Yellow Corn, D. T. Strathearn, W. Scott; Sheet of Wheat, W. M. Campbell, Mrs. D. Mc- Cuaig; Sheaf of Oats, '1`. W. Jermy, W._ M. Campbell; Ensilage~'Co`rn, W. Scott, W. Forrester. ' DAIRY PRODUCE.` 20 lb. Crock Butter, Mrs. A. -D. Gil- christ, Jno. Key,,Mrs. D. M~eCuaig; 10 lb. Crock Butter, Mrs. D. Mccusig, Jup. Key, A. JJermy; 5 lbs. Roll Butter in 1 lb. rolls, Mrs. D. McCusig, Mrs. A. 15. Gilchrist, A. D. Campbell; 8% 1. Rolls, Mrs. D. Meuaig, Jno. Key, Mrs. '1`.-McC*u1lo Farmers Cheese, A; D. Campbe , N. Campbell; Honey in Comb; C. H. ,Wilson, Mrs. `V IIIUKI \I?I II III Hewitt; Strained Honey", .Mrs._ Hewitt, Jno. Elson; VMaple Sugar, 'Jno; Key, Mrs. Hewitt; Maple Syrup, Mrs. D. Mccuaig, _ Mrs. Hewitt; Homemade Bread, Mrs. A. .D.' Gilchrist: J. Key, ` Fruit Cake, Mrs. McKay, Jno. Key; Home-made j Buns, Mrs.;.MeCulloeh, ~Mrs. A. D. "Gilehrist;.' Bottled Piekles, -Mrs.',He1tit,t,_ rJnro.i Key; Collection `Bottled Fruit,- ,Mrs"., F. `McKay, Mrs. `D. Mccuaig; . Jelly Cake, Mrs. `D. MeCu_sig,_ iMrs. A. D. 7___ . ..___-:-nu Timotllyy W. M. Campbell; Clover,-V J. Caldwell, G. Clark; Flax, N. `Campbell, ;A., D. Campbell; Red Win- ter Wheat, 11. J. Tudhope, G. S. Clark; Spring Wheat, G. S. Clark; White Oats, W. M. Campbell, J. Caldwell; Large Peas, Jab. Leigh; Small Peas, W. Scott, J. Caldwell; White Corn, J; A n_-...c.....: 1'...':`"'n!1.m... vnllmn nrn; umgngifnsrxc-% Mauumcmulms. j Aah Tray, yrs. .n. J..'1`m11|P. M . Io`, -M Kn" -Apron fancy MN. '11 M::su1l6ch,c M33 . F. uxm inankots. . F. M Mfg, D. Campbell` `:4. `I! II? G.unO`|- nnfilf. wot-kn muons -_eurfaces' L of Vavv zrvv-----r, 4y-`--, The reederp of this paper will be pleased to learn that there is at least one dreeded- disease that mcienceg he been able to cure in all its etagee, ! and that is. Cetexrh. Hell : Catarrh Cure in the oniy positive cure now known to the medical! fraternity. Car- tarrh being 9. eonstitutionai disease, requiges ee conetitutionet " treatment. Hell '3 fCutarr,1_t Cure is taken interni- ly acting diretly upon the -blood and thereby A aemoyingi the -gonna:-`i tion of ,-the " disegie, end` . . . 8` lug ~t1Ie~.epetie_nt _ strength by,bui1d~ Neva-it ing" up the emistitutiqn and eeeieting nature` in. doing; ite. we ' gpro-9 prjetore ;1m`o .fajo, it Lith in A _ , cutative ;;t59Wer9t--.;it50ti o9=.?.:OII` t if msiasr-ti:t9r.;-uy .. IIt':it . Iuuul 4 Attntine Denmark [Austulia V Egypt` 1 _Auatria-Hungary Faro: lulu f,B'elium } . Br?:il_ n.. mg-:n F:-anon iBattenburg vyorx, nu-a._ n. u yw,., `Mrs. B. W. Smith; Bumt Wood Work, 0. 28, Warren`, V Mrs. -`Key; Bedroom 1 If'.`i`f $. .?'...`;5.i:. ;i`f.` }:.`L"x'i %.:..:,: .';.':: _bllpp0l'8, urn. menu} non; Button Holes-,~. i Mrs.. H. J. Ttgdhopgn Triowmgs AND FRUITS. GRA'INVAND smans. o6., `COUNTY OF SIMCOE Treasurers Sale of lands - By virtue of a warrant issued by the Warden of the County of Simeoe, 'bearing date the 22nd day of August, in the year of -our Lord Nineteen Hundred and Eleven, and to me directed, commanding me to levy -upon the several lands mentioned and described, being in -the County of Simeoe, for, arrears respectively due theneon, together with `my costs, I hereby give notice. pursuant to the Asaemment Aet and amendments thereunto, that un~ less the aid arrears and costs be soon er paid, I shall on . BARRIE FAIR ton, Mrs. R. Straohan, Mrs. W. T. Lee; I Crocheting on snk, Miss dc. Wilson] Centre Piece, embroidered, Mrs. Mc- Kay, Mrs, Mcculloch; Centre Piece, any other kind, Mrs. Stnatheern, Mrs.` McOuaig; - Ohild s Dress, C. McKay; Drawn-york on linen,` Mrs.` Btrnthenrn, Mrs. A N. Campbell`; Dinner Hats, Mrs. W._ T. Lee, M!!! C. McKay; Darned; Stocking, Mrs.` H. J. rndhope; Embroidery on linen, Mrs. IB, W.` Smith; Mrs. Strn`thenrn;\~.Em- `broidery on other goods, Mrs. D, Mc- Cnnig; Flannel, me. D. Mccuqig, `H11. A N. Campbell; Fancy Photo B. trnthenrn; 5 o'clock Covet, gllrs; 8trntheirn,~llro. B. _.B_`I_tith;;`.l'lnnnel~ Shirt, V Mn. N. ' rs,` M.eKny; Fancy Table, ; )l``rI.~: *:;..1[ckny,-1; E. J, Todhge; llecuiloeh, re. ; ;_?;'_qpnt1gq`gn g..1'ie,r-Mrs. lic- -alfexuen . Hooked 113%. .;I(;s,::_llOn:och; yllcicuaisz Hair` :.,Pin; }`.'eider,-1-1123 . H. J; Tcdhope, Mrs. :1"~:;`.,.> 3l:,-:`Xny:;;;.TArdinie`re. - McKay. ;~ns- ' .`;..'i. Ildgk `llnhiurg ll:-1; Cuaig; Mrs. Seott; Crocheting on Cot- Tuesday; December 5th, 1 9 1 I at the hour of two o'clock in the afternoon, at tzhc Court House in the Town` of Barrie, proceed to sell by Public. Auction so much of the said lands as maybe suicient to discharge -the taxes and all lawful charges incurned in am} about --the aalv and collection of the same.` The following lots are patented (except where otherwise statedz): Go JILUAI-DJ , I` 'M.AI]~; dlrulnxcta, `mu. 3. smohan; Match `Elan, Mrs. ;l;(e_Ka`y, Mrs; `H. J. `mahope: Mitts, ~fIr'9ol1n,~ Mrs. Kecnlloeh, nu. Mc- Caqijs j.Ne.tt.o&%.!!9rk. mm P McKay. Iri..;';.,Rbbottpon;'Pillow Shame, Mrs. -3;%`fW.;;81ig9,_.-L165;`_:O.` Mexsy: Patch ;_'I;3`.`. ."..`ni_....`-L'. _~It.. ~-W '..`.'.g 11 ... __| No} 10 141 ' 12 13 14 15 16 17_~ 18 19 20 21 22 23 13 -191 21 24 N5 tsny, ............. W 0qoo5oooo . . o u . . . . - - - cocoon N-.'85El,. ..... ....... .. 917 ........ .. N98 18 w. ...... W5N.10_ szsw 9 5. 100 2 6 5 3 _ 6 100 11 13 85 8 '14 17 9 -'14 9' 9 14 .... 5 14.86 1 .53 9.55 14.23 3.65 2.41 1.61 3.50 18.36 3.50 5.03 3.50 13.05 3.50 17.73 3.50 7.15 3.50 5.91 3.50 5.11 'l`.he-'A:iIjou,rn.od5SIe will-take place on TUESDAY, the 19th day of .DECEMBER_, at two ofclock p.m., in the Court House. : "35 The Notlem Adwance, Barrie, -on '1'hu1~seday,'August 31qtg;`1:91I}:ih `_t1Io~0ugao`Gszette 'on`Saturday, "September 2nd, 1911. ~WaIterUrry P: N34,, as described in registered deed N6. 87861 . . . . . . .. W '14 sag. ....... .. '(IY....4..... `DA; CJDIII IVVI ovv 133' Elm St. No. -E-Elm st. No. E Elm St. No. Jl;m_imt`mItIan, Shells {and Equipment . foi'tI_ze Season _at,1d a Line at IN ARREARS FOR TAXES. Part .30 BAYFIELD smzzr Simplex Guns New Stock Just Open MONO tho DIIIOI wo on ollol-Inc In our bl: P:-too contact In ono of 3100.004?!-loo "'6"! ` ton-Jlo tumor in out Ptovlnoio wllo` tub nlohoo no with 5 photograph ohowln no but of; any pol-uculor klotot work douo on hlo dun-lac tin with OMWADA. comm,` . 33` '0 1l9.3,I_!0w`-]_...." Now sun no out on you some (hog oowjl}o.;;, tn-Inn or um:-c. V!!! 90;-ahmmnh o V pujloo. work of ovory dooorlp COUNTY OF SIMCOE, T0 WIT: TOWNSHIP OF SUNNIDALE .............. .._. 19 6 14 TOWNSHIP OF INNISFIL TOWNSHIP or VESPR-A. LUV WWII $5 all-ova uxa _ av, ... St:-achan, Mrs. Mcculloch; Tea Cosv, Mrs. McKay, Mrs. A. D. Campbell; Toilet Mats, Mrs. R. Strachan, Mrs. McKay; Tea Pot Stand, .Mrs. L. L. Robertson, Mrs. McKay; Whisk Holder, 0. E. Warren, 1st and 2nd; Yarn, grey, Misc 0. llcxsy. Mrs. Mc- Cuuig; Yarn, white, Mn. 1-`. McKay, Mrs. D. Medan ; Ben Specimen of Writing, Elsie cWatt, Edgar. _ Mrs. R. Strachan, Mrs. F. McKay; Quilt, Log Cabin, Mrs. N. Campbell, Mrs. McKay; Quilt, knitted, Mrs. Mc- Culloch, Mrs. , McKay; Stockings, fancy, Mrs. -Mccuoch, Mrs. McKay; Socks, plain, Mrs. Mccuaig, Mrs. Mc- Kay; Sofa Pillow, embroidered, Mrs. McKay; Miss J. Graham; Sofa-Pillovr, any other kind, Miss C. Wilson, Miss ..-I.--. . Ggjnul D-on `M56 `fun 1, ' any vuuux nulu, Iaraham; Saved- GL..- .1. -- ll -.. H1133 Us Rag Mat, AnuuAn`| 0 `V IIUIIII A quiet but very ' pretty wedding took_ place in St. Patrick s Church, `Phelpston on Monday morning, Sept. -25th, when Miss Jimmie Pearson be- came the -`wife of," Mr. Peter Loftus. `The -b(ide_was given away. by her fa ther,,.lCt.'N Jan. Peqrlon, Mix A. was `bjrideluieial while the ,`-1ilQ Hr. Chan. Mc- A no.2; and _. on ._ifHUR8::KY;' 5, 1911. Lot Con Acres Arrears Costs Total em EDMUND WALKER. c,v.o.%.;Lu;;a.;\% n;m;;%rrau.p;uy?~ An -nn;Agn--- - Anna .5:-..-._._ - nn.'?.'.':`-_.'..