Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Wood _- of I{ar_ry; Sound, announce. the ~ng`ageme1it -of` their eldest daughter, Ana;/to Mr. John Hammond Boone of North Bay; and formerly of..A1I.and/`ale. The wed- ding will take place at_,I?1?1fy'.,$9.`114`. the latter part of September.-' :3 M urchis an ALLANDALE Men s _`College Overcoats with convertible collars, a}! 'neat, dark shades. good lining and perfect tting. Special at each $ $10.00, $12 00 and . . . . . . . . . . . .. Boys Suitse-The Fall Suits for Boys are al hes? ; - .. - .1 -MI;<.)ys D. B.;Suit with knickerbocker pants, size 26 to 32, from $3.50 and $3.90 up to . . . . . . . . . . ; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . | _ ' `Boys 0vercoats-Co1lege style, $ . $5_oo to . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Boys ..' . ' 1 Ladies p!a'in- Black Cashmere Hose. Very special value at per pair . . . . . . . . . 1 Pure wool Blankets, all sizes, Some have blue borders and some pink. Positively all pure wool. See them. - Our prices are very close. - Staneld s. Underwear for Men. Every gar- ment j is guaranted. Good heavy 1 weight, at each/$1.00. $1.25 anq-. . . | Wool Shirts and Drawers--Um shrinkable: Special value at each 50c and c - Men's extra heavy Winter Ovcrcoats, made from heaxy weight tweed, dark brown colc r, college style, worth $10.00, for. . I 1\/ien .s nest Soft; Flronjt Shirts, sizes 16%, were 1.25 and 1.50. Special each `Valuable Town Property in the Town of Barrie, inthe County of Slmcoe. Oifers will be received by the un- dersigned for the following property `to be sold en bloc, namely, Lots 19 to 24, inclusive, on the West side of |Essa Street, in the said Town of Bar- ;rie, and `Lots 19 to 26, inclusive, on `the East side of Centre Street, in the I said Town of Barrie, according to reg- eistered plan No. 30, commonly called lthe John M. Fisher Property. ACA in an-`:4 `II Rn an-nnnnul as `La groncumm-: orromunnv l We want to use your money-much or little.` Join the Philadelphia `Min- ing and_ Townsite Syndicate. We guarantee to double your money in one year. Don t say thi.s'is impos- sible; we are doing it for others. Our lreferences-any chartered bank in [Porcupine or Cobalt. Writelfor free 'plans and prospectus to-day. A(Ad'dress) J. H. HUNTER, President, 37-46 Hunter Block, Cobalt, Ont. There is said to be erected on the lands a comfortable ve-roomed dwelling house, good stable, barn and outbuildings thereon, also good or- chard anzl well. ~ l For terms and particulars apply to, ('ofII'IR11'r A 15'!` n rnrlli-icvv A 1`!!! ` Iul-IWJ IIVIIII AIL! J. ISIICI L `V1195 VJ! 18 1:! LL OVERCOATS and at $10.00 and $15.00 Blinkets STEWAi%'1` 5 STEWART, ' 13 Owen St., Barrie. FOR SALE 25c ' Mrs. .Brd'`iit.i'L: i)_1V?;; been visiting VMr',s. ed to_Chicago._ 9756 J Mrs. W. J. Hallett and"ci1ilj(.lre1'1,v l.:. \\.7rn-A Inf} nh \Vnnnn:1n.uv Ch.-`..-ml what s the Matter with And it is the thrifty house-1 wifes who use Heinz_Pure Distilled Pickling Vine- gar, that can answer-_:~-~ .\`othing. w" ' A This vinegar L is V.,of extra 1l12lliI)', and is specially pre- p:u'ed 1'01` Pickling. Those who inwnd making pickles will -do well 10 give in at trial. Tobe olitained at the East End Groc- ery St0re--50c per gal. Also White Wine and Cider Vine-_ gar 400 per gal. ' ' Armson s Phone 339. 123" Dnnipfst Messrs. Frank Heard, Richanl inson and Joseph Bush, fall ;old,.._pii`_]_`J favorite men among th~e..-ngilfwaiyai`-en;` s:eveI'el their connections "with the G. 'I`. R. last week to a`c'cef>t positi_ons* with athervroads. ` ' V - A full line of Spices, Sealers, Jars, Rings, etc., alwaysin stock. Luna; 3na*h87 and? `/ ; ~' '61 ` . ' A1,` `_ _V;,/: , Are all New and %tl,I%'%_..Be%st. fhgt ar1`mVu ljeA,4 I con.s ii_tiII'g_ 7 ` Haying" 3`_`d Harvest T0013? rim d9.g;;g.a% -OUR STOCK OF- The Newmarket Express-He`raldVj_givf_ as particulars of the death . of (.`harles Blair, who diedfat Newjiianf ket on September 8th,')fTenla12gement- f` 4- NEW BOAXJCAR8 ron ar.'r.3%.V . , v ` _ ' v" "' _'-*'<." , ,The` Buckeye Press Association, composed of two hu dred editors from the State of Ohio, ,ecently- made `a ;trip through western Canada over the Grand. Trunk Pacic Railway. Many JV comments -were _-made by these editors I in regard to the roadbed, and general appearance of the ;r'ail'way, surprise !being expressed. that such a complete.` organization and well equipped rail-l `road could be brought into existence in such a. short time.` " ' The contract has been- concluded by-the Grand Trunk Railway s-yst-em iwith the Canadian Car Found-ry Com`- pany, Limited, Montreal, for the con- struction Of -_0l18 thousand box Tears. 'l.`h'es*e cars `will be given the serial n_umbersy19000 to 19999. Their ca-` pacity is sixty thousand pounds, length iover all 36 feet nine v'and three`-quart er inches. The length of the carsin--I `side is thirty-six feet, and their` Iwidth eight. feet six inches; height,. `inside, eight feet. The underframe of these cars is of steel, and they `are uequipped with Westinghouse air brak- 'es, and all the latest appliances that can be `used in freight cars. Tenders have also been aslied for by the G. T. R. systeIn _for, ten thirty feet and ten (forty-feet steel lunderframe at cars. These cars cost approximately about a thousand dollars each. ' ` | A very pretty wedding took yiace` yesterday afternoon, Sept. 20th, at i2.3O in "Trinity Church, Barrie, when `Miss Daisy Bnrchett, formerly of Souhhend-, England, became the wife ~of Mr. Edward Thonington of this` ]ward. The Rev. E. R. J, Biggs `per- lformed the ceremony. . The bride.` en-" tered on the arm of her. brother, who gave her pway. Shewore a handsome gown of` Jap. ;silk and; carried a bouquet of lilies. _ She was . attended by_ two bridesmaicies, Miss E. Myers and Miss Phipps, who were exquisite gowns of grey silk and carried. bon- quets of ehrysanthejmnmsu After the ceremony the party drove to tire `home of Mrs. E. `Myers where` a-;reception u you-av Va. \1l\JIlll\i " `'5 ~ Ull 5-"V i{"3ne of the crevices.of the humber Ipiled on the car. The b1azevwa-s;ex- tinguished Vbefore much damage was > 1 ; t`.on.e. Fir}: broke _ out. in `a. ~luinber~ car` standing opposite tI1e'weigh'sca1es on Friday afternoon. Upon- investiga-- tion by Yard-master Blair.it_w_as found rthat a" suit of clothes was. on re .. ...-...._ -2 1.1.. _._N A speoiol Eostnfreigh-th loaded V With` fruit passed ~th'roug11.ihe_1'e ...on Sactur day `night `en route `~fro_'in"Georgetown. to North Bay. This is an experiment and it is looked forward to with anti- cipation of `proving a boon to both the. -shipper and consumer. Mr.ASid Penny ,ha;1_ charge of the train from here i north. ---vv----v . $97120 . ' `v bu w`diemsd_ay me the J1ivery?busi- ness reEBntly"`p11 rcVh'ase,~by TM~rV. W. J." Gilks was re-sold_ to a former pro- p1_-ietor, Mr. -Reynolds, `who -will make extensive improvements t`o_ the ,p_rop-L Letty at onccf. ` While working on th- Hhtsiriil vcayfrelght. on Friday-, `Mf.`..Be'rt Dunn.-f had the nusfortune-to br k a babe -inf` his left foot. He will . .1'ai`(1`.`up for` name Lime. A _ `_b -~~ --v .. 1 '7 -~'J.`.hEe -lastly fet:eVtf1.-'3eeli;eeh ; Muskoka -,tra,_i_ns `were,.on,-`Sun`da`. and .numereu.s_ changes took jileace .t`l1is week in the Aillanedalei, crews.` Gonductor JV Aa.nder'g'1-ifl: h`a"s"'be`ez_1 _'plqcedf7.onA the _Meaford Mixed, Co:nd'ucto.r,AQuinn-7 on -the Penetang run, :and severalgpthers have been placed %on- _freighj:s. . % .. 1`'P'9l`t $101`: V119" W.`39k..?3.i! . 8fSf61?'!1?.?b' f.7, , Show `an; ;in_cre_a'SeT`=of 1 $64,158" over ~ _the; i%an1e` weLek~:.laLstmy}ea13` .`-;'1 h e gures $969,494. % '-are as fo1lo'5vs: ~19_11,.1,033,652.;51910,- nwrr av - mar rnmenr, THORII.'IGTON-V-BUROHIETIV. nnrrons ovr.-.3 G. 1'. 11,42." T:-.*13`r:111'v_, I.u1w=~.+.u. cu. aoxbucrfogsg X .. 'l.....A.- _.---. Mr. and Mrs. Thornei -of .La'.JuntaV, )ol., are visiting Mr. and'_:'Mrs. Isaac" Boone. Mr. Thorne fprmerly"w`o1"kdf on the G.T.R. and is now an en`gi1i`edi'> on the Sante Fe Railroad. * l` Promptly at` 2.30` pan. the. bnidtnll party entered the .drawinz [room to` thestrains of Mendelssohn s- Wedding Ma-rel; played by the brid`e .-1, cousin, Mr. Clark Humphrey, and, took their places under an arcgtteo-f ,e\'vergreen.~:. and a be11.of"whiteVa rs_... 1 L __- -. l A very` pretty wedding took place latvthe home of MT. and Mrs. Thomas. Dobson, William `St.,_l vAllandal e,l on; Wednesday ' afternoon, Sept- 20th, when teir eldest daughter, Victoria J., was united- in "marriage `\to Mr. Holis B. Chute of Allandale, formerly of Berwick, Nova. Scotia. ' V ., -- l L The bride, who was given away by` [her father, lookedcharming in a gown. [of W-hite.Duchess satin `with `trimmings and carried a shower ,bouquet of white roses and lily of the valley. ._ She ,was . attended! by her Acousin,.'Mi..s Myrtle Hill] of Toronto, who was prettily gowned in pale` blue satin with fringe trimmings: and 0:11`- ried a bouquet of American beauty Pll EOE ' n.-...|.`... ..-;WAuu.uo sf; .1-ax\nn`.:.u nxvauiu. ,1 I j. 0'ufth~`e Branch from Begins, to the *Inte1:,n at_I0na1 `Boundary, 25 miles of *styee 1i_ill""be7j;9mplet? this?"fall and ;y60{-bpgr-:-;en`t,..q]f h`ej_; guiding; 023 the` `Jaiyj.- _VB_1ja_"nwc,!1.` Ixa"s Ab_'e u ,3! .. . ,.. f +:<=s;;:>oi1r%. .241 ;'=:9in;m`en' 1I;is%:;wek, ,4 dpliaygvqillVg'A-;.t)jfj'Grax;d was held; after wh-ih the hapgy couple I left for-ia trip to-Nigem 1*alls and other `points. The bridegroom s gift to the bride . was a _'handeome goli watch. Mr. and Moe. T`h`orington re- iccjved many useful `and `hand-s_:-me presents which went to show thehigh esteem in which t-hetyoung couple were J held. -The b'rid'e-travell_ed in a grev tweed suit and wore a coronation hat with roses; On their return they will take upfesidence on Bay_St-/ V Mrs. Hill; 5:} Tc;r3;t3; Lin blue fou- lard silk, assisted the bride s mQt`her, `whmwas gowned in black` "s-ilk-with Vs_eAquin trimings, to receive the guests -in the drawing room. IDA I` -_. ' The groom was su151)orted by Mr Gus. Mqwatt bf Lindsay. _ I After the ceremony, which was'pe1~ formed by the Rev. Dr. Booth of Bar; rie, the guests, numbering about fty, sat down to a dainty dejeuneur serv- "ed `in: the dining room, which was prettily `decorated with palms, white asters and ferns. . 1 W3rk oh? the %15z.i.iicWA1bfti'i3anc1.` is 4,`-fbeig %rapidl*y P11891911 ; 'forwar_d* agd steel has beenglxlaid as` far as Waka, 68 miles f_ronf tli- -m'_,ain ;lii1<"a, `_an'd Agnadfng. `wit.hi;-4;*miI s%Lf9f::P*i99a Albert 7 A M6;1day< night a. ca;-H put through the carpenter ,.Il1 _{)`[i_:'_`l;'eV`3~g`-. while shunting. The ca; was"`somw'hat damaged- and decked on `a.noth'a r, but" fortunately missed the Carpntar-'8h9p. vvwvuv -vv- turns`. 71 o-avg` LIJIII II`-IV Among the guests from a` disrtancel were: Mr, and M1-s.e'T. W, iD0bson,] Hamilton; Mr.` and Mrs. Hill and fa- mily, _'l`oronto;. Miss Bennett, Toronto; Mr./ant! Mine Creyke, Pennville; Mrs. M-.` Gov 11', Broekvjlle; Mr. and Mrs. '1`. A. . eDonal&, Elmvae. V On their return Mr.` and Mrs. Ghute will reside on ' Burton; Ave., AI-landnle. Substantial progress is being - made ' in` `all directions in * the construction land ope-ningqfor tr_a`,ic,Aof' the lines `of the G*r-and Trunk Pacic, Recent reports given out annotinced- the! com- pletion of the line to Fit,zhugh-, a point in 'th*e.. Jasper. National Park, 1027 miles. west of Winnipeg and service will be immediately extended .thereto_, and it is.-fexpectedv t at 50 or'60miles Edditionf "beyond . tihugh `-,w be `graded, for this. fall'._ This `would __;bring stee1;to.=_'.l`ete Iuane (~3ach-'63.`. ' , The 130- the bride was a handsome Gerrard Heintzman piano; to"the bridesmaid a sunburst of pearls, to the groomeman and pianist, signet tie pine. -The bride was the 1'-`ecipienb of many handsome and" useful gifts. IIQLA _.-_-_- ., - - - -- Tho 3-o{.tJ 'oot1_'1>vle"l`eft-'o'11"the,. 5.35 pm. train ..for_ Montreal,- and Bo ton on route to` Be.-rwick, N.S., onua visit `to L tho groom_ sj mother, the bride travelling` in a tailored suit of navy bluo serge` and- -white felt` hat. . ' M -- _ - . Dated at Barrie this 13th day of! Septembeg-' A.D., 1911. v ' 1 . V R. J. FLETCHER, j . I Clerk of the County Council f 37.-40 o'f'the County of Simcoe. Q r.,....,` V- gvuuuvu\;cueI:7uv., .At the sai time and place the said Cou`nc_il will ear `in person -or by Counsel or Solicitor any one whose land" may be_ prejudicially affected thereby and who petitions to be so heard, and notice is hereby ver: that at the said.-`time. and place, after `such a to do. persons shall have been heard, the said _Councilwi'll proceed to pass said bydaw:-ipf considered proper so -auoyva.nc_e penweeq. they _saids\'lots, such 3.1-?t'.2t9 "_b;=8tPPQd-- up; nd9'1`d being `*descriibe.d"~ea follows: Gmmenoing at `the South West ang1`e:`of_j'said:Lot num- {her} je1`ev`en_,e `thence North `fty-eight .d"egrefes and nine niinut_es=`_Eajt along" `the . Notthrly lim-it ; of the original -rad allowance between said Lot an said Lot number eleven, one hun- dred and,` two -chains and fty-ve links more or less-fto` the South East' angleof said Lot number eleven. thence Southe-rly in, the continuation of the Easterly boundary of said: Lof- 'number eleven one chain to'the No`:-th [East angle of said Lot E, -thence Westerly in a straight line to the point of commencement._ AL `L4 ....!J L2...'; _._1 __I, _ AI -1 w fat_t.he}~' Goitn ' ham eiwxaeie. . - . G!1nt$'.i::.Oif-e 8i`n1e9s::t.9nI >:'l.~`.iieSd ' `thee 1`~7_7th 5lja"y;'-of '0_toh`er,*"'LfK;D;;, 1911 at = .1319 the0,i`1_`1'j ;0f`Tv`v]'o O ,1`ck:- in #138` lifter- h.no6n'"ja't}which "mee'ti'ng} there` wan be donsidered .a .b -Jaw for s-topptipg up `:an_d'-telling tha part of the "original- jroad a1lowan.eAb,tw.e'en__Lo`t'E and Lot number `eleven East ;of the Penetang-- jxishehe Road in. the "First; Concession of the Township of O_ro in the said Countynt us'ed,at the present time - as a partof the present travelled road _ `allowane between the said'1o`ts such" I ~u-..n..L- A... 1.... ..L'...........'I -_._ _`_.,1 .__11 1 o Frusnma fwo1u; on .a.1-.1>.% ' cHU'1'::l-no3soN. t11;;L`{{ a;}1' "lsf;`:t`1"\ ;i;`9 `,'f"`f."`:'; "*,q extended visit with. ` 3-'53: Rochester, N.Y. " ~ _ - g njgl ` '1 . . ' * --- -- 21 line from Bat:-tleford _\VeV:.3tA through the out Knife` District towards _Wain- wright, Alberta. On t'he"l`oe] Iranch Vf-teal has been` laid.` to the` Red Deer .RJ,yer. I Lfxvely. The above gives a good idea of how the work on the branches is being ad- vanced, in addition to which `blue main lines" are being pushed forward Tac- i There_ is more catarrh in this! section of the country than all other ldiseases put together, and until the last few years it was supposed to be I incurable. For a.` great many years doctors pronounced it 9. local disease and prescribed local remedies, and by constantly failing to "cure with local treatment pronounced it incurable.` l Science has proven catarrlr to be a constitutional disease and therefore requires constitutional` treatment. Hall s Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F.'J. Cheney &. C.o., Toledo, Ohio; is the only co_nst,itutiona1 cifre _on the market. -It" . is taken .internally in` doses` from 10 drops to a teaspoonful. It `acts directly on the blood` and mucous surfaces of the system. They oer one hundred "dollars. for any case `it fails./to cure., Send for circu- lars and testimonials. Add-reas V - F. J. CHENEY&CO., Toledo, Ohio. Sold by drugists, 75c. - - Take Hall . s_ Family `Pills for con- stipation. ' . _ V - . Y FOR 4CANADA .1-5' Devlin Mr. Ed-ward C`l1e _stef:.1`&. ii: 6 night for Suflbury, wherp:a.;1;;A....= cepted a pos1tign_ on the ` Ladies log vsleelxlredl Vests, or `natural, V color, heavy weight, special, each 2507350 and...'.,........ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Ladies long sleeved` Vosts and >Dr;A1wers, ankle weight, each.... ., . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. length, whiteor natural colors, heavy Staneld s Unshrinkable Underwearv 1 for Ladies, white only, at :ach. , `. . . | on; n..,..c;.....a.], si1k.%%and mag. HANDSOME FALL mjng t_ Wotthyf Spgcial-Notice ' SUITS. for MEN FOR CANADIANS La&is Underwar L Mr~an -9* tang, ~` are` `gm parents`: Wehavea. large a.mo_unt,._1f nioney to loan I a.tlowe?t currtext rates.e}tthe1'f1n snultj or in large I amoun 5. on e secun y o goo arm n t- - I cages. McCARTHY. BOYS 5; }\1l7RZ?l{IS1(()):, Dnnlnn Strepit. Barrie . I L -Nasturtiums--Dwarf and tall. ! Many new and beautiful varieties of these popular favorities. Mixed and separate colors, at 4Bothyve11 s, Phone] |1G0a.. ; JV.lC|'.1J1Iivl I1 I . ` stages. I Dunlon_St1-eet Barrie. Mc|l|lll|iAl|. BOTHWELI. BLOCK GENT S FURNISHINGS and DRY GOODS - UI -1'0-DA'I`E~ STOCK LOWEST I-moss MONEY I'D LOAN Mr. and Mrs}-VVv7es'! ey 1-Iamilton `are 8pBQdii_lg 3}: 3:, weeks witnlr relatives