"rt-13% Wheat 1 '. ..... .- . ..._ ,. . Dats':.C.v..j.". ; . ..I ,_. `J7. . . . . . . . .. -Barley J.` . . '. . "f", amour . .. . . . L. ;_ . . "13e`_f', hind quarter . . '-P;-u-n rub _____ -nay; `per mun . . . . . . . . . cured Ems, `No; 1... . . ._ Green Hide`s, No. 1'.-"...~. V Hides, No._. 2 . . Calf skins, ` green, per "Sheep skins .. 'l`al_low,i per .15.. . . . . . . . . Wool, picks . . . . . . . . . Horse hides, best grade. . Horse -`Hair. . . . . . . . . . . Wqol, washed . . . . . . . . -. u _ nunII1nC`In1` ,, , _.__ 9..., -...-ya -uuouvln L111 the former province and 27.89 bushels for the latter. The toba1'es'bimated yield is 17,706,000 sbushellss. The con dition of. spring wheat at the and of Julyhways 90 for the whole of Cganada, being 95 to 95 in the-Maritime Prov imces, so to 39 in Onmio and Quebec, 90. -to 96 in mm .Nor1west Provinwa-"es and 85 in Brish Columbia. Oats and barley have an 9 average condition `at ~88 for Cumin", 85 to" 95 in Mimi- ti1!"1d.Pro_v]iahe os;"BO_to 90 in Ontariound 38 fto'100 in the "~ _N Ol\th'WW " Provimes,:`am'l~ 97 to 939 in Btfi-tish 0amia..* : 997%; boas hm a.-uyvu'wa,* try. rvuusn u v . inferior . . . . . . Dressed Hogs . . . . . . Chickens, spring . . . . Fowl . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ducks . . . . . . . . . .; . Turkeys .. Pcnta't0es,V new, busihel. Apples, .bz`u'rel /. . .... .... . . --...-, -.. Bulls Com. aml med. Feeding `Steers .. I Stoc kens, choiAc.e I L Li ...L.A. Expoft cattle, choice ` 'bu~1ls' Bwtcher catt-Ire, choice . m'ed 1um . . . . . . ` ` common. . . . . . Bu`t`ch'er cows, choice .. l.)..'ll... ` `usual: 3 u o . Canners .. .. Milkens, ch-oic-e .. H ,....... 4.- ......z Aug. 2l.-A jheavy storm-fpassod over here la.st- Friday, but fortunately -not much damage was done. .,- . > yvuu lav Springers 6. , . Calves. . . . . . Sheep, ewes Lamb.s.. . Hogs, fed and `E. f.o.b_. .. |Md|onte,_ who, it is said, is ill warn} -typhoid fever, passeti -through Craig- hurst. on Satuf-'day, en route to Barrie. ; In I no ` Ottawa, August 11.--`The condition of alld crops in Canada is presented in a bulletin of -the Census" and Statis- tics Oce issued t'o-day for` 31 ,Ju!_ly, and shows good -averages for all prov- ixies `a wl'l'as -for an cwp. Fall wheat was hurt by the hard winter in omtmio, Thu`: fared, better in The. estimated yield is 23.24 bushelsior LL- 1-...-- _-- ` ` * .- ',iIl-|.lB -~ vs --:~---v .. . -=.;:*y *`89~.- L3? 4 *3` L333? - 'r.ono1~".I:o ~ - . `~ Toa-`onsfo, Augimsvt. 22,- 1911.. _ Quotations on Tueciay warez- Wheat, fall, bushel 82 8 Oats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 _ 4 `A -- an I\ ,._ --_ uvvoy AVELVJLIUC I `Mrs, Capt. qlas. Hili nhowed` us; some ears of oorn 15% inches long, which were well ll-ed to the point. The variety isa yellow int andv the ears. can-tied from -ten .t_o twelve. DUW8. Among /the eld palchesg Mr. D. H. Minty `has probably the finest sampfe` in this` section, the _va'riety is a white horse-tooth and promises to produce We`1~_1 matured ears, Mrs. A. J. Ba.xd;er.an(1 son are. ex- pected to `leave -here "on Wednesday to j-o`i`n her husban!d5'irn Alberta. V I The post office is ooded these times | with` Toronto daily newspapers address- } ed to residuents of the locality. Some i refusaed |t0 -take ldhem out, but were in- formed that the papers were paid for. Now the query is, whether -the papers are paid for =by gpmer generous syndi- ' cate - zhike the .Fammer.s Bank, or whe- ther the peoples money is being used in` paying for them. There` should be copies of the Calgary Eye-Opener and t.l1}e Toronto News sent along to make a variation; ` V In reading {of ftihe deluge `that fell. in the region of Bradford and Tottevnham recen-tl'y, one m-ight. eijacul-ate" -Pike two certain promoters of -a. not~a'ble work at. Newmarket just our luck, why didn t some of the sugr-plus wait/er come our ....., . --... ~-u-v-v _uu-v uccu ':9ca.u:v1'_y l rain enough in this locality to moisten the ground' since last spring. Thuvnd-er and lightning has been as rare here , this summer as in the: Arctic regions. -' l Mn... n....4. 1'... 71211 1; - | `laympathy of their. many .fr.iend-s `of `this-place. ' v V v~ - T` ;' . people of ,th_is bu~rg".wie1~e`shock-V pd to hear of Mrs. Sydney Halthdeath .;-;in Ya1lsow Grass. '1`ho`fami1'y -have the I _. _. Ll uvi: srocx MARKETS. 1. u v VA` i*igh:t:.- .. "llIIC$ renounc- unwaahod . V. . ._ . , CROP REPORT. 18 66 1o 00 25 24 19 10 25 18 14 16 T 18 1 20 4 00 256. j 12 ' 30 40 . 5% 5 '10 350'. 3'80 -V. " so ` u.;..-aJ`18 '-Gob. Baldwvinm has uboui nhed U loam for Mr. Wise of cmig1;um,{ _`;'.w_hioh the `framed mid` I .'-__`-_1__ - __ ~ I 20 66` 14 00 12 oo 28 27 _ 22 10 75 22 15 19 20 620 70 00 45 00 60 00 V-so: 83 Beziverton . . . . . . . . . . . . . Belleville . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bobcaygeon . . . . . . . . . . . Bolton . . . . . . . Bowvmanville . . . . . . . . . . | Brampton . . . . . . . . . . . . . ` Brockville . . . . . . . . . . . . . Caledon . . . . . . . .v . . . . . . . Chatswonth V . . . . . . . . . . . . Chesley .` . . . . . . . . . . . . Clarksburg . . . . . . . . . . .. Colborne . . . . .. Cookstown . . . . . . . . . . . . Elmvale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fenelon Falls . . . . . . . Galt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Georgetown . . . . . . . . ' Gravenhurst . . . . . . '. . . Guelph ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Hamilton `Huntsville . . . . . . . . . . . . Ingeraoll Lindsay;....`... . . . . ..E London (Wstern Fair. Markdale . . . . . . . . . . Markham . . . -oojgcc `Meaford Midland . . . . . . . . .. Mt. Fog-oat Newmqrket Ot`ang'evVil.le'........-.~.. Compared with last year s crop in! the Northwest Provinc--es, the condition of spring wheat in Manitoba south of : ` the Grand Trunk sPacic Raiiw-ay is 88 to 39, of oats 88,72 to 38.85 and of barley 85.16 mo 34.92, and north of ' the same railway the condition is 1 [9221 t.o/77.42 for wheat, 90.71 to 72.90 1 for oats, -and 88.95 to.50.84_for barley. In Saskatchewan south of townships 25 i Tthe condition of wheat is 90.19 to 69.33, of oats 88.27 to 61.64 and of barley] 89.03 to 65.80; and north of ztmvnships g 24, -the `condition of wheat is 98-.22 to; 67.69, of oats it is 95.35 to 63.88, and i of barley 94.58 to 71.30. In Abbenta. south of townsihi-ps_ 31, the condition of .' wheatis 93.39 to 24.93, of oats 95.28 to I 20.43 and -of barley 93.70 mo` 26.36; and north of townships 30 the condition \Qf wheat is 97.84 to 71.55, of oats 97.95` -to 65.68 and of barley 105.95 `.to 73.60. ,` -mh-1r:A`]-A .-.9 I...-..-. .._.1 ..1........ .. A... nanuuvn V... tlxey are factories. `Toys and oi-A T9. .1-`n.e e.,aa,Utu 1)`-'_,y;|`\,cg guns, ..,n.. thauwhe gures qllowd 1501' the "M191 ,1! -r1__..J.. .......1 4-kn urnafnrn nrnvinlin` VThe yie`1~d of hay and clover is tiianated at 12,189,000 tons for Canada, bei-ng'1.43 toms per acre, and the larg- est yields for provinces are 4,736,000 tons in Ontario, 5,028,000 tons in Que- bec, 254,000 mans in Prince Edward Is- land, 941,000 toms in Nova Seotia and 885,000 bans in New Brunswick. 7 - - ' .... I Issued by the Agncultural Societiesl Branch of the Ontario Department of Agriculture,` J. Lockie Wilson, Supt. BARRIE . . . . . . . . . . ..Sept. 25, 26, 27: Allistnn rm = =5 o I o I - n on little boy. . '1'oo,lluch of 1 Btrun. Grandp a.--` (1 am": - -. . ; cont, Willie, becau9.8"}.`.?h.,3'",e,f,h` 1 _ wi.m,___u;Y ~ ~ ._ V ._ V ` . ma W :;;;*3'i;**;,:::dP*:::: 353.10-Yv-School ;ai1;F%%:myf.%g.s.%. .t we le lIII`X_.--.`.D`.`-~.:I;-.I'.n-I-1- 'llQ-I, , DATES or rA1.:. nuns. Fm? Snaths ks I W h % and Grain Cradles Rakes, ` Scythe S .VCut lli--.Yea, a'nd:p9.;-. but -please ;oxpect .me,.to' si`tV-`around like my school #311.` `day -again pmioo. . - PhAil_adolph.i;:; Telog. mph. . In what respect do the Liberal lead,- ox s, who are holding out the induce- mesnft that a larger and uncertain mar- ket means larger income for the far- mel`, dier vmm the fake compan-y pro-. mot-ens who hold out g1~i:t:tea'ing'ind,uee'Q V ments of large returns on an invedt-A ment to i-nduce one to part; with,` his money -and thesn pay the first few dividends out of capital! Iaxthere any ' the change -the armorh-stands to gain d`i3e1~eznce? Them-can be none if by even: a. little in income but stands to -loaeua. goodly "part of his capital through the reduction in van `of his c*wtb1b5 aheiop and '3 . Maninlaibrezi or ` ' 1 md {mm "6 A` ' %Bincle%r Twine from 7 yzc per 1b_ 'Sure' Death Vto Potato Bu ' . . . ' z '0 r~` ,ycur Parts Green and Bug Finish frur1 1lJJs.pUnhaS % g and iHa%r\r`est \ Tools onoouuooolc DIOOIOIII; , I7 mooqcnnloc 9 West R. HAMBLY N\V'_,ahd' Elie Best that are made, .- 4:7-= '- A _ consistiilc of _ . . . V . - - - - u u o o '~J\JVu `First door East of New Barrie House .... ..Sept. 20, 21, 22 ......8ept. 14, 15, 16. ........ ..Oct.11, 12 'at.). .Aug. 26-80 1:. 11 5.j."..,Sept. 20, 1, 22 ;...;.....Sept. 26, 27 .... Oct. 3, 4 ;_..-..'....Sept. 28, 291 o2ooo`;o'o'o_ocuoOt 3, 4 .'.....;...Oct. 17, 18_ Thurstbn is visiting `M1{8 . Oct. 4, 5 . . .Sept. 14, 15 . .Sept. 19," 21' . . . . . . Sept. 14-16 1 . .Sept. 26, 27 ' j. . . .Sept. .19, 20 ___QnnO- 01 on no I-U V, 1-! Oct. 5, 6 3! nl- A K nononfo ACCOUNT OF cmnma nanomu. sxmamou Full particulars from any Gran! Trunk Agent or address no -guns-F In In A TA-Anon Valuable Town Property in the Town of Barrie, inthe County of Simcoe. I ` Oers will be received by the un- de`1-signed for the following property to be sold en bloc, namely. Lots 19 `to 24, inclusive, on the West side of Essa. Street, in the said Town of Bar tie, and Lots 19 to 26, inclusive. on the East side of Centre Street, in the said Town of Barrie, according to reg- istered plan No. 30, commonly called `the John M. Fisher Property." mL___. 2. _.25 L- 1.- ....-,.Ln.J nn H19 - tw---- ...ru--- vu---vow- Special train leaves Toronto 5.25 p.m.. Sept. 0 8 I I5, , 7, ,9, ll, 12; also 10.15 pm., Scph I. 5, u`,'.', In 0 ' {inouan roumsr PULLMAN sums: .10 ` : to `M. Q3-30 or such meeuug. ':`-And' @509 58 further given U13 ` ` y of October, 1911; will proceed to distribute 301 130 said estate among AUGUST 22nd.- T1 `IN the matter of Charles E. Priddle of the Village of I-Iawkest_one in tn: County of Simcoe, Mxller. 11150 cnnnnh i18`tf UlIi5`l1\3lIo `H . A m6eti' of his creditors W1 hold -at;th`;ga8Signee s oioe,_ Owe: ' V t, Ba-trie on Friday the Bath d`;:e ugust, 1911, at one o'clock mt f to receive a statementdo. A airs, 50 appoint inspectors for or ]l5'1'_ 413` the affairs of the estate 39? y' '- are requested to file_ "i' -,_with1 proofs and paP " required by said Act on 0' H1 at 'WIlB "JOKE. M. v.I."lSI1l' 1'fU}lClV- There is said to be erectefi on H18 lands a comfortable ve-roomed dwelling house,` good stable, barn and outbuildings thereon, also `o'd " chard axj wen. For terms and particulars apply to, STEWART & STEWART. `CR-L. an r\___ CL DnI'I';sl, I VVIIUI 1 NOTICE is herre-by given um; t Iiarlfz E. Priid-dle above named has xuaf,1,g assignment to James Arnold 0 new `Town of_ Barrie, Agent. for *9 fl ,0, .be'net .-of -his creditors under tit` Titer. `-vieiondof the Assignments and P1`? I en6es~Act. ,_:n ma cu: cw-u--vuyuv - . . V . . -~ HOMESEEKERS EXCURSIONS $1.90 RETURN Aug. 26 to Sept. 9 I `.l`1:_f'H`IIR.SDAY. as dolumli VIINNIPEG APTD EDMONTON Via Chicago. and st. Paul -Q1--,J A--c 1--1. -_.n N01-tan TO cnnnrrons. Return Limit Sept. I2. I91! SPECIAL TRAIN SERVICE FROM BARRIE A. E. DUFF. D.P.A.. Toronto. End. and mu In connection with FOR SALE '*rhumd.a;y, August 24, 1911. $1.55 RETURN Aug. 29 and 31 Sept. 5 and 7 )ectors 0rd generally. tted file their particulate Lid Act be- 3 LIv-7, , Barriog rning \v,_.u `runs 0! scnucnmiiox. 2......`.........`........u . Oouvnunau any-V Ginny vv vvo--. _' Mr. John` Bbybe`,:has- gone West Avfr j;lwsas9n. ` ~ " ' -~ . . 4 . `is. M. .'La,v: has mtumea % 'a1:m.=e.pendi-mg a ::1ew weeks with her %squ;+M:.4 Dave. Ruddfck of A11-iston. % 3 Mrs. 12'; W. 6 % B1-ien-, gnaw, Mia-I sou1fi, i_s- {sgaying ' her: As1'.s!I:_er, `John, Yogi: V L` - ' -` ` i .tQi1 hrring-tdn` 'a;xd her lii'.tie' fa 4f_:fiendsLA last -`week. . auhter, Laura, of Toronto, visit: 1 *hinNroN.' j _ Aug. 22.-'-.15.-vi::`| M.` Belfry, _ wife on! .--ltiauricelv "Iii..l1,_._.p'ass.ed tawa-yi peaceably` 16th.i'mIt., at? her residnc lot 5 . 'com.- 3, Inn-fsl. She `had! beaen"7'a' gr-eat suemer for the past 14 months with? va.1vulnar -heart trouble; d`e= vehoped into dropsy. She leaves be-' sides Iher husbansdi, =th1-eeh c'hildren,- _viz.: ` Mrrs. Frank Robinson, Oookstown`; Wif-' 1 13-... `l:`.._1 .....1 Dnnn `YA\n:np\ n6- I-unvnn Rev.J`E.1ijaAh R. Brown,` Toronto` cQn- Vference ` evangelist," wi-1'1-`A conduct eva'nr' gelist'i~c' services in we .Gre.mfel. Mg~t=h.- odist church, comhencinbg Sunday, Aug. 27, and continuing until Tuesday even- ing, Sept. 5th. There will be three` seqrvices on Sunday: in the morning at` 10.30,` i-n it-he afternoon at 2.30 and in the evening at 7.30. Mr. Brown hlas just closed a se1`.i_esLof meevtiiags in Utopia. We understand he has been a great ~bles~sing to that "comm.un'i.ty and has seen many _souls saved. .ar_fe -`the grdet -thmdaxy.` ~ -I 10) mil `. Ai1.g.. clove? tbresl1LingV uam Ea'x;l~_ a;1iWi?,u1;{) ;* .$JI;:if::":;:t;` $03.3, -to mournu t`he_1o_sas of a devoted wife. and` mother. ` 1 31,00 Amnm IN - UMTED STATES suaacaxnmtzs `-_ $1.50 |N_ADVAN.O 1,} ~ 8'86 `new nanie,_wlll be addedto` theisub,- ` Icnptlon List. until the money irpnld. ' `Subscribers now in arrears {or three month` and over will be charzgd SL531 peramxum. - coI.w1=:1.:.. " ` T` 3 Aug. 22. -- Miss Maud C1-oughl-vey spent Sunday with Utopia friends. ~i `KKK;-o. 1Inr:n1 1.annn\' - n4-' T1717 nine Q Mr.v'-I-"r:a':1W;1`1V1.vl. Miss M. Raow-e M Miss" A. .1etfer.s-om we're Sunday visitors in Co-okstown. Miss Mary Dunn, Mr. Fred Dunn and ! Messrs. Will Ca.ldwe1 l and Fred .-Pea cock left for Sas".mt`c-hewau, Wednes- day. ' ' ` 1: \I, ,, LL- V While I-unning the sulky rake on the farm of Mr. John Dunn, Stanley Park- ? cidenxg. The horses ran away and threrw the'Ia'd o, one of the team kick- ing ihim ayd breaking his jaw `bone. hous m-et vci/:'ltL quite a serious` ac-. | Aug. 21.-..-'l:rhe Jhux (of th-e,th re.s1i~ing 1 [machine is heard once more. ._. , I I Mr. J. Coutts horse broke away [while tied at the post `office, damaging` -the buggy -and breaking part of the harrness. ` 1 J cnown HILL. 7 ` .Aug. 22.--Mr. Will` Hv.da-Ixne lent ` for the West Last week. I Mrs. W. Dunn, Miss A. Dunn from here and Mars. W. Smith of"1`-oroaito, at- tended: the wedding of Mr. E. McKee at A1`1iston, last wee'k.. 4 1.01.1 "A Bargev V<;ffyoung men left from here for the West last week. Mr. W. Wattie, Mr. J. Coutts, Mr. Geo. Coutts, Mr. T. Black and Mr. H. Ban ret were among the number. (`Ann-nLn'InJ-inn -Ln M9 oar` T4` U. vv-umwxu, Vvuu vvcrv unassavu J.\.I\J'vuA'v-.Jo , LMis:ses Gladys and Heazel `Smith .of' Toronto, are visiti1i`fg't thei.r aunt, Mrs. W. Dunvn-. , . - \ `how the .United` State.-s fatrmecr % 'img-t-on; Our otaltesxxl-evn had: no such 3 'Aftor the negotiaf-ionvs were e.nd~e.1 th/e or producer would be -`affected-. T`h.ev_se octs and gures were before the : Amounincan negotiators when our Can- ; adian represent-a-tives went to Wash-'_` facts` or gure-zs before them. They en- tewd into the. neg-otiation-s b~lindfold~. 1 residen.t sent his Inerssngo advocating the! passing of a -Reciprocity Tr-e2.I'.y_t'o (`!oxngress~. Attached to that message `were a nu'm-her of itagblles of facts and` gu.-neo showing, amnmngsrt ot-hem` things, 8. comparison: of -the pricei obtained for `-a'gric.ultura.l pyroducvts-in the market at Buffalo w'1|;.h those ;i-11-'.l`-q1`on't`o and of -those in Og-densburg, New York, with - in Prescott, Ontario. These gur-eas, let us remember, wesne obtained to show how -.the- people of tho Uni-ted.` Sta:tes~ would be a eoted~. We can rely ' upon it `t~heref'or`e th-alt. the gures are absoln-tet1'y correct and not misleading. Wxesto gure-sfs-how that in 'l.`oron.t-o and; Pnescott the prices for beef, cattle, ah eIf>; h-ogs, d-aimy produce and poulctry I are higher than i-n Buffalo and Ogdens- 'b-urg, ' V Q . g ms; .i:'JZ.7F'LVe.m};1_iq;da.nci-*1'9A:.i`Tss Flour 1 mingj Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Langteldrt alt- tondeda the reception .;. oendere.d~ ..; Rev. Mr. Heoney `by Mr. -and Mrs. Grbc- wicks, Baxfrig, last Tuesday V % Mia! lwppavd 61. 9 0":`= is Visiting her pamemlss on tho 1lt1h:Isi'ne.' ` - 'vcvo1\ Ma` "s. E.Tthcy.1Kas':;;;<;hf.;;;>i ;1f"@1o_ `to visit friendjs -a.m1- relatives in? `city. ` M `co. . Jun .-u? q`. :1,` '5 . -' ...;. \ll`l|'.ll.'t'-`V sycutu Iuuuuualj Lu xv.)- Mr.TR. West of Angus spent Monday ` and '1`ue.s.t1ay_-.here. . ; 1 -`-I van 1 A nix 1., ,,,, , _ __:_:L,__ '1VEivsg `P.artridge spent Sunday with friendsdn Barriee. " PAINSWICK. V vAugu-st 23.--M-rs. Doduon .a.nId Miss Patricia Blackmore, `who have: been visiting in Toronto, have returned. home. ' A V - ' Mr. -and Mrs; A. SteeI1=e andchildren! of Montreal, who -have been-`th'e guests 1 of Mr. and Black-mo1~'e, `Sr., have i returned to Montreal. . j - " V` ,4 sq". pr: 1 (i.-11 Elliottuof Cram-baor are the guests of Mr. and Mrs.` G. W. How-. 6 `I11! 9' mlnslnaqw. '4` Aug. 22.--Harry Cooper; Petetr4_!go1_'9,, is holidaying wi.1>h;f1-i.e.tl1I `here. -1':-, 1 so ' -I % -W. F; `Ronald, Toronto, is , ` j wxdlays yvit`h:~"hin-.;.- gnotherg `M-rs~.3.-A;5 Bmi9Jd.;.sr;. %and * %m19tiv.e9: ` BIICIII. IDLIIULUGJ UV lurll uuulrxa .11 1611-43. ' ` ` Miss .Haze1 Lennox of. Ivy was a ` vi.si-tor here` last week.- . 1 P-resssid-ent Taft, in a recent address, told the farmers of the United States not to` be alarmed as they would sell- Can.a_,dri.ansy hm-ore` agricultural products! than we would sell In the `face of these facts how can the farmer of ` Ontamio benet by- throwing open his home market with its higher jpxic-es~ to competiibors in exchange for the larger market of the Uni-ted S/tat-es with 9 its am-a'l-leer prices. - - - ~ _ G'h11iey add Mabel `Gaul-ey spent Sund.-ay'in Ivy. 4 1',r.. 13 rm.` -0 A-.......; e.~.-..+ Mnnuv Mr. Fislr _'l'I hor'n't.'on was a visitor 11-er-e -on- Monday.` ' `I0 `I '\,,,-, ____j i Misses"z;t'l<.i`i'1'a;o:~n` (-Jf_ Toronto are the I guests of their cousins, the Misses A-`t- `i kinson, here. - up. `-1 "\ . 01. , _ _L L___1___` ICU VVCI-C GUUULIB I/I17 4-lU"UV'V4l Congratulati-on.s to AMr. and Mrs. F. ` J. W.a1'-lwin, who were married keeently. j 1u':........ n1-.:..- ....;: tr.mmI. q...:+1.. A0 \ M.-.` aua nE}sT.T eQs}I`Eah{ain, Mrs; Tegsdalo, King, are visiting_Msr3.` Goo. `G.)J_ohsn;st9n. % ...;-. --. - 'f--a V` VM1-9. and Miss Usher are f'ow days- with Mnsg Mgp:;.wQrchard. . an -in nu c-r-'.-:4 ._Robin~s~on of Newmarket is the: guest of Mr. and Mrs. Robe;-_t. Carr. , __.-..>I-L`- 1| 1.. "'1:i1`e neariy biflqtd in `this district, and farmers have con}: menced plowing for fall weam. ` `I `It $1 ,1 'I`I,__. 1` ; `Mr. Little and family of A1-lamjsalle` L are holidaying at Sandy Cove, - 1 110 111 Ms. J. J.`-I !-ableyvof Aoziuia `is vim `mg Rev. Dr. and MrswLan;gfeldt. . an man} are ANn5suA1.r IBERAL` ORATORS wroughouc rnmas, . _`.-:--3; . the c'o-iuz-1j.ry"ar now e11_eav6r- ing mo persuade t:h'"pe"ople of country that with I311-e openinig 5f ` the -Great. Arrierimaii Markets t6 the farmers of Ontario the agricultural 4 com`mwni~ty of .this`- country will be greatly fbeanet-ei. `They are endeeavor-_ ing to d:el\ude itvhe farmer into the be~ lief thlwt larger in-arkeuts mean higher prices f0:r' agricul-tuna.l products and to induce the farmer to vote. for Reciproc- ity -in -the belief -t-heat he- -wil'l .-be bene-_ -ted in pocket; hereby. MIDHURST. onzNr::1.'. ,-`T. Hilgles ` aj11_dv` 7.1`_1iiId*rb11. re T spending , co_up1e Vof."v *eks%with `Oy:ven S 1_ rieiu.1.;- : -_._-_- - -.-' us. ,',1._.` -: , . .:,_.., E % % I *[ "' lpleaisiatit A aay%~a%4- he % ff % :j '.""'MrA ~_a'1t'& Mm. `'W ; of ` Barrig tvisit 1:6 _'fI`i!39 ~ in-_: W9 } _.. { At Shepiaard, Midhurst, `conduct - a special missionary V service Q11 , Au'g.2- i'.,L-baring ~a. 'nd~ly refenace to.-` apprda`hi1iag' 'depart4fxre.' of:.iMi9S{ Brenner, who '.will,. -in th~Vim- Ilieldiat `future take an active part` in tnission7a'ry.work. in_ Indi~a. j ._.- `J Mm. mould Jenkins of `Anten Mill's was renewing old acquain-ta.nces here` . this week, after an absence` of fourteen years. . V Mr; and Mrs. A. Dyer h;sited- '-and Mrs; H. Pue of Painawiek on Sun- day, - f :1 T A III A 1\ - I Mr. Grover McBurney, Painswick, andhris cousin, Miss Mamie Came/I-on, of Wyevale, visited at Mr. J as. Brown .s on Sunday. * `III , III!` A I .1 ,1.` Aug. 22.4.-The regal-at,iI1dh,t-hily meet- ing of the Women, s Istitnjte the home` bf Mm, L. `B?ayin_ai-`on ._'1`uesv dsay with ea. good-_ qhtenance. . A paper on The of; -tAhe_F1Y" _ by? 34333 Louise B/aymer, End `a. report `of- rthger 1'1-brasrvy oonven-tlbn` -held: an, B_a.r1'-.i,. by Mrs.`-Thos._Wil:1i`ams, wrg` the, main feaitinrqs of_ the Lmeegtii;-g. - , _ \ - `Mr, Chas. -M-eMu;1-ay, wo _is not im- _p1!aving.vas~'we:l-1;'fa.sv_~`his 'frieInd.s would` like has gape` -to CoFlingwood- hosapit_aJ~. .. Miss 'Bessie_ Wi1li`ams"of Tqnoniq. is hdl.idiLyin.g with -her parenVtsg_ -heme. . ' 1; r-11.:...'..'_....`..,.l. ~ 3;; . ~ rnxsn or nmi'srn.. . _ { - 1__1th Sunday after -Trinity, Aug. 27. `St. Paul -s, Painsrwick. 10 a.m., Sun- dzay School; All a.m.,. Holy Communion `and sermon. Olvoir practice at the Rectory, A Thursday, 8 pm. (V `Aug. 21.-.-Miss Minnie Kell of To. ronto visited over .'S1inday with her ' pamnts: . I `In Dvv `Duncan L-39$ 1:-nab \\/Annczl-our M1 "Llid6lb'. andl Master Willie of .Not.f.h River, are visiting their aunt and- finale, Mr.` an.d~- Mrs. G_o. Qfafmnder. A - . lrotp the oiod. .1281) '2 =.*.*`.'m.., "W ` 0 - `W ' ` ' _ `Thursday Murmur. ~_ `GU VJVJIIIIS YVVVKKQ - .4 Mr. E.- Gaston. spent a v e~1`e c1-ea. "tion at Not17wwuaa'gaT [beach Inert` week. ` l:.(` p . . imr.-.,C,. Hut ,_ & to` Mr, `A. I 1x \.= ,4. Illlwnxnio-J.nau6 vvoun. -V- r----- - - Mr. An-.g1is `Buiea bf ' sp,ehdi_11g;a. .fjewVdays:he;'e.. f _ _~ V Miss '~ Annie; }Vi~H'iam f and `MJr;`._`.W.a,t~" kin of Tpmnto, "w.ere V `quietly -m`arr;ed- on Wed-nesduy at .1:he1-home:--.;9f, T'-the` bride< ~.s' g-patients, by _R;ev.'~R. C. -McDer- .....I %'s'.."f>;u3s, dhI1}cm,-2 pm., Sun- day School: 3 p.m., Evensongand se-r~ mon. ` ' A % Leonard s Miss-iion -Even/song and sermo~n-7.3V0 -p.m. - - Rev. G. H; Wrh.it:ta.k-e.r,` M.A., preach- ed last. Sunday alt. St. Paul '5 Church, previous` to his returning tohis parish tin. England. Duximg his stay in the parish Mr. W`h.itt=ake:_1_' assisted and preached at the services at- St. Paul s every Sunday. His ea-rnest words were very im ressive a.nd_helpfn1 and were much alpp iated by the congregation. T Mr. Ben}. Redferm of Toronto is `holi- daying at his home here. 1`-H nvnl` Mug ' A`."\A`- >'I"nvv`n- nnt` `Sunday with Mrs. Jas. Ferguson. uuylqllg an we uume wore. Min and Mrs. '_A1ber.t Taylor and Mrs. D. Bundy of Anand-ale spent I .,. V The Epworth League of 'H.olIyF\w1'l1 ` give an iceoream social on We-dnes- ; day,` A-ug. 3o,at then homer of Mrs. '1'. I -Campbo;1l* s. fMusic -to b'e~furnishesd' by an orccheatqa from Bgrtie. ailnlo Uiulxvv Jananilnoo Illl\A daughter of Ba"!-rio, `visited ther, +George,Ta.nd' sister, Mrs. Geo. Mc- Lean here -last` week. - ` Miss Elsie Leathbrdaie of-.C'oITkiwater, is visiting relatives in. this village. She is who Mrs. fHi1l Mrs, The -an.nim`1* Ha-Ijyerst Tha.nk.'s-giving Festival for the Parish` of Innisl has been arranged as follows: In the United States at the pnesent timevthae price of -horses 0fo'rV instance is $50 per head uleegs than in Cnmadaa. Ever1vy.farme~r who owns from four ho ten h-or-see bwhich -at $50 pea` head will mean la net_ loss` .to him on horses allone from $200 `to $500. `How long win it -take `him to make up the loss on A his horses, his cvattlev, his sheep and his hogs fnom the higher prices it is claim-' ed he may possi-bly get from the sales of ua.-few apples, 9. little hay or one -01?`. twb `other p1*oduclt.S', too triing to men- tion, in the American _maa*ke0t.e _ 1 . I. St. Pau-1 ; 'CI 1u1`~ch-_-S1'1nd~ay, Sept. 24, 11 am. _and 7. pm. 9 ; St. Pete-r s, Ch:urcVhix1:l-Sun~day, Ogt; 1,`Na.t 11 pm. and 7 p.m. -, I 1 1 I I Specials prea'cjhers have. been seured for bo'th_,.S/u-ndvays. The Rector .h-as is'~ sued a!_paroc_hial letter callin-g upon the pa-rishionens -to observe those days for the purpose indivcated. -v-'1tvI 0. It A _ 1 Averill" of Barrie is visdting at, the home of Mas. Geo`. Wiley. V A`ug. 21.-Mr.- Johni Gilhrist-, prim- `cipal of Mark=h~am public scool and `Mrs. Gilchrist ~(ne`6f Miss Miller), visit- ed riends here on Saturd-ay. They. were the cf Gaptaim James and: ' 11-. `lIIl ';. Mr; Noriaigi izisitoa friends at Brunt- 1ora;g..e;,wTee;:;Aj ; - %V I _ 'L`_. ch; ECti;;r?*Ef" Bn1ey'A3E`o'In"5yi % <*rmr,, vi E..Tmy at .M1;. _Ief:b7 LA on. Tueday` ' to.vi_s(_i`tbfrie1ids~in the. golden West. ` % "'is&{; vEv}iiar._.}I:i;;1n:;;g. is nowaday- pug with Mrs`. c. Mans. - % ~ muons nu __,.____ -...1. 13-`Ami: M'is::;- N. Ball has returged to her home at J a.rra`.tt_ s. M-res. Wiley, Sn, accompanied her.` 1-v A an n o ' 1 V M}. and-fMrs; N_ Ligcumbe of Big Bay Poinrt spent Sunday with Mr. and `tuba 7 `D.4\t`|`t\$I1 . `Miss ?omil1a."WIh:it is home` at, ` enet. _ , . . - , _ is yisiihing `niV'en - 1 ' - Messrs. Cli vv ova: cvgc vs ff, `T""I`hoirL1-)T7s'on and: Enoch Heritage leave -this week for the West. Brown left last Wednesday on `a trip -through the West. 11' 1-\ hi`, ,___!.I. Missas Mabel, Bessie and Master [Norman Scaan-1-on of Toronto spent the weekend at their uncle's, "Mr. T.` C'ampb`e1l s.- A I I I '1 -11- `v co . A was Mm.`Harry Dyer of Toronto is spend ring a few days at his home. -In I u 1 up : Mr'sv.Reyi1oidus of Barr-ie is visil-ting *1\ [x`s.v R. Reynolds, ' ~ . James` _Ing'ram and ion: and ......$.'Ju.- AR `Duh..- _-2-35-2. ,.L:... 1.-- ORAIGHURST. Hbui. Before the Vpresen-t agreementb ' `vas negot.iate'd, the United St_8. -8:8` G0vrn- `merit. e'mp1.o`yed. -a. -small Ermy of experts *ti'o1is of }their various In-aailoe-t.s and to { to examfme careffu.-lvly into the` condi- - 0 0 0 ' ' g-ather .:ta|.1s-hes bearing on every cun- zcle-ivwblre point, so as to show Congress ` 5- nu - . u 0 _ -I-v . 1 run I A` , ____\