Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 15 Jun 1911, p. 2

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IE 67 '1tAis ` .%S'I*i;WART, T BABRIS- jf V;EEtei*;:.;;`Solici1;brs;. Notaries Public; and. hOonia*ancrg.<.~" :'=`:._Money to loan in ' any -[sums atI5 per cent. Oice, 13 Owen` St., Barrie . H. D. Stewart, L_L.D.," D. -`M. Stewart, ENNoX,- c foWAN & BROWN, B252: . Vristers, Solicitors for obtaining pro- ba_tO_" 0f .WillB, guardianship and ad- ` `stration, and general Solicitors, Notaries, Oonveyancers, etc. Oices, ' "Hinds" block, No. 6 Dunlop` street, Barrie. Money to loan at 41/_ and` 5 per cent. , Branch offices at Cree- more and Alliston. Haughton Len- nox, K.C., `Alex. Cowan, G. E. J. n__.._._ 71' 1:: . CRESWICKE 8: ALEXANDER, BAR- risters, Solicitors of the Supreme Court of Judicature of Ontario, Proctors, , Notaries, Conveyancers, etc. Money to loan. Oice,` Ross block, Barrie. A. E. H. Creswicke, .K.C., Arthur Alexander. . STRATHYV 85 ES'I`EN,' BARRISTERS, Solicitors in High Court ofTJustice, Notaries Public, Conveyancers. ' Of- " ces over theABank of Toronto, Bar- T rie; Money to loanoat lowest cur- , rent rates. .G. H. Esten. DONALD ROSS, LLJB. BARRISTER, a-1:..:4...- -4... 13.... mm Tnpnnfn DB. A. _'1`. LITTLE, . LATE OF Churchill, Ont. Oice and residence, John 892., near corner Elizabeth. ' _Phone 213._ __ _.. ._... -.._. 1512.. W.- A. R6ss,_'15HYsIcIKN:"sUii'- ,~,geon, etc., L.R.C.S., Edin., L.R.C.P., London. Office and residence, Dun- ` [lop street, Barrie. Telephone 77. raousms or arm: rnmarna. ERTAINLY the political- sit-9 C nation in Canada has seldom been so disturbed as it is at present. To begin with no` Canadian Premier has ever been so criticized-in England as has Sir Wilfrid Laurier on the occasion of his present visit. _"1`he British pressyhas discovered the suave Canadian Premier and the name which one newspaper -has given him, Mr; Facing-both-ways, will stick to him as long as he lives. When it was discovered that the Premier was in trouble in_ England owing to the fact that he'did not un- derstand the eifect of thereeiproeityel agreement, and could not explain its terms, and when it was learned that. he had cabled for Mr.,.Fieldingp to (some over and help him, there was the usual chorus of oicial denial and"; expostulation. It was given out that lir. Fielding had gone to Europe for! a rest. ' V -_` _DR..TI_I. '1'. ARNALL. 6FFIcE-XND -3 111-..-.. - -..J DR. ROBERT S. BROAD, PHYSICIAN, Surgeon, etc. Specialty--Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Oice and resi- dence,.cor. Elizabeth and Bradford Sts. . (Dyment Gore). , Phone .105. ` Box 456. - 1512; MORTIMER LYON, 31 CARLTON ; QI- VIVA-..-.Ln 1:5`-A nu: DCIIIJDIYVQI V. BA1'l'H, DUIJLK/Lxuav, P1 -`actor, Notary, Conveyancer, etc. `Special attention in drawing and probating wills, obtaining letters of administration` and guardianship, [collecting `accounts, etc. Offices, Boss Block,` Barrie. Money to loan. 3'r. A} RADENHURST, BARRISTEIC, 3 Solicitor, Notary Public, 854:. Oice, 1st oor Bank of Torofxto Building. Money to loan `at._ lowest rates. ' R. V. `A. HART, GRADUATE OF Ttinity University, Toronto, Edin- borpugh and Glasgow and Post Grad- uate of University College, London. Office and residence: Cor. Dunlop and Mulcaster Sts. Oice open each day until 8 p.m. Phone 124. Late of Toronto General Hospital! b ` once of the late nr..sm'mn. comer St uvg Axou 0, an; [B1-o;vn, LL.B. WV` A_2_I_"._E_V_Vl Svl ' L.R.C.P. & 5; Edinburgh; M.F.P. av. s. Glasgow _ T --SURGEON--- ` It was a mighty -rush for a man go- ing to take-Aa rest. Mostfo1k rest in some other fasllion. And it is'p'os-. sible to rest in Canada. Having s est 4 years Post Graduate work in British ospitals and having served as Clinical Assistant in Golden Square Ear. Throat 8: Nose Hospital, London Royal London Ophthalmic Hospital (Moorelds) ; for a term as Resident Su_rg-eon in Royal London hthalmic Hospital; Bristol Eye Hospital. Bristo ;and Birmingham Eye Hos ital. Birmingham :former Member of nhthnlmnlnnvinnl Qnninfv nun I 13.76 HUS lull, DFIBEUI; 11110 1 ufulos :formex British phthalmological Society. l`II`I`I'f` 510 Du... I\r` u...-__._. 1 G. `G. SMITH 85 00., PHONE 32. ES +o`kl:u`n-ul `IDRG TY..J_..L-I___.- UNWIN, MURPHY & ESTEN, ON- tario Land Surveyors, Engineers, . etc. Established 1852. Office, Medical Building, S. E. corner Rich- mond and Bay streets, Toronto. .Te1ephone, Main, 1336. Instructions ` left with Strathy & Eaten, Solici- A tors, Bank of Toronto Building, Barrie, will-be promptly attended to. VULVIIJJJJ LDKIDJIJ, I.lJuAJa JJ4n.a.Iu.v.s-ua.a.a;u Solicitor, etc. Bank of Toronto Building, Barrie. Money to loan. t-uuyujj l'"IIII`vhy A (Successor tothe late R, L. Bax-wick) Fire and Life Insurance. Real Estate Adencu. Moneu to Long. 11, number of good Farms and Town Pro- ea For term. 231....-. o .a*a. ..z.. `"553 NAMES AB Nnggp lRnm-\nnnu- l>n-H-.g `I .seem',s,to -have changed once more in on`sequ'ence! perhaps of his defeat in `Arth`afb,aska-, and the, change in - the ..popyi1a1:ionL in .th_e;iv_ e`stV. If Canada is `:ati3edr.,with~ _this- kind `of leader, hi) % ._em'o'rVeVne_e!1 be `said, but we `,8 hgiiight our `ic .x-_. T, . _ A'TUI;'1*,` BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, - ~ :L__ \1'..L...... nnwnvnf Af,p__ 'Llv- LL. 1.. AIIJLVILLJJJ. v.n;.n..a.\z;..; 4.;;v;.r Residence corner of Toronto and Elizabeth Streets. (Opposite Eliza- beth Street Methodist` Church), Tele- phone 167. '.I'hzmt the Government has prepared- its plan for a sudden appeal to the people shows `anything may be ex- pected at any moment. The Voters s Lists are now being printed at the Government ` Printing Bureau. Men are working night and day, and the lists will be ready in two months, JJ U I-IL 1 UL \.lbLJ.I.|J.s\IA.1 "t.:m'i'*()'1"o;1`t':`o, `late 7;} , Brooklyn (N. Y.), Eye and Ea; Hospital, will be at 67 Owen St., Barrie, every Sat- urday. Diseases-Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Consultation hours, 11 a.m. to 5 p.m., and by appointment. >12. J. A.-.-C. EVA-NS`-, PHYSICIAN,` Surgeon, etc., Coroner Dfor Simcoe County. Oice and redence: Wil- liam street, Allandale. Telephone 30 3.. At Stroud_Otce: 2 to 4 p.m. Monday to Friday. Eye. `Ear. '3 Throat, A.%1-:4, muzumsou `The place for :11 kindsof. . . '. . . -saga; AVA `New K.ingAB;o;l`;.3 - -`-.- V`:-va-n-an-nvnvalvl NIIIVKDDJ g OFFICE-,-78 DUNLOP STREET. BARBIE. `Phone 54. P. O. Box. 96. L G. SMITH Sc 00., tablished 1869. Undertakers. Open day and night. T Morgue and chapel in connectjon. -Barrie, Ontario. Dr. J. ARTHUR ROSS - -v-`a_oov_- NILl_ 'VV`>l.:l..Ll Ll.I. '3 iugul > 1*: nstin-but` it ?wi11,hardly? in-. avnvn nnanla F`? , _"-. "_} Relialfle Insurance WP!-IYSIOIAN8. ttnnnm-Axi:3s. M. 0.. C. M. (Ton) HAS MOVED TO sunvntonsf Next Saturday A I Morning Nqgmmaq ADVANCE Tau. Anvmos: 13 _proven t -urgegcsvctrcumnon t `Wyeth Tm; ...., ., J, 7." `""**wm. b A u_.. _ 5'. 181`888t subscription iuTh httfrlfwt demonstrates the qua plane ts _ men, ,. &!`e,cha.rged ace . -12 un din: to ms ngnpareil measure `3k9 one ,,_______ - - riuacsxnmr Anvmnrrsm, IAgal_N6ti6es. Auction Sales. Amuse, =et`c.-+mm insertion" 1! cents r line, mbruent insertion 5 cents per in.-,_ I! ma nnlzic-Jan. 10' manta ham 1:... 4- Fl`0Il1ITlal1y sources we have receiv- ed congratulatory letters and words of cotnmendation in -reference to the Coronation Edition of The" Advance, issued on June 1st. Applications have been made for extra copiesby many of our subscribers and their friends who have seen the edition. _ We still, have on hand a few copies, which We will dispose of . at 50 `per copy. " UIIDBO llenu unaurgalvll 3 S-7011" Del` une. "" V p mg notice,` .10 ame per line for 3,3 i_ngerti_on : 5 cents per lme for each subsen ue inpe|:t.1_on_ .9! the same matter. Obituarv poet, - . 1 . couunncmx. menu. 7 will pegiven on application. ` con-nuc'r cmmazs. Advertisers will please bear in mind that notioe.of1ntenti`on to chan e advertisemenm mustbojhandod into theo ce not later :1, Saturday at 10 o'clock. and the copy , for such .{`.:':`%.1 }.f 2%?. ?.m`."?.X"`nE%.me nos Iv2_ cnnnxe Illlllla us; xn Lam Au V A34 U11; om "` );t e_r than 12 o clock noon _on `Monday :3; wzeekmtherwise the aqvertxqer 3 announcement guy not be made pubhc untxl the week follow. 3. CONDENSED ADVERTISEMENTS. _ Condensed ar. v_ex-tisements on rscp was wants or all lands. los_t and tpund, ',?;`,` ; for sale orto rent, speqlc artxcles. etc., em must be accomnamed wxth the cas ' i Cuts for adve,'tisemcnts_ must in every _ case be mourned on solnd metal bases THE Bill PUNING Mlll CD I Alnnlloa-I 1f;Dvr:R`r1s1Nc ------13$ Mxlufacturem 0! and Dealers in all kinds of Rough and Dressed Lumber 14-..- 34-.. -II__.I- I__4_..l_ ,, In - , pvvu-5-. -.-- -a-vu-vvu Aauuluhl noon-s.8ash. BIlnds.lnterIor Fl i h.E , Columns, Tanks and Water "'13-oug'.,, P1 11' . Matching. Mouldimz. I . -S, 1 E mg Hot BlastDryingI{iln. e `Wm; baohit and Polishing Hardwood Floors :1 Specialty Contracting and Building Estimates given 3313 lYII ll EVE Elli!-hi-5 A-._ `avu-,--v.- _-.. .-...-.--- ..v-mun.-uwo 5Av1_'u oFrIcE-'Kvr1zLn 'r.. mama. om- Tm: ADVA_NOl: to xnrnnt. aimulnxxnn (If anv nanny in n. THOMPSON cizzw, CRAIGHURST, ONT. ;LICENSED AUCTIONEER ' FOR THE comm-rv orsumcoa. Most reasonable terms given on al Stock Sales I_'3_e.!*;9&'! E9 !r_=%!1r%v| F NEXTDOOR TO THE TANNER'Y| I81. John & Groolterl John J ennett, MAKES YOUR sxm LIKE VELVET- Mbnkmafs Glycedonia. Has a marvellous effect on rough skin. One or two applica- tions will remove the roughness, and by its -occasional use the `skin acquires the smoothness and softness of a .baby s. Glycedonia. _is,not sticky, and gloves may be worn a. few moments after using itf Price 15c and 25c. Delight- ful after shaving. Druzgist. nu.-up--.y..-- `V. * may infE1'iLg "Sunday. Is 0 n for all orders ` CASTING MIEE REPAIRS. sac? 3' Boilers. Engines and all kinds of farm and statxonary machinery made and nepoiregl on shoztest notice and moderate pnces. H foil; doxi by expert machin- i_st and guaranteed first class. BARBIE smawmc W cnmwmv num._oP s'rn::1' EAST Brewed Entirely from the Finest "' man and Hops. T MONKMAl:IL.__ The following are: selected from "the many complimentary -letters and ref- erences we have rbceived: from an Old arrie Nowspapprmah. T. Crew, Esq. T 1 J,,. ,_1 Slllelndld ALE and PORTER The Best and Brightest In Cask and Bottle MANUFACTURERS. ` rrie, Ont. .02` asoline Expert Machinists Engine _.,.., ._.._1. Dear Sir,---A1low me to voffermye warmest (congratulations on the splen- did Coronation number of The Advance just to hand. Along every l.'1n'e,' the work is a credit to the staf from yourself to the devil who_was11- ed up for the issue. 7 ' Yours ver.yT ti-uivy,_ H. FINLAYSON.i "ANS? PW! B_l_[B_AR IZE 'P`HO-N(E( 136 Am_usc [er hue. menu Mud- 5, 1911 l- -` Barrie. .~:(mt thre ing mot` wer that MT won u~` .~' live Orillia Packet. 1` U. I? . ' 01 Hllf gm: (-r0} at bay 1] rs, tha ` ..-u ooh and `.r M X x} int nid We (ab pin thi. uf 17w] Pas V"l`V1V1e Coronation? numberA of the Barrie Advance, issued last week, is highly creditable.` It testies to the enterprise, good editorialvsuper-' vision, capable mechani-c'aI 'I!`181-lV'8g6'_ ment, and thorough equipment of the Advance and its office._ 4 " The North Star,-"Parry Sounhod:-A:` '`.'.../.o _` f'.l`he Barrie _ Advance camp. jto;;. last week as.;a 20-pag,p:if> r,.-:t`li11v a coronation number. `The ; edition contained a_full and co,11_1p':1.e,_t_.e_`_.d,9os,oc_l'iVp-`Q ' `lsiion, 6:" {the H oo;ni1ig_ _o)i"oii@};fo`p` garitamvs` kihd a'1;d'j"'qi_1`e;e11", xi. *s;;;:g .j'sjyigh-=::muc,h :%iuromgon ralagiggic w9;!f:;v`?9.}f`iY1\T?f ` * Vvvluhrul - ,' .9 -Av If?!`-r`U` 9 9!'..99t. P1f3. 0!; 1:19, fdiipji -"l1..p m..Cbalt Special .. `$.10 3 In 10.10 a mTo1-onto 8: Njorthxnny 5.15 p m V \ 5:'..1Q-`8"!!\ 43.... 8.85pm uunn_... 23....`l0.15an'\" 27.... 7.501) m 3.-.... uvvvr "' 55.... 7.509111 ooooouo.oooo>ooIcoqu cocoon c~ . Q Q` __ , A `V_._4.I_ I5...- Iuld IIIIQIIIIOOIOIIIIUIiuvvuv Ill p'm..North .. . .v i! BM 1) m.."l`ox-onto & Midland `MI 1 _m ~ Gruvenhurap. ,.. 9.83 3 In Oomngwood and MAcatord.." llflll N . Thursday, June 15, 1911. `Emma 033 Svnsomrow. -~---- .1: WORDS OP PRAISE.` Main Line. Penetang. H!-Ia.m1lto`n.' '..&o'6ss-0 vi "\ 65....7. p.m. AU? Go .'_1~xo. 51....-na.*m `3...o1-um` 1 56...`.I.pm`] Vi22.*...m ` l \u'r1v'a;1s and dopu`-turos ii and` -"tram, Barrio are `as follows: " isizcu tare fof; -` publisiir;-EV.)Ir. j. w;; ,; L 56 cddsratllatii ,I , .31i; hid?` :_in `issuing ? .sV1 1cl}1"li_ sV1`>)`lL`;e'niiaT=_;il'V'I.1-I!A1'1')o!*t`i " is worthy of note" that Bari'iq7bu'i-" ness houses gave the paper generous support `with. special ad`ve}i'tis'jing,"` "'Ifhe" biggest . c'oro;1ation_ L.celei'31jatio1i iii Northern _On.tarAio will be held in Bar-_ `:16. "on June 22nd. `The: .De4`tr)itf`:' FVree' isdys' A VWi'1frid Eaurier has put `a nw kimnk` in"the ,1i~pn s- tai._1.,` sir Wilfrid will be attered` by this_.. notice from that.or- nament `of the.`Cont_inenta'list press, V It would ;;improve the .a'pparance_ of the f`own>.~"consid'o! ra1'>`l:y.. if the .Of.W9r1gs "would. put ta~_ga`1}g"of, men on .to`"leai1 oi1t the ditches before lcoronafioh` -`Day. T Evry - little bit `helps. L` ' v I u Born. `tot-fMr. . `and `Mrs. Moequito 9999 chilclren`. All are strong, bright, and aetive. It is expeoted that they will soon be able `to set up in` business for themselves` as common carriers, specializing in the handling of typhoid and other diseases.-Exchange. Port Hope Guide-At` B_arrie- editor` asks if there are `any sweeter words in the English langniage than I love you. Perhaps not. But the words;,._ Here is that dollar I owe. you are not lacking in true eloquence and I sweetness. Collingwood Messenger.-If there is lots of noise `from the Colling-wood Bulletin during the coming general election it will be easily aocoiinted for. EditorVDvavidAl1as been created" an honorary Indian chief with the title or name Shagoie_watta com- monly spelled Sa-go-ye-wat-ha, literal-N 1y. translated he 'them`cause_5 to bee` lawake, with his wide mouth. i A. W. Day, the` general rnanager of the Right House; one of the leading dry goods houses in Hamilton, is a strong advocate of and believer in" newspaper advertising. The Right House management will this year` lspend over $25,000 in advertising in Timothy Eaton attributed his wonder- fulasucess to newspaper advertising and always maintained that the news- papers were his staunch friends. 'J. C. Eaton, his successor has just doubled the appropriation for news-.. paper advertising, and is-to-day carry- ing a full page advertisement" every day-in six daily Toronto newspapers. That means a cost of over $200,000}; year in the city of Toronto alone,-- Ex. I three Hamilton newspapers. The late - The Antiquity` of 'Man.--It has been known {during a long time that in Western `Europe man existed during the glacial epoch. Wex now know that the great ice age consisted of dierent `glacial times separated by interglacial times. In glacial times the snow line dropped 3,000 or 4,000 feet 'below its present level `in the Alps, whereas in intergla-cial times it lay about 1,000 feet higher than at" present. Thus the temperature seems to have beenhigher in the interglacial periods than it is now. There 7is abundw ant evidence, in. the" opinion of- Penck, that man existed during the `beginning of the last- glacial epoch. There is sotnereason for? thinking that at least 20,000 " years .have elapsed since the last glaciation, and that the man whose jawbone was found in 190! near. `Heidelberg lived 200,000 years ago.--_-Scientic Ameri; 08.11., - -I .4'.' V ` - II`.-In Newcoiners to Owen Sound have complained repeatedly of the difculty 1 of getting `in` with the members of one s church, and it is too true` that their complaints have not been exag- gerated. The same state of affairs exists in `other places, so "to illustrate the ofshness of some churches, Rev. John Timothy Stone, pastor of - the Fourth Presbyterian Church, speakin at the First Presbyterian Chur ," Chicago, told a story of a man who sat through the service one Sunday. morning ._'wearing his. hat. When requested not. to dose by an ush- er h_e removed .h'is hat` smilingly. `The usher askedhimi if`he`had,/ `worn the hat purposely .or if _it were absent- minded in_eg1i,gence._; .`5No,; _?- said the` ,i man I__` h_a'r_e' been jyatteending; this ' church -for tW9.fy,e_ars,1and `no.}on'e-fiias -ever sp,okens --;to- ?A4,!ne:i.-i1_15`.l a 1_lr ~ that ~t'i t:nef: t. I just `thoiug'htj_'I&jgoulg"1eave;_iiny.';1ia sozsmr wtthis ' would reserve = as ant... V introduet, .1~ro1'n `OOMlC_NT{ &m@`m] Car rigV-N atiisn_ _i dead. _ But Qra `Nation ramais the top -liner for `an- othelr wee'!.:. , j ' an. as-as ' \ N')twit11"s.1;anding: some iepofts A to _the contrary, tis _said that macadam roads, like sa1a.ds`,"are improved by an` oil dressing. . . ` I tl `I -I - Talking about `popularit-y,, I heird one of the ba'ndsmen remark that an ounce or applausye` is worth a pound of advice. % ~ % all. & I. ' Well, Orillia, they haven t donema thing to us on Athistvequalized County assessment._ Cheer `up, the worst is yet to come. - * -If I- .Wbnder-if all the Parks Commission had to stand up during the band con- cert last week. About 200 more seats would not be any too `many-. ` t_Why yes, Miiudie, a standing com-I mittee may sit: down ifthey wish. Well, that -in inore than "a spectator` No.64 .. uoam" No. 56.... 5.38 pm I see Toronto, Winnipeg and Mon- treal` are tohaveabroad trust, and like the -Standard,Oi1 and a few, others tho` law courts wi}l have little effect on them so long as they have the dough. can_do Park. ` Ottawa councillors= still refuse to cough up . funds for a coronation celebration. And this at the seat of government, too! `The common 'peepu11 should rise npsand swat themone; ` Two dozen empty rum bottles have` been dug up out of the ruins of ani old Yankee fort. I rather kalkerlate: if_they d been full, the fact would` never haveleaked out, though the} rum might have. ' ` After, hearing of how "the G. T. 12.! ihas-given `us the' double shule on the,` agrepment about assessment and earl shops, makes me think that, in one way and. another, Barrfe is a~very easy mark. *' -i * . {Glad to see that the June`bride s are to be honored with the wedding `marclfat to-night s' baud concert, and hope a lot of those fellows who make a spooning ground -of. the park gwill now take the .hint. L * I operations for "some time and the; lad was about. to withdraw his hand triumphantlyfrom `the cage, when there was a scream and the onlookers were horror-stricken to nd that the! beast had seized the venturesome hand and had it gripped yfast between `its teeth. A A ow of blood which `com- menced torun from the mouthof the animal showed that the hand was `far- ing badly in its grasp. But the, keeper of the brute `was prepared for! such an emergency and immediately the alarm was given he rushed to-_ wards the cage with a big pike pole` attached to which were long sharp liooks. Jabbing these into the beast produced the [desired H results, as the l leopard with a howl op_en_ed its `mouth, and enloosed the imprisoned hand. The rescue p was .appar_ently `none `too soon, `as the boy s` hand was found, to be terribly lacerated and mangled, with the flesh in parts torn clean from the bone. The_ wounded lad was plac- ed under the care of the circus phy- sician, and the { hundreds offonlookers who witnessed the deed turned sick- ening away fully convinced that the leopard does not change his nature any more than his spots. LAUBIER A WET BLANKET A - ATTITUDE AT CONFERENCE standing committee. It says:--?`Laur- London .Sta.ndard Says Canadian Pre-`I mier Opposes Closer Union-Get- ting Close to Independence- London, June 9.--'The Standard has a `leader headed The Wet Blanket} of the .Conference, anent Liauz-ier s opposing Ha_rcoiurt s proposal for a ier, needless to say, was entirely op- posed to it as.he has beenthroughout this conference to almostjany sug-- gestion` for -closer Imperial union and concerted action. His` attitude prob- ably determined the issue. Through- outwthe conference he has been the steady opponent of change or prog~ ress, and seems -to be obsessed -by the fear that the slightest alter_atio_n of the status -quo"" msiy; lead to a~diminu-- ` tion of that Canadian Jautonomy which he is anxious to stretch-~7to the` fare thest. possible` .1imits..a On the; other hand _h_e wishes vi the i Home Government , to-s d,en0,unce.-,,coxnmereialj.treaties- , eni- ` bracizieioitfhe`,iDgxg;iions,, :n '.lIAII u "`Al1 Ithis is getting very; (nose to Va'ctu,a_l independence. _We `ventur to doubt whether in these 1`natters[{Laur- ier -really expresse's.the opixgion/"of the Imajority of his fellow cotgntrymen. - ; rm... 1r`.._`1_.`1_`:._- -n---. ' $1.00 ran ANN mason.` UNITED `suwrms suascalmmse , $1.som ADVANCE . EHO new name will be added to the Sub- Icclption List until the money is paid. . _~_1...-...:I.....- many` in nmnnrnfnr thf month vvgnnnvoi uavuo 'f`he ,'3Z`ofl'cs1_1i;'eV_i _,_c->;i';`V says: The ini- ` p_ression' is -deepening that..the present --and _1`Qp onent, Conference-.w_il`lV -bye ;ba_rren of vfgesult. Laurier, i`w1ioSe__ -rare. personality; ~$waysV tv_I_i`e a0on9re4n;c'e~,=`* has his fihlnm V V V V r.3`3_9 3v`r_ ` at a band concert` in Q_ueen s! T HE ;NoRTH~ERN ADVANCE Itaris is he `going to commit `Canada. to closer Imperial union, but these subjects A_squith has barred. ` HSASEBALL : _'1:he Birndngham Poetseyzs: While granting Lam-ier s foreign treaty reso- natural development of what has gone before, we dislike that sort, of development andv mistrust nits `ultimate tendencies. lution is well intended `and but .a.- MOST `IMPORTANT MORE xnocxs A'1'_1'..AURIBB X MAN or MANY CHANGES @"2%9'!m`"*`*\ An A. ..-... 11' unnnqnnst the: '[b11i891`F1:*.3.' `Z5,8*5 '.Ci:I!18I.is? Londoii Globe criticizes "His Attitude on Foreign '1'rea.ties---Doubts that He Represents Oalnadian Peeling. London, June'_"8.--_The, Evening Globe `says: `Despite Mr. Fie1ding s novel doctrine, that Canadian policy must not be criticized by .non- Can- adians; there is a good deal, ofvroom for criticism of. Lnirier s latest move... anent`.foreign treaties. ATh_is dis Qsomef. thing`_of a - novel doctrine; yalthouglii not so extraordinary as Sir; Wilfrid fe' parallel claim ' to eontrect,..9ut, of, iwar,i.n i Vol.1-i<`-`h Britain is` ` concerned merely by giving notice i&pp'afQil;t1y{..;QiV _} A9 9; |omca1 League Balls $1.25 yvI.>1I~*.*P, P hitil `Neither his. commrcial. nor, 'm'i`lit$.ry doctrine 1eave.much unity to the %P.i1',9- We. 410.. not, `know ~i.Sir -Wilfrid; Ll,ikesfthe_1n the; _.1sa, _o:;- _1:vha_tt ~?o;cco31_1_1t V` `d9? V `Barrie and Allandale Branches? C. R. LATIMER. - Manager. that your Savings be` p1a.c- ed where they chn be quickly" obtained for any real 119- cessity, or- to seize an, op-VT: portunity, but where they will be. Safe _17_om you); own} 'extra'vagance.% ` A` savntea gdcovm Ar. rm: BANK or ronorrro The Bank. of Toronto ~ is Wthei-eforeV an __id6a.l place -for` yougVf3a`re `dollars. % A ` -small sum ,is__- suiciont to "open an account with Scotts i Bookstore ICUIDWIOH MIDI uuuu uuu ulvnv; nu p-nu subscribers now in arrears for three uionth and over will be charged $1.50 per annum. I T.Beecroft Transact a General {Banking ' Bzcsiness. .'. . . Notesbiacounted at, rersonable rates. . . . . Collec- tion of Notes and Accounts given ppecial attention. . . . . L .... Drafts Issued payable any/whevre. C'l_t.eques.on ouqside banks cashed at lowest rates qf xchange, . . . . Sale Noies Cashed Var Collected on mostfavorabl tefms. Interest paid on sqvlnts Accounts. %1'. 3::-:cao'r1', Manager Spalding s and each s / ` iNcoRPORATl:D um BANKERS. Suppes(T Oce Hours--I0 to 4 4. co. -An. silage 48 column`-5Iawspapor,_ I Published trom the olce. 193 Dunlo Street. Barrie. in the County of Slmooe. t. e.Pro- 711106 of Ontario. Cansdmevery Thursday Moraine. by

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