BANKERS. 5pa1ding s and Reach s Supplies Oce Hours-10 to 4 G. CO. Q jjthi `Agent; Barrie. Manager Q: STEWART, Vnxnnm . `tori, Sbliaitors, Notgrios Public, and Ooljaveyaneori. Money to loan in C any sums at%5 per cent. Oice, 13' Owen St.`, Barrio. H. D. Stewart, - 1' 1' 'I'\ 1'\ `II Qfaxnrf ox % CJWAN la. Bnwir, 33KB- .:..L--`. n'Inluioa `no nHfo3nnn nvn- 21.30-.ra1omr roa rannmas. L T"is, reported that the Ontario Government-_has decided to send P. _W. Sothman, chief engineer of the Hydro-electric Commission, and Mr. W. Bert Roadhouse, Secretary, 01 the Department of Agriculture, to Europe to make an investigation of the uses of electricity _as applied to agriculture. G. A. ,RADENHUR8T, BARRISTE1, Solicitor, Notary Public, &c. Office, 1st oor Bank of Toronto Building. ` Money to loan at lowest rates. CBESWICKE & ALEXANDER, BAR- - risters, -Solicitors of the `Supreme aCourt of Judicature of Ontario, Proctors, Notaries, Conveyancers, etc. Money to" loan. Ofce, Ross block, Barrie. A. E. H. Creswicke, K.C., Arthur Alexander. - ..__... STRATHY as ESTEN, ~ BAR1iI'rEfis, $-12 431.-.... 3.. 3...`. l'l..--_L A` Tua`:nn ._._:.__.._ D-6NALD ROSS, LL.B., BARRISTER, CA1}.-n'l-an `Ln Dan`; I A` "I`nunnC-A DR. A. T. LITTLE, LATE OF Churchill, Ont. Oice and residence, . John St., neg : corner Elizabeth. Phone 213. .b ----.. ........_-..-j_:. .v- .-: DR. W. A. ROSS, PHYSICIAN, SUR- geon, etc., L_.R.C.S., Edi1:., L.B.C.P., London. Oice and residence, Dun- I j lop street, Barrie. Telephone 77. `D11. 1;. T. ARNALL. OFFICE-_A'ND IDR. ROBERT s. BROAD, PHYSICIAN, Surgeon, etc. Specia1ty-Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Office and resi- dence, cor. Elizabeth and Bradford Sts. (Dyment Gore). Phone' 105. Box 456. !1)R. MORTIMER LYON, 31 CARLTON Q5 Tl`.-u-A-.Ln `lI"t\ at D1\t\`r`v9un [KT UH STU: .I-USDA-lava D: M. S_tewa;t-I It is said that in Germany, Italy, Sweden and Switzerland elecicity is successfully used on farms not only for heating and lighting, but also for operating farm machinery, ti1ling' 'and fertilizing the soil. ` ` - ,..-L A- -1 3--...- ` L.R.C.P. 8: s. Edinburgh; M.F.P. an s. Glasgow --SURGEON-- DR. V. A. HART, GRADUATE OF Trinity University, Toronto, Edin- borough and Glasgow and Post Grad- uate of University College, London. Oice. `and residence: 90!`. Dunlop and Mulcaster Sts. Oice open each day until 8 p.m. Phone 124. M. n.. c. M. ('ro'r.) Late of Toronto -General Hospital. (mice of the Ia 1e_l3r. smith. Collier st ~ Phone OI. T 32-`Iy ir.CAtIL'1', BABRIBTER, SOLICITOR, Proctor, Notary, Conveyancer, etc. Special` attention in drawing and probating wills, obtaining letters of administration and guardianship, collecting accounts, etc. Oces, Boss Block, Barrie. Money to loan. I Having spent 1 years Post Graduate work in a` British Hospitals and having served as Clinical I Assistant in Golden Square Ear. Throat 8: Nose Hospital, London} Royal London Ophthalmic Hospital (Moorelds) ; for a term .as Resident Surgeon in Royal London 0 hthalmic Hospital; Bristol Eye Hospital. Brlsto : and Birmingham . Eye Hospital. B rminsrham : farmer llpmhnr no W` A_:_ I S- |.l.'JLIbV.\.IA,- \l\I vv an I-cu-\I ugv, Aaaaaav ristere, Solicitors for obtaining pro- bate of wills, guardianship and ad- ministration, and general Solicitors, Notaries-, Conveyancers, etc. Oices, 'lHinds b1ock;"No. 6 Dunlop street, Barrie. Money to loan at 41/; and 5 per cent. Branch oices at Cree- more and Alliston. " Haughton Len- nox, K.C., Alex. Cowan, G. E. .J. Brown, LL.B. ' ` `1'3 tZsi"1a:'s`ia`1'1o's`t'`it`7aYf' 1'3c`6 :"&KE"i{iix "$.` Eye Hospital. rmingham ; former Member of British Uphthalmological Society. OFFICE`-78 DUNLOP STREET. BARBIE. `Phone 54. P. 0. Box. 96. . G. G. SMITH & 00., PHONE 32. Es.` I-anulsn `IQRO `lYo..I..-Ln]...-.. t'\...... UNWIN, MURPHY & ESTEN, ON- tario Land Surveyors, Engineers, etc. Established -1852. Oice, Medical "Building, 8. E. corner Rich- mend` "and Bay streets, Toronto. Telephone, Main, 1336. Instructions left with 'Strathy 85 Esten, Solici- Mtors, Bank of Toronto Building, `Barrie, will be promptly attended to. Inc-ox. ova u----v--3 --_- . ~ V . _. After visiting a number of` farms` Where electricity is being used Mr. Sothman and Mr. Roadhouse will _at- tend the international conferences to "to be held this summer at Munich and Cologne to discuss the applica-A tion of electricity to scientic farm .1. JUL} .1. 1.; L JJKI L Linn , ysnugvgu ;. JJLURI, 9 Solicitors in High Court of Justice Notaries Public, Conveyancers. Of- ces overthe Bank of Toronto, Bar- rie. Money to `loan at lowest cur- `rent rates. _G. H. Eaten. |w. c.Am1re Msyumcwunmn or Buggies, Carriages. Wagons Sleigh: am! iCutte1-s. tn___ #5` , STRICT Pnnsonu. A II-vltumrmrnn D A in V; Es ' .- iA':`llf.T}I):1: ml?:I:)h m Horseshoenng '\ILV CLJJLI -lU\J&I\I, A-ILJIJJQ, JJLLLULULKJ A JJAU Solicitor, etc. Bank` of Toronto Building, Barrie. Money to loan. u -`C VT ' (suo9sa'5z'- V; the fun; '11.. L Barwick) andut `Jnsurance. Real Estate Ho. 55 BAYFIELD sf Residence corner of Toronto and Elizabeth Streets. (Opposite Eliza- beth Street Methodist Church), Tele- phone 167. LU J. LAILJ-ILU 1.6 L \lLV UL \JLl.LU "gt, \'i`or,onto, late of Brooklyn Y.), Eye and Ear Hospital, will be at 67 Owen` St., Barrie, every Sat- _urday. Diseases-Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. ' Consultation hours, 11 .a.m. to 5 p.m., and by appointment. zmomrson a"1':i;b1=i'In'1.1snnn. lJe.w_!._A;BNoLD TI- .___.! _l.\ '&'I II L&C \Jl L` V LILV KJ I. `I-1; L KJL\JJ.6LAV Surgeon, etc., Coroner for Simcoe County. Oice and residence: Wil- liam street, Allandale. Telephone 30 a. At Stroud Oice: 2 to 4 p.m. Monday to Friday. " Eye. Ear,-vuoygev Throat; A. F; A. MALCOMSON 4u;Va tonne ',`,?1`,'},'f'_`?`, ff Rgliable Insurance LI. Iw \l\Jo J.J..l.\.IL`JJ 06. 1'40` t;l.)1i~s i:;i.` 1869. Iindertakers. Open` day and night. Morgue and chapel` in connection. A Barrie, Ontario. ' A HAS MOVED TO NeI:_v King; Qlok. N 2. J. A. c. EVANS, PHYSICIAN,` Q ..... Ava Al-A {V nnnn A- ' Dr. J. ARTHUR ROSS opp os7n-c ROSS s'r. sons BARR'S OLD STAND When the investigating. is. com- pleted Mr. Roadhouse, who_was form-A erly a newspaper man, will prepare a report uponthe use of electricity in farming for the benetxof Ontario farmers. 7 rnisrcmns. UNDHBTAKEBS. ' sunvmvons. 1; ;xt Saturday X `Morning noxmman Anvm] _ 1 Barrie, Ont. -Ithuallo bylnr the largest. III AJVAIOI ll proven go Ingest dtvuhdon of any paper in Town. a.':`e':,;~; "ed , `Ion Thguhttor tact demonstrates N. the its patron. If you have any advgniamhti _,tht 1, ho. gtgtrddtopay the xlrlriog. 17 `" th *"::*'..:";' " % " comm. _ uonpare 111888111-Q nuke N ruulsliuw LDVlBl'l8l.\(, Ian! Notices. Auction 8 l etc.--l'lrlt insertion 1 canines en}, en uentiniertlonscentapep me ' he notices, 10 cenu per 11;, f insertion ; 5 cents per line for each auhga the same matter. Obitllan P V oonnnncux. msuv. ' Rates will begiven on application. corn-no-r cmxazg, - Advertisers will please bear i notice of intention to chan e a.1"v.,'`- `M muetbe handed unto the 0 cc not late Saturday at lo-o'clock, a.nd,t.h_e cop fohu change muatbein THE ADVANCE, meg`: ' I 0 " `SEEK . :.".';`.`l.. .?..`i'?:`. . f.I.`?.`Z`3.;`3 .:"_9da! um. 5- -~- coubnxszn ADVBRTIBIMBN1-g Condensed ax. tine ts as wants ofall 13:13, l!:tnan:l;of3x:!(t1pag"hl `for sale orto rent. specic articles, mm? must be accompanied with the cash. em" 9*. Cuts for advertisements must inc. case be mounted on solid metal ha: L THE Bill PUNING Mlll Bu_ . manna` J.D. Romans! om. ] (larpenters and uildem. b'Ianuf t ` and Dealers in all kinds of aouii X3 ' Dressed Lumber Door P 1` sun. s{::':`.-1 ' c.`s'u"'` Blinds shlniles I Floo ng, Tanks and Water Trougns (Plne sq ' Cypress) P18 . Matching. Moulding. R-s, mug Hot Blast DryingKiln. 8 "h" Tunis or suasoutvuoic. . 31.00 PER ANNUM m ADANOE. UNITED STATES SUBSCRIBERS $1.50 IN ADVANCE` , .Ij-J 4- A.l_-Q__I_ T ICRAIGI-IURST, om. LICENSED AUCTION]-IR; FOR THE COUNTY OF SIMCOE. Most reasonable terms given on all Stock Sales ...0F... iI_'39.!4.9!! E 9 undrvl iuaxr noon TO THE 1-A~Nen'v| D81. John & crooked` John J ennett,| MAKES YOUR SKIN LIKE VELVET- Monkmaxfs Glycedonia. ' Daily imigiug!- Has a. marvellous effect on -rough skin. One or two applica- tions wilfremove the rougnness. and by its occasional use the skin acquires the smoothness and softness of a baby s. Glycedonia is not sticky, and gloves maybe worn a few moments after using it. Price Isc and 25c. Delight- ful after shaving. 'Dru;gist.v Is 0 n for all orders in CASTINGS. MI REPAIRS. 8:3. Boilers. Engines and all kinds of farm and _stationary machinery made and reputed on shoxtcst notice and xnodenue prices. BARBIE . BREWING BIIMPANY ._-___-__ _ _ r _ V . _ _. Al work done by expert machin- ist and guaranteed first class DUNLOP STREET EAST Brewed Entirely from the I-`inesi Malt and I-lops. MONKMAIS." The Ontario Hydro-electric . Corn- mission proposes to operate in'_ rural. districts low-tension wires from which power'and light will be conveyed direct to farms and houses _' at cost price, V " Splendid ALE and PORTER The Best and Brightest In cask and Bottle MANUFACTURERS.` 'ruusIIrrr n>vnms1.~,_ I41..- 1..-`)-.. n . asone I % 1fg1nnsnAY Engine. VI.&IAJlll.I.l_Ko UIUUIUIHK. Drying Kiln.` `A ADVANCE. Expert Machinists =3 Ilntse Power }I_:-- Eirat-class Order The Hydro-electric Commission has already receivbd many applications for power_ from farmers" in . various sections of the Province, but instead .of_ dealing directly with the farmers the Commission will `probably ar- range with the dierent township councils in much the same way as _it has arranged with city and town councils for -the supply of 7 electric power. That is the city or town -council agrees to take . a minimum quantity of electric power ' at a cer- 'tain rate and distribute `it. to con- sumers. The arrangement may have to be modied somewhat to suit .- rural conditions, B_g|___R _li E 'P'H'o'N_I:' 33'3- Barrie. OIVIO GOV . B WILLIAM ' E. CURTIS, a European correspondent of: a. _ `Chicago newspaper, q sends home a description of -municipal gov-` eminent as it is in Germany,.1fvhich _ is decidedly enlightening on :mat,hod_sf `adopted in the fathorland. "As `might- be expeted, there is something of ._ai-` most military preeision in `the ;wa'y.~ in which `the duties of varions;l.oioiii1s have been arranged. . In Mr._.0iu`tis a. opinion`, the German systelii jj1si"`-, pier, more "centralised "and rnori_e"}pr tical than the ..commission"lan;~_ anus nAn.vvLif~ *u.u`p m..cobu'e Spa-ah! .. -stun" me u mwocondbuxonu Baylllpm Slip muxonh npmv ti 9 m..'romnto&wdland `M3 3 In G:-svonhux-up 0.83m o:..:cn;m 48.`... IND In 65.... 7.60 pm !3....!I.lInm 37.... 7.509 m Oomngwood uul Ilisford. ___`4- . Thursday, May 4,. 1911, NO. 53!`: .. III. 10 .3 7.5 `Cm. PJIIV mpu No. M....7.1o.m " i8....1.I pm. 56.....I p m nouovc`m e8....IIp Ill 3| ripeness -and :- #"i8fi, -are t;,P=0 ~ stratorsg ;-who T *3 hm ;s1`>.mit;-.~.,'their 5 t V1'3rep.I_1'ing~ `themselves . tof > `.thsi_r* - , iduty:;`u5:liavc,'n begun in -1ow`hha_- cunirn`-` f portant ; positions and have *b.een"pxo-1 -' . j inotsd Efrem] time -to -time*[;1iecgus'e, }or, r '93?-. A7"l`...5..`.'i" .d' .mi.n- There, ii _ss_l_ected -as t_hegeneral' manager of a I out regard to the elfect upon-the next election. For the purpose of elect-. no._ politics. in P their choice; they are ; rdlway is_ selected, because they .are 5 the? most competent men available, . and"-they ,-perform -their duties? with ing the City Council, the t'aipayer8 T of a `German city -are `divided -into three classes. f`The highest taxpay- ers whose assessments represent one- such as large real estate owners, rail- ways and other corporations, vote " separately and elect one-third `of the 3 third or the revenues of the , city, j members " of the council. The `mer- chants, the smaller manufactures ` ',g and other middle class taxpayers, who pay the second third of the public revenues, elect another `one-third of the members of the rcouncil,,.whil`e _ the remaining taxpayers and all per- A sons who take out licenses. and con- tribute in other ways to the public B revenues elect the remaining one- third. ,This shuts out the oating population and prohibits every man who does not pay something toward the expense of administration from participating in municpial aairs. Municipal administration in Germany is a profession and, similarly, the men who have charge of all the de- partrnents of varied city activities are specialists in their respective de- partments. The result, writes Mr; Curtis, \is usually just what 5 lmight be expected. There is practic- 3, ally no grafting; che officials are not _ inuenced by political reasons; there " are few selsh actions; and unworthy and ineicient men are prevented 5'. from entering the public service. NOTE. AND COMMENT. Collingwood News -- Last 3/ s council _botchecl A our municipal busi- ness and left a startling deficit that `will take almost 3 mills to square; this year s council is setting a far] more extravagantlpace. _ I Midland advertised for a chlefcf police and assistant chief and re- oeived twenty-three applications for the former and eleven for the latter.` Only two of the applicantscwere local men.. Pethaps _the troubles of the force are too well known. An exchange says: A copy of the Bradford voters list of 51 years ago recently came to light. On the list are 122 names, of-which-number the only one now in the village is Robt . Stewart, the present clerk of the munieipality, who was then in busi- ness as. a grocer, and was appointed clerk in the following year, _ Bruche Tirnes-Where are. the child- ren? That . was the question asked by` Monk at the last muni- cipal nomination in Brant, when that gentleman undertook to score the con- dition of. affairs in the township. Some _years ago, said Monk, -there were within a few miles of -my home. over a hundred children, now there are only two or three. Grown people there are; children I ` there are not. Has Brant `so soon lost the virility` of its pioneer an-. cestryi Has the childless; age come? i ' The -Collingwood News says: The Publicity Commission is actively at work and if the -present pace is kept up, which in all probability it will, Collingwood stands to -have some'ex- cellent advertising done d_uring the next few months. ' i As already noted, arrangements have been made for Collingwood to receive some prominence in a special nancial issue of the -Toronto. News,` and on Thursday Mr. J. A, Cooper; Editor of the Canadian.Conrier, came to` town to confer with the Commie-i sion in respect to an:ill-nstrate'd' write- up of in that splendid `Can- adian pnb1ic_ation. p .4 -_ 4. . . weeks. Other means"of giviiig Apublicityt to the `town and its advantages are un- der consideration and it is expected that -at least some of thgm will` be workedi-o1it_ within that cnext `few nu], quu. uuu :.,uul.\u;q.u Bquvuigppv .V3;a:;.A3a;;.V`1:._1;h;;t tggg i 7 Av um 'f1ii;s; ingu 1a;;a; with dogs and chi_1c_l;'_en.? ` . `~ V % `q`Yes; The Vs91``v~d:t)gs don t`want i;'ny- :thing,` and. children 7 Vdon t Vyfsnt `[.much.+esPittsbu1fg7Post. !] : Do ybu . 1e <~. Z1`1'rifve;1se L milk your` 3.V`l10Il`lAB`V":7"`_V' . _ `Ito :3 _',___I_;gg|e'as,so. ` We order a qq1}t_ 5.! ads ' '3 st. qnd~.::1:e smilkxnjan * Rii laxpemivo Arrledships. an aipprbpriate ` motto for aty- men, would-suggest: _Go to blazes. ' And now_ it looks as if Coronation Day in Barrio will go of with a bang-a bully good time, doncher know. A Although this is only` seed-time for the farmer, it s the harvest for the eeedsmen, all right. V - 9013; North. It doesi pot Vn`ecesszi1-ily imply `that because a'sp1[-ing hat is a yard wide that it is all wool. ' ~\ What s the use of investigating: that `Govt. print shop scandal--white- wash is so_easy to use that taint worth while creating a fuss over it. 2 Wish thAey. d letL `mo boss that Cor- onation parade. Would like to have a chance to ourish the sword I drew` so long ago-at a tame. Where do all` the young men from our village go? "asks an exchange. Try Kingston, Guelph, Castle Sissons and Owen Sound. T These addresses may nd a hull lot ef them._ See." by the papers that Wilfy Laurier has the pouts and just won t go to that old Coronation if he can t pass this reciprocity. deal to please Big Bill Taft.- And now cgmes a man` who says that women s 'feet,are' gettinglarger, _. bu`t I just" bet; a shillin her "shoes 'won t, if she can possibly` squeeze her tootsie-wootsies into `them. No doubt you are in sympathy with this Barrie Coronation `Celebration-- but remember that the sympathy that doesn t take off it s coat and dig in isn t worth much in getting up the show. ` R Would imagige, this census taker s job would be all right until he runs up against a spinster of many sum- mers and has to inquire as to the exact number of winters which ac- fcompanied those summers. 1 Down in Indianny' a hospital is of- ferin $2.00 an inch for human skin for grafting. There are some hides we would like to see nailed to the ham door,-but can t a ord it at that price. I * * Eighty more licenses were cut off] in Ontario on May 1st. Thislleavesl the drys with h majority of 62` over -the wets throughout the Prov- iqce`, with" a bigger. campaign than ever on for next election. \ I STORIES OLD AND ["3on.1Na" rr DOWN BY IN- , mrnnmcn. .| Here, said the editof, L you use too many` words. You say `He was poor, but honest. You have only to say that he was honest. -Again,{ you `say, `He `was without money and without friends. Simply say that he was without money. I WHEN THE WATCH. DOG SLEPT. -ViA-F1:ami_ly1uo\fledV from the city to '_a suburban locality, and were told that they should get a watch-dog to guard the premises at night. So they bought the largest dog that was for sale in the kennels of a neighboring dog- fancier, who was a German. Shortly afterwardsrthe house was entered by burglars, who made a good haul while the big dog slept. The man went to the dog-fancier and told him about it. - . ` Ve1l, vat yon need now, said the fancier, is 9. leedle dog to vake up the big dog! !- The story of the week centres about Captain Tom Wallace. The friendship of Tom` and_ the Western giant, Glen Campbell, 'is proverbial. Recently `Glen was the guest of Cap- tain Tom at Woodbridge. On Sun-_ day they went to church, and Tom took up the collection asjusnal. When he came to the seat in which Camp- bell was sitting Tom p'o1ite1y present- ; ed the `plate, and `said; III? `IVE `R-7l\lUIll`3 3-.*I.Ia`v..e 1'9 _"`Don. t :;'ou ,remenibe1? promising me fty. dollarvsffox-~ the reduction of our` church debt? | And Glen` was so astonished that be peeled fa ty from his bulky West- Iern. roll.-V-Saturday. Night. iibhegtnrthtrugdvaucc` The `yo11'ng`la wa; paix1it%iZn;:-:-Tsun-I Eett, red, with blue Igtreavks and V green ,;1`he` -old`'ti--atA a rgspectful dis- tan_c,:`e-`-was Wat chi:;g.' ; _g V . . c .. n V Vt" ,` .. . . . .. 11:1 :- -.._-- ....- ......,..-..,. Ah, said the: femaie artist, 1ook~_ ing up suddenly, fhnd pretending shel %h_a:.dn t% fknown; he -w_as_..there an the % T:n9rhai2sk;t{:} wag? tote . .Nt:1 31sa"~ =-her =~ i ' '68vv`;pa{_:g'_ ,TORlES _ ; NEW-I , rnouan-ri THE NORTHERN ADVANCE FOB nan. ins ; MOST Imarm Ah 8 Page 48 Column Newepeper, A` Pnbltehed trom the 01500. 19:! Dunlop an-eez. Ben-le. in the County of Simeon. the Pro- vince of Ontario. (anode. every Thursday Moraine. by IBASEBALL lts oating in the lakes - ofhrd in the west`; thera_gged clouds at mid- night, black gas a. raven s wing, `?blot- ting out the shuddering moon! C`N(g`r gnu`-n ,7 pA`:nA `kn mun`:- Ofcal League Bails $1.25 L ...AT...` V0305 VUIV UI-I\J DIIIoI\L\l.GIlI.I6 I No, mum, replied the , rustic. shortly; not sinc'o_ Ivg_ive.up drink. .' V Howoasy it is to spend _the_ money ` ggrngd, by_'a9mgbOdy' 6159;)? W _ (___.__ `CANADIAN PACIFIC 1v_I,=n`I~"FcANAnA Also to 80 other Points TUESDAY MA, `I 16th 'No new name`1`vil'l` two the Sub eonption List until the money is paid. .n..L.-...n..... nail! In nwnnnwn lnr u-an mnnth TONI X35` MOOSE uw mmoxro A'I__ 1, `A 4 Through Special Train Service No change of cars, customs or` transfer troubles on rqueo. "Barrie and' Allandalg Branches c. n. LATIMER. - Manager. 17` tf that oyolu" be plnc- ed where they` can be quickly obtained for any real one- cesaity, or to, seize can rip- portunity, `but where they will be safe from you:-_ own extravagance. A snvnves noooum Al.` 1-22 mm: or-M1-onom.-o is - therefore an idenl `place for your spare dollarp. A small sum is` sumcient to open an account with Th e B ank of Toronto Iucolufollnzn an Interest pllldon sawing: ' ` Accougts. I.Beecroft Scotts Bookstore . Transact a General `Banking ' Business.` . . . . Notes Discounted . at rersonable rates. . . . . Collec- tion of Notes and Accounts given special `attention. Drafts Issued payable anywhere. Cheques on outside banks cashed at lowest rates of exchange. . . . . Sale Notes Cashed or Collected on most favorable terms. 1'. Bezcaol-'1', CUFIIIDIUM IJLIW uuuu Iauv uavuv; on yu-nu subscribers now in arrears for three month and over will be charted 81.50 per annum.