PARASOLS-Ladies Pal-asols w1th -heavy Silver and Gold Plated Handles, regular value 31.25 i `and $1.50, Friday and Saturday $1.00 8: $1.25 CORSETS-The Director Corset--Very long -hips, ` `hose supporters attached, sizes 19 to 28, regu- lar value 1.25. Sale price - - 89c DUTCH COLLARS [AND JABOTS. for ladies, 9. large assortment, at each A .- Friday WHITE LAWN AWAISTS-Made with allover Embroidery Fronts; neat tucks in back, short V sleeves, regular value $1.65. ' Friday and ' - ~o - ` $1.25 ea. TOWELING-Good heavy Hand Toweling, 12; in. wide, regular value 10c yd. Friday and Saturday - , _ - . - 3 yargis 25. vEsTs-Laaies' short or no sleeved Vests, Special - - - 10c and 12c eagh. E b Is Annnzssns 3! M3. 319.03. -"big `celebrations on `Coronation D,y.m ?._;%1-fiiag` 1;'.>To!`;t:.:Y`1"'T(f1E-;x:1i(1V::;o:l};' anggucedt` thnt Hamton End Montreal willhold No-dqu1)t..tl_iey"did not wish to be out_rival!;ed, by Barrie. " ' ` _ ,. 1-, -,A-A _,__ ,I-A .l_;_:..-j IDULV 1\oJ'4Lu.J.V:.u.V J.IJ--. _u-. vv V2 .... ..-...- .._.. mm 1 to 2% yds long, F `day and Satur- day - .- - - - 10 each. 39` UIl\l an 7- tn-- Frida.yanci..9:.u;'day --b......- urday LADIES Goons .Th " "1?Iaixtii1g -of `an. Amateur : ; ;1"-l,_"fT_',V;"Iv`e1':_ :G,ar_den gives 3 suggeqtions at tlip',la_yiiig.;-Vqntv-artdp1a1iting' of a ' `#9$vet.>80!dn iifV%?I.?so! into detail ro- " =th'e _9t;i o. o_f'-plant; Everyone with a garden or who is planning to have one this year will find many useful pointers and much valuable information on the subject of gardening in the Garden number ofA'1`he Canadian Horticulturist, pub- lished at Peterboro , Ontario. Many of the problems which present them- selves to the beginner as weld as the more experienced horticulturist will solved` by consulting its pages. "Pointers g ' `are given on the culture ._o.:~sweet peas, `asters, dahlias, cannas, ;1i:1i;es and other ` popular `owers. A (pa e, __oHfv .tirnely hints for. amateurs 0 `:i!t'= _-.th6 thins!` you`. Want to `_ w at gtliis .. js'easpn. Pointers are ;8.5V91'1_5 -r`.9II'f?' thmnakihs` sot` winaow .08 .90! ower Dunlop Street. II-J x x - ` _, 2 pairs 25c. '--We Ts*e11Wn}o}S` f4;a,;ca;`;)ii than. guy other remedy for coughs 'and_ c_olds,_ 25. a box. Wm. Crossland, Drug- gist. V up .a - .- - sucdnss F IN ms GARDEN. Iad { Saturday 8' 'or'BEI _ the '25c LADIES ;I';INEN EMBROIDERED _COLLARg) . ` 12%, 13,_13%_: Regular vvalue 2oc. Friday and Saturday, each, A ' ' ~ 19 1. I1\`" ? S-iA.'-_Lti 1"`T;,re st.rong pins, regular value 5c pa; '.Frijday`and Saturday 3 `for - - 56` SWISS CURTAINS-Very ne and lacy in ap. pearance. - Regu1a.r_price 35.50. Friday and _ Saturday - `-L - - - $4.50 SP0OL.L.S-4A good strong thread, 3 for NOTTINCQIAM LACE CURTAINS-3 yards -__-I:L1.... .1. Q1 0! Q`! :n (:1 n. BLACK SATEEN `UN])ERSKIR"IS--Regu13P value 1.00 each. _Fr1da.y and Saturday 79 f The Annual Meeting of the Barrie Lawn, Bowling and Tennis C'lub will! be held in the rooms of the Barrie; Curling Club on Friday `evening, the; 28th. Members are earnestly re-N quested to b'e present. _ v ; LACE CURTAINS-I-50c and 75c a pair. NOTTI`N(GHAM-_-Lace _Curta.ins 3 yhs. 10ng,gogri . - wide widths. Spec1al' value at 85c and $51.00 ' _ ` GLOVES--Ta.n and Black long lisle glove, ladies sizes only. Regular value 50c pair. Friday and Saturday ' - - - - 39c pair MEN'S UMBRELLAS-,-Regular value 81.25. Fri- day and Saturday - - - - 95 Men's heavy grey cotton sox. -Regular 2 pair fol` . 25c,fFrida.y and Saturday. - _ 10c pair. BALBRIGGAN UNDERWEAR--Men's shim and Drawers - A - - each 250. HOSIERY-A few only of Men,s ne lisle Hose Samples. No two [pair alike. "Regular value 25c, sale price V - . - . - 19c Regular value 35, sale price - - 23:: Regular value.50.c, sale price - - 39c C BOYS LIGHT! GREY "Alxjp _L_IGI_IT BRQ\j'_.\: --no------us ;uu-cu-uh. BOYS DARK TWEED SUITS---Ages 6 to 10 yrs. _-`I- _...-- Q1 no MEN S ODD PANTS-Regular value $1.50 and $1.75, for Fri. and Sat. - - - $1.25 Regular value $1.75 and 32.00 Friday and V Saturday $1.45 and $1.69 --The Steamer Islay is open_ for ermapements for "the season of 1911. All Sunday Schools . and Societies should secure dates for their excur-. sions as there are only` six Wednes- day excursion dates open during July] and August from Barrie. V1 Mens soft front shirt, sizes 14 to 17. Regular value "$1.25 for - - - - 950 TRegular value $1.00 for - - 69c ea. BOYS ODD` PAN TS-_--50c and 75 pair. J-`-A-V\.l&-La-Lola. a.---\/an: so \a.---._..- -;-; Ju;ua .. `long, nice ne` qualities at $1.2g $1.50 $1.75, ;$2.00_$2.25 $2.50 $2.75 and $3.00 per pair an--\.n-.-g s-gr-o `cow ..--\r~---- "FWEED SUITS--Ages 610 10, sule pcl sale price MEN S WEAR ` - A gnuinber of splendid articles 0}` fmit growing also .appear in "5 m,1m.ber Some of` thegsubjects dealt are orchard cultivation, peach 6n1tfltO rootd pruning-`of fruit, tree : .,cI,rq Lot the orchard,` the value of 13999 zth _te"l1"1rd ,`*-and the growing _` 11 fruit- of their garden, or for the beautify` ing `of their home surroundings. `fHow'to Grow Eighty-two Variet; ies of Vegetables on a Small Lot; _will prove of intense interest W everyone who has a vegetable gs) ,_.den.* It tells how an enthusiasm amateur gardener last year 8" eighty-two varieties of vegetables 0!! _a-small plot 27 feet wide and 36 S ~.I8l"ge diagram showing just 110 `garden. was laid out and where ill dit6nt~. varieties of vegetable3 '9F.9:?1v l?!`??!1~ 3 ' ___ -O ,,feet,1ong. The article is accompanied TA parlor social under the auspices of the S. 8: '1`. Bible Class of. the Eiizabeth St. Methodist Church. held` at the residence of Mrs.` F. Wilson,; Charlotte St., was every pleasant `af- tair. About one hundred were pres- ent. T V "DAY, APRIL 27, eggs 10 --The people of Barrie __are not ask- ed to stand for any more high prices in Footwear. It's surprising the re- marks we hear from `day to day of the fictitious prices asked by other stores for the same quality of goods. They have to ask these priecs, as they cannot possibly buy at the gure es the Carey Shoe 00. buy at. fl... .'1'I.-..a.__-a.-3 1;-;,__ -0 u 7 , ........ . -.._, .... The illustrated lecture given `by the Rev. P. C. Laverton Harris, "Secretary of the Toronto Humane Society, under the auspices of the Band of Mercy, was very-instructive and entertaining. His subject was The Inuence -of the Beautiful. The Band desires to thank the oicials of Trinity Church for placing the Parish Hall at their disposal and to Dr. Crease for the use of his lantern and operating it. ,.n....-:..1 ..-__-L-_- - - Yitffww` _ .. -...,w._ , .'f-u:DOl'l' ,ne_gl 9t~your cold untj it: bcomes".'chrn,ip'? 'ake Laxac3Ld;55.25c. Q"-*bo!':. .W1_1i`1/Tggfosslazltii`, Druggigt. ~ . Bag` Mbqen.:`*denit'e1y` annouxiced 1 ! _,.-I `I`__L._-_` .__sn 1.-1: A burning chimney at the Clark- eon House on=S ttirday morning cans-` ed the occupan s ,of' the house an hour's uneasiness.. No damage re- sulted, and the chimney was thorough- 4 1y cleaned out by the re.` - " . 1 Parties desiring to enter the,e competition Junder the auspices of `the Barrie. Agricultural Society, `will kindly send their application to the Secretary, Mr. R. J. letcher, at once, as they have to be orwarded to the Department before the 1st of May. ML. _____1. -4 I ammonium on nut. 1 A powerful searchlight will be placed on the steamer Islay.` It is ex- pected that the rst trip of the sea- son to Barrie will be on Coronation Day, for which date an excursion is being arranged. -v vuv avvuuu JJVEAUU JJAQIHJUDUIUUB an .%ueen s University, Kingston, appear 17 e names of W. Y. Cook, _"A11andale, who took the degree of Doctor of .Medicine and Master of Surgery, and C. R.- Owens, Tottenham, who may ,-now write B. A. - (Bachelor of `Arts) `after his name. - _ ,- A Midhiirst Puwbl-icWSchool`won the library voting contest. with 551,612 votes to their credit, " The Central School came second with 545,141, some 6,000 less .'l`he R. V. Hospital. had 505,586 and Trinity 8.8. 340,185. There were considerably over. two million votes -cast in the contest which closed on Saturday eveningg-' Mr. Hurst, the teacher at Midhuret, wee- poesibly the best worker in thewhole field of contsetente. - " :.o_oA1. snmznrs sucozssruz. 5 In` the list of successful candidates at the recent Degree Examinations at (Sugar: ,1! TYv|:uvAun:`oo vuunnuulug-_ . - - - -- _..----- --up vrvowvnub oln ' ' " "'" V I -Special purchase~ of Ladies I Pumps, which go on sale this-week. 120 pairs Ladies Gun Metal Pumps, regular $2.50 for $1.89; 120 pairs of 1 Chocolate, regular $2.00, for $1.59 and 120 pairs Patent Leather , reg. 01.85. for $1.45. Don t delay as they are being picked up fast. At_Carey Shoe Co s. Big Cut-Rate Shoe. Sale. Store between Queen '3 and Barrie Hotels. _MID!~IUBB'.l.' ems was mun. or seeapgm Arrivdl _ `A;-A "COMPTON EARLY LONGPELLOW .% DAKOTA _v ' I-BAMING ` A WHITE CAP _ V For Prompt Delivery 33!.` Turnip Ind Cgncf gm. av-wuunwn Ie.e!ll1I;ldB'!. IBOII urnln of fnun -Oardcgimnud rnelasood: M. .,.' % o..~` -W " ' igo uconoooooouui` eesdale,LT]own, have enroueq at-_'the - Mis [&(`1`Ih< >'vL.1n, Wizigha11i, and `Miss; Bu ness , Cgl__1ege. 1 up. up nu! ya. . ` - I.` _,_ ______*,-1` v - "`>_.>1,` T;`I:*~.' 7: - . ~..;:. ,r`. >,,xq~,..: . `_ M. _:`..:.,. ~_ v. -. K .- IV `-7` 8 .. . AAQAOOOOO................. \ oooooooooooooo_oo3 I A E. H. Creswicke, K.C.,- of Bar- rie, is 'justied.' `in, agreeing with Lloyd George that `a man should be measured from his chin up, not from his chin` down.-L ,MV: ~. Creawieke ` hae- ourished . in` Dalton. McOarthy s; old town, ' and _ in the - jnorth country. Greswieke is ereditedgino po|`x1e'"d`eg;ee. with we Why ! -. L I Harley 1'_W_n lehve for Calg.r}? `next `Ttifesday. .1, ' Min Viplt Mingay 1}aq'_in Toronto -.f'_J:1_f_.sveAr_'1_dayS last=NVqk. _ j I ` V L. Paftrbn of M`;'Ca )rthy %'_v'v i11 ` not .re`eive again`. ' this season. . n.._."`,'? A . ~ _ '- . ,. Mr. Jul?"-titlr. left fLo r':`1CalVgVary' on "_1_`uesday;.-,where ._he has accepted"-`ai`A position. ' .- ~ `The [Misses ,Us_her returned `to Hamilton Normal` School on .Monday ~1ast,'aft,er a_.p1`ea.eant- visit with -their; xother. -V - '. -9 In a :u11-pgge illuhtra'te.dV article: dealing with the newly-veleeted Bench? era of the. Ontario Law Society, The Hamilton` "Spectator has the follow- ing? in 4_ refprhencev to,a. prominent Bar- rio 1:: var- The members of Collier St. Meth-_l odist choir pleasantly surprised Dr.i [and Mrs. V. A. Hart on Friday even-' ling at the close of` the choir practice,` |by presentingthem with a handsome lhand-painted jardiniere. ' WEARING nmon 1 Mccmurs Prominent Local Laivyer, Who He: Just Been Elected Bencher, no . i Hamilton Writer Sees Him "Skin`11r i-frkpm. Bradford, and - resumed yeti dutgsus teacher on the Pblic Sfchggl; sta-.1 . T`h_4e many friends of Mr., Butl6r,j Penetang 31:, who was injured while at work atiA11anAdale, will be; glad to l learn that he is recovering under the '1 care of Dr. Kirkpatrick. 4 - Mr. R0land- Bigga; eld`est_.'so1;`: of the .R_ev. 'E. R. J, Biggs, why` sp_en,t Eastm-_ `with, his father,Thas returned` to Toronto. `- ' . Miss Neilly and Miss Scott, who` spent the holidays at their respective homes in Bradford, hove resumed their classes on_ the teaching sta 01, lithe schools. ' . - ' . W Mrs. Henry Sewrey, who has been_ conned to the Hospital" for 86V61_'8.l months by a fractured hip, sustained through a fall on `the `icy pavement, `is now able to move about the Hos- }pital in a wheeled chair." ` VVVVVVVVVVWyy,VE,q-_v` 1 . Mr. Jean Greiner, of Brantford, and! a former member of the Fraser High-I landers Concert Band,` is" the latest {addition to the ranks of the _'Citizens Band. Mr. Greiner has accepted a position with the Canada Producer &_ Gas Engine Company. ` 1 Mrs. Murice Hill of Cookstown, a sister-in-law of Mr. R. J .Hill, Clerk of the Township` of Innisl, was stricken with paralysis on Saturday morning. She has been ill nearly all winter, and slight hopes are enter- mined for her recovery. Mrs. -Hunter returned to her, -h6me- in Toronto on Saturday `.aft9r__:`spend -"u ing six months. with her"j.;(1o;1rghtr, Mrs. H. Hamilton,=Bradford"St." ' I K Mr. C. W. Fawcett, editor and pro-I iprietor of the Burk s Falls Arrow, spent a .few days-this week with his sister,TMrs.- R. Rowe, Dunlop. street, on his way to Toronto. Mr. Fawcett, who was a correspondent to The Ad-1 vancoe nearly thirty years ago, was` `a caller at this oice on Monday. l i sn1:n.n1s--sanrnax-r. On Tuesday, March 28th, at the commodious farm home of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Sherrie, of Moore Park, Manitoba, a quiet wedding` `was solemnized by Rev. F. C. Middleton, the contracting parties being Mr. James M. Sherris and Miss Laura Sar- jeant, late of Barrie, Ontario. The bride was becomingly` dressed in a |nice gown of white `silk mull, and held in her hand a prettily bound Ipocket Bible. Miss~F1orence Sherris, `the bridesmaid, was attired in a pretty dress of Swiss ` muslin. Mr. Bedford `Rook. acted as" groomsman. Miss Florence Rear presided at the organ, which at the right moment pealed forth the familiar strains of Mendelssohn '3 wedding march. After the ceremony a dainty bnetvluncheon was served, after which the happy `couple were driven to Moore Park, where -they entrained `-for Netherill, Sask.--Orillia News-Letter.` As 'the 35th Regiment will go into camp in June_ for their annualitrain- ing, recruiting . and drill will begin at -the Armories, Mulcaster Stmt, Barrie, at 7.30. pm. Friday the 28 {nu} (`I-11: vnnn A0 nun): -L-_- -1.-- ing1 in refgri rie la yer: ll` T! at oauooov, nu UO[I\l_!-IOIIJO SILUGJ Ill-ID 69011 inst. Only men of good character and physique will be accepted. FIVL- I1_.___.-_,!_ ,__ ..-, wvvvr---. The A vdoziioanies are 'now supplied with the new, service uniform and these can be had on Friday evening. ` GEORGE RODGERS, Capt. . Comm dg A. Company, - ALEX. COWAN, Capt.'& Bt. Major. Vnlnih Mia 1o`.7 nvnhnnh _"- A 5- 4",: A 41 A . `no! vary. ` `IE7 1 J-IUD $2 Compa1_1 . ` 4 i :f !i>i.ue:.:.wn: 4 _~3 _oro1~r`otxt',ruioaaaLy`. _ e (The f.G1ob`e,. March 28,_ 191;). 3 ..The Princess Theatre 1ast'night~was[ the,_`f scene of unusual . nierriment, .l.auhte`1'.`- .ati times `bordering on hy- "terie._"``r::Ei`he`}dpccasion was the presen- _ _Bancroft, _tation~ _; _f *}:`1`-`he Private - Secretary. Freedom", -'_e1o`.qne_nce and decision: of co`medifain,a selddnfail to create the intended impression, and 9. James L the noted` English artist of eccentric V `oxn'ed;, was not lax in these qualitiesf during `the threeacts of the perfomiiance last night.` I-Ie.~. played the role of Rev. Robert Spaulding, a person of set ways and exclusive manner-. From the beginning of the xpley to the end he was in a state of , I `ges'tnr_e__ are Iqlialities H which, in a. Thni-IdS}-':- _`;;>;if1:`27th, (1911, Mr, Ell-more vi1H.I1%j,bx %%pnb1ieLi -nation i9'1~ % 0! ".11. .11` YOU 3:: 1'nIs.1=;.A`g --v.-u 9-swvava VI ll DU U110 U035 I01 half an hour un?i1 it drama to shore. He managed to wade to 1and'and fell exhgnstedf ms. tciigwned m..>. `leaves 5 widdw and `two children, aged eight months gnd two .yeurs. 5 ` , T` - [O J. Bancrofii as the Rev. Mr. 8pau1d- I ing, in The Private Secretary, 1* at the Grand on Tuesday evening 5' "a-.$I4"a xa<:'Al;_1 "bi?%eaii-3` up a. 6613` in 21 Hay -and '13; ~n;ight,"=2 a. box.-- W1_n.._ ` Crpssland, I)i\3ggiIb. ` Mr_._ Wm. Arinbtrong is prepared; tot do all ';kinds' bf. Cutting. Call or ad- dre_ss,__ 62 Owen Street, Barrie. V _ ,.1 av-241; c1_1.--I -1. .A.L-"D..}. The father, who was_ an ex? cellent -- swimmer, made a desperate `e ort to save the little girls, and when his Body was recovered it was erect. in seven. feet of water, about three rods from land. The bodies of the children were found Hosting and futile eorts were . made at resuscita- tion.- a _ Matier L clung V `to the ` boat for hnlf rm ~`Imm- nn+I :4 la.:u...1-4.- -1.`--. l The party` -of four crossed to? Roach s Point in a small skit! about` 5.30 in the afternoon -and were on` the returntrip two hours later when the accident occurred. The boat cap- sized` when they were within 50 yards of` the shore. Leppard and the _ two children were`. thrown clean into ' the water, but. Matier managed to cling to-the_boat.Vv _ bewilderment, and as an unsuspecting clergyman who was at all times em- barrassed, he kept his. audience won- dering what he would do next. Alex- ander Frank and Ernest *C'ossard, as a richvold uncle and an ambitious tailor , formed, along with the inno- -cent parson, a most interesting trio. Suzanne Crocker and Marie Edith Rice are also subjects of laughter in their parts as. elderly ladies with de- cidedviews. The latter as Miss Ash-I ford, an ardent student of spiritual- ism, won great favor with the aud- ience. Always `facile, interesting an intelligent, the ease and grace of-h r acting. lent _a dignity and charm to the play. There are twelve artists in the company, and all do their parts with credit. There is nothing ex- traordinary .or new about the scenic eects, but this is not, noticed where c'on1edy`is so rich, and where always the unexpected happens, keeping in-' terest at a high pitch, The plot is clever and decidedly well chosen. A1 AI, 11 -I l'\ -to an %mma1s nnowmzn `Belle Ewart, April 24.-Swamped{ in an overcrowded boat; Fred Leppard, 35,years old, a laborer, and two of his daughters, aged 6 and 8 years, were victims of a triple drowning ac- }cident in Lake Simcoe on Saturday yevening; John Matier,_ also an oc- f cupant of the boat,~managed `to escape with his life. - (Continued from page one),` Montier was almost exhausted when he reached the shore and` was ap-` parently. dazed. Even yet he can give, no account of how the accident happened or what caused the swamp- ing of the boat. Both men were good I swimmers and were thoroughly at home on the water and with boats. Lepperd VleVav:e;"1; 1:;-e -`Ed "(Q06 ` small children to. mourn. their loss. The widow, is. prostrate with grief. 1 H11.` .3 .... __1 __..y I.-1J , it - `--v~-,---ow -v-vpu Bunyan ! The funeral was held on Monday,j the Rev. L. McLean ociating. He` took for his text: I Sam., 20th Chap.} and last clause of the 3rd L-verse. The` fsympathy of the entire neighborhood D` `goes out to those left to mourn. `At the Golfidbgra TlVIVcJu;;,' 71:3, :/1'1'rie. next Tuesday evening, May 2nd. '--Atte d Night Schoolwag '7the'13usi`- mess *C.olle e, .:Monday,.Wednesday and 1*`_ri(1'ay.~ In`divi:_iua1 instruction. ~ to-V.-v-,'._y- v.vu_yp- -.---uvv -- - -__ _; u.- A"f\`-`I51 '......:I- Auongnimxz. m was smconzl V The Hydro-eleetric `Commission has made an options`! contract for both municipalities with the. Simepe Power _ Comp` ny ' 1or,th_e; additional "power I re V o` so 'a.m1r-thuo Commission wi11;o it-o 3611.-* :n'8t1- \1<!.t'.=. '=;._~th9 . 4 .1'*=.n9!. -tihnpIuw'=siou;..o1inabgtu P9` o " j.7,I'1,_i!l;'eno5b` Hon. Adam Beck, Chairman of the Hydro`-electric Power Commission, ad- dressed a` meeting of citizens at Penetanguishene ' Tuesday afternoon-, and one at Midland Tuesday night. In both municipalities by-laws will he voted, on ` the: 27th inst. relative to power matters. At Penetan'g- ,nishene~ the pi-oposition is to buy out the existing private p'ower~ plant,.,i m"-.A .prove- 'and'-uextend it. _ In. Midland; .19??? . j'.}-j}..i-. whefe the-` gplent is owned by;:_"the. municipality, the proposition-sstis. to__,_en'- - ALL PURE VSILK TAFFETTA RIBBONS-'-%A1l shades, good wide width, regular value 15c yd, A Friday and Saturday - - '- _1,1c.yd. PURE SILK TAFFETTA RIBBONS--A1l c'olors, about 6 in. wide, regular value '25c yd. Friday and Saturday - - 18c yd. _ - -Sweet Pool-_-but results obtunod by curly; towing. Standard and now. vu-mm `now in stock at -3othwo,1,1_'|. Phon 1003.. . y . `The Grand Trunk Railway has ar- ranged -for the accommodation of. Homeseqkers, to run a special tourist -sleepingcar which will leave Toronto! on Tues day,_ May 2nd at 11.00 p,m,| for Edmon-t_on.: - . ., | R1B1oN _1u;:M15ANTs-1 km. to 3; in. wide and '1'H__2J-... .-`_;J Q.-u"mq1n HANDKERCHiEFS-Ladies White Lawn Hem- stifched Ha.ndkerchiefs,. regular 5c each. `I (\-L-__-_`I___ Q 8:. OKA LADIES HOSE--Sky Blue, Alice Blue, Pink, Champagne, Navy, Old Rose, Ten and Black, Lace or Black embroidered Hose, regular value 35c pair, Friday and Saturday ~. 25c, Bpoko . at Penotanguishcno and Mid- HOSE--yLadies Black ` Cotton hose, fast colors, regular value, 20c pair. Friday and Sat- - o no ; re 9'50 --...1-.. A BLACK LISLE-Embro`idered Hose, regular value 50c pair. ,. Friday and Saturday - 35c pair CHILDl_%EN S--.-Heavy Ribbed Black Cotton `Hose 5;; to 10, regular value 20c pair. Friday and Saturday 5 - 5' - .' - 15c pair {UNDERWEAR-Ladies Combination Underwear; short sleeves V -` A - 50 per garment, PARASOLS-Ladies Pafasols, the new Director ` Handle - ` - .- - ' $1.50 . ,'1"h'e_ members. of the Aj.Og'F.` and_j the," .0. 0.1%`. V will att,e_nd ' divine set? '\`!!cej_ at . `E.1_izab eth ' St.-"o Methodist C}_ni1"ch.`,on'.S_unday : morning, May? .7th.-. _- _ Ln` :1.-