Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 27 Apr 1911, p. 6

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`bsmgiiii fnunslmy; Barrie, Ont. Ottawa -APRIL 27 i III1:------V- _.v, of The Canadian. Bank of Com'tnerce,\'\'viil (ie1;0its of__,; upwards, :'o n'w'hich interest is `allowed at A current rates. anam is delay in withdrawing the whole or any portion of the `deposit. deposits are vimlcomed. V .. 234 A` .. . H _v__ L. ........s :. .1..- ........ at mm nr more nersans. Capt. Bx-1: is survived by his son,` Mr. David C. Burk, who lives at home, and by a daughter, Mrs.- A,` The experience of Motherhood is e trying one to most women and marks ; distinctly an epoch in theirlives. Not pro :1 care forher- e ly every woman now- adays has medical treatment at the but man approach 3 V _ the expo ence with an organism uniitted for the trial of one woman in a hung - dred is prepared or 6? understands how to i se . 0 course near.- time of child-birth, strength, and when the strain leaves her system has received a shock from which it is hard to recover. Follow- ing right upon this comes the nervous strain of car! for the child. and a distinct cha ` n the mother results.` ` `Q III!` `-54- Quad` nL--a-`In.-.LI.---. deposits are wciuyuueg. Accounts maffbeiepened in the nanies of two or more persgns, V` operated by`-`any one of the nuthber or by the survivor." _ A j6inti'iae_epun_tj _ of this kind saves expense in establishing the` ownership of the money after death, and is especially useful whena man desires to. provide fort his wife; or for others depending upon him, in the event of his death. - .` v, .. ` ` untw oi`-an nut`. an on` only . gm uauuuvv vuau I7 111 one ululauut ruausus. Therois not inqtxlxlxore charmin than" 8 happy and hen mother 0 chil. (Iron. and indeed chil -birth underri ht conditions need` be no hazard to ho: th or beautiyi; The unex hlainable thing is that, wt 11 the evi `once ofvshattm,-ed nerve: and broken -health - resulting $.'.`::".::*...':9.s.:.9::92.s*:.*9. .m2.=I wvv Cvtvu uw- w-uC-- Qofiil 276th an an reputed condltio `women will persist going blindlyto he tll. It il\ f. An thnnoh O-ha noun:-In-ma vuu purulu Ill mung unnuxy W me vnu. It isn't on though the experience heme umgghem unawsrea. "They have ample in which to pre re, but . the , tor the most truet ehenoe. zpey `the penal . TA A In mlnv hnmnn nnm: aunt... I-I...'.. In now ghildren became of the fact jhut dis E. P1nkha.m | Vega me A 001 W and 1. V!` I . K L . * grytyxnd maku__.womon~ no 1. V, 9 Y About ,` Motherhood sm EDMUND wAuEn. C;V.O.'..I.|...D?.. o;c.L..-Pau_mgn% - _ `ALEXANDER LAIRD;-Gsuzalj.` Muueen 1 . v " BAR'RlE' `BRANCH -CCC&`2- 'r'r.'3. GRASETT. Manager. Maclntoeh, of Parry Sound, arid ' by a brother, Mr. Wm. Burk, orMark-X ham, and four sisters, Mrs. H. Rob- inson, Mrs. `T. F. Webb, Mrs. Frank Harrison, and Mrs. M. Carleton, all of Toronto. The late Capt. Burktwas [married twice, his second wife dying I last year. - t 1 ;,_-I -_1_,_ -__ '|r-._:_Q i'"' "W . e_ The ;funeral took place en Mondaf afternoon to -St. James Cemetery, vunder the auspicesef L_.0.L. No. 613. PBOOBASTINATION. . The wisdom of prompt action was lately demonstrated in rather a pa- thetic way. Two sisters had listened to an address directing. attention to the Canadian Government Annuities system as an opportunity for safe in-. vestment to people of `small means, and with the result that both resolv- ed to take advantage of it immediate- ly. Each had. the sum of $2,000 in-. vested in the stock of a certain Bank. 'l`he younger `sister, aged 65," did not delay, but at once sold her stock and made the purchase, and is now in [receipt of an income of over $50` qquarterly, Ithe first -instalment of which was paid to her three months after the purchase had been made. This gives her for life an income equal to 10 per cent. on the amount invested. The elder sister intended` to. follow her example, but unfor- tunately, on the advice of Mr. Know- all, put 01! doing so until it was too late. The Bank failed and her sav- ings of a life time-were swept away as in the twinkling of an eye. But not only was her $2,000 lost, but she became indebted to the Bank. under - the double liability clause in the sum` or $2,000. Had she invested the amount` as did her sister in the pur- chase of an Annuity she would have- had an income nomatter how long `she `lived of $225 a year._ " " [WANTS $l0.000 FROM 1; T.`RY. Vinfvorm tion may be ob-. \tained on applica ion to your Post- master, or to the` Superintendent of Government Annuities, Ottawa, _ to whom all letters go free of postage. 5 Levi Hadley Was `Rendered Uncon- scious by Go: From Engine,-- Not Able to Work Since. Friday _Levi Hadley, of Somerville, Township, started -suit against the Grand Trunk Railway `Company for $10,000 damages. Mr. Hadley clainis that a couple of months ago he was working in the roundhouse in Mid- :land when an engine. was brought in ;that was in a poor state of repair. ;The fire was taken out of the fire- ` box to let the steam down when one yet the workmen on the road threw T a pail of water on the reunder the L engine`. The result was that a large ,quantity of gas was formed, which 9 gas permeated to the cab of the en-` | gine where Hadley was and rendered i him unconscious and burned him in.- ternally,- so that the doctors say that it `will be_ some years at least before Mr. Hadley will be able to go back to work. Mr. I. E. Weldon. is "acting for Hadley.-Watchman-Warder, Lindsay. 7 The readers of this paper will be ,pleased to learn that there is at `least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure in all its stages, and that is Catarrh. Hall s Catarrh 'Cure is the only positive .cure now` known to the medical fraternity. Ca- tarrh being a constitutional disease, requires. a constitutional itreatme'nt'. Hall s Catarrh Cure is `taken intern- ally, acting directly upon the blood an_d mucous surfaces of the system, thereby destroying -the foundation of) strength by `building up the fconstitu? tion and' assisting nature in doing" its work. The proprietors have so much faith in" its curative powers that- they oer One Hundred Dollars ' for any `the disease, and giving "the patient case that it fa.ils"to- cure._ Sendxfor `list 0! testin1onials.- J Addrow"F;3."'VHENEY 0: co., 1 Toledo, 0.,` ' . Sold by~all Druggiats,.75c." ' ' = `T:.k; vHall o" Fami-ly*='Pill,I for con: lstipatwn. ' w - V Mia. Martin Murell ,hIl'~bOg`|1I" = 1. High Court, action ,ag`ainatv -Mr. and Mrs. W. 'C.: She` pnrdgto` entprce an agreegnent of g s e whereby, it V incul- leged, the 4detendants__,mge to bug: the plai.nti!. a am1.in}15Torth$ ifor 811.000. l.uwa._u van I: for $11,000. T---njj uoo nwann, 50. mm cums . CAPT. D. C. BURK manna Officially yaclvlry Juclgn % 'l_`he- lest chapter in the adventureus` vcareer -*of1.James'LBrown, of Midland," `was: reviewed at Osgoode Hall last "weeks; when `Chief .'Justice Meredith issued =an. order presuming him to` be -dead. killed by. Indians in -Meirico; On the st_reng`th~: of this order the A. O,U,.W. " will pay $2,000 to his bene- ciary and niece, Miss Mary Eliz-, abeth Adelia `Potvin. ` A j ` "Brown lived with .his sister, Eliza- fbeth Pptvin, at Midland, until 1897, when he went to the Klondike. From there. he " moved ?to California, and she heard from him last in August, 1903, whenhe wrote- her `from Casas Grandes, Mexico, as follows: ` . >ll'\l'-_ -,_, v In -- -u - J.C.-'I:e1`1e:V,and I are about to make a trip into the Yaqui country for gold. we have the best Nugget. He s 9. beauty. outt of arms in the country, and I wish you could see my little dog, u - .lT,`___- -_._~, ' -7f7in ;v\-ra;'et11~a.'t"i1v:'is a `hard pro- position, but su'ch"is life, `you know. The` Indians and` Mexicans do not hitch at all, but we get along` all O.aK. .;It is the coming Alaska, and easier to get the -gold out of the ground. i3y 1;1;o:mv;a`,y;'s;."nothing as to where I have gone. V It s no person s business but your own;. " . .1 `l3__A. 1'_____ 'I\-,, -.- - `V If`I come. `out of this with a whole hide, you will hear from me. Of course, there ' is a chance `the, other way, but~ `we take that chance, anyway, `Some. day I ll wander back again, :etc. I may be gone a. good manytmonths, -you see. ' llI\_. A1,- 7 But James ` Brown never did rvan.d- -er back again, so far as his relatives have been able to learn The Yaquis were troublesome in 1903, and:Brown `became a victim. The Yaquis are credited with. some ingenuity in tor- turin:g- their prsioners, and it is not improbable that Brown and Lane met horrible deaths at their hands. ` CHIEF VINCENT % GOES TO S00] Was Weir in Barrie, T6ron` -bl ' to and Throughoutthe County of York. % Will Take Charge of Force at Can- adian Soo-.-New Chief to be Selected for Lindsay. 1 _ The Lindsay Watchman-Warder. has % the following in reference to a former mem_ber.of Barrie Police Force:--M'r. Ralph 0. Vincent, Chief of Police at the Canadian Sea, is in town to-day. T`: ' - .oLonidon, April 18.--Moving pictures of the coronation of King George are to be transmitted to Paris from London" by wire, and reeled of for the edication of the gay capital a few hours after the historic event. This is to demonstrate the latest triumph of science. Pictures of the coronation will be ready for the Lon- don theatres the same evening and the rst outward-bound ocean liner. will carry a supply.-to New York. The greatest interest, however, will cen- tre in. the. experiment of transmitting an actual photograph by mean; of electric current through the medium of`a,'wire. _ _- ' To It sounds rather odd; but is never- thelcsstrue, Chief Vincent s term of oice as chief of the Lindsay police having ended. last Saturday, April \15th. He will leave for Sault Ste. E'Marie on Wednesday to take charge ?of his new duties. _In the meantime` I until a new chief" of police is ap- pointed,` License Inspector L `Wm. Thornbdry, who is also a county constable will "act in the capacity of chief of police. oonomu-Ion 1510-runes BY cab mm wef. * % _ A Cabby-+Nowhere., Jist ofne.of do .qm`u.h_.'-`: a _ V `. - . . Stranger-'-Say,` cabliy, where _are- 1 A nnm`beraMo applications have 'been received, for the position of chief of the Lindsay police depart- ment, and these will be considered at the next meeting of the town fathers. s - The suit against Mr. Alex. Marks, the well-known actor, for $10,000 damages for false arrest; has been settled out of eourt for $25. It" will be remembered -that Mr. Marks .-had some valuable diamonds stolen from him some `months ago at Cobalt, and he had ` Johy '1`erry,.of that place ar- rested for the .oife_nee. > When the case came to .trial_ Terry was aequittedand he entered action against Alex. Marks tor . false arrest.` ` ' " `Will be Pinned to Paristor Presents l tion the Sung `Evening. 1. l One of the pioneers of.York County passed T away last Friday morning in the person of Capt. D. .0. Burk,. ,at his residence, 106 Shu/-ter street, To- ronto. V ' rilliaj Vusinoss dgollnge _.__A,. 1 ..!-.9_9.K AHEAD. nnggg-l_I _. -_. _ , , _ _ , _ __- uv -cur snoxnumna ht,b'tl~.' G v:.*.% _ I sum ron s1o,ooo, GRTHEMS ADVA` He was __~born at Brown's Corners in the Township of Markham, in the year 1837, and was as member of a family that` had dong been settled .in that neighborhood, He conducted a general store in Markham` village for about ten years, being the leading merchant in that locality. From Markham he went to ~Newma1-k.et,| where for ve years he_ was also in the general store business as a mem- ber of the firm of .Burk and Harris- on. After a suocessfulc-areer as `mer- chant, he went into the logging and lumbering business on Lake Simcoe, where for twenty-seven years he was one of the best-known gures in that portion of the.Province. He was the owner of the .tug boats Jennie Burk, ` `Isabelle . and Conqueror that ` towed hundreds of thousands of feet of lumber to the Bradford` and BelleIE_wart mills. ~ Oifera will he received by the undersigned for the Burchese of the following properties: _ PAR EL l-_--Lot` number nine. `on the south side ofethe Essa Road. in the Town"ot Barrie, plan 169, save and except the "west 22 feet thereof.` Therein said tobe erected on aid lends, a good` 0l1O.Ind9I-hllf `ebony brick`-clad` dwelling houee,- conteinin Iona" nnnmny "|`-`I:n'n1\nI\4n`m6"n`"3n' ........s ..;.s__ 1_ _.`;;'~ evil 1 veuvu 01,- BI Irllllllo PARCEL 2-Lot number ton, on the south side of said Essa Road, plan 169, save and except the east 22 feet thereof. There is laid to be erected on said lend! a good one- end-e-hqlf _ storey _b'riok,-cled dwelling, house. !- containing ve rooms. '1?hie_ property. ie_ 1 Ion _ , :nl( I,lt (3;0nAtg-`hljly-/1ocg`1:ggl,_.b.`4 -4, I This property is well situated and would | make -A good market garden or chicken farm. Good two-storey brick-veneer dwellib house, and cement stable and ham are said to be erected on said lands, which are well watered. . For terms and particulars, apply to .$TEWART & STEWART. .40-tfl - Vendor`- s Solicitors, V Dated Oct. 8.` 1910. ` ` _Barrie, Ont. Valuable. Rsidegiihl Proyerty inf ' the. Town .of'Barr`i__ ` -uuun-uunu u'wvIuu5 nuqae, CUDEIIIIID IOVEII rooms. Thxs property `is mostcentra ly and ioniveniontly, situated. , , p` fL.,_`I'.nd. QuAcu-t- A-- -- L1 A -A~ 11 Offers will be received by` the uudersi node` for the purchase of part of the West. ha 1' of Lot 23, in the 5th Concession of Vespra, con- taining aboutten acres, and being on the North side -of Wellington Street, in th_e Town of Barrie, commonly known as the` T Bunker Property." II\I_!_ ,,,_, A The water is being pumped from the gas well and prospects for the wells turning out a valuable asset are now very encouraging. An ex- cellent" ow of gas is now showing and an unexpected feature has made its appearance. The water that! is being taken out is of a strongly mineral nature with a most `decided salt avour. The water will probably be analyzed to nd `out just .what minerals are contained in it.--Brad- ford Witness; (us wan; Ar nnanronn.` -'FromA Lake` Simcoe, Capt ,Burk re-.` moved =' the city of Toronto, 1 and was one of the pioneers in the apart- ment house movement. ` He. Walnut Hall at 106 Shuter street, and later, .purchased the old` Job Scales mansion at the corner of Church and Gould -streets, which he turned into an apartment house. Capt. Burkswas widely known in Con- servative circles. For years he was one of the leading members of the Conservative party in East and North York, and was known throughout the Province as one of the staunchest fol- lowers of the late Sir John A. Mac- donald. He was an honorary member of the Conservative Associations of East and South York. He was a life-longorangeman, having been in- itiated into the order fty-ve years ago in Markham L.O.L. by_ the late Colonel Button, of .Locust Hill. At_ thetime of his death, Capt. Burk was _a member of Cameron L.O.L., No. 613, of which lodge he was one of the. prominent members. He was an Aug- lican in religion. ' `IN `I 1 opened 3 TheNat_i_o1}_a_x]_1Yl t'g. Co. Mulcaster Street FOR SALE 1-`on. sauz Empress Oak Cabinet --AND AN- Empress Refrigerator 1301? " Sta ird Empress Steel Range You will be proud of your wife ; baking if you get her an EMPRESS STEEL RANGE. A No cookcan bake in a poor oven, but any cook bake well in an Empress Oven. YOUR KITCHEN WILL BE COMPLETE WHEN .....YOU HAVE 11* FURNISHED wrm AN..... b BUY NOW, PAY WHEN YOU CAN `J. A. -MA12Ks.M-.mag'er. Come into N. GROSE S l Bowliag Alleys aad watch the Game any night. % 1 IIBWDDYUII SPEND 7 WW EVENINGS . . . If you would learn Just what kind 0` '3" "P090!-Art io-how really ` `beautiful it 1I-drop In and see our r -Iock-T I} lncl'uc`lgI.Jcvero.l novel de- A - llt I39 certain to Interest Barrie Branch "Are. segoi . Exceptional \ % Bgauty Rgtiiafkslgle.-nnt of all, for its un- anally ra.cefi1l,J1n'es; and doubly ' bqauuful by reason of the artistic .ma.nno_x- in which the gold has been ?"dpoIjtod" milk-white aur- in one or a remarkable set of In Toronto this game is so popular that Alleys have to he engaged sev- eral days ahead. The sport of . royalty--- gdod healthy exercise.

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